"Xiao...Sect Master, why are you!"

Qingyunzong has special significance to Xia Yi and Xiao Mo. Qingyunzong is a sect that has never changed its original aspirations from beginning to end.

"No, I am concerned about the world, but I have lost Qingyun. This is the only regret in my heart. If I can make up for it a little bit, I can also laugh and talk under Jiuquan..."

"I am a hero!"

There are many similarities between Xiao Mo and Xia Yi. Xiao Mo also wants to become a sage in ruling the world. He can say that he succeeded or not, but he did leave a lot of legends, which are still circulated in Dongxuan.

Xia Yi was silent, but Xiao Mo felt a sense of relief. It could also be said that he had completely given to Xia Yi what he wanted to pass on, and even a little ignored Xia Yi’s opinion and forcibly transferred it to Xia Yi. This is very Xiao Mo's style, with a hint of helplessness between the unruly and unruly.

"In addition, my heroic soul has the inheritance that Qingyunzong failed to leave at the end. The tenth step of the Qingyun Nine Jue, this is the essence of my life. I have not been able to step out, but you can, I know I am It’s a bit of a compulsive nature, but please continue walking among the clouds for me."

Xiao Mo was here to throw all the inheritance to Xia Yi, wishing to get rid of himself quickly. Xia Yi sighed. In the end, Xiao Mo could act just like him. If Xia Yi is Xiao Mo now, face Xia Yi's own inheritor will definitely smile.

"It's OK, Sect Master Xiao, your previous photos in the ruins have pitted me. You are not suitable for pretending to be sad, and you will drink at the bar in the end."

Xia Yi took out the wine gourd, and first poured himself two savoury sips. The spirits entered his heart, and his liver and gallbladder were hot. Xiao Mo took it with his already translucent body and took a few mouthfuls. He really wanted to. Be serious, but you can't be serious, perhaps because of your personality.

"Xia Yi, your name is very good to speak of, it sounds like chivalrous, do you know what a great chivalrous is?"

"Nonsense, for the country and the people."

"So... are you worthy of your name?"


When the wine gourd landed, there was nothing in front of Xia Yi, empty, everything was dissipating with the breeze, Xia Yi bent down and picked up the wine gourd, Xiao Mo, this guy really has the potential of a magic stick, and entering Buddhism might be able to persuade many prodigal sons. Looking back, Xiao Mo actually realized his feelings, and did not make the parting feel too sad.

Rather, it was just like where he had set off for a long journey, maybe he would be back anytime, and this time the parting was just a play on the occasion.


"Sect Master Xiao, you..."


Xia Yi let out a long sigh, holding back the soreness of his nose and seeing off silently in his heart, Xia Yi stretched out his hand and waved a breeze, hoping that the breeze could rise from under the abyss to the blue clouds.

In the next moment, everything returned to darkness. In front of Xia Yi was the blocked gate of the underworld. He had already returned to life at this moment. His divine soul and self-knowledge sea gleamed lightly around him, and Xia Yi had a pair of black clothes and withered bones in front of him. It is turning into sand and falling apart.

"Split the sky without dying!"

Xia Yi drew his sword and slashed towards the underworld. The red space disappeared immediately, and countless broken blades fell to the ground. In fact, he really wanted the blood sacrifice to be a waste maggot, but unfortunately there were some, and even many. A person who has inherited his will and Xiao Mo's will.

Xia Yi couldn't bear to let them die, and he was doomed to regret it.

Until the black clothes withered bones completely turned into sand and no longer existed in the world, the black clothes also slowly fell. Xia Yi reached out his hand to catch, took off his white clothes, and put on this black dragon and auspicious cloud clothes. He was willing I believe Xiao Mo once, and he doesn't want to regret it either.

A lot of blood sacrifices were used in previous lives, but I haven't seen him succeed several times. After all, since he would fail anyway, Xia Yi is more inclined to not regret at this moment. In the end, he chose his original intention.

Once again for the people, the Xuanhuang people and the Tianling people, he is not willing to sacrifice either. If this last life can't be done anyway, then do his best to die more like a hero.

Like the hero I have always thought of!

After putting on the clothes, finishing the collar, and holding the blade in his hand, then, he took out a small stove, it was an octopole furnace, Xia Yi squeezed the octopole furnace tightly, and the entire abyss completely made a strange noise, and the earth was there. Lament for it.

"The octopole furnace...full on!"

"The tenth decision of the Qingyun Nine Jue, step on the heavens!"

It was almost a ten-thousandth of an instant. Xia Yi's speed exceeded the limit that the world can withstand, and the space behind him shattered one after another, and the speed actually broke through the void.

At this moment, before the Azure Cloud Sect, there are still many cultivators and mortals who trust Xia Yi stubbornly resisting, but the five-domain army just ignores them and drives them away as ants. Among them are half demons, Sun Ya, and others. Many people I know in the past are people who have inherited Xia Yi's will.

The Five Territory Army wants these remnants to watch the demise of Qingyun Sect with their own eyes.


As the void suddenly twisted, a man in black appeared in front of the Five Territory Army's more than ten million cultivators. He held a long sword in his hand and stood there. At the forefront of the Five Territory Army were five monstrously powerful deities. Those who are also the five strongest people representing the five realms of the heavenly spirits.

Xiao Mo gave him a possibility. He was willing to believe in this possibility. If not, he could open the Mingmen again. Xia Yi was very grateful to Xiao Mo. He was a true hero.

What about yourself?

This battle will prove that this battle has become a legend.

"Heh, Xia Yi, are you here to suffer?"

"The fate of offending the fairy clan, are you enlightened?"

"Look at these people, how admired you are, just treat them for their own good, and accept your death."

"I'm sorry for you, but no one can blame you for doing so by yourself."

"Xia Yi, the old man has always expected you to inherit the Supreme Profound Palace. If you come to realize it early, you may still be saved."

The five venerables have different attitudes, but all have decided to kill. Xia Yi faces the five venerables, behind which is the black scorched earth and Qingyunzong.

"I am not here this time to surrender, nor to lead death."

"Without it, only Zhaner."

While speaking, Xia Yi raised the knife in his hand, holding the handle in his right hand and the sheath in his left hand. He watched the five swords slowly drawn through the sheath.


The knife came out of its sheath.

"Five Venerables."

The blade is out of the sheath.

"Encourage... teach!"

The front was out of the sheath, killing intent to Ling Tian, ​​with one person's power, blocking tens of millions of monks in front of Qingyunzong.

People were stunned, people couldn't say anything, only a few people realized it, and realized that this will be a truly world-famous battle for the heavenly spirits, an eternal legend that will be passed down for thousands of generations.


The wind is rising, the clouds are surging.

Xia Yi’s white hair was flying in the wind, and almost everyone among these tens of millions of monks felt unspeakable pressure. The five nobles frowned. Xia Yi was very wrong, his breath, his choice, Nothing reflected in his eyes was right.

One person dared to block the five cultivators, blocking them from the five realm cultivators, none of them was weak, and the weak did not come. The last cultivation base has great power, and these tens of millions of cultivators are almost the strongest strength assembled by the heavenly spirits.

But they did not use this power to deal with the immortal clan, but came to trample on Xia Yi’s Azure Cloud Sect. Although Xia Yi gave people a very unpleasant feeling at this moment, no matter how strong he was, where could he be stronger? It's just a real monarch.

Not to mention facing the five venerables, one tenth of these tens of millions of monks, one percent is enough to run over Xia Yi countless times.

However, in the eyes of the five Venerables, Xia Yi's rising breath caused their hearts to stagnate for a while, which was too unreasonable and too exaggerated. The breath of a true monarch actually made their Venerable feel fear!

The five sages looked at each other and then nodded. They all noticed something wrong. Not only would they not keep their hands at all, they would even attack together under the premise of going all out.

Tianding Lao Zun slowly raised his hand, and then quickly swiped it down. The other four sages directly took out their own weapons, all of which are divine weapons. The divine weapon of the giant spirit of the martial arts city is a god. Axe, he held up the magic axe high, lightning flashed in the sky, and strong lightning strikes on the magic axe. The sound of thunder and thunderbolt was deafening. This axe undoubtedly possessed the power to open the world.

The Emperor of the Big Dipper in the Northern Palace, his artifact is a big seven-star spear. When the spear is shot out, the sky changes color. It seems that he came to the night forcibly. The sky is shining with seven stars. Above the big gun, the seven stars in the sky became more and more shining, and there was even a feeling that the galaxy was crumbling.

This spear was actually seen by Xia Yi, and the Seven-Star Prince Xingji had used it before. It must be not the weapon of the Seven-Star Prince himself, but the inheritance of the Seven-Star Dynasty and the inheritance of the emperor's throne.

The artifact of the Supreme Profound Hall is a picture, a Dao diagram, with nine Dao patterns recorded on it, no matter which one can feel the power of the original source, the Master of the Supreme Profound Hall opens the Dao diagram and shoots it directly with his hand. One of them is that a black flood from Dao Tu rushed towards Xia Yi, at an extremely fast speed, and instantly turned into black ice before encircling Xia Yi and shut Xia Yi in it.

In contrast, unless the appearance of the artifact of the White Dragon Demon Venerable is rough or even polished, it is a huge fang, under which the handle of the knife is casually tied with a rope of unknown material. This is a handle. Although the Beast Tooth Knife has only the power of a divine tool, it is also the reason why it has not been polished or cast. It is a dragon tooth that has fallen off by the dragon emperor!

The dragon's teeth resounded between the swings of the dragon's teeth. The dragon's teeth are the most solid thing in the world that can crush even the stars. The white dragon demon is driven by its own dragon power, and its power is comparable to the dragon's casual bite!

It seems that his attack is the simplest, but the mighty power is the largest among the four venerables!

The Tianding Lao Zun seemed to be just commanding, but in fact he was summoning Jiuding to descend to the Blue Cloud Sect. At this moment, the Heavenly Ding Holy Land in Zhongtian Territory, Jiuding was floating in the air and flew towards the Eastern Profound Territory.

Behind Xia Yi, there are many people who believe in Xia Yi and are willing to fight with Xia Yi until the end of the day. To be honest, even if their blood is not extinguished at this moment, they still feel a burst of despair. This is the five-party Venerable's all-out effort. This is the strongest combat power Tian Ling can produce.

The five fought against Xia Yi, and replaced by others, I am afraid that there is not even the slightest chance to resist. Xia Yi, who is imprisoned in the black ice, is speechless. The Five Venerables are indeed very strong, and this strength is synergistic with other monks. In addition to Xuanhuang's existing strength, even the vastness will consider a true alliance, and the tripartite cooperation may not necessarily be afraid of the immortal clan.

It’s just that Tianling can only show Xia Yi’s fangs from the beginning to the end. On the left there is a **** axe about to split Xia Yi’s world, and on the right there is a seven-star spear carrying a shock like a meteor. On the top of his head there was a big sword with dragon teeth comparable to the bite of the dragon emperor.

The attack came immediately, but the black water ice turned into black water again, leaving only Xia Yi with icy frost all over his body, making him unable to move, and he could only watch the three lore blasting towards him.

It is worthy of the cooperation between the four great masters. As the person who is attacked, Tianding Lao Zun, I am afraid that you don’t even want to ask for any cheapness. The Octopus Furnace is actually a complete set of Shendao meridians, which can simulate the power of the gods. , The fully open octopole furnace is just the limit that this world can tolerate.

The full opening of the octopole furnace is only to bring Xia Yi's strength to the same level as that of the Supreme Profound Hall Master. His own strength is not high, and the octopole furnace has limited improvement.

Going up is a taboo!

However, Xia Yi had to break the taboo. The true power of Octopus was far more terrifying than the eight-door Dunjia, but the side effects were enough to completely destroy the Octopus furnace itself and the person carrying the power.

"Eight pole furnace, break the ban! One pole!"

Xia Yi held his chest, and the corners of his mouth bleed, but the power flowing on his body suddenly increased by a full level, but one pole was definitely not enough, but the corners of Xia Yi’s bleeding mouth curled up. He originally intended to use it. He Xianzu desperately, but he didn't expect to use it here, trying to keep the proof that he had existed in Tianling.

He wants to regain his original intention cleanly, yes, he does not want to regret it, neither giving up nor blood sacrifice, the third way to surpass the world's choice, and where is it!

"Eight pole furnace, break the ban, four poles!"

Lifting to the four poles in one breath, Xia Yi's non-leakage golden body almost destroyed half of the meridians in an instant. The acupuncture orifice was filled with great power, but every time it spewed, the acupuncture orifice would be irreversibly damaged.

But it’s okay, everything is okay, Buddha crosses those who are willing to be crossed, and God’s salvation desires to save themselves.

Those who don’t want to be crossed, and don’t want to save themselves, should just roll back to the pigsty and be their own pigs and dogs. Since all kinds of pleadings and crying are useless, then they will see the truth in the end, even if the black yellow will be wiped out, wait. These pigs are also at ease!

"I want to see God!"

Xia Yi clenched the Broken Blade Blood Drink in his hand, and faced the coordinated attack of the four statues with only one shot. Under this knife, what thunderbolt, what prestigious black water, what dragons and galaxies all dissipated, and the sky was cloudless. There is only a clean sky, only nine days without a trace of impurities appearing in the sky.

Under this purely mirror-like sky, Xia Yi's eyes lit up with glazed light.


"Is this... the power of God?"

After Xia Yi swung a knife, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. He smiled wantonly. He stretched out his hand to look at his palm. He was like a machine that was overloaded and was about to destroy itself. Aura and Dao power almost constituted light. Flowing through his body.

In just a moment, it can run for several weeks, the internal breath of others is qi, the strong one's internal breath is like a river rushing, and his internal breath becomes light.

"What... did you use!"

The eyelids of Tianding Lao Zun kept beating. At this moment, Xia Yi's aura was stronger than him. Where is the true monarch, this is already a demigod, and Xia Yi's wrath is God's wrath.

"What is it? Is it important?"

"I don't ask you for help, don't ask you to understand, don't ask you for anything, or even ask you to say a good thing for me. You can stand by and watch, but why do you have to fall into trouble!"

"His immortal clan is your father, your mother, your ancestor! Or the master of your old dogs!"

"Answer me! You pigs and dogs are not as good as dung maggots!"

Xia Yi's words are extremely ugly, and he has completely torn his skin. Since he is an enemy and not a friend, he doesn't need to leave any face.

"You Xuanhuang people disturbed the Tianling Chaos, so you are ashamed to say us? If we lead the war to Xuanhuang, what thoughts will you make in your heart!"

Tianding Lao Zun asked Xia Yi, this has always been their moral high ground.

"I killed your father today, and your mother said it doesn’t matter. Anyway, it’s father who died. I will kill your mother tomorrow. You say it doesn’t matter. Anyway, it’s father and mother who will die. I will kill you in the end. Your relatives and friends don’t matter. you!"

"If I, Xuanhuang, can withstand the flames of war, why should I give you a low voice? If it weren't for me Xuanhuang resists the immortal, you are already slaves of the immortal clan. In your good days, you can become dignified and you can stand here and attack me. Because I am Xuanhuang!"

"If it's not Xuanhuang... How can you guys, stand here and speak utterly to me!"

"It's just five old dogs with broken spine!"

Xia Yi stretched out his sword, pointed at the Five Heavenly Spirit Venerables and cursed, why did he lead the flames of war to Heavenly Spirit? A joke, it's up to you to help Xuanhuang bear it. This is what Xia Yi believes.

The five faces were extremely ugly, and the Master of the Supreme Profound Hall also gritted his teeth. At any rate, he was kind to Xia Yi, so would he be scolded together? But what he didn't know was that from the moment he shot Xia Yi, on the day Three Palms expelled from the sect, all the grudges and grievances in the past had disappeared.

He is not kind to Xia Yi, why should Xia Yi give lectures to him?

"Retreat now, everything is still too late, I will only say it once!"

Xia Yi didn’t want to use the full strength of the Octo-Pulse Furnace to deal with the Five Heavenly Spirits. He still had to leave a lot to deal with the Immortal Clan. It would be best if he could force the Five Heavenly Spirits back at this moment. He wanted to replace Xiao. Mo, defend the Azure Cloud Sect standing on the scorched earth behind his original intention!

This is his second home in Tianling!

Venerable Tianling stared at Xia Yi and also noticed the blood on the corners of Xia Yi’s mouth. He knew that Xia Yi’s state could not last too long. Not only could it not calm the anger of the immortal clan if he retreated now, but the five of them also had no face, and they were actually caught by a junior. Forced back, they wouldn't just leave no matter how they thought.

Except for what Tianding Lao Zun thought, the other four statues also had the same idea. At their level, their status and face are still very important. If Xia Yi retreats at this time, how can their five be in Tianling? Not to be the laughing stock of others!

The Venerable must not be humiliated, how can the Venerable be the laughing stock of others?

"Xia Yi, you are acting against it, even if you use some taboo means to gain a short-term strength, how long can it last? I have already made up my mind today to mention this heavenly spiritual path."

"Walking for the sky and destroying you Xia Yi!"

Tianding Lao Zun declared like this. Nine giant cauldrons flew from the horizon and surrounded the sky. The sound of the Dingming sounded endlessly. It calmed the sky and suppressed the earth, isolating the world where Xia Yi is. Xia Yi is here. There is nowhere to go, nowhere to hide.

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