Thousands of monks behind him raised their arms to protect the Heavenly Xingdao, Xia Yi stood alone in front of these tens of thousands of people, listening to them to destroy themselves for the Tian Xingdao, what Tianxing Dao were they doing for? The heaven of the fairy clan?

The heaven of the fairy clan, is there a way again?

A hundred generations asked immortals, the immortal clan has no way from generation to generation, and asks immortals without way, what is the need to walk in the sky without way, Xia Yi turned around and looked behind him. He was a Qingfeng monk fighting with his coffin on his back. He also had bright eyes. There are not many people who insist on their inner righteousness, but they are all the hope of this kind of humanity.

Even more...

In the distance, there are disciples who were sent to the Western Wilds by Xia Yi before. Tens of thousands of monks shouted to walk the way for the sky. The people behind Xia Yi didn't say a word. They just held the sword in their hands. They didn't have any combat power and couldn't fight. Play any help.

But they... stand here!

To do something is to be a hero.

Even more is to be the king of heroes.

With the advent of those Qingyunzong disciples, and the dark and crushing soldiers and horses coming from afar, the mortal imperial city of the six small continents brought their troops to Qingyunzong. The generals took off their helmets and bowed down to worship, Wanmin Raise the sword towards the sky.

Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world, even if he knows he has done nothing, at least he never retreats.

On Qingyun Cliff, Zhao Lianbing was holding the message jade slip in her hand. Her other hand was some kind of launcher. In fact, she didn’t want Xia Yi to sacrifice the Eastern Profound Realm in blood because the first step was six small continents. Xiaozhou is a humane land from beginning to end.

If Xia Yi dies, Tianling Humanity will enter the eternal night. Instead of living in the endless dark night, it is better to fall with the evening sun, just like the existence of Xia Yi proves Xiao Mo. The existence of these people proves what Xia Yi did. Nothing has ever been forgotten.

The inheritance has grown, just waiting for the flowers to bear fruit.

Xia Yi was fortunate that he had not cut off the shoots. Fortunately, he believed Xiao Mo once, and maybe he could only see this scene.

The great way is unkind, the heaven is unfair, but the human heart is right.

Xia Yi's body began to roar, and the shackles of the great road appeared on Xia Yi, but Xia Yi did not hesitate at all. His strength kept rising, which eventually attracted taboos.

Dao Tribulation was brewing, covering the sky and obscuring the sun. The red thunder and red clouds exuded an aura of destruction and locked Xia Yi. The five heavenly spirits and the tens of millions of monks couldn’t help laughing. The sky will destroy you Xia Yi, aren’t they really taking care of it? Is Tianxingdao?

"Xia Yi, Xia Yi, the taboo you violated actually caused the Dao Tribulation. Do you dare to say that you are the right way? What kind of magical magic is your power!"

Tianding Lao Zun pointed to the red cloud and red thunder in the sky.

When Xia Yi heard it, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted.

"Things of the Great Dao Fa! The human race was born out of the ban, and stood up after breaking the ban. Human beings are against the sky, so how can they walk the way for the sky?"

"The so-called acting for the sky is to deny the foundation of humanity!"

"Wait, you don't deserve to be a man!"


The five heavenly spirits will not retreat, they will never retreat unless they tear them apart and destroy them. Xia Yi never thought it was so difficult to protect Xuanhuang. Ling, this is also the reason why there is darkness on Xia Yi's right side.

Even if you can start a fire, it is difficult to make the fire ignite, and even the fire in your heart is on the verge of extinguishing several times. Now it is no longer Xia Yi to be an improper hero. He is standing here, he is!

Even if the Dao Tribulation descends, the whole world is the enemy, although there are tens of thousands of people, I...go on!

Holding the knife in his hand, Xia Yi took a firm step forward. Chi Lei immediately hit Xia Yi. Xia Yi gritted his teeth, enduring the pain of his heart, and enduring the pain of being stripped of his soul, even so he still moved forward.

If the five statues are not removed, Qingyun is uneasy.

"Xia Yi, you are offending the avenue, and you have to make mistakes again and again? Do you know that when we fall, this heavenly spirit really falls into the hands of the immortal clan? You are helping the immortal clan!"

At this moment, Tianding Lao Zun had to admit that Xia Yi was already stronger than him, and relied on breaking the taboo to go against him!

"When you fall down? What are you, I offended the Dao, I am opposed to the immortal clan, what can you do in comparison? Helping outsiders to oppress their own beasts, you know that the immortal clan is cooperating with evil!"

"The immortals are not pure-blooded born creatures. How do you think they will repay the innate evil? Naturally, they will fatten you up as pigs and cattle."

"Oh, what evidence does your family say?"

Tianding Lao Zun knows that the act of cooperating with evil and evil has a great impact, and it is indeed untenable in humanity. However, if the immortal clan really cooperates with evil, wouldn’t the immortal clan be more terrifying, let alone reverse it!

"I show evidence, do you believe it? The immortal clan called the evil spirits to swallow the people of the world. I am afraid you will be the first to jump out and say that the immortal clan was deceived by the evils. I have nothing to say with you, you think Kill me, I too..."

"I want to kill you five old dogs!"

As he spoke, Xia Yi suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the Venerable Tianding at the speed of piercing the void. The Venerable Tianding immediately instructed the Daluo Tianjinding to press down Xia Yi, and the Great Spiritual Great Venerable also became true. The body, transformed into a thousand-meter giant, slammed on Xia Yi with his feet.

"Get out of here!"

Xia Yi slashed abruptly, drew an endless blade of energy to cut the feet of the Great Spiritual Venerable, and the blood rained down between mountains and rivers. The Great Spiritual Spirit snorted, but did not stop, but continued to apply force. Wanting to trample on Xia Yi to death is like trampling on an ant. What's even worse is that his hand is still patted at the people behind Xia Yi, trying to delay Xia Yi's offensive.

"Feathering... soaring!"

Xia Yi gritted his teeth and had no choice but to ignore the great Luo Tian Jinding, and turned to deal with the Great Venerable Giant Spirit. These Venerables no longer speak any morals, then he will definitely not show any face to the other party.

With the blessing of the octopole furnace, the phantom after Xia Yi's emergence and ascension is almost the sky itself. Although suffering from the pain of the Dao Tribulation, this pain also makes Xia Yi even more crazy. The giant hand formed by the red cloud grabs the kilometer. The giant giant spirit, one hand grasps the giant spirit's right arm, the other hand grasps the giant spirit's feet, and then directly tore.


The Great Spiritual Great Sovereign let out a thunderous snoring, showing how much pain he endured all of a sudden. With the cracking sound like a mountain river collapsed, Xia Yi tore off one hand and a foot of the Great Spiritual Great Lord alive.

At the moment it was torn off, the blood stained the mountains and rivers like a waterfall. The Great Spiritual Venerable fell to the ground and struggling. Xia Yi turned into a phantom and stretched out his fingers to crush the Great Spiritual Spirit’s heart, but a white dragon contained it. Suddenly, the Longya sword flashed past his two-finger phantom, Xia Yi suffered, and the two-finger phantom quickly collapsed.

After a while, Xia Yi changed back to the previous size, and the **** were almost cut off. It was just a bit of bone that was still connected to the fingers. Next to him, a thousand-meter-long white dragon called the wind and the rain, turning around Xia Yi. Teng Nuo, with a hundred-meter dragon-tooth sword in its mouth, ready to kill Xia Yi at any time.

The Master of the Supreme Profound Hall was frantically comparing the Nine Patterns to draw amulet in the void, brewing a blow to destroy the world.

Xia Yi's whole body was in severe pain at the moment, his flesh and bones were falling apart, and he didn't have much time. Under such severe pain, there was still Dao Jie tearing his divine soul, and the Venerable was his enemy.

But this is the situation, which completely aroused Xia Yi’s fierceness. When he thought that there would be a fairy clan afterwards, Xia Yi wanted to go crazy under worry and anger. This was the end of the road, and it was Xia Yi’s first time. The heart is full of desire to destroy everything.

Xia Yi looked at the Master of the Supreme Profound Hall and knew that the Master of the Supreme Profound Hall was very threatened. The Master of the Supreme Profound Hall had a low level of cultivation, but his status was not low among the five. He was even valued by the Lord of the Heavenly Ding. The methods of the Profound Palace Master must be extraordinary.

Only at the moment when Xia Yi was distracted, the Bailong sword swept across like thunder and lightning. Xia Yi couldn't evade with the Qingyun Nine Jue. His right hand was scratched halfway, and the flesh spattered suddenly. The small serrations are very painful to be scratched by the dragon tooth knife.

And this is still because of the protection of the Qingyun Divine Clothes. Without the Qingyun Divine Clothes, Xia Yi's right hand would definitely have been torn off the ground at this moment. Xia Yi immediately changed his goal and wanted to hunt down the White Dragon Demon Venerable, but the speed of the white dragon was How swift, obviously huge, but too agile in the sky, and can even play with space wantonly.

The white dragon is an empty dragon, the dragon of space.

Bailong can't be caught by the chaotic air-swap technique, and the Qingyun Nine Jue is also a bit short, but it is only a bit short of the Qingyun Nine Jue!

Qingyun's tenth final is not bad!

Xia Yi then deliberately sold a flaw. The White Dragon Demon Sovereign swiftly slashed across with the Dragon Tooth Giant Sword. Xia Yi stepped through the space with the Tenth Demonstration of Qingyun and instantly stepped through the space. His figure suddenly appeared on the head of the White Dragon Demon Sovereign. , His hands held the dragon's horns even more.

"Old Bailong, I have seen your ancestor in the Dragon Tomb. It drifts away from the starry sky and seeks great freedom, but you shut yourself in this little heavenly spirit to enjoy the vainness. You are still the dragon. I always respect the dragon, but you are not here. This column."

"You can fly and hide? I'll pump your dragon tendons today!"

After that, Xia Yi stretched out his hand to pull out the white dragon scales and took out the sky spear to directly pierce the white dragon's body. He wanted to pick out the white dragon's dragon tendons. The white dragon suddenly wailed in the air, trying to get rid of Xia. Yi, it didn't know the pain yet, but the next scene made everyone's scalp numb.

I saw a long spear completely stained with blood protruding from the dragon's back again. Xia Yi leaped forward to hold the spear and lifted it up. A dragon tendon that was as strong as a tree appeared outside. Xia Yi Thoroughly pierced the dragon's tendons with the spear, and then grabbed the spear and pulled it out. Xia Yi's current strength is so great, he already has supernatural power, the dragon's back is broken, the white dragon's wailing voice shakes the sky, and the dragon's tendons are torn out. In this way, precious dragon blood was sprinkled on the land of six small continents.

The Great Spiritual Venerable lost his arms and legs painfully, and the White Dragon Demon Venerable was picked out by Xia Yi. The ten million monks almost felt suffocated. The five statues were beaten like this when fighting together. Xia Yi was going to shake the sky. !


Xia Yi is now completely unable to judge with common sense. He is fighting against Dao Jie. Compared with the five venerables, Dao Jie poses a greater threat to Xia Yi. The red cloud of the sky is full of the most intuitive. The power of destruction.

The red robbery thunder can dissolve all the spiritual power of Taoism, and even possess the power to completely destroy the soul. Taoism is born for destruction, annihilates the soul and flesh, dissolves the will, and makes everything become nothingness.

If you stand in the starry sky at this time, you can see that almost half of the Eastern Profound Region is enveloped by weird red clouds. The red clouds are like a huge storm. The center of the storm is like an eye. change.

The red thunder robbery kept coming down, and it never affected anything except Xia Yi. It was like locking the past and the future. Every strange red thunder accurately hit Xia Yi, causing terrifying destruction all over Xia Yi. Xia Yi must be broken down to nothingness.

Gritting his teeth, Xia Yi was mad in the pain. After pulling out the dragon tendons, Xia Yi directly used Cangyan to refine and supplement his consumption with dragon blood essence. The old white dragon had fallen to the ground and wailed, if not. Because it is the Venerable, I am afraid that Huangquan has already been killed at this moment.


After refining the dragon tendons, Xia Yi couldn't help it all at once, coughing and spitting out some shining crimson spiritual liquid, his blood has become light, scattered and separated in the air, every drop of blood contains unimaginable energy.

The power of the octopole furnace has made Xia Yi a false god. This is the ultimate power to burn everything. Xia Yi watched the blood in the palm of his hand drifting away like fireflies. Clan, just facing the five heavenly spirits is so tragic.


I am still too weak!

"Tianding... old dog, dare to fight with me in a fair and honest fight!"

After solving the two in a flash, Xia Yi's fighting spirit was like a madman, but Xia Yi gave people a very terrible feeling at this moment. His body had been split, like the blood drink of the broken blade in his hand, more like a crack. In the opened porcelain, red robbery thunder flashed through the cracks from time to time, causing deeper damage.

This is already the final struggle with fate.

"You are crazy!!"

Venerable Tianding never expected that Xia Yi could use this kind of power, but even if it had it, it was useless, and it was impossible to deal with the immortal clan, because it was not long-term. There were many ways to burn the fire of life in the realm of cultivation, and the flames were there. When it is extinguished, it will be bright to the extreme for a short time, and the evening sun will flash a much stronger daylight than noon before going down the mountain.

This is the back light, the final burning of something that is about to die. Although it is sad and beautiful, it is also shocking. Xia Yi approached Tianding Lao Zun step by step, and the skin around his eyelids had turned into red smoke and dust like steam, leaving his eyeballs. Directly exposed, it was actually an evil spirit demon eye with a blood moon pupil on a black background.

"Heh, you also said that the fairy clan cooperates with evil, how do you explain this with your right eye?"

Old Venerable Tianding could naturally feel the evil power in Xia Yi's right eye, but Xia Yi didn't intend to give Old Venerable Tianding any explanation at all. The knife in his hand was the best explanation!

"Destroying... Undead!"

Motivated by divine power, and then consumes little vitality, the grass and trees where the sword aura invades are withered, and everything is barren. Tianding Lao Zun waved his hand and summoned the undead green wooden cauldron to stand in front of him, and counteracted Xia with his strong vitality. The power of Yi this knife to kill.

The overflowing sword aura finally failed to break through the defense of the Immortal Qingmuding, but it also made the corners of Tianding Old Venerable's eyes twitch wildly. Xia Yi's knife actually broke through one third of the accumulation of the Immortal Qingmuding over the past ten thousand years. In other words, with another two swords, the immortal Qingmu Cauldron could no longer resist Xia Yi's power.

Tianding Lao Zun turned his head and looked at the Tai Xuan Hall Master behind him. The Tai Xuan Hall Master nodded, and Tian Ding Lao Zun took the initiative to step forward. His hair and beard were also dancing, and his breath was rising steadily. He wanted to be with Xia Yi. Fighting head-on, he really moved.

He is the first person of the day to show his true power to the world!

"Do you want to fight me? Well, as you wish!"

Venerable Tianding rushed in front of Xia Yi, and he punched Xia Yi in the face. There was a giant black gold cauldron in the sky moving as it happened, and the rest of the eight tripods surrounded the sky and the earth, and could assist him at any time. , Giving Xia Yi an unexpected blow.

"court death!"

Xia Yi saw that the old Tianding dared to approach him and swung the knife straight forward. The pain had already made Xia Yi lose his judgment. Only the violent power was left nowhere to radiate. How can he be stupid enough to use his physical strength to fight against Xia Yi?

"Nine tripods turn into one! Big Luo Tianjin Pendant!"

After he approached Xia Yi, he used Taoism and suddenly moved away. The Da Luo Tian Jin Ding floating above Xia Yi's head did not know when it expanded more than ten times. The rest of the Eight Ding Ding were contained by the Da Luo Tian Ding. It was originally a giant tripod, and it expanded again. More than ten times, like a huge mountain, the force of a continent-like carrier to crush the heavens suddenly sinks. This is the true appearance of the Da Luotian Golden Ding. , Fanjie should be broken!

The airflow caused by the downward pressure of the Da Luo Tian Jin Ding blows away everything around it, and the trees are flying, and the gates of the Azure Cloud Sect also collapsed. The real body was huge enough to collapse Qingyunzong and the countless mortals and Xia Yi around him in an instant.

Tianding Lao Zun stood in the distance, showing no mercy to mortals. Xia Yi turned his head and glanced at the mortals, glanced at the Qingyunzong, this move is very powerful, he can completely avoid it, he knows the Qingyun Nine Arts , But once the giant cauldron is depressed, what will Qingyunzong and those who believe in themselves do?

It was as if he had seen the great spirits attacking mortals and the Azure Cloud Sect to attract Xia Yi’s attention. The Heavenly Ding Venerable did the same. He wanted Xia Yi nowhere to hide. The Daluo Heavenly Golden Giant Ding had already suppressed it at this time. After the Qingyun Temple collapsed, Qingyun Cliff had long since broken and ceased to exist.

Xia Yi lowered his head and suddenly laughed twice. It turned out that in essence, there is no difference between Tianding Lao Zun and Xian Clan. In essence, he is still the same Xia Yi in the past.

Wandering with a smile, you can tell people who don’t respect other lives, and other lives don’t respect him. The battle of obedience to the country, the change of the heavens, the battle against evil, one hundred thousand years ago, the battle of heavenly monarchs, and the current battle Five statues, Xia Yi grew up time and time again, and reflected time and time again.

He knows that this is his unchanging nature.

"Octopole furnace... break the ban... six poles!"

The bones made an explosive sound, seeming to be shattering. Xia Yi raised his head with an angrily smile, and stepped through the ground to rush to the sky. He raised his hands high and wanted to stop the tripod. At this time, Venerable Tianding glanced behind him, and the Lord Taixuan opened up. Created nine patterns.

On the other side, the old white dragon suddenly jumped to bite the giant blade of the dragon teeth and rushed towards Xia Yi, and the great giant spirit also threw the **** of thunder axe.




"How can you five can you!!!"

Behind Xia Yi, countless mortals screamed, and at the moment when Xia Yi was about to lift the tripod and fly into the sky, the five statues moved in unison, trying to completely kill Xia Yi, but at this moment the black gold cauldron stopped.

It really stopped.

On Xia Yi’s chest, the blade of the Thunder God Axe almost completely submerged into Xia Yi’s chest, and his abdomen was also pierced by a seven-star spear. The dragon tooth giant blade slashed into Xia Yi’s half of his body, and his shoulders were almost separated from his body. A picture book floated in front of Xia Yi, stretching out a nine-pattern chain to bind Xia Yi's body.

On top of...

And the black gold giant ding further pressed down, and people could hear the sound of Xia Yi's arm breaking.


Xia Yi laughed as he coughed, five statues who intend to completely annihilate all those who oppose the immortal clan? Also, as long as there is no one from the Celestial Spirit to oppose the immortal, the immortal clan will be justified, and they can continue to be their own venerables, not to mention that they are under the control of the immortal clan in name, but they are actually in control of the Celestial Spirit.

Being a dog to an immortal can further consolidate one's power, so that the incompetent person of the sky will be born. The best way to destroy a realm is not to kill, not to destroy, but to continue to live without dignity, just like that. Alive.

"Xia Yi, you are done."

"Damn junior, actually tore off my hands and feet..."

"In vain, you are still a Xuanhuang person, did you treat my dragon clan like this!"

"Junior, that's it."

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