"Xia Yi, it's time to end."

The five venerables stood around Xia Yi and looked at Xia Yi. Those tens of millions of monks finally let go of the stone in their hearts. The strong will always be strong, even if other realms invade, as long as they are good dogs, they are also strong. Those who are oppressed will always be the weak, and the rise and fall of the people will suffer.

The Great Spiritual Venerable has changed back to its original size, and the White Dragon Demon Venerable has also reverted to a human body, but his aura is extremely weak, and it is estimated that he will not be able to recover without training for a hundred years.

They were preparing to send Xia Yi for the last time. Even now, Dao Jie hadn't stopped. Xia Yi didn't say anything, but used his last strength to throw this giant cauldron into the distance, where the tens of millions of monks were. Throwing it over, but the old Tianding Venerable took control of the Daluo Tianjinding, and did not let it press down.

Those tens of millions of monks were still cursing Xia Yi for doing this before he died. Xia Yi slowly raised his head and looked at the five statues. Their expressions were even proud. What are they proud of? Why are they proud? How can He De be proud! !

He felt that his physical body was dissipating, and the method that the Supreme Profound Hall Master had prepared for a long time was to strengthen the chains of the Dao. He did not lose to the five deities, or was defeated to the Dao. Xia Yi couldn't understand why the Dao was aimed at him like this?

Or the Dadao hopes that the human race will die...

No, the ancestors of the human race have proved more than once that the human race is originally a product of the heavens. There is no hope or hope. When all creatures try to jump out of the level that does not belong to them, they will descend from the heavens and become spirits from all things. unbelievable.

Those who are against the sky have a calamity, because the people who are against the sky have the power to ignore the sky, so the people who are against the way...

"No... it's not over yet!"

"It's... early!"

Xia Yi raised his head, gritted his teeth, and laughed wildly. This monstrous laughter made Dao Jie further stronger. The Master of the Supreme Profound Hall chanted the incantation, and the chain extending from the catalog helped the Dao shackles further confine Xia Yi and Bai Long. The Demon Lord clenched the handle of the knife, and the Big Dipper Emperor began to infuse the power of the stars on the Seven Star Spear, and the thunder **** axe flickered again.

The nine giant cauldrons revolved around Xia Yi, and the old man Tianding pointed towards Xia Yi. Xia Yi still had a back hand, but that was also the final sublimation.

"This is my secret technique created by King Yi, you deserved to die in the beginning, now, I will fulfill this wish for him."

"Heavenly Traveling, Nine Regions, Nine Ding and Pearls Refining God Formation!!"

When the words fell, Jiuding revolved around Xia Yi, and the nine powers merged to destroy Xia Yi’s existence. Dao’s robbery was from the inside, and Jiuding was from the outside. Xia Yi looked into the distance at this time, and looked at the tens of millions of monks. At the end, a familiar figure was looking at him.

"Xia Yi, I have never felt unwilling to lose to you, you are upright."

"My generation of monks, I want to challenge everything, how can I be willing to bow my head, my heart is still domineering, I also don't accept this immortal, blocking my domineering way and wanting me to be a slave in this life?"

"Don't think about it!"

"I said, the sky is the world, I am the only one who respects the world, and I will never be a slave!!"

"Heavenly Traveling, Nine Regions, Nine Tripods, and Ascending God Formation!"

Jing Yi looked at Xia Yi behind tens of thousands of people. After being resurrected, he thought a lot. His dominance is his way. He looks forward to fighting Xia Yi one day, and once again he is the only one who is in the sky. The agreement of the king on the battle.

If Xia Yi dies, he will lose his Dao heart. He needs an existence like Xia Yi. Only Xia Yi can prove his hegemony.

In this world, only Xia Yi understands his Taoism.

Xia Yi looked at Jing Yi from a distance, feeling speechless in her heart. As expected, he was an opponent who could not be defeated in the world. As long as he was not killed, he could become stronger and always stronger. Jing Yi was a pure and unconvinced opponent. If you don't want to lose, you won't be a slave if you die.

Suddenly, Jiuding reversed, all the energy between heaven and earth was merging into Xia Yi's body, and the octopole furnace was operating at an extreme limit. Xia Yi was covered with glazed divine light, and Tianding Lao Zun was suddenly blinded. What is going on? ?

However, he quickly reacted. Anyone who can control Jiuding to such a degree, except him is Jing Yi!

"Jing Yi, you rebel!"

Tianding Lao Zun turned his head and looked at Jing Yi. He was filled with grief and indignation. He didn't know why Jing Yi made such a choice. Jing Yi held his fist and gave him a respectful voice.

"Master, when you are old, please stop obstructing our way. Even if the world is afraid of immortals, I am not afraid, and he is not afraid. He does not want Xuanhuang to be a slave, and how can I be willing to look at the heavenly spirit? slave!"

"The overlord is not to insult the weak, but to dare to challenge all the powerful enemies. My way is domineering. I am destined to never bow my head in this life and this world, whether it is Tianba or Tianding, until I die, I will be King One!"


Jing Yi forcibly seized control of Jiuding, and he was also backlashed, but he laughed. He seemed to be back in the battle against Xia Yi's ultimate sublimation at the end of the Tianjun battle. That was the battle he dreamed of. No one except Xia Yi deserves to stand in front of him. The power that originally destroyed Xia Yi has all become Xia Yi's tonic.

The heavens and the earth resounded with the sound of chirping from the land, along with Xia Yi's heartbeat, the earth pulsed, and the sky trembled.

"The octopole furnace... all banned..."

"Baji, open the door!"

The octopole furnace was broken, and the lines were completely integrated with Xia Yi. Xia Yi's meridians penetrated the sky and the earth. At this moment, Xia Yi saw a certain illusion, looked up at the blue sky, and looked down at Huangquan.

Going up to the poor and falling down to the full yellow spring, you can see through it at a glance!



With a few clean and crisp beeps, Jiuding was shaken off, and the chain of Dao pattern that bound Xia Yi broke. The Emperor of the Big Dipper saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to immediately pull out the seven-star spear away from Xia Yi, but Xia Yi turned around. Pinched his throat.

Just like pinching a little chicken, the Great Master of the Big Dipper has no resistance at all.

A vision of heaven and earth flashed by Xia Yi's side. His existence and beyond the limits of heaven and earth were no longer judged by common sense, and even the Dao Tribulation was dispelled by the divine light on Xia Yi's body.

The various visions surrounding Xia Yi caused a change in the world, and all auras and powers were all under the control of Xia Yi.

At this moment, Xia Yi... enters the Tao! Vientiane now!

Under the vision of the blue sky and the yellow spring, Xia Yi is in the center, like the master of the six realms, in charge of the reincarnation of sentient beings.

Xia Yi looked at the White Dragon Demon Sovereign who had lost the ability to move after being pulled out of the dragon tendons and had not been able to run far. He directly pointed a finger at it. The White Dragon Demon Sovereign struggled under a burst of divine light, returning to its original shape and quickly. Shrinking, his cultivation base was deprived, and he turned into a young white dragon in full view.

His cultivation level is only at the level of a big demon, and he can't even transform a human.

Only after this instruction was given, the surrounding visions dissipated a lot. Xia Yi frowned, and it was really exhausting. In this state, he couldn't make too many moves. He was full of all phenomena, and Xia Yi became a god.

Venerable Tianding retreated subconsciously, and the eyes of the other three deities showed fear, the most fundamental fear, the dignified White Dragon Demon, who was robbed of his cultivation by Xia Yi’s finger and turned into an ordinary great demon. What benefits did Yi get?

They are holy deities, no matter how otherworldly the holy ones are, they are still humans. Compared with the mere otherworldly, the existence of the gods who have been ascended to immortality is far more terrifying.

Some of the tens of millions of monks in front of Xia Yi knelt down and shouted for mercy. The remaining four did not kneel or call for mercy. They were just thinking as much as possible about whether there was any chance of victory. Xia Yi's state absolutely never lasted. Long, absolutely only a very short moment!

The four gods had confirmed their eyes with each other and planned to make the final resistance. The old celestial ancestor offered the Jiuding Refining Array again. The weight of the axe is rising rapidly.

The master of the Supreme Profound Hall bit the tip of his tongue and spit out blood to sacrifice the nine patterns. The Emperor of the Big Dipper was held in the air by Xia Yi's neck. He was still struggling. Xia Yi sneered, and threw the Emperor of the Big Dipper like shit. Zun threw back into the crowd.

"I, give you this opportunity!"

"Recognize your humbleness!"

After Xia Yi finished speaking, he turned his head and looked behind him. The countless mortals all knelt down as if worshipping gods. Xia Yi looked at the ten million monks in front of him, and soon had a plan in his heart. With words, he can now completely liberate Broken Blade Blood Drink and show the real mighty power of Emperor Shenxiao.

The four masters gritted their teeth to prove that the spirits of this day are the ones who have the final say, and they are the venerable. They are frantic, and they all took out the last ultimate move to face Xia Yi. A shot from the pinnacle was enough to penetrate the seven-star **** in one shot.

It's a pity that Xia Yi at this moment is God!

"You don't see that there is a heaven in the nine layers of heaven."

"Misunderstanding that the world is dirty..."

"I don't know it, I don't realize it, I don't regret it."

"I don't see Qingming, but I've become muddy, polluting the world and contaminating people's hearts, and I sigh that the world is like this, don't you know that all comes from your own body."

"I am willing to be a sword, and it will be like dawn, I am willing to be a blade, I am willing to cut away the turbid dust, I am willing to follow my heart for this world, to break the demons, I know, I say, I tell."

"There is a heaven in the Nine Heavens!"

As Xia Yi's words fell, Broken Blade's **** drink scattered between the heavens and the earth, turning into dust and falling. On the desolate earth, all the dust that fell turned into a remnant knife after another. It's all knives.

"Sword Tomb, Emperor Tianshenxiao!"

Xia Yi stood high in the sky and looked at the boundless sword mound. Emperor Shenxiao was shocked and brilliant. He left a very splendid mark in the history of Heavenly Spirits. He was the emperor who wiped out the most evils after Emperor Fengmao. , His sword technique is enough to rank in the top three of the human race.

Why is it only the top three?

Because the Great Emperor Shenxiao said that he would not compete with Emperor Wu, or Dao Fa, or conquer the devil. He said he was the top three, but in fact the fourth, but what's the truth? Later generations judged his swordsmanship in the only words among the human races that can be described.

Be one of the best.

Except for one, there are two.


"What is this method? God's Domain?"

"do not know……"

"I... I dare not move..."

The four saints were completely stunned by Xia Yi’s move. With the power of the gods, they summoned the image of God Xiaotian. God Xiaotian is also one of all things, and today’s Xia Yi can show a trace of it even in the great scorching sky. Essence.

Vientiane, the mysterious is like this, the one image is the sky, Xia Yi himself is the blue sky and the spring sky, because he walks the way of life and death, but at this moment, Xia Yi chose to use the emperor heaven as a finishing touch, and he can only show the power of the gods for a moment. , It is natural to choose a sure method.

"Zhan Zhuochen!"

Xia Yi waved his hand at the tens of millions of monks, and all the blades on the ground floated and pierced their chests, but they did not die, but their cultivation base dropped rapidly. The higher is the lower the faster.

And the most miserable are the four holy deities. They are wailing and sorrowful, but they can't stop a hundred swords from piercing their hearts, and their cultivation bases are taken away alive.

"Since you want to be a pig and dog, you can give others the cultivation base you don't need."

After that, Xia Yi hooked back and all the knives flew upside down in front of the mortal and Liu Xiaozhou monks. The mortals and Liu Xiaozhou monks looked at each other. They stretched out their hands to hold the handle of the knife, and the dantian in the body was instantly opened up. Mortals become powerful true monarchs in a short period of time, and the number of cultivators is rising steadily.

This is simply taking the lead against the heavens and being against the sky!

In the end, tens of millions of monks became rubbish, and there were not many cultivation bases. The mortals behind Xia Yi were full of power and controlled a very terrifying power in a short period of time, but this method was not too good or bad for both parties. The cultivation base that was taken away in this way can be cultivated back soon, and those mortals who suddenly possess power will quickly lose their cultivation base if they don't practice carefully.

But no matter what the result was, Xia Yi showed a miracle, and the shock it brought was enough to be recorded in the annals of history, becoming a legend that will never fade in history and belongs to Xia Yi's legend.

The five statues did not die, but almost all of them were severely injured. The cultivation base fell to the level of the holy emperor. Not a few hundred years have never wanted to restore the cultivation of the holy ones, but they are still as resistant as the holy ones. Xia Yi did not want to kill, but It is that he must leave the strength to deal with the immortal clan.

Five pigs and dogs can be slaughtered or not, but the slaughter is still laborious, and the most important thing is the fairy clan.

Xia Yi retracted Yang Chen, reconstructed the Broken Blade Blood Drink, and looked towards the Western Wilderness.

Next, is the real difficulty.


Within a thousand miles of Qingyunzong, no one spoke at this moment, except for a moment of death, especially the ten million monks and five venerables who came to attack Qingyunzong. Among them, the most miserable was the White Dragon Demon Venerable, whose cultivation was by Xia Yi. Deprived, the dragon's tendons are still being drawn, and this hatred can be said to have grown stronger.

But Bailong Yaozun did not dare to have any complaints, because Xia Yi was stronger and stronger! No matter how long Xia Yi can maintain this kind of combat power, as long as there is a minute and a second, then Xia Yi is the strongest person on this heavenly spirit land.

Hegemony, invincibility, control of birth and death, this day is worth remembering by the heavenly spirits, five deities and tens of millions of cultivators questioned the Azure Cloud Sect, Xia Yi showed invincibility and swept everything, no one can guess that this will end in the end.

As if opening a new year, the age of the five statues has passed...

From now on, it is the era of Xia Yi.


Xia Yi coughed twice, seeming to be a little unsteady. Even if his breath is empty, and even if he feels that he will fall down at any time, no one dared to step forward and do anything. He gritted his teeth and looked at Xia Yi, but Xia Yi had already turned around and did not look at them again.

The defeated man was never worth mentioning.

Xia Yi took several bottles of pills and wanted to recover, but the injury on his body seemed to be irreversible. He couldn't recover half a point. Xia Yi looked up and smiled bitterly. Is this the so-called Dao injury?

The wounds of the great avenue will accompany a lifetime and will never be restored.

His body was as shocking as a cracked porcelain. The red thunder under the crack continued to aggravate Xia Yi's injury. The red cloud in the sky showed no signs of half-spreading. He was immortal, and the robbery continued.

But we have already reached this point, what else can we do next? No matter what, as long as the feet can still move, Xia Yi will continue to move forward.

Step by step, he limped back to Qingyunzong. There was only Zhao Lianbing at the door. Zhao Lianbing looked at Xia Yi with a smile, and nodded at Xia Yi. Xia Yi looked at the half-destroyed Qingyun Zhi. Many The palace has collapsed, but the Azure Cloud Sect is still here, still existing on this scorched earth.

This is true now, and it must be so in the future.

From the storage ring, Xia Yi found a sculpture and placed it in the palm of his hand. It was left to him by the ancestor of the Yellow Emperor. Under a big tree, a man fell asleep peacefully leaning on a white fox, Xia Yi Gentlely touched the head of the white fox on the statue, scratched it lightly, stroked it repeatedly, and couldn't put it down.

Then, he reached out and handed the statue to Zhao Lianbing.

"For Yuer."


Zhao Lianbing took the statue from Xia Yi, and didn't know what to say for a while. When facing a few disciples of the Purple Immortal Sect, Xia Yi was so frightened that he was defeated today when he stood in front of tens of thousands of people. Five heavenly spirits.

He amazed Tian Ling, shocked Tian Ling, and made Tian Ling dead.

"Actually, if you are willing to wake her up..."

Zhao Lianbing couldn't stand it anymore. The cultivator could wake up even if he was shut up, but Xia Yi shook his head.

"Let's do it, one is that this retreat is very important for her, and the other is that I don't want her to... again."

Xia Yi didn't finish talking, she just knew something in her heart. Zhao Lianbing didn't ask anything, all she could do now was listen.

"Xia Yi, in fact...you know in your heart that it is impossible to win the fairy clan, right?"

"Of course I understand better than anyone else."

For a hundred generations, no one has ever won when the immortal clan attacked Xuanhuang. What's the point of waiting to win after losing. It's just revenge. Baishi has succeeded too many times, but the guardian has not succeeded once.

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