twenty one

The Western Wilderness, the place where the fairy clan resides. This is a vast stony desert. There is almost no life on the endless gravel beach. The giant flying boats of the fairy clan and many small flying boats are docked here, and a piece of water protrudes from the bottom of the flying boat. A thick spar pipe pierced the ground, and was continuously absorbing the veins of the earth.

Before you know it, the surrounding sands seem to have become bigger. The Western Wilderness is under the damage of various sandstorms all year round, so you can often see the scenes of sandstorms. Under the cover of the sands, the fairy clan is like The flying boats parked on the desert like dense forests make this place look like a city in another world.

The Great Devourer swallows the slaves of other realms captured by the Immortal Clan. The ten statues are unmoved, just watching the Great Devouring arrogantly. They will never leave the space channel for half a step, while the rest of the Immortal Clan's people are temporarily scattered. Search the neighborhood and let those slaves delay the big bite. There is no reason for the big bite anyway.

Xia Zheng hid in the distance and carefully observed that this kind of inter-stellar space channel does not arrive immediately, even if it only takes a few minutes for people inside the space channel, but it is possible for people outside the space channel. A round trip is several hours.

The space channel is a place where both space and time are distorted. It is extremely unstable and prone to problems. Therefore, when the fairy clan opens such a large space channel, only ten statues will be left to garrison, because they are afraid of problems with the space channel.

Counting from the beginning of the immortal army's influx into the space channel, two hours have passed. These two hours have almost made the immortal army advance by 80%, leaving only 20% still in the sky and the west, and this remains. Twenty percent are also low-end logistics capabilities.

The main force has almost completely left Tianling through the space channel.

The Xian clan has been to Xuanhuang, so I know the approximate coordinates of Xuanhuang. Even if there are some errors, the Xian clan will not doubt too much. The big deal is to go a little bit longer, just like when Xia Yi returned from the Metaverse. It took several times to transfer the array disk to reach it accurately.

After a while, someone from the space channel returned from the other side of the space channel to Tianling this time.

"Ten Venerables, Xuan Huang has confirmed that the current position is on a star around Xuan Huang, and the combat power above the holy realm can be reached by itself, and the rest of the strong can also take away part of the combat power by themselves, but the remaining combat power needs fifty Transport by flying boat."

"Well, I got it."

The person of the fairy clan who appeared from the other side of the space channel explained the situation and needed to be transported by a flying boat, but for him, it only took more than ten minutes for him to leave Tianling, but for others, his departure was already A few hours ago.

Xia Zheng counted this time difference into the plan, and used this time difference to leave the immortal army behind, even though it has been so long, the immortal army just arrived on the other side!

Premonitioning that it was almost time, Xia Zheng took out a crystal from his arms very, very carefully, and crushed it. With the sound of the crystal cracking, the earth trembled, and the earth was cracking. Suddenly, an earthquake even caused people. Unable to stand firm.

West Wasteland underground.

A large continuous array densely stretched along the ground veins, almost completely covering the entire desert. The evil force erupted from the large array attracted the ground veins and pushed the violent surging of the ground veins, like an instantaneously heating a pool of stagnant water to boiling hot.

And those scattered evil forces made the earth barren, and the big bite suddenly became more violent and terrifying. They suddenly rushed to the space channel. The ten sages of the immortal clan knew something was wrong, so they looked at each other and took out at the same time. His own weapons are prepared to deal with these big swallows, and in any case, they can't let the space channel go wrong.

But also because of their previous non-active attack, after the big bite approached, the big bite unexpectedly exploded directly, and the rain of flesh and blood swayed in the sky, soaking the space channel, causing the space channel to ripple and become a little weak and unstable.

The ten celestial sages immediately took out an array to stabilize. If you observe carefully, you can see that the bottom of the space channel is actually a huge array. Don’t look at the size of this array, but in fact it is. The formation is like a huge nail, only the surface of the nail is exposed on the ground, and the part that penetrates the earth is the main one.

This huge nail, pierced into the depths of the earth veins at its bottom, was constantly absorbing the energy of the earth veins, but suddenly the violent earth veins made the energy surge several times, and the spatial channels began to expand spontaneously.

The space channel of this size is the maximum that the fairy clan can maintain stably, no matter how much stool it is, the ten saints of the fairy clan are not stupid, and immediately control the formation to release excess energy to the surroundings.

The earth was heated in an instant, the desert gradually turned into a scorched earth shining red, green smoke lingered on the entire land, and the spatial passage finally stabilized, but this stability was only temporary, because the ten holy priests soon I noticed that something was rising from the ground under my feet.

They can perceive what it is, it is the veins of lava!

But the problem is that when they arrived, they had checked the neighborhood before, and there was nothing abnormal in the vicinity, and the earth veins had been sent to see it. It was normal. Why did this sudden change happen at this moment? The ten saints of the fairy clan can only think of one possibility.

Even if someone arrives long ago, they will definitely land here, and they will definitely use the earth veins! This person did not know how many years ago he had set up traps under the veins of the earth, in a very deep place, he didn't spend a lot of time investigating places that he didn't even want to find out clearly.

This person even if they will act immediately and will not delay the time, it's up to the point!

The ten sages of the immortal clan frowned, and there was an enemy who knew their style well hidden nearby, but all this was just the beginning, because Xia Zheng even studied the entire Western Wilderness for this purpose. The veins are moving, knowing where the dragon veins of the Western Desolate Region are, he also has formations in other places!

The scope includes almost half of the Western Desolate Region!

However, Xia Zheng also knows what this will cause. Perhaps many innocent people in the Western Wilderness will die, but he can't control that much anymore. Everything will be clear today!

He took out one crystal after another and crushed it. The ten Venerables are doing their best to suppress the surge of the earth veins. The Venerable is worthy of being a Venerable. Even the violent energy of the surge of earth veins can be suppressed, but most of them What about the Western Wilderness?

Under the Western Wasteland, at this time, the intersection of the ground veins has changed. After all the ground veins are violent, they will gather towards the desert where the fairy clan is located. If the fairy clan wants to maintain the spatial passage, they must always absorb the ground veins. It is equivalent to giving those energies a fixed vent, which will not explode in other places.

twenty two

The trembling land, the violent veins, the ancient volcanoes that existed in the Western Wilderness, and the volcanoes that had never erupted before, all erupted again. This also caused many small mortal countries to be affected. Fortunately, the monks in the Western Wilderness moved fast and were doing their best. Rescue the common people.

And people naturally count all of this on the head of the fairy clan, it must be the fairy clan that caused this change!

The mortals and monks throughout the Western Wilderness Territory are resenting the immortal clan at this moment, and even start to hate how they believed in the fairy clan's nonsense before, how long has it been here? It hasn't been for half a day, so let the aura of Xihuang dry up, and let the veins of Xihuang be violent. Is this going to annihilate them?

The Western Wilderness at this moment is simply a scene of extinction. Lava is surging above the desert, and the sand becomes hot and scorching, and even mixed with sparks sweeping the entire Western Wilderness. After this time, the Western Wilderness can be said to have suffered a great injury. , The land that is not suitable for life will become more cruel.

The same is true in other places. The gravel desert where the veins merge and gather is like hell. The ground cracks, breaks, and explodes, and lava erupts from it, forming one after another lava pillars. .

This phenomenon is approaching the space channel, the space channel has even been deformed a little, and the surrounding area has become fiery red. The power of the space is very unstable, and there is a danger of exploding at any time. The ten sages of the fairy clan are also powerful. With the strength of ten people, most of the land veins of the Western Wilderness were overwhelmed.

It's a pity that all this is in vain, because as long as the space channel is still open, all the earth veins that have nowhere to vent will rush to the space channel until the space channel starts to turn red, as if it has turned into a flame channel. The ten sages of the clan are all with cold sweat on their foreheads, who actually counts them for this!

At this moment, they had to spend all their energy to maintain the space channel, and they were unable to deal with other things. It was also at this time that a scream sounded nearby, and a large group of people seemed to approach the space channel in the wind and sand mixed with flames.

The leader is someone who looks a little younger, but is also more vicissitudes of life.

This person waved his hand to let those storms disperse. Behind them were tens of thousands of elite soldiers. Although many of the soldiers' cultivation was only at the level of a cave, and there were even mortals among them, the expressions on everyone's face seemed to be dead.

"who are you……"

The ten sages of the immortal clan looked at the group of ants in surprise. One of the sages was useless. Isn't it a ants or something? But they are powerless at this moment, otherwise the space channel will explode immediately.

", Xuanhuang Daxia."

Xia Zheng stood in front of the ten immortal clan. He had always wanted to say the four words Xuanhuang Daxia. Xia was the last inheritance and memory of Xuanhuang cultivation generations. After being defeated by the immortal clan and fled to Tianling, he left behind. Some members of the Xia clan did not last long in Xuanhuang, and were soon replaced by other forces.

For example, Shang, Zhou, five thousand years of feudalism, Xuanhuang legends, there are biographies of deities in Shang and Zhou, and the Emperor Qin's request for immortal medicines proves that the inheritance of cultivation is still there, but with the progress of the times, it finally disappears completely. .

"Xuanhuang remnant?"

The ten immortals were not surprised immediately after they knew the identities of Xia Zheng and the others. In this starry sky, apart from the immortal clan knowing himself, of course it was this unshakable enemy Xuan Huang who knew their style.

"Yes, it is the remnant. Let you never think about the remnant of your heart. Even if it is an ant, it will make you sleepless, jump into your bowl and pollute your food, and bite you all over your hair when you sleep. itch."

Xia Zheng is very ruthless. Even if he knows he is defeated, he will do everything to disgust him, make him feel uncomfortable and embarrass him. He almost lives in hatred. For this reason, he completely abandons humanity. He knows what he wants to do better than anyone else. What to face.

The corrupt dynasty, the spies of the fairy clan, people who don’t know why they live, the seemingly benevolent but incompetent emperor, etc., he chose to kill, and kept killing and killing, became the tyrant of the Great Xia, and became a waste in the eyes of others. What he is waiting for is today.

In Daxia, he could not do anything wise, otherwise he would only be vigilant, and he could not even show any meaning of missing Xuanhuang. He used to be weak and dare not dare to be weak. After being strong, he must be careful everywhere, even if he is considered a fool. Playing tricks and becoming a sharp knife in the hands of others to kill heroes, as long as those traitorous officials are happy, those traitorous officials support, and those who only care about themselves won't pay too much attention to him.

But today, he can finally say the four words Xuanhuang Daxia. To truly take power in Daxia is much harder than he thought. Fortunately, all the sacrifices are worthwhile. The people he brought this time Contacted about a year ago.

The immortal clan is too lazy to take care of Daxia. After removing Daxia’s internal spies, Xia Zheng can finally find people in the army and among the ordinary people who still have Xuanhuang in their hearts. However, there are not many people in Daxia. More than a billion, but only tens of millions are willing to follow him.

But in fact, it’s not bad. Xia Zheng is not pessimistic, because he knows that there are thousands of people in Daxia who have Xuanhuang in their hearts like him, and on the other side of Dongxuan, news of his stupid emperor brother has just arrived. .

Five great defeated, is rushing to the Western Wilderness.

Although I don’t know what methods Xia Yi used, Xia Zheng knows that Xia Yi has the same heart as them. They are not enough to carry the fire. He himself is a beast who should have gone to **** long ago, but even if he can’t become a fire, at least he can Become a firewood, help the fire to become a flame.

"The whole army listens to the order, takes the weapons, and kills as many people as possible before death."

"Please everyone...follow me!"

Xuanhuang Daxia, the last expedition, the soldiers were inflamed and confused, even if there were mortals among them, even if they knew that they would die if they entered, no one was afraid, because they were here to seek death.

To activate the will of Emperor Yan, and to reproduce the Great Yantian, you need Xuanhuang blood, Xuanhuang wrath, to ignite with rage and blood as oil, completely igniting Xuanhuang's anger that has been long gone for 100,000 years.

Xia Zheng finally took out a crystal, which he held high in his hand and crushed it, and this was also a signal that the formation had exploded.

As the formation covering most of the Western Wilderness exploded one after another, the entire Western Wilderness land made a loud noise, the most violent earthquake ever occurred, and the surrounding desert was also covered by lava, and the ten fairy clan could no longer stabilize the space. The channel and the space channel quickly expanded, and then directly exploded, turning into a huge black sphere absorbing everything around it. Ten Immortal Clan was first sucked into it, and the figures of Xia Zheng and others disappeared in it.

The space has changed, the world has changed, and everything that exists within a radius of a hundred miles is involved and taken to the far shore of the starry sky.

twenty three

The West Desolate Region, over the desert.

Xia Yi stayed here. After he arrived, he did not see the immortal army. He only saw a black sphere absorbing everything around it. It was a spatial particle. To be more accurate, it was a fairly stable wormhole. , Is also an uncontrollable one-way space channel.

Only in, not out.

The large flying boat of the fairy clan turned into a line in a wave of distortion and was also swallowed. Yellow sand, stones, earth, lava, all materials were swallowed by the wormhole in the distortion.

Coming to a slightly safer distance, Xia Yi found a man sitting on the ground, staring blankly at the wormhole.

"You are... Daxia's Princess Xunping?"

After Xia Yi approached, she recognized who this person was. She turned her head to look at Xia Yi, and nodded with a smile.

"Yes, but I am Xuan Huang Xia Xun now."


When Xia Yi heard her claiming to be so, and thought of the current change, she also noticed something in an instant. He was not stupid. He was more or less aware that Xia Zheng seemed to have the same purpose as his report, but Xia Yi himself didn't dare. Certainly, after all, Xia Zheng was too evil, killing his benefactor and his family, and even stepping into the magical way.

"He has planned for more than ten years. If the immortal clan will definitely come to the Western Wilderness, he will come to this place. When you don't know it, he will come to the Western Wilderness when you have time. He is protecting Xuanhuang in his own way."

"Really? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Xia Yi now has an accurate answer, but his perception of Xia Zheng is still very complicated, but he now understands Xia Zheng, because he also tried to sacrifice to Dongxuan in blood before, Xia Zheng completely abandoned everything, and Xia Yi was. In the end, I want to keep my original intention.

"Will you believe it?"


Xia Yi lowered his head and smiled bitterly. It was indeed impossible for him to believe that this stupid tyrant would actually fight for something other than himself. Even if he noticed it, he never admitted to Xia Zheng, but after seeing the current scene, Xia Yi had to admit that Xia Zheng was indeed for Xuanhuang.

"He actually used to be the same as you..."

Xia Xun almost grew up with Xia Zheng. She can understand Xia Zheng, and only she can understand what Xia Zheng has experienced for so many years. Behind every cruel and merciless choice is silent crying and regret.

Especially after the death of Bai Sheng, Xia Zheng almost locked himself in the room without seeing anyone. He was just drinking boring wine. Compared with Xia Yi, Xia Zheng had to work too much.

"I can understand him a little bit now, so is the fairy clan army just across from here?"

Xia Yi stretched out his finger towards the wormhole. The sky was unknowingly blocked by the crimson clouds. Just as Xia Yi spoke, thunder thunder fell again, and Xia Yi's arm melted and became radiant.

Seeing this scene, Xia Xun knew that Xia Yi must be dead soon, just like Xia Zheng, who finally came to Xihuang and came here.

"Well, if you can... can you take a look at this, the emperor has been guessing what your expression will look like when you see it."

After speaking, Xia Xun immediately took out a mobile phone and carefully handed it to Xia Yi. The moment Xia Yi saw the mobile phone, his face turned black, because it showed that they had been to Xuanhuang, and how Xia Zheng kept the past from him! !

This guy is really pervasive, even the fairy clan can be made like this by him.

Xia Yi took it. Nothing was installed on it, so Xia Yi directly opened the album. He guessed what Xia Zheng would leave in the album, or left him with special information.


They were all pictures of traveling in the mountains, laughing in the amusement park, holding ice cream in his hand, and even reaching out to show their hearts with Xia Xun, wearing ridiculous toy sunglasses, reaching out and waving on the carousel, pretending to be charging into battle. .


Like an idiot.

But this may also be Xia Zheng’s nature. He was supposed to be a laughing and playful person. In every photo, Xia Zheng was laughing. He even went to work as a volunteer in orphanages and nursing homes, all of which had to be photographed. After the filming, if those children and old people knew that this guy was a murderer, they would be scared to sleep.

All subsequent photos are of this kind, and there are even commemorative photos of Xia Zheng scribbling on his photos. Xia Yi's photos are in many places in Xuanhuang. Xia Yi did not expect that Xia Zheng would do pranks. This kind of thing that a kid would do.

In the last photo, he opened his hands under Kunlun Mountain, as if he was embracing Kunlun Mountain.

After reading it, Xia Yi returned the phone to Xia Xun. Now Xia Xun knew what expression Xia Yi would show. It was a smile, with a slight smile.

It's just that there seems to be some other emotion hidden under this faint smile.

Xia Zheng must have seen many bad things about Xuanhuang, but he was the same as Xia Yi.

Even if they don’t understand the magic and the way, people are enjoying everything in just a hundred years, either joy or sorrow. It’s most nostalgic in the prosperous environment. One thing about Xuanhuang is funny, that is, the high-levels are so anxious that they are hot. There are ants on the pot, but the people still don't know too much, and they are enjoying one of the few happiness.

But there is nothing wrong with this. Who said that in the end, we must be serious, and the whole realm should cry together?

Just don't know anything, it's okay to laugh, although Xia Yi won't say anything about fighting to protect people's smiles, but laughter is always better than crying, which is true or fake.

"This space channel is almost gone, I should go."

Xia Yi didn't talk to Xia Xun too much, because there was nothing to say. The only thing he and Xia Zheng could do was to make every effort to face it. After the conversation, Xia Yi slowly walked towards the disappearing space channel, Xia Xun picked up After passing the phone, I continued to flip through the photos, and then I couldn't help holding the phone, and my body fell down and burst into tears.

She knew that Xia Zheng could not survive and would never come back.

"Xia Yi...If you arrive and he is not dead, can you call him the emperor brother at the end?"

Xia Xun looked at Xia Yi, whose figure was about to dissipate, and suddenly shouted. Xia Yi did not answer, or perhaps because the voice could no longer be delivered, but Xia Xun seemed to see Xia Yi nodding.


Xia Yi dispersed with the space wormhole, leaving only a burst of hot sand blowing.

With his eyes closed, Xia Yi drifted towards the distant starry sky in a wave of weightlessness. When he opened his eyes, he could see the galaxy inverted, everything was stretched and deformed, and even the light became irregular lines.

However, this bizarre sight did not last long. As the scene in front of Xia Yi suddenly became clear, Xia Yi felt down to earth. He stood in a dark red world like a ghost, and the ground under his feet was red rock. There is no trace of life in the sand and gravel. Perhaps it is approaching sunset, and all the sights in the eyes are dull red.

Xia Yi moved his brows a little, and raised his head to look at a star. The powerful vision of the cultivator made him see that it was a blue star.

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