twenty four

Where he is at the moment, Xia Yi already has a number in his heart. He still remembers going to the mall when he was a child. The top floor of the mall has many facilities for children to play, and there are astronomical telescopes on the top floor of the mall. It’s almost five yuan per time. It was a profiteer, but driven by curiosity, Xia Yi was still willing to pay.

Thinking about it now, that was Xia Yi's first contact with the starry sky.

The five planets, wood, water, fire, and earth, are not only the five planets, but also the stars of the "five elements".

Then came Tianhaidi, Uranus Neptune, and the Earth. It's a pity that the five-yuan telescope was bad, and Uranus and Neptune could not be seen. However, Xia Yi, who was looking at the starry sky with an inferior telescope for the first time, still felt shocked.

He has been thinking about what kind of dreamy scenery will be above these stars.

"Is this... Mars?"

Bend down, picked up the sand on the ground and rubbed it with your fingers. In fact, it is not dreamy at all. I can only feel the endless desolation. Although the vast earth is undulating, it is almost all of the same color. The sunset is a little bluish, far away. The huge sandstorm covering the sky is pushing horizontally towards this place.

Above this Mars, a dust storm can almost sweep the entire star. As the sandstorm approaches, a huge red cloud appears over Mars, which is extremely difficult to produce even clouds. Xia Yi raised his head and laughed three times, which is a good one. Daojiao, across the starry sky, must continue to follow him.

Until he completely died and his soul was scattered!

This Dao Tribulation was not violent, but it was very long. It was a kind of continuous deepening and continuous punishment, which kept breaking down Xia Yi himself, even if Xia Yi now relied on the power of the octopole furnace to make his recovery greater than Exhausted, but there will always be a time when the power is exhausted. At that time...

He will turn into nothingness under the tribulation.

If it was a violent Dao Tribulation, it was okay, Xia Yi could find ways to avoid it. Anyway, it was only a moment. The problem was that this continuous Dao Tribulation was almost aimed at Xia Yi, leaving Xia Yi totally helpless.

The fierce wind and sand quickly swallowed Xia Yi and covered Xia Yi’s vision. Xia Yi released his divine knowledge to inquire, and found the remains of the fairy clan flying boat not far away, so he simply moved in that direction. There were not only immortals along the way. The wreckage of the clan flying boat, there are many corpses, these corpses wear the armor Xia Yi knows.

It's Beihai Daxia standard, no...

It should be said that it is the Xuanhuang Xia Dynasty standard.

There are not many corpses of the immortal clan, and some are to the extent that the true monarch is alive as a minor sage. There are almost no corpses of the immortal clan of the great sage level.

Above this alien star, they all looked in the same direction before they died. In that direction, they could barely see a very tiny blue star. Xia Yi continued to move forward and saw a blue electric light not far away. It was leaping, Xia Yi walked over and took a look, it turned out to be a broken machine.

"It's not like a fairy clan thing, which country's Mars rover is it?"

Xia Yi squatted down to observe the damaged Mars probe, but the probe did not seem to be completely destroyed. The camera placed in front of it moved twice, focusing on Xia Yi’s face, and its small drilling tool rubbed on the sand. After a few strokes, it took a while to draw a few English letters on the sand.


Xia Yi frowned. He can't speak English, but fortunately, this word is not difficult. It is just a sentence of "hope". It wants to draw some words later, but the circuit is suddenly completely destroyed at this time and cannot be written. Information.

And the "hope" that was left behind was easily wiped out by the wind and sand.

Xuanhuang seems to have already known about the abnormal changes on Mars, so there are already people who have fled to the boundlessness. This battle is almost impossible to win. The main purpose of his coming here is more to delay the time and let those who fled into the boundlessness. People can be safe on the road.


A violent pillar of fire rose in the distance. The flame was extremely fierce, so bright that people could not open their eyes. The extremely high temperature that destroys everything could be felt from a long distance away. After the flame appeared, it directly covered the entire spark and stained the sky and the earth. Fiery red, if you look at Mars from the starry sky, you can find that the entire star is shrouded in flames, as if it is covered with a layer of flames, making this planet alive into a small sun.

Xia Yi didn't know what was going on, but these flames made Xia Yi aware of the familiar aura. Xia Yi used the Qingyun Nine Jue to step on the heavens to speed up and rush to the rising pillar of fire, finally seeing the boundless. The army of immortals.

The number is estimated to be hundreds of millions at first. They are all monks, all have combat power, and the last are great powers. This is the strength of the first strong realm in the starry sky. Xia Yi has discovered a few extremely terrifying auras in this. people.

After the pillar of fire rose, the storm quickly diminished. The people of the fairy clan were a little afraid of the pillar of fire, and they didn’t dare to approach it. The bodies of Xia Dynasty soldiers nearby were also the most corpses, scattered on the ground like raindrops, and they flowed out. The blood was absorbed by the ground under his feet, and Xia Yi felt that Mars actually had a way.

Mars has Emperor Tian, ​​and the blood of these Xuanhuang compatriots who were buried on Mars actually activated Emperor Tian. Xia Yi felt that Emperor Tian had the will, and Emperor Tian was angry. This flame was the wrath of Emperor Tian.

Xia Yi looked at the pillar of fire from a distance, and could feel that there was something inside the pillar of fire. There was something alive. Taking advantage of the immortal clan’s people hadn’t even noticed him, Xia Yi used his divine power to take the tenth step of the Qingyun Nine Arts. Rushed into the pillar of fire.

There was a noise from the people of the fairy clan, and they all saw something rushing into the pillar of fire, but few people could see what it was, but the venerables of the fairy clan could see clearly what it was. It was a person.

A mysterious person.

Inside the pillar of fire, these flames are not hot at all, on the contrary, they are very warm. It is as comfortable as being soaked in hot water at the right temperature. Inside the pillar of fire are the corpses of Xia Dynasty soldiers, but they change in the flames and become Groups of humanoid fires soared with the rising pillar of fire.

Finally, walking to the very center, Xia Yi saw something that could not be called a human at all, but that was indeed a person. His body was almost pierced with spears, swords and halberds. He was sitting on the ground with his head down. Seems to have lost interest.

However, as soon as he heard Xia Yi's footsteps, he slowly raised his head again. It was Xia Zheng. He was entering an irreversible death, and his soul was in the process of dissipating.

"You came."

"I am coming."

The two looked at each other. Except this time, they were hostile when they stood together several times, but this time it was not. Unfortunately, although this was the first time, it was also the last time.


At the center of the huge pillar of fire, both of them fell silent for a while. Xia Zheng knew that he was short of time and noticed that Xia Yi was short of time, so he took the initiative to speak.

"A lot of things before... I'm sorry."

Xia Zheng apologized to Xia Yi for the first time. Xia Yi didn't say anything. If he stood from Xia Zheng's perspective, he might have made the same choice. Da Xia had already forgotten Xuan Huang, but he did not forget Xuan Huang. He was actually the most brutal tyrant in the history of Daxia.

"It's okay, I forgive."

One party wants to apologize, and the other party wants to forgive. Xia Yi was indeed a bit self-confident in the past. He only knew how to save people, but he didn’t know whether he should be saved or not, and there was helplessness that could or could not be saved. There are many complicated things, black body and white heart, white body and black heart. The combination of the two is yin and yang tai chi, and it is also the principle of heaven and earth.

"This place is the place where Emperor Yan's ancestors crossed the robbery and became the emperor. It is also the site of Emperor Yan. Great Yantian is here."

"Da Yantian...cough cough, it can trap the immortal for a long time, and maybe there are other effects, but I don't know..."

"I know your plan. Now, how many people can we escape?"

Xia Zheng did not pin all his hopes on Mars, because even if there is Great Yantian, even if Xia Yi can use Great Yantian's power, he knows that the winning rate is very small, but the Kengxian clan's hand in exchange for Xuanhuang retreat opportunity Enough.

As long as there is hope to continue, we are not afraid of despair spreading.

"About half a billion."

"Really? So... so much..."

Xia Zheng seemed a little pleased when he heard this number. He thought it was a lot, but Xia Yi felt that there were very, very few people. Xuanhuang was close to seven billion people, and five hundred million is really not one in ten, and Xia Yi still doesn't know the vastness. How will you treat Xuanhuang? I will never think of a comeback.

Even if Cang Mang had a good heart to contain Xuan Huang, he would not let Xuan Huang control the vast power.

"I've seen the power you used in the Tianjun battle. Can you control Da Yantian?"

Xia Zheng couldn’t control, he could only activate the trapping of the immortal clan. Xia Yi hesitated for a while and nodded. He could, but compared to trapping the immortal clan like this, he would use his power to kill the enemy. It won't last long, whether to choose to bite a piece of the fairy clan's flesh in the end, or to retain hope.

Xia Yi can't judge this.

"Then, would you use it?"

Xia Zheng continued to inquire, but Xia Yi didn't answer. He just came to Xia Zheng and handed Xia Zheng a pill, which is a supplement to his soul. Xia Zheng shook his head. There is no cure for him at the moment. To be more accurate. It can't even be saved.

"I can protect you from death."

"But does it make sense? What do you think we can survive? You also know the fact that I refine the blood of the same race? I have already unforgiven my sins, I practice evil methods, and I have almost the purest imperial blood on my body. , And my death alone is equivalent to tens of millions of compatriots offering sacrifices to themselves. My death is the key to completely unlocking the great Yantian."

When Xia Zheng said so, Xia Yi also had an unspeakable silence. He forcibly killed those compatriots who were unwilling to sacrifice for Xuanhuang, and put their blood into himself for sacrifice. This is Xia Zheng's style, and he doesn't even care about it. What else would people care about?

Of course he only cares about his only purpose, for this purpose he can do whatever it takes.

"Did you think about today a long time ago?"

If so, then Xia Zheng really deserves Xia Yi's admiration, but Xia Zheng shook his head.

"No, I just wanted to revive the emperor's blood at first, and even wanted to train you."

"Heh, can't you tell a white lie at this moment to move me?"

Xia Zheng actually told the truth at this time, he was really a demon through and through.

"My sin, my ultimate destination is death, tragic death and even the end of my life, I have long realized! To be able to sacrifice for Xuanhuang like this is already a very proud way to die for me, even if I can't wash away half of my sin, But at least I died well."

Xia Zheng was already heartbroken. The purpose of his life was to make his death more valuable, or to support someone, or to save something. He was so tired that even the death of Xia Zheng was too tired. It's a relief.

Killing benefactors, slashing compatriots, indiscriminately killing innocents, cultivating the way of demons, and committing things that are infuriating between heaven and man.

For Xia Zheng like this, a good death is better than living for thousands of years. He doesn't want to live in sin, he hopes to use death to sublimate himself.

"Xia Yi, I kept this last breath, but you kid came and sent me on the road personally. I don't want to reminisce with you. The next choice is left to you. I have tried my best."

Xia Zheng has successfully fulfilled his goal, even counting such a powerful immortal clan, the power remaining in Great Yantian is not as strong as Xia Zheng imagined, but at least he can retain a bit of hope.

One point... Same as last time, hope of escape.

Or maybe it's the next falsehood.

"I just want to ask you one thing, are you like me, knowing that Xuanhuang is invincible."

Xia Yi is very clear about this, and Xia Zheng is absolutely clear. Xia Yi seems to know what Xia Zheng's answer is.

"Of course I know, but if I don’t do anything, Xuanhuang will perish, and I will do everything, even if Xuanhuang will still perish, but I will die without regrets. I just want to try my best to comfort myself before I die. In my hometown, I wanted to commit suicide several times when I was young. I was fed up with this life. It was all the records left by my hometown that allowed me to spend my gloomy childhood."

"I have lost my parents, my humanity, and everything. I just want to find my roots, and in the process unknowingly dreaming of the distant roots, you were born in my hometown anyway, and I left my hometown."

"I have no self in my heart, and I am naturally righteous."

Xia Zheng told him the reason for doing this. He just wanted to prove himself. He was also driven by the root system. He could not find the purpose of living. The longing for his hometown and the sense of glory and responsibility made him come to the present. .

I have to say, I'm afraid that there is no more pure Xuanhuang person than Xia Zheng. Xia Yi is not as good as Xia Zheng. He lives as Xuanhuang without any second purpose.

So now, Xia Yi has no reason to stop Xia Zheng from redeeming himself. In the end, this is the regret and redemption he has done for everything he has done, and it is a kind of sublimation.

"Although I don't see the prosperity, I just want to be with me at dusk, to accompany it to the end, no matter whether it is born or passed, I will spend a period of history intact. Nothing is eternal, but I will not be able to continue the eternal thing as much as I can. At least at this moment Xuanhuang is eternal in our hearts."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, he came to Xia Zheng and used aura to pull out all the weapons that pierced him, and then gave Xia Zheng a hug.

"Xuanhuang has been in your heart forever, it's mine next."

"Walk all the way, Brother Emperor."


Xia Yi didn’t try to persuade anything. What Xia Zheng did in Beihai. Although Xia Yi didn’t know much, he still heard a little. The title of Daxia Tyrant was not casually said. Since Xia Zheng has become After the Prince Daxia, he launched endless conquests, wishing everyone would hate him.

Even if he can be cruel to the same family and blood, Xia Yi sometimes puts himself in the perspective of other people and thinks about it, and he has also thought about why the Haotian Pagoda forces him to be responsible to Xuanhuang.

Yeah, why is it him?

In fact, this kind of thinking is not surprising. There are people who care about the same things, and others who don’t. If there are more people who don’t care, then this thing is just dead. This is the way of heaven and the great road.

And Xia Zheng is forcing those people to care. If you don’t care, you will become a part of me. I will take your responsibility for you. By doing so, you can continue the things that are about to disappear. This is humanity, and the avenue doesn’t care about the disappearance of anything. Humanity cares too much.

Privately with relatives and friends, public with family and the world, for this, I am willing to fight with the sky. Although there is no human relationship, but it is a real humanity.

"Emperor brother, have we really come to an end?"

Xia Zheng was still thinking about this issue before he died. The rewards for his efforts and sacrifices were not great. Although he did his best, he was still unwilling. How many clans and clans are there every day in these heavens and worlds. The door, how much inheritance has died, standing from the perspective of the entire starry sky, there is not much more Xuan Huang, and a lot less Xuan Huang.

That is, it doesn't matter at all, only those who care about Xuanhuang will care and think.


Xia Yi didn’t say anything optimistic. Because of the fact, Xia Zheng was as clear as he was. He was just unwilling to do nothing and watched Xuanhuang perish, but after doing his best, although he was relieved, he was very happy for the future that he wanted to continue. Yan is still desperate.

"I... so unwilling..."

Xia Zheng grabbed Xia Yi's shoulders all of a sudden, hands very hard, even as if pinching, with a little bit of crying, Xia Yi didn't expect that people like Xia Zheng would even cry one day.

At the last moment when the candlelight of life was about to disappear, Xia Zheng couldn't say anything that would stir people's hearts. The sadness and unwillingness in his heart broke out completely. His body trembled under Xia Yi's embrace, and he did so many cruel and inhuman things. He has done so many things that he feels unforgivable, but in the end he can only reach this end. What could be more unwilling than this!

Xiao Mo disappeared like a breeze in the end, like his life like a breeze, unruly and free and easy.

Xia Zheng finally cried bitterly in the fire, just like his life struggling in hell, helpless and unwilling.

"I...I'm not willing to be so..."

"My sacrifice in my life can only be exchanged for such an ending..."

"Those who were killed by me are not at peace under Jiuquan..."

"I'm sorry to the world, I'm sorry to everyone who has loved me, I'm sorry Xuan Huang."


The weakness that Xia Zheng had hidden in his heart for countless years could no longer be hidden before he died. Xia Yi just hugged him and gently patted his back. Xia Yi remembered that Xiao Mo once said to him at this time. If so, let him not regret it.

"Brother emperor, have you ever regretted it a little bit until now?"

Xia Zheng himself definitely understood that he was abandoning countless things that were clearly available in exchange for the illusory possibility.

"And... never!"

But Xia Zheng's voice was still sonorous when he said this sentence, which was unswerving until death.

"I do not have either!"

It is very rare to have no regrets in a lifetime. Xia Zheng suddenly laughed a few times when he heard it, and then there was no sound at all. Xia Yi felt that the thing he was holding was getting lighter and becoming hot, so he turned his head and took a look. Xia Zheng has turned into a group of humanoid flames flying.

Xia Yi stretched out his hand to catch, but how could the flame be held? At this moment, outside the huge pillar of fire, the bodies of the dead Xuanhuang people turned into flames and rose, and then flew towards the center.

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