"How to choose?"

"Didn't I have the answer long ago..."

If the end of the prosperous scene is a foregone conclusion, let it bloom with the last flourishing fireworks. When the fireworks are most beautiful, they disappear into sparks.

Standing in the center of the pillar of fire, Xia Yi stretched out his hand to look at his skin that was still peeling off and the flesh and blood still dissipating. He clenched his fists, and then opened his hands. The pillar of fire, the flames that envelop the sparks, all rolled backwards. Surge towards Xia Yi's body.

There are many memories in these flames. They are the memories of the Xuanhuang people who melt into the fire. Xia Yi has even seen how Xia Zheng lived in his childhood.

In the depths of the palace, the parents were murdered tragically, the brothers were fratricidal, under the illusion of Guotai Minan, the Daxia high-level faint and incompetent. The competition for petty profits in China is even unprofitable. Just for the sake of a face, the competition becomes red-faced, or even a big fight.

This shot was the tragic death of many innocent people.

Xia Zheng was tired of all this and hardly had any desire to live. The whole person was like a walking dead, until one day he accidentally came into contact with the real history of Daxia, and after seeing the mountain and sea Kunlun recorded in the ancient books of Xuanhuang, after recording the prosperous years, His young heart found himself a living goal.

To be a person who pays wholeheartedly for what, not for the person he plundered. He wants to be the person who is completely opposite to what he hates, but for this, he has been the kind of person he hates the most for a long time. .

Fortunately, he succeeded in being himself in the end, even if only Xia Yi witnessed it.

The heart of the tyrant of Daxia is supremely benevolent.

Endless flames burned Xia Yi. Xia Yi raised his head and looked at Xuan Huang at the other end of the starry sky through the flames. This may be his last battle. In any case, at least he played Xuan Huang's style.

In the fire, Xia Yi's vitality rekindled. He gripped the only weapon in his hand, a black iron spear. The enemy had hundreds of millions, and he was only one person. This was a battle that was impossible to win.

But... so what?

He will be unyielding until death, until Shura disintegrates, even if his soul is dissipated, he will be invincible as long as the will remains, he will break through the Yellow Spring and the Nine Nether, and start again!

"Da Yan...The Emperor of Heaven has changed!"

With a whisper, the flames burning the entire star gradually dissipated, and the pillar of fire emitted a fierce light, like a new-born sun. The flame is the only one that can be seen at this moment. All the venerables of the fairy clan zou eyebrows, feeling a little bit of difficulty. The threat of words.


Xia Yi felt a kind of will add to his body at this moment. He watched all his flesh and blood turn into the fire element that constitutes a blazing flame. The color of the flame began to change, and all the surroundings were covered by Jinhui, but this was not the kind of emptiness of the fairy clan. Bright gold, but a kind of introverted, simple golden light.

A kind of dark golden fire, the flame of blood, Haotian Pagoda calls it Xihuo. This long inheritance is still before Yanhuang. Xia Yi awakened a long time ago, but it was useless at the time, and he would get sunfire in the future. It hadn't been urged, but at this moment Xia Yi felt the horror of the fire of blood inheritance.

This is a kind of unquenchable fire that can be self-sufficient in burning, draw on the power of the great road and then continue to burn. If it is not extinguished, the fire will burn forever, and the unquenchable fire will naturally be given to Xia Yi. The unending strength brought Xia Yi back to the peak for a short time.

However, it is also the last back light.

In the end, the flames dissipated, and only Xia Yi's whole body was not extinguished. Hundreds of millions of enemies of the immortal clan looked at Xia Yi, and in front of him there were as many as thirty venerables staring at him, including several demigods.

And the strongest person, his aura is stronger than Xia Yi at the moment, after all, Xia Yi is just a temporary false god, how can it be compared with the real sub-god.

The so-called sub-shen is the last realm under the gods, the meaning of sub-shenzhen is second only to, and sub-shenzhen is the existence of subordinate to gods.

The two looked at each other, there was no language, no communication, only the endless killing intent in the eyes of both parties.

For the immortal clan, the fire on Xia Yi’s body was an enemy fire that had burned the Central Heavenly Palace for 100,000 years, while for Xia Yi, the immortal clan was a great enemy who had wiped out Xuanhuang a hundred times. The hatred of the two was irreconcilable. Wear the sky together.

"Feathering soaring!"

Without a word of nonsense, Xia Yi directly turned into a giant made of flames to block the sky, and slapped it against the dense army of immortals. Xia Yi wanted to reduce the combat power of the immortals as much as possible, but The strongest saint of the immortal clan did not give any chance. He directly pointed a finger at the giant palm photographed by Xia Yi. This finger actually broke Xia Yi's palm forcibly. .

After a while, Xia Yi changed back to his original size. The strongest sage of the immortal clan stepped forward with the intention of continuing to fight against Xia Yi. He didn't even have the idea of ​​letting the soldiers behind him attack Xia Yi. Xia Yi is very strong now, he knows. , So it deserves them to take seriously.

However, Xia Yi knew that he didn't have much time, how could he fight alone with the strongest saint of the immortal clan, he wanted to kill the enemy, not to compete!

"Take the heavens!"

The tenth decision of Qingyun Nine Jue was urged with all his strength. Xia Yi came to the soldiers of the immortal clan at the speed of cutting through the void. Even the strongest saint of the immortal clan had time to stop him. He was very strong, but his speed It was indeed inferior to Xia Yi, even if Divine Mind could keep up with Xia Yi, but the reaction was still a step late.

"Human martial arts return to one, Shen Lin, Kai Tian Jin!"

Arriving among the soldiers of the fairy clan, Xia Yi swept with all his strength. All the soldiers of the fairy clan within the range of Xia Yi’s attack immediately went to different places. Those flames burned in the fairy clan soldiers as if they were contagious. Going to give orders, the rest immediately dispersed, and did not rescue those around them at all, preventing themselves from being infected by the dark gold fire. This indifference and decisiveness made Xia Yi's move not kill too many people.

However, the ruthless move was still behind, Xia Yi directly projected a long spear, which broke through the crowd, but was severely injured by the wind of the gun, and this gun was extremely fast, and there was no one under the Lord. Blockable.

A certain venerable immediately acted to stop the spear, so he moved to the front of the spear, and the other venerables also rushed to besiege Xia Yi, and the strongest venerable of the immortal clan did not sit idle and rushed to the forefront.

However, Xia Yi just turned around. After using the chaotic air change technique to suddenly reach the projected spear, in front of the spear was a **** of the fairy clan who had grabbed the tip of the spear with both hands. Xia Yi's sudden appearance made him very An accident, but what he didn't expect was yet to come.

Xia Yi seemed to have premeditated. After re-grabbing the spear, he used real strength. Xia Yi held the handle of the spear with one hand and moved forward. The spear pierced the lower abdomen of the fairy clan, and the dark golden flame was even more instantaneous. With the spear spread to the **** of the immortal clan.

Xia Yi immediately continued to increase his strength and wanted to completely kill the holy lord, but there were too many immortal clan members, and the remaining strong men immediately reacted and chanted the spell directly, which seemed to be some kind of restraint technique. Xia Yi immediately felt that his body was difficult to move, and the prince who had been pierced by his dantian still held the spear tightly.

Unless Xia Yi discards his weapon, it is impossible to escape.


Xia Yi grabbed both hands and suddenly drew back. He forcibly took the spear back and immediately moved away, but his back was still injured by a dazzling sword light. He was the strongest sage of the immortal clan, and he was looking for a chance to kill directly. Xia Yi died.

And none of the other holy ones moved, all continuing to chant the curse did not give Xia Yi a chance to turn over, even the holy one who was injured by Xia Yi also stayed away from the crowd and healed his injuries.

More than 30 nobles, without the dignity of the strong, used the most secure plan to deal with Xia Yi, and the soldiers of the fairy clan fled away. Even if Xia Yi wanted to hunt down, he would definitely expose the flaws. The strongest one of the immortal clan.

The disparity in combat power was too great, and Xia Yi was completely targeted. Even if he had the power of a false god, even with the help of the Great Yantian Emperor, it was just to prevent himself from being killed by a spike.

Putting Tianling into the sky, Xia Yi's strength is almost hegemonic, but he can only protect himself in front of the fairy clan.

"The power of Xuanhuang, the spells of Qingyun and Luankong, no matter which one you deserve, your power comes from the octopole furnace of Daofa the Great? We immortal clan also collected a few, but The experimenter only got the power of a stick of incense for a time and died under the tribulation."

"And you, even if you can grow a stick of incense, where can it grow?"

The strongest sage of the immortal clan was very knowledgeable, and at a glance he recognized where Xia Yi's power came from. He raised his head and glanced at the red cloud and red thunder in the sky, even with a mocking smile on his face.

"This kind of power delusion to deal with our fairy clan is really idiotic."

Xia Yi's life has entered the countdown, and they don't need to pay any attention to it. It's good for this dying beast to counterattack, don't force him, otherwise the injury will be a loss.

Xia Yi didn't answer. The immortal clan's style is like this. He would only choose the most reasonable plan, and would not take risks at all. Instead of attacking him, he wanted to drag him to death.

In a sense, this is even more difficult for Xia Yi to accept than death in battle. Death in battle can at least replace countless immortal people, and even a lot of immortal sages with good luck.


Xia Yi stood in the crowd. Hundreds of millions of soldiers were not so easy to evacuate. No matter how uniform the movements of the soldiers of the fairy clan were, they were still a large army and the evacuation speed was limited.

At the moment, I don’t even think about dealing with the holy emperor. The immortal clan guards against this. Xia Yi can only find ways to attack the ordinary soldiers of the immortal clan. Once he is attacked, the holy emperor will almost die. live!

"Tread the heavens."

"Chaos change boundaries."

Using the power of the chains of the avenue, Xia Yi further violated the taboo, ignoring the curse and binding techniques that the sages cast on him, and continued to jump into the fairy clan soldiers to kill.

Xia Yi would not give priority to anyone who seemed to have a little resistance.

Xia Yi was very clear about his purpose, and he had to kill as many immortal people as possible at the moment!

Those sages of the immortal clan, including the strongest sage of the immortal clan, couldn't stop Xia Yi's footsteps, so they simply ordered the division, and thirty sages rushed to different places to guard their clan members.

Xia Yi relied on extreme speed and didn’t say a word with the Lord at all. It was to pick the weak to kill. The number of the immortal army was not small. How could the 30 Lords protect them? Xia Yi had already won by this shameless tactic. The lives of tens of thousands of immortal soldiers have gone.

However, there are not many tens of thousands. Compared to the total number of hundreds of millions, Xia Yi is doing his best to perform Qingyun's tenth final and chaos to change boundaries. The sages of the fairy clan really can't catch it, but Xia Yi can't keep it. At this speed, he will get tired sooner or later.

Therefore, the sages of the fairy clan figured out this problem, and simply accepted this fact, no longer bothering about it, and even started practicing on the spot, let Xia Yi kill, see how much he can kill, when Xia Yi gets tired of killing it is his. Dead time.

And Xia Yi knew this directly. Of course, he was not simply venting his anger. Xia Zheng was right. Even if he could use the power of Great Yantian, he would never want to get the slightest benefit against the immortal clan with such a huge difference in combat power. , Without Great Yantian, he might even be as difficult as killing a person from the fairy clan.

And now the sages seem to give up, but in fact they are preparing to set up an array, and it is still a big array of heaven and earth, to directly ban Xia Yi to death, 30 powerful sages set up together, how fast is it, not to mention it. Distressed for the resources in his hand, in order to prevent Xia Yi from escaping, his shot was a great battle between heaven and earth.

Soon, Xia Yi ran into a wall, blocked by a translucent barrier, unable to take a step forward, and the large array was still shrinking, reducing the space Xia Yi could move around. The eyes of the sages of the fairy clan were full of mockery, and they were full of mockery. In short, Xia Yi is just an ant that jumps fast.

Once caught, Xia Yi had no resistance.

"Is there a great array of heaven and earth? You really can count on me."

These saints looked like they were about to give up before, but they suddenly changed their minds. Sure enough, any movement of the immortal clan was not worthy of trust. But at this time, the arrangement of the heaven and earth array was simply asking for trouble. This array was obviously temporary. Arrangement, even the identification of entry and exit has not been done, everything in the big formation has been isolated, including the fairy clan soldiers themselves.

Even if there are still thirty holy priests in this big formation, Xia Yi's next method is enough for the immortal clan to drink a pot.

Xia Yi waved his hand and shot a dark golden flame. The sages of the fairy clan moved quickly, ignoring the sacrifices of ordinary soldiers and surrounded Xia Yi. Those soldiers were even more tenacious. Once they were infected by the fire, they immediately stayed there. Stop waiting for death and never run around to infect others.

This made the spread of Xihuo extremely limited. It only infected less than a hundred people and was extinguished by a saint. The unity of the immortal clan is terrible. An ordinary soldier can wait to die without a word, an ordinary immortal clan. All possess the hard-won hero spirit.

How terrifying is this, how terrifying the immortal army is.

They are like they will never be defeated no matter what they encounter. This is an unrivaled army with no flaws or weaknesses.

Even if he entered the crowd and rushed to kill, the soldiers of the fairy clan did not confuse themselves, but retreated at the original speed, making it extremely difficult for Xia Yi to kill and wound a member of the fairy clan, but the more he was so Xia Yi felt proud.

The Xuanhuang who once surpassed the immortal clan, how brilliant was the Xuanhuang at that time! !

Xia Yi's side began to linger with white gray. I don't know how these weird white grays were produced. The sages of the immortal clan also changed their complexion greatly after feeling the breath of white gray, and they were no longer holding the winning ticket.

Xia Yi used Xihuo to give himself this hard-won life sacrifice, these life was transformed by Xuanhuang's unyielding blood, so that the dead ashes could be produced in an instant, and it was already spreading in a large array in just a few breaths.

The millions of soldiers of the fairy clan are unable to resist the erosion of dead ashes. Only the great sage can barely save his life. The pervasive dead ashes penetrate into the bodies of the immortal soldiers and cannibalize them into more dead ashes. This trend is completely impossible. spread.

The immortal race is still regarded as a human race fundamentally, and the evil god's methods are inherently terrifying to the human race.

Continue to dodge, continue to sneak attacks on those great sages and holy kings. This great array of heaven and earth is completely a closed tomb, and the sages of the immortal clan peek at each other. How to stop this, is it to open the great array?

"Unexpectedly, this kid still has the origin of the evil god. This is a negligence. Don't open the big battle to prevent these white ash from infecting other people. Although the battle damages one million, it makes me distressed, but I don't want to sacrifice to save half a million. More."

Although the ashes are powerful, it does not take time to take effect. First, the weakest soldiers die. If the large formation is opened, at least two-thirds of the life can be saved. However, in order to prevent the ashes from spreading, the immortals would rather sacrifice the large formation. Everyone inside.

Xia Yi saw that the big formation had been slow to open, but he was shocked that could not be explained. This was a million of compatriots, and the immortal clan who could obviously save was not saved!

What are their hearts made of! !


Xia Yi gritted his teeth. No matter if you want to send it away, how can I not accept it and slaughter you a million soldiers to pay off the debt. Xia Yi is under a lot of pressure now. He thought that the immortal clan would open up a big battle to save people, but In order to trap him and prevent the ashes from spreading, the fairy clan easily accepted the sacrifices of millions of people without blinking.

Xia Yi looked at those immortal people who were about to die. There was no fear in their eyes, just plain, completely like a ruthless machine, but some people did show a touch of sadness before they died, and they obviously also had feelings. What is it that allows them to accept death so plainly?

"For the great glory of our clan, please take the first step. We will kill Xuanhuang until no one is left."

Standing on a high place, the strongest saint of the immortal clan declared that those soldiers became more calm, and even the fear of death was gone. The morale of the immortal clan continued to increase, and the morale of the immortal soldiers outside the formation was like a rainbow. I was already anxious to rush to the Xuanhuang Massacre Special Kill immediately.


Xia Yi was shocked by the fearlessness of the immortal army. This was not a general or a strong enemy with great will, but the spirit of every soldier and soldier. What kind of strong enemy Xuan Huang has been facing all the time. It is not unreasonable why Bai Shi all ended in failure.

Xia Yi understood what he was fighting against. Perhaps it was the era or the enemy of true justice. Immortals with this kind of spirit undoubtedly made real progress. Although they were cruel to foreign enemies, they were almost at home. Flawless, everyone can sacrifice the ego for the big goal.

The immortal race may not be a perfect race, but it is much better than the ordinary human race. If the immortal race is allowed to dominate the human race, even the innate evil will not be able to take advantage of it, but even so...

Even so...

Xia Yi will continue to kill the enemy. He does not recognize the fairy clan. If he was born as an immortal, he might be proud of the immortal clan and would like to fight for the immortal clan for a lifetime. enemy!

"The Great Wilderness-Burial Heaven!"

Xia Yi urged the power of the evil **** of the Great Desolation with all his strength, and endless ashes spread from Xia Yi's body. More than 30 sages of the immortal clan sneered. Xia Yi has been trapped in the great array of heaven and earth. No matter how hard he struggles, it is futile, at most. That is to slaughter these soldiers.

The immortal family can afford this loss.

"This person must be Xuanhuang's strongest person, and it seems that he is still the heavenly monarch of the heavenly spirit. If he destroys him, Xuanhuang will survive in name only."

The strongest saint of the immortal clan, that is, the lord of the southern heavenly palace, he knows a little bit about Xia Yi. After hearing Xia Yi’s name, he is the first person to fight against the immortal, and at the same time, he is Xuanhuang. The strongest, Xia Yi's burst of strength at the moment is still attractive to them, but it is only the last struggle before it disappears.

"Nan Tian Xianzun, I heard that this person is still an innate Taoist body, do you want to leave a life to capture my clan and use his blood?"

A saint of the immortal clan next to the Nantian Xianzun was moved to Xia Yi's physique. This is the sacrament of the human race. If it is used well, the blood of the immortal clan can be improved to a higher level.

"I know, it's a pity that this Dao body has been contaminated by the blood of the Xuanhuang Viscera. Although my fairy clan contains blood of all things, but the Xuanhuang blood can never flow. This is the hatred of the race, and the principle of the immortal people lies in me."

There is no doubt that the fairy clan had the ability to dominate the starry sky. If it weren't for Xuanhuang, the fairy clan would have been the master of this starry sky. Also taking into account the Dao Fa world, the five emperors of the immortal clan were in the same starry sky, and the name of the five emperors was like thunder in the starry sky.

"Yes, although it's a pity for the Eucharist, Xuanhuangxue really can't tolerate it."

The other venerable immortals also immediately agreed with the meaning of the Southern Heavenly Venerable. Their hatred for Xuanhuang has made them ignore the innate Taoist body, let alone a mortal Taoist body, and it is difficult for the fairy to save it.

The robbery couldn't stop even the great array of heaven and earth they arranged, cutting through the void and splitting on Xia Yi's body continuously.

When the concentration of dead ashes around fell, Nantian Xianzun took a step forward, and the rest of the Immortal Clan's holy ones immediately followed. This is a hands-on meaning. The stronger Xia Yi is now, the weaker he will be afterwards. Kill Xia Yi as soon as possible. After that, they will attack Xuan Huang.

Speaking of it, it happened to be able to hold Xia Yi's head in his hand and insult the Xuanhuang people.

At the center of the Ashen Storm, Xia Yi also felt that the thirty sages of the immortal clan had already acted at the same time. These sages did not even help their clan members to block them, for fear of consuming their own combat power, or even deliberately letting themselves kill their clan members. To consume yourself.

The immortal clan undoubtedly took out a twelve-point spirit to face him, did not give him, and did not give Xuan Huang any chance to turn over. It was so powerful that it was outrageous, cautious to flawless, ruthless to incomprehensible, and extremely tough.

With such a race as an enemy, Xuanhuang’s defeat is already doomed. It is a reality that is basically irreversible as common sense. Perhaps Xuanhuang’s seven billion people burned himself and Xia Yi could completely destroy the immortal army, but Xuanhuang absolutely did not have this awareness. Even if there is, Xuanhuang is almost ruined.


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