The fairy clan has this kind of consciousness.

Any person of the immortal clan is fully aware of sacrifice for the race at any time. If the immortal clan's righteousness is to dominate the starry sky, then they all have this righteousness in their hearts.

The vast majority of people pursue self-interest. Xuanhuang is the heavenly spirit and Taoism. It is different from every human race in the starry sky. The immortal race is a real whole, while the other realms are just one person forming a group of people. A group of people formed more people, and the scattered sand gathered in this way.

Xia Yi looked back at the Xuanhuang on the other side of the starry sky. Perhaps it was a matter of course for the immortal clan, but it was taken for granted for others, but there were also decisive differences between the two.

One is born with it, the other is enlightened by overcoming his own roots, and the latter has a resolution that the former can't match!

No matter how dirty, no matter how unbearable, it is also one's own root.

Xia Yi clenched the spear tightly and did everything he could. He had no chance of winning, but even so, he could only fight, and he couldn't afford to think about anything anymore. Fighting and fighting, can hurt one person is one person, can kill One person is one person!

next moment……

Xia Yi took the initiative to rush out from the ashes of death. Xia Yi roared and pointed the spear directly at the immortal saint who had been injured before. He wanted to kill as many people as possible. This was the only thing he could do at the moment. .

The other sages of the immortal clan had already expected it, and the Nantian sage was even more prepared in advance. He knew that Xia Yi would definitely attack the injured venerable before, which is why they let a wounded follow him.

"Secret formation, Heavenly Light Sword Formation!"

Under the leadership of the Southern Immortal Venerable, the ten Immortal Venerables used the spell-binding technique, and the others all took out the swords in their hands to cooperate with each other, allowing the sword intent to flow endlessly, and all merged into the Southern Heavenly Immortal Venerable's sword.

This sword already possesses real power, and it is almost the same as the sword that opened Heaven-breaking Abyss in Tianling. The ten sages of the immortal clan who were responsible for cursing Xia Yi once chanted the curse and surrounded Xia Yi, not allowing it. Xia Yi can escape.

It's just this situation, how can Xia Yi not imagine it? Before, it was very difficult to kill one more fairy clan soldier, not to mention wanting to kill a fairy clan venerable.

The sword light was swung down, and Xia Yi was decomposed to scum in a burst of light that extinguished everything. The thirty saints of the fairy clan laughed twice. There was really no pressure, a pseudo-god who used the octopole furnace to anger the avenue. Want to be fierce too?


But soon, the sudden change occurred, and the injured saint snorted, and a spear pierced his dantian again.




"Go and cover!!"

"Damn it!"

The other sages of the immortal clan were completely shocked at this moment. They didn't know what had happened before, but when they saw Xia Yi's right eye, almost all of them were shocked. They recognized what it was!

"The seal was sealed in the right eye of Xuanhuang's ancestor of trouble. I didn't expect you to be able to use this thing. I didn't expect that even I would be fooled by you."

Nantian Xianzun’s expression was icy cold, Xia Yi once again exceeded his expectations and showed another evil power. What they saw before was only an illusion. Xia Yi didn’t make a sound, but he was successfully attacked by himself. A huge amount of fire and dead ashes were blown into the body of the **** of the immortal clan. The holy person tried hard to hold back without wailing, even if the ashes were gushing out of the seven orifices, Xia Yi knew that he must be very painful.


But just when the other sages of the immortal race were approaching Xia Yi, the Nantian sages suddenly roared, and the sages of the immortal race who heard this roar could not allow him. .

next moment.

The **** of the immortal clan exploded in place, and countless white ash was scattered. Only one piece of clothing was left on Xia Yi’s spear, which was eroded by dead ashes. God.

Regardless of the false gods, they sounded inferior, they were shoddy gods, but they were at least half a god. It was not too difficult to seize the opportunity to kill a saint with all his strength, and the saint was only a third-tier god.


It’s not easy to solve a saint, and the other saints suddenly became more vigilant. The Southern Heavenly Immortal even found a dragon ball from the storage ring and hung it in the sky. This is a blue dragon ball. After being blown by the light from the dragon ball, the lord was relieved a lot.

But at this time, there was a sad voice in Xia Yi's mind.

"Brother Xia...that's my father's Dragon Ball!"

Hearing this voice, Xia Yi also realized that he had forgotten to leave the mirage dragon in the sky spirit. The dragon ball is actually the inner pill of the dragon clan. The demon has an inner pill, and the dragon ball of the mirage dragon can naturally block all illusions!


The power of the evil eye was only used once and it was ineffective, and the dragon ball of the mirage made Xia Yi feel dizzy, but Xia Yi was also decisive. In this situation, as long as he can come up with a decision one second longer than the enemy, It may hurt one more person.

"The extreme of time, a moment of eternity!"

Xia Yi stepped into the gap between the world and the netherworld, forcibly rushed to the dragon ball of the mirage dragon, and then forcibly grabbed the mirage dragon from the internal world with his divine mind and threw it to the dragon ball. Follow the Dragon Ball plan.

But soon, the effect of eternity was lost in an instant. Nantian Immortal Venerable realized that Xia Yi suddenly disappeared, and he appeared on top of him again after reappearing. What's more amazing is that Dragon Ball turned out to be like the birth of self-consciousness. Flee to the stars quickly.

After that, Nantian Xianzun and Xia Yi looked at each other. Nantian Xianzun was immediately alert and swung his sword directly around him. His decision was very correct, because Xia Yi did use the evil eye to sneak attack, but Nantian Xianzun's reaction was helpless. Too fast.

It would be an advantage for Xia Yi if he could damage the strongest member of the immortal clan, but the opponent was too careful.

Xia Yi was a little far away, raised her head and looked at the starry sky. A small blue light had already flown away. Xia Yi didn't know where the mirage would go afterwards, but Xia Yi hoped that she could take care of herself, because the mirage was almost always there. , Xia Yi habitually forgot that the mirage dragon was still in his body.

But this time is different. Once he dies, it is absolutely impossible for the mirage dragon to escape in the hands of the fairy clan.

"What method did you use?"

Nantian Immortal Venerable was puzzled at this moment. The mirage dragon's dragon ball actually disconnected from him on its own, and he had already been sacrificed and refined into his own treasure. Xia Yi's methods were really endless.

However, Xia Yi did not answer, just looking for the next target, still looking for the third-order gods, but it is not easy to succeed once, and it is almost impossible to succeed again, because the sage of the immortal clan The venerables became more vigilant at this moment, and directly stood together as a group of two.

This almost made it hard for Xia Yi to think of any way to sneak attack and take the life of any venerable immortal clan.

What makes Xia Yi feel even more difficult is that the continual power brought about by the Great Yantian Emperor Transformation is weakening, which is significantly weaker than before, and his pseudo-god power will soon cease to exist. Dealing with the **** of the immortal clan, even Dao Jie will kill him.

Despair, helplessness, like a trapped beast in a death fight.

"Kaitian... Jin!"

But even in such a desperate situation, Xia Yi still can only continue to make shots. If he doesn’t do so, he will get nothing. It can make him feel excited for his paralyzed soul, which has been split by the Dao Tribulation, even groggy. It is the blood of the fairy clan.

Holding the spear tightly and putting life and death aside, Xia Yi rushed towards a team of the sages of the immortal clan. The other sages of the immortal clan must have been defensive. Not only did Xia Yi's attack end in failure, he also suffered another injury to his body. Not fearing death, changing wounds for wounds is a daydream. Before he wounds any of the holy ones, the other holy ones of the immortal clan will attack and kill him.

And among this, there was Nantian Immortal Venerable who shot from time to time, looking for the opportunity to instantly kill Xia Yi.


Xia Yi couldn't stop, he could only keep attacking, no matter how desperate the current situation was, and fighting madly, Xia Yi roared and attacked. He learned all his life, and finally wounded several holy ones, but the world is great. The array continues to shrink.

Until Xia Yi could only face face-to-face with the remaining twenty-nine saints of the immortal clan, and lost the space to escape, no matter how fast the Qingyun Nine Jue was, no matter how weird the chaotic air exchange technique, the unused space was futile.

There is no way to go to heaven, no way to go down to earth, no way to retreat, and going forward is death.

Xia Yi dragged his exhausted body, and forcibly wounded several under the attack of the twenty-nine nobles. This record can be said to be extremely brilliant, but it does not have any value.

"Human Wuguiyi... God's Prosperity!"

However, Xia Yi hadn't burnt out yet, he could move, and could continue to attack. Xia Yi gathered all the remaining forces together, because there was no way to retreat, this time the attack would be dead if he stopped.

Under this final attack, the Xihuo that was about to be extinguished became even more dazzling, but unfortunately there was a kind of tragic and vigor that was about to end. Xia Yi strengthened all the spirits and spirits to the peak, and even entered the realm of soul and sky. Unleash the most pinnacle blow, but the eyes of the twenty-nine sages of the immortal clan still only ridicule.

They didn't look down upon Xia Yi's final blow, how could a dying pseudo-god compare to the concerted efforts of so many of them.


Xia Yi gritted his teeth, with countless resentments in his eyes, as if he wanted to remember the face of each of these sages. He didn’t know that his last blow was just a drop in the bucket, and any resistance to all attacks would be futile. .

Even if he could slaughter Tianling ten times before, but in the face of the immortal clan, he could only kill one of the other venerables to the best of his ability.

Xia Yi had tried his best to think about the situation as difficult, but in fact it was much more difficult than he thought.

The power of Great Yantian, who sacrificed so many Xuanhuangxue Great Yantian, just made him temporarily undefeated. Xia Zheng's last reluctance, even the helpless words with a little bit of crying, weren’t he really Mood.

Knowing that it is useless, but still giving up everything, wanting to see miracles happen, but the only thing that comes to the end is the cold reality. Even if it is not completely useless, it is not very helpful to the battle situation. Killing the fairy clan million low What about the end-competitiveness?

Can you help Xuanhuang's status quo?


Xia Yi gritted his teeth and tried his best to stab one of his favorite moves. The pinnacle shot at this moment. This shot has the power to penetrate the void. Wherever the tip of the gun passes, the space is cut to form a strip. The black traces, I am afraid that even if the opponent is a true god, he will be injured by Xia Yi's shot. The dazzling fire hovered Xia Yi's body, and Xia Yi was shining now.

Perhaps it was the most shining time in his life, carrying the fire of race, facing powerful enemies for generations, and hitting his own peak.

"Be careful, everyone, this trick is very dangerous, I don't dare to take it hard, don't think about hiding, just do my best to prevent it, this should be the last of this kid."

Although the twenty-nine immortal clan was laughing before, they were very serious when facing them. Not to mention the third-level ascendant, even the fourth-level ascendant would be instantly killed when facing Xia Yi's move. Xia Yi's peak blow was the real peak, but unfortunately Xia Yi's peak was only a hill for the twenty-nine immortal clan.

Without hope, full of desperate peak blows.

Nantian Xianzun took out a flag, the **** of this flag was filled with thoughts, it was actually an emperor soldier, this is the Nantian flag, the thing of the southern immortal emperor, can order the emperor soldier of heaven, and the 28 immortal clan immediately give it to the emperor. The soldiers convey spiritual power and sacred power, and the Nantian Xianzun, who is a sub-shen, directly penetrates into the divine power.

The Nantian Banner was activated, and a transparent fog barrier was constructed in front of them, which seemed to be nothing but a mist that could not stop anything, but until Xia Yi’s spear penetrated, it enveloped Xia Yi’s whole body and pulled Xia Yi into a trap. In the fog, the strength of Xia Yi's advance was infinitely weakened.

Nantian Xianzun chose the most suitable and labor-saving way to solve Xia Yi's peak blow. The shrinking of the heaven and earth array would also lose their dodge space for them.

But it doesn't matter. The two face each other. What kind of waves can a dying false **** make?

With determination, Xia Yi's peak blow in despair was resolved in this way, and finally stopped at the center of Nantian Xianzun's eyebrows.

"Your will, your perseverance, and the strong like you, we immortals will basically respect you. According to the previous rules, I will personally take this trick of you, so that you will be honored when you die. It's a pity that you are a Xuanhuang person, and Xuanhuang doesn't deserve any respect from the fairy clan."

"Only get endless mockery and humiliation!"

Xia Yi's most pinnacle move was unable to do anything, and even a bruise could not be caused to any of the immortal sages. The endless fire on Xia Yi's body gradually extinguished, his breath quickly wilted, and the robbery exuded. The unknown red light immediately became frequent, and there was no need for the immortal clan to do it. At this moment, Xia Yi would not survive for a few minutes.

He... burned out.

Burning out is only the ending, just like Xia Zheng, Xuan Huang is destined to perish at this time, the impassioned burning of Xuan Huang's blood just remains undefeated, and the final peak blow can't bruise the opponent.

Praying man arm as a car is pitiful and ridiculous.

"Xuan Huang, I'm exhausted."

Nantian Xianzun did not let Dao Jie kill Xia Yi, but used a sword with divine power to pierce and cut off Xia Yi's body with a golden light. Xia Yi was severed twice, and a blood stain appeared between the center of his eyebrows and his dantian, Xia Yi At this moment, many things flashed in the soul, either beautiful or unbearable, but they all dissipated with the power of Dao Tribulation and the sword of Nantian Xianzun.

Xia Yi's body shook a few times, his knees softened, and after kneeling down, Xia Yi's body was shaken, but Nantian Immortal Venerable suddenly pressed his sword against Xia Yi's head, letting Xia Yi keep it down. The kneeling posture did not fall.

"Is there no leaking golden body? The bones are hard, and they haven't split in half yet, but that's fine."

"The first person of this generation of Xuanhuang, kneeling to our immortal clan, is really beautiful, but it's a pity that this guy is too weak."

With the sword against his head, he just knelt to the immortal clan, the spirit that had not yet completely dispersed heard the people of the immortal clan ridiculed wanton, after that, Nan Tian Xianzun was too lazy to play with Xia Yi's body and kicked it away. The people after that stepped forward on Xia Yi's body.

After Xia Yi burned out, his soul was almost wiped out by the Dao Tribulation, so he could not take the initiative to transform the Ming, so Xia Yi would carefully look at the face of every celestial sage at the end.

After losing the will of the soul, he is no longer the underworld, but the underworld itself.

This is Xia Yi's last resort.

The sages of the immortal race hadn't gone far, and suddenly heard something abnormal behind them, and saw that Xia Yi didn't know when to stand up again, holding a spear in his hand, his breath was very strange.

"Not dead yet?"

"Life is hard!"

"Who is going to give him the last touch."

", definitely dead, but is this guy..."

The sages of the immortal clan quickly realized that this strange death aura was very wrong, and the falling ashes did not know when they stopped in the sky, as if time had stopped.

"What...what's wrong?"

"Be careful, each, something is coming..."

The Nantian immortal tribe was the first to perceive the abnormality of the space. They seem to be still in place, but in fact, in the gap between a certain different space and the present world, Xia Yi slowly turned his head at this moment. Eyes stared at them tightly.

Behind Xia Yi, the scenery changed slowly, and finally reflected a strange blood-colored world, which was countless times deeper than the original color of the star. The blood-colored world was temporarily connected to here, and the blood-colored world was even more white. The huge waves are surging.

After the huge white waves got closer, all the twenty-nine immortal clan drew a breath of cold air. Where is the wave, it is simply a sea of ​​bones, and these bones are preparing to rush in from different time and space. This world!

"The whole army is ready to fight, line up in a large square formation!"

Nantian Xianzun immediately ordered. With the knowledge of the immortal clan, they of course knew what was happening at this moment. This is a ghostly eruption. For any realm, it is an event that may lead to destruction. At this moment, it is too late to evacuate, and they can only line up first. Prevent being washed away by the Nether.


The tide of white bones gushing from that different time and space is absolutely terrifying, covering the sky like a giant wave that swallows the world, and the dead bones of Bai Sensen rub and collide with each other, and the strange sound is just like the magic sound of the earth, Xia Yi The transformed Asura was quickly overwhelmed by the tide of bones, and the tide of bones quickly came to the front of the immortal army.

"Pay attention to each other, don't act in a panic, once you know that you are defeated, you rush into the bones and explode!"

Nantian Xianzun immediately continued to give orders, so as to prevent others from being assimilated by the Nether. After that, the twenty-eight immortal clan once again entered the Nantian Banner into the sacred power, and the Nantian Xianzun held the Nantian Banner and faced the billion behind him. With a direct wave of Wan Soldier, those soldiers screamed at the same time, and Nan Tian Xianzun had wiped out their pain.

From the battle to death, they will not feel half-fear of death.

But is Netherworld like something to wait for? Headed by Wan Xieming, Nether is the most troublesome evil in the starry sky, because Nether swallows almost everything except his body, and will not let go of the same evil.

The twenty-nine immortal clan's twenty-nine statues are able to destroy tens of thousands of dry bones in one move, but it does not help the situation. Most dry bones will regroup and stand up soon after being broken up, even if they are completely destroyed. There are still dry bones pouring out from that different time and space.

Nether is inexhaustible, inexhaustible to kill.

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