Even though the twenty-nine statues have tried their best, they still can’t stop Nether from approaching other soldiers. Although the soldiers of the fairy clan have a strong fighting ability, they can face the endless and endless flow of Nether, and they only lasted for half an hour. Soon there was the first victim who chose to blew up.

"Nan Tian Xianzun, this is not the way to go, we don't care about these things at all!"

Standing next to the Nantian Immortal Venerable, the Immortal Clan Holy Venerable thought that there was no need to deal with the Netherworld, and the Netherworld eruption did not occur in the Immortal Realm. They could completely ignore it.

"Do you think I don't know this? The problem is that we can't get out. We are now in the gap between the world and the underworld. Xuanhuang, this **** guy, previously madly killed our low-end combat power for this time, the cultivation base is in the holy Of course the king above can use space magic to escape, but what about the others?"

"What about these billions of compatriots!"

Nan Tian Xianzun was thinking about this, so he let other soldiers line up immediately, and during this half an hour, he had already thought of many plans. It is impossible to abandon hundreds of millions of soldiers, right? Even if the high-end combat power has not been damaged at all, but Nantian Xianzun can't swallow this bad breath.

"They are just inferior immortals. Can the pure-blood members leave all the way? First destroy Xuanhuang!"

The other saint does not care about the lives of ordinary soldiers. After all, the fairy clan is also hierarchical, and the level is strict. After the immortal clan integrates into the blood superiority of other races, it will also lose or reduce the previous advantages and be inferior to the immortals. That is, there is almost no congenital bloodline, and the person of the immortal clan who is completely acquired bloodline.

Even if the talent is still better than the vast majority of the human races in the starry sky, it is not as good as the bloodline of the immortal clan at its peak 100,000 years ago. Under the control of the five emperors of the immortal clan, the bloodline of the immortal clan belongs to the innate and acquired part. Completely balanced, with a certain talent, it is not too difficult to multiply.

Just because of the battle one hundred thousand years ago, both the Xian Clan and Xuan Huang had red eyes, and Yang Yang Xuan Huang turned into the mortal world. How could the Xian Clan feel better? Before the Emperor Yan and Huang and the Ling Emperor went to the immortal realm for the final battle, the battle between the two realms had caused the immortal clan to lose almost two-thirds of the entire population. Superiority in the reproduction of creatures.

After a full 100,000 years, the fairy clan finally prospered again, and a new pattern has been formed. Those who inherit the ancient bloodline are the upper-class immortals, and the inferior ones who reproduce in number are basically more than 90% of this army. They are all inferior immortals.

I have to say that the cohesion of the fairy clan is incredible. Those inferior immortals don’t feel that their fate is miserable. After understanding the past of the race, they are willing to sacrifice their lives in order to revitalize the immortal clan, because this is the reason for their birth, the immortal clan From childhood to adulthood, the rise and fall of the race is above everything else.

Under this kind of education, people naturally don't pay much attention to themselves. It is an honor for them to die for the race. If you die, your family will only be proud of it.

"Ceying, do you know why the previous generation of Nantian Palace master passed the throne with me? It seems that you have not understood until now. The rise and fall of our clan is above everything else. My clan sings the necessary sacrifices. Of course Xuanhuang will also be destroyed, but not Necessary sacrifices must not be made."

"What about the inferior immortals? Not a member of my immortal clan yet!"

After the Nantian Palace Lord finished speaking, the immortal demigod who had ascended the sixth-order **** beside him seemed to have thought of something, and quickly bowed his head to apologize, and his attitude was very sincere.

"I was affected by the hatred... Please the palace lord to punish me."

"Why should I punish you? It's right to hate Xuanhuang. Who of us immortal clan doesn't hate Xuanhuang? You just don't think much about me."

Nantian Xianzun, as the master of the Celestial Palace of the Immortal Clan, how can he be a leisurely generation, the Nantian Xianzun, one of the five heavenly palaces, was personally convicted, which shows the determination of the Immortal Clan to destroy Xuanhuang.

"The whole army listens to the order and pushes eastward!"

"The rest of the sages will follow me to plant a great array of fairy lights!"

A mere remnant of Xuanhuang, why sacrifice so many people? There is no need at all. The Nether is indeed terrifying, but the Nether is not invincible. In the history of the Human Race, the Nether has erupted several times, but most of them are repelled by the Human Race.

The endless bones rushed towards the army of the immortal clan. The immortal clan’s response method was extremely correct. Once he was about to die, he would explode directly, and he would not give Nether any chance to swallow the living creatures. Moreover, the army advanced far away, gradually moving away from the deepest area of ​​Nether Qi, Nether If it catches up, it will also weaken.

Nether is truly immortal in the underworld. Once it reaches the outside world, even if it is still terrifying, it also loses its immortality.

Up to now, the eruption of the netherworld has only damaged the low-end battle power of the immortal clan to less than 100. If this scale is placed in the broken sky of the past, it will die without a stick of incense. The immortal clan is not the original Those juniors who broke the sky are the most powerful army of the human race that almost dominated the starry sky 100,000 years ago!

Even in the face of the netherworld, the immortal clan is also like a rainbow, and the tide of bones is alive, and the price is extremely low. It can be listed as a model for dealing with the netherworld and be sung by later generations. The twenty-eight immortal clan has also been going The holy power accumulated in the Nantian Banner, coupled with the leadership of the Nantian Xianzun, is no less than the use of the Nantian Banner by a true **** himself!


The immortal army withdrew to the east. Twenty-nine statues stood together. The Nantian Immortal Venerable stood at the forefront. The Nantian flag in his hand had already begun to emit strong light. Array.

The Xianguang Great Array is one of them.

The former emperor soldier of the Southern Immortal Emperor, the Nantian Banner was originally an emperor soldier specially used to deploy an array. It was a Dao imperial soldier. It could even be deployed to change the heaven and earth. The imperial formation against the chaotic time and space, setting up a fairy light array could not be simpler.

Under the protection of the Nantian Banner, twenty-nine statues can completely ignore the surrounding ghosts. No amount of these ghosts can break the protection of the emperor soldiers. After dozens of minutes, the Nantian Banner emits a burst of power that almost illuminates the entire world. Light, the Nantian Xianzun directly raised the Nantian Flag, and the Nantian Flag slowly floated into the sky. The Dao pattern spread out from the Nantian Flag to the surroundings, forming a formation in the high altitude.

And the base of the formation is naturally the Nantian Banner!

"Destroy the fairy light!"

The Nantian Xianzun roared, and golden rain fell in the sky. The raindrops were extremely beautiful, but with terrifying destructive power. All the mists that were contaminated by the raindrops smoked, turned into blue smoke and dissipated as if they were melted. Large-scale annihilation, the area covered by the large array did not exist, and a breach was opened alive.

In the end, only one Nether was still standing in the area covered by the great array of fairy lights. It was a dry bone with hair still remaining, wearing a white shirt and holding a spear. Pluto cancels out.

There is no doubt that this nether is the source. As long as it is completely annihilated, this strange time and space will not attack and destroy itself, and it is needless to say what the real body of white clothes and withered bones is. It was once a person named Xia Yi. , But at this moment it can no longer be called "Xia Yi".

"Destroy it!"

Nantian Xianzun raised his sword and pointed it at White Nether, and the other twenty-eight statues clasped their fists and bowed their heads.


After that, they all took out their weapons and attacked the Baiyi Withered Bones in a special way of standing in line. Baiyi Withered Bones limped and took a step, the movements were very blunt, and even almost fell, the steps looked a little ridiculous.

Twenty-eight celestial sages immediately launched a non-stop onslaught, with spears, swords, halberds, hammers, axes, sticks and bows, and all kinds of weapons can be seen. Each move is a killer move, but it hits the white ghost body. At most, the withered bones will be cracked, and the cracked part will quickly repair itself in the rising white ash.

The Baiyi Withered Bones were beaten continuously like this, and the whole body was broken up and down no less than a hundred times, but as long as there was a gap, it would recover until its movements slowly became vigorous, until the Baiyi Withered Bones even began to wield combat skills with the gun in his hand. , Xian Clan Twenty-eight was shocked to realize that the white-clothed withered bones were actually growing!


Until a saint was accidentally injured, his blood dripped on the arm bones of the white clothes withered bones, and the white clothes withered bones looked at his arm bones, looked at the drop of blood, and stared at it for a long, long time. Eighteen did not fight back no matter how they attacked.

The white cloth withered bone is immortal, and there is no way to completely destroy it. The white cloth withered bone is constantly repairing and reorganizing itself. Any crack or any vacancy will not exist for more than a breath. It stands there, as if it is eternal.

But the fairy clan knows that even the white cloth withered bone cannot be truly immortal. It only has a connection with the netherworld. As long as this connection can be completely consumed, the white cloth withered bone will usher in its end. how long.

Just when a Holy Venerable prepared a big killer move and thought that the White-clothed Withered Bones would still not resist, the White-clothed Withered Bones suddenly moved, completely ignoring the attack, and directly stab at the Holy Venerable in front of him with a spear. There was nothing mysterious about this shot. , And it's not too sudden.

However, the unpredictable immortal saint was slightly injured, and the blood spattered from his chest was sprayed on the face of withered bones in white clothes.

White-clothed withered bone stretched out his bone hand, slowly stretched out towards his face, and then slowly slid down. When the hand was released, the blood stains flowed out of the deep-sinked eye socket of the white cloth withered bone like blood and tears.

Its lower jaw slowly opened, and then the sky roared!

Yes, a bone that has no flesh and blood can actually make a roar. This roar is even more a scream. The sound is extremely sharp and terrifying. There is no way to find any similar sounds from this world. It just doesn't belong. The death screams of this world can shake the souls of living creatures, and hundreds of millions of soldiers of the immortal clan covered their ears one after another, and blood oozes from the ears of those with lower cultivation bases.

After this scream, the rest of Netherworld's movements all stopped. In the different time and space behind Baiyi Withered Bones, the tide of white bones was completely still as if time had stagnated. They turned their heads and looked at Baiclothed Withered Bones quietly.

The white clothes withered bones were still screaming, struggling on the spot, holding his head with his hands, it was clearly an evil thing that had no cognition, but it looked very painful.

Until the white clothes withered bones raised his head again, there were two more pitch-black vertical lines in the white eye sockets.

Baiyi Withered Bones raised the spear in his hand and pointed it at the twenty-nine immortal clan, followed by another weird howl.

Next second.

The immortal clan has seen what a real nether riot is.

Those originally static Nethers are like madness. The bones are stacked, the bones are heavy, and the overlaps turn into huge waves of white bones. In the different time and space behind the white clothes and withered bones, the white bones that gush out because of the excessive number, It actually blocked the connection between the different time and space and the world, but it only lasted for a while, and it burst out like a broken seawall!

This kind of explosion caused Netherworld to splash around like water, flying out, running out, crawling out, being squeezed out by something, all violently rushing to the army of the immortal clan, under this kind of offensive, many Netherworld descended directly from the sky on the army. In the middle, the soldiers of the fairy clan stood too close to each other, so they couldn't use their hands and feet, otherwise they would hurt their own people.

"The whole army spread out and keep one person away!"

"The periphery, it's not as good as the loss to advance!"

Nantian Xianzun has been unable to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. This situation is beyond their expectations. Nether is irrational. As long as their offense can be prevented for a while, they can be prevented for a long time, but once this endless Nether has command , Will be the nightmare of any creature in the starry sky!

The nether is enough to swallow the sky, fill the sea, pave the earth, and incomparably crazy. The immortal clan suffered unimaginable damage in this round of impact. Before the time and space, the white clothes and withered bones screamed endlessly, enveloping the underworld. For him, the **** mist is like his flesh.

Even all the Nether passing by his side will become more violent, speed, strength, and brutality soaring dozens of times. Asura is not good, not evil, non-human, non-god, non-ghost, only one who hates everything. Hearing anger.


The riots caused by the crazy nethers shocked the world. Withered bones even gathered into mountains and moved horizontally. After moving in front of the fairy clan army, they directly collapsed and impacted inside the fairy clan army. This scene finally caused fear in the iron-blooded fairy clan army.

The white cloth withered bones is a source, the center of this madness, the bones of rage are all infected by it, Nether does not know the so-called, any concept that arises will be cherished in every way, even if it is sadness, anger, or anger.

Nether broke through the fairy clan army, rammed inside, dispersed the fairy clan's forces, tore and swallowed living creatures, blood stained the earth, and those immortal soldiers who had not had time to explode would turn into a new nether, infected by fury, crazy Rushed to his former compatriots.

Nantian Immortal Venerable and the other twenty-eight Immortal Clan Venerables all turned around to help their army in desperation. They also deployed formations, distributed resources and supplies, and used various secret techniques to stabilize the situation. However, nearly a million casualties occurred in this short period of time.

If it weren’t for the Nantian Xianzun’s quick response and decisive orders, the deaths and injuries would have been multiplied countless times. After all, the number of hundreds of millions of troops was there, and there was no way to move too fast. Fortunately, the troops of the fairy clan were well-trained and faced the violent ones. Nether's impact was not chaotic, and the situation was restored alive.

Even the immortal clan army is so embarrassed, it has already been completely controlled by Netherworld when it is replaced with other realms.

After that, the fairy clan army stopped moving, and directly used the defensive formation to prevent Nether's impact. Although they gave up moving, their defensive ability was greatly strengthened, and finally controlled the number of sacrifices and returned the situation to the hands of the fairy clan.

The reason why the immortal army is frightening is not without reason. The immortal army’s discipline is strict, and every soldier has a fearless spirit. Throughout the ages, Taoism has been defeated by the immortal army. Fight with it.

The holy land of the human race, the name of Middle-earth China was once as famous as the Emperor Wufang. One hundred thousand years ago, the two words Xuanhuang alone were enough to make the Prince Star of Beihai Beidou dare not touch Xia Yi again. The vellus hair made the vast Sang family very jealous.

"Nan Tian Xianzun, this is not the way to go, this ghost is too evil!"

"Master Palace, we can't hurt him at all!"

The immortal army has always been unfavorable, only losing on Xuanhuang, but this time it actually lost on Xuanhuang. Nantian Xianzun lowered his head and meditated. This Xuanhuang man actually possessed three supreme evil powers. The right eye, the power of the netherworld, had to say that it did cause them a lot of trouble.

Especially Nether, even Nether dared to use it. In a sense, this was even more than their fairy clan.

The immortal clan conquests the realm, no matter how much they will leave a hand, unless it is a realm like Xuanhuang, which has an unshakable hatred, but once the Nether can't control it, the entire realm will be buried together.

"Quick battle and make a final decision, take out my real strength, I will burn the **** stone, and then use the remaining emperor chants in the southern sky banner to share the gods with you."

The burning sacred stone shares the divine power. This is the method that the fairy clan originally planned to deal with such a powerful enemy, but it is not the time to worry about this loss. Xia Yi is not weak before Nantian Xianzun has to take it back. He has to Acknowledge that Xia Yi, the Xuanhuang person, is indeed a Xuanhuang person.

The only thing that can make the fairy clan feel difficult, throughout the ages is Xuanhuang.

"The Southern Emperor's formation is called the flag of heaven and earth!"

Nantian Xianzun took out a large piece of sacred stone and held it tightly in his hand. The glazed glazed light appeared on his body. Twenty-nine lines of shining golden light flew out of the Nantian flag floating above his head and imprinted on the twenty-nine statues of the fairy clan. At the center of his eyebrows, the twenty-nine auras climbed collectively, and the venerable of the third-tier ascending to the gods actually had the power of the fifth-tier semi-god.

And the powerful demigod that was originally Tier 6 has a little power of sub-god, and all the members of the twenty-nine statues are promoted, and the weakest are demigods!

"Now, kill these things!"

Nantian Xianzun gave an order, and the 28 demigods pushed tens of millions of Netherworlds with absolutely invincible power. No matter how mountains and seas, Netherworld could hardly resist the unmatched power of the twenty-eight demigods. Netherworld was quickly dispelled. , Until the white cloth withered bones once again appeared in front of the demigods.

Twenty-eight demigods shot with all their strength, Baiyi Withered Bones rushed up front with a spear, and the withered bones shattered time and time again, but recovered again and again. There was no way to kill it. The sword broke the bone, the knife cut the skeleton, and the hammer. The rod splits the marrow, and the spear pierces and shatters.

Even though the twenty-eight demigods are desperately powerful, Withered Bones is still being attacked constantly. Together with the endless nether around it, it will not hide or block, it will only get up again and again and continue. fighting.

Several hours passed like this. The twenty-eight demigods were all tired, and Nantian Xianzun's fists were slightly squeezed. This ghost thing was countless times more difficult to deal with than they thought. Why did it just not fall and disappear? Not perish!

This white cloth withered bones has been broken and split hundreds of times from before to now!

But no matter how many times it was destroyed, the only thing waiting for the twenty-eight demigods of the fairy clan was that it stood up again.

Xia Yi knew that he was invincible, and his determination to come here after giving up everything was not half false.

He will be unyielding to death!

The sword light that was enough to calm the Eight Desolations passed, the Nether around Baiyi Withered Bone shattered, and Baiyi Withered Bone fell, but it quickly climbed up again.

Until Shura disintegrated...

The sword energy that burst the void even shattered the earth to dregs, and the white clothes withered bones turned into ashes and powder, but the dust all aggregated again, and it could be transformed into a complete withered bone again.

Even if the soul dissipates, the catastrophe is over...

The white cloth withered bones already know nothing about it except resentment, only the endless anger supports it, without destroying everything in front of it, it will never dissipate and fall!

As long as the will persists, he will still be undefeated!

White-clothed withered bones holding a spear, madly attacking every demigod of the immortal clan who approached him in the screams, even if it only hurts the opponent a little bit, as long as the opponent's blood has not drained, it will continue to attack, always, always!

Step through the Jiuyous of Huangquan and start over!

Shattered to nothingness by the demigod's ultimate move, as long as there is Netherworld around, only the Nether Qi has not dissipated, as long as the connection with the Netherland remains, as long as the anger has not subsided, it can come again, fight again, and take revenge.

Unconsciously, two days passed.

The white cloth withered bones dispersed for 45,320 times, and reorganized for 45,321 times. The spear in his hand was almost worn out to scrap iron, but it was still standing there, still roaring, just Like Netherworld has never stopped, its resentment has not diminished in the slightest.

If it still has a heart, if it still has a will, then its heart and will are...

Immortal, immortal, undefeated, unwilling to believe, unconvinced, not reincarnation!

kill! !

Forever tormented with endless anger, without repentance from the suffering of unlimited fighting, this is Ashura.


After the 28 sages of the fairy clan gained the power of the demigods, none of them would have thought that the battle would last so long.

The power of the demigod repeatedly destroyed the white cloth withered bones, I don't know how many times, until the twenty-eight demigods had their hands numb, the cultivation base had almost fallen back, and the white clothed withered bones were still standing there.

It is impossible to destroy it. How deep is its obsession and resentment?

The endless Nether is still pouring out from different time and space, and it is meaningless to fight with the white clothes and withered bones. The twenty-eight demigods of the fairy clan think so.

After all, this is an immortal evil, and Nether is notoriously difficult, otherwise how can he be called the head of evil?

Nantian Xianzun had almost figured out what Xia Yi’s original purpose was at this time. Xia Yi wanted to use Nether to stop them from the immortal clan, so he would do his best to kill more while he was alive. They are alone here.

Just as they hate Xuanhuang, how can Xuanhuang hate the immortal clan deeply?

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