I have to say that Xia Yi really caused a lot of trouble to them, and when I thought that the other party had caused them such trouble as a dead person, a little anger appeared in Nan Tian Xianzun’s heart, which was almost the same as that of Yan Huang. It was exactly the same behavior, especially Xuanhuang's Emperor Yan, the Great Yantian Emperor actually burned his own emperor source, making a fire burn in the fairy clan for a hundred thousand years!

The original Central Immortal Palace was a holy place for the immortal clan. The remains of their ancestors were enshrined in the Central Immortal Palace for all generations. That was the main spiritual inheritance of their immortal clan, but it was blocked by a fire for 100,000 years. Go to worship the ancestors.

Even the remains of their ancestors may have been completely wiped out by the fire that has burned for a hundred thousand years. The white-clothed and withered bones that Xia Yi transformed into are obviously driven by a certain will and hate their immortals extremely. If possible, Nan Heavenly Immortal Venerable also didn't want to care about this undead evil thing, just let it fend for itself, but he didn't dare.

"Everyone, come back for now."

Nantian Xianzun stared at the white clothes withered bones, and after hesitating for a while, he let the 28 demigods of the fairy clan return, and the 28 demigods of the fairy clan immediately returned to the vicinity of the Nantian Xianzun and recovered his consumption under the brilliance of the Nantian Banner. .

A lot of sacred stones have been spent in these two days, almost one-third of the reserve for this expedition, if it is used to attack the boundlessness, at least a piece of the opponent's hinterland has already been taken.

"Palace Master Nantian, I'm sorry, we really can't deal with this ghost, but this ghost is not a threat to us, it just can't be wiped out."

"His attack is only at the level of a low-level saint, and he can't even reach it, but he can't kill it!"

"I finally understand why the realms that have encountered the Nether Burst are so jealous of Nether, who is not annoying about this kind of ghost."

The white clothes and dead bones are no threat to the twenty-eight demigods of the fairy clan, it can only rely on the nether to threaten the hundreds of millions of army, the Nantian immortal clan lowered his head and meditated, in fact, he already had a way to leave with the army.

"It is practical to use the Southern Sky Banner to lay a heaven-recovering formation, which can forcibly tear this gap in different time and space, but I am worried about one thing, I don't know if you can see it."

At this time, Nantian Xianzun took the initiative to ask others if he knew what he was thinking, and others had already wanted to ask, but after two days of fighting, the twenty-eight saints already knew what Nantian Xianzun thought. .

"This ghost is not removed, my fairy clan is uneasy."

"He must be completely annihilated."

"Can't let it go."


"Next time, the underworld may open in our fairy world."

"Conscientious Nether, it is Ashura. It is said that the Dao Fa emperor has also appeared before the Fa Tian. It is countless times more terrifying than this ghost. It is rumored that Emperor Shitian had reached the mysterious cause and effect, and he was finally completely wiped out by the Buddha."

The faces of the twenty-eight sages of the immortal clan are not pretty. Buddhism is not good at fighting, but Di Shitian is an exception. He is the strongest and most domineering buddha in the history of Buddhism. Asura never came back after the first battle, although Asura never appeared since then.

To be more precise, there has never been an Asura as terrifying as in the record, but the shadow of the original ancestor Asura is already on the body of the white cloth withered bones.

And it hates the fairy clan!

"Well, it seems that you also understand that I can't let go of any dangerous factors, for the sake of our ethnic cause, and everything for the fairy clan!"

"At this moment, at this moment, here, completely wipe it out, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

Nantian Xianzun gave the order to die and must destroy the white cloth withered bones. No one of the other fairy clan sages objected. The race was greater than anything else in their hearts. Nothing was more important than the survival of the race.

The immortal clan still inherits the spirit of the peak of the human race in a sense, which makes the immortal race always disadvantaged, and it is also an important reason for the immortal race to win all battles. When the human race is self-differentiating, the immortal race is more united. This also allowed the outrageously powerful immortal world to seize the opportunity to dominate the starry sky and consider himself an orthodox human race.

"Next, the deity will do it himself."

Nantian Xianzun has made up his mind to let go of the white clothes and withered bones. The determination of the immortal clan is very terrifying, as can be seen from their obsession with eliminating Xuanhuang.

Afterwards, Nan Tian Xianzun turned his head and looked at the soldiers behind him.

"Everyone, are you willing to lay down your lives for me and help my immortal clan achieve the world's hegemony?"

Nantian Xianzun holds the Nantian flag high above him. He was originally the overlord of one of the five heavenly palaces of the fairy clan. glory.

"As you wish!"

Hundreds of millions of soldiers raised their weapons and responded loudly to the Nantian Xianzun. When it comes to race, the soldiers of the fairy clan directly enter a state of enthusiasm. The word race is enough for the immortal people to abandon all selves.

"A good answer! The deity will remember each of you, but you can rest assured how the deity is willing to sacrifice you, the outermost listens to the order, and you are not allowed to step into the inner circle for half a step, surround everyone, and kneel down to take your own strength. All hit the Nantian Banner!"

Nantian Xianzun threw the Nantian flag against the army of the immortal clan. The Nantian flag stood at the center. The soldiers of the immortal clan knelt down like straws blown by the wind. Concentrate the power of hundreds of millions of people.

The immortal clan comes from a large army, and the immortal clan brings an army from thousands of miles away, but it is not purely for the sake of showing off their might. The concentrated will is humane, and it can even surpass God.


The concentrated will of hundreds of millions of soldiers of the fairy clan has already had the effect of changing the sky and the earth through the Nantian Banner. The dim sky lowered the golden brilliance. These golden brilliance are like the warm sun, making the soldiers of the fairy clan stronger, and they will work harder. Convey his power to Nantian Banner.

This is the fundamental reason why the fairy clan can win the sky. They can use their highly unified will to forcibly change the heavenly way. Looking at the starry sky, apart from the human race during the establishment of Dao Fatian, only the immortal race still possesses such methods. They are not human races. Orthodox who is?

Xuanhuang is just a group of self-willing and degenerates who are accompanied by animals. Humans are born to rule everything. Humans are born to be perfect. The concept of Xuanhuang is completely opposite to that of immortals. Xuanhuang advocates that all things are one, that is, equality. Treating everything, he also admitted that he was just a weak race in the monster race at the beginning.

But the fairy clan believed that the human race was born to completely dominate the starry sky. They kept changing the human race’s bad habits and bloodline disadvantages. Everything they did was undoubtedly evolution. , And Xuan Huang actually degenerates the human race.

Xuanhuang’s concept of equality of all beings even makes Xuanhuang people forgive the innate gods and evils. If Xuanhuang is strong, the human race will only perish, and only the immortal race will be the future of the human race. In this evolution, the immortal race will finally I gradually realized that although they are also human races, they are already different from all human races.

They must lead the family!

Everyone is fearless, everyone is a race, and the concept of "Xuan Huang" is completely crooked.

Nantian Xianzun took out a utensil similar to the eight-pole furnace and placed it on his chest and placed it on the heart. The fairy clan transformed many things that the human race had not perfected. Among them, the higher achievement is the eight-pole furnace. , God is absolute combat power, and the fairy clan can create gods.

The fairy clan transformed the octopole furnace and found a way to use this power without damage without being punished by the Dao. Even if Xia Yi fully turned on the octopole furnace, the power he obtained was against the sky, but the method found by the fairy clan was It is in line with the common sense of the great principle.

This power did not come suddenly, but was gathered by hundreds of millions of people.

"Santa-open the door!"

After that, Nantian Immortal Venerable smashed the small golden furnace in his palm. Jin Hui almost enveloped the entire star at this moment. At this moment, Nantian Immortal Venerable's power completely surpassed the original realm limit. This is truly humane. The place, the current human race has long been forgotten, and the immortal race is still passing on.

Even better than the predecessors!

This is the power of humanity and orthodoxy. Although it is only a temporary improvement, it is in accordance with the common sense of the world and is not subject to punishment by the great power.

Twenty-eight venerables of the immortal clan knelt down, holding their fists and looking down at the Nantian Immortal Venerable in front of them. No, for the time being, they cannot be called Nantian Immortal Venerable, but Nantian God.

"Everyone, follow me to eradicate this evil!"

Nantian Xianzun gains divine power, his all phenomena are the immortal Daotian, infinite golden brilliance is scattered, and he is also very noble. Using the immortal way to open the door in the realm of his sub-shen, the power obtained is no worse than the true god, and this is also the immortal dare to once again One of the important reasons for the starry sky war is to be confident.

Under the terrifying blessing of the divine power, the Nantianshen swung a sword, and the golden light swept the wasteland, the nether was melted into the blue smoke, the dust did not stay, and was completely annihilated in the present world, that is, the white cloth and the bones were repeatedly repeated under this power. It has been annihilated more than ten times, but it can actually be reborn.

The Nantian God is the true God at this moment. Unlike the false gods created by the Octopole Furnace, how could the immortal clan's army this time be just for a Xuanhuang, which is just the first appetizer, and they want to dominate the starry sky again.

The white cloth withered bone is the only Nether that exists at this moment. The rest of the netherworlds are all destroyed by the absolute strength of the Nantian God. Even this different time and space has begun to be broken by Jinhui. The power of the Nether is declining. The white clothed withered bone looks at the noble and supreme Nantian God. , After a moment of silence, it was just a more tragic wailing.

"The whole army listens to the order, charge!"

Nantianshen will no longer give the white clothes withered bones a chance. He will surround the white clothes withered bones with a large army to cut off its connection with the netherworld, and then use the supreme divine power to directly kill them. Charge, this scene is very shocking, the power of the fairy clan army seems to be able to flatten everything.

But this scene also seemed to arouse some things that were not completely forgotten by the white cloth withered bones. It clenched the long spear in his hand that had been extremely worn out, and walked forward unswervingly.


The gun was directed at the immortal army, and the infinite anger became more and more intense. Asura once hit three thousand worlds, hit the 20 heavens of Buddhism, broke the nine heavens of Taoist gates, shattered six reincarnations, and disrupted the three realms of heaven, earth and man.

The door of the different time and space behind it also changed at this moment, an endless sea of ​​blood emerged, and the bones of many forgotten things were revived. This time, the ghosts that came to this world are all incomparably hideous in appearance, and they don't know the body. It is He's animal bones, among them there are even more than a dozen keel bones that still exude dragon power.

Thousands of beast skeletons trampled on the earth, their dragon bones soared high in the sky, human bones lined up, followed by the beast bones, and rushed to the immortal army in such a frantic manner.

"Huh, it really is King Asura, you really don't want to let you go, but it's a pity that you met my fairy clan."

King Asura, this kind of existence is probably second only to the ancestor Asura, and this Asura king was transformed into a life in front of their immortal clan by resentment towards the immortal clan. When Xia Yi died, it would be just ordinary. Shura.

Wan Beast Corpse took the brunt of the battle with the Xian Clan’s forward army. Wan Beast Corpse was very violent, gnawing at all living creatures in front of him, and had the largest number of human bones. Although a single body had poor combat power, it was almost endless, and the sky still had keel bones. , Here is almost like coming to the other side of the earth.

"You go to deal with those dragon bones, I will deal with this King Asura."

The Nantianshen clenched tightly, and walked confidently towards the white-clothed withered bones. All the Netherworld that blocked the way would be cut directly to annihilation with a single sword at will. He forced a way out with one sword and one man, and then slowly approached the white-clothed withered bones. In the open jaws, there was still dignity overflowing. It raised its head and looked strangely at a blue star beyond the starry sky.

"Fairy... Clan..."

"Xuan Huang... there is me!"

An extremely hoarse, cold, and even unrecognizable voice resounded in the minds of hundreds of millions of immortal people. It was the Nantian God who was shocked at this moment. Nantian God didn't know if Xia Yi recovered his will, or said...

Xia Yi's will is so strong that it has affected the new Asura King, making it mistakenly think that he is Xia Yi.


"It's... sad."

"But it's still respectable, because of this, I want to completely kill you."

"Ashura King Xia Yi!"

The killing intent in Nantianshen’s eyes is deeper. No matter which kind is a disaster for the immortals, the disaster must be put out in the cradle. Before that, the Nantianshen would not call Xia Yi by name at all, and there are not many Xuanhuang people. Remembered by the fairy clan.

Jiang Shennong is one, Ji Xuanyuan is one, and now there is another one. His name is Xia Yi, who has turned into King Asura, alone on the cold and dead star to block hundreds of millions of immortal clan troops.

If the sense of unity of the immortal race is higher than everything, then the Xuanhuang people’s personal enlightenment is terribly high. That obsession, that horrible persistence can resurrect the ashes and move the world. Admit it.

That is every Xuanhuang strong person, their enlightenment is enough to subvert the heavens.

"Fairy... Clan..."

The hoarse voice carried endless resentment, and it was destroyed again and again. No one could think of this terrifying and pathetic existence. This Asura King Xia Yi was once a timid villain.

His existence fully expounds the possibility of acquired life, unswerving persistence, and immortal will.

"Xuan, Huang!"

The Nantian God may also be infected by King Asura, and his hatred of Xuanhuang began to deepen. Look, this is the Xuanhuang people, and they will continue to bring disasters to the immortal clan if they die. If such a race has a chance, the immortal clan must be destroyed. Either way, there can only be one of the two, this is a blood feud that can never be reconciled.

"Secret sword, sky light!"

The Nantian **** clenched the sword in his hand. He raised the sword high. The golden light shines on the world. The sword has not yet been released, but the sword light has already divided the world into two. The hot golden light dissipates the netherworld and the qi dissipates, but the king of Ashura Still moving forward.

Rushing up, King Asura strenuously shot, but what was greeted by it was the infinite radiance that swallowed the sky and the earth, and countless ghosts dissipated under the radiance. When the radiance disappeared, King Ashura was full of blue smoke. , He half-kneeled on the ground and slowly stood up with his spear.

This is just the newly born Asura King. If the Asura King is allowed to return to the Nether to conquer multiple realms, one can imagine how terrifying he will be. The eternal anger of an Asura king.

"When I destroy this gate, let's see how arrogant you are!"

The Nantian God temporarily ignored King Asura and looked directly at the Dark Gate in front of him. In fact, it was just like they were unwilling to give up King Asura. If the Asura King turned to enter the Dark Gate and escape, the Immortal Clan would not be able to stay.

But the fairy clan stayed, so King Ashura will definitely stay.

It was born with Xia Yi's unyielding anger, a manifestation of Xia Yi's will, and it can even be counted as Xia Yi who is still alive in another way.

"Ceying, Hongling, you two hold the Asura King!"

Nantianshen turned his head and gave orders to the two immortal demigods who had ascended the sixth rank of the gods. The two of them immediately left the battle and came in front of King Asura. Although the immortal army could no longer advance, they could still protect themselves. Time is impossible to beat the first army of the immortal clan.

Unless it is the fairy clan who has been under Nether siege for decades, hundreds of years.

King Asura doesn’t care who the opponent is, as long as it is the fairy clan, it will take action. Without the two demigods of the immortal clan getting close, the Asura king took the initiative to attack and wield the black iron spear, even the two demigods were shocked. This King Asura still had the power of the Nantian God remaining in his body, and his body continued to melt and then recovered.

The two demigods glanced at each other, and immediately took out twelve points of energy to deal with them. Perhaps this is an enemy that is more difficult to deal with than some human masters.

They also remembered the names of the things that existed in front of them, and will recall this battle countless times in the future, recalling this undead, unyielding and unyielding existence.

Xia Yi·Asura King.

At this moment, the Nantian God has come to the gate of the underworld. Fortunately, King Asura does not have much sense, and he does not even guard the gate of the underworld. It only knows to vent its own resentment. Although this too deep resentment has been given to King Asura. The power of solution, but it also makes it come to an end.

The Nantianshen pierced into the gate of the underworld with a sword, and then struck a huge amount of divine power into the sword. King Asura seemed to have noticed that the underworld was about to break. He turned his head and glanced at the Nantianshen, and then even more distantly. Beyond the stars.

In his black hole, it seemed that he could still see beauty.

King Asura did not retreat, did not look at the Mingmen anymore, it just moved forward, chased and killed, and injured as many people of the fairy clan as possible. Its hatred of the fairy clan surpassed the nature of the Ming. See this, Nan The gods are grateful for their choice.

Because it was not King Ashura who became King Xia Yi, but Xia Yi became King Ashura. It did not know the so-called, the only thing it did not lose was obsession and enlightenment.

"I want to open the sky and prove me a golden fairy."

"True Immortal Slash!"

The Nantian God stood in front of the Underworld, and the divine sword in his hand could not withstand the excessively violent divine power.

The Nantianshen slowly raised the sword, and then strenuously cut it down. A wave of ripples appeared in the underworld. The landscape of different time and space quickly dissipated. The world regained common sense, and many of the ghosts that still existed in this world fell one after another. The ground cannot move.

However, King Asura is not affected at all. It is still destroying things in front of him with fury. The two sixth-order demigods of the fairy clan were scarred in a short period of time. This is because they completely gave up the attack and defended with all their strength in order to hold it back. The fighting style of King Asura.

They also noticed that King Asura’s recovery rate has slowed down, but King Ashura has also become more ferocious, which is several times more terrifying than when he first became King Asura, and his attacking and killing ability was more than half. Above god.

The sooner it dissipates, the more violent the anger that has nowhere to vent.

"Two, you have worked hard, let me leave it to me next."

Nantianshen's divine sword split in order to destroy the underworld. To be honest, Nantianshen was very distressed. That divine sword also accompanied him for countless years, but the fragmentation of the divine sword was definitely worth it.

Let him finally send King Asura into the eternal end, all of this is the time to end.

"Xuan Huang, accept your fate, you don't want to continue anyway."

"My immortal clan will find any of your remaining bloodlines in the starry sky, and destroy them completely, so that you will disappear from the starry sky forever and ever. When we dominate the human race, we will erase your history and let you not There is no past, no present, no future!"

The Southern God approached King Asura, King Asura just clenched the spear in his hand. It hasn't lost yet, it can still fight, Shura has not disintegrated, and the will has not dissipated, and the anger has not subsided!

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