As the Mingmen closed, Nether fell one by one and was trampled by the fairy clan army. Even the dragon bones Nether were shot down and scattered by the other sages of the fairy clan. The battle roar of the immortal army stirred people's hearts, even Nether clan. Can't stop their immortal clan's domineering way, who else can stop the immortal clan?

They are the strongest human army capable of dominating the starry sky. Once only Xuanhuang could stop the iron hoof of the immortal clan, now even Xuanhuang is about to usher in the end, and their immortal clan is unstoppable in the starry sky.

The heaven of the fairy clan is coming!

At this moment, there is only one thing that stands in front of the immortal clan, and that is King Xia Yi of Asura. In fact, there was only Xia Yi before. After Xia Zheng passed away, regardless of life and death, he was alone. He was born and fearless. Death, death is also persevering, endless cycles between dissipation and reorganization.

An unwilling resentment that cannot be vented, and an unwillingness that stems from the heart.

King Asura looked up to the sky and screamed, holding a broken iron spear and rushing towards the Nantian God at all costs. The Nantian God can easily block the attack of King Asura with his hands. Even though King Asura does have the power to rival the demigod, It's a pity that he already has the power of the true **** at this moment, and there are hundreds of millions of people behind him to help out.

"I want to see how long you can hold on."

The expression of Nantian God is very indifferent. The deeper the obsession of King Asura, the more dangerous it is for the immortal race. It must be strangled in the cradle, no matter how much resentment it has and persistence, under absolute power It will only disappear.

The divine power flowed between the waves, the Nantian God could pierce the body of King Asura with his fingers. King Asura would never dodge. It would only get up and try to attack again and again. This is almost a one-sided killing, but Ah King Shura became more and more frustrated, and death would only make it more angry and more aggressive.

The more wounded, the closer to exhaustion, the more crazy King Asura, worthy of the name of Asura, it comes from the immortal **** of war in the underworld, and the Nantian God continued to attack King Asura until the first time he failed to kill Ah. King Asura repulsed, but was pierced by King Asura's spear.

The blood stayed behind, Nan Tian Shen stepped back, covering his face with his hand, frowning and looking at King Asura in front of him, King Asura’s left arm was completely unable to recover, but the intensity of attack and killing was actually close to that of God. .

Nantianshen was injured for the first time, and even he couldn't survive King Asura's high-intensity attack.

"Master Nantian Palace?"

"Are you okay?"

"Need help?"

The gods of the immortal race behind the Nantianshen were all taken aback. The Nantianshen, who used the immortal road to open the door to obtain the power of the true god, was actually injured.

"I'm fine, it's just a bruise. You can't deal with King Asura, and it will eventually replace any of you!"

"Don't forget, the dying person is the most crazy, not to mention the Asura King!"

An existence that has died countless times and has not fallen, how crazy it will dissipate, even the Nantian God can't say that other people are likely to be killed by King Asura.

However, during the time when the Nantian God was speaking, King Asura was roaring again, and his ferocity rose another point. The bones of Bai Sensen were a little red and black. The resentment emanating from King Asura is rare in the world. It seems like it can be born for a lifetime.

It's almost like... I hate it for thousands of years and a hundred lives.

"Xuanhuang Devil, no matter how you hate it, your Xuanhuang will only be destroyed."

"I want to open the sky and prove me the golden fairy!"

Nantianshen took out the second divine sword from the storage ring. This was also a rare divine weapon that was very well forged. Nantianshen held the sword tightly in his hand, and the divine weapon began to break and gradually transformed into a glowing one. blade.

The True Immortal Slash of the Immortal Clan is a terrifying killer move capable of slashing the sky. It was co-founded by the five emperors of the Immortal Clan. Only those who inherited the blood of the peak period of the Immortal Clan can use it, but almost every sword will destroy a magic weapon.

But King Asura was not afraid, seeing the blade of the sacred golden glow as nothing. Its only right arm was holding a spear, roaring and stepping, and the Nantian God just cut down the sword indifferently.

True Immortal Slash is not exaggerated, nor does it have the grand scene of golden glory, but it can cut through the void and leave a golden thread that seems to extend infinitely. The golden thread penetrates the black iron spear in the hands of King Asura, and King Asura also It wasn't that it didn't know how to dodge, it moved a weird step to the left, and Jin Xian just cut the spear and cut his right shoulder.


The spear broke and was divided into two. King Asura lost his right arm. It stood there blankly after losing its arms. Not only did it lose its weapon, it also lost its arms, and it has no more fight. Power.

Seeing this, the Nantian God went straight forward and wanted to continue to attack the crippled King Asura, but King Asura lowered his head and looked at the broken spear on the ground, then slowly knelt down, bent down and bit the tip of the spear with his teeth. One part, stood up again.

It can still fight!

"Fairy... Clan..."

Some trembling, illegible hoarse sounds echoed above the dead stars, even the Nantian God stopped at this moment, Asura King stared at him, and he actually tasted fear for the first time in his life.

Even he himself couldn't control it. When he recovered, he had already taken a step back a little.


Nantianshen was very angry at this moment. He couldn't believe that he would retreat and be timid when facing the Xuanhuang people. He couldn't believe that their immortals should be fearless people who didn't feel fear.

next moment.

King Asura bit his spear with his mouth, and rushed towards him. Nantianshen stretched out his arm and turned directly to the side of his face. The spear cut precisely on his arm, and even cut it into the flesh and blood. Blood splattered.

"I am never afraid of you."

After that, Nantianshen directly pinched the tip of the gun with his other hand, and the hand that was cut into a fist directly hit King Asura’s face with a punch. This punch almost hit King Asura’s face. King Asura was even weaker to let go, and the broken spear was in the hands of the Nantianshen.

Nantianshen threw the spear on the ground forcefully, and stepped on his foot. Then, as if he wanted to prove his courage, he took the initiative to rush to kill King Asura. King Asura seized every opportunity to knock with his head. , Hitting with his knees, also injured the Nantianshen many times, leaving the Nantianshen with scars.

If this were replaced by another demigod, it would have been killed by King Asura long ago.

Although the burning anger will not go out, the carrier that carries the anger is gradually coming to an end.

After that, as his legs were also destroyed by the Nantian God, King Asura, who was left with a broken body and half of his skull, still roared and wanted to get up.


The bones are cracking.

There is no way to regroup, but the anger is still burning, how to vent it?

King Asura, who fell on the ground, was dead and not stiff, still shaking on the ground, biting his teeth into the ground and moving his body, crawling towards the **** Nantian God.

Nantianshen wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and face with the back of his hand, and there was not much intact place on his whole body. King Asura made him a true **** to this level, but the fact is the fact that Xuanhuang struggles in vain.

In the end, it will only be the fairy clan, and only the fairy clan. The huge difference in combat power between the two has doomed the demise of Xuanhuang from the beginning, and there is no way to save it.

Even against the sky, Xuan Huang can't stop Xuan Huang from disappearing into the starry sky today.

The Southern Heavenly God looked at King Asura whose bones were broken and shedding, and knew that this thing would dissipate if left alone, and perhaps because of some kind of grievance, it specifically left King Asura with a little last time.

Stepping forward, he stepped on King Asura's head, and then looked at the blue star on the other side of the starry sky.

"Just witness Xuanhuang's demise before disappearing."

"Nether? King Asura? Haha, our immortal clan will no longer make the mistakes we once made. There is nothing in this starry sky that can stop our determination to destroy Xuanhuang."

"Now, the Tianji belonging to the fairy clan has begun!"

Nantianshen kicked King Asura away, then turned and swung his sword towards the other side of the starry sky.

"The whole army listens to the orders and marches into Xuanhuang. No creature, no plant, no building, no traces are allowed. Whether it is the creation of the Xuanhuang people or the Xuanhuang people, they must all disappear, marching. , March!!"

The Nantian God shouted loudly, and the immortal army raised their arms for it. The military spirit and morale ushered in the highest point. The hatred that lasted for 100,000 years was officially ended today, and this was also the most important step on the path of the immortal race's dominance.

The flying boat rose heavily, the golden brilliance shining in the world, and the holy path's combat power all flew to the sky, no one looked at King Asura again, the dense army advanced toward the black yellow, and soon left the stars and entered the starry sky.

And on the dead star, a broken bone looked at the starry sky. It bit into the ground with its teeth and tried its best to crawl towards the star in its eyes. It even let out bursts of low crying during the crawling process. It is no longer the voice of the earth, but the unwillingness and sorrow hidden under the endless anger.

Trembling and wriggling, trying to get to the star, the teeth began to crack and fall off, and it used its nasal bones to hold the ground and continue forward. The howling sound is terrible and full of sadness, but I have ever heard it. Howling of the dead?

That is the voice of despair and sorrow far more than the living.

And the nasal bone quickly ruptured, and the face was no longer a face, it was a completely incomplete black hole, but even so, it pressed its jaw against the ground and moved forward.

The lower jaw ruptured immediately, and it exhausted all its energy to make the final struggle, consuming the strength that it had maintained in the end, and finally collapsed like a chain effect all over its body and finally turned it into a handful of gray loose sand in the end.

From now on, no one will know what Pangsansha was once, and what kind of story the Pangsansha has experienced. He has been in this world and ultimately cannot escape the established fate, and all resistance will be in vain.

Even if you can get revenge in the future and feel it in the past, you will never be able to save it now. This is the great principle. Never think about changing the cycle. No matter how unwilling it is, it will only deepen the powerless sorrow.

Perhaps, just disappearing with the wind in this way is also a good thing for him, repeating endless sorrow, repeating the suffering of reincarnation, only grievances accumulate and eventually become Asura, but even if he chooses to suffer the eternal anger torment, it It still can't change now.

Some of the flying white ash drifted towards the starry sky, seeming to want to fall lonely with it at the end on a distant star, as if the dust had settled, and it was a foregone conclusion.

Even the reincarnation cannot be opened again.


The white ash that dissipated with the wind flew, and at the bottom of the white ash, there was a little bit of blue ash that had not yet dispersed. Those blue ash seemed to hold something, with an extremely weak link, maintaining the past, future and present.

It is the ashes of reincarnation stone, and it is also the sand of time.

In the depths of darkness, beyond the void, the other side of cause and effect.

The sky is like a picturesque, the earth is like a mirror, the sky and the earth reflect all kinds of landscapes, fleeing in tears among thousands of dead bones, standing on a lone star after the extinguishment of Xuanhuang, bowing his head and lamenting, defeated by King Yi during the battle of Tianjun, in an unfamiliar realm Meeting with a beautiful woman, sitting in front of the alchemy furnace, lost in the prosperous age, and then turned around.

Like dreams and illusions, the false and the real are intertwined, the threads become silk, and they are laid out into paintings, but they are chaotic.

A white-clothed boy stood in the center of this world, and looked at those pictures from time to time.

Suddenly, a stranger who was running away in tears among thousands of dead bones, turned his head strangely in the painting, and looked at the white-clothed boy standing in the middle.

"End here...?"

Soon, the picture turned, it was a creature hiding in the darkness, like a demon.

"After all, this is the result..."

Even the demon sighed, and greeted the handsome swordsman again. He stared at the wine gourd in his hand, and then suddenly smashed it, and the wine was spilled all over.

"That's already the case, I said..."

The picture changed again. A figure stood in the sky and thunder sea, manipulating Ten Thousand Calamities with both hands.

"What is the purpose of repeating again and again!"

Lei Guang annihilated his appearance, and the world suddenly became more fragmented, divided into small scrolls, and more people who looked exactly like the white-clothed boy turned their heads to look at the white-clothed boy.

"Perhaps the immortal does not destroy Xuanhuang, and there is no us."

"Why don't I know!"

"But I'm not willing!"

"Which of us has served?"

"Never... ever served!"

Those voices were a little noisy, and the white-clothed boy raised his head, looking at the fragmented pictures, he could only sigh up to the sky.

"I haven't regretted it, but also... I just don't regret it, but what can I change if I don't regret it?"

With a word, the heavens and the earth were silent, and the white-clothed young man clenched his palms with tears in his eyes, but he could only let go.

"Even if I touched the reincarnation stone prematurely, I thought I was right, otherwise there would be no beginning, but does this prove that I...no, we are destined to be unable to rewrite the existing fortunes."

The white-clothed boy shook his head vigorously. He was already fighting until Shura disintegrated, his soul was gone, and even his will was exhausted, but he still ushered in an unchanging ending, let alone a hundred generations, even thousands of generations are in vain!

"Not really……"

"I don't admit..."

"There is a trace of reincarnation, and then open one hundred and two."

"I can't wait to accompany you. I only try my best to help you guide. You are the past."

The voices disturbed one after another, and the boy in white did not answer.


Heaven, painting and land, the other side of cause and effect, here is the intersection of existence and nonexistence.

"Am I in the past?"

The white-clothed boy shook his head and smiled bitterly. Yeah, he is no longer in existence. What is it if it wasn't in the past? It can only exist in an inexplicable way in an inexplicable way in this inexplicable place.

This kind of existence is almost equivalent to death, but it is still connected with the present world through something.

"From now on, we are all in the past."

"You, the one hundred and first life."

"Although you haven't become an emperor, but manifesting an Asura elephant, fortunately you touched the reincarnation stone, we still have a choice."

Almost all of them in the fragmented pictures share the same opinion, but the boy in white always shook his head.

"What can we do again? Continue this endless sorrow?"

"I will guide, but I will not let the next life hold on at this moment, I will tell him to give up, keep hope, and wait for a comeback in the future."

After finishing speaking, the young man in white suddenly raised his head to observe every fragmentary picture, and suddenly a question arose.

"Which life has fought like me until now?"

The heavens were silent, and in the end, the heavens that the white-clothed youth was more familiar with answered. This is a heaven full of boundless merit and light, and it should be the Holy Detian.

"Tian Tian was the same as you, but he cultivated the demon to disintegrate Dafa, and he did not end his life after his defeat."

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