"Who won Jing Yi?"

The boy in white asked again, but no one answered this time. After a long time, Shengde sighed.

"Only you."

"Really? But what has changed? Who is the real master when I am strong now?"

The young man in white continued to ask questions, and the heavens remained silent, but all shook their heads.

"Perhaps you are right, it is already destined."

"but we……"

"I know, we've always been the same."

The white-clothed boy interrupted the words of the heavens, closed his eyes and felt this life and this life. Although it was very sad, but unexpectedly, there were not many regrets. He had never tried so hard, he had never burned himself so completely. In despair, he still did not give up. Although the result was still a failure, he also saw different things.

"Perhaps the back path we have always left for ourselves is the trap of reincarnation."

"One time at a time, into endless reincarnation."

The words of the young man in white made the heavens fall into thinking. The heavens may have already thought about it, but they just don’t want to admit it, just like the Asura who is fighting endlessly. That gleam of hope is the greatest despair, the everlasting shackles of the great road. .

"We... have no choice."

"You haven't reached the end. Compared with us, you are still far behind."

All the heavens are emperors, but what is the young man in white at this moment?

"I am the heart of Xuanhuang, can I still miss myself? You are all becoming emperors and reincarnation, and I burned and dissipated. I have truly died, even if I die without yielding, and I understand that when there is no way to go, it is the end. The beginning of it all."

After finishing speaking, the white-clothed boy slowly turned around, turned his head and carefully looked at the hundred emperor heavens that had been reflected on him.

"What innate Dao body is the reincarnation trap itself, are we really reincarnated? The real we are just trapped here, and the misunderstanding of life after life is just the manifestation of the will of the great Dao!!"

"Netherworld is inexhaustible. When I really died, Dadao was finally willing to let me go. Think about it, how can Dadao Will allow itself to be infected with Netherworld, Dadao's shackles...Hahahaha!"

"It turns out that it's just self-protection!"

"From the moment you made this choice in your first life, you have become a part of the avenue, don't you understand?"

"We are just sad puppets of the Great Dao. Once our self-awareness is stronger than the will of the Great Dao, we will be summoned to Daojie. Shishicheng Emperor? The puppet emperor of the Great Dao?"

"Well, it's dead... also good!"

The white-clothed boy couldn’t stop laughing. He was glad that he chose to be the hero in his mind until the end of this life. He was glad that he died without regrets so that he could see all this. It was not that they could not escape the cycle, but because they were themselves. Reincarnation.

The six visions that flashed past when the Octopus opened the door proved all this. The so-called Xia Yi was just the manifestation of the will of reincarnation under the great road.

Otherwise, how can a monk reincarnate in all things? Do you really think of yourself as a big man?

It is ridiculous that a hundred generations persisted so hard, tried their best to live, and ushered in one life after another, but finally saw the answer after fighting to death under the almost paranoid obsession of a certain life.

"Perhaps... it is exactly what you said, but our will is real."

"I'm sure I existed."

"I'm sure I have experienced it."

"Loved, hated, cried and regretted."

All the heavens stated that even though they are puppets, their will cannot be faked. This persistent obsession is the existence of the real name "Xia Yi". He is indeed not an emperor in this life, but his obsession is better than that. All in the past.

Never say fail is simple, but how difficult it is to do it. Touching the reincarnation stone prematurely cuts off one's back. If you think carefully, it is a blessing or a curse. One hundred thousand years ago was the cause, and one hundred thousand years ago was also the result.

"Of course, what we have accumulated, what I hate, what is the anger in my heart that is nowhere to vent, I finally know that it is against the immortal, and even the great road."

"Netherworld also hates Dao Dao, so I was born above the will of reincarnation, and the will of Nether was born. Nether didn't swallow me, but helped me. I guess Nether might be the last existence like us."

After completely transforming the Ming and no longer resisting, Nether did not erode Xia Yi, but accepted him, but it was a pity that Xia Yi couldn't tell what happened to Nether.

Taishang or a stronger will than Taishang is their current predecessor, and Nether is their current end.

"Our final ending... will it be Nether?"

"You are not the emperor, why can you understand it?"

"Answer us, the one hundred and first."

The heavens were reflecting on themselves, Xia Yi looked at Hundred Emperor Heavens, and then at the palm of his hand.

"It's not that I got it through, but we finally got it. I'm just the accumulation of our efforts so far. In the end, the Dao was not fully humane. I wish to fight to death is the biggest variable in this life, and the innate Dao body is not. It's smooth sailing. Someone once asked me if I was worthy of my name."

"And now, I just want to be worthy of my original name, whether my perseverance is always the same."

Speaking of this, Xia Yi suddenly laughed. All the previous tribulations showed their value at this moment. The first battle of Shunguo involved in the Demon Sect of the Destiny of Heaven, and the chaos of the broken sky afterwards, repeated grief and grief. Abandoning, the influence of one's own choice and previous life, creates the perseverance that truly burns oneself up in this life.

This little perseverance is what is really accumulating, not the false product of the innate Dao body. What he cultivates is not the Dao, but the truth. The 100 lives reincarnation of the real thing is the value.


"Am I waiting... Yi?"

"The true accumulated value of the persistence of this century..."

"I see!"

"When we die, when we think there is no way to go, it is the beginning of our end to reincarnation."

"There is a beginning, but there is also an end."

"This is a cycle."

"Xiu, true reincarnation, a hundred lives!"

The heavens were relieved that Xia Yi's cultivation path was not as good as theirs, but Xia Yi had found more truth than in any of their lives, and finally had a transformation. After hundreds of years of hardship, he finally became his true self.

There is no slaying of the sky, no holy virtue, no sword emperor, no first life, no one hundred and first life.

There is only Xia Yi, the name that has accompanied them from birth for a hundred lives, and it has not changed in the past, and it will never change when it becomes a demon or a Buddha or Shura.

For Yu'er, for Xuanhuang, for regret in my heart.

Even I have never reached Consummation. What kind of truth do I still cultivate, what kind of path I am, and what kind of emperor I am!

"But... can we turn around?"

"It's... too late."


A hundred emperors sighed together. Xia Yi turned and looked behind him. Eventually, even the cyan floating dust disappeared. At this moment, he completely disappeared and no longer existed in the world.

"Why go back? Just go ahead."

"Only when the other side that belongs to us disappears, can we truly go to the present and change the future."

After all, Xia Yi looked forward. The past is connected to the present. He is indeed dead. He has no way to be reborn. But although there is something invisible to the naked eye, it is indeed there. People cannot be resurrected from death, but they can exist. Keep.

As even the cyan floating dust on the dark red stars disappeared, a bright red karma sweeping the starry sky that only the other side of cause and effect could see ignited.

The heavens were silent, and then trembled.

"End this cycle..."

"I... go also."

"I wish I could see another day when humanity prospered."

"Xuan Huang, this time, I won't give up on you again."

"My regrets, my regrets, and now they can finally be fulfilled."


The world that Xia Yi lived in began to change drastically. The karmic fire even burned to this non-existent shore. One hundred emperor heavens plunged into the fire, and Xia Yi saw a lot when the flame was on and off.

Standing on the mountain with open hands, he laughed boldly.

With the emperor's great formation, I reversed the black and white oneself.

Sitting under an evergreen tree, hugging Luo Xi, sleeping peacefully.

I am admired by thousands of people.

The self spurned by thousands of people.

Either a sword opens the sky, or a sword breaks the ground, and once held the sun and the moon to catch the stars.

Either great or inferior, both ferrying people and killing people, each of them has gone through all the hardships for the same purpose to survive the reincarnation of ten tribulations for a hundred times, just to create a new start from scratch.

Hundred generations looked back in the fire, and the boy resolutely moved forward.

Cultivation reincarnation for a hundred lives, it is better to fall into the mortal world once.

This is the mortal body, born as a mortal body, then accept the truest self and be the original one. In the end, the fire of karma is completely burned to the other side. Xia Yi asks himself, what else has not disappeared, of course it is the perseverance accumulated in the ages. , The accumulated self, he stretched out his hand and slapped his dantian with a palm.

Congenital Dao Body...destroy!

Dadao shackles... open!

Reincarnation trap...break!

Xia Yi...

Again, reincarnation!

Perhaps, just disappearing with the wind in this way is also a good thing for him, repeating endless sorrow, repeating the suffering of reincarnation, only grievances accumulate and eventually become Asura, but even if he chooses to suffer the eternal anger torment, it It still can't change now.

Some of the flying white ash drifted towards the starry sky, seeming to want to fall lonely with it at the end on a distant star, as if the dust had settled, and it was a foregone conclusion.

Even the reincarnation cannot be opened again.



Do not! ! !

Who said... I am defeated!

If there is no reincarnation, we will get rid of this reincarnation. Don’t want to stop me this day, gods and Buddhas don’t want to infect my heart again, and the avenues don’t want to destroy me.

When the dust settles, is it another foregone conclusion?

Who said I was defeated!

Can't even reincarnation start again?

Who said I was defeated! !

Xuanhuang must be extinct because of the great road, and King Ashura also dissipated his anger. No one can stop it?

Who said I was defeated! ! !

I will never be defeated!

On the dead star, when the blue and gray were gone, a man in white appeared on the spot without any signs. He was like a mortal. He had no special physique at all, let alone the breath of a cultivator. He bent down and picked up the spear on the ground. , And pick up the broken part.

The spear is back as before, and the sharpness is even more revealed!

He raised his head and looked at the heavens, the sky was enveloped by endless black clouds, the entire starry sky lost its light, only endless darkness, a burst of suppressive destruction enveloped the starry sky, the whole star trembled, the galaxy reversed, the existence of Things disintegrated and annihilated one after another.

Dao catastrophe is coming, this catastrophe is called the future catastrophe of the past.

It's... the emperor robbery.

"Sure enough, isn't it that easy? Well, even if 90% of your avenue is consumed, it's enough to deal with the immortal clan."

"Dadao, Xia Yi is dead."

"Now standing in front of you is my emperor Xia Yi!"

"Come on and see who is better!"

Xia Yi held up the spear high, crossed his eyebrows and coldly faced the Dao Emperor Jie, and the reincarnation collapsed. The vision of the six Dao unity was circulating around Xia Yi. Xia Yi had completely rebelled against the Dao at this moment!

In the stars.

The immortal army is marching, and the Nantian **** maintains his own divine cultivation base, ready to perform a divine punishment-like attack on Xuanhuang to vent the immortal clan’s anger for hundreds of thousands of years, but in the next moment, everyone felt that the starry sky was trembling. breath.

They looked back...

I saw a black cloud larger than the star itself enveloped the previous star, and a mysterious chaotic light that was completely indescribable emerged from the black cloud like a black hole. The light flashed by, and its brilliance contained the starry sky. Any color that has existed, the star will immediately disintegrate after being hit, and the whole star will fall apart!

The stars split from it, and the surface is torn apart, like a broken glass ball, but what kind of glass ball is this, this is an eternal star! !

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