Then, the stars completely exploded, and huge fragments like a continent floated towards the starry sky. This scene shocked the entire army of the fairy clan. They were so shocked that their hairs stood upside down, and their heads buzzed as if they exploded. In their memory, they could There is only the legendary emperor who has reached such a level.

What was even more amazing was that in the chaotic light, a figure faced the chaotic light penetrating the black cloud, and then directly approached them.

"Thunder Emperor Curse, annihilation, three thousand thunder prisons!"

The immortal clan has not yet seen its person, first hear its sound, the starry sky spontaneously generates thunder tribulation, covering the entire immortal clan, its robbery cloud occurs suddenly, and the large area covered by the robbery cloud completely violates the principle of the great road.

A robbery cloud in the starry sky, this is absolutely impossible!

But the facts are right in front of them. They haven't waited for the fairy clan to make any response. The shattered thunder light descended, illuminating the starry sky almost like a star. After a few breaths, the immortal clan's tens of thousands of soldiers turned into a cloud of smoke in the thunder.


Puzzled, puzzled, or even suspected that I was dreaming, this was the only thought of all members of the Immortal Clan at this moment, and even Nantian Immortal Venerable could only feel an incredible absurdity.

When the thunder light dissipated, the soldiers who had disappeared were unable to leave even the dust. The flying boat broke apart and burst open, leaving only the dark wreckage floating in the starry sky. When the fairy clan clearly saw who was in front of him, the ridiculous feeling became more and more. Intensified.

Three thousand avenues passed, without touching the body for a moment.

The rules of the starry sky are all distorted. With Xia Yi as the center, his own sky is formed. Even the shattered chaotic light from the avenue can only circulate and dissipate beside him. His breath almost permeates the entire starry sky. Although the figure is small, it seems to be able to measure the world.

If Nantian Xianzun remembers correctly, this is the scene of the birth of the emperor in the first realm since ancient times!

" evil power of the ancestor's eye hasn't disappeared!

"I'm still confused by you!"

"Damn it!"

The Southern Heaven Immortal Sword pointed to Xia Yi, thinking that all of this was an illusion. Even if he had tried his best to restore the spirit to clarity, he could only see the one standing in front of them, but it was extremely unreal, as if it was something. Xia Yi projected from things.

Xia Yi can easily destroy one-tenth of the immortal army with just one move of three thousand thunder prisons. This is truly unmatched power, absolutely powerful, why the emperor dominates? Because even the avenue has to give the emperor three points thinner, the emperor goes out, the avenue retreats.

"Isn't it all illusions that you and I walk this way?"

Xia Yi did not continue to attack for the time being, but felt this short and peak moment in his body. All the worlds looked back together. Wherever they could see, the road would be blurred. The power Xia Yi used at this moment did not come from anyone or anyone else. The things that come directly from the avenue.

With an almost incomprehensible will, he hijacked the Dao and moved for himself. In other words, the Dao has temporarily become Xia Yi's puppet. For Xia Yi, this is not a kind of revenge. How many times has the Dao been used as a puppet? In the end, it can only take back this short moment from it to reproduce the glory of the past.

Except for the avenue, nothing that existed in the past can manifest it.

The real emperor is the complete cultivation of his mind and will to perfection, and he can hardly have any further improvement. It is the peak of the living beings. Xia Yi is fundamentally different from the real emperor at this moment. He just jumped out of the trap of reincarnation and brought it out by the way. In addition to the will, reincarnation has not been able to completely obliterate things.

The power of this great emperor is the accumulation of the past. Although it does exist, things that have long since disappeared are like Ming. Ming is immortal when the Mingmen is opened, but when the Mingmen is closed, Nether will lose everything in an instant, but for Xia Yi In other words, the other side that belonged to him has dissipated in the fire of karma, this Dili is not much, and it took ninety-nine percent to deal with the disaster.

The cost of jumping out of reincarnation is really not small.

However, at least he did jump out, and ended with the death of his own as King Asura in this life. Xia Yi's did indeed die just now, his soul was completely gone, and his body was wiped out with ashes. I'm afraid it is recorded. Xia Yi's soul jade slip and soul lamp had been shattered before.

Now he is even like a new born soul. He is now a brand-new spirit who has just been born not long after. He does not belong to the acquired, nor the innate, but the ego. Of course, in a strict sense, Xia Yi is still that. Unchanging acquired creatures, unchanging mortal bodies.

In the brand-new body, the same old Xia Yi is carried, breaking the cocoon, not for transformation, but for returning to the common world again. When this hundred generations of emperor is over, Xia Yi will also return to the common body.

Back to the original appearance.

The beginning is connected with the end, a perfect and complete cycle.

Nantian Immortal Venerable couldn’t understand what Xia Yi was talking about. He couldn’t understand Xia Yi’s existence at this moment. He believed that all of this was an illusion, and all of them were caused by the troubles of the ancestor’s right eye. When things are beyond comprehension, people will not believe in reality, but will completely hide in the category that they can understand and sit down and watch the sky.

The disintegrating stars, the chaotic light that disintegrated everything, and Xia Yi, who was against the chaos of the galaxy, this scene is a reality that all members of the fairy clan cannot understand at all.

Do not……

The emperor has appeared before, and they can definitely understand the existence of the emperor, but they just don't want to admit that this Xia Yi standing in front of them at this moment is an emperor who does not exist in the past, future, and present!

An emperor with no rebellion!

Xia Yi may be stronger than the real emperor now, or far inferior. There is nothing that can be used as a reference for Xia Yi at this moment. Even Xia Yi himself does not regard the current power as the real great emperor's mighty power, because he This is a thing that does not exist.

What I have to say is the only grace of reincarnation. The power necessary to break the fact that Xuanhuang must be destroyed can only appear in the current power, which seems to be outside of common sense, but in the theorem.

Just to protect the existence of Xuanhuang at this moment...The emperor of inexistence, the unyielding will of a hundred generations has finally won a moment, Xuanhuang has a legend that some people have been waiting for countless years by the bridge of Naihe for love, just in exchange for a look at the next life, no matter what Can that look back at the frontline.

Anything that you want to change through reincarnation is often extremely unbalanced, even in vain, but even so, you still have to make this choice, because this is the only possibility left in the end. I believe this is almost impossible. The possibility of possible completion, this spirit is where humanity lies!

Xia Yi may not be the first person to have the humane will to defeat reincarnation, or may not be the last, but at this moment, he is the only one in this starry sky!

His existence is right now! Only to protect Xuanhuang, if the invader is a god, he is the **** of the gods, if the invader is the emperor, he can be stronger than the emperor, he will perish a hundred times, and he will not perish in exchange for one time, and Xuanhuang will not perish in this life. It's the great principle.

This is the source of Xia Yi's power at the moment. No matter who comes to attack Xuanhuang now, he can't think of success, because now is not the present, but the past that has been successfully guarded, and hundreds of threads are connected to connect the new law of cause and effect.

Once this calamity was over, he returned to the world.

"The fairy's over."

"Even if Dadao agrees with you to destroy Xuanhuang, I don't agree, what can you do?"

"Slaying Flame Sword!"

After speaking, Xia Yi's right hand trembled lightly, and under a cloud of chaotic fog, he summoned an inexistent sword.

Xia Yi stroked the sword lightly, then slowly raised the sword, and then gently stroked it down.

"Broken, God."


This was the sword used to destroy the Heretic God when the Sword Emperor possessed his body in the Nanling Region, but that sword Xia Yi could already slash it by himself after breaking all eight poles, and even the power of his self-made Undead Slash was even greater. But then it was different from now.

The sword cut out at this moment is the real broken sky.

Xia Yi also had to admit that he had borrowed the sword of the sword emperor from the sword, why the sword emperor’s life was called Duantian, perhaps because of the shock of seeing the city of the broken sky for the first time, that was the number one. It was the first time to have close contact with the fairy clan and the grudge of Xuanhuang, and I saw the mighty power of the fairy clan for the first time.

Cut the earth out of the abyss and gully, then if you want to overcome, you can only break the sky with your own body.

The sword is airless and light, and there is no trace of it. The starry sky is separated in two for a short time. This sword is cut out at the soldiers of the fairy clan so that they will not feel pain. Death will pass away.

This is the gentleness of the sword emperor, the extreme sharpness is not to kill the enemy more effectively, but to make the deceased go easier.

After the Slaughter Flame Sword swung this sword, it dissipated. Under this sword, the starry sky turned into hell. The bodies of many immortal soldiers broke apart, and in an instant, 50 million immortal soldiers Perish in the unknown, they don't know the fact that they are dead until they die.

But this sword inevitably left countless separated corpses, and the blood-stained starry sky was like purgatory on earth.

The immortal clan is completely stupid at this moment anyway, the soldiers can hardly tell whether they are still alive or dead. The sages of the immortal clan are trembling in their teeth, and they repeat it over and over again, serving all kinds of recovery in vain. Divine Soul, the pill to dispel illusions, Nantian Xianzun is also fully using the Nantian Banner in his hand to break the illusion.

But there is no illusion in this place. The illusion is in their hearts. They themselves don’t want to admit it. They hope that once the picture turns, what appears in front of them is still a majestic army. There is no power to destroy the stars, nor does it suddenly appear. , Xia Yi who made them completely incomprehensible.

It is good to see King Asura again, at least to make them understandable! Even if it is a defeat, it is a fact, and at least let them know what hands they lost.

But they don't know!

They don’t even want to accept it. They just think that they are in a fantasy realm. Everyone thinks that they are in a fantasy realm. Even the people around them are all fake. The soldiers of the fairy clan can’t resist, they can only close their eyes and look towards something. Something to pray.

That may be a habit handed down from the Fa God Realm. Even if you are a cultivator, even if you are a fairy clan, there are times when they are vulnerable, and sometimes when they pray to something. There is no crying, and there is not much fear. There is more fear than fear. Still don't believe it.

I didn't believe it till death.

This is just like what a mortal who doesn't know the cultivator thinks when he sees the cultivator change the world.

"Who are you... who are you, you are not him, he is dead! Your breath is not him at all!"

"I found your loophole! I found it!"

"Where are you a strong person, why do you pretend to be a dead Xuanhuang person to attack my fairy clan!!"

The reserve of General Nantian Xianzun’s army, those precious sacred stones burned without money, turned into his own divine power, he knew that the person in front of him was a formidable enemy, perhaps a hidden master in the Dao Fa world, he was caught in the opponent’s trap, He had to calm down. After all, it was a big world of Dao Fa, and it was not surprising that he knew how to arrange the illusion.


It must be the great world of Dao Fa that is causing trouble from it!

"I'm indeed dead, and it doesn't matter who I am. I think, because I have tried to reconcile with you, I may have pleaded with you in a low voice, and I am willing to be a slave, and I want to do my best to continue the past. "

"But you said that Xuanhuang and the immortal don't share the same sky."

"There is no possibility of coexistence, and I no longer wish for anything."

"If you don't share the sky, then you don't share the sky. Even if the sky helps you wait, I will kill the sky and destroy the immortals!"

Xia Yi answered the immortal clan, regardless of Xia Yi's absolute advantage now, how many times Xuanhuang had been destroyed before that? How many times has he watched this star lose its brilliance and turn into a pitch-black lone star to stop forever from now on.

From helplessness to accepting reality, again and again unwilling.

"If you are unhappy, you can become the emperor reincarnation."

These last words almost explained their true identity to the fairy clan. Nantian Xianzun and others were not incomprehensible, but their spirits refused to understand this sentence, and even wanted to treat it as if they had not heard it.

If this is true, doesn't it mean that even if Xuanhuang is extinguished, some Xuanhuang people will become emperors in the future?

It's worth it! !

What's more terrifying is that this great emperor actually chose to abandon his hard-won cultivation base in the form of reincarnation, to rewrite the existing foregone conclusion, think carefully, this is really something that a black and yellow person with a terrifying personal consciousness can do. .

"I don't believe it, see how I can break your illusion, so Fang Xiaoxiao dare to do something to my fairy clan! When we destroy Xuanhuang, we will go to war with you. The body of a loved one!"

"Xianguang Great Array!"

Nantian Immortal Venerable shouted, the immortal clan can actually rekindle their morale under such circumstances, but unfortunately, it is just like Xia Yi’s previous incarnation as King Asura also died in battle. At this moment, no matter what the immortal clan does, it’s futile. .

Before Jin Hui shone, Xia Yi raised his head with his hand in his hand, and just breathed a sigh at the large formation that had just formed. The formation seemed to have never existed before, and even the power that had been consumed was erased.

"Ha...Haha, I see, you are a member of the Heavenly Phantom Sect of the Realm Alliance, and you are the Heavenly Illusion Sovereign! Did you move your hands and feet on that mirage dragon ball? Good, you Realm, you dare to plot against us! "

Nantian Xianzun is still talking nonsense, even if the facts are in front of his eyes, it becomes understandable, but it is necessary for Nantian Xianzun, otherwise he will lose his mind, and he must make himself acceptable. Everything that happened.

Otherwise... he will go crazy.

The overly arrogant fairy clan cannot accept this fact at all, and fundamentally refuse to understand the status quo. Even if they lose or die, they will never admit that they have lost to Xuanhuang. The immortal clan’s extremely high self-esteem makes them completely paralyzed by themselves. middle.

They did not lose to Xuanhuang, no!

It must be the Jiemeng and other forces who are deliberately trying to deal with the immortal clan, it is the Dao Fa that is making trouble!

"Every deity listens to the order, and helps me break the illusion with all my strength, and all the soldiers will listen to the order and burn their lives to revive the Di Nian left by the Southern Immortal Emperor's ancestor in the Southern Sky Banner!"

The immortal moves the real means of pressing the bottom of the box, resuscitating the emperor’s mind, and wants to make the emperor’s illusion appear a battle. In this age of godlessness, the emperor’s illusion is almost an insoluble method, and the revived emperor can crush the divine way. Even the existence of God's way will greatly reduce the strength, Xuan Huang is really defeated, this is true.

Xuan Huang may end in the future, but it can never be in the present, because Xia Yi is now.


How long did the fairy clan prepare to dominate the starry sky? It's simple, one hundred thousand years.

Since the initial failure, the fairy clan has not given up, but has worked harder to prepare. Even with the passage of time, the fairy clan is also preparing for various forces that are impossible in the current era until the starry sky is devoid of gods. The day of hegemony has come, so the troops are sent out to become mysterious.

All of this should have been unimpeded, and it was bound to succeed. In fact, the immortal clan has also succeeded how many times, but there is always one who is unwilling to exist.

The whole family of Xian is preparing for one hundred thousand years, and he will reincarnate for one hundred lives.

Whenever he recalled the past, when he finally stepped into reincarnation, he would think of the death of his beloved and the demise of his hometown.

He lost, lost! ! He has always been defeated, but as long as he doesn't say defeat, he will never fail.

Who said I was defeated!

This sentence is the only obsession that remains in my heart after stepping into reincarnation in each life.

Xia Yi didn't interrupt Nantian Xianzun's summoning of the Southern Immortal Emperor's Di Nian, because he would crush that Di Nian, just like what the Xian Clan did to Xuan Huang, making the Xian Clan feel helpless and desperate.

Is Xia Yi cruel? Is Xia Yi too much? Xia Yi didn't think so.

Just use the way of the person to treat the person's body.

The soldiers of the fairy clan died on a large scale without Xia Yi's further action. With the supreme righteousness to the race, they sacrificed all their spirits and dedicated them to the Nantian Banner. An idea in the Nantian Banner gradually recovered. It conveys a sad mood, and perhaps can't bear to recover in this way.

Xia Yi's brows trembled slightly, it turns out that your fairy clan also knows what sorrow is.

The self-sacrificing soldiers of the fairy clan turned into a sparkling prairie fire, and the beautiful shimmering light gathered towards the southern sky flag. Even if the cold corpses would have been floating in the dark starry sky, they did not hesitate. This scene was a bit sacred, but it could not shake Xia Yi’s Heart.

In the future, such things will certainly not be rare.

Those glimmers moved closer to the Nantian Banner, and gradually formed a figure with the Nantian Banner as the core. It was an old-looking person of the immortal clan with kind eyebrows and kind eyes. It looked at the glimmer, looked at its own body, with a haggard face. There is sorrow in it.

If it can, it hopes that it will never recover in this way.

"Leave Di Nian? The remnant soul of the Great Emperor is still about the same, Xian Clan, Xian Clan, good you Xian Clan!"

"In order to maintain this remnant soul, you are afraid that it will be sacrifices for generations, and you don't know how many lives of the same race have been sacrificed."

"And you old man, the great emperor is willing to become the emperor weapon spirit, I really don't know what to say about you."

Xia Yi smiled and clapped hands to the immortal race. Is this the strength of the first realm of the human race? It is indeed respectable. Although he is an enemy, Xia Yi also admires the sacrifices made by the immortal clan emperor for the race. The spirit that cannibalize future generations must survive, just to appear at this moment and solve major problems for future generations.

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