"It's not busy."

"That's good, in fact, I want to ask about how this fairy method has its own understanding. The secret sword Tianguang is the move of our fairy clan people, so the stronger it is, the more different you can prove yourself."

"Secret Sword Skylight? I think about it..."

The secret sword Tianguang, this is a sword move that everyone of the fairy clan can use. It was also used by Jing Yi in Tianling Xia Yi, but Jing Yi did not rely on himself, but relying on a fairy clan’s magic weapon to perform it. , To put it bluntly, this is a means to release the power of the Golden Crow in the bloodline in one breath, and of course it can prove whether the bloodline of the released person is strong.

"After His Royal Highness Ruyi is the Southern Emperor, I think I can consider using blood to lead the way and abandon the sword to draw a display."

When fighting to the death with the Lord of the Nantian Palace, Xia Yi noticed that Nandi's bloodline could directly use his own blood to draw an array. It was very powerful. It didn't need an array pattern at all, so he could paint a large array in a short time.

"Bloodline Yindao? How should this be done?"

Xian Ruyi is puzzled. Of course, she is also majoring in formation, and she is not good at real-time combat at all. That is to say, she does not need to use the bloodline guide at all. A trick that works in a short time is a good trick.

"Go outside, I will teach you."

Closing the book on the table, Xia Yi took Xian Ruyi and left the penalty hall for a while. There was a lot of space on the wide bridge, enough for Xian Ruyi to practice casually. Since the birthday of Nandi, Xian Ruyi has become even more unusual. Cultivation hard, focusing on how to become stronger.

In fact, nothing romantic happened on Nandi’s birthday. Xia Yi just spent a day with Xian Ruyi. From morning to night, every minute and every moment, she responded to her occasional act of acting like a baby. cheer.

"His Royal Highness Ruyi, since I am not from the Southern Emperor's blood, please borrow your blood."

"No problem, of course!"

On the edge of the giant bridge, Xian Ruyi bit her fingertips, and there was a slight golden color in the bright red blood. She seemed to feel no pain at all, dripping her own blood on Xia Yi's palm.


"That's it?"

"This is enough, I don't want you to bleed too much."

Xia Yi held Xian Ruyi's injured finger with his other hand and used his vitality to help heal. The vitality gave Xian Ruyi a warm feeling, just like the smile Xia Yi often puts on his face.

"His Royal Highness Ruyi, you are optimistic, the array is broad and profound, you know better than me, but the void drawing array requires a high concentration of will and one action, which may be a bit difficult for you."

"But I believe you can definitely do it."


Xia Yi closed his eyes and pondered for a moment. The soul had planned beforehand what formation method he would portray. Xia Yi, who was half-hearted in the formation, couldn't draw the formation as he pleased, so he had to think about it first.

But fortunately, Xia Yi has rich combat experience, and the true meaning of martial arts has long been achieved, and he can concentrate his willpower to abandon distracting thoughts anytime, anywhere.

He took a deep breath, and the next moment...

Raising his hand and starting to write something in the air where there is nothing, the trajectory outlined by the dancing fingers exudes golden brilliance, and there is no half-stop, and even faster and faster. Circle, when the last trajectory is connected to the first trajectory, golden light starts to shine in front of Xia Yi.

At this moment, Xia Yi pointed out that the translucent array in front of him suddenly burst into the sky with a very destructive beam.

"Probably it's like this. This is just a spirit gathering formation. The difficulty lies in the concentration of the will and one action. It can't be broken in the middle, and the speed can't be slow. Otherwise, if you haven't finished the characterization yet, the Dao pattern previously described has already dispersed. go."

Xian Ruyi was fascinated by what she saw at this time. Although his father often taught her, he almost always taught her how to make formations. He never taught her how to fight even if she was afraid that she would go there in the future. The battlefield is average.

If she can learn this trick well, even if she doesn't know other skills, she will be better than many of her peers.

"Big Brother Xianhuan, how do you temper your concentration of willpower?"

"Without it, practice makes perfect. From now on, you will keep describing the same formation, and you will continue to describe until you can do it in one go, even without thinking, to subconsciously describe the degree of completion. This is not a day's work. A year or two is considered less."

"I will come on! I will practice now!"

"Look at you in a hurry, is there something going on recently?"

"The assessment of Beidi Xianfu is coming. I am currently studying art in Beidi Xianfu. Yubei is the gathering place of many sects of our immortal clan. Yubei is also the realm of cultivation that resembles Xianhuan Brother you before."

"Well, then you work hard, I look forward to you regaining a good ranking."

"I will definitely, this time I want Sister Yueyin to bow down to me! I have confidence."

After that, Xian Ruyi ran to the cultivation secret realm of Nantian Palace, but the name she mentioned before she left made Xia Yi's mood a little ups and downs.

Sister Yueyin... Xianyueyin?

He has heard of this name, she is unparalleled in the fairy clan, the true fairy that every fairy clan man dreams of, her character may also be very good, after all, she is a woman who can remember the sky, which explains her. The horizon is definitely not limited to the fairy clan, she can see more, she may be the hope of the fairy clan and Xuanhuang for peace.

But so what?

How could Xia Yi give up revenge against the fairy clan because of a woman? He now has to use everything he can use, and he is only qualified to talk about kindness after he has absolute sovereignty. Kindness has never been something the weak can do to the strong, but it is everything that Xian Ruyi can do to Xian Ruyi. Xia Yi also knows How much I am too much, but this is a good breakthrough.

He said that the bottom line is upright, will the fairy clan know it? The fairy clan would only kill him with the whip corpse and then destroy Xuanhuang!

Kindness is a kind of forgiveness from the strong to the weak, but Xuanhuang is the weak for the immortal clan. What qualifications does he have to be benevolent to the immortal clan?

He doesn't want equality, he wants the fairy clan to kneel down and admit his mistakes. From the beginning, Xia Yi's goal was not for peace.

Unknowingly, three months passed. Xian Ruyi really did not find Xia Yi for three consecutive months. This inevitably made Xia Yi reflect. He was wondering if he had been used by Xian Ruyi. I didn't dare to underestimate the immortal clan, even if the other party was just a woman who had just begun to love her.

Unlike Xian Ruyi trusting him, Xia Yi had a serious distrust of Xian Ruyi, and Xian Ruyi's growth rate made Xia Yi worried.

Finally, it wasn't until the fourth month that Xia Yi came to the Xian clan exactly one year later, Xian Ruyi found Xia Yi again. During these four months, Xia Yi mainly used to fight the arrogant rebels. The main task, secretly, also instructed the black-collar town governor to continue the relationship with the clan of the Nantian Palace Lord.

And finally, those guys actually took the initiative to hand over the death row to the black neighbor town superintendent. The significance of this is no longer necessary for Xia Yi to say. Don’t look at the death row prisoners, but at least it’s broken the window paper. It gets bigger and bigger over time.

Even under this behavior, the clansmen who already represented the Nantian Palace Master acquiesced in the cooperation between the black-collar town governor and the rebels. Xia Yi asked the black-collar town governor several times in the middle of the trouble, but they were all caught by the Nantian Palace Lord. Xia Yi's clan members stopped, and Xia Yi finally let it go, making the Nantian Palace Lord's clan members more and more courageous.

Everything was going according to plan, but Xia Yi was always worried. He had a lot of suspicions in the fairy clan, and even tried the black-collar town governor. Fortunately, this guy didn't dare to mess around.

"Big Brother Xianhuan, I'm out of the customs."

After coming to the penalty hall to find Xia Yi, Xian Ruyi’s first sentence was to tell Xia Yi that she had left the customs, and the first person she found after leaving the customs was also Xia Yi. She couldn’t wait to find Xia Yi to share with her. Joy, she regarded Xia Yi as another person destined to be, but Xia Yi was suspicious of her.

Even if it didn't show up, Xia Yi had already put forward many hypotheses in the past four months. If Xian Ruyi only borrowed him to take the position, there would be endless troubles.

"Really? Congratulations. I haven't seen you for four months. I really miss you a little bit."

Xia Yi took the initiative to get up from his seat, and then approached Xian Ruyi to touch her head, but Xian Ruyi stepped back. This action instantly made Xia Yi's eyes become quite cold.

"I...I haven't showered yet, my body is a bit dirty, and my hair is messy!"

After taking a step back, Xian Ruyi looked down at the ground in embarrassment. Fortunately, she didn't see Xia Yi's expression at that moment, otherwise she would definitely be seriously puzzled.

"Where, why do monks of my generation mind this? I come from Taoism, and I don't take a bath often. It exists without washing my face for several years. Why don't you think that your Royal Highness Ruyi will dislike me for being dirty? "

When Xia Yi said this, Xian Ruyi was anxious. She raised her head and looked at Xia Yi's face. After hesitating for a while, she threw herself into Xia Yi's arms.

"How is it possible! When it comes to being dirty, I am even more dirty. Brother Xianhuan, you are a venerable person. The spiritual aura of heaven and earth surrounds the body. How could it be the same as my little sage, and...and..."

"Excuse me! I took it up suddenly, but I can never despise the immortal and return the brother to you!"

Xian Ruyi anxiously explained that the peculiar worries of a young girl made her look cute.

twenty one

"Haha, I know for sure, I just made a joke, your reaction is too big."

Xia Yi smiled and stretched out her hand to gently scratch the bridge of Xian Ruyi's nose. Xian Ruyi was shocked by the affectionate movement. Four months after separation, Xia Yi seemed to be more enthusiastic towards her than before.

Of course, this is a good thing, it made her feel like wiping honey in her heart, and the three months of hard work instantly became worthless.

"Ken... for sure... if you hate being returned by the fairy brother, I don't know how to..."

She whispered quietly, her voice was as tiny as a fly flapping its wings, and her face was flushed. Xian Ruyi's true age was less than thirty. Don’t look at it in Xuanhuang. She has almost three in the past thirty years. She spends two of the time practicing, and her experience and character are not low, but when she comes into contact with emotional matters, she instantly becomes as shy as a Xuanhuang high school student.

Even the fifteen-year-old You Yuer was thicker than her!

In this regard, if Xian Ruyi does have innocence, it is that she acted too similarly, but even if she acted resemblingly, she would have to rest and hide from Xia Yi's test.

"What do you do if I really hate it?"


Xia Yi asked deliberately, and even showed a smirk. Xianruyi froze for a long time, and then gritted his teeth and threw himself into Xia Yi's arms again, this time still holding tightly.

"Then I will pester you!"

"His Royal Highness Ruyi, you really love to act like a baby. You are exactly the same as my dead sister. But don't worry, I will never hate you. I will cherish your new sister. If anyone dares to bully you, I will be Xianzun. Let him lose a layer of skin too!"

Xia Yi’s remarks made Xian Ruyi both happy and a little sad. How can I say that she is happy that Xia Yi attaches great importance to her, but she is unwilling to be Xia Yi just as her younger sister, so she tries so hard to prove her Own.

She raised her head and couldn't help but want to ask Xia Yi if she had any other opinion of her, but only saw Xia Yi's right eye changed into a blood moon magic pupil. In a very brief moment, her consciousness Snatched by evil eyes.

"Are you planning to use me?"

Xia Yi asked like this, Xian Ruyi's eyes were very empty, she did not answer, her expression was both puzzled and puzzled, because let alone using it, she had never even used this idea.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Have you ever doubted me?"

Shaking his head, Xian Ruyi kept shook his head, no matter what Xia Yi asked, Xia Yi believed in the news after using evil eyes to get lost more than the trust Xian Ruyi showed.

This shows how much Xia Yi distrusts Xian Ruyi.

Xia Yi got rid of the evil eyes only after getting a satisfactory answer. Xian Ruyi slowly regained her senses. At this moment, she realized that she seemed to be absent, but she didn't feel anything strange, because she looked at her "Xian Huan Brother". It's not the first time I accidentally watched it.

"Big Brother Xianhuan, that...I can only be...yes..."

Xian Ruyi wanted to ask this question, but she couldn’t say it. She was afraid of being rejected, very, very scared, even to the point of fear. She distanced herself.

She understood that the reason why Xia Yi cared about her was not because she was like Xia Yi's "dead sister", she was just a substitute, Xia Yi's true feelings continued, so she was afraid of rejection.

"His Royal Highness Ruyi? What's wrong with you? Are you feeling well?"

Xian Ruyi gritted her teeth at this moment, and didn't even notice her bite her lips. She didn't dare to imagine what she would look like after being rejected, so she would rather simply maintain the current relationship, even if she was just staying with Xia Yi temporarily as a younger sister. .

For the glory of the family, for the Southern Emperor, for the fairy clan, for oneself.

Xia Yi told her all this, so under the premise of all this, she still has a top priority goal.

For the sake of the immortal brother...

"No, no, but there are some things I don't think I can say now."

"What's not easy to enter, and I'm still polite?"

"This is the girl’s secret. By the way, I am going to the Northern Emperor Xianfu to participate in the assessment. If Xianhuan Brother, you have nothing to do in the past few days, of course I am not asking you to come, I just said that if it is not very important Things, can you go with me?"

"Of course you don't have to force yourself! I understand that you are very busy. I just ask. I will not leave until a few days. Then you can give me an answer. Then I will go ahead."

After that, Xian Ruyi quickly turned around and wanted to leave. In fact, she asked Xia Yi's staff before she came. Xia Yi is planning a major operation to eliminate the rebels during this period. This kind of critical moment also made Xia Yi pull away to accompany her to participate in the assessment, which is too willful.

But she just wanted Xia Yi to see the results of her hard work. After weighing it a few times, she still came and decided to raise it. Because she had a trace of extravagant hope in her heart, she felt that Xia Yi might agree to her.

"Ruyi, I might have something wrong these days..."

As soon as Xia Yi said this, Xian Ruyi's leaving back suddenly stopped, and she said "um" to indicate that she knew it. Her voice sounded pitiful, as if she had been abandoned, but soon , Xia Yi sighed again.

"But it's not that there is no time at all. When will I start? I have worked hard these days."

Hearing Xia Yi's words, Xian Ruyi immediately turned around, there was still a little sadness on his face, only the purest smile.

"Just five days later! I continue to practice, Brother Xianhuan, thank you!"

After that, she couldn't help laughing, and left with a smile like this. Xia Yi watched Xian Ruyi leave, and after a while she let out a real long sigh.

"Only in a carefree environment can you grow into such a look, it's really a little like a little poem when you were a child."

"I moved my compassion?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Xia Yi covered his face with his hands and smiled a few times, after which the whole person's breath gradually became gloomy and cold.


"I forgive the fairy clan, who will forgive Xuanhuang!"

"Don't give up any chance!"

"I once gave up being a human being, how can I be disgusted again!"

He has dyed hundreds of millions of blood from the immortal clan, so what is an immortal ruyi? And once she learns her true identity, she will definitely wait for Tu Guangxuanhuang, everything now is an illusion!

This is true for Xian Ruyi, and it is also true for Xia Yi. The culprit who caused the Southern Emperor of the Immortal Realm to wither away, and even completely wiped away the remnant soul of the Southern Emperor, was Xia Yi. After doing this, what kind of humanity should he consider?

I'm not a human first, but the fairy clan!

He just used the way of the immortal clan to control the body of the immortal clan.

twenty two

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