Originally, they just wanted to disgust Xia Yi at first, but the black-collar town governor was very knowledgeable about current affairs and wanted to get in touch with them.

On this day, the clan of the lord of the Nantian Palace was invited by the black-collar town superintendent to gather together at the best restaurant in the city of Nantian. The clan of the lord of the Nantian Palace naturally agreed. People are a bit unusual, how should I say, they are very clear-headed, and they are people who do great things. They all appreciate the black-collar town governor.

In addition, although the other party sells resources to the traitors, the resources they get are given to them obediently. People who are aware of the current affairs do not mind being their own.

In the private rooms of the restaurant, Qiongyeyuye was staggered, and the tempting aroma of wine flew ten miles away. The black-collar town governor brought the best wine of the fairy clan to entertain them.

"I was able to survive before, and I would like to thank you all for your care. I just don't know how to thank you. Please let me go and drink this time. I will take care of everything. I will do it first!"

The black-collar town governor drank boldly. Wine has a long history in the human race. It appeared before the Emperor Wu became enlightened. I don't know how many heroes and heroes accompanied him. Therefore, the immortals can't avoid the appearance of people who love wine.

The black-collar town governor said good things, this person praised, that person held a handful, and laughed and laughed. It was not until the third round of drinking that the black-collar town governor coughed twice and cleared his throat as if he was ready to say something. .

And this naturally made the family members of the Nantian Palace Master a little more serious.

"My elders, I have encountered a little trouble this time. The penalty Xianzun seems to disobey the last sentence and is searching for the villain’s guilt. I am indeed greedy, but I have been locked in a cell and tortured for so long, even the ancestors. His second-class merits have been paid off, but he still refuses to let me go. If this goes on, the villain is really worried that one day he will lose his head!"

The black-collar town governor was very worried and sighed. The clan of the Nantian Palace Lord thought a little bit. In fact, they are not very good to fight Xia Yi all the time. They can't be too much. After all, Xia Yi is an immortal and really initiated The fire is more uncomfortable for them.

"Xian Duo Fu, we will help you deal with your problem, but the penalty for Xian Zun is now in full swing, and we also have to give him a three-point face. Death is definitely not going to happen, but the most serious consequence is to rob the house and remove it. The leader of the town governor is a fat man, and it was your ancestor who finally took his life to fight. You are definitely not willing to be dismissed, so in my opinion, would you like to give him some gifts?"

At this moment, the family members of the Nantian Palace Lord really started to consider the black-collar town superintendent. After all, this guy is a wealthy boy, who doesn't like this kind of person!

"I gave it! He didn't accept it, and it was used as evidence that I bribed him!"

"Tsk... this young man is really cool. Fortunately, this guy only deals with rebels. If you let him be the person on the inspector side, you can still have it."

The family members of the Nantian Palace Lord are a little worried, but it doesn't matter. They are not very greedy, at least they will not take the initiative to greet anything, and at most they will receive a few gifts. Even if Xia Yi finds out, they will be warned at most.

"Hey, in short, now my future depends on the adults. The villain also prepared a big gift this time. This was originally the villain prepared to break through. These things are..."

While speaking, the black-collar town governor suddenly lowered his voice.

"I got it at a high price in the hands of the rebels."

After speaking, the family members of the Nantian Palace Lord changed their expressions, and the atmosphere in the room was a bit dull for a while. They looked around, and then released their spirits to explore the vicinity, and they slowly spoke after confirming that no one was nearby.

"Xian Duo Fu, you are so brave! You don't want your head anymore? The punishment Xianzun wants to chop your head, so you still go to the rebel to trade?"

"Things are really good. I admit that the person who made this thing is guilty. The crime deserves death. I can't help being angry. But these things are innocent. It's impossible to just throw them away, right? Use it, wouldn’t it be better for us to deal with rebels after using it.”

The black-collar town governor pretended to be mysterious and took out a box. The clan of the Nantian Palace Lord looked at the box with some doubts, not knowing what it was.

"Something is so good, but listening to your tone, it's definitely not a righteous thing, right? Don't sell it, open it quickly!"

"Of course not, adults, don't worry, I'll open it now, please see."

The black-collar town superintendent said as he slowly opened the box in his hand. Inside the box was a brilliant golden round ball, which was precisely an elixir, which exudes a strange aroma, in the fragrance of the medicine. But with a hint of blood.

Everyone who smelled this smell felt that their blood and cultivation base were about to move, and the immortal energy in their bodies started to revolve on their own.

"This...this is?"

"Blood Soul Pill, as far as the materials are concerned, you must have guessed it. After taking it, it can greatly improve the cultivation base and bloodline. It is not impossible for the inferior immortals to become pure-blood immortals by relying on this thing. For those of you, if the bloodline concentration continues to rise, wouldn't the palace master be in your hands?"

"At least, it's more comfortable than having a woman who doesn't understand anything sit on her head, right?"

The things that the black-collar town governor brought out made the Nantian Palace Lord’s clan members look at each other. They all understood that it was an absolute taboo, because it was equivalent to swallowing the blood of the same clan. This is a big sin in the fairy clan, but they all I am tempted, no matter how serious the crime is, it is not the person who needs sanctions, but if you take this thing, you may be able to stand on the head of the person who imposed sanctions!

"The technique is very clever. It directly refines the Golden Crow bloodline itself. It is definitely a high-level Danzun's method. There are no more than 20 people in the human realm who can practice this Dan."

"Ultimately, who would dare to violate my immortal clan's taboo?"

"This Dan Outlander is useless, but for our immortal clan..."

At this moment, it doesn’t matter who refines the blood pill, because Nantian Palace Lord’s clan members can’t even look away from the pill. This is what they need most to make Xianru Yi is the only treasure whose blood purity is inferior.

"Black-collar town superintendent, don't tell anyone but us about this matter."

"Of course I understand. I wanted to take it by myself, but I thought of the adults the first time. This product can definitely exert a greater effect in the hands of the adults!"


A few days later.

In the southern part of the Immortal Realm, a secret gathering place for rebels, the patrol team is carefully exploring the surrounding area. They survived in a depleted fairy stone mine, and countless arrays were set up at the door of the mine.

The rebels have not dared to go out arrogantly because of the recent birth of the penalty Xianzun, but some small activities have never stopped.

Suddenly, they noticed that someone was approaching the door of the mine. They quickly launched the formation to deliver the door to the door, and found that there was no danger, but a lower-level immortal covered in blood and dying was approaching.

There was no danger, they immediately walked out of the mine, and came to the inferior immortal who was a little unable to walk.

"Who are you? What's wrong with you?"

The patrol team supported the poor inferior immortal. He pressed the opponent's shoulder with difficulty, his lips trembled, and he seemed to have difficulty even speaking.

"I...I'm a survivor of a camp in the north who was punished by Immortal Venerable to destroy the camp. I brought the pill that we secretly developed. It might help us..."

"Please...return to the fairy clan a piece of justice..."

After speaking, the inferior immortal carefully took out a jade slip and a tattered bottle. After taking it out, before he could say anything, he suddenly lost his breath and died. The patrol team was very puzzled. They I picked up the jade slip and found it was actually a kind of pill. Although it was very complicated, it had been simplified as much as possible to make it understandable.

As for the items in the bottle, they were just a few small golden pills. The medicine smell of the golden pills was strange, with a hint of blood.

"How to do?"

"This pill is actually a magic pill..."

"But this Dan helped us a lot. The camp in the north has finally developed this thing. It's a pity that it was wasted. Let's go back and report it first."

"Then him?"

One of the members of the patrol pointed at the dead inferior immortal, and the others sighed. There was a fatal wound on his body, and a big hole in his chest. He must have overdrawn his life. He was supported by faith. From here.

"Find a good place to bury it nearby."

"Alright, brother, thank you for your contribution!"

The patrol team respectfully bent over and bowed to the body of the inferior immortal, and then took him to a beautiful place nearby to be buried. After the patrol team left, a person sat up from the mound. He walked out of the pile, and then found a body from the storage ring and buried it again before turning around and leaving.

And the corpse he took out looked exactly like him, but his appearance slowly changed when he left, and finally turned into an existence that scared the rebels, and turned into a punishment for the immortal.

"The immortal clan doesn't follow the magic way, it's not that it doesn't want to, but looks down upon it, and naturally doesn't want to understand it, but how can the advanced magic way be so inferior to the right way?"

"It's the magic way of alchemy and refining tools, and it's not necessarily inferior to the orthodox!"

Xia Yi looked at the direction the patrol members had left and muttered to himself, he has spread a plague to the fairy clan. The magic way is a kind of way that can use everything in order to strengthen itself. The immortal groupism is the first, so he naturally looks down on the magic way. But when they needed it, they never thought of the magic way.

For the next half month, Xia Yi has been paying close attention to this gathering place until one day when he saw them kidnapping pure-blood immortals and entering, and smelling the smell of **** medicine, Xia Yi left with satisfaction, and Xia Yi knew this pill. It won't take long for Fang to spread among the rebels, and Xia Yi temporarily fell silent for a while, only to wipe out a small gathering of rebels every few times.

In fact, Xia Yi had already figured out where the rebels had gathered. With the help of Evil Eye and Mirage Dragon, those anti-soul-searching methods were completely absent, and Xia Yi would sooner or later know all of them even if they follow the vines and touch the melons.

These rebels seem scattered, but there is someone who is similar to the commander. This guy is mysterious. Even Xia Yi can't find information about him, but Xia Yi is not in a hurry, because Xia Yi never intends to be serious. Help the fairy clan to eradicate the rebels.

Regardless of whether it is a rebel or the immortal clan itself, Xia Yi's eyes are all unnecessary things and can be treated at will.

The five emperors of Xianli were in the tenth six thousand three hundred and eighty-two years.

In the middle of the year, it was also the eighth month after Xia Yi came to the immortal clan. The southern part of the immortal world ushered in an important annual festival. Yu is the birthday of the Northern Emperor, but the birth of the Central Immortal Emperor is once every ten years, because that is the grandest festival of the immortal clan.

The achievements of the central immortal emperor of the immortal clan were even higher than that of its ancestors. They unified the immortal clan and ended the troubled times of civil war of the four emperors of the immortal clan. The immortal clan used to have continuous internal disputes like other realms, and can have the current prosperity. All thanks to the contribution of the Central Immortal Emperor.

He formulated various laws and regulations to restrict the internal struggle of the immortal clan, and even set a restriction on the bloodline with the Great Emperor Weili, but although he restricted the bloodline, he could never restrict the hearts of the people.

There are actually many differences between the five regions of the immortal clan, and even their own independent cultures. For example, the Western Regions still retain a lot of the culture of the Dharma and God Realm. The Western Immortal Emperors of the Xian tribe are even more adept at the Dharma God Realm and magic.

This year’s Nandi’s birthday was held much larger than in the past, just like to wash away the sorrow of the Nantian Palace Lord’s sacrifice. The immortals of the Southern Territory are celebrating, and they are trying their best to drive away the sorrow. This kind of hardworking spirit. It was not unique to the fairy clan, but a spirit shared by the human clan, even Xia Yi did not continue to trouble the rebels these days.

In Nantian City, Xian Ruyi in a costume walks by Xia Yi. She is very happy now, and she keeps laughing like silver bells. She knows that Xia Yi is a busy person, but she invites Xia Yi to spend the holidays with her. At that time, Xia Yi agreed without hesitation, and even dressed herself up today, which made Xian Ruyi feel that Xia Yi still cared about her.

So she is happy!

But does Xia Yi really care?

Of course I care. Why don't you care about such a useful tool?

The immortals in the city sang and danced. Xia Yi stood beside Xian Ruyi and kept a gentle smile, but Xian Ruyi saw a haze in Xia Yi's eyes.

"Big Brother Xianhuan, what's wrong with you?"

Noting the change in Xia Yi’s expression, Xian Ruyi immediately asked a question in doubt. Xia Yi also realized that he had exposed a little flaw at this moment. Fortunately, the person next to Xian Ruyi was Xian Ruyi, and Xian Ruyi could not see the haze. Among Xia Yi's real emotions.

"I just remembered my past. If my parents didn’t commit guilt and fled, I should be able to celebrate such a grand festival every year. Just looking at the happiness of the people, I feel warm in my heart. At the same time, there are many regrets."

Just looking at the fairy clan so happy, Xia Yi's icy heart filled with endless killing intent.

Xuanhuang used to be so prosperous, and the Xuanhuang people used to sing and dance in their own realm, singing mountains and flowing water, singing Taoism and nature, but they encountered an almost extinct catastrophe. Xuanhuang has not been able to bring it from the original battle. Out of the trauma, why can your fairy clan be so happy?

He didn't want to see the peace and prosperity, he didn't want to hear the singing.

What he wanted to see was the ruined walls and **** corpses, and... the cry of the fairy clan.

"Big Brother Xianhuan! It doesn’t matter, there are still many days to come. Nandi’s birthday is once a year, and I will spend it with you next year. Even though the army has been wiped out, I was deeply distressed after hearing the news. I even thought about it for a while. I wanted to commit suicide, but the sense of responsibility allowed me to survive, but how long can that empty sense of responsibility last?"

"Now I want to live, I want to rejuvenate the Nantian Temple, I want to see the people really celebrate, instead of being strong and laughing like now. I know everyone is uncomfortable, but because of this, I want to be stronger. Lead everyone down, but I believe I can do it..."

"I am the descendant of Nandi, and I am the daughter of Nantian Palace Lord."

Xian Ruyi put his hands on her chest and said in a serious and gentle tone, as if she was making promises to Xia Yi, or like cheering herself up again, beautiful blonde hair dancing with the wind, beautiful His face was filled with a bright smile.

This smile is beautiful.

"If... Brother Xianhuan, you can accompany me down..."

After Xian Ruyi finished speaking, Xia Yi reached out and touched her head. Xian Ruyi closed her eyes and seemed to enjoy this moment. The corners of her mouth were about to rise to the sky. At this moment, her heart was full of the taste of happiness.

Out of the gloom, I finally found the way to pursue happiness.

But she didn't see Xia Yi's expression.

Gritting his teeth slightly, his eyes had a desire to destroy.

"Don't worry, I will accompany you down. Your Royal Highness Ruyi...No, Ruyi."

The colder the expression, the more tender the tone of voice. Xian Ruyi is a very special woman. She is really growing rapidly, and Xia Yi is shocked by her speed. She was originally just a puppet tool, but this tool was born. Xia Yi underestimated this woman by his own will.

Because she is so dependent on Xia Yi, she has to chew every word Xia Yi said ten times to understand it. Xia Yi's experience makes his words have a certain truth, plus Xia Yi is indeed not chaotic. Speaking, so Xian Ruyi has grown tremendously.

If this continues, it might be a certain risk to control Xian Ruyi as a younger sister. Xia Yi needs to stay closer to Xian Ruyi and let the other person believe in his relationship without thinking. Then there is only one answer.


From a elder brother who was only secretly liked, to a love that the other party couldn’t bear to give up, originally feelings are slowly heating up, but Xian Ruyi’s growth far exceeds Xia Yi’s expectations. Once she is truly independent, she may take the initiative to pull At a distance, Xia Yi didn't want to cultivate a great enemy, now he must consider what means to strengthen the relationship between the two.

Xia Yi not only thought of it like this, but also made plans in his heart, only the laughter of Xian Ruyi remained.


In the penalty hall, Xia Yi sits on the main seat and is investigating the history of the rebels. After Xia Yi came to the immortal clan, he spent most of the time dealing with the rebels, so he was curious about their emergence. The immortal clan actually retains With some bad habits in the realm of cultivation, of course, no matter which realm is able to achieve full equality in the true sense.

The first is that the three major classes of the immortal clan are almost destined. Inferior immortals, pure-blood immortals, and descendants of the Wufang immortal emperors, such as the inferior immortals, basically have few opportunities to hold important positions, whether they are in the army. The middle is still a town. The five immortal emperors and queens are at the top of the immortal clan, and the pure-blood immortals are distributed in the power center of the immortal clan.

However, there have always been frictions between the three major classes. Thanks to the racial supremacy of the immortals, no large-scale riots broke out. However, the lower-level immortals, especially those who belong to the bottom of the lower-level immortals. Can't help it anymore.

Among them, there are even descendants of inferior immortals and slaves. This is undoubtedly a bloodline betrayal for the immortal clan who values ​​bloodlines. Needless to say, to what extent the immortal clan pays attention to bloodlines, the entire realm is all Only the fairy clan can see the situation of a surname.

The immortal clan does not intermarry with other realms, unless the other party is particularly good, such as having a special physique or extraordinary achievements, or is also a descendant of the great emperor. In this case, both men and women need to enter the family and change their surnames if they are immortal. If the people insist on going their own way, it is tantamount to betraying their blood.

The descendants of the five fairy emperors are basically combined with each other. For example, the descendants of the Southern Emperor and the descendants of the Northern Emperor or the descendants of the Eastern Emperor are intermarried. Of course, it is also possible to choose pure-blood immortals, but inferior immortals and inferior immortals are not accepted by default. It is no longer a day or two for the people to suffer discrimination.

Even if no one has ever explicitly stated it, all aspects of the immortal society are confirming the low status of the inferior immortals.

"The class system is conducive to internal stability and external struggles, but it is a system that always requires someone to sacrifice self-worth. This system has continued for so long with the glory of race, and it is just like the ancient human race before the split. appearance."

"But the pure-blooded immortals and the descendants of the Wufang immortal emperors too take it for granted, and this glory is rooted in the bloodline, which makes them unable to let go of their prejudices and refuse to accept that the inferior immortals are just as glorious as themselves. Of the immortals."

Xia Yi flipped through the materials and read the analysis of self-talk over and over again. Class struggle is almost accompanied by the human race's life since its birth. As long as it is the human race, it is inevitable. This is the price of the fairy race’s prosperity. Naturally, the unified "view of blood" of the immortal clan has been destroyed.

What makes Xuanhuang unified is a unity of consciousness, because he was born in this land, and the unification of the immortal race depends on the best blood of the human race. Whether or not it is a glorious immortal, it does not depend on whether the opponent is in The growth of the fairy world depends only on the blood of the other party.

In other words, as long as they can find a breakthrough in the bloodline, the immortal people can abandon their glory. No, it is not a betrayal, but a more effective pursuit, because the bloodline is the glory itself.

"The blood pill should be enough to cause a **** storm in the fairy clan..."

Considering this, Xia Yi couldn't help but sneer inside. As long as he found a suitable breakthrough, the immortal clan was not a monolithic one. In fact, Xia Yi was not too smart, but as an outsider, he just broke into the immortal clan.

Because blood is equal to glory and a recognizable identity, as long as there is a way to pretend to be an immortal, everything will be fine.

Xia Yi continued to investigate history, hoping to find a better way to split the immortal clan. At this moment someone walked into the penalty hall. Xia Yi looked up and saw that it was not his subordinates, but Xian Ruyi, because of Xia Yi’s The gentle attitude has caused Xian Ruyi to show less respect for Xia Yi recently, and gradually turn to dependence.

"His Royal Highness Ruyi, what's the matter?"

"That... Brother Xianhuan, are you busy now?"

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