Soon, Xia Yi’s subordinates took these slaves away, and Xia Yi knew more or less in his heart. The town superintendent of Black-collar Town was someone who made a difference and reselled resources, so he bought them at a low price with the immortal stone in his hand. If you sell them at a high price to the rebels, there is not much value even if you check them.

And this kind of reselling can justify his behavior. For example, if he doesn't know that the other party is a traitor or something, it will not constitute a crime of supporting the traitor. Of course, Xia Yi must have a way to convict him, and he probably knows the other party's crime. After getting the details, Xia Yi had a new purpose.

This kind of greedy goods can be wooed, and Xia Yi needs some more selfish people to be his companions, because this kind of talent will choose his own interests when facing the great interests of the immortal clan, in order to go on the same path with Xia Yi.

"I'll go out."

After that, Xia Yi left the penalty hall directly, and wanted to personally go and talk to the town governor of the black-collar town. Don’t think this is just a small person. A crack appeared.

Half a day later, in the black-collar town, the town superintendent’s training room, Xia Yi took the search jade slip given to him by Xian Ruyi and forcibly broke into the opponent’s room. It was the look in his eyes, his eyes were very guilty when he looked at Xia Yi.

"Punishment... Master Xianzun, you came from a long way, and you rushed into my private territory with a search warrant. I don't know what happened. My ancestors have done second-class merit, even if you are the Xianzun, you should at least Have the most basic respect for me, right?"

Although the town governor had a guilty conscience, he still had some courage. He knew that he was certainly not guilty of death, as long as he insisted that he didn't know that those who traded were rebels.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you this time. Let's open the skylight to speak up. You are taking risks like this to survive your second-class merits and crimes, but what is the use of your greed? Are you for cultivation, or for A better future, I can give you all these things, don't you think you have better choices now than helping those rebels?"

"Punish Master Xianzun, what do you mean?"

The town governor was a little surprised, and even couldn't believe what he had heard. This penalty immortal is said to be a very cruel person. There is no one in the gathering place where the rebels that he knocked down have no one to live. This kind of upright person will draw him in. Such a small person?

"I just returned to the fairy clan, and there are no cronies around me. Sometimes the heads of the guys under my hand may not turn around. I grew up in Taoism. I know that in some things, gentlemen are not as good as villains, and they are greedy, human nature, I am also greedy. I understand you. Sooner or later you will get caught and make a big deal, but it will be different if you are covered by me."

Xia Yi smiled and talked, and the town governor had to say that he was already tempted!


He didn't really support the rebels, because he would never provide any resources for free. On the contrary, the asking price was not low. He clearly wanted to fish for resources. Xia Yi saw this and felt that this person could be attracted.

"I don't know... what do you need the villain to do for you?"

The town superintendent thought for a while, and finally knelt down on one knee to Xia Yi decisively, showing his loyalty. Xia Yi was right, what it was like when he was born in a place like the fairy clan, basically this Life is like that, it is difficult to improve, but now is different, this immortal venerable who has returned from Dao Fa is not as rigid as other immortal venerable.

This penalty immortal venerable is now a small person like him with no one around him, and once he missed it, there would be no such good opportunity.

If you can follow the right person, that is definitely a good thing. The Immortal Venerable did not say anything to punish him, but he also knew that once he refused, the penalty Immortal Venerable would never be polite!

"You first cooperate with me in a play, I will take you back to torture, of course, that is to say to the outside world, it is wronged that you stay in jail for a few days, you eat and drink well, I am If you are unwilling to beat your own people, I will execute you on my own will, but someone will show up to defend you, I'm sure!"

"After that, I have no choice but to let you go back. You remember to prepare gifts for those who protect you, and because you were almost executed by me, and you hate me very much, you contact the rebel and express your willingness to provide resources for free. out!"

"After the incident, you pick a time to inform me, just say that those who support you have contact with the rebels, and I have a reason to deal with them, and you provided me with the news in retribution with virtue. There is a city governor among the people, do you know what I mean?"

"After he was executed, your credit is naturally..."

Xia Yi didn't go on, but just showed a faint smile, and the town governor shook his head. Isn't that obvious enough! His chance to become a city governor is now! !

"The villain is determined to be the penalty for the brainstem of Master Xianzun!"

"Now, please take me back to Nantian Temple for punishment."

"Okay! Your head is much more flexible than those rigid guys, I admire you, let me do it."

The internal stability of the fairy clan also comes at a price, that is, the class that is fixed to death. You were born as an inferior immortal, and you are almost always in this life. You were born in the line of the five-party immortal emperor, then you can Serving important positions in the five-party heavenly palace, no matter how bad they are, they can also be mixed into the positions of city governor and town governor.

Under this circumstance, many capable people have completely lost the ascent channel. Even if someone can break it occasionally, it is only occasionally.

After that, Xia Yi personally “captured” the town governor of the Black-collar town and returned to Nantian Palace, and lynched the second-class meritorious ancestor, although Xia Yi’s evidence proved that he did use the resources. It was sold to rebels, but the black-collar town governor also claimed that he had no knowledge of it, and only thought which sect bought it.

However, Xia Yi still cured him of helping treason and decided to execute him forcibly.

Originally, this was just a trivial matter. Someone would admit the merits made by the ancestors, and that would be yes. If no one would admit, that would be no. What's more?

No matter how you look at it, the town superintendent of the black-collar town will undoubtedly die, but the other party has an official position, and indeed the ancestors have done meritorious service, which makes the clan of the Nantian Palace master seize the opportunity to start disgusting Xia Yi.

They began to help the town superintendent of the black-collar town, forcibly rejected Xia Yi’s execution order, and sent people to sympathize with the black-collar town superintendent in prison. The black-collar town superintendent was convinced by Xia Yi anyway. It was exactly the same as what Xia Yi said, someone really came to protect him!

A few more days later, the clan members of the Nantian Palace Lord asked Xia Yi to release the black-collar town superintendent, and forced Xia Yi to go to the palace. Now that there is no palace owner to decide the power, the result of the palace discussion is the greatest.

In the Nantian Hall, the clan relatives of the Nantian Palace Lord stood opposite Xia Yi, and Xia Yi stood alone on the other side. Only a few of his subordinates and Xian Ruyi behind him were supporting the facade, and the high seat of the main hall was empty. It should be the position of the lord of Nantian Palace.

In the center of the main hall, the black-collar town governor, wearing a shabby white coat and full of scars, knelt on the ground, awaiting trial. This time the palace council will decide his life and death.

Of course, he knew in his heart that he would never die, all of which was within the expectation of the punishment of Lord Xianzun.

"Xianhuan, regarding the black-collar town superintendent, we think you are too sloppy. We have told you many times before. You killed too many people. Even if the rebels really deserve to die, some of them were also deceived. , Why can’t you give them a chance to reform.”

The family members of the Nantian Palace Lord began to grasp Xia Yi’s lack of mercy, saying that Xia Yi was not humane enough and would not give anyone any opportunity, indicating that Xia Yi had too much power, and the position of the town governor was not big. But it's not too small to be small, not to mention that the other's ancestors also made great contributions.

The second-class merit is no longer small in the immortal clan. Only the first-class merit and the special merit are greater in the front. After such a hero, it is so cruel and even executed, which is simply unfair.

"I am directly appointed by the Central Tiangong to deal with the rebels in the Nantiangong. What qualifications do you have to intervene with me? Are you the lord of the Nantiangong? If you step back ten thousand steps, your identity is not qualified to ask me a fairy. , Your so-called kindness is what makes the rebels arrogant."

"I am kind to them, who is kind to the innocent immortals who died? They are human, but the others are not? And the black-collar town governor is still a pure-blooded immortal. Because of the merits of the ancestors, the crime is aggravated. Unforgivable, can't give the rebels any chance, there is no such thing as being deceived and forgiven, the rebellion must die, there is no way out."

"Only in this way can you deter some people from joining the rebels and tell them that this is a cliff with no retreat. Under the threat of death, you can see if they will be deceived!"

Xia Yi righteously put forward his own point of view. Xia Yi's subordinates basically agree with this point. They all worked for Xia Yi and rescued the pure-blooded immortals who were kidnapped. Knowing their pain, they are somewhat pure-blooded. The women of the immortals were even defiled and innocent. How could this make them tolerate? Unlike these guys who can only talk, they know the abhorrence of rebels.

"Absurdity! Give a little chance to regress. Some people can also turn back and reform their prodigal sons. What do you do to make those who wanted to turn back? Don't you force them to ruin?"

"This is a necessary sacrifice! I just chose to save more people. Why are these rebels so difficult to deal with that you don't have points in your heart? You didn't help!"

Xia Yi complained badly, and the family members of the Nantian Palace Lord just sneered there.


They will definitely deal with the rebels. In fact, they also agree with Xia Yi's opinion. The rebels deserve to die, but it is a pity that Xia Yi insists on getting involved in the battle for the succession of the palace lord.

"Venerable Immortal, what you said is very wrong. Our immortal clan has always been kind to govern internally. This is the rule set by the five-party immortal emperor. You, a Yexian Venerable from Taoism, don’t understand. Our fairy clan, although you are indeed a member of the fairy clan, you don’t understand too much, and you are still too young."

"I am the Immortal Venerable at a young age, so what about you? It's fine if you don't help me, and bother me. What is your intention? I really doubt whether any of you has an affair with the rebel."

Xia Yi snorted coldly, and his eyes swept across these Nantian Palace Master's clan relatives. They all felt an insult at this moment. How could they have something to do with the rebels!

"My Immortal Venerable, please speak wisely. Don't think that you can act recklessly if you are the Immortal Venerable at a young age. We admit that you will definitely be an important powerhouse of my immortal clan in the future. We also respect you. It is better for us old people to judge."

"Sovereign Immortal, you are too strong, it's better to converge, it's too easy to break!"

The clan relatives of the Nantian Palace Lord have the advantage in number, and they are discussing in the temple. Even if they go to the Central Temple, it is probably Xia Yi's defeat, because Xia Yi's unkind execution is really unconvincing.

"You are almost the same! Penalizing Immortal Venerable is for the sake of our entire race. You just stare at the bad things in that position. Is the position of the palace lord so worthy of your fight? Is it good to look at the overall situation!"

Xian Ruyi couldn't help it at this moment. This black-collar town superintendent didn't know how many resources were sold to the rebels. The weapons that killed the regular army of the fairy clan were sold by this black-collar town superintendent!

These rebels often attacked patrols and even the stone mining area. In the worst case, they even attacked a city governor and tortured him to death. Without the support of resources and weapons, what did these rebels do with their bare hands?

Most powerful people, such as Saint Emperor and Xianzun, in order not to let the blood limit destroy the Dao Xin, bad cultivation base, and never face this problem, leading to the growth of the originally not serious rebellious behavior, and finally let the whole immortal The clan had to take it seriously.

At this time, the penalty Xianzun finally appeared, but these guys actually confronted the penalty Xianzun, which made Xian Ruyi angry, and even they were relatives of Xian Ruyi!

"Ruyi, you are younger than Venerable Immortal. We have always agreed with some of the opinions of Venerable Immortal. We have never opposed all of them. We just want to persuade Venerable Immortal to restrain himself, but you are different. , You don’t understand at all, so don’t interrupt!"

If Xia Yi seizes the evidence sufficient to convict a serious crime, they will not protect the black-collar town superintendent. The fault is that Xia Yi is too impulsive and wants to execute the other party with a little evidence. They don’t care, but they did it before. I have warned Xia Yi. It is Xia Yi himself who is too young and ignorant. Who is to blame?

This is the Nantian Palace in the Southern Territory. They are from the Southern Emperor's line. If you are a tiger, you have to lie down, and if you are a dragon, you have to lie down!

", I will contact the Central Heavenly Temple now to see how the Central Heavenly Temple..."

"never mind."

Before Xian Ruyi finished speaking, Xia Yi suddenly shook his head, and then looked at Xian Ruyi.

"His Royal Highness Xian Ruyi, the Central Heavenly Palace pays more attention to tradition. It is an indisputable fact that the ancestors of the black-collar town governor made second-class merit. Unless you can save you from death, I am too impulsive. I am a wild immortal from Taoism. Zun really shouldn't be too self-righteous, they are right."

"I have suffered this loss. Next time, I will fully grasp the evidence that is useless to sue the Central Immortal Palace and is sufficient to completely execute the sinner. I believe you will not embarrass me anymore."

Xia Yi had seen these Nantian Palace Master’s clan members one by one, and they were still smiling there, laughing quite proudly, don't you know that the evidence Xia Yi wanted to grasp was to put them to death!

"Venerable Immortal is willing to admit mistakes. Of course, I can’t be more happy. Those who have sinned will agree to be executed. You can rest assured that Venerable Immortal is not a waste. It’s just a black-collar town superintendent and his ancestor. With merit and contribution to Nantian Palace, it is inevitable to be chilling to be executed just like that."

"Our fairy clan's internal affairs are reflected in fairness and justice!"

The family members of the Nantian Palace Lord have preached to Xia Yi, why can't they be proud of winning? The black-collar town governor immediately looked at them with grateful eyes, kept saying thankful words in his mouth, and even turned his head to face Xia Yi with a rather mocking smile.

"What are you so proud of? If they hadn't protected you, you would have been executed, and something like you wouldn't deserve to be alive at all!"

Xia Yi didn't say anything, Xian Ruyi couldn't help it. The mocking of Xia Yi was like mocking her. She stepped forward and prepared to slap the black-collar town governor, but Xia Yi suddenly Stepping forward to stop Xian Ruyi, Xian Ruyi's hand hit the back of Xia Yi's hand and gave a very loud applause.


"His Royal Highness Ruyi, act calmly. You will inherit the Nantian Temple in the future. You can no longer be so self-willed. You must have the demeanor of a superior, be calm and indifferent, with no emotions or colors."

"I just... nothing, I see, are your hands okay?"

"I am also Venerable anyhow, thank you for your concern."

Xia Yi was very gentle, smiling with a big smile, Xian Ruyi took two steps back and returned to the previous position, and looked much calmer, but she looked at her relatives but looked a bit like looking at the enemy.

"That's all for today, and please don't mind the impulse of His Royal Highness Ruyi today. She is also for the good of the immortals. I don't think she will be a vulgar one, everyone who can be angry for the overall situation of the race. When thinking about race, it’s just a different starting point. I will bear this lesson in my heart. I also ask you to think carefully about whether there is too much kindness."

Xia Yi politely bid farewell to the family members of the Nantian Palace Master. This decisive attitude of surrendering also made the Nantian Palace Master's family members more agree with him. As expected, he was indeed the Xianzun.

"Where and where, we have something wrong, we will reflect on it. If you have troubled the immortal, the Venerable also bothered. As for His Royal Highness Ruyi, heh... If she is one-tenth of the grace of the Venerable, we will probably Promote her to become the lord of the palace."

"I believe that His Royal Highness Ruyi will slowly change, and please keep this proposal, then I will leave first."

Xia Yi clasped his fists and saluted and then turned and left. Xian Ruyi snorted and immediately followed. Xia Yi's men also left the hall. The black-collar town governor immediately followed Xia Yi's instructions to begin with these Nantian Palace Lord's clan relatives. We pull relationships.


After leaving the hall, Xia Yi asked his men to return to the penalty hall first. He himself took Xian Ruyi and stood on the edge of the huge bridge overlooking the scenery of Nantian City. The prosperity left a deep impression on Xia Yi, and Xia Yi has to say that there are places in other areas that need to learn from the immortal clan.

Xian Ruyi stood beside Xia Yi without speaking. She was thinking hard about how to help Xia Yi. Xia Yi was young and very good, and she was also a fairy, and she couldn't find the second one among her peers. A penalty immortal, although Xia Yi's appearance is not at all handsome in the immortal clan, he has a more attractive feeling, but Xian Ruyi has lived in the immortal clan since he was a child, and she is tired of seeing the men of the immortal clan.

And Xia Yi is different. Compared to handsome, his face gives people a sense of determination. Just looking at it can make people feel at ease. In fact, the aesthetics of the human race are similar. It is natural that men who are too handsome will inevitably have a kind of female. Xia Yi's face was also biased towards women when he was young, but now it is completely different.

Because of his temperament, Xia Yi now has a unique temperament. The sparse beard around his lips is not messy at all, but it sets off Xia Yi's maturity even more.

Looking at it, Xian Ruyi was accidentally fascinated again. In fact, there are many men who are good to her. After all, she is also the youngest daughter of Nantian Palace Lord, but now it is different. Now she has lost everything, her family The glory of her family and her family are about to dissipate, but at this moment, let alone now, the young Immortal Venerable who was once unattainable appeared by her side.

Gentle, mature, humble, strong, seemingly selfless, nothing can knock him down, but he will cry privately for the loved ones he once lost.

How could there be such a perfect man in the world?

"His Royal Highness Ruyi, is there anything on my face?"

Xia Yi noticed that Xian Ruyi had been staring at his face, so he turned his head and smiled at Xian Ruyi. Xian Ruyi was rather embarrassed and turned his head, just to notice the black-collar town governor and Her relatives walked out of the main hall, even seeming to talk happily.

"Big Brother Xian Huan, this black-collar town chief is really damnable. I can use the Nandi Formation Talisman to order you to execute him, so that you will only perform the task of Nantian Palace, and no one can talk about your gossip."

Xian Ruyi hates the black-collar town governor now. She really can’t figure out why such a villain dared to be so proud. She even dared to laugh at her Xianhuai brother. It’s a crime, if her father The Nantian Palace Lord is still alive, she will definitely beg the Nantian Palace Lord to execute such a villain.

"Forget it, if you do this, you will be targeted by them. Now your situation is much more difficult than mine. I don't need to carry anything for whom, but you are different. Don't forget, you still carry the Southern Emperor. Bloodline, you are the main line, and you are the descendants of the Southern Emperor's righteous reputation. They are nothing but relatives and cannot represent the Southern Emperor's glory. If they let them go, the Southern Emperor's line will sooner or later be destroyed in their hands."

"Well... Brother Xianhuan, you are right. I can't be arrogant now. I must maintain the glory of the Nandi ancestors. Although they also have the blood of the Nandi ancestors, I was naive to think that the division is also the Southern Emperor. Part of the pulse, but I don’t think so now, only I can let this glory continue."

"Yes, your Royal Highness Ruyi, they are greedy scumbags, they only see themselves in their eyes, and they carry less than one ten thousandth of yours."

Xia Yi spoke so softly, Xian Ruyi looked into Xia Yi's eyes, and her inner view of her relatives was gradually changing, relatives? Who are they relatives? They are all dregs who are greedy for power. There are only a few true heroes in Xian Ruyi's heart. Apart from her father and a few outstanding elders, there are only the "Xian Huan Brother" who is now accompanying her.

The pseudonym of Xianhuan was taken by Xia Yi casually. It is impossible for him to change his name to Xianyi, a name that is easy to show off. How could it be possible to retain part of the original name if he wanted to change his name? In many people's eyes, the meaning of Xianhuan's name is Return to the Xian Clan, return to the Xian Clan, but the real meaning of this pseudonym is...

The fairy clan pays off the debt!

Later, Xia Yi taught Xian Ruyi a lot of things, taught her how to be more like a ruler, taught her carefully, and put forward various examples. Xian Ruyi listened very carefully because she understood that she could help her become the lord of Nantian Palace. Only Xia Yi is the only one who lives in Nantian Temple, and Xia Yi is the only immortal who currently supports her.

But she always couldn't listen to what Xia Yi explained, because her attention was always on Xia Yi's face, and she felt Xia Yi's breath in a dream.

Xia Yi is too perfect. Although she is a little unreal, she once asked herself whether Xia Yi really exists, but as long as she thinks about it, she can see Xia Yi every day, hear each other’s voice, and see each other’s smile. Obviously Xia Yi definitely exists, and he is by her side.

It was not until the afternoon that Xian Ruyi reluctantly left Xia Yi and went to practice hard. This was also Xia Yi’s command. In addition to vision and style, the superiors are the hardest proof of strength. Xian Ruyi now has only Xiaosheng. It is difficult to be the lord of Nantian Palace, but the reason why the lord of Nantian Palace loves Xian Ruyi is not without reason.

Xian Ruyi’s blood is so strong that even the lord of the Nantian Palace is reluctant to let her be wronged, let alone involve her in any danger. Unfortunately, danger can not be completely avoided as long as you are careful, because danger is also actively sought. When you come.

That night, Xia Yi was listening to the report of the black-collar town superintendent with the jade slip of the transmission. Don’t think the black-collar town is just a town, but this town is one of the mining places of immortal stone. The black-collar town superintendent is a bit clumsy. It is fat and oily, richer than some city governors, and of course can prepare many gifts that will be tempted by the clan of the Nantian Palace Lord.

It's just that these guys are old fried dough sticks and will receive gifts, but it doesn't matter if they do something or not.

Slowly, in the dead of night, Xia Yi took out the pill furnace, and he began to refine the medicine. With Xia Yi’s current cultivation level, he was even able to practice a demi-god pill. The rare Danzun, the real Danzun!

Just practicing, Xia Yi took out some bottles, the bottles were full of essence and blood, the essence and blood of the immortal clan, Xia Yi refined by means of the magic way.

"I want to be Nantian Palace Master so, what can I do without any cultivation base? I will show mercy to help you!"

Xia Yi knows how to do it, but never does it because it violates his Dao Heart, but this time is different. Since it is a gift to the immortal clan, the effect must be as unique as possible.


A month later, the black-collar town governor relied on repaying his life-saving grace as a reason, and frequently gave gifts to the family members of the Nantian Palace Lord, and even implied that the other party would protect him. Naturally, the Nantian Palace Lord's family members did not refuse, and Fang Bai Why don't you want to give something, and it's just a promise, even they themselves didn't expect that saving the black-collar town governor would be so beneficial.

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