
The young people who came to Xia Yi left immediately after the report was completed. Xia Yi is now aliased to Xianhuan and has been in the Xianzu Nantian Temple for more than two months. The gathering places of several rebels I have heard about before have even cut out the resource smuggling network with several realms.

These rebels not only bought the resources of the Outer Realm, but also sold the resources of the Immortal Realm to other realms at a low price. This even included some of the science and technology organs of the Immortal Clan. The results obtained by Xia Yi also made him the penalty Immortal Venerable from the very beginning. I wonder if it gave too much power, but now I have finally lost a lot of gossiping.

I have to say that even if Xia Yi is Xianzun, it is very rare to give such a large position at the beginning, but after all, it is an extraordinary period, and Nantian Temple is a time when people are employed, so although there are many gossips, few people object, especially It is Xia Yi who has made achievements now, and no one will chew on the tongue anymore.

After serving for two months, he destroyed dozens of rebel groups, eliminated three large-scale smuggling channels, and even some inferior immortals frantically kidnapped pure-blood immortal women and sold them to other realms. You must know that the immortal women are in the human race. It is notoriously beautiful, and the lecherous people of all major realms have coveted the fairy clan women for a long time.

But thanks to the powerful strength of the fairy clan, those guys dare not act recklessly. Of course, the forces and individuals who dared to buy the fairy clan women will not end well. The immortal clan has sent people out to clean up them. Xia Yi's killing was still at first People were scolded for being unkind until Xia Yi caught the rebels and was made public, and unkindness became a great pleasure.

Punishment Xianzun, he is the justice of the immortal clan and a rising star. The rescued women and their families even went to the Nantian Temple in person to kneel and thank Xia Yi. It was only two months. Xia Yi has basically settled his position in Nantian Palace, but this is what it should be.

Xia Yi did his best. He hadn't practiced or rested at all for two months. He was all dealing with these rebels. This attitude was even convinced by the immortals, and the remaining three holy priests in the Nantian Temple also regretted that they were inferior. , If this problem is handed over to them, they will be very difficult to handle.

After a long time in the Nantian Palace, Xia Yi walked towards the main hall of Nantian Palace, only to hear the arguing at the door. Sacrificed, even his left and right hands and several of his older sons were sacrificed in the battle that invaded Xuanhuang.

In fact, Xianhuan, the son of the Nantian Palace Lord, was ruled by Xia Yi in Tianling. The Southern Emperor of the Xian clan was the absolute main force to invade Xuanhuang, or perhaps he wanted to gain merit, but he did not expect to encounter something that no one could imagine. The ending of destruction, in fact, from the common sense, it is to face the Dao Fa, even if the immortal clan is defeated, it will not lose too much force, at least the immortal and others can save their lives, but it is a pity that they met the person of the reincarnation of chaos.

With the demise of the army, the Southern Emperor's line was almost withered. Only the young daughter of the Nantian Palace Lord’s favorite stayed in the immortal clan and survived. Although there are many clan relatives, it is guaranteed that the Southern Emperor's line will not be cut off. Only the youngest daughter of Nantian Palace Lord remained.

Xia Yi pushed the door and walked in. There were some holy emperors and holy kings nearby. They were all family members, close relatives or distant relatives of the Nantian Palace Lord. As soon as the Lord of the Heavenly Palace died, the position was of course vacated.

"Ruyi, let's first choose the Palace Master for Succession. Don't be capricious, don't you have any points on how difficult our Southern Territory is now?"

"It's just for this Yangyang Southern Territory, and it's not the time to deal with these things in a hurry!"

"Yes, Ruyi, the palace can't be left alone for a day, what are you doing!"

In the main hall, Nantian Palace Master’s clan relatives are all seeming to persuade a woman with tears still on her face. She is the only descendant of Nantian Palace Master who is still alive, the youngest daughter of Nantian Palace Master Xian Ruyi. She held an extremely exquisite talisman in her hand, which should be proof of the power of Nantian Palace, similar to the jade seal tiger talisman.

Xia Yi knew at a glance what these guys wanted to do, and of course he wanted to take the opportunity to take the lead.


"My father died with the army half a year ago. Now the bones are still cold, and the funeral has not been held. You are so anxious to seize power. Is your blood cold!"

Xian Ruyi held the talisman tightly in her hand. She would never hand over this thing easily. He knew that once the thing was handed over, Nantian Palace would change ownership from now on. She carried the last glory and blood of the Southern Emperor, and she must protect it. Nantian Temple!

The entire Nantian Palace and the Nantian City are built and controlled by the Southern Celestial Emperor's lineage for generations. These clan relatives are just kinship, and the slightly better ones still have the blood of the Southern Emperor. ’S kinship.

In today’s fairy clan society, above the pure-blooded immortals, is the true core class of the immortal clan. The descendants of the five-party immortal emperor’s bloodline, of course, the Nandi bloodline cannot be completely cut off, but she is the main line of this line. , Now the only remaining main line.

"Ruyi, it has been said that the funeral of the palace lord must be very grand. It needs to be held under the auspices of the new palace lord, and you do not have the qualifications to become the lord at all. We understand your thoughts. Domain, we can first recommend a temporary acting palace lord, and wait until you are fully grown before succeeding to you. What do you think of this approach?"

Nantian Palace Lord’s clan family members just go to Xianruyi’s troubles anyway. Xianruyi is not stupid. She understands that Fulu is the last thing she protects the family’s glory, even if Nantian Palace has no palace owner, wait until she is completely After she grows up, it won't be too late for her to become the lord of the palace again!

If she surrendered it now, she was certain that she would be seized of power. The internal competition in the fairy clan and other big realms was still very fierce.

"Of course you can, you are free, but I will never give you the Nandi formation talisman!"

Xian Ruyi gritted her teeth. This is not the first time these people have forced her, but today is the most troublesome one, because the accumulated affairs must be handled by the palace lord, no matter where the human race is. In this respect, the whole world is justified.

"Ruyi! It's almost done. Nantian Palace has not had a new palace owner for half a year. You don't want to see how arrogant those rebels are. You can do things like buying and selling pure-blood immortals. Is this going to go on? If it is to help punish Xianzun, you should be more sensible. The other regions are watching the jokes of our Southern Region!"

The clan members of the Nantian Palace Lord’s patriarchs said righteously. In fact, they didn’t want to get the Nantian Talisman. The entire Nantian Palace and the Nantian City are an Emperor Array. The Array Talisman is the thing that activates. You can even use many of the Nantian Palace’s Talismans. Cultivation in a large array has infinite benefits anyway, and gaining array amulet means fame and fortune.

"Is it rare for you to help the penalty Xianzun? Just as the penalty Xianzun also came, you can ask him!"

Xian Ruyi had seen Xia Yi opening the door a long time ago, but Xia Yi didn't say anything. After entering the door, he closed the door and stayed aside honestly. When they finished arguing, they were too well-behaved. After Xian Ruyi spoke. The family members of the Nantian Palace Lord turned back to look at Xia Yi. Xia Yi is now one of the only four Immortal Venerables in Nantian Palace, and his right to speak is no less than them.

"Xianhuan, what do you think? Do you also think Nantian Temple needs to elect a new palace owner immediately?"

"Venerable Immortal, you don’t necessarily understand this when you come from Taoism, but you can think of it as a large sect that has never had a suzerain. Even if the elders underneath have made decisions, they have been unable to unify opinions. As a result, many things are delayed. , And did it in a hurry when it had to be dealt with."

"Our Nantian Temple is too inefficient now!"

The family members of the Nantian Palace Lord are actually quite right, but is this Guan Xia Yi's ass? Xia Yi still didn’t want a palace lord to **** on his head. As an immortal, he is now stationed in Nantian Temple. No one except the palace owner can control him. convenient.

"Then let Xian Ruyi become the acting palace lord. Anyway, it's only an agent. We make decisions. We can make judgments temporarily based on opinions. Besides, Nantian Palace is controlled by the Nandi family for generations. According to tradition, she can only succeed. Ruyi is indeed immature, but I don’t think she has any problems as the acting palace lord. "

Xia Yi directly said good things about Xian Ruyi, why? Because how can a stupid girl control him? It is troublesome for these old foxes to be in the upper ranks. Nantian Temple now has four saints, two of whom are members of the Nantian Temple’s main clan. Penalty of descending Xianzun.

"This... is it possible that you support her as a celestial being and venerable?"

"What is there to support or not to support? Xian Ruyi is not a three-year-old child. In addition to her sense of responsibility to the Southern Territory, she also has a sense of responsibility to the master. I think she will be better than any of you. Of course, if I offend somewhere. Please don’t mind if you guys, I don’t intend to get involved in this, I just want to do my own thing."

"Venerable Immortal, you don’t understand this. Ruyi is mainly due to lack of qualifications, but if there is a Venerable Immortal who is willing to support it, that’s another way of saying it. I hope you will think twice. You need to be clear about this matter. Once you support it, , Maybe a lot of decision-making matters will encounter trouble."

These Nantian Palace Master’s clan members began to threaten Xia Yi. They wanted to let Xia Yi stay out of his business. They would definitely not be able to control Xia Yi, an immortal Venerable. They only need to control their own interests. Xian Ruyi is looking at Xia Yi at this moment. There was still a hint of tension on the pitiful little face, because the four immortals in the Nantian Palace might only be supported by Xia Yi.

If Xia Yi didn't support it, she wouldn't be able to protect the Nandi Formation Talisman for long.

Xia Yi shrugged, and smiled at Xianruyi when she met Xianruyi's eyes. There are rivers and lakes where there are people, and the Xian clan is also not listed, but it has a more bottom line than the power struggle in other realms, but It's not that there is no power struggle.

"Then I will support Xian Ruyi. I grew up in Daofa. In my opinion, many decision-making confirmations are a waste of time. If you have a good decision, you must implement it immediately, instead of talking about it. If you lose the opportunity, it will be a loss in the long run. If there is no risk, there is no benefit, right, and our fairy clan can't afford it."

Xia Yi publicly expressed support for Xian Ruyi. Xian Ruyi was relieved. In fact, this is not the first time Xia Yi helped her. Xia Yi helped her out once when she entered the Nantian Temple two months ago. Now she is the only one who trusts her. The only person is Xia Yi.

The one who killed the remnant soul of her ancestors, killed her brothers and sisters, and killed her biological father!


"Venerable Immortal, you shouldn't involve them. After all, the environment is different. We are very grateful for what you have done, but you are not good at areas that you do not want to set foot in."

The family members of the Nantian Palace Lord did not expect that the penalty Xianzun would actually support Xian Ruyi. He was the only accident. Otherwise, the newly appointed Nantian Palace Lord had succeeded to the throne two months ago.

"I don't want to involve this. I just want to do something this time and report to His Highness Xian Ruyi."

"His Royal Highness, the town superintendent of Black-collar Town has been investigated and is suspected of having contact with the rebels. I may need to search, but his ancestors have done a great job and have second-class merits. Even I have no right to search directly. I need You provide me with proof."


Xian Ruyi asked her, Xia Yi's way of addressing made her feel very comfortable, and made her truly feel that Xia Yi respected her, and that a fairy indeed regarded her as the lord of the palace.

"The sooner the better, if I need to report in detail, I can immediately..."

"No, I believe you!"

Xian Ruyi immediately took out a jade slip and used his own spiritual thoughts to portray the message on it, and then stroked the jade slip with the Nandi array talisman in his hand, leaving a unique aura as proof.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Xia Yi stepped forward to take the Yujian, but at this time someone raised an objection.

"Wait a minute! The ancestor has made a second-class merit, and he is still the town governor. I really can't think of why he colluded with the rebels with such good conditions. This matter needs to be discussed from the long-term. The immortal is still the Lord. We must not insult any ancestor who has merit. So please wait a moment, and we will investigate him immediately."

Nantian Palace Lord’s clan family immediately began to mess up, but Xia Yi seemed to have not heard it, and took the jade slip directly from Xian Ruyi's hand.

"Do you know why I can get rid of so many rebels in a short time? Because my idea is that the clear is self-clear, and whenever there is a little suspicion, I will act immediately. I will not give the other party any chance at all and give a little time in case. They run away, what do they do if they wash out the evidence? Unless it's a long line to catch a big fish, everyone doesn't understand the reason why soldiers are expensive."

"I fought against all kinds of enemies in Daofa, and even when I was a true monarch, I fought against the heavens and fought the sage. What do I rely on? I do not rely on long-term discussions and talk, but do what I think of immediately. , He is really innocent, can I kill him or not?"

"I really don't understand what you are thinking. It doesn't matter to seize power, but please don't harm the overall situation. Another point is that I am a sage. I am willing to respect you, but it is natural to disrespect you!"

Xia Yi pointed at them directly and questioned. Someone was immediately upset and couldn't help but want to have an attack. However, what Xia Yi said was the fact that Xia Yi is an immortal, so why would they dare to be disrespectful to an immortal? What's more, Xia Yi, the penalty Immortal Venerable, is still highly valued by the Central Heavenly Palace.

"Okay, Immortal Venerable also makes sense, but it is better to decide some things as soon as possible, then I will take a step first and say goodbye!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the family members of the Nantian Palace Master saw that there was no point in staying, so they left one after another. Only Xian Ruyi and Xia Yi were left in the hall. Xian Ruyi immediately came to Xia Yi and smiled. Thank you, Xia Yi is still very young, he is an immortal, and has outstanding ability, helping her, and respecting her, which girl does not have the spring, but has not met the person she loves!

As the most beloved young daughter of the Nantian Palace Lord, her vision is so high that most people don't appreciate it. However, since Xia Yi helped her two months ago, she has always wanted to know Xia Yi intentionally or unintentionally. .

"Big Brother Xianhuan, thank you so much this time!"

Without outsiders, Xian Ruyi directly called Xia Yi his elder brother. In fact, Xia Yi and Xian Ruyi "unintentionally" met several times in private and chatted several times. The relationship between the two is pretty good, but this is unintentional. Whether it was really unintentional or intentional, only Xia Yi himself could make it clear.

"Where, I understand your hardship, it must be very difficult, right? I saw these guys coming to the hall before, I knew it was nothing good. Externally, the decision-making method that our fairy clan used was correct, but internally, it was still too benevolent. Now, maybe the rebels are so arrogant, they also have a share of the credit."

While talking, Xia Yi suddenly stretched out her hand on Xian Ruyi's head and stroked it back and forth twice, and then quickly took it back like an electric shock.

"Ah... sorry, I didn't mean it, I just..."

Xia Yi showed an apologetic smile, and there was also a trace of sadness in it, which made Xian Ruyi very puzzled.

"It's okay, it's just Xianhuan brother, why are you...?"

"Didn’t I tell you last time? I recognized a younger sister in the Dao Fa world. She is very similar to you. She is so aggressive and likes to call me Xian Huan Brother, but I couldn’t protect her. Look. I'm thinking of you as if you are her."

"If she is still alive, maybe she will be as old as you, and I will finally be respected, but I can no longer protect her."


With a sigh of vicissitudes and grief and anger, Xia Yi lowered her head, and even the corners of her eyes were a little moist. This touched Xian Ruyi. Xia Yi’s "past" made her feel very pitiful, but now Xia Yi is so so. Strong and worthy of respect, this contrast made her tempted.

She wanted to comfort the person in front of her, even if he was a superior immortal.

"It doesn't matter if the fairy is still brother, if you want, I am willing to be your new sister!"

Xian Ruyi grasped Xia Yi's hand and put it on her head again, and even looked at Xia Yi rather shyly. Xia Yi was stunned, and then suddenly hugged Xian Ruyi.


This shocked Xian Ruyi, her body was trembling, it was the first time she was hugged by a man.

"Sorry, will it be okay for a while?"

However, Xia Yi’s voice was a little choked, as if crying. This made Xianruyi’s heart completely melted, and she no longer resisted. Xia Yi was allowed to hug her. It lasted for a while before Xia Yi released her hand. , And then immediately turned his head and deliberately prevented Xian Ruyi from seeing his expression.

"His Royal Highness...I'm a bit gaffe this time, please forget it, I'll go to the business first."

After all, he lifted his foot and walked away, as if he were fleeing. Xian Ruyi stared at Xia Yi's back, looking a little ecstatic, and Xia Yi's expression at the moment...


The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes were full of calculations. After discovering that Xian Ruyi's point could be used, Xia Yi planned it out. This kind of deceptive behavior is **** scumbag, but it is also necessary. sacrifice.

But at least, he will give Xian Ruyi the most perfect illusion.

After Xia Yi left, Xian Ruyi gradually squeezed her hand on her chest. This feeling of being grateful for and being temporarily dependent on someone she respected made her addicted. Her heart was pounding and she didn't know her at all. Something staring at...

It's the abyss!


Outside the hall, Xia Yi walked out of the hall and looked back at the Nantian Palace of Nuo Da. The descendants of the five emperors of the immortal clan did not interfere with each other. The other parties could not seize power in the Nantian Palace, even those of the Nantian Palace lord. Dear, in fact, they also have the right to succeed, so they can be considered upright.

To put it bluntly, the only people who can succeed Nantian Palace are those from the Southern Emperor's line. Xian Ruyi is indeed not qualified. She is too young and too easy to be deceived, but this is the perfect heir to Xia Yi, Xia Yi Yi will find ways to make her ascend to the position of the lord of Nantian Palace.

As for Xia Yi, of course, he was listening to politics under the curtain, instructing Xian Ruyi behind the scenes. Xian Ruyi is completely a puppet palace owner. Fortunately, the other guys are idiots. The fairy clan has little understanding to the outside, but there is no other realm inside. How small is ninety-nine, what it is, it will not hide if you have the cultivation base and the ability, and the power must be the palace lord in the face, Xia Yi will never sit on it anyway.

Now his goal is to be a good gentleman. It is definitely not a year or two to hide in the fairy clan. It will probably take decades or nearly a hundred years, but Xia Yi knows that it is all worthwhile, and there is nothing better than now. Opportunity now.

after one day.

The black-collar town’s investigation results appeared. The manpower sent by Xia Yi and the town superintendent of the black-collar town were completed. Xia Yi suppressed so many rebels. Of course, he knew some of the styles and secret signs among the rebels. Without letting the dispatched man talk to ask any questions, it will naturally not arouse suspicion.

To the east of Nantian Palace, Xia Yi’s Penalty Hall is here. The ground in the temple is now covered with a lot of resources. In addition to medicines and weapons, there are even slaves from foreign realms. Can't tell.

"Master Xianzun, all the items in this transaction are here, please accept them."

Xia Yi’s subordinates respect Xia Yi very much. After all, Xia Yi has made great achievements in the two months since he took office. It has scared the rebels. Under Xia Yi’s iron and blood methods, Southern Territory has restored its former peace, but The rebels did not disappear, but temporarily dormant.

"The refining method of this batch of pills should be triple refining, which is very clever, but the quality of the weapons is not very good. Non-standard means that it is not the armament of any realm. There are blood and incomplete weapons on the weapons. They are not new castings. Out of it."

Xia Yi observed these purchased materials again and again, and then looked at the slaves in the Outland. They were wounded more or less, and their eyes were resentful, but there were more doubts.

Xia Yi walked over and released the instruments of torture that restrained them. These slaves still had old wounds on their bodies. They were calmer and acted impulsively. They just nodded slightly at Xia Yi. The youngest seemed to want to curse, but was caught by others. The slave stopped with his eyes.

"You should be a caravan?"

After Xia Yi asked questions, they all nodded. They were indeed a caravan doing business across the stars.

"From which realm?"

"Tongming Realm, was attacked by thieves in the process of transporting resources, and then sold to your fairy realm."

"Are those thieves immortal?"

"No, just Xinghai Bandit."

"Do you often encounter these things?"

"How is it possible that our roads are different every time. This time, the news was obviously leaked in advance."

"I see, you can go back to the bright world, investigate the person who leaked the information, I won't ask you for the ransom, and let me know when I find it."

After Xia Yi asked about the situation, he did not intend to keep these slaves. It would be better to let them go back to find out the news. These slaves were amnesty after hearing Xia Yi's words. Originally, their destiny was at the bottom of the fairy clan in this life, so they They can only be obedient and try not to be abused, but it seems that they have more important value.

"Thank you, your Royal Highness, Immortal Venerable, we must inform as soon as we find out!"

"Come on, take them down to rest, and remember to give them the minimum resources to support the Bright World."

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