Xia Yi is now the Holy Venerable. It is impossible for those little sage true monarchs to find that a Venerable is nearby. Although this is a sure thing, Xia Yi has not done anything for the time being because he wants to obtain more information. It is the upright officials that can hardly break the housework. Internal problems are always the most difficult to deal with. The immortals are indeed very powerful externally, but they are less harsh internally.

Perhaps to the immortal clan, people in other realms are like monsters. Only the same clan is a human in their eyes. Therefore, killing people in other realms and killing the same clan are completely different to the immortal clan. Behavior, the former has no scruples, the latter is prone to psychological disgust.

What's more, there are bloodline restrictions set by the Five Fangxian Emperor.

After following this for a long time, Xia Yi found that these immortal monks were patrolling completely, and there was no communication during the whole process. It would be a waste of time to continue tracking, so he simply chose to show up, and Xia Yi walked out directly from the back. Zunzhiwei oppresses everyone, this group of strongest patrols with only a small saint level are directly crushed to death by Zunwei, and he can't even turn his head back.

They can only tremble at this time. Coercion is an absolute proof of the strong. The weak are immobile even if they feel the coercion of the strong. Only a few Tianjiao who have survived life and death and defeated themselves can be under the coercion of the strong. He moves freely, but it is a pity that it is difficult for the fairy world to cultivate such a talented person with excellent personal ability.

Xia Yi was almost crushed to death by Tianding Lao Zun at the beginning, to a large extent because of being oppressed by Zun Wei.

Xia Yi slowly approached a true monarch from behind, and directly put his hand on his head to search for the soul. However, this guy knew very little information, only let Xia Yi know where the rebels' base was, and the size of the rebels. It's quite big, there are nearly five thousand people, the lower-level immortals actually live better than most ordinary people in other realms, but they don't have this kind of self-consciousness.

They only saw the higher-level good, but did not see those who were truly oppressed in other realms.

In addition, Xia Yi also knew that this rebellious team still has a command. Everyone has a soul lamp. Once Xia Yi kills a patrolling person, the base will immediately receive information or prepare for battle or go deeper into the jungle. escape.

Therefore, after searching for the soul, Xia Yi asked the mirage dragon to temporarily maintain the soul of the unlucky true monarch not to disperse, and then approached the little sage.

"Brother Xia, don't search for the soul. His soul has countermeasures. Once the soul is searched, he will directly explode, and the person who deployed the means can also detect that he has been searched for the soul."

"Really? These rebels are also very careful."

Although his strength is not strong, he still inherits the superiority of the fairy clan's caution in character. However, this is of no use, because Xia Yi can rely on his speed advantage to wreak havoc in the dense forest at will. These rebels basically It is impossible to escape.

It is true that family ugliness cannot be publicized. The immortal race, a face-saving race, cannot invite outsiders to kill its own people. Therefore, relying on bloodline restrictions, these inferior immortals dared to raise the anti-flag, but in Xia Yi’s opinion, they He is also an insatiable person.

What do they need to counter? You can practice with enough food and drink. Conscription is not compulsory. If you are inferior to the immortals, go voluntarily. Joining the immortals in the army can give your family members preferential treatment. Even if some pure-blood immortals do look down on them, they are at least better than other realms. There are countless really poor people.

Xia Yi found that these rebellious inferior immortals obviously had a rebellious thinking, a rebellious thinking that Xia Yi considered very ridiculous. The use of the same resources for pure-blood immortals could maximize the benefits. It was reasonable and reasonable, and the immortals were also willing to use the same resources. The resources are given to the inferior immortals who are gifted, but they have no talent or blood, and don't even make any effort to promote equality. To put it bluntly, it is greed.

From the perspective of the entire race, resources must be used most effectively, not to waste for the so-called equality. Xia Yi did not speak for the immortal clan, but was the case.

Some people in the fairy clan deliberately exaggerated the hatred of the two classes and twisted the concept to strengthen the opposition between the two classes. For example, a mortal came to Qingyunzong and asked Xia Yi to treat him as a monk, and he did nothing. Just yelling for everyone to be equal and to use resources for him, Xia Yi would only regard it as a neuropathy.

Of course, this is a good thing for Xia Yi.

"Tell me all the secrets you know."

Xia Yi walked to the little sage. This time, instead of searching for the soul, he used evil eyes. The bewildered little sage immediately confessed everything he knew, but the secrets he had learned were not counted. How big it is, what provides resources for these rebels is boundless.

In addition to the vastness, there are other rebels who are supported by Daofa, but the immortal clan must have known this for a long time. What the immortal clan wants to know is which force is the vastness or the Daofa. It is possible for a single force. Strong, but it's impossible to fight the entire realm.

So Xia Yi went on to ask. Unfortunately, this little sage didn’t know much, and he didn’t know which power of the boundless world it was. Xia Yi thought about it, and directly took the knife and settled them. He gave them a good time. He was not afraid. What can we do if we are discovered?

He now represents the justice of the fairy clan! There is the support of the whole immortal clan behind him, but he can still ask for help if he can't fight, he dares to run out, and the traitor dare to chase it?

After dozens of minutes, Xia Yi swaggered closer to the base of the rebels. Even if the rebels were ready to attack, the vanguard team was easily wiped out by Xia Yi. The 5,000-person rebellious team was based on the search for souls. No one of the venerables has the information obtained. How can this kind of strength stop Xia Yi?

Xia Yi drove straight in and came directly to the temporary camp. These rebels are quite good at living. There are pill furnaces, casting tables, etc., and there are many spirit gathering formations for other people to use when practicing, and some people still hold Xia in their hands. Yi familiar things.

Zhao Lianbing improved and strengthened the bombing Leizi and his good medicine and vitality pill for countless times.

Xia Yi remembered that these things were sold to Cang Mang, who actually sold them backhand to the rebels of the immortal clan. This business would be done. Today's bombs are equivalent to micro-nuclear bombs. They are so powerful that they can hurt Little Sage. The vitality pill of the system is even more good, and the seriously injured little saint can immediately pull it back.

"I'm here on behalf of the Central Heavenly Palace, and I would advise you to wait until you get caught. If there is resistance, you will kill you without mercy."

Xia Yi pronounced the fate of these people arrogantly, and he was delighted that he could also kill the immortal people on behalf of the immortal clan. This world is really only unimaginable, not impossible.

"We just want to be fair. We are also a member of the fairy clan. We have said many times that we will never stop here unless we reform our politics."


After Xia Yi's sentence was pronounced, a holy emperor walked towards Xia Yi with a magic weapon. Xia Yi looked at him twice. One is that the opponent has a magic weapon, and the other is that this is a holy emperor among the inferior immortals. , Inferior immortals and pure-blood immortals are actually very easy to distinguish. Pure-blood immortals are the kind that can reflect and shine when standing in the dark, while pure-blood immortals have blond hair and golden eyes. The hair color of inferior immortals is much lighter. It is black and brown, and the pupils are also black and brown.

"Reform? Are you worthy too?"

Xia Yi sneered twice. He didn't know if the inferior immortals were worthy of him. Anyway, the deeper the contradiction between the two, the better. He didn't mind adding fire to class opposition.

"My lord, the request we made is not too much for me. Since ancient times, we have never been able to rise to the ranks of management. We have done this for generations and generations. We have also made great contributions to the immortals and sacrificed forever at the forefront. It is us, we are willing to sacrifice our lives for the race, but we are not willing to sacrifice ourselves for a pure-blood who is greedy for life and fear of death!!"

"Is this... too much?"

The words of this fairy clan holy emperor are very correct, which is indeed not excessive at all, but the question is, does Xia Yi care about this?

"That is your glory. It is the only value of your existence to be able to wait for the pure-blooded people to die for me. Why don't you understand this?"

"Tools that are not easy to use will naturally be destroyed. I now ask you one last time, whether you will be caught with your hands. The deity asked you twice, not the third time."

Xia Yi’s tone was high, with dazzling blond hair and golden pupils so noble. Those inferior immortals all gritted their teeth and wished to swallow Xia Yi alive. Xia Yi was the most unspeakable pure-blooded person they had ever seen. Even if the kinsman is too straightforward, Xia Yi will never be so straightforward.

Xia Yi's attitude didn't treat them as humans at all!

Of course, they might have misunderstood a little. Xia Yi was not targeting them, but all the immortal people in this realm were not humans in Xia Yi's eyes, and there was no pure blood.

"Master Xianzun, are you a firm supporter of bloodline theory?"

As the fairy clan holy emperor said, he madly conveyed spiritual energy into the sword. That magic weapon was actually a forbidden weapon. The magic forbidden device can not be manufactured in any realm. The cost of this thing is very expensive. Xia Yi couldn't bear to make it if he had the resources.

"So what? If yes, you can kill me with the forbidden device in your hand without any psychological burden?"

"Of course! Although you are noble immortal, but it will not benefit my clan. Our resistance is also for the entire immortal clan. People who are not worthy of respect are not worthy to live, especially those pure blood wastes who support the bloodline theory!"

The holy emperor’s words became difficult to sound. Xia Yi smiled, and learned another piece of information. What kind of bloodline theory is inside the pure-blood immortal clan. It should be like a racially discriminatory person. Xia Yi wanted to break into it.

"Hahahaha, dare you say that the deity is trash? It's a shame that you inferior **** are dead!"

Xia Yi squeezed the blade in his hand and was about to start killing. The holy emperor immediately glanced at the other inferior immortals nearby. They all knelt down and immediately cried and pleaded, almost as if they were well-trained, and even more women embraced them. Kowtowing with the baby walking out.

"It's useless for you to intercede now, because the deity didn't intend to spare you from the beginning."

However, Xia Yi didn't respond, and this made the holy emperor's eyes a hint of surprise. Why didn't the bloodline restriction of the pure-blood people activate? After Xia Yi came into contact with the opponent's eyes, he probably guessed that this was a means to restrict pure-blood immortals. He was not a member of the immortal clan, so he couldn't understand what it was like.

However, Xia Yi could probably guess that it might be the same as when she once faced thousands of mortals in the Azure Cloud Sect, or perhaps even more sad, Dao Xin was beaten and trampled, and she wanted to be torn apart.

"Huntian, Youye!"

In the unbelievable eyes of those inferior immortals, Xia Yi swung the knife cleanly and the world plunged into darkness. Under Xia Yi’s current cultivation base of the Holy Venerable, this move was enough to cover the sky for a short time. There was no way to resist, the five senses were deprived, the spiritual consciousness was blinded, and life came to an end in the endless darkness.

When Jin Hui returned, there was no one standing around, blood was splashed, and people fell silently. Only Xia Yi holding a knife was in front of the holy emperor of the fairy clan, and his hands were already unknowingly by Xia Yi. Cut off, the Divine Weapon Forbidden Device was kicked away by Xia Yi, and he could only look at Xia Yi helplessly.

"You can kill me, but what did they do wrong..."

"Why do you want to be so cruel to your fellow clan? Do you really not treat us as humans at all?"

The holy emperor of the fairy clan is also completely stupid. The rebels have rebelled and have never encountered a pure-blooded person like Xia Yi. Any pure-blooded person will show struggling eyes under their pity. Even the Lord of the Five Heaven Palaces is unwilling to face this problem, and has always been soothing and making concessions.

Pure-blood immortals occupy the main resources of the immortal world. Almost all people who can become immortals are pure-blood people. There have been a few inferior immortals in history, but they are rare and rare. Of course, this is not entirely due to the quality of blood. The blood immortals are supported by blood, but how can the inferior immortals become dignified without experience and understanding?

Cultivation is never a step-by-step approach. Talent determines the starting point, and xinxing is the important character that determines the end. The confidence to dare to fight against the sky is not something that anyone can have. Even at the peak of the human race, the ancient Tianjiao people are also in their own way. Fight against the sky, temper yourself in various ways.

It's like refining the body, even if there is no tribulation, it will create tribulations.

"I did not regard you as human beings, nor did I expect that the pure-blooded immortals value you very much. Nantian Immortal Venerable does not approve of making you meaningless sacrifices, and the remnant soul of the Southern Immortal Emperor is crying for you, who is in charge of the overall situation. It even made repeated concessions to you, but unfortunately you only saw a few people’s insults to you, and then you managed to make an inch of it. Sure enough, we are all human beings."

Xia Yi smiled a little sinister at the moment. This fairy clan holy emperor was a little confused. He did not understand what Xia Yi said. Of course, he also knew that the army went on an expedition but was mysteriously destroyed. He also felt heartbroken about this. Rebellion just wants a little fairness, how can it harm one's own race.

But he noticed one thing at this moment. The Immortal Venerable in front of him was not. He didn't care what would happen to the Immortal Clan at all.

"Who are you……"

"Don't worry, I will help the immortal clan clean up your disobedient guys. I am the Xuanhuang person your immortal clan cares most about."

As he talked, Xia Yi's blonde hair turned black, and her golden pupils turned into deep black pupils. The long black hair gave Xia Yi a cold temperament.


The leader of this rebellious team died so miserably that he couldn’t even squint his eyes. Xia Yi used evil eyes to get all the information. Before he died, he learned that this ruthless pure-blood was actually disguised as a black-and-white person. There was no other thoughts in my mind.

Compared with the power of the inferior immortals, compared to equality and fairness, a Xuanhuang person turned out to be an immortal **** of the immortal clan and seemed to be reused. After he knew it, he just wanted to inform the senior immortal clan immediately, because he knew this. How dangerous.

The bloodline characteristics of the immortals are extremely difficult to be imitated by others, but there has never been anything perfect in the world, and even the phantom dragon's transformation will not be seen through. It is a pity that there are too few people who can see through the mirage, even if there is, Xia Yi It will not be easily approached.

This rebel group was easily annihilated by Xia Yi. Without relying on the bloodline restrictions and racial sentiments of the immortal clan, how could these inferior immortals have the means to resist? It's almost impossible.

"The vast power that provides resources... the vast emperor? It's really black and white. This family is so good at allied with the fairy clan and sold resources to rebels."

Later, Xia Yi took out the map given to him by the previous fairy clan demigod, and remarked a few points on the map. It was also the gathering place for other rebels who had just been asked. Min realized that he couldn't bear it anymore, but unfortunately there was no good means.

But isn't it there now? He Xia Yi is determined to solve this problem for the immortal clan, and he will work hard to solve this problem!

After closing the map, he cut off his head according to the request of the demigod of the fairy clan. To be honest, Xia Yi will not have any major psychological ups and downs when he does this kind of thing, but he still feels that this should be deliberately done by the demigod. , He wanted a sharp knife that belonged completely to the fairy clan, but would not be bound by common sense.

But does he know that such a blade can only be a double-edged sword?

"Everyone has a good journey."

What should be done, but Xia Yi did not let them expose the corpse and the wilderness. They were all buried properly. If the killing is unavoidable, at least you must retain your own heart, so that you will not lose yourself in the killing, even if it is. The way of Shura, but also benevolent.

After Xuanhuang's life was finally guarded, Xia Yi's heart was less hostile, and there was a bit of relaxation in his heart. It was like pushing away the clouds and mist to see the sky, just let the fairy clan have no chance of infringement. Of course, this is certainly unavoidable sacrifice.

But in order to be worthy of the sacrifices he had made before, he must continue to go on steadfastly.

Half a day later, Xia Yi returned to the previous city and rushed back to the city governor’s mansion. The demigod of the fairy clan in the city governor’s room has not left yet, but is waiting for Xia Yi here. Xia Yi only spent this time before returning. He was quite surprised, but he knew that Xia Yi never left empty-handed, because Xia Yi was bloody, and he was still the blood of the fairy clan!


"The head is here."

Xia Yi handed over a storage ring, and the demigod of the fairy clan immediately observed it after taking it. Although this was an order from him, his expression was still a bit unbearable after seeing it, and Xia Yi immediately showed a kind of expression when he saw it. Melancholic emotions.

"What's wrong? Very uncomfortable?"

Seeing that Xia Yi's self-confidence before, the demigod of the fairy clan would never go back, he asked with concern.

"It is inevitable that when I was killing, the blood flowing on me seemed to be countercurrent, but when I thought that their existence would only threaten the unification of my immortal clan, I was determined to erase them. After the completion, the feeling of guilt in my heart still cannot be washed away."

It’s obviously not the first time that the Saint Emperor of the Immortal Clan has used the blood of the Immortal Clan to restrict his survival, so Xia Yi specifically asked the reactions of other pure-blood immortals after controlling him with evil eyes. It was correct and made the fairy clan demigod more convinced that Xia Yi was indeed his compatriot.

"Look a little bit. You didn’t grow up like this in my clan. You can imagine how difficult it is for other clan members to face them. In fact, we don’t want to use this method to treat our compatriots, but they have indeed done a lot to my fairy clan. Threat."

"I understand, I will get used to it, if this is something that only I can do..."

"Thanks a lot."

The demigod of the fairy clan patted Xia Yi on the shoulder. He was very satisfied with the results Xia Yi gave him. This was the first time such a simple and direct erasure of rebels.

"It's nothing, it's all for the immortal clan. Speaking of which, I got two valuable news. One is the gathering place of other rebels, and the other is that the force that provides support for the rebels is the Boundless Emperor Clan."

"How did you know? Are you sure?!"

When the demigod of the fairy clan heard this, he immediately stretched out his hands and pressed Xia Yi's shoulders. This is an important piece of information. If the supply of resources to the rebels can be cut off, dealing with them would be much easier. People are realistic, no more It is impossible for resource rebels to fight the fairy clan for a long time.

"I used the secret method of being too ungrateful to deprive the leader of the seven emotions and five desires, and then magnified his desire to survive, so that he was willing to say anything in order to survive. Of course, he still failed to survive in the end. "

Xia Yi really knows how powerful the secret method of Taishang Wangqingjiao is, because he has been hit by himself, even if the immortal clan investigates, he will not find a horse's foot. This immortal demigod does not doubt it, because he is too immortal. Indeed has the ability to control the seven emotions and six desires.

"Okay, very good, very good! You made your contribution to the immortal clan for the first time. I will report on this, and you will be prepared yourself. You will most likely be responsible for handling these matters in the future. I know this will let you It's very uncomfortable, but now there is no second Immortal Venerable in the clan who can accomplish this, except for you, but after it's done, it will definitely be no less than a great achievement in conquering a world with troops."

"It's okay. In order to survive in Daofa, I haven't done any dirty work. As long as the race doesn't treat me wrongly, I will prove my worth."

No matter how you look at it at this moment, Xia Yi is an immortal Tianjiao with a high degree of personal enlightenment. The immortal demigod is so satisfied that he doesn't want to doubt Xia Yi, although Xia Yi did come back suddenly, as long as he did not grow up in the immortal clan. After the return of the tribe, it is reasonable to say that they will be suspected for a long time, but Xia Yi is really too good.

It's so good that even the fairy clan would rather paralyze itself than doubt.

A few days later, the Xian Clan proved that Xia Yi's intelligence was true through various purposeful probing investigations, and gave a good warning to the vast emperor, and the Central Heavenly Palace also officially decided on Xia Yi's position.

For the time being, I will settle in the Nantian Palace, which is short of manpower, and is responsible for solving the rebels in the Southern Territory of the Immortal Realm. Because the job is to punish the rebels, the name is also indirectly determined.

Punishment Xianzun, this is Xia Yi's code name in the Xian Clan, a Xuanhuang man became a law enforcement officer in the fairy world.


The southern part of the fairy world, in the Nantian Palace.

The once lively Nantian Temple is now very deserted. The Nantian Temple is built between two peaks. The two peaks are called Shuangtian Peak. The two giant peaks rise from the ground up to the sky. Below the Shuangtian Peak is the Nantian City and the Southern Region. Directly under the power center, this huge city is built on a mountain, and it is the most developed modern metropolis than Xuanhuang. It is definitely the most densely populated human city that Xia Yi has ever seen.

Of course, the vast majority of people who can live in Nantian City are pure-blood immortals. Even if there are inferior immortals, most of them do the work at the lowest level. The Temple of Heaven stands in the center of the huge bridge, faintly taking the Shuangtian Peak as the base of the formation, and the city as the array pattern, forming an ultra-large-scale formation that makes the heaven and earth arrays inferior.

Although the prosperous Nantian City under the Nantian Palace is still prosperous, the Nantian Palace is in sharp contrast with the Nantian City. Xia Yi wanders around in the Nantian Palace. Even if someone passes by him, he just bows and salutes, and then hurries. Leave.

A large number of deaths of the lord of the Nantian Palace and the immortal statues that belonged to the Nantian Palace have plunged Nantian Palace into a kind of chaos. Even if the management function can still operate as usual, the role of the immortal statue is irreplaceable. Let’s not talk about the ruling power of various affairs. With the final processing power, teaching geniuses, formulating various measures, communicating with the outside world, etc., maintaining the harmonious operation of all aspects of the Southern Territory requires the contribution of Xianzun.

Unlike the social structure of Tianling, the higher the status of the immortal clan, the more responsible they are. Rather than being aloof, you only need to practice. In addition to being a powerful symbol, the Venerable is also a bond necessary to maintain stability.

"Master Xianhuai, the matter you ordered before has been investigated. There is indeed a suspicion of buying and selling resources between the town governor and the rebels in Black-collar Town. I wonder if Master Xianhuai, what do you plan to do?"

After walking, another person in a hurry ran to Xia Yi and reported that this young immortal youth was a direct subordinate of Xia Yi after Xia Yi entered the Nantian Palace.

"Send someone to trade with that town governor, pretending to be someone from the rebel side. Black-collar town is just a resource town that mines immortal stones. What use is there if there is no immortal stone without resources? This town governor is sure to have his own pockets, but The key is who he got the weapon pill from. Don't ask too much to make him suspicious. Just remember to bring the sample back."

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