The fairy clan’s training and education for children until the age of sixteen. Every year, the fairy clan will choose a fixed time for the major cities to hold a talent assessment. Children with good talents can choose to join the sect. If the talent is extremely high, they can even enter directly. Wufang Tiangong.

Even if the talent is not good, but you are talented in any of the pill formation tools, you can also join the corresponding sect. In the way of assassination, the fairy clan strives to allow every clan member to have the opportunity to show himself and contribute to the race.

Even if nothing works, it can fill many vacancies in the fairy clan society and prevent anyone from eating idle. The social structure of the immortal clan is highly developed. It is very scary to select practitioners in this way.

You know how many geniuses are buried in realms such as Tianling every year. What good things have traditional test crystals done? Xia Yi, the innate Taoist body, was almost dismissed!

This model made Xia Yi think of a lot about compulsory education and the scientific examination system to make the best use of it. In a real sense, the entire fairy world was connected together. Xia Yi realized the reason why the immortal clan was so powerful at this moment.

They combined the advantages of various social systems in all major realms to find the optimal plan for development. The immortals have been advancing, but looking at Tianling, what it was like 100,000 years ago, and what it will be after 100,000 years, that’s If Xuanhuang does not experience a single destruction, I am afraid that the existing social structure of modern Xuanhuang will not be explored.

Don't let geniuses be buried, don't let mediocrities occupy resources.

The fairy clan has done these two things, how can it not be strong? Why are there only five heavenly spirits? Because even those who can become dignified were directly buried when they were young, and even if they were not, they were targeted by enemy sects assassinations after various feuds when they were growing up, and they died.

Under such circumstances, Xia Yi can only say that both talent and luck are simply outrageous, and it is natural to be stronger than the venerable fairy clan. There is less smooth sailing, and more intrigues, everyone is human. Jing, you want them to sacrifice? That would never be possible!

Tianling's environment can force mediocre people into geniuses and wizards, as long as they can grow up.

While the immortals grew up in this greenhouse environment, they were instilled with racial sentiments and the glory of the country from an early age, so they sacrificed the ego when necessary, but this also caused another problem, that is, a serious lack of personal awareness.

The two social models will produce two completely different results. The immortal tribe can have an army of ten thousand people with one heart, and the traditional structure of Tianling can appear as a hero with ten thousand enemies. Xia Yi is in the environment of Tianling. Those who have grown up are one enemy of ten thousand hegemons.

It is difficult to compare the other realms of unity with the immortal clan, but in terms of personal ability, other realms are more than just a street of the immortal clan? The immortal clan in the same realm can't even think of a fair fight with people in other realms.

Although there are good and bad each other, the human race has never been a race dominated by individual combat power, the dragon race is the one, so the model chosen by the fairy race is undoubtedly very correct and very suitable for the human race.

"I have already contacted, the Central Temple has sent someone to come, please wait a moment."


Xia Yi dealt with the city governor, thinking about the structure of the immortal clan. He deeply felt that it was almost impossible to stir up civil unrest in the immortal clan. He originally wanted to mix into the immortal clan and cause trouble, but this It is too difficult to grow a social structure, so it is better to find an opportunity to leave the fairy clan as soon as possible.

For this, he needs to be able to reach the starry sky teleportation array. Even if he can travel in the starry sky, it is difficult to get through the sub-empty space between the galaxies. It is too easy to get lost in that place. The flying boat will do.

Xia Yi didn't want to spend decades doing nothing and just hurrying in the starry sky.

After about a few hours, Xia Yi noticed that the breath of a strong man was coming, and he was approaching the room he was in. It should be a demigod.

After a while, someone opened the door and entered. It was a middle-aged man who looked like a powerful kongwu. The handsome face typical of the fairy clan gave this person a vicissitudes of life and melancholy temperament. At this time, Xia Yi realized that he might have overlooked it. An important question.

He is not handsome enough!

Although it is definitely not ugly, it is indeed a bit worse than the fairy clan. He only hopes that the fairy clan will not doubt this.

"You are the saint who has returned from Taoism?"


"Which Dao Fa force are you from."

"Too much forgiving."

"Too much forgotten?"

The immortal demigod was stunned for a while. He asked about this to investigate Xia Yi’s identity, but Taishang Wangqingjiao is one of the most mysterious forces of Taoism. How to investigate this, and Xia Yi is Because I knew this, I would say that I had practiced in Taishang Wangqingjiao.

"Then your cultivation base is not fake, right?"

This Immortal Venerable obviously also knows some things about Too-shang Wangqing. The holy ones of Too-shang Wangqingjiao are all fake deities, but Xia Yi immediately shook his head.

"I have never been empowered by the Supreme Being, and I never believe in the Supreme Being. I just use each other. After all, I have nowhere to go. When I came back this time, I felt that the fairy clan might have something to use for me, and it was me. A little selfish, take this opportunity to get rid of your sin."

Xia Yi deliberately expressed a feeling of stealing, rape, and slippery, indicating that the immortal clan would not come back without encountering danger. This is a typical style of other realms, and it is in line with Xia Yi's statement that he has grown up in other realms.

"Then you really picked a good time. We are now when we are employing people. You should have counted this point. Your sins can be completely avoided, but if you want to atone for your parents, you need to do a lot. contribute."


The conviction of the immortal clan is a joint and several system, and it even harms future generations, so that the clansmen dare not commit crimes easily. Therefore, the identity that Xia Yi compiled for himself is theoretically guilty, but Xia Yi knows that nothing is absolute. How can it be possible to drive away a returning saint after losing 30 saints?

What's more, he was a Venerable who grew up in the cruel realm of the Dao Fa world, and his potential and xinxing were much stronger than other Venerables.

"I will not defend my parents. They betrayed the fairy clan. They have been my enemy from now on. If I see it again, I will kill myself. Now that I have decided to return to the fairy clan, I know what I need to do. The things that are right, even if it is one's own person or biological parents, are also my enemy."

"Anyway, after they gave birth to me, they threw me directly into the wilderness. If they were not lucky enough to be rescued, I would have been a pile of bones. The benefactor who saved me was later killed by the enemy. After I took revenge for him, I would basically have There are no goals, and no one needs me."

"But I know that this is the best time for me to return to the Fairy Clan. The Fairy Clan definitely needs me. If the race is willing to accept me again, I will do my best for the Fairy Clan."

Xia Yi said a lot of good things, and briefly mentioned his "past". The demigod of the Central Temple looked at Xia Yi. Xia Yi's eyes made him feel very comfortable. It was a height that the fairy clan did not possess. Personal enlightenment is worthy of being a venerable person who has grown up from Taoism.

This son, there will be great achievements in the future!

"You are still young, right?"

"I'm under fifty this year."

As soon as Xia Yi said this, the demigod of the fairy clan immediately opened his eyes, the saint who was under fifty years old? ?


"Do I need to tell lies? I have obtained a bit of Martial Emperor's inheritance by coincidence in Dao Fa, and my power can open the sky."

"Originally, Kaitian!"

After speaking, Xia Yi also deliberately released Kaitianjin, and suddenly punched the demigod of the fairy clan, and suddenly stopped when he was about to hit, the power that broke out at that moment was that the demigod of the immortal clan was shocked. , Xia Yi's energy and blood even made him feel frightened.

"Without leaking golden body?"


Xia Yi raised his head arrogantly, not afraid to cause any suspicion, because Xia Yi was already "dead", and it was more logical to achieve perfect golden body in the inheritance of Emperor Wu in Taoism. It is basically difficult to achieve in Tianling. And there should be many examples of perfect golden bodies in the Dao Fa world.

"Okay, okay! My boy, welcome your return!"

The demigod opened his arms and hugged Xia Yi. He was very happy now. He saw in Xia Yi the hope of the rise of the immortal clan. The immortal clan would never refuse anything that could strengthen him, whether it was a powerful group or Learn from other fields to train individuals.

If anyone really deserves to be trained, then the fairy clan will never be stingy. In addition to the united army, the people who can take on the great responsibilities are also loved by the fairy clan. Talent, from the time it was confirmed, it was Pingchuan, it was difficult and there were ups and downs.

The fairy clan also wants to change this, but it is a pity that fish and bear paws cannot have both, so they can only give up. After all, the true life and death experience is that the geniuses of the celestial clan will also easily die, especially the geniuses of the celestial clan who have grown up like this. They even experience the storms that must not be too violent.

"What kind of status do you want? With your current conditions, you can go directly to the Central Temple to manage one party."

The demigod of the fairy clan began to think about where to arrange Xia Yi, Xia Yi's face turned green when he heard it, how could he escape! He must not stay behind securely!

"Dangerous, let me do things that have a life-and-death crisis. I want to make great contributions. I know that risks and benefits are always proportional. This is how I have come along in Taoism. I don’t understand management or politics. , But I know **** the enemy, how to take the head of the enemy's general from it!"

As Xia Yi said, he also released his own murderous aura. Xia Yi's murderous aura is so strong that it is rarely seen in other realms. What's more, a realm like the fairy clan that basically uses a large army to advance the killing of the enemy, alone can This kind of murderousness is very rare.

"But this..."

This demigod was a little reluctant. He didn’t want something like Xia Yi’s arrogant to return to the immortal clan. The clan does not lack those who are not afraid of death, and what the Xian clan lacks is the Tianjiao who is neither afraid of death nor dying!

You are no longer afraid of death, will you have nothing if you die? Generosity is a good thing, but if you can live, you must do your best to live.

"Well, it happens that there is a problem in the Southern Territory. Because the army was destroyed, there are only three Venerable Southern Territories left. For the stability of other territories, it is temporarily unable to send manpower. Some of the inferior immortals have been colluding with slaves and causing chaos. The blood of the five emperors makes it difficult for us to kill the same race, but the inferior immortals and those slaves do not inherit this characteristic."

"You haven't grown up in the fairy clan since you were young. If it were you, you might be able to ignore this bloodline characteristic."

The demigod of the fairy clan is quite angry when he speaks of this. The immortal emperor of the five parties has good intentions, and he directly prevents the same clan from mutilation from the bloodline, so that the immortal clan is more united, but the generation of the inferior immortal people is embarrassing. Kongzi, even if the pure-blooded immortals sent out can be killed, the Dao Xin is prone to cracks, which will affect the cultivation, and the inferior immortals are easily recruited by them, which makes it difficult for the immortal clan to send again.

The most important thing is that there is no suitable candidate, and there are almost no immortal people who can directly attack the same clan.

Most of the inferior immortals still take racial justice as the main thing, but the few selfish inferior immortals can’t get rid of them, and they have been brainwashing other inferior immortals. Xia Yi heard the corner of his mouth unknowingly. Cocked a bit.

The immortal clan is also a human being. It is impossible for a person to be perfect.

"Where is the place, those who catch the job are executed on the spot, and the old and weak women and children need not to be let go."

Xia Yi asked about this immediately. The demigod of the fairy clan was very satisfied when he heard Xia Yi’s question, because there was no persuasion or excuse at all, only the decisive execution of orders, especially Xia Yi said before for the glory of the fairy clan. It means that he can kill even his parents.

The immortal clan does not have much external worries nowadays, that is, internal diseases are difficult to deal with, and they lack an absolute sharp knife.

"I will mark the location for you on the map. Those rebels rely on the native monster race in this world to prevent us from sending an army to annihilate them. Those who don’t need to be caught alive will be executed. Just bring the head back. Don’t put any of the old and weak women and children. Anyone who threatens the unity of the immortals will have to die."

"Yes, don't leave one, all will be put to death."

Xia Yi nodded, took the map from the fairy clan demigod and left the city supervisor's room.


Immortal world, outside the city, in the mountains.

Xia Yi took the map to check, and began to think about the information he already knew. It seems that the fairy clan does not have any loopholes to exploit. The perfect and developed social structure also has its own problems, that is, class antagonism.

As the inferior immortals yearn for equality and more people desire autonomy, the pure-blooded immortal-dominated structure of the immortal clan will inevitably encounter challenges, and the unification of the immortal clan actually depends on power.

Wufang Tiangong ruled with absolute sovereignty, obliterated any discordant voices in the clan, and extinguished civil strife in the cradle. Although the appearance of inferior immortals restored the vitality of the immortals, it was also a double-edged sword and brought A new problem.

The pure-blooded immortals regard the inferior immortals as consumables and the victims of racism, while the inferior immortals desire to have the right to speak. The social structure that has been formed over 100,000 years has been accepted by most of the inferior immortals. This fact, but as long as there is still injustice in the world, the resistance will never subside.

The immortal clan can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, unless the existing social structure is subverted, but this is impossible!

Impossible for the fairy clan!

"There seems to be a lot of contradiction between the fairy clan and the aboriginal people of this star... Unfortunately, these aboriginal people can only protect themselves, and they don't ask for anything else in the wilderness."

Before the arrival of the fairy clan, the demon race actually lived on this star. The ancestors of the immortal clan took it forcibly and became the ancestral realm where the immortal race thrived, and these primitive demon races with nowhere to go are probably also forced. The Yuxian clan's powerful strength has been obediently guarding his one-acre three-point land.

Those rebellious guys are now hiding in one-third of the land of the original demon clan, making it difficult for the immortal clan to enter the army on a large scale, so they can be at ease. The original demon clan may not be a threat to the immortal clan, but they will all be wiped out. It must be very resource-intensive and force-consuming, the fairy clan chose to let them fend for themselves over time.

"Forget it, I still don't want these complicated things, the chance is too small."

Provoking the civil strife of the immortal clan, the inferior immortals have little chance to win. The resources are concentrated in the hands of the pure-blood immortals.

It's hard, it's too hard.

Even if it can be successful, the upper level is too decayed and it is close to self-disintegration. The peasant uprising is just the last straw to crush the camel. The straw of the inferior immortal is too light. The camel of Wufang Tiangong is still in prime of life, so Xia Yi was only able to do so. There is no point in judging to provoke civil unrest.

The fairy clan’s immune system is fine, unless a terrible virus invades inside...

However, Xia Yi also thinks about it. Anyone can say theoretically, it is difficult to do it. The main goal at present is to escape from the immortal clan. Xia Yi is a disgusting person and is not so good at conspiracy and trickery. If He is a person like Lu Yingli or Sanghuai, and he may have a lot of room for manipulation.

He is currently just a small pathogen. As long as he dares to show any infectious and lethality, he will be killed by the immune system. He has to enter the incubation period and wait until a host's health is not good.

"No, it's hard to achieve anything in a short period of time after going back anyway, so let's just lie in the fairy clan for a while and have a look."

Xia Yi really wanted to leave, but after thinking about it carefully, I am afraid that the opportunity to penetrate into the fairy clan is only now. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come again. No one can get into the top of the fairy clan, the blood of the fairy clan is too specific compared to other human races, and the unity makes it difficult for the immortal people to be bought by other realms.

What if the inferior immortals can be bought? Power and true secrets are always in the hands of pure-blood immortals and Wufang Tiangong.

"Tsk, think carefully about the opportunity I'm encountering now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..."

When the fairy clan is using people, the mirage dragon can guarantee that his aura will not be dismantled. As for the abilities of the fairy clan, the Xuanhuang bloodline can really be pretentious. He has awakened the Xihuo, at least it can be regarded as a minimum of a pure-blooded immortal clan. Talent.


In addition to the immortal clan itself, the immortal clan's mortal enemy Xuanhuang is the one who knows the immortal clan best.

Xia Yi knows what kind of talent the fairy clan needs, and he can transform himself into the most desperate, most desired, and hottest young tianjiao of the fairy clan.

After several thoughts, Xia Yi decided on the initial goal. He didn’t rush to go back first, and did meritorious service in the immortal clan. Even if he didn’t get anything, he still had to learn which Tiangong to burn before going back, even though he had no intention of coming. To the fairy clan, but it’s impossible to come home empty-handed, right?

He Xia Yifeng left traces, swallowed plucked hair, beasts walked and left skins, and would not let go of any chance of pitting people. Then Nantian Xianzun made him into the fairy clan by himself, so don’t blame him. ruthless.

The initial goal is set, the next thing to do is to be a cruel and ruthless invisible saboteur. This first task of oneself must not only do a good job, but also make the half-god’s unexpected effect and let him know himself. It has a great effect on the fairy clan.

Thinking from the perspective of the immortal clan, what kind of results do the immortal clan hope he can best achieve?

There is no doubt that extinguishing the rebels, through this branch to find other rebels, it is best to catch who the supporters are, whether there are other areas involved, etc., first pretend that they are white blood cells and kill the virus together, once he arrives Nerve center...


The fairy clan exploded instantly!

"Ha ha…"


Thinking about it, Xia Yi laughed out inexplicably. The imagination is very good, but the development will definitely not go smoothly, but Xia Yi is not afraid. Compared with the frontal confrontation with the immortal army, it is much easier to disintegrate from the inside.

Xia Yi looked at the dense forest not far away. Even the leaves were glowing with golden brilliance. This was where the rebels hid, and there was only one thing he needed to do. From now on, he will do his best to help the immortals. Welfare.

"Everything...for the fairy clan."

Randomly take out a fairy clan military-standard long knife from the storage ring. Even if it is mass-produced, the quality is much higher than other realms. The fairy clan is worthy of the immortal clan, even the world of Taoism is inferior. One centimetre.

Soon after entering the dense forest, Xia Yi immediately noticed that someone was nearby, his cultivation level was not high, only the level of a small saint, and even many true monarchs behind him, this level of rebellious celestial clan was difficult to deal with, and pure-blood immortals could be seen. The bloodline restrictions of the tribesmen are also quite large.

The immortal emperor Wufang had good intentions, and the central immortal emperor was also powerful. Not only could he cast the bloodline curse on Xuanhuang, but he could also set bloodline restrictions on his own people. The immortal clan seemed to be united, but this unity was sacrificed too much. More self.

Although the central immortal emperor anticipated the evil of human nature and restricted it, evil has never been solved by restriction. It is not so much a chronic illness, but it is also human nature. It is a part of human beings. Only by facing up can we solve problems and avoid them. Will deepen it.

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