Xia Yi took out a piece and placed it in the palm of his hand to observe, and tried to absorb the aura in it. The aura inside this pale golden spiritual stone is a bit different. It's better to say that the spiritual stones in each realm are different, such as He Yuan Compared with the realm, the quality of the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual stone of the Tianling is higher.

"The quality of the spirit stones of the immortal world is not low, and it is worthy of the human race."

The spiritual energy in the spiritual energy was completely absorbed by Xia Yi, and the spiritual stone turned into dust. This spiritual energy also contained the unique aura of the immortal clan. What exactly is this kind of gold mixed in the spiritual energy? This also makes Xia Yi began to wonder.

Because he vaguely remembered that before Nan Tian Xianzun died, the blood sputtered from his body after he completely burned himself was actually pale golden.

"Brother Xia, are you curious about the source of the power of the immortal clan? I guess it is the protagonist from the beginning. The birth of the celestial spirit is the ruler. The rising sun that illuminates the immortal clan is not naturally generated. I remember that Xuanhuang called this kind of celestial spirit the golden crow. , It’s just that the golden sun shining on the immortal clan was not transformed by the Zu Jinwu."

"Golden Crow..."

The primordial celestial spirits even surpassed the congenital creatures. It was an existence that was completely incomprehensible to the acquired creatures, and there was no way to communicate even at all. There was no conclusion even if Chaos Tian had a spirit in the realm of cultivation.

The spirit of the primordial age is a star spirit, a spirit with the power of stars, or directly a star with life.

The original spirit is a god, a spirit with supernatural power.

After the desolation, there are creatures, only living spirits.

Whether or not it can be called a spirit depends on whether the thing has its own self. For beasts with low spirits, they have to go through the stage of becoming a spirit before they can cultivate. Spirit was an important basis for whether a thing is strong or not, because the stronger the one. The higher the intelligence, but the appearance of the human race has broken this point.

Even if it's just a mortal, he has the spirit enough to understand the Dao.

"By the way, Brother Xia, I want to mention one more thing here. According to the memory of my dragon clan, the Golden Crow and the Long Zu are old enemies, but the Golden Crow was defeated by the Long Zu, but now everything that can fly has the blood of the Golden Crow, the Phoenix It can be awakened as Suzaku, and Suzaku awakens again... it is the Golden Crow."

Mirage Dragon specifically mentioned the Golden Crow here, which made Xia Yi inexplicably aware of the inevitability of a kind of hostility between the Xuanhuang and the Immortal Clan.

"Phantom Dragon, is this the memory you regained after entering the growth phase?"

"No, the memory that just awakened."

"Then this fire is the flame of the Golden Crow?"

Xia Yi stretched out his palm, and the Xihuo burning in his palm was blessed by immortal spiritual energy, and it burned more violently at once.


The mirage looked awkwardly at the fire in the palm of Xia Yi's palm. Xia Yi thought that, as expected, no wonder the fire of Emperor Yan could not be extinguished in the fairy clan for 100,000 years. As long as the sun of the fairy clan was still there, the fire left by the Yan Emperor would never be extinguished. It will be extinguished, and no wonder the Xian clan hates this fire so much, because in addition to bringing shame to the Xian clan, the fire is a power that should belong to the Xian clan.

It seems that by what means Long Zu won the ability of the Golden Crow, and the Dragon Emperor who inherited this ability passed it on to the Xuanhuang people.

"The old grudge really is the old grudge, but why should the original grudge continue to this day? The Golden Crow is gone, the dragon clan has fallen, and the desolate ancient sky is... hey."

Xia Yi sighed. Actually, compared with the primal feud in the blood, the feud between the immortal clan and Xuanhuang was forged more than one hundred thousand years ago. Xuanhuang even has various legends that beautify the dragon clan and insult the golden crow, such as one A mortal can shoot a star with an arrow. Is that the Emperor Kaitian? !

Many things Xia Yi came to the immortal clan, and after personally feeling the immortal sky, he naturally understood it. The inheritance is also divided into aspects. The blood of Xuanhuang has drawn several directions long ago, towards the two emperors of Yan and Huang. Go in the direction of the Fuxi Lei Zelong clan, and in the direction of the Jiuli Great Witch.

In terms of blood, it is to choose Yanhuang, and it is also divided into whether to follow the Huangdi line or the Yandi line. It can be seen that the blood inheritance is profound. It is difficult for ordinary people to learn, even if it is difficult to wake up, and the immortal directly believes that the Golden Crow line is the same for generations. , Can this road not be spacious?

"Then Brother Xia, are you planning to cultivate the power of the Golden Crow?"

"I am in the immortal clan, I think a little bit, but when the fire is released, I am afraid that the entire immortal world will not chase me to kill."

After that, Xia Yi then used up the fairy world spirit stone in the storage ring to restore less than 10% of his power. It is indeed difficult for the holy to restore his cultivation. If he is still a true monarch, he will naturally recover in three months at most, but Without the aid of foreign objects, the natural recovery might not take three years.

Although there are all killing formations in this cave, as long as it is not activated, the auxiliary spirit gathering formations set up to protect the killing formations have turned this into a blessed place with abundant spiritual energy, which is perfect for cultivation.

But Xia Yi didn't plan to stay any longer, no one likes to stay in a dark place.

"Brother Xia, are you planning to go out?"

"Nonsense, I don't want to stay with the Immortal Clan for a long time. I have a cold neck now, so quickly think of a way to return to Tianling."

He is a Xuanhuang person staying in the fairy clan. Once he is found to be a dead end, he can't let go of cultivation.

"Hey, Brother Xia, you have to be thankful that I am here. Only a true **** can detect your abnormality."

After speaking, the mirage dragon turned into a blue gleam and re-entered Xia Yi’s body world. Xia Yi’s aura immediately changed. He was originally a mixed-blood immortal, but after being possessed by the mirage dragon, he became a pure-blooded immortal. Breath.

Even the original black hair turned into dazzling gold.


Outside the cave, Xia Yi walked out of the cave. The strong light from the golden sun in the sky made Xia Yi very uncomfortable. He subconsciously covered his eyes with the palm of his hand. Whether it was Xuanhuang or Tianling, it was the strongest noon of the scorching sun in midsummer. Even the endless desert of Xihuang does not have such bright sunlight.

If mortals in other realms want to survive in the fairy world, I’m afraid that they don’t have to wear sunglasses every day, otherwise their eyes will be blinded soon. Xia Yi now has golden pupils. Any immortal people will not doubt it when they see it. Perfectly incarnate in appearance and breath as a member of the fairy clan.

"A mirage, it seems that your cultivation level has improved? Have you become a holy?"

Xia Yi clearly noticed that the mirage dragon's illusion ability had become stronger again. The previous mirage dragon could not be so perfect. At least in Xia Yi's current realm, the mirage dragon's illusion was already very perfect.

"I trained my father's Dragon Ball, and in addition to the cultivation base, I also awakened a lot of memories."

It was because of this that the mirage knew the Golden Crow, but Xia Yi seemed a little unhappy.

"Your father's dragon ball, your father's relics, you actually practiced it? You are still not human!!"

Xia Yi originally wanted to help the mirage "keep", but he didn't expect this guy to practice it directly.

"Ah? It's because it's what my father left behind, so I should refining it. Our Dragon Clan is like this! And I'm not a human being."

"It's too cruel. You don't even have a token of seeing things and thinking about dragons. You are really a filial daughter."

The Mirage Dragon Ball could be regarded as an extraordinary treasure. Xia Yi just wanted to study it. He didn't expect that the Mirage Dragon was trained directly during the time he passed out. It was really too much.

"Your human race and our dragon race are inherently different. Don't have to weigh us against the concept of human race! For example, your father left you a sword, you can never use it forever, just keep it at home! "

"Our human race is really like this."

"So, I am not a human being!"

Mirage Dragon emphasized the Dragon Clan's views several times, and Xia Yi also knew that he just couldn't use physical violence, so he chose verbal violence. Domestic violence Mirage Dragon is a bad habit that Xia Yi can't change.

If you go back to the meeting where you just met the mirage, Xia Yi will also choose domestic violence. The mirage has a special temperament that will make people bully and addicted. Perhaps this is the so-called under-drawing physique.

Now that the mirage dragon has finally become a holy, and he is also the second-order holy lord ascending to the gods, this cultivation base is absolutely walking horizontally when returning to the heavenly spirit, five? Not to mention that they were all crippled by himself, even during the peak period, Xia Yi would no longer be afraid. Xia Yi's combat power has always been stronger than his realm.

Even without the Innate Dao Body, Xia Yi's ability is also hiding in the body refining. In addition to the body refining, there is also the Dao Dao of Emperor Shenxiao. Dao Fa is almost all auxiliary. In this life, he rarely relies on the Innate Dao body. And finally reaped the results.

Originally, he was just angry and wanted to prove that he would not be useless without the Innate Dao Body. Now he really is not. Xia Yi doesn't feel regretful. He just feels light. The roads are all walked out by themselves, and then go wider and wider.

And the path of the innate Taoist body is wide at first, and then narrower and narrower, and then everything can be used, but what is the use of not knowing your heart?

"I have to say that the scenery of the fairy world is truly amazing."

Xia Yi walked in this desolate mountain. It was uninhabited, but the magnificent mountains and rivers combined with the sprinkling of golden brilliance made it a real fairyland, a wonderful world like a dream, and there is already such a good environment. , Why have to invade and dominate?

Isn't it good to be content?

Xuan Huang preaches contentment and permanence, so there is no aggressiveness, but thinking from the perspective of the entire human race, this may also be a kind of inertia, a kind of laziness that does not think about progress, Xia Yi now does not worship Xuan Huang without thinking, but He will think from many perspectives, whether it is right or wrong, it is his own understanding.

Besides, what if his famous saying is not good? Xuanhuang was saved by him alone. He has this qualification more than anyone else. Only when he accepts the incompleteness can he see the beauty. When everything is in chaos, there is no such thing as good and evil. It is because the human race opens the sky to distinguish between black and white, the starry sky has the so-called good and evil. View.

After walking aimlessly for more than ten days, Xia Yi finally found the first fairy clan city. The construction was very domineering, and there was no city wall. The buildings actually began to look like high-rise buildings, which were quite modern and modern. The look of the city, but the overall style is still a kind of retro, very peculiar.

The fairy clan has a very good root, so you will never refuse anything useful to you. Whether you are Dao Fa or magic, they have been researching even if it is a scientific and technological institution. The flying boat of the fairy clan can be said to be the most capable A good flying boat is also an important tool for the fairy clan to march in the starry sky.

"Hello, may I ask the biggest...where is the most powerful place in this neighborhood?"

After entering the city, Xia Yi found a member of the immortal clan and asked about it. He originally wanted to ask the sect, but because of his extremely ignorance of the immortal clan, Xia Yi didn’t know whether the immortal clan was a diaspora system or a centralized system, but the probability should be. Centralized power, after all, the five-party heavenly palace manages everything.

"Yes... It's the City Governor's Mansion. It's over there, go straight."

The immortal person who was stopped by Xia Yi and asked for directions looked very, very nervous. His forehead was slightly sweaty, and he couldn't even straighten his waist. The emotion in his eyes didn't know whether it was fear or awe.

"Brother Xia, find out your identity. The immortal clan is a relatively strict class of status. Now you are not only a pure-blooded immortal clan, but also an immortal, you are above hundreds of millions of people!"

The mirage reminded Xia Yi at this time, and Xia Yi realized that he was too rude.

Xia Yi nodded, originally wanted to say thank you, but after thinking about it, he didn't say anything. He turned his head and left. This made the immortal person relieved. The Holy Venerable is now in any realm of the Human Race. The most respectable is the same everywhere.

Although Xia Yi, the Immortal Venerable, is a fake, as long as he resembles it enough, he can almost get the awe of the vast majority of the immortal people.

Half an hour later, the City Governor’s Mansion, this is the most beautifully constructed building in the city, and it even has the feeling of a medieval church in the West. The ancestors of the immortal clan are people from the realm of the gods, and the cultural aspect of the immortal clan is likely to be close to the gods. Of the world.

It's just that the immortal clan, a mixture of Chinese and Western modern cultures, and a realm of cultivation civilization, still made Xia Yi feel a sense of indescribable novelty, as if time and space were disrupted.


There is a gatekeeper in front of the city governor’s mansion in the city of immortal clan. The gatekeepers are two powerful people. There are not a few cultivators in the city, but most of them are common in low cultivation. People outside the immortal clan, those who are better dressed are probably wanderers, and those who are poorly dressed...

It should be a slave to other realms.

In fact, it doesn’t matter that Xia Yi shows people in his original appearance. He will be regarded as a traveler in other realms, but Xia Yi’s identity is a bit too sensitive, even if it is suspected at all, there is a huge risk, so he becomes the fairy clan’s own talent. Is the best choice.

"I want to see the city governor."

When he walked to the door, Xia Yi was quite arrogant and straightforward. He neither stated his purpose nor introduced himself, but the two doorkeepers immediately nodded and opened the door. This is what a goddess should have. Haughty, see how a city governor could take the other party too seriously.

In this way, Xia Yi entered the city governor’s mansion without hindrance. There were many rooms inside which I didn’t know what they were used for. Fortunately, the language of the immortal clan was still the same as that of the realm of cultivation and did not continue the tradition of the world of law and god. If you can understand it, the lingua franca of the human race was formally established by the Dao Fa Great, but the Dao Fa Great, the self-created language of individual realms, can't control it.

Even a certain country of Xuanhuang is just a little more inherited from the cultivation civilization. If you have to count it, it is indeed Xuanhuang orthodoxy, but you should not underestimate other native civilizations, which are also part of Xuanhuang. Human race is the most terrifying. The root of the disadvantage is that you can’t recognize your own cultural expansion and you can be proud, but you have to be humble. Don’t be proud of it and look down on others.

Every civilization of the human race is commendable, and no one is inferior to another.

After entering the city governor’s room, this is not the office Xia Yi imagined. It is more like a private practice room. The room is large and gorgeous, which shows the status of the city governor. The city governor may not be as noble as the Xianzun, but at least it is. The real power of the immortal clan, right? The city governor was meditating and cultivating. When he noticed Xia Yi's breath, he opened his eyes and immediately stood up to greet him, but he quickly showed doubts.

"You...Which immortal are you?"

All the venerable city governors of the immortal clan know it, and the immortal clan does not practice in seclusion. Anyone who has the ability will climb up. How can it be secluded, and the resources are concentrated in the upper level, even if it is true seclusion, it will never be possible. Cultivation of the Supreme Lord.

In other words, Xia Yi is an immortal who is not in the record at all.

"I... I followed my master to practice in the mountains since I was a child, and now I have achieved success in my practice and stroll around. I want to go to other realms. Where is the starry sky teleportation array?"

After Xia Yi said these words, the city governor’s face changed slightly, but he immediately hid it. He smirked and agreed. However, this still failed to escape Xia Yi’s eyes. Xia Yi hadn’t been able to escape Xia Yi’s eyes until he was sure that he was exposed, because Too little understanding of the fairy clan, just a word made the other party start to doubt his identity.

"Tell me what you really think at the moment!"

When Xia Yi thought, his soul power blocked the void to prevent the spread of the message, and even suppressed the city governor with the power of the Lord. At this moment, Xia Yi's right eye is still a golden pupil, and it has become a black blood moon pupil. Du was stunned for a moment, his eyes immediately turned lookless.

"I suspect... you are a spy in other realms..."

"A person who can become a saint in the immortal clan has been known to the world as early as the saint king and the saint emperor, and they are all unique wizards."

"How is it possible that a fairy venerable who has no impression on me suddenly appeared."

The city governor confessed his true thoughts under the control of the evil eye. Xia Yi sighed. Even if his appearance and aura are perfect, his identity is still a difficult problem, so should he hide his cultivation? Pretending to be a little saint?

No, that would be more likely to arouse suspicion. The Immortal Venerable of the third-tier ascending to the gods can see Xia Yi's true cultivation level, and it will be even more troublesome at that time. He can only show his true cultivation level, but how can he obtain a normal status?

"Miracle, read his memory, how can I make my identity stand up to the scrutiny of the fairy clan."

It may not be too difficult to make fakes in the fairy clan, but it is difficult to do it. At the beginning, I wanted to climb into the ruling class of the immortal clan. Whatever you do in the fairy world is fair and honest.

Xia Yi held down the city governor's head, and it took a while for Mirage Dragon to finish reading.

"The two schemes, the first one, disguised as one of the thirty sages who died in the army of the immortal clan, but those thirty sages are at least the third rank of the ascension to the gods. I can pretend, but I will be truly ascended to the third stage. Look out."

"The second one is that they are the descendants of those who feared and absconded. Some of the pure-bloods of the fairy clan committed serious crimes and fled to other realms. Even if the fairy clan is united, there will be a small number of selfish people. Brother Xia, your appearance. He breath can withstand the verification of the immortal clan, and the second choice has a very high success rate. Although the offspring of the sin-fearing absconder will not receive any good treatment when returning to the immortal clan, you are the immortal Venerable Brother Xia!"

"Not to mention that the immortal clan has just lost thirty immortals before!"

The plan proposed by the mirage dragon is very good. The descendants of the sin-fearing absconder do not want to learn from their parents. They return to serve the race after becoming the Immortal Venerable. This is in line with the spirit of the immortal clan, not only in terms of strength and blood, but also spiritually recognized by the immortal clan.

"Yes, then do it, erase his memory, and return to when he was still cultivating."

After speaking, Xia Yi turned around and walked out of the door. After a while, he opened the door again and entered.

"Are you...Which Immortal Venerable?"

After Xia Yi entered the door, the city governor’s reaction was exactly the same as before. This city governor only had the cultivation base of the holy emperor, so he was played by Xia Yi and the mirage in the applause, and he couldn’t remember what happened just now. what.

"I came from the great world of Daofa. My parents may be sinners. After Daofa gave birth to me, I thought I was a burden. I didn’t know where to escape. I planned not to return, but I think I am different from my parents. They abandoned the glory of the fairy clan, but I did not."

"I hope that at this time I can play a role in race, as it is to atone for my parents."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, the city governor hesitated for a while. After understanding Xia Yi's words, he looked at Xia Yi repeatedly, confirmed that Xia Yi is definitely a member of the fairy clan, and respected Xia Yi in awe.

"Wait a minute, I will contact the Central Immortal Palace immediately. More than half of the troops sent out are from our Southern Territory Immortal Venerables. At this moment, we only have three Immortal Venerables in the Southern Territory. Your return is very timely!"

After the city governor finished speaking, he bent down and bowed deeply, admiring Xia Yi very much. This is the spirit of the fairy clan. Even if he is a sinner first, he can regain the glory of the race in later generations, but it is a pity that Xia Yi is not worthy of respect at all. Xianzun.

He is the ghost from Xuanhuang.


The city governor contacted the Central Heavenly Palace there, and Xia Yi asked the mirage to inform him about some customs and power structures of the immortal clan, as well as the basic information of the immortal world. It is correct to know in advance how the immortal world gives Xia Yi the feeling and Any realm is different, the immortal realm is not a piece of scattered sand, but a unified realm.

The people are distributed in major cities. The immortals have few villages and towns. Almost all of them live in cities. Regardless of the purity of blood, every immortal can acquire the most basic knowledge of cultivation after birth, and will begin to have systematic contact at the age of three. When it comes to cultivation, its cultivation resources are evenly distributed by the five heavenly palaces. Of course, if you want to get a better starting point, you can also spend money to send your children into the sect.

Yes, the immortal clan also has a sect, but this sect to Xia Yi feels more like Xuanhuang’s "school", but it is not exactly that the sect plays a role as a school, or a training institution and a commercial company in the immortal society. With the same role, the Five-Faced Heavenly Palace is the center of power relative to the sect, and it is also a place that every fairy tribe wants to enter.

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