"Palace Master, I'll leave it to you!"

"I'm waiting to die, and I'm also a proud immortal clan person!"

"Xianzu, long live!"

These sages confessed their funerals. Xia Yi saw that the situation was wrong and instantly guessed what the immortal clan was going to do. These sages of the immortal clan had a life-and-death ambition, and I was afraid that they would have the last fight, and their last fight...

Mostly blew up.

Xia Yi couldn't resist the self-destruction of so many sages, so Xia Yi chose to run away immediately, but Xia Yi forgot the method that the sages of the immortal clan had used many times before, the spell binding technique.

Twenty-nine sages at the same time fully used the spell binding technique, and even burned the spiritual energy essence and blood, which really made Xia Yi live in the starry sky. I have to say that Xia Yi regrets it too, or should kill these first with all his strength. The Lord’s, the immortal emperor’s remnant soul died, and as a result he also died. As expected, human beings will never be able to recognize the error.

Xia Yi just wanted to enliven the atmosphere, not wanting to look like a bitter and enmity. He hasn't relaxed for a long, long time. This is his nature. As a result, he played with a smile on his face. Sure enough, no matter what the monk was there. Under no circumstances can you get overwhelmed.

If the other party can use these methods, it means that he can't be killed, but it's just that he won't die causally. It's uncertain whether he will be seriously injured.


Everything that happened next was almost exactly the same as Xia Yi had imagined. The eyes of those sages of the immortal clan flashed with death will. Except for the Nantian Xianzun, the other sages came to Xia Yi and surrounded Xia Yi heavily. The people of the immortal race can give their lives at any time for their race. This has to be said that any other human race realm can't keep up with it.

They didn't say a word to Xia Yi, they just silently destroyed their own body world, let the spiritual energy flow back, and turned the dantian into an extremely unstable spiritual power point, and then personally destroyed the balance. This process is similar to a nuclear bomb, but It doesn't matter more than the so-called nuclear fission and nuclear fusion horror.

This is contravariance, psychic contravariance, and the strongest method a monk can use at last, the real name of self-destruction.

A total of twenty-seven saints’ self-destruction at close range may cause the mountains and rivers to fall, and the stars can blow up a corner, even if it is far less than the great power, but Xia Yi now has no emperor, and there is only one waiting for Xia Yi’s ending. , That is to be half-dead.

However, how could a person like Xia Yi who have been beaten for a long time have no means of his own? The underworld madly swallows vitality in his body. Only when these sages explode, Xia Yi will directly incarnate as King Asura and resist with his underworld body. , Xia Yi's will, because of the death of King Asura in battle, can also carry out deeper meditation, even if it is turned into King Asura, he can guarantee that his consciousness can return.

The next moment, the twenty-seven nobles exuded dazzling golden brilliance, and they almost directly turned into the light itself. The hot high temperature immediately began to burn Xia Yi. When the time was almost time, Xia Yi let the underworld swallow the last trace of life in his body. Without hesitation, he took the initiative to let the underworld invade the spirit.

If it were in the past, Xia Yi would definitely not dare to do this, because once he became an Asura, it would be difficult for him to resurrect, but now that he became the Asura King, he was sure to come back.

A few teardrops fell in the eyes of Nantian Xianzun at this moment. He watched those former subordinates and friends, and even former disciples, turned into endless golden lights and dissipated. No matter how many things were left in his lifetime, he can only burn in this instant. After all, he understood that this was war, and it should never have been like this. Everything is because Xia Yi, the original sinner, forcibly changed the history of the immortal tribe's victory!

Even if Xia Yi could win this time, he could only change this time. Not long after the remnant soul of the Southern Emperor dissipated, his sea of ​​consciousness suddenly had a memory. As a person of the Southern Emperor's line, he There was an extra bloodline magical power that needed to sacrifice himself, he knew that was the last method left by the Southern Immortal Emperor.

There is only one prerequisite for Xia Yi’s immortality, that is, that they have not yet died. In other words, as long as they all die in battle, Xia Yi will have no protection from cause and effect. Do nothing.

"Let's keep the sky, pass the immortal!"

Nantian Xianzun burned his own blood, his skin instantly cracked, blood splashed in the starry sky, and the luminous mass turned into bloodshots spreading towards Xia Yi like a spider web, and Nantian Xianzun’s ancestor was the Southern Emperor, whose methods were incredible. , So that his descendants can use blood as a medium to exert his power through reincarnation.

And this last resort was not a method with any lethality. I saw a ripple in the space, and the phantom of green mountains and green water appeared in the surrounding starry sky. It was a world illuminated by the golden warm sun.

"Even if you must succeed this time, we will let you fall directly after success! People of reincarnation, go to my fairyland and die!"

How far is the distance between the fairy world and Xuanhuang, outside the boundary is the galaxy, and the space between the galaxy and the galaxy is the sub-void. The sub-void does not have any energy that monks can use, so the marching between the galaxies is particularly difficult. Teleportation Array Divine Dao cannot be arranged, only the emperor can do it.

Xia Yi once returned to Xuanhuang’s starry sky teleportation array from the Metaverse, which was arranged by the Jiemenjie Emperor himself, and the bloodline magical power left by the Southern Immortal Emperor was specifically used to kill Xia Yi, and he needed to sacrifice a seventh-tier. Sub-shen.

At the destination of the teleportation, there are ten unique formations laid down by the Immortal Emperor himself!

Twenty-seven Immortal Venerables blew themselves up. Nantian Immortal Venerable also burned his lifeblood just to completely kill the newly successful Xia Yi. The Southern Immortal Emperor’s idea was correct and consistent with cause and effect. Xia Yi also knew about the immortal clan from Nantian Immortal Venerable’s words. Intend.

He can only lament that he is worthy of being an immortal clan. Since he cannot change the fact that he will lose this time, he must at least be replaced.

In fact, Xia Yi can immediately escape by using chaotic air to change boundaries, but the impact of the 27 nobles who blew up must be guarded by the status of King Asura, otherwise it will be a dead end, and it will be teleported to the past and the status will be worse. .

Xia Yi was thinking crazy about how to get through this crisis. Xuanhuang must have held it, but it would be too bad to just hold it and die. That **** immortal emperor's remnant soul was really succeeded by him, the immortal clan hates Xuanhuang. Dead but not stiff, he didn't even hate the fairy clan, but he didn't give up the whole death of Xuanhuang.

The next moment, like a nebula burst, the twenty-seven saints were completely shattered, but they all believed that the immortal clan would never fail before they died. As the golden light exploded, the face of Nantian Immortal Venerable withered, and the spirits were about to disperse. There was no trace of blood in the body, and the whole person was like a corpse, but he was smiling, because he saw the scenery of his hometown before he died, and they succeeded.

Time and space have been rebelled, and Xia Yi will undoubtedly die.

But at this moment, at the very moment of this moment, a certain severed hand floating in the starry sky who didn’t know it belonged to suddenly turned into a blue bead and flew towards the center of the explosion at an extremely terrifying speed. With his mouth open, he pointed to the bead and wanted to say something, or maybe he wanted to curse something, but just before that, his soul had completely disappeared, and there was still a trace of worry in his stubborn eyes.


Jin Hui completely overwhelmed everything in front of Xia Yi, even as King Asura also made Xia Yi almost torn to pieces. Xia Yigang wanted to immediately return to being a man and flee in chaos, but the space was locked, and he even felt something different. God's way.

He is no longer in the starry sky, half of his body can be said to have reached another place, how easily the last method left by the Southern Immortal Emperor can be broken.

Divine soul began to become a little late, Xia Yi was unconscious, and it was particularly difficult to make any judgment. Sure enough, there was still no way to incarnate as King Asura for a long time. The burden on divine soul and will was too great, Xia Yi finally had to hurry. Resurrected, and then took out a teleportation disk to start, only hope that in the end, I can have better luck.

"Brother Xia, I'll save you!!"

But the moment Xia Yi fell asleep, Xia Yi saw a mentally retarded pounce on him.


Three months later.

Tianling, Tianding Holy Land.

Tianding Lao Zun’s cultivation base fell to the peak of the holy emperor. He was holding the message jade slip in his hand to accept the news. At this moment, other realms were watching Tianling’s jokes, but a news came out that shocked the entire human race not long ago. , Xuanhuang has not been destroyed for a long time, and under the boundless curiosity, he sent someone to investigate, and found the remains of the immortal army in the starry sky beyond Xuanhuang, and even found traces of the immortal deity blew himself up.

Hundreds of millions of the immortal clan's army mysteriously perished in the starry sky, and a shattered star appeared around. When the vastness went to Xuanhuang to pick up people, I saw that the star was intact. The immortal clan encountered an unknown powerful enemy. Fa Tian met the army that had a headache and disappeared so unclearly.

But the most thought-provoking thing is the shattered star.

Who is this era, and what power is there to crush a star? ?

People speculated that there were rumors all over the sky, and the Supreme Profound Hall also officially announced the news of Xia Yi's death. The soul lamp that Xia Yi left in the Supreme Profound Hall was extinguished, and the soul tablets left by the Azure Cloud Sect were also shattered.

Xia Yi died, an entire army of the fairy clan died out inexplicably, and a star other than Xuanhuang was shattered. What is the connection between these three? No one can come to the correct answer at all, and the traces left no matter how vast the distance is. Analysis can only draw unbelievable conclusions, even if it is said, it is a fantasy, but Cang Mang still truthfully informed other realms.

After all, this matters a lot!

There may have been a battle of gods on the scene, and even a battle of gods.

What is God's War? It's very simple, it's the emperor war!

By analyzing the remains of the fragments of stars, Cangmang came to the conclusion that this star was once the place where a great emperor enlightened, but it was another power that destroyed the stars. In addition, after Xia Zheng’s death, Da Xia was unsupervised, and the successor checked afterwards. Only after the national treasury discovered Da Yantian's information, Daxia passed it on. Now the entire human race is looking for the facts, and even the Dao Fa world is investigating it.

The immortal clan almost went crazy when he heard the news. Although he wanted to send a master to fight Xuanhuang directly, the traces left by the starry sky outside Xuanhuang looked like a warning. Don't dare to think about Xuan Huang any more.

As for Xuanhuang, after contacting people from other realms of comprehension, he provided a little information. The space station and astronomical satellite floating in outer space have done a great job, but there are only a few fuzzy photos, which can't explain anything, just deepen all kinds of guesses.

In the end, people can only rely on the peculiar means left by the Emperor Xuanhuang Great Yantian, and use the recovery of Di Nian as the final answer. After all, the immortal army, whether it is the wreckage of the flying boat or the wreckage of the soldiers, has been greatly destroyed by Huo Dao, other realms didn't know the truth, but the fairy clan was silent.

The senior immortal clan tends to agree with this. After all, the army on the expedition is sheltered by the remnant soul of the southern emperor. It seems that there was a battle between the remnant soul of the southern emperor and the remnant of Yandi? Then the means left by the Yellow Emperor are not still in Xuanhuang Benxing...

Before there is no solution, the immortal clan can only hold back for the time being. The land of his Yan Emperor's enlightenment is exploded, and the great Yantian is gone. This is the only comfort of the immortal clan, but compared to the lost army, this comfort Nothing was counted, the demise of the army made the fairy clan heartache.

Due to this incident, the various realms of the human race had to start to re-examine Xuanhuang, and to recommence with Xuanhuang, even if Xuanhuang's strength was low, no one dared to go too far, after all, Xuanhuang was too weird.

First, Xia Yi, Tianling Tianjun, disappeared after defeating the five heavenly spirits three months ago, and Xia Zheng, the Great Xia emperor of the Tianling Beihai, died one after another, and then the terrifying army of the fairy clan. When people know it, the power disappears, and the apparent power is not terrible. The most terrifying thing is always the unknown.

As long as the answer has not been determined, all the human race realms are afraid of Xuanhuang. The vast investigation may be wrong, but even the Dao Fa has investigated the traces of the war on the gods. The Dao Fa world is the authority of the human race. They Having said that, who else would dare to talk nonsense, the immortal clan didn't dare to let go, just let Cangmang and Daofa help collect the corpse, wanting to let the immortal clan who still have a corpse return to their hometown for burial.

Strange, horrible, and unbelievable.

The imposing army of the immortal clan was inexplicably wiped out in the starry sky beyond Xuanhuang. An army of hundreds of millions of people was accompanied by 30 immortals, and among them was a seventh-order sub-god, which was absolutely domineering. Even if the combat power is destroyed, there is no way to send any information back to the fairy clan, which is also terrifying.

Even given the hypothesis that the two immortal emperors have the remnant soul and fight again, how much power can the remnant soul display? At least it is impossible to destroy the star. Although the Yan Xing is shattered, it is even more strange and scary to float in the starry sky like this, as if it is warning anyone who dares to be disadvantageous to Xuanhuang.

Heavenly Spirit, Eastern Profound Realm, Blue Cloud Sect on the Six Small Continents.

In fact, after Xia Yi left, Zhao Lianbing kept holding Xia Yi’s soul tablet, but no matter how much she prayed, the tablet eventually fell apart. At that moment, Zhao Lianbing just bowed his head and smiled bitterly. How do you say it? Even if the ending is already known, it is still unacceptable to happen before and after the eyes.

Xia Yi has become history.

Just like Xiao Mo, he became the Azure Cloud Sect, the Eastern Profound Realm, and the history of the Heavenly Spirit. After the defeat of the five gods, he died, and Cang Muang also found traces of Xia Yi's battles from the fragments of the flame star. Xia Yi must be related to the complete destruction of the fairy clan army.

This time is different from the last time Xia Yi fell into Duantianyuan. The time when Xia Yi fell into Duantianyuan, because Xia Yi did not leave a soul jade slip or a soul lamp, Zhao Lianbing and others could deceive themselves, and Xia Yi really came back. , But this time is completely different.

The soul lamp is extinguished and the tablet is broken. Since ancient times, no one can survive this situation. In the realm of comprehension, the condition for judging a person's complete death is that the soul lamp is extinguished or the tablet is broken, which is equivalent to the brain death judgment in Xuanhuang medicine. Same.

A generation of legends ended, but he left an indelible trace on Tianling, and his achievements were only publicized after death. Few people agreed with him when he was alive. Only when he died, someone would be willing to understand. Isn't it like this after falling into Heavenly Abyss?

Ordinary people’s condolences to Xia Yi, the comprehension forces did not intervene, and they would not continue to resent a dead person, but the defeat of Xia Yi's five deities would definitely make Qingyunzong hard to do anything in the future. Xia Yi is dead again, but he It is also true that he has offended the hegemony of Tianling.

Five statues will never make Qingyunzong better!

It's just that due to the reduction in the strength of the five deities, many forces with only the Holy Emperor in charge began to move around, especially the chaotic alliance, Tianling completely opened a new page in history, and the real chaos is about to come.


Beyond the starry sky, the fairy star field.

The fairy clan lives on a huge star. Here is an excellent star found by the ancestors of the fairy clan who traveled through the stars. Even if left alone, powerful creatures will be born sooner or later. The main reason is to illuminate this star. The scorching sun is different from many territories of Human Race, it is a golden sun shining with golden glory.

Legend has it that the golden sun was transformed after the demise of a certain existence consciousness in the early days. The brilliance of the golden sun was born with all kinds of wonderful abilities. It is to gradually bring the power of the golden sun to his blood.

The reason why the fairy clan is full of golden brilliance is for this reason. It is worth mentioning that the nature of the golden sun is very similar to the Xihuo of the Xuanhuang Fuxi clan.

Immortal Realm, it’s mid-afternoon. Although Jinhui is as usual, the atmosphere of the entire realm is not very good. One-third of the entire realm’s combat power went on the expedition, and the whole army sacrificed nothing. This ending is replaced by anything. The realm was unacceptable, let alone the immortal clan who came from the noble.

This blow was too big for the Xian clan, it was a pain that could not be healed in a short time, and it deepened the Xuanhuang hatred of the Xian clan. The Xian clan’s silence did not give up, just to regroup for a better plan. The next ten thousand years or the next one hundred thousand years.

As long as Jinyang is here, the immortal clan can slowly regain its vitality.

In the southern part of the fairy world, in a deep cave, a person with black hair and black eyes gradually awakened at this moment. After opening his eyes, he looked around in confusion and found that the rock walls of this cave were densely engraved with lines of formation, although He didn't know much about the formation, but it was enough to see that this was an absolute killing formation. Once triggered, even the gods would have to die.

After seeing all this, he shuddered slightly.

"This formation has failed?"

"I'm so lucky?"

This person is Xia Yi, and these formations must be the means reserved by the Southern Immortal Emperor to prepare to kill him. Although after years of baptism, the lethality has been greatly reduced, but it can still easily destroy the gods, which is very terrifying. It's just one thing that puzzled Xia Yi. He could perceive the energy flow in the formation pattern, but why didn't it work?

Just when Xia Yi was puzzled, Xia Yi noticed that his body was emptied of blood and energy. Although his injury was healed, his weakness was worse than that after being blew up by the sages of the fairy clan. At this moment, Xia Yi suddenly noticed. There was movement beside him.

Xia Yi turned his head and saw that there was something lying next to him. To be precise, it was a person or a naked woman. She had beautiful blonde hair. The moment Xia Yi saw this hair color, everyone was stunned. Then, his hand moved wildly twice, and he touched some cold object, it was metal, that kind of unique texture does not need to look at it, Xia Yi also knew that it must be his spear-fighting sky.

"Die to me!!"

Holding the spear tightly, Xia Yi was about to kill the fairy girl next to him who seemed to have just woken up, but when he was about to hit, Xia Yi suddenly stopped, because this girl's appearance was completely a mentally retarded mirage dragon. Looks like.


"Brother Xia, you are awake."

The mirage rubbed his eyes and still had saliva at the corners of his mouth. Xia Yi immediately raised his hand and smelled whether there was any dragon odor on his body. The mirage phrase "You wake up" also had a charming smell, which made Xia Yi Suddenly he became vigilant.

"Miracle, you better explain to me what happened."

Xia Yi looked at the beautiful blond hair of the mirage dragon, and the people were a little numb. Although the mirage can be ever-changing, it is not right in front of him, and the breath of the mirage is not right. No matter how Xia Yi probes, he is a member of the immortal clan. If it hadn't changed in appearance, the mirage dragon had been stabbed through Xia Yi's head at this time.

"That's a long story. After you drove me away, Brother Xia, I couldn't find a place to go, so I turned into a rock floating in the starry sky and observed it in secret. After a few days, I realized that I was lost. Contact Xia with your soul, I guess you must be gone, but I thought you must have someone to bury it. I thought I would take on this important task, and I wanted to find you and bury you."

"It's just that what happened next is really incredible. I felt the aura of Daojiao, but at that moment, the sparks disappeared!"

"This makes me stupid, such a big spark, it was just in front of me! The whole army of the fairy clan also disappeared somehow, I thought I couldn't be illusion, anyone in this world can be illusion. It's impossible for me alone. I just wandered around, and it didn't take long. The entire space was replaced, and Mars exploded directly, and then I saw the immortal clan who had almost died."

"The most curious thing is that not only did you not die, but you were still alive and kicking, but the aura of your soul was completely different. It was like changing the person, in the sense of the soul, but I think you are so cheap to the fairy clan and your style. It's also very disgusting, so I conclude that you are definitely my Xia brother, such a disgusting person can't find a second one in the starry sky!"

"Then I will become a severed hand to collect the remaining resources of the fairy clan and plan to run away... No, I plan to help you Xia in the future. I didn't expect that I was stealing happily, but you suddenly failed Xia. The dozens of saints blew themselves down. I thought that without me, you would definitely not be able to pass this hurdle, so I rushed over to help."

"As for the future, it's like this now. In order to prevent the immortal clan from entering, this formation has the ability to recognize blood and even soul breath. This is not easy for anyone to adjust, but I prefer to adjust it, fortunately I still steal With a lot of fairy blood, I wanted to wait for Brother Xia to become a member of the fairy clan to help you get revenge!"

"No, it has a miraculous effect, Brother Xia, apart from your appearance, any immortal clan will make friends with you hand in hand if you inquire about it!"

The mirage kept bragging about how capable he was, but Xia Yi had accurately learned the real purpose of the mirage. This guy was thinking that if she died, she could still steal the resources of the fairy clan for development and refine his body. , And then incarnate as a member of the Xian Clan to eat fragrant and spicy food in the Xian Clan.

Even the virtue of the mirage dragon can help yourself get revenge? Xia Yi Ning believes that pigs can climb the tree, and he does not believe that mirages are reliable, but I do have to thank mirages to survive this time. It is indeed a genius whose level of waste is inversely proportional to the level of usefulness. There is more waste at ordinary times, and how capable you are at critical moments. Reluctantly, it was not in vain.

"I know the cause and effect, thank you, but why did I take off my pants? You didn't wear any clothes. You'd better explain this to me. I can judge whether to kill you or half to death."

"That...because it is necessary to pretend?"

"When do you need to take off your pants when you simulate your breath? You **** greedy my body! I'm not a Taoist body anymore, can't you let me go!"

When I woke up, nothing else was very uncomfortable, that is, the back pain was very uncomfortable, and the body leaked without leakage. Xia Yi felt really annoying now, and it was not easy to scold the mirage, thanking and not wanting to thank.


Xia Yi directly pointed out the true purpose, but the mirage dragon didn't oppose it. He just reached out his hand and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. It looked like he had already succeeded and died, making Xia Yi almost out of breath. Come.

"Forget it, there is no next time! Your dragon clan is the virtue, what about the resources you collected? Give it to me."

Because of the extremely low fertility rate, the dragons have the strongest desire among all acquired creatures in order to maintain their blood. If it is a pure blood dragon, it would be nice to say that the glory of the blood will prevent them from seeing what they can do. Just go, but some hybrid dragons are outrageous and can leave blood on any species.

Among them, many sacred beasts in the unicorn possess dragon blood more or less, not to mention Xuanhuang, the reason why they can be strong with the immortal clan is also due to the dragon blood.

"Here, Brother Xia, take your time."

The mirage honestly took off the storage ring he was wearing on his finger. Xia Yi is now an extremely pauper. There is nothing besides him except his weapon spear, and there is basically nothing in the storage ring. The things were all immortals mass-produced as well as armors and standard weapons. The only thing Xia Yi thought could be used was the pale golden spirit stone.

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