"Does my clan really never pass the hurdle of Xuanhuang?"

"Could it be that my clan is destined to be unable to dominate this starry sky..."

"Obviously my clan is humane!"

The words of the Remnant Soul of the Immortal Emperor were bitter. He looked at Xia Yi and couldn't help clenching his fists.

"For this little Xuanhuang, you will ruin the human race! You were the last resistance of the emperor and even the human race. You jumped into reincarnation against the road and lost the qualification to become an emperor again. Can't you let go of your hatred?"

"Then what about your immortals? Have you ever let go? It's not for your own personal grievances. Why should you say that you are so great? I am just a person. How I choose is related to the human race. Even if I die, some people still come out. Take the big responsibility."

"But the existence that bears the responsibility is our immortal clan!!"

The cruel soul of the fairy emperor couldn't help roaring, and Xia Yi shook his head and sighed. These things don't make sense. Even if the other party makes sense, Xia Yi can imagine what the starry sky looks like under the rule of the fairy clan, and the human race will be united like never before. , May be able to reproduce the appearance of Dao Fa when it was first opened.

But that price was also in exchange for sacrificing the self of countless people. It was completely different from Emperor Wu and Emperor Daofa, but they were all for the continuation of the human race. At least on this point, Xia Yi reluctantly identified with the immortal race. .

He was also disappointed by today's humanity, not... even desperate.

"A long time will be divided, and a long time must be combined. The great road dictates. Perhaps neither Xuanhuang nor you are suitable for dominance, Xuanhuang is too benevolent, and you are too fierce. I admit our own mistakes, but what about you?"

"I just ask one question, it's about whether I will destroy your whole clan in the future, answer me well, Immortal Emperor!"

"Can you admit your mistakes!"

Xia Yi questioned the remnant soul of the emperor, and the remnant soul of the emperor laughed.

"What's wrong with my immortal clan, even if there is, I won't admit it to you, a rebellious person!"

The Remnant Soul of the Immortal Emperor did not consider admitting his mistakes at all. He believed that the Xian Clan was correct, and the Xuan Huang Devil was indeed the Xuan Huang Devil, and the Human Race was bound to be destroyed in Xuan Huang's hands, and Xuan Huang would take care of himself sooner or later.

"Really? I know."

Xia Yi smiled indifferently. It seemed that he had made a certain decision at this moment. He wanted to make a change so that the immortal clan could not destroy the immortal clan without infringing on Xuanhuang's ability, but it seemed that the unshakable hatred was nothing. There is no possibility of reconciliation, the two sides must destroy one.

"In addition, neither my Xuanhuang nor your immortal clan can represent the human race. Don't talk to the human race human race all the time. Only the three major Kaitian emperors can have this qualification. First recognize yourself and talk about it."

Xia Yi was tired of saying that he was not moving for the sake of everything. He was tired of it. People who were really moved by it would not say it at all, and would not let people know when he did it, just like Xuan Huang knew about this battle and knew that he paid. There are almost no people.

And Xia Yi does not deliberately promote it. He is worthy of himself, so why should others approve it?

"You are the mistakes in the evolution of the human race, and you will never understand the facts foreseen by our immortal race!"

Where is the remnant soul of the immortal emperor defending for his own justice, but Xia Yi will not refute the immortal clan, and the immortal clan also has certain truths. It is precisely because of his own mistakes that Xia Yi can see the correctness of others. Clan is indeed hateful, but it is not useless.

There is a saying in the world that is the great principle, saying that existence is reasonable.

"I know that the major realms are now like this. Sooner or later, there will be some big problems, let alone the innate gods who are eyeing, just don't raise the private vengeance to the whole human race. I will destroy the immortal race and the innate gods. ."

Through some inadvertent information, Xia Yi has already learned about what will probably happen in the future, such as the human front line, the new star field, the primordial turmoil and so on.

As a member of the human race, Xia Yi would definitely not sit idly by. People are either born into a natural sage with exceptionally noble personal enlightenment, and it is impossible to abandon everything for everything.

That is, the phrase “family, country, and world” has already explained the order, first there is a family, then there is a country, and finally the world is the world.

No regrets for Yu'er, no regrets for Xuanhuang, and no regrets for Human Race.

"Hehe... then it seems that I have a lot of worries. It's not in vain that I call you a friend."

The remnant soul of the immortal emperor is also a person who has died once, and his time has passed. After turning into a remnant soul and awakening again, he feels a lot and let it go, but in any case, he can't let go of home like Xia Yi. country!

They are all human beings.

"Because I now also agree with the justice of your immortal clan, I am qualified to judge that you can never be destroyed, and you don’t even understand my Xuanhuang justice, so I don’t agree with you, the Southern Immortal Emperor, it's time for me to come. It’s your last ride."

Although the two emperors were enemies, they understood something about each other to some extent. Xia Yi was enlightened when he rescued Zhao Lianbing. It was no less than a great opportunity for Xia Yi, even if The vision, character, etc. are not as good as the emperor, but at least, he has the threshold to understand the emperor.

"At the end, don't think that you have defeated me, even if I am dead, I have been the dignified Nanxian Tiandi, and death will live up to my emperor's heart!"

"Look at me, how to crush your cycle!"

After the words were finished, golden silk threads stretched out behind the remnant soul of the immortal emperor. Once again, these threads formed an array and continued to spread the starry sky until all the emperor heavens that covered Xia Yi. Xia Yi looked at these golden threads. The remnant soul of the immortal emperor finally The method is not to win the sky, but to melt the sky.

He will also enter reincarnation, with the help of Xia Yi's emperor to enter reincarnation! Worthy of being an emperor, even this only loophole can be caught, it is worthy of being an emperor into the Dao, who can bloom such a beautiful golden array at the end.

These silk threads gradually wrapped the whole body of the remnant soul of the immortal emperor, wrapping him like a cocoon. The southern immortal emperor tried to make the last fight and also used reincarnation to transform, but it was a pity that he missed a little.

This is Xia Yi's Emperor Tian, ​​Xia Yi's samsara, even if the samsara really disperses, it can only explain one thing, that is, Xia Yi no longer needs the Emperor Tian.


In the starry sky, the golden cocoon failed to flourish in the end, and the remnant soul of the immortal emperor could not awaken in the reincarnation. The golden cocoon began to turn into golden brilliance flying all over the sky and dispersed, together with the golden threads that spread the starry sky. Si unexpectedly destroyed Xia Yi's Emperor Tian with it.

The Remnant Soul of the Immortal Emperor knew that the resistance was futile, and the two did not even start an emperor war, he just tried his best in his own way.

Xia Yi shrugged, and the ending was just as he had imagined. The Southern Immortal Emperor insisted on torturing himself to challenge the only turning point he thought he could succeed.

The remnant soul of the immortal emperor was completely lost in reincarnation and collapsed. Even his emperor's southern flag was gone, and it turned into a light spot and flew away. The remaining sages and soldiers of the immortal clan couldn't help crying. They gritted their teeth, and the dedication made by the ancestors made them angry at Xia Yi to the extreme.

Xia Yi was still standing in the starry sky with his hands held down, facing the remaining defeated generals of the immortal clan. In terms of causality, he could defeat the rest even if he lost Di Tian, ​​so Di Tian would disperse. The only thing that Nan Tian Immortal Emperor changed was One thing is to make the death of the fairy clan army slow for a day, at least not to be destroyed by the power of the great emperor in a flash.

But he couldn't change the fact that the immortal army was bound to lose, and even helped Xia Yi in a certain sense, because Xia Yi's cultivation actually dates back to when the Baji opened the door.

That's right, in his life, at the moment when the eight poles opened the door during the Tianling Fighting Five Sovereigns, and this time there is no Dao Tribulation coming, and even the roaring energy in his body can make Xia Yi able to save the Holy Tribulation immediately. The only pity is that The congenital Dao body is completely gone.

"Like me, you have changed the process and cannot change the result. How easy is it to jump out of reincarnation, not to mention that you are just a remnant soul, and you are still relying on my reincarnation."

This Southern Immortal Emperor, like Xia Yi, thought of reincarnation too simply. Xia Yi’s immobile realm of the Ten Thousand Years True Monarch broke in an instant, and the tribulation hadn’t had time to occur, and he hadn’t reacted yet. Xia Yi Yi went directly to the holy.

After entering the sage, he jumped directly to the Great Sage without two breaths. The Great Sage's cultivation base has just stabilized and rises rapidly, the foundation is like a bottomless pit, and it has become a sacred king in a very short time.

And it was a time of yawning. Xia Yi became a holy emperor again. The speed of this rapid increase in cultivation has not stopped, but it has slowed down a little bit. Xia Yi's previous foundation is really going to be crushed, even The edge of being crushed was still suppressed, and under the sudden eruption, there was the help of the Octa-pole opening the door. Xia Yi himself couldn't tell how far Xia Yi could reach.

The most terrifying thing is that the power of the great Yantian that Xia Zheng burned back to Xia Yi, let Xia Yi use the power of the emperor to instantly kill all the members of the immortal clan, Xia Yi may only return to before the incarnation of King Ashura. Forcibly replacing Xia Yi's Di Tian was just for Xia Yi's help.

Accumulated to the foundation of horror, the power of the eight poles to open the door, the power of the great scorching sky.

This burst of explosions caused Xia Yi's cultivation base to rise abnormally, and the final hope that the Southern Immortal Emperor chose was nothing but a vain in the end.


Stay at the second level of the Holy Lord ascends the gods.

"It may take several decades for me to practice honestly. This Southern Immortal Emperor is really stupid."

Xia Yi looked at the palm of his hand and felt the real power in his body. This power would not dissipate. It was in line with Dao common sense. Nantian Xianzun and others were still healing at this moment. When they saw Xia Yi's cultivation base, they had only become sages. Respecting the second rank of God, I can't help but be overjoyed, their fairy clan has hope again! !

Even if it is the price of the remnant soul of the emperor soldier and the ancestor of the immortal emperor!

"People of reincarnation? What can you do in reincarnation? Can you stop my immortal clan?"

"The whole army listens to the order, now..."

Before Nan Tian Xianzun finished speaking, Xia Yi actually came to him in an instant.

"I really don’t know what you are happy about. Didn’t I say it clearly before? The stronger you are, the stronger I am. On the contrary, the weaker you are, the weaker I am. Your southern emperor is dead, and the emperor is gone. , I can already rely on my current power to destroy you causally, don’t you understand?"

Xia Yi was now very curious whether the fairy clan didn't understand it, or if he understood it, it was considered that he did not believe in evil. The fairy clan army was all seriously injured by the power of the Emperor Yan that he reproduced before.

"You are just a second-order **** ascendant, and I am a seventh-order sub-god, what are you!"

Nantian Xianzun regained his confidence in front of Xia Yi's weaker cultivation base, but this kind of confidence only made Xia Yi feel sad. Is it to the point of forcibly regaining his self-esteem by the level of his realm?

"Southern Immortal Emperor is really cruel."

Xia Yi shook his head. The greatest pain was not despair, nor hopeless despair, but hope finally came after experiencing despair, but that hope was nothing but a disguise of despair.

It's miserable, it's really miserable.

"You must insult my immortal emperor!!"

"He sacrificed himself in order to break my Ditian, which will disappear sooner or later. I am convinced, and even gave you hope that you shouldn't have. He entered my reincarnation as a gambling. The problem is that once the bet is lost, it will only worsen the status quo, such as now."

The Southern Immortal Emperor didn't go for a fight. In the end, Xia Yi's current intensity was not reachable for more than a decade, but the Southern Immortal Emperor had to gamble. Who could blame him if he lost the gambling?

Gambling was originally a gambling on oneself, betting on the other side, then betting on the other side's own behavior, and the Southern Emperor Xiandi successfully bet on himself to help Xia Yi.

"You can reincarnate. My clan emperor is greater than you. Why can't he? Even if he fails this time, his old man must have left something, and he will completely destroy Xuanhuang in the future!!"

Nantian Immortal Venerable is a little bit hysterical in talking. Xia Yi really wants to touch his head to comfort him. There are always people who think that they are OK when they see others. If other children get 100 points in the test, you can also get 100 points in the test. Minute? I have taken the exam a hundred times, and every time I get an extra point, I can guarantee a full score.

"I am the future emperor, he is the past emperor, what about you? Are you the current emperor? Little brother, let's go back a little bit. Although it is a little more troublesome, it also saves a lot of time, which is not too bad."

Although he could not continue to bully the immortal army with the mighty power of the Great Emperor, it also saved Xia Yi from the cultivation time of at least ten years later, thinking carefully about making a profit without losing money.

"Do you really think you can defeat our army alone! Even if you are a person of reincarnation, at this moment you are still no longer in reincarnation!"

After that, Nantian Immortal Venerable went straight out of the sword, Xia Yi showed a touch of disapproval in his eyes, his strength is too weak, and the seventh-order sub-God, the whole is a handicapped person, and now Nantian Immortal Venerable can win the Supreme Profound Hall Master. He is great.

"Speaking of which, I haven't crossed the catastrophe yet, so let's calculate the time is coming soon."

"You will heal your wounds first, and continue to heal your wounds. I will go and play with your army."


After that, Xia Yi ran shamelessly to bully those immortal soldiers who had become old, weak and sick.


In the starry sky, a blue streamer was flying around, bringing the sky fire to torture the soldiers of the immortal clan. Basically, there would be no thunder calamity in the starry sky. Most of the calamities appeared in other ways, but Xia Yi's catastrophe was outrageous. Not to mention hurting Xia Yi, before the sun was hot, it would be difficult for Xia Yi to take advantage of the opportunity to refine an individual.

Some cultivators would consider refining the body if they couldn’t pass through the catastrophe, but Xia Yi is an alien. He is the master refining the body through the catastrophe. This calamity can neither catch up to him nor hurt him. He has fully displayed his fast and hard man character. .

In the eyes of Dadao at this moment, Xia Yi is a mortal body. Does it require much fanfare to test the mortal body? I definitely don't need it! The most important thing was that Xia Yi was something that suddenly appeared. Dadao didn't know about Xia Yi's past or what Xia Yi had cultivated.

In a certain sense, Dao Will even thinks that it is the first time that he has given a catastrophe to this creature. This is still a mortal body, so just get the meaning of Heavenly Fire Calamity.

But the problem is that the Heavenly Fire Tribulation is not a trivial catastrophe. Xia Yi can ignore it. He is a perfect golden body, so are the other immortal soldiers? Xia Yi suffered a lot from this, each of them was contaminated by the Heavenly Fire Tribulation, and turned into black charcoal ashes in the screams. The severely injured sages of the Immortal Clan were vomiting blood with anger, and they could only hold back their anger and heal their wounds to recover.

They are now in a state of serious injury, they can't catch Xia Yi, even if they catch it, they are seeking their own way of death. It seems that they have a chance to win, but they just let themselves die in despair to die in disgust.

If they can understand this and can choose again, perhaps they would rather die under the mighty power of the Great. Emperor Xia Yi hasn't had enough addiction. Now of course, they have to be disgusting, otherwise how can they be worthy of the sacrifice of a hundred generations.

The soldiers of the immortal clan died in a series of severely wounded soldiers. After the Lei Di Curse and the Sword Emperor’s sword, coupled with self-sacrifice and the reappearance of the Great Yantian, the immortal army’s original number of hundreds of millions has long since withered to only insufficient. Ten million, now being madly tortured by Xia Yi, the sages of the immortal clan can only watch.

In the end, three days later, Xia Yi's tribulation was completed, and the hundreds of millions of immortal tribesmen were wiped out. Only twenty-nine saints remained. The starry sky was all wreckage, wreckage of weapons, wreckage of armor, wreckage of flying boats. , The corpses of the immortal soldiers, these remaining things silently narrate their encounters.

Xia Yi looked at the twenty-nine celestial sages after solving all the remaining soldiers, but Xia Yi's eyes were only disappointed.

"I gave you this strength in three days?"

"It's too wasteful. I can't stand it anymore. As a great emperor, I have my majesty. This emperor can help you heal your injuries."

Xia Yi claimed to be the emperor, and gave birth to those sages. The sages of the immortal clan are now disgusting, very disgusting, people who return to reincarnation, and the future emperor, this is completely a face of a villain's ambition.


One of the saints couldn't help but sighed, and had to say that they really regretted it, maybe they really deserved to die under the mighty power of the great emperor, because in a short moment, they might not exist without reacting to anything. , But now?

They perfectly explained what it means to ask for trouble.

As for Xia Yi, after all, he didn't really become an emperor in his time and lacked that kind of majesty. On the contrary, it was a disgusting person.

"In my Profound Star Territory, spit and talk about social ethics?"

The next moment, Xia Yi flew directly towards the holy lord who gave a "poach". Xia Yi held the spear in his hand and shot with all his strength. The holy lord responded in time and made a defensive move. Not idle, they all took out their weapons and prepared to attack, but the sage who sipped the sound was not injured. Instead, the dantian of the other sage was pierced by Xia Yi with a spear.

"Who can stand up to your enthusiasm."


Dead ashes entered it, circulated in his body, and instantly annihilated the soul. The wounded Lord died tragically under Xia Yi's three sneer laughs. Before his death, he was disgusted with disgust. After Xia Yi succeeded, he just went away without saying a word. As soon as the other celestial sages breathed a sigh of relief, Xia Yi suddenly killed a carbine.

This caused the hearts of the sages of the fairy clan to raise their throats again, but Xia Yi suddenly stopped and did not continue to attack.

"I'll scare you, don't care."

Xia Yi smiled kindly, the face of the Immortal Sovereign was completely black, so disgusting! What exactly is Xia Yi? The emperor, who had stunned the starry sky with majesty and disdain for ants, became even human in the next second.

"No good, spread out!!"

After that, the Nantian Immortal Venerable reacted instantly. The Saint Venerable who was killed by Xia Yi before was killed by the power of the Great Desolate Evil God, and his body must be full of dead ashes!

But it was a pity that it was too late when Nantian Xianzun noticed that the body of that saint suddenly exploded, and a large amount of dead ashes invaded the bodies of other saints at close range. Even Nantian Xianzun himself could not avoid it. .

The remaining celestial sages were really disgusted, and realized that they had no chance to resist. The higher the realm, the more difficult it is to recover after being injured. As the sages, they have been seriously injured to this level for less than a year and a half. It’s impossible to recover from the original load. How much can it recover in three days?

It's just hard!

And now let’s not talk about recovery, but also to face Xia Yi’s torture. Nantian Xianzun clenched his fists, staring at Xia Yi and gritted his teeth. They must not waste the sacrifice of the Southern Emperor. The Southern Emperor’s sacrifice is absolutely useful. Their only hope!


Nantian Xianzun nodded to the other sages, and the other sages suddenly laughed when they saw this, and the smile was a bit tragic, with a sense of relief.

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