The woman stood quietly in the corner of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and Jin Hui just sprinkled on her test face. She was a beautiful girl, almost impossible to describe with human adjectives, like a piece of art made in heaven and earth, her face Perfect and flawless, even Xia Yi was stunned.

It's just that Xia Yi is also someone who has seen the world, how could he be taken away by a woman, he soon started to do business, picked up the ancient book and jade slips on the shelf to check.


The Taoism of the immortal clan is basically based on the use of "Xianqi". To put it bluntly, Xianqi is similar to fire aura and water aura. They are all auras with certain characteristics. Xia Yi practices the path of life and death, aura. It has two properties, which can be transformed into vitality and death energy, vitality healing, death and energy wounding the enemy, it is a very good way to say it.

And immortal aura is immortal aura, to be precise, it is the power of the golden crow, which is like the blood of the sun. Using the power of the golden crow, you can release the power of the scorching sun with every gesture. It is very domineering. So powerful, the help of the power of the Golden Crow is indispensable.

The reason why Xuanhuang once was able to fight the fairy clan was naturally due to the help of the dragon. Even though it has been diluted countless times, there is still thin dragon blood in every Xuanhuang person now, and it has the possibility of awakening.

"These moves are nothing special..."

Xia Yi tossed over many exercise books, which were similar to the exercises and martial arts he encountered in Tianling, but they were ordinary moves after being improved by the immortal clan for the second time. If you want to calculate the level, it is only a ground level. Between the ranks and the heavens, of course, this is only the first floor of the Buddhist scripture pavilion.

"Can I go upstairs?"

It was completely impossible to harvest anything on the first floor of the Buddhist scripture pavilion, so Xia Yi came to an old man who was sweeping the floor in the Buddhist scripture pavilion and asked. The Lord.

"As a deity, you can walk around in this Buddhist scripture pavilion."

"Thanks a lot."

Xia Yi nodded. As a venerable person, he must be given preferential treatment. After all, this era is dominated by venerable persons. He will be treated with respect no matter where he is in the realm. Xia Yi didn't waste time and went straight to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Viewed from the top floor of Xia Yi, the top floor is just like Xia Yi imagined. There are no jade slips and ancient books. The more advanced Taoism is, the less it is possible to record it through jade slips and books.

Placed on the top floor is a piece of evangelism stone. It is necessary to let the consciousness enter into it for immersive learning. The immortals are also generous. This kind of evangelism stone Xia Yi has also seen it twice, once in the Qingyun Site Middle School. Another time, I learned the second supernatural power in the Mitian Phantom Sect in the Metaverse, but the quality of the Preaching Stone of the Mitian Phantom Sect was higher.

Xia Yi randomly found a preaching stone to let his consciousness enter it. The internally recorded spell is called Xianyu Chuantianjian, which is actually an archery, but it is not exactly the same, because it can be used without bows and arrows at all. Immortal Qi transforms bows and arrows, and it is impossible to use other auras to successfully perform.

"It's good as a long-range attack method."

Anyway, I was idle and had nothing to do. Xia Yi went straight to learn it. Although he is not an innate Taoist body now, he is now a venerable person. The speed of learning and comprehension is also very fast, and he has reached the cultivation level of Xia Yi. It’s no longer just learning the Fa, but after learning it is incorporated into one's own Tao and then improved.

Because it is consciousness entering the preaching stone, even if it spends several days in the preaching stone, it may take a few hours to the outside world. So Xia Yi did not rush to leave after studying, but went to see the records in the preaching stone afterwards. What is it, it's a pity that he has ran out of good luck, and there is nothing he can use except the Xianyu Chuantian Arrow, or he already has a better one.

The most powerful technique among these is actually a sword technique, but does Xia Yi need a sword technique? After the inheritance of Emperor Shenxiao was handed over, ninety-nine percent of the sword techniques in the world Xia Yi didn't need to learn anymore, unless it was also the sword of the Great Emperor, it would be worthwhile to even look at it.

The gains in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion are very average, but Xia Yi is also satisfied. He originally came here to kill the time at will. It is good luck to accidentally hit the fairy feather piercing arrow that is useful to him. This trick can be used. To strengthen the unity of human and military.

At the end of the combination of human and martial arts, Xia Yi basically projected his spear, and now he has a better choice. The Xianyu Chuantian Arrow inspired Xia Yi, although the technique is called Chuantian Arrows, but the mystery is how to form a bow. Xia Yi’s long-range offensive methods are not rich, and the lethality is not high. This fairy feather piercing arrow makes up for this gap, and it is a big surprise for Xia Yi. .

Of course, I still have to thank the immortal clan for his generosity, the Taoism that needs to be taught with the preaching stone is so open and honest for him to obtain.

Next, because there was no gain in staying any longer, Xia Yi simply chose to leave. Someone passed by Xia Yi in the process of going downstairs, but that person accidentally held his hand in the process of avoiding Xia Yi. The thing fell off, Xia Yi moved with a mental mind, and directly dragged those things. They were all magic books, and the grade should be pretty good.


The person who passed by and avoided Xia Yi bowed his head slightly to express his gratitude. This person Xia Yi knew him. She had just met on the ground floor. Her appearance was extremely bright even when placed on the fairy clan. It was Xianyue. Yin.

"You also have the cultivation base of saints. It's a bit funny to even hold things unstable, isn't it?"

"I'm just thinking about things, wanting to make my secret sword Tianguang more special."

"At this time when the assessment is approaching?"

"As long as it hasn't officially started, there are still opportunities for growth."

Xian Yueyin’s attitude towards Xia Yi is not very respectful, but a very common tone. It seems that she should be in contact with Xianzun frequently. Xia Yi glanced at the ancient books and jade slips in Xian Yueyin’s hands, and found that they all need to be distracted. With multiple attacks, Xia Yi also knew what Xianyueyin's direction was.

"Rather than absorbing experience from these useless exercises, it is better to strengthen one's soul power. Credit soul arts is much more useful than this, and the improvement that can be gained by multi-tasking and experience is extremely limited."

"Do you know spirit power spells well? There are not many spirit power spells in our fairy clan."

"You know a little bit, but you are too late to learn now. On multi-tasking, Yukendo is the strongest. You can go directly to the skills related to Yukendo."

After that, Xia Yi left directly. The person Xian Yueyin gave Xia Yi the feeling that she would not open her heart to others easily. She was calm, calm, and generous, and she was smiling to everyone under her seemingly enthusiastic smile. Indifferent to the coldness, Xia Yi had no special impression of Xian Yueyin anyway, just as a passerby.

After Xia Yi left, Xian Yueyin was really not interested in Xia Yi, even if she knew that the other party was Punishment Xianzun, after several conversations, Xia Yi said to leave and Xianyueyin did not look back.

The first time the two met, they were completely communicating like strangers. They didn't have much interest in each other. They met in a hurry, and then left in a hurry, each looking at the road ahead.


After leaving the Zangjing Pavilion, Xia Yi almost wandered around. This is the Northern Emperor's Immortal Mansion, which is a training place for immortal talents. I heard from Xian Ruyi that the Lord of the Nantian Palace also studied in the Northern Emperor's Immortal Mansion when he was young. The position of the Northern Emperor's Immortal Mansion in the Immortal Clan.

The way the fairy clan trains talents is optimal education, telling geniuses directly what is the best, how to choose, and choosing the best plan according to their own talents, so that each talent can fully release their talents. It is said that this is efficient and fast, and it will not make the other party take detours, but there are many things missing. These so-called "geniuses" know their end point from the beginning.

The realm of comprehension is a cruel survival of the fittest. Only those who survive can have the last laugh. The talents are much higher, and the ones who die on the road are even more numerous. Those who survive may not necessarily be the most talented ones, but they must have comprehensive abilities. Very strong.

Too many detours will also become valuable experience and affect your life. The immortal clan can make a hundred geniuses become true geniuses, and the realm of cultivation can make a hundred geniuses die so that only ten geniuses are left, or only left. A heavenly monarch.

Climbing to the top among geniuses is the king among geniuses. This is the second meaning of Tianjun.

"Tsk... I actually think the way of cultivation world is better? Is there something wrong with my head?"

Xia Yi thought about these issues, but inexplicably felt that the way of the realm of cultivation was better. In the long run, it was clear that the way of the immortal race was better. The human race had already passed the survival of the fittest and needed to compete with other races for living space.

If he had to say it, it was because he might have become accustomed to the way of living in the cultivation world.

Xia Yi watched the immortal clan aimlessly, until Xian Ruyi informed Xia Yi that the assessment was about to begin, and Xia Yi slowly rushed to the large square in the center of Beidi Xianfu. The square was full of people and young geniuses. There were three or five groups, and there was a small group of her own. Xia Yi saw Xian Yueyin at first sight. After all, it was too conspicuous, and she stood out from the crowd. Although she was alone, she was surrounded by people.

There are men of the immortal race who are dedicated, and women of the immortal race who want to have a good relationship with Xianyueyin. She has attracted much attention, and even many venerables have talked about them. They want to accept her as a disciple, but Xianyueyin doesn’t need it. Whoever let her be her master, her father is now the lord of the Central Heavenly Palace.

On the other side, in a certain corner, Xian Ruyi, who was originally radiant, was not cared about. She stood alone on the court and looked around, looking for someone. Xia Yi seemed to understand why Xian Ruyi wanted him to come. .

Xian Ruyi's own father and brothers didn't come to accompany her. Although she is the daughter of the Lord of the Nantian Palace, her status in the Northern Emperor's Immortal Mansion is not necessarily better than her talent.

Xia Yi sighed, and seemed to be inexplicably sad. Using such a poor woman made Xia Yi feel guilty, but even so, he still wanted to move forward, he could only move forward.


Xia Yi deliberately approached Xian Ruyi quietly, and suddenly patted her on the shoulder, and Xian Ruyi jumped. Xian Ruyi turned around happily and talked and laughed at Xia Yi, sweeping away the pitiful appearance before. And light, but sharp-eyed Xia Yi noticed that Xian Ruyi's cuffs and collar were damaged at this time, and it looked like someone had torn it.

"What's the matter with your collar and cuffs?"

Under curiosity, Xia Yi asked the reason. Xian Ruyi is also the daughter of the Nantian Palace Lord. The fairy clan is still very united. Even if the Nantian Palace's strength is greatly damaged, the palace owner will unfortunately sacrifice, she should not be bullied. Yes.

But this question made Xian Ruyi's smile stiff for a moment. Although she adjusted it quickly, Xia Yi still saw it clearly.

"I accidentally damaged it when I practiced."

"Really? Okay, remember to be careful next time."


Xian Ruyi nodded obediently, and Xia Yi looked around. It really made Xia Yi discover that a small group of women was paying attention to Xian Ruyi. The head of the leader looked at Xian Ruyi with hostility. To be honest, this is one It was a very good discovery, because Xia Yi decided to wait for the end of the assessment to go over and warn them, and to show his masculine demeanor in front of Xian Ruyi.

He will use Xian Ruyi, but Xia Yi also has his own kindness, that is, until Xian Ruyi's utilization value is completely consumed, he will let Xian Ruyi spend every day of happiness, and will not even let her know the truth. .

The so-called assessment in the fairy palace seems to be an important activity, because Xia Yi found that many venerables have arrived here one after another. Some venerables are encouraging some young geniuses. Maybe they are masters, or maybe they are. Parents.

In this way, the assessment officially began, and the young fairy geniuses came to the center of the big square to face a third-tier venerable who ascended to the gods. This third-tier veteran is probably the examiner. The fairy geniuses need to attack him. , And the process was actually quite boring, even if other geniuses talked a lot, fighting spirit burned in their eyes, but in Xia Yi's opinion, it was very boring.

Among them, there is not even a genius that makes Xia Yi shine. The average level of the fairy clan is high, and the proportion of the geniuses of the fairy clan in the sage is not low, but these sages will definitely be unsanctified. Xia Yi and Jing Yi pressed to the ground and beat them, even Xia Zheng's greedy wolf Tianlong divine body could take care of them well.

It can be said that at this time period before and after the end of the Tianjun battle, the top ten Tianjiao of the Tianling Qianlong list can beat the young saints of the immortal clan, and they were directly abused by Xia Yi and Jing Yi. Mom couldn't recognize it.

It's a pity that there are many young saints in the fairy clan, but there are only ten in the top ten of the Qianlong list.

"Huh? This kid is fine..."

Looking at it, finally there was someone who could make Xia Yi say "okay." This genius secret sword Tianguang already had the strength to defeat the Great Sage, but the key was that his sword was good. To be honest, there was no prospect. It was great at first.

However, Xian Ruyi immediately reminded Xia Yi in a low voice.

"Big Brother Xian Huan, that is the grandson of Xitian Palace Lord, he is considered a popular candidate to win the championship, is he just okay?"

"It's really just okay. I remember that Tianling's Heavenly Sovereign Battle is also recorded in other realms, right? I have seen it in Nantian Temple. That Jing Yicai is stronger than him in all cultivation bases, saying that he is still good. "

"Tian Ling Jing Yi is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, why don't you compare him to the first Heavenly Lord, Brother Xian Huan?"

"That's too much. He might be better than Jingyi. Compared with Tianjun, he is disabled."

Xia Yi's remarks were a little boastful, but they were true. Xia Yi was able to smash his head when he got this guy into the Tianjun battle that year.


Xia Yi commented on the grandson of Xitian Palace Master, Xian Ruyi immediately looked around and found that no one heard Xia Yi's words before heaved a sigh of relief.

"Big Brother Xianhuan, let’s talk less about Tianling Tianjun in the future. I admit that he is indeed unique, but he is a Xuanhuang man. He even killed one of my brothers. Many immortals died in his hands. ."

"Is he a junior who is very famous in the fairy clan?"

"After all, it is Xuanhuang’s arrogance,’s said that he revived Xuanhuang’s flame emperor’s remnant soul. Although he is dead, I still don’t want to hear anything about him. When Nantian Palace recovers in the future, I will inherit. My father’s last wish, led the army to become Xuanhuang, killed his family and avenged my father and brother."

Speaking of Tianling Tianjun, Xian Ruyi did indeed have hatred for him. Xia Yi shrugged and did not continue. Look, this is the truth. If he forgave Xian Ruyi, Xian Ruyi would let him go. Family?

After all, it is an unshakable blood feud, and all the good things at this moment will only be left with hatred after the showdown.

"Don't worry, there will be that day."

Xia Yi smiled and faced Xian Ruyi. The real words in his heart were "Don't worry, there will never be that day."

As the assessment continued, the young geniuses of the fairy clan appeared one after the other. After that, a woman of the fairy clan appeared. She was actually better than the grandson of the Xitian Palace Lord. Coincidentally, she happened to be the woman who bullied Xian Ruyi.

"She's pretty good, better than the grandson of Xitian Palace Lord. She is full of blood and energy. She should have body refining, which can support the movement of the fairy qi in the body for a few more weeks. When she releases it, she also achieves a little cohesion. She is a good seed. "

Xia Yi deliberately gave a good comment, which made Xian Ruyi's face a little worse in an instant.

"Big Brother Xianhuan, do you really think she is good?"

"She does have the ability, she should not have a low status, right?"

"She is the daughter of the Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace. She can enjoy almost everything in the Northern Emperor Xianfu. Isn't it amazing? If I change to me, I am not necessarily bad!"

Xian Ruyi's tone was still a bit sour when she said this. Xia Yi was relieved now. She dared to bully Xian Ruyi. She really couldn't have any status or status. The other party and her are both the children of the Lords of the Five Heavenly Palaces, and Nan After the Lord of the Heavenly Palace was sacrificed, the strength of the Southern Heavenly Palace plummeted.

"You will definitely not be bad, and I think you were quite confident before. If I praise her, you can't do it. Be strong. I just gave an objective and fair evaluation."

As Xia Yi was talking, the daughter of the Beitian Palace Master deliberately glanced at Xian Ruyi after completing the assessment. She had also heard Xia Yi's evaluation of her before, so she actually walked directly towards Xia Yi.

"You are to punish Xianzun, right?"

After she came over, Xian Ruyi's complexion became a little worse, and she even clenched his fists, obviously just tolerating something.

"I am, how do you call this celestial lady?"

Since Xia Yi grew up in the realm of cultivation, he always speaks courteously. Unlike the immortals, people with high status will never treat people with low status politely. Therefore, Xia Yi’s polite attitude directly makes the daughter of the Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace feel that It's comfortable.

"My name is Xian Jingshui, and my father is the Lord of Beitian Palace. I heard that Xianzun Xianzun grew up in Daofa. The atmosphere in our Yubei should be similar to that of Daofa, right?"

"It's very similar, it makes me more familiar."

"Then penalty Xianzun, can you stay in Yubei after solving the problem of Yunan? My father will welcome you very much, and unlike Yunan, which has exhausted resources, our Yubei also prepared many gifts, father I want to marry you even more."

"Um... what does the Lord of Beitian Palace mean?"

"The proposal is for me, and I don't know whether the penalty fairy respects the little girl."

Xian Jingshui’s performance so far is pretty generous, but her eyes have been gazing at Xian Ruyi. Xian Ruyi gritted her teeth. It can be seen that she is very angry at the moment, but she has controlled her emotions and has not seized. It was Xia Yi who taught her to learn to control her emotions, and she couldn't get angry in front of Xia Yi because she was afraid that Xia Yi would hate her.

"There is nothing I can't see. Your majesty Xian Jingshui is outstanding, and your talent is also a must, presumably many men in this fairy world will never forget you. You can be seen by the Lord of the Beitian Palace, and you will be married to His Royal Highness Xian Jingshui. It’s my blessing."

Xia Yi smiled and said nice things. This made Xian Jingshui very useful. He was complimented by Xian Zun. What woman is not tempted?

"Punished Master Xianzun laughed. It is my blessing. In that case, do you want to meet with my father after the assessment is over. Let's talk about the wedding date?"

"this is not OK!!!"

Before Xia Yi came to remember what to say, Xian Ruyi immediately helped Xia Yi refuse.

"His Royal Highness Ruyi?"

Xia Yi looked at Xian Ruyi. Even if Xian Ruyi controlled her emotions with all her strength, she could still see how she was burning with anger.

"Big Brother Xianhuan, he still has important things to do afterwards, and Brother Xianhuan was directly appointed by the Central Temple to come to my Nantian Temple. You are not afraid of rotten **** when you dig this kind of corner in the North Temple? You can still laugh!"

Xian Ruyi actually cursed back directly. After the cursing, it was her turn to play. She smiled confidently at Xia Yi, and then took a firm step towards the center of the square. This scene made Xia Yi's eyes twitch, because of this. Who is your style?

Obviously, like him!

Xian Ruyi unexpectedly learned Xia Yi's style unknowingly. Xia Yi usually yin and yang after cursing with the clan of the Nantian Palace Lord, and after that, he didn't give the other party the opportunity to reply directly and let the other party eat. Dumb loss.

"Punish Xianzun, Xian Ruyi usually has the same attitude in Nantian Palace?"

Xian Jingshui was extremely puzzled, and even laughed angrily. It was the first time she saw Xian Ruyi like this.

"I don't know, but after all, I belong to Nantian Palace. As the daughter of the lord of Nantian Palace, Xian Ruyi still has to take care of her. So although your proposal tempted me, I still forgive me for rejecting it."

"Ah? But as Xian Venerable, how could you be restricted by these, you... is it because Xian Ruyi rejected me?"

"You can think so."

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