After Xia Yi finished speaking, Xian Jingshui fell into silence. She left Xia Yi directly after saying goodbye to Xia Yi, but the look in her eyes when she left made Xia Yi very uncomfortable, but Xia Yi still wanted her to do something. Come out.

"It's interesting next."

The corner of Xia Yi's mouth was slightly raised, and Xian Jingshui was simply a big help. Xia Yi just needed a chance to help Xian Ruyi get ahead. Isn't this kind of battle between juniors as an Xianzun who would get ahead for him?


After Xian Ruyi walked to the center of the square, the surrounding area suddenly became quite noisy, and many people were talking about it. After all, Xian Ruyi is one of the few heirs of the Southern Emperor’s main line. Distinguish, even the last person.

But the ingenious thing is that Xian Ruyi doesn't feel the pressure, but just uses the things that Xia Yi has learned seriously. She has already learned from other things the method Xia Yi taught her, successfully innovated and turned it into her own skill. .

Xia Yi opened a door, and inside the door was the true treasure of Nandi's blood.

She put her hands on her chest, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she thought of Xia Yi looking at her at this moment, she wanted to show her achievements as perfectly as possible. This was the first time she had such a strong fighting spirit.

She doesn't want to lag behind, especially don't want to lag behind to give Xian Jingshui!

"Secret Sword..."

"Dome Light!"

After speaking, Xian Ruyi opened her eyes in an instant, she bit out one finger and stretched out in the void, and the other hand was useless, as if she was performing some spell, shining beside Xian Ruyi. The Jinhui of Jinhui actually slowly became stronger, which was obviously different from the surroundings.

Her blood became silk and thread, as if weaving something, spreading out to envelop the strong Jinhui, and then gradually formed the appearance of a sword, which reminded Xia Yi of Nantian Palace Master’s trick to make True Immortal Slash with the dark gates closed.

The blood was cast into a sword shape to contain the infinite light. A terrifying sword of radiance was taking shape in front of Xian Ruyi, and she was still chanting a spell in her mouth. She directly used her heart and three uses. After completing the sword of radiance, she had both hands. She held it, but her hands were red and smoked the moment she held it.

This sword would hurt even if she held it herself.

She slowly raised the sword high, and the sword was connected to the golden sun in the sky, and there was a scene of heaven and earth. The countless venerables around were shocked, and even Xia Yi was convinced. This sword can hurt the holy king. Ruyi was only broadcast on demand by him, and he actually worked out this trick by himself in a short period of time.


Holding the light blade in his hand, Xian Ruyi swiped forward, and a thick stream of light burst out directly. The light was so dazzling that it made people unable to open their eyes until the light faded. Xianzun directly applauded Xian Ruyi.

"Okay! Your understanding of the Secret Sword Skylight has completely found your own way. You have walked out of your own way. Using weapons is better than using weapons. Nan Tiangong may be able to rejuvenate in you."

The examiner gave Xian Ruyi a high evaluation, and there were other immortals applauding. After all, Xian Ruyi’s trick was indeed excellent. It perfectly elicited the power of the Southern Emperor’s bloodline. Quite a lot, but only Xianruyi can draw the power of bleeding so far.

After Xian Ruyi swung the sword, she panted and collapsed, but she immediately turned her head to look at Xia Yi. Xia Yi also smiled and applauded, and nodded at her, which made Xian Ruyi feel a little This kind of silent joy was recognized as hard work for the first time.

In fact, she has been working hard all the time, but unfortunately no one has witnessed it, so she has gradually gotten by. She just wants the people she cares about to witness her efforts. In the past, those people were her father and brother, but now they are her fairy brother. Perhaps only this immortal has returned to his elder brother.

After bending and bowing to the nearby people, she immediately trot back to Xia Yi. Xia Yi knew what Xian Ruyi wanted to hear now, so she spoke directly.

"Awesome, Ruyi, I have missed you. You have grown too fast during this period of time. Xian Jingshui is not as good as you. She is far behind. Why don't you find a way to celebrate when you go back?"

"By the way, is your hand hurt badly? Would you like me to heal your injury? How many things are combined with the trick you created? It's not easy. It's hard to think of it. You can show it. That surprised me the most."

"It's amazing!"

Xia Yi kept boasting, boasting vigorously, so that Xian Ruyi was proud of her, her heart was happy, her face was grinning, the pain of father and brother's passing was finally diluted at this moment, in fact, she did not forget, but just didn't want to. Mention, smile in Qiangyan.

"It's not that great, it's just so-so..."

"Big Brother Xianhuan, you teach well."

The two started to tout each other as they talked. After Xian Ruyi was satisfied, they posted next to Xia Yi and continued to pay attention to other people's assessment. If there were no accidents, Xian Ruyi might be able to win this assessment, but Xian Ruyi Yi knew it would not be so easy.

Because there is still one person who did not play.

"Next, Xianyue Yin."

Soon after, the examiner finally read a name that made everyone mention the spirit. The best woman of the Xian Clan, Xian Yueyin, is the daughter of the lord of the Central Heavenly Palace, and she can't find any flaws in her talent, appearance, and life. It is truly flawless.

Xianyueyin slowly walked onto the field and immediately waved his hand after standing still, and dozens of flying swords flew out of his cuffs. They were obviously Imperial Sword Dao. They looked quite proficient, but there was still a trace of strangeness hidden in them. It was definitely not long after learning!

The flying swords lined up neatly behind her quickly, her finger pointed to the examiner, and dozens of flying swords glowed at the same time behind her.

"Secret sword, sky light."

There were no ups and downs, and a calm expression. She seemed to be indifferent to anything. An astonishing scene appeared very quickly. Dozens of flying swords burst into light and attacked the examiner, not even just. A stream of light, each sword repeatedly emitted more than ten streams of light before being retracted by Xian Yueyin.

The scene of these dozens of swords blasting light stream in a short period of time reminded Xia Yi of a machine gun. Xianyueyin’s attack was completely suppressed by firepower. The most important thing was to be fast and ruthless. Xian Ruyi must be ready for a while, Xianyue There is almost no interval between Yueyin's appearance and the move.

After doing it, Xianyueyin turned and left. After experiencing a temporary silence, thunderous applause erupted from all around. As a saint, Xianyueyin was extremely good. It was this hand that made Xia Yi see Xianyue. Yin is stronger than Jing Yi during Tianjun's battle, don't forget that Jing Yi was a saint in the middle.

Of course, he is still a little weaker than he was in the past.

"It's amazing, she has a lot of background, but she feels a little cold, and her voice is quite high, but I can't like it. I prefer Ruyi, you are kind and warm."

Xia Yi glanced twice and didn't look any further. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Xian Ruyi. At this time, the others were still looking at the distant Xian Yueyin, but Xia Yi turned his head without being obsessed. , I also praised Xian Ruyi by the way, which naturally made Xian Ruyi's inner joy almost reached its peak in an instant, and couldn't help but want to rush into Xia Yi's arms.


At this moment, there are still people on the court who are constantly praising Xianyueyin. Most of the Tianjiao in the realm is headed by men. The generation of the immortal clan is very unique, headed by Xianyueyin, but after all, they are from the Central Immortal Palace. , Xian Clan’s power in a Yunan is several times more powerful than Tianling. How can the most powerful Central Heavenly Palace be weaker than Yunan?

The talents of the immortals are higher than those of ordinary humans. In addition to the rich and exaggerated resources of the immortals, even a pig can be holy, not to mention that the immortals are not pigs. There are other innate blood in the body. Once the real Tianjiao appears, even Xia Yi is inferior. This is the truth.

In terms of simple attack and killing ability, it is a fact that Xianyueyin is more powerful than Jingyi who had just become a sacred sacred at this moment. She immediately controlled dozens of flying swords to continuously launch attacks, and every strike had the power of Holy Path, saying that she was better than Jing Yi. Jing Yiqiang is really not too much.

Of course, great is great. Actual combat ability and resilience may be the flaws of the younger generation of the immortal clan. Xia Yi can see this. Every judgment during the battle is crucial, hiding, blocking, and changing injuries. , Storms, tricks, etc. You need to use your own advantages to find ways to target the opponent's deficiencies.

While practicing in the sword tomb of the Emperor's Palace, Xia Yi used the realm of the soul and heaven to kill and transform the emptiness with a mortal body. That was a real exaggeration. , The combat power is higher, but the actual combat ability is not clear to Xia Yi.

Because the top Tianjiao Xia Yi came into contact with was basically Jing Yi except himself, Xia Yi tended to compare Jing Yi with Tianjiao in other realms, and both Xia Yi and Jing Yi were sublimated in that battle. Become stronger.

Xianyueyin was nothing but Jingyi who had just become a sage without a catastrophe, Jingyi at the end of the Tianjun battle was on another level, and Xianyueyin was inferior!

"Big Brother Xianhuan, what are you thinking about?"

Xian Ruyi saw Xia Yi looking at her face in a daze, and she blushed a bit. Xia Yi smiled and didn't speak. Only by comparison can we see the difference. Xian Yueyin hasn't had any life and death experience, but it can be compared to practice as usual. King one, it can be seen that the horror of the immortal clan's talent is that the inferior immortals don't know how many ordinary people with ordinary talents are better than them.

"I'm thinking about how to help you celebrate. Although you haven't won the championship, you have worked hard enough. You have to work hard."

Xia Yi stroked Xianruyi’s hair, let alone Xianyueyin, that Xianruyi was beyond Xia Yi’s expectation. Xia Yi ordered Xianruyi according to the way of the cultivation world, so that she could understand herself, and she was really given it by her. Find the right way.

Of course, this is because Xia Yi, a sage who has experienced life and death in the real cultivation world, has this vision, and it is really impossible to replace it with a sage of other immortal races.

"I will work harder next time. Sister Yueyin had the power of immortality when she was born. She and we are not a person of the same level. I used to think so. In the past, I have been growing up in her shadow, even with myself and She couldn't see the gap, but I saw it this time."

"So, I have the qualification to catch up!"

Xian Ruyi was not discouraged. From Xian Ruyi's words, Xia Yi also understood how extraordinary Xianyueyin was. The power of the fairy source... does it mean the awakening of the Golden Crow's bloodline? That's really possible, after all, Xian Yueyin's move of flying swords to shoot the sky is more directly instructing the ubiquitous Jinyang power to attack.

"Don't be too tired. Sometimes recognizing the gap may be a kind of forgiveness for yourself."

Xia Yi was unable to recognize the gap and had to resist, so he went through painful hardships. Although he succeeded, he was a past person, but who would tell him about the suffering he suffered in the middle? He was purely reliant on a force of dissatisfaction. Fight till now.

Under this kind of pressure, he actually wanted to give up more than once. For a certain purpose, reincarnation seems to be great, but is it not the biggest pressure?

The reality made Xia Yi unable to even give up, and desperate to death might be more of a relief to Xia Yi's heart.

"Brother Xianhuan, I understand what you mean, but I want to prove myself more now, especially now that the main line of the Southern Emperor is only me. If I don't work hard, who will bear the responsibility?"

Xian Ruyi is now different from a year ago. Xia Yi has spent the most difficult years with her, allowing her to regain her courage. Whenever she finds Xia Yi when she is uncomfortable, Xia Yi can always tell her a lot. Pick up the words of fighting spirit.

Xia Yi was like a scorching sun that couldn't be knocked down by any suffering, like the unquenchable golden sun in the sky.

Next is the time for the examiner to announce the results. The first place is undoubtedly Xianyueyin. Everyone knows this result. No one is surprised. Xia Yi is not surprised at this, because Xianyueyin is not. She didn't make any effort at all, even on the day of the assessment, not long ago, she was still looking for ways to improve herself as much as possible in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

With both talent and willingness to work hard, there is no shortage of resources. Such talents cannot not be strong. If Xian Yueyin goes through life and death experience, she may be able to become the pillar of the Xian clan.

It’s just that the second place is not Xian Ruyi, but Xian Jingshui. When Xia Yi heard this result, he noticed the problem. The rest of the Xian clan veterans were also more or less confused. All of them have vision, and everyone knows how it turns out, Xian Ruyi is definitely second, she is only inferior to Xian Yueyin.

After that, the third place, the fourth place, and the tenth place until the examiner announced that there was no Xianruyi's name.

Xian Ruyi was standing next to Xia Yi. She pinched the corner of Xia Yi's clothes, her arms trembled slightly, but she didn't get angry. Instead, she took a few deep breaths and seemed to calm her emotions again.

"Ruyi, I'll go and help you protest."

If Xia Yi wanted to behave in front of Xian Ruyi, he would certainly not have missed it, but what was amazing was that Xian Ruyi actually grabbed Xia Yi's cuff.

"Forget it, I don't have to be Brother Xian, it's not necessary. Everyone knows how it turns out. Besides, even if they really don't think I'm worthy, Brother Xianhuan is enough for me. I don't care what they think."

"I used to be very angry, but now it's just a fake name. I will inherit the Nantian Palace in the future. How can I be like a child?"

Xian Ruyi calmly persuaded Xia Yi not to protest or anything. She accepted the result. Anyway, she just wanted to work hard for someone, and that person would accompany her to see it, so it didn't matter.

Before I knew it, even Xian Ruyi didn't notice it. Her mind was far beyond that before. Under her lively and cheerful personality, she also had real maturity. Xian Ruyi understood that she wanted to stay next to a fairy. , It is impossible to be a child all the time.


"Since you have said so, then... okay."

Xia Yi sighed. Unexpectedly, Xian Ruyi was much more mature than he thought. Xian Ruyi always had one thing that Xia Yi couldn't count. That was her growth. After the loss of her father and brother, she was not depressed, she was still in Xia Yi. A strong self-awareness was gradually born under his comfort.

Xian Ruyi may be an invisible arrogant of the fairy clan. Fortunately, Xia Yi discovered it early, and Xian Ruyi also trusted Xia Yi, otherwise it would be hard to say what Xian Ruyi would become in the future.

There was no protest, no comments, and even the smiling and laughing with Xia Yi, this is Xian Ruyi at this moment, and Xian Jingshui not far away has also noticed this. This result makes her heart ignite. Unknown fire.

Why does this still make you laugh?

In fact, since childhood, there have been more or less competitions among the descendants of the five immortal emperors. Xianyueyin will not say anything. Being too good makes people unable to be competitive. Xian Jingshui has always regarded Xian Ruyi as his opponent. Xian Ruyi is not very competitive. Even if he wins, he often has a sighing expression. It seems that it doesn't matter if he wins.

What Xian Ruyi thought was that her father and brothers did not come, she felt a little sad, but from Xian Jingshui's point of view, it was an insult to her. If she wins, she looks indifferent. After working hard, she still fails. , When she shed unwilling tears, Xian Ruyi often looked indifferent.

Even Xian Ruyi said that sometimes she was envious of her.

What does Xian Ruyi envy her? What's so envious!

More than a decade ago, when the lord of the Nantian Palace volunteered to march, Xian Ruyi, as the daughter of the lord of the Nantian Palace, was once complimented by others, and her popularity was second to that of Xian Yueyin. She also vented this uncomfortable a few times, but Every time she was even taught by the Lord of the North Heaven Palace that she was not tolerant.

Even Xian Yueyin recognized Xian Ruyi as her younger sister. The two had a good relationship in private, but Xian Yueyin was always cold-eyed towards her. Xian Yueyin even warned her privately about this incident. , Causing the male geniuses who had been in a good relationship with her to leave her one after another.

Such Xian Ruyi said that he envied her, wouldn't it be a change of tricks to scold her again! It's disgusting to be bullied even if he doesn't know anything! Disgusting!

"Xian Ruyi, the Secret Sword Skylight was handed down by my immortal ancestors. Although self-improvement is possible, there must be a degree. You completely change the four different things. You are no longer the Secret Sword Skylight. So if you are disqualified, you should have no objection. Bar?"

After the result was announced, Xian Jingshui went to Xian Ruyi and laughed. Xian Ruyi didn't say anything, just as he didn't hear, which made Xian Jingshui almost out of breath.

"My master in Dao Fa said that we must respect the teacher and respect the Dao. The secret sword skylight is a sword style, but you don’t even use a sword. Do you mean that you look down on Lord Xianzu? I think you still need it for today’s assessment. I apologize to everyone and never use this crooked way again next time."

Xian Jingshui deliberately amplified her voice as she spoke. This is indeed a fact. Except for Xian Ruyi, all the other fairy clan juniors use their swords to use their secret swords, even Xian Yueyin is no exception. Fundamentally speaking, the moves used by Xian Ruyi are indeed completely different from the secret sword Tianguang.

But that's also what Xian Ruyi has worked so hard to create, so why should there be an apology for Honesty?

"Well, I'm sorry everyone, and there is no next time, I decided to quit the Northern Emperor Xianfu."

Xian Ruyi didn’t say anything, and immediately bent over to apologize. Now she doesn’t care what anyone except Xia Yi thinks of herself. In addition, Xian Ruyi took the initiative to retreat, and everyone saw Xian Ruyi’s talent. In his eyes, the Lord of Beitian Palace would definitely scold her for being ignorant.

The reason why she can control the ranking is not because the examiner who was in the third rank of the gods was her own brother, and she still loved her very much, so she would help her like this, but if Xian Ruyi is allowed to quit if……

Her brother will suffer together too!

"Xian Ruyi, you urge you to calm down. You know what your Nantian Temple looks like now. Although our five parties don't interfere with each other, don't forget the relationship between us before the Central Immortal Emperor unified the immortal clan."

"Then come here, the uncle of the Northern Heavenly Palace Lord is different from you. The foxes are fake, tigers, and prestige. You are almost the same. Don't make the uncle of the Northern Heavenly Palace cause trouble everywhere. I really feel sad for the uncle. Uncle Lord of the Temple ran to Nantian Temple to apologize, you should grow up."

Xian Ruyi did not fall into a weak position, but fought back. Anyway, she planned to withdraw. Even without the teaching of Beidi Xianfu, how could her brother Xianhuan be weaker than the Venerable of Beidi Xianfu? His Xianhuan brother obviously knows how to teach people better.

Xian Ruyi's coping method had to be said to be very good. Many of the venerable nodded secretly, feeling that the daughter of the Northern Heaven Palace Lord was too spoiled and self-willed.

"Your father is dead, does my father need to apologize to anyone?"

"Ha ha……"

"You can also be arrogant now. Sooner or later, your Nantian Palace will be emptied by the other Fourth Houses. Once you have the strongest strength except for the domain, let's see what it is like now? The Xuanhuang people may have done one thing right, then Just to teach your stupid dad not to look too high on yourself!"

"You don't look at you either..."

"Clean water, come back!!"

Xian Jingshui hasn't finished speaking yet, the examiner in charge of the assessment turned pale. He is the brother of Xian Jingshui. What is Xian Jingshui saying! I didn't understand what to say and what should not be said. At the beginning, she shouldn't have been sent to Taoism to study art. She didn't learn anything else in Taoism, but she learned the ability to suppress dissidents.

Xian Jingshui's remarks have more or less guilty of public anger, but Xia Yi is smiling in his heart, saying good! Maybe Xian Jingshui is better used than Xian Ruyi, but I didn't expect that such people would appear in the Xian clan.

Xian Jingshui is still young, and this character will definitely change in the future, but Xia Yi doesn't want her to change.


Xian Jingshui snorted coldly, and none of the other saints said anything. This was the family affair of the Lord of the Beitian Palace, but Xian Jingshui must have been taught it again.

"By the way, penalty Xianzun, I want to remind you, don’t look at her innocent performance, don’t know how many people you’ve interacted with in private, don’t be fooled by her, who once seduce the young master of the Eastern Heavenly Palace, Knowing that Xianyueyin is the only one in the other party's heart, he went to dig a corner, and now he has hooked up with you, you are a little bit smaller."

After Xian Jingshui said this, Xia Yi found that some people around her were uncomfortable. Xian Ruyi gritted her teeth and her shoulders were shaking slightly.


After an ordinary assessment, Xia Yi looked at Xian Ruyi curiously. Although he did not know what happened, Xia Yi always felt that Xian Ruyi did not look like that kind of person. After all, Xian Ruyi Yi was tested with the evil eye by Xia Yi, and Xia Yi no longer trusted Xian Ruyi. Xia Yi definitely believed the result of the evil eye test.

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