The conversation between Xia Yi and the Lord of the Beitian Palace made some people who were still wondering instantly know why. In fact, when Xia Yi was brewing the trick to cross the sky, the six immortals around Xia Yi could stop it, but they didn’t. , Has more or less explained something from that moment on.

At this time, the Immortal Venerable who flew away with Xian Jingshui also returned. He looked at Xia Yi with only convincing eyes, not much resentment, and walked over to Xia Yi to greet him with a smile.

"Brother Xianhuan, you don't do anything lightly, I'm really afraid that you will hurt me badly by accident."

"Sorry, sorry, this is what I brought back to life from Dao Fa, just as an apologize."

Xia Yi took out a pill and handed it to the other party. The other party reached out and took it. The grievances in his heart can be considered to have disappeared. The Lord of the Beitian Palace will be a man, and Xia Yi is also sensible. Naturally, the Venerable who was injured by Xia Yi will not die. Hold on.

But don't look at everyone's smile at this moment, if Xia Yi had a bit of excessive behavior before, or the way the Lord of the North Heavenly Palace handled it was a bit unfair, today this matter will definitely go to the Central Heavenly Palace.

Both sides are old fritters, and both know what it means to stop.

"Jingshui, some of what you said today is indeed too much. This is the first time I have not favored you. I hope you know your mistakes. If you commit a serious mistake again, you will be punished by Xianzun to cut you off and find your father. There is nothing to say."

After all, the Lord of the Beitian Palace is the father of Xian Jingshui, no matter how he is punished, he cannot kill Xian Jingshui, and Xian Jingshui dares to be so arrogant because he will not die. Today, I was scared by Xia Yi. Huarong turned pale, crying like a broken thread, and understood what the fear of death is.

There is no doubt that she will be much more honest in the future. If she commits a crime again, after mentioning the punishment of Xianzun, it is probably more useful than mentioning her father.

"His Royal Highness, please forgive me for any offense, but some things touch the bottom line and you must be serious. The bottom line is something that no one can touch. Once you touch it, you will pay a price. Do you understand? "

After hearing the words, Xian Jingshui nodded and nodded vigorously, like a chicken pecking at rice, terribly afraid.

"Then do you still want to marry me now?"

Xia Yi continued to ask with a smile, Xian Jingshui immediately shook his head, where would you dare to marry? Did you marry in the past and be domestically abused?

"That's it, Master Beitian Palace, I will leave first if there is nothing to do."

Xia Yi's goal was achieved, and he didn't plan to stay for a long time. It didn't make much sense to stay here, but as soon as Xia Yi turned his head, the Lord of the Beitian Palace suddenly stopped Xia Yi.

"Punish Immortal Venerable, although I do not blame you this time, I still hope that there will be no next time. Remember that you are in the Xian Clan, not in Dao Fa. Even if you are in Dao Fa, this kind of behavior of yours will cause bad behavior. Killing disaster, understand?"

Xia Yi turned his head and looked at the Lord of the Beitian Palace. Although the Lord of the Beitian Palace was still smiling, his eyes were a bit cold and even faintly thought to kill.

"Of course, I have always done things with a sense of measure, and I will be careful, but in Dao Fa, I have become accustomed to the days when my head will fall off at any time. If I really encounter the disaster of killing, I will never talk about measure!"

"Well, I am also a venerable person. If I don't keep my master this time, I have a place to keep my master!"


The Lord of the Beitian Palace sneered, then turned and left with Xian Jingshui.


Xia Yi chuckled lightly and also told Shangxian Ruyi to leave.


On the way back to Yu Yunan, in the flying boat.

The scenery is still the same as when I came over, but looking at this scenery is a lot different, even a bit that makes Xian Ruyi feel bored. After looking at Xia Yi who is sitting right next to him, Xian Ruyi smiles silly again. Now, it seems that the scenery is more beautiful and bright than the fairy world under the golden glory.

Basically, she could only suffer after being insulted by Xian Jingshui, because no one would stand up for her, but Xia Yi was more domineering and decisive than her father and brothers, and rushed directly to fight.

If I didn’t tell you any reason, I asked you whether you apologized or not. For this, I even offended the Beitian Temple. Originally, the Beitian Temple was deliberately wooing Xia Yi. Xia Yi’s visit to the Beitian Temple is definitely better than staying in the Nantian Temple. The decline of Xia Yi was a fact, and even the compensation that Xia Yi could not be paid was the Central Tiangong who gave it to Nan Tiangong.

Xian Ruyi admitted that if she stood in Xia Yi’s position, she would not help herself, because the future was definitely more important. However, after Xia Yi was sent to Nantian Palace by the Central Temple, she never complained about anything, and even treated her repeatedly. Take care, today is to fight for an apology.

Thinking of some past events, Xian Ruyi thought it was necessary for her to mention it, so she spoke slowly.

"Big Brother Xianhuan, actually about the young master of the Eastern Heavenly Palace..."

"I believe you, you don't need to say."

"It's not about believing or not, but I want to say!"

Xian Ruyi was a little agitated. Xia Yi turned her head and looked at her puzzled. She obviously didn't want to hear this topic at the time, but now she took the initiative to bring it up.

"Then tell me."

Xia Yi sighed, sometimes she has to act as a listener.

"Actually, I did have a good feeling for the young master of the Eastern Temple, but I only had such a good feeling. I couldn't say that I liked it at all. He once invited me to drink at his house. I didn't think so much, so I agreed. After going up, he asked me if I liked him, and I said that I had a good impression."

"After that, he said he wanted to get engaged with me. I knew that he was rejected by sister Yueyin just before. I'm a candidate, and I don't like him much, so how can I be accepted as a candidate and greet him with a smile?"

"But after refusing, I didn't expect him to be furious. I don't know the reason for his anger. He wanted to hug me so hard. I resisted naturally. I injured him in the process of resisting. He was stronger than me. I couldn't set up the formation at the time, I could only yelled and flee, hoping that someone would help. Although an immortal rushed to help me, he claimed that I was shameless and took the initiative to find him after the incident. ."

"And also because my friends around me asked me who I like, I just replied casually that it was him. I was misunderstood as being shameless and ran over. Although it was not a big deal, I was always talked about in secret. , Even some pure-blooded immortals of average family background dare to come and belittle me."

"Later, I learned that in fact, there is also Xian Jingshui's contribution to the flames. In short, thank you very much this time, Xian is also brother."

Xian Ruyi said a lot but didn't get the point, Xia Yi smiled, and reached out his hand to touch her head again.

"So, what do you want to tell me, it must be more than this, right?"


When Xia Yi noticed what she really wanted to say, Xian Ruyi blushed all of a sudden. She hesitated for a while, then took a deep breath again, then stood up and walked to Xia Yi, speaking loudly:

"Actually, I have said so much, not wanting to say anything else, I just want to show that I...I...I..."


"Anyway, it's the first time for both mind and body!!"

After finishing the intermittent words, Xian Ruyi lowered her head and even looked up at Xia Yi in embarrassment. Xia Yi was stunned for a while, but she really didn’t expect Xian Ruyi to say this to him. She just wanted to tell herself her. pure.

"This...I don't care about it at all, you don't have to."

Some men pay special attention to the purity of the other person, but Xia Yi is not that kind of person. It is not good to say that Xia Yi used to be dressed up in the Demon Sect of Destiny. If he is replaced by a female, then she Isn't it a broken shoe?

Xia Yi is grateful to You Yuer for being able to accept herself under the circumstances at the time, so she cares about her so much. Of course, it is personal freedom to pay attention to this or not. One's own values, one's own no chaos, of course, are qualified to ask the other party.

And Xia Yi's such good-natured misfortune can only be said to be pitiful, and it is his blessing to meet Yu'er.

"Whether you care or not, I just want to tell you this. As for... As for..."

Xian Ruyi couldn't speak as she spoke, because she only reacted at this moment to tell another man what this meant, and Xia Yi could definitely hear what she really wanted to convey.

"Well, your Royal Highness Ruyi, let's talk about it. Your performance this time is really outstanding. I will find a way to help you improve your cultivation. It's hard work, but I believe you can do it."

Xia Yi deliberately changed the subject. It is not the time yet. He doesn't want to establish a relationship with Xian Ruyi so early, because Xian Ruyi can only provide help within the scope of Nantian Temple. If you want to subvert the fairy clan, only Nantian Temple is not enough. .

"I see, Xian is still brother, but I still want to hear an answer!"

"I am very sure of my feelings at the moment. I just want to be clear about whether I will always be your sister's substitute in your heart."

Xian Ruyi plucked up the courage and finally asked this taboo topic. The enthusiasm and desire for Xia Yi in her heart could no longer be suppressed. She wanted to be hugged, kissed, and even more intimate on that. Relationship and behavior.

And if it doesn't work, then stop here, and seal this impossible relationship so as not to be sad in the future.

"This...I don't just treat you as my sister..."

It is also a very useful tool.


Xian Ruyi's face was beaming. In her opinion, this was already a good breakthrough. There was hope and great hope. At this moment, she could not bear the joy in her heart, and only waited for Xia Yi's answer to be more specific.

Xia Yi stared at Xian Ruyi. For Xia Yi, this development was too fast, and Xian Ruyi was more courageous and enlightened than he had imagined. She actually made a judgment that she would continue to suffer from the chaos. Want to completely clarify the relationship between the two.

Is there a destiny and no part, or go into a deeper darkness.


A few months later, Nantian Temple.

Xia Yi deliberately reduced the chance to meet with Xian Ruyi. Since the last time he went to Beitian Temple to accompany Xian Ruyi to participate in the assessment, Xia Yi has put all his heart on dealing with those rebels. As for Xia Yi’s answer at the time, Xia Yi Yi said the most classic sentence of the scumbag.

Let me think about it and give me some time.

Anyway, I didn't refuse, and kept going to Xian Ruyi's hope, but also didn't agree. Although the number of meetings was reduced, Xia Yi would be more enthusiastic every time I met, so Xian Ruyi couldn't judge Xia Yi's true thoughts.

Xia Yi has his own considerations. What he mainly thinks is that he cannot always be in the Nantian Temple, but if he goes to the Central Temple, it will definitely not go as smoothly as when he was still in the Nantian Temple. Can afford scrutiny and suspicion, but if the fairy clan has to investigate carefully, it will definitely show up.

The fake will never become real. Xia Yi just wants to provoke civil unrest in the immortal world as much as possible before being exposed. Maybe it's better not to go to the Central Heavenly Palace if you think about it this way?

The Nantian Palace has basically entered the final stage. The black-collar town superintendent has done a very good job. It is done carefully according to Xia Yi's instructions. The clan relatives of the Nantian Palace master have not realized that their lives are already in the wind. Can candle.

"Punish adults, subordinates have important reports."

Just when Xia Yi was thinking about how to close the net, Xia Yi's men entered the penalty hall and knelt down to Xia Yi and waited for Xia Yi's order.


"Among the rebels arrested not long ago, we found a rebel who was imprisoned in the concentration jail three months ago. We have confirmed the identity. During the torture, he only said that he had found a chance to escape after being sent to work in Nantian City. ."

"After learning about this, we investigated other rebels who were still making atonement in Nantian City, and found that thousands of people had disappeared unknowingly. The subordinates didn't think it was a bad idea to punish Lord Xianzun, but Nantian Palace. There are rebels in 80% of people."

"We went up and down the vine to investigate and found a suspicious point. Many pure-blooded immortals who committed crimes in the city's cells were recently executed on a large scale, regardless of whether they committed major crimes or minor crimes, but did not return their bodies to their relatives. , I can't even investigate where the body went."

Xia Yi's subordinates slowly reported these doubts. This can be said to be very bold, and it is almost done, but Xia Yi can understand that after all, the needs of the Nantian Palace Lord’s clan members for the blood soul pill have suddenly changed. High, most people want to break through, or even break through as respect, who has the real blood of Nandi, and then break through as respect, succession to Nantian Palace Lord is almost no difficulty.

"I see. I'm investigating some rare things inside the rebels recently. Surely you know a little too?"

Some of Xia Yi's subordinates were directly transferred from the Central Heavenly Palace. Perhaps it was only the Central Heavenly Palace who helped Xia Yi, or perhaps it was for surveillance, so Xia Yi asked them to investigate many things before reporting to himself.

"Is it about the blood pill passed down by the rebels recently? Although the eyeliner we sent into the rebels told this, because there is no real thing, and no one has seen it used, it is difficult to judge."

"I think so too, so I think these things in the city may have something to do with the blood pill. Let's stay there for the time being and see what they want to do. If you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy."

"Subordinates understand!"

After that, Xia Yi’s subordinates retired respectfully. Xia Yi tapped his fingers on the table, and then thought of a very good idea. Xian Ruyi’s previous performance showed that she was a very rational person. Know how to judge and know how to make choices for your future.

This is a very good quality for a successful person, but it is a pity that tools do not require rationality.

Xia Yi stretched out, slowly leaning against the back of the chair, squinting his eyes and seemed to enjoy this moment of comfort, and then took out the message Yujian to contact someone.

At this moment, the black-collared town governor who was catering to a group of city governors, drinking and drinking, suddenly changed his face. Someone contacted him, and it was the adult. Since he was with that adult, although he is a town governor, But because of the close contacts with the clan of the Nantian Palace Lord, he has received a lot of care, and he can also eat well with the rebels in private.

But he knew that all this was brought to him by that adult, and if he dared to rebel against that adult, everything he had now would be in vain.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm a little bit small and leave for a while beforehand."

The black-collar town governor temporarily left from the wine table, and only after he came to the outside of the room did he take out the Spoken Yujian to accept the message.

"Punishing Master Xianzun, what is your order?"

"Xianduofu, there is something you need to do."

"Please speak."

"Tell the rebels about the refining method of the blood **** pill. One hundred blood pill pill plus a medicine guide. I will send someone to give you the specific refining method. Xian Ruyi, the last person in the main line, please tell this news to the clan relatives of the Nantian Palace Lord."

"You only need to do this, even if you just unintentionally reveal it, don't need you to take the lead, they will take action."

"Punishing Master Xianzun, is this too..."

Xian Duofu was playing a drum at this moment. Many things had made him feel very uncomfortable. This new order made him feel an unspeakable danger. Punishing Xian Zun is very dangerous.

"What's too much? You said, I understand your thoughts, but those who make big things do not stick to the trivial, and the things you dream of are right in front of you. If you are really a race, you would not cooperate with the rebels in the first place. Tell me what your conscience has found."

"Otherwise... what my conscience will do after discovering it, you know in your heart that you can choose to tell other people about these things, or even to the Central Temple, but with your current appearance of taking both ends, do you think the above will believe it? you?"

Xia Yi unhurriedly advised the black-collar town governor. The black-collar town governor held the message jade slip in his hand, sweating on his forehead. He knew that the sky was going to change, but he had nowhere to go at the moment, Xia Yi He had sealed his retreat a long time ago, and he had no other choice but to go to the dark.

"Where, Master Punishment Xianzun laughed, how dare I question you, I promise to complete this mission."

"Well, this is the kind of tolerance that a person of great importance should have. My appreciation for you is indeed correct. If you don't eat others, others will eat you. Understand?"

"So, before being swallowed by others, swallow them first!"

After speaking, the subpoena was cut off, and the black-collar town superintendent forced a smile, but his back was soaked.


"Brother Xianhuan! Hey, Brother Xianhuan, what are you thinking about!"


Outside the penalty hall and above the huge bridge, Xia Yi was teaching Xian Ruyi to practice. Xian Ruyi was practicing very attentively, but Xia Yi was in a trance.

"It's nothing, I just remembered the time I taught my sister to practice in the past."

Xia Yi smiled softly, stretched out her hand and wanted to touch Xian Ruyi's face, but immediately let go of her hand after her fingertip touched her cheek, looking a little embarrassed.

"Brother Xian Huan?"

It’s not the first time Xian Ruyi feels that Xia Yi is abnormal. Since she said her feelings on the flying boat after the assessment, Xia Yi has deliberately separated her from her, but every time she meets again, she always looks like I can't help being as passionate about her as I am. For example, she usually touches her head, as if she is really just a younger sister.

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