As a venerable person, it's so easy to get lost in consciousness, which shows that this matter is very important in his heart.

How should I put it, looking at Xia Yi like this, Xian Ruyi suddenly felt that Xia Yi was a little pitiful.


Xian Ruyi sighed, took two steps forward to hold Xia Yi's hand, and pressed it firmly on his face. Although he was a venerable, although he also had his domineering and indomitable killing intent, the summer of the past Yi is really gentle, even weaker when facing her, and completely two people in front of outsiders.

Xian Ruyi knew that she had become that weak place in Xia Yi's heart unconsciously.

"Is it because of your former sister?"

"Hmm... In fact, after her death, I once closed my heart and told myself that I could no longer like other people, because to me it was like a betrayal to her, but I..."

While speaking, Xia Yi smiled at Xian Ruyi, smiling as usual, but without the usual warmth, which made Xian Ruyi's nose sore, and suddenly felt that he was wrong, that he was wrong.

But she felt happy from the bottom of her heart, because Xia Yi would be like this. Doesn't it mean that Xia Yi really likes her too? There is no better news for Xian Ruyi.

"If you can become happier, I believe she will be happy under Jiuquan. I am not you. I will never understand you for some things, your sorrow, your pain, etc., but I hope you can become happier. , Be happier, I believe I am the same as her."

"Brother Xianhuan, I have lost my home and the glory of the past, but I still haven't given up. I was in a trough. It was Brother Xianhuan that you pulled me out. Now I have the confidence to face tomorrow, even if it is A more miserable tomorrow, so I hope I can also take you out of this trough."

After Xian Ruyi finished speaking, he approached Xia Yi and hugged Xia Yi boldly. Xian Ruyi felt that Xia Yi was weak in the face of emotional matters, even though he had strong cultivation and combat power, so it seemed that she needed her to take the initiative. Some.

"His Royal Highness Ruyi...I'm afraid this is not so good. If you are seen by outsiders..."

Xia Yi gently pushed Xian Ruyi, Xian Ruyi never let go.

"What about being seen by outsiders? Let them see! There are no taboos between us. Regardless of our cultivation and identity, we are just normal men and women. Why can't we have emotional needs?"

Xian Ruyi, who became active, really has a special charm. She stood on tiptoe and closed her eyes. Xia Yi was a little stunned at this moment. Xian Ruyi is really getting bolder and bolder. It was clear that she was in love with her not long ago. Shy girl.

Xia Yi gritted her teeth and wanted to push Xian Ruyi away, but it was not conducive to future plans. Feelings can make a woman grow up a lot in a short period of time. Xia Yi just underestimated this point, and the first one was to take responsibility. , It doesn’t have to be a man to be responsible, and a woman also has it.

In this moment, many other plans flashed through Xia Yi's mind, but they were not very good. He didn't want to touch Xian Ruyi's body, because if he did that, wouldn't he be a pure scumbag? He kept it in his heart. Kindness made him start to waver.

But in the end, Xia Yi still didn't push Xian Ruyi away.

After a while, Xian Ruyi blushed, and her frantically beating heart made her dare not look directly at Xia Yi. Only then did she realize what she had just done! She actually... actually took the initiative to kiss a fairy! !

But this feeling made her so excited and happy that she almost drifted to the sky, and her whole body was filled with unspeakable excitement. She felt that Xia Yi wanted to push her away in the middle, but finally let her kiss her.

The air fell silent, and Xian Ruyi almost completely buried his face in Xia Yi’s chest. Xia Yi didn’t know what expression to do. At first, he just wanted to use it briefly and control the Nantian Palace. But halfway through. There have been more than one accidents. Although it is a good thing in the long run, Xian Ruyi's emotional innocence also reminded Xia Yi of Yu'er.

Xia Yi thought about it carefully. He really didn’t have the talent to do bad things. First of all, he was embarrassed by the condemnation of his conscience. From the beginning to the cultivation world, he has always been himself, not because of the evil of human nature, nor because of despair in the world. Used to killing and ignoring life.

But some things... there is no right or wrong!

"Brother Xianhuan...I'm sorry, but I really can't control myself anymore."

She has given her heart to the abyss.

What can Xia Yi say now? I can only continue according to the original plan, and everything is for me.

"It’s okay. Maybe I should face my feelings as soon as possible. I’m really sorry that you have troubled you for so long. Finally, I will give me another seven days. I am currently investigating a major event. I will give you a real Reply."

After speaking, Xian Ruyi was finally willing to let go. Xia Yi's face still had a warm smile, but without confusion, it seemed that he had made a decision. I don’t know why, Xian Ruyi always felt that his reply after seven days must be certain. It's good news, she has this hunch.

"I am waiting!"

Xian Ruyi also showed a smile, and was finally willing to leave. Xia Yi watched Xian Ruyi walk away, but there was a voice in his mind.

"Big Brother Xianhuan, hahahaha, Brother Xianhuan, Brother Xia, you are really a ghost, I can't stand it anymore. I will file a complaint with your wife when I go back."

"Shut up, you know what a fart."

"I don't understand why, this little girl is pretty good, she will be tempted by anyone, but Brother Xia, you are completely unmoved, you just think she is pitiful, and it is pitiful to say that she is pitiful."

"I don't want to be like this. I only need to stop here. I won't talk about it. There will be a lot of things afterwards. Don't bother me."

"Yes, yes, brother Xianhuan."

"Your skin is itchy again?"


That night, Xia Yi knew that Xian Ruyi had a habit. If he was in the Nantian Temple, Xian Ruyi would often go to the penalty hall at night to peek at him. Xian Ruyi should have a mirage that isolates his breath. Long couldn't detect it, but Xia Yi could detect vitality, so Xian Ruyi didn't know her little interest. Xia Yi always knew it.

Tonight, Xian Ruyi was also here. After that happened during the day, Xian Ruyi wanted to look at Xia Yi's face more, so she quietly came to the Penalty Hall with her own magic weapon.

In the penalty hall, Xia Yi was talking to a person. The other party seemed to be a businessman in Nantian City. Xian Ruyi held his breath and used aura to stimulate her ear points, trying to make herself hear more clearly.

"Punishing Master Xianzun, seven days are too tight, the formation of magical soldiers is already difficult to refine, but there are stocks, but if you can order it, it will take a few months anyway. What you want is a magical soldier. Even in the immortal world, we can't just practice, but Saint Soldier doesn't matter."

"I don't care, you can figure it out for me. I must see things in seven days and let the refining masters gather for me to practice. I don't believe that several sages practice together. I can't figure it out in seven days."

"How about ten days? For ten days..."

"It's too late! It must be done in seven days."

"Uh... is there any important use?"

"You don't need to know, you just need to answer whether I can."

"This...I only found out when I went back to ask about it, and I'll get back to contact immediately."

"All right, contact me immediately after asking."

After that, the businessman left the penalty hall, but was still whispering when he walked out the door.

"In the beginning, I asked about my birthday customs, and also asked for the time to be engraved. Is it his own birthday seven days later? Is this punishment from the Taoist Immortal Venerable to celebrate his own birthday!"

The businessman scratched the back of his head with his hand, and his tone was rather impatient. After Xian Ruyi heard this sentence, Xian Ruyi instantly felt like a coincidence. Unexpectedly, his brother Xianhuan and her birthday were on the same day.

Do not……


What Xia Yi wanted was the formation of magical soldiers, and Xia Yi was obviously not good at deploying formations, could it be...

Xian Ruyi noticed something in an instant. She had forgotten that it was her birthday seven days later. After the death of her father and brother, who would celebrate her? She didn't react to this for the first time, but how did Xia Yi know this? Speaking of giving her an answer seven days later, is it possible that she wanted to give her a gift without telling her on her birthday, and then tell her the answer she had said before?

This obviously means to accept her! !

She also chose her birthday specially, and Xia Yi was really so, which made her feel so nervous. Although she felt the good news at the time, who can say it, she was not afraid of Xia Yi's rejection, and she was too afraid of thinking. After all, she just felt that it was good news, and felt that there has never been an accurate statement about this thing.

But now it is almost certain that it is absolutely good news, and Xia Yi will officially accept her on her birthday.


Xian Ruyi noticed the corners of her mouth split involuntarily, and she almost laughed. She immediately covered her mouth with her hands. The endless joy almost destroyed her sanity. She noticed that the corners of her eyes were a little moist, so she immediately left. Penalty Hall, after walking a long distance, looked at the Penalty Hall and smirked.

"Hey Hey Hey……"

"I look forward to... in seven days..."

The thought of embracing her Xianhuan brother in seven days, and even kissing passionately, will definitely follow the atmosphere that night. She began to uncontrollably imagine that scene, the two of them were shy and Be frank with each other in excitement, and get together like wild animals...

"What am I thinking!!"

Realizing that she was thinking more and more crooked, Xian Ruyi also felt embarrassed. She was a woman who took the initiative to think about this. It was really shameless, but the problem was that she couldn't help but want to think, what can she do!

Just thinking about it, I feel dry and dry, and my body feels hot.

Suddenly, footsteps sounded behind her, Xian Ruyi looked back nervously, and frowned after recognizing the person who came.

"It's Xianjun, what are you doing?"

The person behind her is one of her uncles who entered the Nantian Palace. His wife is a sister of the Nantian Palace Lord, that is, Xianruyi’s aunt, but there are many brothers and sisters of the Nantian Palace Lord, and she doesn’t even have one. I have seen my aunt, and this clan relative is the kind who doesn't even have the blood of the Southern Emperor.

"I'm also your uncle anyway, so you just call my name?"

"It's pretty good if I can remember your name. Just say anything."

"It's not a big deal. It's just watching you sneak over from the penalty hall alone, still giggling. I'm afraid there is something shameful with the immortal, right?"

"What about it? Do you need to manage it?"

"I am your uncle, your elder, and your father is gone now, shouldn't I discipline you for him?"

"Hehe, I don't need you to worry about it. If you just come to bother me, uncle, then you can go. Of course I can go."

Xian Ruyi planned to leave after speaking. She was in a good mood after meeting her own bad uncle, but she hadn't made two steps before, so her uncle stepped forward to hold her back.

"You are so disrespectful to me, uncle, I am very sad at the moment..."

"Let go!!"

"Look at how you talk? What do you think of your elders? No, I must take care of you for the previous palace lord."

"You let me go!"

Xian Ruyi began to struggle, she tried to break free, but his uncle was also a holy emperor, and she was just a little holy!

"Too disobedient, it hurts me too much. I didn't want to be like this. I gave you a chance. If you speak to me well and respect me, you will still be my niece, and you must be the same to other relatives. Attitude."

"But it doesn't matter, then it's time for you to come in handy."

Xian Ruyi’s uncle looked a little abnormal. The strength to grasp her was so strong that he even hurt her. Xian Ruyi was very scared at the moment. He didn’t expect to be treated like this by his relatives in Nantian Palace. Too much, in the past it was nothing more than to say something ugly to force her to hand over the Nandi Formation Talisman.

There was something wrong, something very wrong, her uncle's eyes were full of craziness.

"My dear niece, you were the one who sorry us first..."

Xian Ruyi knew that this could not go on anymore. She had to call for help. She looked at the penalty hall in the distance and tried her best to shout out Brother Xianhuan for help, but just as she was about to speak, her mouth was covered, her uncle He even started to attack her spirit with spells, trying to make her faint to death.

Just a second before she lost consciousness, she was still looking at the penalty hall, hoping to see Xia Yi appear, but in the end she could only faint to death with tears in her eyes.


Nantian Palace, outside the penalty hall, a sneaky person looked around for a while before entering the penalty hall after making sure that no one was paying attention to him. This man was a businessman who had previously negotiated with Xia Yi to order an artifact of the formation.

"Brother Xia, the little girl has been taken away, and she cried miserably before she fainted."

The businessman no longer called Xia Yi the penalty immortal, but called Xia Ge. From this name, you can more or less know the true identity of the businessman.

"Well, it's almost the same as the plan, but I thought they had to plan carefully before they did it. I didn't expect that they would do it that night as soon as they received the news. Why are they in such a hurry?"

These clan relatives of the Nantian Palace Lord have lost their calmness. Of course, the reason for their anxiety is that Xia Yi can more or less guess it. The three holy priests in Nantian Palace besides him are one third-order and two fourth-orders. , In the eyes of the Nantian Palace masters, there is really something unexpected, these nobles are enough to suppress Xia Yi.

But after what happened to Xia Yi in the Beitian Temple, they clearly knew that the two fourth-order Venerables could not let Xia Yi retreat. Xia Yi, the penalty immortal, was the strongest existence in the Nantian Palace, so They were in a hurry, and they wanted to drive Xia Yi away as soon as possible.

The remnant soul of the Southern Emperor wanted to change his fate against the sky, but on the contrary it fulfilled Xia Yi, allowing Xia Yi to fully absorb the power of the octopole furnace that broke the ban, and even turned the remnant power of the Great Yantian on Mars into self-cultivation. As part of.

Xia Yi has always used body refinement to be stronger. Therefore, these powers are only used to upgrade the cultivation level when the body refinement cannot be improved. In other words, Xia Yi is indeed a second-tier holy lord. Body refining is already a golden body, so to speak more accurately...

Is a half-step Valkyrie.

Xia Yi may already be one of the few martial arts demigods in this starry sky. The last time Xia Yi made a full shot in Beitian Palace, Xia Yi noticed how strong he became. This huge improvement is that Xia Yi himself feels exaggerated and outrageous, but the world As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a blessing. Xia Yi falls into this category.

Fighting to the disintegration of Shura, fighting to the collapse of a hundred generations, it only made the cultivation base of this life climb a little bit, in fact, thinking about it, it has been a loss, but it is better than nothing left.

"Isn't it a good thing for you to be Xia Ge when they are anxious? I'll come back quickly. Now that a holy person comes, you can see that Xia Yi is not a member of the fairy clan at all."

"It's also... it's rare to go well once and not to be bad."

Xia Yi nodded, no longer suspicious, let the mirage return to his body to help him continue to disguise, Xia Yi is now inseparable from the mirage, otherwise it will be revealed immediately, the combat ability of the mirage is about zero, but other aspects of abilities They are all excellent, especially the illusion.

Now that Xian Ruyi was taken away, Xia Yi sent a black-collar town governor to ask him to pay attention to reporting information about Xian Ruyi. Xia Yi had a good time to rescue him so that Xian Ruyi made his debut when he was completely desperate. , So that Xian Ruyi's trust in him reached the level of brainlessness.

What is no brain? It is to trust that you will never think about whether it is right or wrong to do so.

In addition to the road between Xian Ruyi and Nantian Palace, Xia Yi also discovered another road in the process of dealing with the rebels. Combining the previous experience of Xian Ruyi in Beitian Palace, Xia Yi came to a conclusion.

The Nantian Temple is a staunch supporter of the Central Temple, while the Beidong Temple is somewhat reluctant. The attitude of the Xitian Temple is unknown to Xia Yi, but the Xian clan has been peaceful for so many years, and the internal situation has tended to be resolved peacefully. For the Lord, it is impossible to provoke the enmity between the five heavenly palaces.

Rebels have also existed for a long time. Although they have not been able to cause great troubles to the immortals, they have not made much trouble in the North East. After all, the North East seems to continue the tradition similar to the realm of cultivation, and the hearts of the people are divided by sects rather than Bloodline class, Xia Yi's fingers have been tapping repeatedly on the table, and he is thinking hard about how to split the fairy clan.

But no matter how many tactics flashed in his mind, they were directly refuted by Xia Yi. He could not see the opportunity, or even create it. The only thing he could do was to make a series of small changes and watch the changes over the years.

The immortal clan is not a realm of cultivation. It is not a chaotic world like the realm of cultivation. There are great battles at any time. The change of power can change drastically overnight. The immortal race is stable and they are all working together to avoid internal friction.


"Perhaps it is more realistic to directly improve my strength."

If Xia Yi can achieve both martial arts and energy training, he is confident that he can single-handedly challenge the entire immortal clan, even if he can't win, he can run away, let the immortal clan know that Xuanhuang has a god, as long as he is still alive, he will be immortal in this long time. The clan has nothing to do with Xuanhuang, enough Xuanhuang to develop to be able to compete head-on with the fairy clan, but thinking about these in this age of godlessness is simply a dream.

But this does not affect Xia Yi's continuous planting of seeds of rebellious chaos to the immortal race. This is Xia Yi's current practice. Until Xia Yi feels that it is seamless to drill, he will naturally leave.

Time just disappeared unknowingly. A week has passed since Xian Ruyi’s disappearance. For the first few days, Xia Yi deliberately didn’t look for it. Later, he asked the clan of the Nantian Palace Lord and asked where Xian Ruyi had gone. .

But the answer is "don't know".

Xia Yi pretended to publicly issue a bounty to Nantian City, letting Yunan know that the last immortal Ruyi of the Southern Emperor's main line was gone, because the bounty offered was really attractive.

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