Black-collar town, the town governor's mansion.

The black-collar town governor Xian Duofu had just finished a deal with a rebellious little leader. The little leader counted the fairy stones in the storage ring, and quietly looked at the black-collar town governor while counting.

"Xian Duo Fu, the woman you handed to us a few days ago is the Xian Ruyi that Penal Immortal Venerable is looking for, right?"

Hearing these words, Xian Duofu shuddered, and put a finger on his lips deliberately showing that he was very scared.

"Hush! Use sound transmission, don't talk, the **** penalty Xianzun seems to have let me go, but the ghost knows that he has not continued to monitor me, so don't say anything that shouldn't be said."

"Look at you, you have the courage to let us reach a cooperation with the adults in Nantian Temple, but you, as the middleman, are as timid as a mouse. How can this work?"

"Please be quiet! You know how terrifying the punishment is for Immortal Venerable! You know better than me! After doing this, I'm planning to stop washing my hands with the golden basin."

"Cut... As for? I don't think you are usually confident?"

"That's normal. I was about to be punished. Xianzun found it again. The group of adults above me probably used me as an abandoned child. I have to find another way out!"


In the small black-collar town governor's mansion, 90% of Yunan's recent chaos originated here, and most people simply can't imagine where a town governor is so capable.

"Didn't they say that you will be promoted after a good thing? They also said that they will turn a blind eye to us in the future."

The little leader of this rebel group was curious about the current situation. Of course, he also smelled a hint of danger, because the penalty Xianzun seemed to have noticed something. Recently, some people even conducted door-to-door inspections in various cities and towns in the southern region. , Really a few careless companions suffered as a result.

"Of course my utilization value is almost gone. Don't come to me after this time. I have to find a way out."

"You can consider us..."

"Don't dare, I'm really afraid of this!"

Before the little leader of the rebel could finish speaking, the black-collar town governor quickly shook his head.

"I just want to clean up my road. I advise you to be careful recently. The penalty Xianzun seems to care about Xian Ruyi. If you let him know that the idea is mine, my head will fall. I even They are all considering escaping to other realms."

"Let's do it, then I can only express regret. Losing a powerful helper is also a loss for us."

It's a pity that this little leader is a black-collar town superintendent. This kind of stuff happens to be the favorite type of rebels. He doesn't recognize anything except his own interests. As long as he can maintain a balanced distribution of interests for a long time, he will never They won't be enemies. It's a pity that there are fewer such people in the fairy clan, and even fewer can hold high positions.

"By the way, when do you plan to refining, the soul lamp shatters after the death of Xian Ruyi, the penalty Xianzun may know immediately, and it is estimated that he will be ruthless immediately. I have to slip away before this time."

"Three days later, Xian Duo Fu, your time is running out, do you want me to report to sell you a favor, and delay it for two days?"

"No, thank you brother for taking care of it. Three days are enough, that's it."

Xian Duofu was trembling when he was talking. This little leader knew that Xian Duo Fu had been interrogated by people who had been punished by Xian Zun in recent 80%. Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so afraid, but some things are like this. Xian Duo Fu Ming is an abandoned son. I can only think about how to escape.

"We also have routes to escape to other realms here, do you want to use them?"

"Use! Of course you need to use it. This is the only good news. I'll go to you tomorrow."

"Okay, remember to bring your reward."


After some exchanges, the little leader was still thinking about whether to blackmail Xian Duofu tomorrow. If you don't grab it, you don't grab it. This guy is very rich, but on the second day, Xian Duofu didn't have it. Any contact is missing, and there are traces of fighting in the town governor's mansion in Black-collar Town, which let the rebels know that Xian Duofu is more ugly than good.

The penalty of Xianzun is really fast enough.

For the sake of safety, the gathering place for the rebels who knew the location of Xian Duofu moved overnight and fled. Not long after the escape, some people who punished Xian Zun arrived, but they came a step late, and they had to turn around and go back after nothing. This made the rebellion. It is almost certain that Xianduofu has been arrested, and that bad people like Xianduofu will definitely betray their people for survival.

But it doesn’t matter. When the refining of the Blood God Pill is completed, Nantian Palace should also formally have a successor. At that time, he will not be able to punish the Xianzun for being so arrogant. It is not the rebels who are idle these days, but they are working overtime. Add a little bit of refining the blood pill, after all, the blood **** pill needs one hundred blood pill as the material.

The undercurrent of Yunan was surging, and even the Central Immortal Palace had contacted Xia Yi to inquire about the situation. This also convinced Xia Yi that his subordinates would contact the Central Tiangong to report on his own affairs. He was indeed being watched.

Xia Yi reported his guess. The Central Immortal Palace did not direct Xia Yi what to do, but only told Xia Yi what to do if everything was true. Xia Yi knew it for himself and could see that the Central Immortal Palace also felt about the blood pill. In addition to anger, not to mention his own people framed their own people in order to get the blood pill.

In the report, Xia Yi also went to the Central Tiangong for help again and again, saying that he must find Xianruyi, even with a pleading tone. Of course, this was done for the Central Tiangong, so that the Central Tiangong could see how much he cares about Xianruyi. , This is also for the convenience of future planning.

Together with Beitiangong's anger as a confidant, if the Central Temple investigates afterwards, he should be subjectively ruled out of suspicion.

In the southern part of Yuyu, somewhere in the valley, there was a **** medicinal fragrance in the air.

Xian Ruyi was shackled and locked on a pillar. Her eyes were the refining site of the blood pill. Firstly, she filled the stomachs of the poor pure-blooded immortals with medicinal and herbal liquid, burning under the pill furnace. Zhengwang, the pure-blooded immortals who took the medicinal herbal liquid cursed or cried bitterly, but they couldn't stop the crazy inferior immortals around him.

When the medicine in the pill furnace was almost refined, they immediately opened the lid of the furnace and threw a living person into it. They only heard a tragic wailing in the pill furnace, the smell of blood mixed with the fragrance of medicine overflowing, although they always knew The rebels are very cruel, but Xian Ruyi is the first time to face the cruel rebels.

Punishment Xianzun, has his Xianhuan brother been fighting against these guys all the time?

Everyone is a member of the fairy clan, so why do you harm the same clan so much! Xian Ruyi was very scared and found that no one was paying attention to her. She began to struggle hard to escape, but her cultivation base had been sealed, even if she could still exert strength dozens of times greater than that of a mortal, but for the situation at this moment There was no help.

"Don't struggle, it's useless."

Suddenly, Xian Ruyi heard a voice from behind. Xian Ruyi looked back hard to see that he was a young inferior immortal, but his eyes were not pampered at all. They were all gloating, and he seemed to enjoy it. The expression of fear.

"You... when you do this, aren't you afraid that the penalty immortal respects you! The penalty immortal is against all opinions, and the construction of a new prison specifically gives you the opportunity to correct your mistakes. That's how you repay the penalty of the immortal for your pains?"

"He is purely for the people above. The people above don't treat us as humans. Even the punishment is not much better. Do you know how many of our compatriots he killed?"

"That's also what you want to be rebellious, who is to blame!"

"What rebellious thing do we do? We just want to ask for equality. Is this difficult? You will certainly not understand our pain as the Five Fang Immortal Emperor, and we do not intend to have any communication with you. Your only role. Just enter the pill furnace for a while and become a magic pill."


The rebel standing behind Xian Ruyi was only responsible for monitoring Xian Ruyi, and had no intention of chatting with her. After that, no matter how Xian Ruyi yelled, he couldn't get his attention.

It was not until Xian Ruyi started to scold Xian Ruyi that the young rebel who was monitoring Xian Ruyi stepped forward and gave Xian Ruyi a slap.

"Be quiet, here you are not a five-fang immortal emperor. You are just a medicine. If you are not afraid of contaminating your blood, you may still be able to enjoy it while you are waiting to be refined."

While speaking, the rebel gently touched Xian Ruyi's thigh twice with his hand, and then squeezed it hard, making Xian Ruyi struggling and groaning in pain. She gritted her teeth and did not scream, but her eyes Tears have already fallen.

Should she be grateful for her blood at this time? Otherwise, they would have long been tainted by these people as playthings. Xian Ruyi knew what happened to the female pure-blood immortals rescued by the penalty Xianzun, because she had also persuaded the poor women.

But when the same fate fell on her, she deeply realized why the other person's eyes were so dark.

"I heard that the penalty immortal has been looking for you crazy recently, so I almost turned Yu Nan to look for it. I was so excited that I could barely speak with the woman who cares about the penalty in the palm of my hand, you Say it?"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly hit Xian Ruyi's face with his hand again. Xian Ruyi resisted the pain, but this made the lower-level fairy who was monitoring her become more advanced and greeted him with his hands and feet. Do not let go of any part of the lower abdomen.

When he was slightly tired, he stopped to admire the immortal Ruyi in front of him. At any rate, immortal Ruyi also had the cultivation of saints, so that he would not be beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face. It was still so beautiful, and even more of a different kind of beauty, she kept on. Coughing, blood was coughed out.

"Poor, pitiful, you can be regarded as a well-known beauty of our immortal clan under Xianyue Yin. You never imagined that you would fall to the point where you are today, right? What are you talking about?"

"My sister was admired by a pure-blooded immortal, and she was also made things difficult for by members of his family. My sister can bear it. She thinks that brother-in-law still loves her, but my **** brother-in-law is not a good thing. , I just fell in love with the beauty of my sister, and when I was tired of playing with it, I said to throw it away. My sister was unwilling to give up. Guess what he did? He and his new love together beat my sister to death!"

"What are the differences between us and slaves? Are we really immortals like you?"

"To be honest, after hearing the news that your father's army was destroyed by the remnant soul of Emperor Xuanhuangyan, I actually laughed. I am very happy. I even wish to join Xuanhuang. It is better to be a dog for Xuanhuang people than to be bullied by you at will."

"Are you angry? Are you angry!"

While talking, this young rebel slapped again. These words actually made Xian Ruyi unable to refute. The environment in which she was born determined that she could not touch the facts faced by these rebels at all. They felt that the noble pure blood In Xian Ruyi's eyes, Xianmin was actually a person inferior to him.

She, but after the Wufang Immortal Emperor, the Southern Emperor is the main line of direct veins!

"That's...just part..."

"But do you care? You don't! There are still so many people like me who are tolerating you. How long can you be arrogant? Sooner or later, all members of the Lower Immortal Society will oppose your dictatorship, and the Immortal Clan will still be the Immortal Clan. , It's just the Datong Immortal Clan that is governed by us."


Xian Ruyi still snorts after being beaten so many times. The inferior immortals who have become rebels only account for a small part of the total. Most of the inferior immortals still know that their lives are ahead of them at this moment. There are too many other territories.

"It's not that your sister herself wants to climb the flames to gain the influence. If it is true love, can she not see it?"


As soon as the young rebel heard this, he went into a rage and immediately hit Xian Ruyi with a heavy hand. At this time, someone else noticed what was happening here, so he opened his mouth to stop him.

"Calm down, this woman is a drug lead, what should you do if you have a problem? Start lightly!"

"She is a saint and cannot die."

"Then you should be gentle! Just enough."


The young rebel stopped after being stopped. Xian Ruyi’s injuries were actually not serious, but the humiliation in his heart was much heavier than his injuries. She grew up so big that even her father, Nantian Palace Lord, never beat her. After the death of her father, she was fortunate to encounter the penalty Xianzun who cared more for her, and even if she was scolded, she would be very angry to help her.

I have to say that the more she recalled these things, the more she missed her brother Xianhuan. She was already more dependent on Xia Yi than her father, because she knew that her father could no longer save her, only her Xianhuan brother. Brother is okay.

However, she didn't know that the initiator of all this was her brother Xianhuan, including her father's death.

"I think you haven't given up yet. Are you thinking about punishing Xianzun? He can't come, how did you come, don't you have any points in your heart? Your beloved relatives are probably busy dealing with the punishment at this moment, right? ."

"Have you seen, this is your pure-blooded immortal people, the style of your five-party immortal emperors and descendants, who is not a human being compared to us?"

Although the young rebellious stopped his hand, his mouth has not stopped. He kept insulting Xian Ruyi. Xian Ruyi recalled what Xia Yi had said, trying to stabilize his emotions and did not let his own emotions collapse. At least she didn't want to cry in front of these rebels.

She has the dignity of her being the Immortal Emperor Wufang.

"It's quite strong, I will see how tolerant you are during the next period of time."

"Hey, Uncle Actress, how much can it hurt her."

"Skin trauma is fine, heavier is fine, but remember not to disturb that aspect of your mind, otherwise the adults above will be unhappy. If we condone punishment, we will have nothing to eat. It breaks the yin and affects the blood. If it is heaven I guess the innate Dao body of Ling Tianjun would be allowed by the adults above, but we can't."

"Cut, bloodline, bloodline, it's really a bloodline. That day, the monarch is a Xuanhuang person and has a physique. We are also immortal people, but the bloodline is not pure, we can't? Funny, not funny!"

The young rebel complained, looking at Xian Ruyi’s face, the more angry he thought about it. Although the beauty could be slaughtered but could not be touched, he simply took out a dagger and pierced Xian Ruyi’s face with a smile, anyway. Disruption does not affect the quality of blood vessels.

Xian Ruyi watched the dagger approaching in horror until she had a sharp pain on her face. She gritted her teeth and still did not scream, but this was just a strong hold. She hoped that this hellish day could end soon, even if it was death. For the end.


Under the torture of the rebels, Xian Ruyi's little extravagant hopes continued to diminish until her heart was ashamed. In fact, her ability to bear it could not be said to be strong, especially for this kind of situation that she had never imagined. The emperor system, even if she has not achieved much in this life, she can basically spend her life happily and healthily.

But during this period of time, all kinds of bad news kept coming, and now it’s even more catastrophic. It’s fine if she didn’t collapse under this situation. You must know that she used to be not just a flower in a greenhouse, but a flower in the greenhouse. The greenhouse is also carefully cared for and carefully taken care of, without knowing the wind and rain outside.

The situation she had faced before was only the removal of the greenhouse. Now that the wind and rain come, she knows how vulnerable she is.

The pride of any bloodline family is not worth mentioning at this moment. Without these, she is just an ordinary member of the immortal clan. She has never thought about death before, and never thought about what “death” looks like, because she almost She couldn't reach it, but her death came so suddenly that she hardly prepared her for it.

Obviously, she and her brother Xianhuan can confirm each other’s minds tomorrow morning. Since then, we have been happily together, and finally survived the sadness. The beauty is about to come, but she encountered this kind of thing at this juncture. What did she do wrong? What, why does fate treat her like this?

She can no longer face this problem.


The young rebel who tortured Xian Ruyi found that Xian Ruyi's appearance was a little strange, and immediately slapped her with his hand, but Xian Ruyi had no reaction, only the hollow eyes and the tears falling from his eyes gave people a kind of Wonderful look and feel.

"Have you closed your five senses..."

Xian Ruyi is also a saint who can close the five senses completely without contact with anything outside. People who have closed the five senses will not react to external stimuli. It is equivalent to a living corpse. In other words, it will continue to torture. It's no use.

"It's really boring."

Throwing the dagger in his hand aside, the young rebel returned to his previous position and simply sat up and practiced. The **** medicinal scent in the valley can give a slight boost to the blood of the inferior immortals, not to mention Talking about really taking the blood pill, and the blood **** pill above the blood pill can be imagined to what extent.

As long as there is indeed the bloodline of the immortal clan, I am afraid that after taking the blood **** pill, he will immediately become the five-fang immortal emperor and awaken his bloodline, because Yaoying is a member of the southern emperor’s main line, which means that this blood **** pill can Let an immortal tribe acquire the blood of Nandi after awakening.

No wonder the guys in Nantian Palace are so courageous, the blood **** pill is equivalent to the proof of becoming the master of Nantian Palace.

The pure-blood immortals were wailing. The fragrance of medicine can neutralize the smell of blood, but as the refining of one hundred blood pill comes to an end, the fragrance of medicine cannot cover the thick **** smell, and it is obviously a disgusting smell. , But it is so sweet.

The rebels in the valley took a deep breath, enjoying the weird smell. Until the last blood pill was successfully refined, many people looked at the self-enclosed Xian Ruyi.

"Turn on the main furnace!"

"Install Dan!"

"Put the medicine in."

The rebels are orderly carrying out the refining of the blood **** pill. The magic path pill has a characteristic, it does not require the refiner's advanced skills, as long as it is cruel enough, so the magic path pill is contemptuous by the right way.

In a great pill furnace in the middle of the valley, the blood pill that was freshly released and still exuding the smell of smell was put into it one by one. Xian Ruyi was directly carried by two rebels to the pill furnace and came to the back of the furnace. Song threw her in, and then hurriedly covered the stove lid. Those overflowing medicinal fragrances are also precious medicinal properties!

"Pay attention to each, the blood **** pill has high requirements for firepower, and now it's time to refine it!"

The rebels stood around the big pill furnace, and at the same time used the fire technique to make a fierce fire ignite under the pill furnace, the temperature rose instantly, and the pill furnace became red in just one minute.


Even if Xian Ruyi closed her five senses, Shenhun felt the pain of being stripped of her blood. She was about to melt, melted into a pool of blood, and could no longer meet her Xianhuan brother.

Her short life ended in this way, sadness, pain, anger, unwillingness to wait for the emotional madness to strike, so Xian Ruyi could not help but want to go crazy, but she still resisted and continued to close her five senses, so she could die in the dark. It's better than being tempered alive into a pool of blood!

If she knew that this would happen, she should be more proactive in many things, at least she should die with her brother Xianhuan before she died, so she died so unclear as to make her look down!

As her consciousness gradually blurred, Xian Ruyi knew that she was going to die soon, and the darkness slowly turned into light, but in the end she still had something to say that she didn’t have time to say because of her shyness. She wanted to tell that person straightforwardly. Own love, but all this is nothing but extravagant hopes.

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