Xian Ruyi recalled the past. When they were both young, Xian Ruyi was very courageous. Without her, Xian Ruyi would not dare to go out. He often blushed and took her hand and hid behind her. With these up, when did Xian Ruyi grow up to be like this?

Xian Ruyi's personality has been darkened a lot since the Nantian Palace Lord went on the expedition.

"How is her personality?"


Xian Yueyin couldn't say an accurate one, after all, as she grew, the more men around her, so many Xian Ruyi no longer dared to appear with her.

"Don't you know?"

"Father, what do you ask these for?"

Xian Yueyin was very curious about this. After all, his father seldom cared about the affairs of juniors, and he rarely even recited the names of juniors other than her.

"Recently, there is an immortal who has returned from Dao Fa. You should know him too. At that time, you were also in the Northern Emperor's Immortal Mansion for an examination."

"Punish Xianzun?"

"It's him. I'm very optimistic about this young man. Although he is just an ordinary pure-blood, but at his level, he has little reliance on blood, and a golden body is enough to form a line of self."

"I remember that he has a very good relationship with Ruyi. Ruyi should like him very much. He also cares about Ruyi. He actually fought for a word. To be honest, I can't understand it. Who, but he can make his own situation better, but he has to make trouble."

At that time, forbearance had a broad sea and the sky, Xian Jingshui would definitely be punished severely by the Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace, but the penalty Xianzun had to do it himself.

"That's why I think he is excellent. Xian Ruyi is unprofitable, but he is still the same, even knowing that he is exploited, he is never going forward. Of course, the premise is that these are true. To be honest, I still have some doubts about him, but still It is impossible to change the fact that he is the best young man of the immortal clan. Only he can match the current you, but it is a pity that the immortal Ruyi made the first move."

The Central Palace Master had originally intended to match, and Xianyueyin had been good at perceiving people's hearts since she was a child, and let Xianyueyin to monitor and slowly see the immortals. It's not bad, but it's not bad for the immortals. I would rather go to accompany the immortal Ruyi in Nantian Palace.

"To be honest, I don't like to punish Xianzun very much, because his attitude towards me is too ordinary."

"Is this bad? It means he can stick to himself."

"No... Father, it's not this kind of persistence, but obviously some deeper emotions cover his heart. I can't tell what it is, but I always feel that something is wrong with him."

When Xian Zun Xian and Xian Zun Xian met her for the first time, she still remembered that Xian Zun also watched her for a while, but when they met again in the stairwell, Xian Zun Xian would no longer have any reaction to her. It was not about respecting her or being able to stick to her heart, because she clearly remembered that Xian Huan's eyes were indifferent at the time.

As if not treating her as a living thing, just treating her as non-existent, so naturally she would not be attracted by her appearance.

"You just haven't been coldly treated by a man. After all, you were killed by Daofa. I guess there are many Daofa beauties who died in her hands. He can see this by his ruthless attitude towards Xian Jingshui at that time. "

The Central Palace Master praised the immortal a lot, but Xian Yueyin was always worried about returning the immortal. The indifference made her feel bitterly cold.

"Perhaps... yes."

It's hard for Xian Yueyin to use his own opinion to evaluate Xianhuan. Since Xian has talked with his father, his father's vision will not be worse than that of himself, right? So Xian Yueyin decided to trust her father.

"He is so good, it's a pity that Xian Ruyi took advantage of him. When you officially finish your studies in the Northern Emperor Xianfu, I plan to send you to Nantian Palace."

After the central palace lord finished speaking, Xian Yueyin sighed a long sigh. Her father had this attitude. As long as it was good enough to be appreciated by him, he had to try to seize everything, the instinct of the immortal clan. Has penetrated into her father's bloodline.

"I don't want to take love from Ruyi Hengdao. Ruyi is already pitiful enough, just let them be together."

"Poor? Poor can make us immortal strong? Poor can only be bullied. He has been integrated into the blood of Emperor Wu, and he is also a golden body. This kind of blood is integrated into my central line, and we will become stronger in the future. The control of the Quartet will also be more stable. This is also for the immortal clan. Maybe the future generations of our line will be able to confront the Martial Emperor of Dao Fa in the future."

As long as the families of the human race have a long heritage, they have protection restrictions on their bloodlines, and they will not easily intermarry with foreign races and prevent blood flow out, let alone the family of Emperor Wu.

The opportunity is now in front of us, and it would be a pity if it is wasted.

"Father... Is there only his blood in your eyes? You don't know what he is..."

"It's enough to have blood. Many things in this world are not as complicated as you think. As long as there is a chance to get the blood of the three Kaitian emperors, you can't let it go!"

The Central Palace Master thought that his thoughts were very wise. If the immortal is still bad, then only the blood is enough. If the immortal is good, then he will have both blood and a good son-in-law, no matter what.


Fairy clan, in the domain.

Xia Yi was walking on the way back to Yuyu South at the moment. He was flying extremely fast in the sky, flying but inexplicably feeling a burst of unknown coolness.

"what happened?"

Xia Yi frowned. The whim of the cultivator is his sixth sense of the future. Will there be any trouble in the future?

"This central palace lord is not simple, I just didn't see why, so I must never go to the central palace in a short time."

Xia Yi thought for a while, and could only think that the central palace lord was repeatedly suspicious of him. It would be sooner or later to show his feet. Xia Yi had been mentally prepared for this. Xia Yi just wanted to create as much chaos as possible before being exposed. Therefore, we must avoid the real powerhouse of the fairy clan.

Speeding up and rushing back to Yunan, Xia Yi returned to the penalty hall and found that Xian Ruyi was sitting in his place waiting for him. He looked a little worried. To be honest, Xian Ruyi was taking this feeling very seriously. he……

Don't say it, you deserve to die emotionally.

But standing above the righteousness, everything Xia Yi did was correct.

"Brother Xianhuan, what did the Central Heavenly Palace call you back?"

Seeing Xia Yi's return, Xian Ruyi immediately got up and almost flew into Xia Yi's arms. This enthusiasm made Xia Yi really shameless to face him. He was too scumbag. If he could be an ordinary person when Xuanhuang was still an ordinary person. If you have a girlfriend like Xian Ruyi, you have to wake up when you dream.

"Ask something about the interior of the Nantian Palace. After all, this incident is still quite big. If you behead your relatives in the Nantian Palace, this is invisibly equivalent to releasing to other realms the fact that the fairy clan is not necessarily completely unified, and the impact it has caused. It's quite big, I thought about this before I persuade you."

"Then what am I doing wrong?"

Xian Ruyi blamed herself a little. If Xia Yi said that she was wrong to kill her relatives, it was wrong. No matter how much she wanted to kill, it was wrong.

"It's not wrong, there are benefits, and it's right in the long run. If you want to get rid of foreigners, you must settle down first."

"That's good."

Xia Yi was comforted by Xian Ruyi, and Xian Ruyi felt very uncomfortable without seeing Xia Yi for a few days. She even wished to be with Xia Yi every day.

"The other is that the Central Palace Master deliberately transferred me back to the Central Heavenly Palace."

"Huh?! This...this!!!"

When Xian Ruyi heard this, her face turned pale instantly, and her feet were so soft that she almost fell on the spot. She couldn't leave the Nantian Palace for a long time. After all, she is now the palace lord, she stubbornly wanted to say something. What? My eyes are already in tears, and tears are about to fall.

"But of course I refused. Why am I willing to let you stay in Nantian Palace alone."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, he hugged Xian Ruyi tightly, thinking about the next plan in his heart. Now the Nantian Palace is actually controlled by him, so you can try to catch the line of rebels through Xian Duofu and control the rebels from within. Action.

To be honest, these rebels are actually of little use to Xia Yi. They are just his stepping stones. Now they are not needed anymore, but make the best use of them. Since the rebels are powerless to cause a major rebellion, then they themselves Go and help them.

If a family member dies because of rebellion, their loved ones will endure even the pain, but if they are actually innocent because of being implicated or mistakenly killed, the family members of the deceased will surely explode with strong resentment.

"Ruyi, I plan to kill all the rebels who are still active in Yunan in one breath, and prepare for a large-scale suppression. This process will inevitably hurt the innocent, but I will try my best to avoid it, and I may bear a lot of burdens in the future. Infamy, you must not explain to me, understand?"

"You even have to punish me to quell some of the people's grievances."

"Well, Brother Xianhuan, you can arrange it."

Xian Ruyi didn't think too much about the subsequent effects of these things. In her opinion, her brother Xianhuan must have thought of all of them. Wouldn't it be troublesome for Xianhuan brother to raise all kinds of contradictions by herself?

In the penalty hall, the two nestled together, Xian Ruyi felt that the present and the next day would definitely become happy. Xia Yi believed that the fire of the immortal clan would become more and more serious day by day.

A few days later.

The Nantian Temple began a concentrated extermination of the rebels, pretending to catch some of the rebels returning to give them the opportunity to reform, but the vast majority of the rebels still beheaded on the spot, all by Xia Yi's own hands, there is no way. , The pure-blooded immortals really couldn't kill too many compatriots, but now someone helped Xia Yi share the pressure.

The pure-blooded immortals rescued by Xia Yi from the rebels actually defeated the bloodline restriction. Although they were not pressure-free, at least they could kill them. They were naturally cultivated by Xia Yi. This is a fire of hatred.

Even the guilty people who were sold to the rebels by the clan of the Nantian Palace Lord cried bitterly and changed their past, and became Xia Yi’s helper to abuse. The rebels gathered to do something bad privately. Face Xia. It is difficult for a fairy like Yi to take the lead in killing.

However, Xia Yi deliberately did not touch the real sore spots of the rebels. He just symbolically uprooted their small strongholds. After all, Xia Yi didn't want to really wipe out the rebels.

In the end, Xia Yi stood in front of a small town. This time he was the only one who came. According to the information collected by Xia Yi privately, there is a young genius from the immortal clan. His talent is better than a lot of pure blood. Fairy, this young genius is very suitable to be cultivated as an avenger.

Xia Yi wants to cultivate a "sage" who hates the high level of the fairy clan and pity the people of the immortal clan.

"I really didn't expect that one day, I would personally create something similar to the original Shun Guo change..."

"He... the evil of Dongxuan, I suddenly understand you a little bit."

This small town is the hometown of the young genius, and the young genius does have some contact with the rebels in private, but not many. He may just be good-hearted, but as long as he has, he can be used by Xia Yi. Point.

At the beginning, the evil of Dongxuan wanted to create a ghostly world, in fact...

Xia Yi wanted to open the door of the underworld steadily in the immortal realm. What Xia Yi did in the immortal clan was almost equivalent to the evil of Dongxuan in the heavenly spirit, but Xia Yi was no longer the original Xia Yi.

"This town has something to do with that genius, and this town does take in some rebels. Even if I die, it doesn't matter much. I only cover the sky with my hands. Come on, come on and uphold justice."

"I am looking forward to you, Immortal Renxiong, Immortal sage!"

According to his own growth path, Xia Yi carefully planned this incident. It’s not easy to say that if the evil of Dongxuan is still alive, he can still stand by Xia Yi, and if it is willing to deal with the immortal clan, I’m afraid it’s not necessary. He and Xia Yi are called brothers.

Because what they did was exactly the same cruelty.


If what Xia Yi is preparing to do at this moment is put in the past, Xia Yi will definitely not be able to do it. There is no way. Who would let him use kindness as his label, but now he looks away from him before. Very blind, always thinking that Xuanhuang is civilized, so Xuanhuang's values ​​are higher than the surrounding environment.

He strives to live as a good person whose first priority is the rule of law and justice.

Of course, Xuanhuang is indeed civilized, and this will not change, but for a barbaric environment, civilization happens to be the most undesirable. You must adapt to the environment before you have the ability to change the environment. This is the human race, to the end of the primitive days. Appeared, after adapting to the ancient world, it changed to Taoism.

Being kind to the enemy is righteous and commendable, but cruel to the enemy is natural, and there is nothing to say.

Carrying a knife, Xia Yi slowly approached this peaceful town. Ordinary people of the fairy clan actually don’t know the difference between the realms. Even if they know the history of Xuanhuang, if they don’t join the army, they will not particularly resent Xuanhuang. They I still care more about class issues and the small grievances in front of me.

The town at night is actually quite lively. This town seems to be a small town specializing in medicinal plants. The air is full of medicinal fragrance. From a distance, you can see many people passing by on the street. There is a night market. There are no walls in the towns, so you can tell a good idea at a glance.

Several young boys and girls noticed that Xia Yi was approaching. A girl who seemed very lively and chatted with her friends and walked directly towards Xia Yi holding the medicine basket. She didn’t know who she was approaching, and there was What purpose, she just went to give Xia Yi a medicinal herb according to the customs of the town.

"Hello, are you here to collect the medicine? Our town has been operating a medicinal field for generations. The quality of the medicinal herbs is excellent for the entire human race. There are also people from outsiders who come occasionally. If there is anything I can help, please remember Take me here, I am familiar with every household in this town."

The girl's character is very sunny, and her smile is clean and pure. To be honest, this kind of person is the most difficult for Xia Yi to kill, because their souls are innocent, but these things are unavoidable.

Xia Yi asked the Southern Emperor Remnant Soul at the beginning, but he was willing to compromise with him and admit his mistakes, but the Southern Emperor Remnant Soul did not do that at the time. As the great emperor of the immortal clan, Nandi’s character and choices can represent most immortals. Clan, so this also strengthened Xia Yi's determination.

"Then take me to a place where there are rebels, I remember how you called them? It seems to be the rebels, right."


"I am the Nantian Palace Punishment Xianzun. I already know everything and tell me immediately, otherwise I will kill you without mercy."

Xia Yi reported her identity, and the girl's face dimmed a lot in an instant. She didn't expect that the visitor would be unkind. What's more terrifying is that their town can't face such a big Buddha at all. Who is the penalty immortal? The murderous Venerable Iron-Blooded, the traitor trembles three times when he hears this name.

However, she should be able to try to delay for a while, she can do it!

"In this case, please come here, I remember that there seems to be people hiding in the cellar of that house."

The girl turned her head when she finished speaking, winking frantically at her friends, suggesting that her friends told the rebels to run away quickly, but her friends looked surprised, and some even showed fear.


The girl turned her head in confusion, only to see a beam of blade light flashing by, and then her consciousness instantly blurred.

"Be wise, the deity can also be fooled by you?"

"Help the rebellion, add to the crime, kill."

The girl's body weakened weakly, and the flower in her hand fell to the ground and was stained by the blood flowing out. One of the girl's friends screamed and attracted the attention of many people. People looked at Xia Yi's place. Arrived at the corpse at Xia Yi's feet.

Everyone in the town knows the girl, and they all know that she is a very kind person, but why do we encounter this kind of thing today? People slowly reacted to what happened after a short period of consternation. Some people with relatively wide-ranging news almost He recognized Xia Yi in an instant, and quietly informed the people around him.

At this moment many people know...knowing that their help to the rebels has been exposed.

"I don't want to say anything more. The deity came here this time just to capture the rebellion. This woman wants to deceive the deity. Most of them have an affair with the rebels, and she is guilty of death. The rebels who have helped come out to confess their guilt and take the dead, otherwise the town will be destroyed. ."

After that, Xia Yi stood with his hands on his hands, straddling the corpse of the girl and approaching the crowd. People made noise because no one wanted to die, but in this case, the confession would definitely be beheaded on the spot. , The help of this town is indispensable, but the people in this town just sell medicine, and what the medicine is used for is no longer in the scope of their concern.

People hesitated, people were noisy, but no one stood up. Xia Yi waited for about a few minutes, then slowly stretched out his hand, and many people walked out of the darkness behind him. These people are all Xia Yi's subordinates, no. It is Xia Yi's minion.

These people are all revenge people who were rescued by Xia Yi from the rebels, or their family members were killed by the rebels and came to Xia Yi with hatred to work.

"I made dozens of voices, and no one stood up and I gave the order. Your behavior seems small and can be forgiven, but I must be severely punished, otherwise there will be people who will help the rebellion with the mentality that they will not die anyway. Then let the rebellion entrap more innocent people."

"How can this deity let it go?"

After Xia Yi finished speaking, just about to count down, a child walked out and didn’t know where he found a stone and threw it to Xia Yi. Of course, it was impossible to throw it. The stone was suspended in front of Xia Yi, and then it was chopped by a knife. For the dust to float away.

"What innocent people, you are the eagle dogs of the upper class people at all, don't treat us as compatriots at all, you..."

The little child wanted to continue talking. He was immediately covered by the adult next to him. Xia Yi lowered his head and laughed twice. how?

"But I still treat you as compatriots. When you are harmed by the rebels, I will stand firmly on your side. Unfortunately, you have chosen the wrong direction. That's no wonder the deity."

"I'm asking for the last time, if anyone came to claim the crime on their own, if you don't stand up anymore, you will kill many innocent people. My motto is that you would rather kill the wrong than let it go. Anyway, you must die!"


Xia Yi gave the order to die. The people in the town were speechless. Some seemed to figure it out and planned to stand up, but someone beside him took his hand. Xia Yi noticed this small movement. In the realm of cultivation, people have probably started accusing each other and exposing each other a long time ago.

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