But the immortals still protect these people, are they betting that they dare not?

By the way, it is, after all, because a few people slaughtered the town or something, this kind of thing is common in the cultivation world, not common in the immortal world. No one has dared to set this precedent yet. They think Xia Yi is just scaring them, but this is also true. Okay, it's more convenient for Xia Yi's plan to be implemented.

"Really? Is this your choice? You all know what those rebels have done for the so-called fairness. If you still think this is correct, then you are the enemy of the deity."

Xia Yi sighed, then slowly turned around, looked at his minions, and then pointed behind him.

"Let's do it, I have some other things to deal with, whether to kill or catch, you judge for yourself, I hope you can have your own opinions."

Xia Yi said so, but the ending is obvious. After all, these subordinates hate the rebels, and even hate things related to them. Some have their children taken away by the rebels, and some have their love taken away by the rebels. Some people were tortured all day in the camp of the rebels.

To them, anyone who helped the rebels deserved to die.

Xia Yi left, and Xia Yi's subordinates looked at each other one after another, and then...


They rushed to the crowd with weapons in their hands, trampled on the crowd, and the flames of desire for destruction and hatred burned in their hearts until a rebel in the town personally appeared to resist. This further confirmed Xia Yi's statement and made Xia Yi's men. They are even more angry.

What to catch, they are not worthy to live, so they dare to help the rebels and go to hell!

"I remember this medicine, my father was taken by the rebels to refine alchemy after he was given this medicine!"

"This town really said the same as Master Punishment..."

"Everyone, it's time for us to show our loyalty to Master Punishment!"

Xia Yi’s subordinates fell into fanaticism, and their suppressed resentment was vented. Xia Yi personally let them feel the blood and fire, and gave them choices so that they could feel this twisted and ecstatic scene. Xia Yi stood in the cloud and hid himself. He looked at the purgatory beneath him.

It is so similar to Shun Guo back then.

The innocents are crying, the night sky is like a blue sky, the flames are burning, and the body is completely ashes!

This seems to evoke the memories of Xia Yi’s past. Xia Yi thought of his young and immature self for a long time. He once asked himself whether there was justice in the world. At that time, he knew whether it was right, but he thought that when he had enough power, He can be just and fair.

But he was wrong!

After he became stronger, he only changed into a more unconscious evil. He used to sacrifice himself in order to protect more people. He also had noble and righteous times. When he saw everyone in the world as equal, he saw the human nature. Good and evil, they also struggle with each other, finally detaching themselves, understanding, and being in it, but jumping out of the relationship.

Since I am for this world, let this world do it for me before I have this strength!

Now he would rather sacrifice more people for himself, so under his once glorious appearance, his nature...

How can it not be dark?

"Heh... Apart from recalling memories, am I actually numb? What is the so-called strong?"

Xia Yi is no longer the strong at this moment, he is more of an existence than the strong, the overlord, he is respected, and should dominate the survival of the weak.

A small town could not last long. Xia Yi quickly noticed that a young strong man had arrived. After he arrived, he loudly denounced Xia Yi's men. Xia Yi's men didn't care about so many of them, so they drew their swords directly at him. Facing each other, he also drew his sword and vowed revenge.

I have to say that his strength is really high. As an inferior immortal, many pure-blooded immortals are inferior to him. Xia Yi specially sent his subordinates to him to temper his temperament. After all, Xia Yi expects him to become one. Great sages.

"The means are not decisive enough."

"Subconsciously avoid fatal injuries?"

"Still wondering and struggling?"

"It's a great time, but my youth is gone, my blood is cold."

Xia Yi quietly returned to the town and saw a dying old man. He was already stupid. He was surrounded by a few corpses. Maybe just an hour ago, everything was still happy and healthy.

"I'll see you off."

Xia Yi approached him, and the dead ashes escaped from Xia Yi's side, eroding the old man, turning it into a pool of ashes floating away, Xia Yi slowly transformed into an old man's appearance, found a corpse nearby and fell to the ground wailing.

After a while, someone approached from the fire. It was a handsome young man. There were tears in the corners of his eyes and blood in the corners of his mouth. His face couldn't tell whether it was pain or sorrow. He rushed to Xia Yi immediately after finding that there were still alive people. Around.

"Grandpa Jian..."

He seemed to recognize who Xia Yi transformed into, and Xia Yi was not surprised. Originally, this small town was his hometown.

Xia Yi pretended to be silly and crazy, holding a corpse in his arms and singing a lullaby, ignoring the young man. The young man could no longer hold back his tears after watching this scene, and the seven-foot man burst into tears.

"why why……"

He clenched his fists, and slammed his hands on the ground. Tears blurred his eyes. Xia Yi felt that it was almost done, and he suddenly spoke.

"Don't cry, you are... immortals, they are all demons."

"We crave for justice, but in the end ushered in destruction. What did we do wrong? Maybe we shouldn't be born as an inferior immortal."

After speaking, there was a baby crying not far away, and Xia Yi immediately ran over and strangled the baby's neck.

"Go to death, in order not to be tortured in the future..."

"I did it for your own good..."

"Hurry up and reincarnate as a pure-blood immortal!"

With hoarse laughter and crazy language, the fairy clan genius stared at all this in a daze, but after he reacted, the baby was dead and the old man died completely. At the end of this weird and absurdity, there was something in his heart. It broke, but something happened again.


"Why why why!"


He couldn't suppress the emotions that burst out in his heart, and shouted at the same place. The dead baby quietly opened his eyes and gave the old man a look. The old man immediately stared back seriously, and the baby immediately continued to pretend to be dead.

To be honest, even the mirage dragon thinks Xia Yi is too much, but how Xia Yi came to the mirage dragon also knows that Xia Yi exterminated evil in the first half of his life, and because he had seen too many evils, he eventually became an evil, but it is also more real. Human-oriented good and evil are intertwined, and Xia Yi is also good and evil.


In the sea of ​​fire, the genius of the fairy clan was still stunned, as if he had given up his mind. He slowly got up, limping back and intending to continue searching for people who were still alive. Xia Yi sighed after seeing that his temperament was still bad. A little bit.

When his subordinates encountered a powerful enemy, they must have sent him a message. According to common sense, the penalty Xianzunxian would rush to him immediately. Isn't this boy afraid of death?

No way, Xia Yi can only continue to think of ways to guide him.

"A mirage, wait a while and turn into an immortal and come back."

After that, Xia Yi used his superficial understanding of the illusion to temporarily become another old man. This level can be seen through by any venerable person, but fortunately, the other party only has the cultivation level of the great sage, so he still wants to see through Xia Yi. It was very difficult. Knowing his cultivation level, Xia Yi didn't dare to bring a Saint King, for fear of accidentally killing him.

After a while, the bewildered young man in the sea of ​​fire saw an old man walking towards him. He did not seem to be a survivor, because his breath was very strong, and he even had respect. The old man in front of him was a venerable, a genius of the fairy clan. How to judge, but why is there a Venerable here?

"Actually... has it become like this? Those guys above are really indifferent."

The old man sighed sadly, not hostile to the fairy clan genius. The fairy clan genius looked at the old man and didn't know who the old man was.

"You have killed so many of Xianzun's subordinates and haven't rushed to escape. What can you change if you have this time to be discouraged?"

The old man's words seemed to stimulate the fairy clan genius, and there was finally a hint of radiance in his confused eyes.

"I want to ask why Xianzun Penalty does this..."

"Then he will only kill you. Why do you think that punishment of Xianzun can make the rebels frightened? He relies on these methods. The offenders die. In his eyes, the crime is insignificant, and you will die if you touch it."

"who are you……"

"A holy priest who hid, I am an inferior immortal, and I don't want to be a dog for the five-party heavenly palace, so I live in seclusion in the mountains, because I can't get used to the style of punishment that has been hostile to him, and I was almost killed by him. I didn't want to show up this time, but I think it's a pity that you are dead."

"I'm dead... a pity?"

"Yes, you are an inferior immortal like me. Your talent is not low. We are weak now. Don't even think of confronting the Five Heaven Palaces. Even those rebels are mostly mobs. They need a leader, a A true leader, not a mediocrity who immediately begins to enjoy when he becomes a leader."

"Then why are you..."

"I'm tired and can't fight anymore, but I want to fight, but if you are different, you can fight for justice."


The fairy clan genius chewed the word justice repeatedly, only feeling that he had found some goal.

"No...He's here, go!"

Just when the fairy clan genius wanted to ask something, a figure stood high in the sky looking down at the old man and the fairy clan genius. The fairy clan genius raised his head and couldn't help trembling at it. That kind of majesty and murderous aura is frightening. .

Xia Yi had to say that the mirage dragon pretends to be really like, he has eight points of charm!

"Go! I'll stop him."

"But your safety?"

"I am also respected. I can escape. I showed up for you. I have remembered your breath. I can track you down."

"I have learned a secret technique, and I have a god-level forbidden device, maybe I can..."

"Go! Don't think anything, don't think you can get revenge right now. You are like an ant in the eyes of the venerable. Think about everything you encountered today. Would you rather stop here? I can't protect you in battle."

Xia Yi feels outrageous now, can't he be a little obedient? This genius of the fairy clan clenched his fist and watched the penalty Xianzun gritted his teeth in mid-air. Afterwards, he probably figured it out. He bowed to Xia Yi and turned and left. The penalty Xianzun fell to the ground, and the earth immediately It was a violent tremor.

Fire and ashes swept across the ruins of the town. The fairy clan genius did not dare to look back. He was angry and hated, but he deeply felt his own cowardice. He was also in the Northern Emperor's Immortal Mansion at the time, and he saw the punishment with his own eyes. Immortal Venerable Fighting the Venerable of Beitian Palace, he still worshipped the dominance of punishment of Immortal Venerable, but now only fear is left.

He did not want to flee, until after he fled, he turned around, the town was still shrouded in a cloud of destruction like fire, and he will never forget everything that happened today. He originally wanted to join the five-party heavenly palace. Waiting for the immortal people to fight for the right to speak, but now he finds that he is grossly wrong, and a nobleman is not willing to join the five-party heavenly palace!

What kind of existence the inferior immortals are, he understands, he knows, they shouldn't be born!

Dignified immortal clan, is there no justice in the immortal world of Nuo Da? Didn't anyone come out to preside over justice? He was desperate for the immortal clan at the moment, but when he remembered the words of the old man, a venerable person appeared and took a risk to save him, he felt that he must still be useful.

Although the rebels are also seeking justice, they are too scattered and they are totally embarrassed to use them. Apart from relying on blood to restrict their survival, they are all bandits and bandits. Only a few rebel groups are really fighting for justice, but they are broken by other rebels. reputation.

Nowadays, the penalty immortal statue is present in the world. In the name of justice, rebels who practice selfishness will be eliminated. Only when they truly advance for a goal can there be cohesion, and first of all, there must be a strong leader!

The fairy clan genius thought about this in his heart, did not dare to stop, and flew away at full speed in the air. Those familiar faces were all annihilated by the fire. He spread out his hand with a red-stained flower in his hand. It was him. Picked up at Zhenkou, the girl who died in Zhenkou was the one who grew up with her childhood sweetheart!

Looking at this flower, he thought of the past bits and pieces in his heart, and remembered the promise he had made. If he was not really talented, he could make an exception and be selected into the Northern Emperor Immortal Mansion. Perhaps he had already formed a family with her.

He couldn’t believe that tonight’s misfortune came. If he could, he hoped that it was a dream, and all the goodness in his heart would be burned overnight. He was discriminated against by the pure-blood immortals in the Northern Emperor’s Immortal Mansion. His hometown is the warmth of his heart. But now ?


All are in the past. Only he is still alive in this world. Since he is still alive, then he must make changes. Sooner or later he will step on the head of the penalty Xianzun on the ground with his feet, making him regret what he has done today. !

His eyes slowly became firmer. He knew what he really should be looking for is justice and righteousness. It is not as innocent as the crime. What the penalty Xianzun did is the epitome of the immortal clan class, and he doesn't take it down at all. Waiting for the immortals to be cruel as their compatriots.

You don’t think of me as a human being. Why do I think of you as the master? If there is a chance, he will subvert the Five Heaven Palace!


A few days later, a surprising news came out, but it was not a fact. It was a story compiled by Xia Yi. There were few people who knew the truth, and he stood above the righteousness. What he said was very good. Easy to be believed.

That is a small town kindly took in rebels. After he tracked it down, he sent people to arrest them. Those rebels frantically killed the innocents in the small town during the rebellion to vent their anger. In addition, there were strong rebels, which he did not count. As a result, his subordinates also sacrificed a lot. For this penalty, Xianzun publicly apologized, saying that it was because he despised the fugitive rebels and did not personally take responsibility to the end, which caused the poor town to suffer misfortune.

Xia Yi dealt with it very well afterwards. He even went to express his condolences, and sent someone to find the body of the victim and bury it. Both his subordinates and the people in the town were buried well, but in fact, no one blamed Xia Yi. Originally, Xia Yi didn't have many faults, but those rebels were too crazy.

Xia Yi is now punishing the Immortal Venerable in a majestic manner. People will not doubt his words subconsciously, even if he ordered the destruction of the town, but an ordinary town is not worthy of an immortal Venerable deliberately planning.

The truth of the matter was buried in this way, and no one went to dig it. Because of this incident, the immortal people began to re-examine the rebels and the rebels in their eyes.

After half a month, Nantian Palace's actions against the rebels slowed down slightly, focusing on the search, and the people began to be willing to provide some information. After all, the rebels were forced to even destroy the town in the end. After doing this, the people have begun to worry.

Even if the Five Heaven Palaces ignore them more or less, at least they have their responsibility. Unlike the rebels, they have no sense of responsibility at all. Once they feel that they are about to be destroyed, they can do anything.

In the south of the region, somewhere in the mountains, Xia Yi used the source-seeking technique to track the fairy clan genius who had fled before. He came here, feeling that the other party was hiding in it. Xia Yi changed his body and became the old man who had saved him before. Approached the forest.

The fairy world is still very vast, the overall area is definitely more than twice or even close to three times that of Tianling, so even if there are more immortal people than Tianling people, it is also vast and sparsely populated, and there are large tracts of mountains and rivers that are uninhabited and uninhabited. People visit, the fairy clan has no villages, the smallest settlements are all towns, and they are all included in the records of the Wufang Tiangong.

Therefore, the rebels can find so many hiding places in the fairy world.

"A single domain alone has inexhaustible resources. If you have such good conditions, you still go to conquer the outer domain. The immortal clan is really greedy. The central immortal emperor is the first evil, but the immortal ancestor should be good."

During Xia Yi’s time in the immortal world, he has more or less investigated the history of the immortal clan. Immortal ancestor was also a genius in Taikoo. He was originally a member of the Dharma and God Realm. Combining the advantages of the innate creatures and the acquired creatures, he created the fairy clan, and his original intention may be that the human race can fight against the original innate creatures more powerfully.

However, the immortal clan created the largest civil strife in the human race in history, and ignored the ordinary human race. The word immortal appeared in the ancient times. People rely on the mountain to be the immortal, and the immortal is the mountain that guards the people. Why did the immortal ancestor let the immortal race It's an immortal clan, and the meaning can't be more obvious.

He gave the fairy clan the best conditions to hope that the fairy clan can become the mountain of the human race, but the fairy clan wants to plunder the mountain on which the human race depends for survival. The pride of the innate creatures and the selfishness of the acquired creatures.

Perhaps Xianzu himself did not expect that he had worked hard all his life but created a deep and fiery bane. If he had known this, he would definitely not create the immortal clan again. Xianzu could have become no less inferior to the three great Kaitian emperors in the history of the human race. Existing, Xia Yi only felt that Xianzu was a pity.

All the members of the immortal clan today can be regarded as deceiving their masters and destroying the ancestors. Until the central immortal emperor appeared, the immortal clan still focused on dealing with the innate gods. The five-party heavenly palace may still exist in the other four quarters, but the central heavenly palace must be destroyed!

It was probably because of this that Emperor Yan burned the Central Heavenly Palace with an inextinguishable Xuanhuang fire for 100,000 years.

In the dense forest, the former fairy clan genius noticed that someone was approaching. He has nowhere to go now, and he doesn’t know what to do next. Even if he has a decision, he needs to spend time thinking about the future, because he I have never experienced such a thing before, and I have said one thing, and compared with him, Xia Yi, who had only the cultivation of the sky at the beginning, was actually very good at heart.

Xia Yi only wavered at the time of the incident, and after making up his mind, he was no longer confused.

The genius of the immortal clan started to pay attention to the surroundings, and finally saw the old man who had saved his life before, but the old man's body was injured, and his aura was not as strong as before.

"Senior? Are you okay?"

There is a trace of worry in the eyes of the genius of the fairy clan. In his opinion, this old man should be more powerful among the venerables, but he was still wounded like this by the penalty Xianzun. He still remembers the time when the penalty Xianzun made trouble in the Beidi Xianfu , In fact, it’s pretty good that the old man can escape safely from the penalty Xianzun.

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