"It's okay, that penalty almost stripped me of my skin. Have you received any follow-up news recently?"

"What follow-up news?"

"The fact of the town's demise was distorted by the penalty Xianzun and Nantian Temple. It was said that it was a rebel who frantically wanted to take him as a hostage, and then he was killed after he discovered that it was impossible."

"Ah? Doesn't that mean that the facts are not known at all? Then the penalty Xianzun just covers the sky with one hand in Yunan?"

"It's an exaggeration to cover the sky with only one hand, but a small town is destroyed. He can distort the facts at will. Spinning town originally belonged to a relatively small town."

Xia Yi spoke slowly. The genius of the fairy clan lowered his head and said nothing, as if he was discouraged. His xinxing was really not strong enough. He was still hoping to see the people opposing the punishment of the immortal.

"What's the matter? I gave up again? This is the truth. Whether you believe it or not, do you think these things are so easy to do? Why do you think I am a venerable person hiding in Tibet? If it is not because there is still a trace in my heart Hopefully, I have already travelled far and high to go to other realms."

"To be honest, your performance made me a little disappointed. I even began to think that taking a risk to save you is not necessarily the right thing to do, but I won't regret anything at this point. What you should do is your personal freedom."

"Whether to be oppressed to death, or to raise the anti-flag."

The identity and conditions of the other party meet Xia Yi's requirements, but lack of character is a weakness. To be honest, Xia Yi is considering whether to change people. After all, his desire to become a sage is better than anything else.

(I have had a bad cold these days, it’s very uncomfortable today. Dove.)

twenty one

The first time the other party experienced this kind of thing, it was certain that he was not used to it, and in fact, this fairy clan genius was not self-defeating, he just knew himself better, he didn't think he could do such a big thing.

"Senior, I just feel that I don’t have enough power. If I think about it carefully, no matter how talented I am, I am just an inferior fairy, just a person. The formed rules, can I really do it?"

He did think a lot when he was emotional at first, but once he calmed down, his reason would tell him how impossible it was. He wasn't a fool. Can an idiot cultivate to the great sage? Of course not!

He is an inferior immortal who can be selected into the Northern Emperor Immortal Mansion. Compared to many pure-blooded immortals of the same age, he is better than many pure-blooded immortals of the same age. It is enough to show that he is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He has been thinking all this time, but he discovered that he Even one direction cannot be set.

"It's difficult, otherwise I won't be able to become a respectable person and hide in hiding. But you have to know that someone has to do these things. I did it and I failed. So I found you, even if you failed. , Can also find the next person, sooner or later the opportunity will come."

"That is to say, don't ask at the end, do it hard, take one step at a time?"

"It's the best for now."

Xia Yi nodded. This guy is not stupid. He can understand what he meant. This fairy clan genius must be unwilling. His hometown was destroyed and treated like that. He couldn’t bear it as if nothing had happened. If he doesn't do anything, he will feel uneasy for the rest of his life.

"I will try to join the rebels, I don't know where I can go, I don't know where I can live, but I will try my best, and now I have nowhere to go anyway."

The words of the fairy clan genius are still somewhat hopeless, and he feels that he will live first. He has not yet come out of sadness and unwillingness. Thinking is thinking, but he has not considered the real situation. What is the best way to do it of.

"Idiot, there is nowhere to go? What is nowhere to go? You are also a great sage anyhow, has your mind been stupid by cultivation? Do you think about that day carefully, who knows who killed the punishment? Is you?"

"Didn't the penalty immortal see it?"

"Yes, but what about it? Where did you originally study art?"

"The Northern Emperor...Xianfu..."

This fairy clan genius immediately reacted to something. Didn’t Punishment Xianzun have a big conflict with the Lord of the Beitian Palace not long ago? The Lord of the Beitian Palace looked gentle at the time, but almost everyone heard the tone of the Lord of the Beitian Palace. Warning.

"You go straight back, and the penalty immortal dare to run to the Beitian Temple to ask someone to fail? Even if he dares to ask, will the Lord of the Beitian Palace give it? You have to know that this is not about what you did, but about the Beitian Temple. The face of a Lord of the Heavenly Palace in the main hall, he was punished by Xianzun to slap him in the face last time, it is impossible to be beaten again!"

"It's reasonable, but if I go back, how can I raise the flag of opposition? There are almost no rebels in Yubei."

"Not now, there will be more in the future."

Xia Yi smiled. After being reminded by him, this guy finally had a little confidence. He still understood that his own strength was the most important thing. Joining the traitor meant losing the advantage he had finally accumulated. His talents would be nowhere to be used and without resources. Without the guidance of a mentor, there is no status.

But in the Northern Emperor Xianfu, all this is still preserved.

"Senior, what does this mean, is it possible that senior do you have any secret information?"

"Don't you know how to think? Yunan has penalty Xianzun. As the punishment of Xianzun's actions become more and more serious, the rebels can only escape from Yunan. Their best choice is Yubei, and the other is Beitian Palace. The Lord has hatred with punishment, and will never condone punishment in Yubei’s misbehavior. Second, Yubei has good conditions. Rebels can join the sect or even build their own sect. The Lord of the Beitian Palace punishes Xianzun for disgusting reasons, or even I will support it secretly."

Xia Yi’s perspective on things is very different from that of this fairy genius. Xia Yi thinks directly from the people who really decide the development of the situation among high-level people, and finds the context from the overall situation. However, the fairy genius can only look at some simple things. Courage is courage, but not careful enough. After all, the way of cultivating young people of the fairy clan is not as good as the cultivation world.

Young geniuses in the cultivation world, who have some ability, can be said to be human spirits. Take Lu Yingli as an example. He was defeated by Xia Yi a long time ago, and Tianjun was unable to leave a name in the battle. , But his ability in conspiracy is definitely better than Xia Yi.

Xia Yi can do evil within the fairy clan, or rely on his cultivation skills. He is a respect! If not, Xia Yi would never have been so smooth.

"I understand what I am going to do... If the rebels really come to Yubei, the identity of the immortals below me can easily penetrate into them and be easily recognized by them. They will be the time to make things worse, and mine No matter how small it is, support is a help in the snow."

Let's start by standing among the rebels. With these advantages, he might really be able to slowly lead the rebels.

"But the key is that the rebel's combat power is too low. I don't think I can face the Wufang Immortal Palace. Even the disabled Nantian Palace also has a penalty Immortal Venerable!"

This is the reason why the fairy clan genius thinks that the counter-turmoil is the most impossible to complete. The gap between the two is too large. After hearing this, Xia Yi suddenly laughed.

"Those who win the hearts of the people win the world. Think about what stratum of the immortal clan now mainly constitutes. In order to maintain their blood, those pure-blooded immortals are unwilling to compromise. I am afraid that the number has not increased much in these 100,000 years. , Let alone the descendants of the five immortal emperors, even if the top combat power is all concentrated on the upper level, the immortal clan will not work without you."

"If the upper class does not compromise with you, Dao Fa, the vastness, the heavenly spirit, and even the Xuanhuang, these four realms will definitely look at you, and will find opportunities to bite the immortals. The reason why the immortals are scared is because of their unity. , The fairy clan is not as good as other realms."

"What the rebels have to do is not to overthrow by force, but to gather together to force the palace, grasp the general situation, and use it to fend off the enemy. Without our army of inferior immortals, other realms will no longer be afraid of the immortals!"

"We are the master of the immortal clan!"

After Xia Yi finished speaking, this fairy clan genius opened his eyes wide, his heart beating wildly, and he finally looked at the problem from a very high angle. He saw the feasibility, and countering chaos was no longer impossible, rebellious. This is the stubborn disease of the immortal clan, there are oppressed inferior immortals everywhere, otherwise the immortal clan will not be able to maintain the existing system.

twenty two

Xia Yi smiled and stood watching the fairy clan genius thinking for himself. He had already pointed out the way to the other party. Xia Yi actually didn't expect the rebels to do any great things, but he could split the fairy clan and let others Realm knows that the military spirit of the fairy clan army is broken.

The fairy clan had feuds with many realms one hundred thousand years ago. These realms were only based on the great strength of the celestial race and did not dare to say anything. In this way, one's top combat power can compete with the top combat power of other realms.

Every venerable of the immortal clan has many things in common. After all, they grew up in the same way, but the venerables of the cultivation world are different, because everyone is killed by himself, although Xia Yi hates the sky. Ding Lao Zun, but Tian Ding Lao Zun's old but calm domineering is not special?

And this strategy is nothing more than a simple devouring strategy.

"Thank you, senior, for your advice. The junior already has ideas, but the junior still has some doubts at this time. I still think it's better for seniors to do it by themselves? Why..."

The fairy clan genius hadn't finished speaking yet, Xia Yi gave a wry smile and let out his true aura. Under the seemingly powerful dignity, there was a strong death spirit, which made the fairy clan genius frown, with a very bad premonition. .

"My life is almost exhausted, and the time limit has come. I used to become a deity for the immortal people. I overdrawn too much potential and vitality. I even made use of all kinds of profound arts to achieve it. , My road has been blocked, I can only hope for your descendants."

"Not long ago, I punished Xianzun with me, which caused my little lifespan to be reduced a lot. Every time I did it, I was struggling with my life. Do you think I don’t want to host it myself? I just want to live to see the five. The day Fang Tiangong admitted his mistake."


The fairy clan genius didn’t know why, and he was deeply moved at this moment. This is one of the few of their inferior immortals. In order to save his overdraft life from the punishment of the immortal, he actually sighed here. I don't think this is possible, that's impossible, it's a waste of all the pains of the seniors.

This senior said before that he was disappointed in himself, even now he is also disappointed in his previous self.

"I will do it well! No matter how impossible it is, but if you don't do it, there is absolutely no possibility!"

He regained his conviction and courage, and wanted to fight against the Wufang Tiangong. Xia Yi smiled relievedly. You brat finally got the hang of it.

Not in vain, I deliberately destroyed your hometown and sent my men to kill you to train you!

"Very well, you would be willing to be my apprentice. I traveled to Outland in my early years. I learned a lot of Outland's Taoism, which is good for your growth. Besides, I will help you with anything else."

Xia Yi offered to accept a disciple. Of course, Xia Yi didn't regard him as a real disciple, and Xia Yi's real disciple was also shut down. This fairy clan genius kneeled and bowed directly after hearing the words. The meaning was already obvious.

"Respect the teacher, please be worshipped by the disciple!"

He was very respectful to Xia Yi. After all, he had killed the person who was punishing the Immortal Venerable in anger before, and he was still alive thanks to this old Venerable.

"Okay, okay, okay, yes, I don't know your name as a teacher yet, what is your name?"

"My name is Xian Juexiao, how do you call Master?"


The second identity Xia Yi doesn't matter. The name is nonsense. It is not a big problem to say that his real name is not a big problem. Xian Juexiao has this name in his heart. This is the name of his mentor.

Next, Xia Yi began to preach, both in body refining and soul training, to make up for what Xian Juexiao lacks, and the days to come will be long, so he can slowly formulate his growth path. It doesn’t matter if the cultivation is abolished.

Anyway, Xia Yi only needs Xian Juexiao to have a temporary foothold among the rebels and be able to take on the responsibility of cultivation. If he can immediately become respected now, the price is that he will never want to make a step forward in his life, then Xia Yi Will definitely agree.

Xian Juexiao listened very carefully. Xia Yi originally wanted to teach the magic way. The magic way is the most suitable, but now is not the time. Xian Juexiao is a person with a bottom line. He must break through his bottom line before he can make him willingly. There are many ways to fall into the magical way, but they all take time.

Xian Juexiao’s hometown and relatives have died not long ago, and his bottom line is gone. Today’s bottom line is the justice he insists on, but as long as he can break it a second time, his sense of justice can be compromised. He must first Become a sage, and then fall into the magical way.

The easiest way is for Xia Yi to become Xian Juexiao's second bottom line.

Xia Yi already had a plan at this moment. First, let Xian Juexiao feel grateful to him, and let him regard himself as a father-like person, a kind and good master, and then the drama of punishment to Zhan Xianyi was cruel. , It must be very excessive, but also in front of him!

When the hometown was destroyed, the master was killed, Xian Juexiao would definitely hate the house and the bird when the time came, and the hatred of the penalty Xianzun would be brought to the entire senior immortal clan.

In this way, he taught Xian Juexiao to practice in the dense forest for a period of time. Xia Yi left temporarily on the grounds of recuperating his injuries, and let Xian Juexiao return to Yubei as soon as possible. His new plan was about to begin to be implemented, and it was almost time to let the rebels. All rolled to Yubei to help.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye, and there was no major action in Penal Immortal Venerable for the time being, making people feel that the last time the rebels destroyed the town might make Penal Immortal a bit self-blaming, and the rebels privately felt that this could be contained if it could be restrained. It is also good to punish the immortal, but there are still many rebels who oppose it.

After all, doing so will completely lose their few popular advantages. What is the difference between them and mountain bandits? The rebels are so called by the Wufang Tiangong. Their true identity is the rebels. Recently, many rebels have done stupid things. The blood pill and the extermination of the spinning town have caused the rebel’s reputation to be greatly affected. Blow.

The more powerful rebel groups have told other rebel groups that they must not commit stupidity again, otherwise they do not need to be punished, and they will destroy themselves internally, and they must restore the trust of the people.

Nantian Temple, Nantian Temple.

Xian Ruyi recently began to frequently involve in government affairs and deal with various affairs of Yunan. Usually there are not so many things that need to be dealt with by the Lord of the Heavenly Palace. Xian Ruyi did this to show her ability, but in the eyes of some people But it is Xian Ruyi's eagerness to stabilize his authority.

And the truth?

In fact, it is not Xian Ruyi that decides everything at all, but the person behind Xian Ruyi, the penalty Xianzun who listens to politics.

twenty three

One afternoon, Xian Ruyi summoned the people from Nantian Temple and held a meeting in the Nantian Temple for a whole morning. According to Xia Yi’s intention, Xian Ruyi asked the entire Yunan to search for all information about the rebels, and it was clear to collect. , It is obvious that Nantian Temple is ready to completely solve the problem of the rebels.

Or maybe it was done to the public. The destruction of the town can be big or small, but after all, it was the first time the fairy clan encountered this kind of thing. Since the death of the Lord of the Nantian Palace, the rebels of Yunan have been bold enough to do everything. Fortunately, there is no major trouble caused by the suppression of the punishment of Xianzun.

After the palace meeting ended, Xian Ruyi naturally took advantage of his position and went to the penalty hall in the name of the palace lord. The good name was to discuss business affairs and supervise work. In fact, he did something that everyone did not understand during the day and understood at night.

Regarding this point, Xia Yi also felt quite that. A lady like Xian Ruyi rarely touched that aspect of things since she was a child, and now she is finally together with her favorite man. That’s what she wants to do every day. "It made Xia Yi more and more uncomfortable. He is now a cultivator. Isn't it okay to spend more time thinking about cultivation?

Xia Yi only had time to contact Xian Duofu after dismissing Xianruyi. This guy would report to Xia Yi about his current situation. Just as Xia Yi imagined, Xian Duo Fu was threatened by the rebels, and Xian Duo Fu relied on it. The style of being greedy for life and fear of death secretly helped the rebels a lot, even directly smuggling resources.

This has allowed Xian Duofu to have a fairly good relationship with the rebels. After all, the rebels are still divided into factions. Those who were wiped out by Xia Yi on a large scale are those who have no sense of responsibility among the rebels, and rely solely on rebellion. Enjoy the waste of the quick revenge, refine the blood pill and catch the immortal Ruyi, it is them who are killed by Xia Yi.

This time Xia Yi asked Xian Duofu to secretly inform the rebels of the so-called "internal intelligence", that is, the penalty Xianzun has grasped all the rebels' gathering places, and is planning a real one-stop sweep, so as not to reproduce the spinning town. Xia Yi also I specifically informed Xian Duo Fu of the secret stronghold among the rebels, making it easier for the rebels to trust Xian Duo Fu.

As for the Nantian Temple’s approach is purely to fool the rebels, making them feel that the Nantian Temple is only beginning to spend their time searching. In fact, the Nantian Temple is spreading its manpower to various places to block the escape of the rebels and sending a large number of people to search. Just a cover.

Not long after Xian Duofu informed the rebels about the news, the rebel group in Yunan was panicked. The punishment to Immortal Venerable was really cruel enough to unknowingly grasp all their hiding places and gathering places. If they stayed in 80% of Yunan was wiped out by a single net, and the rebels immediately decided to flee north, without requiring Xiandofu's special reminder.

Many people in the fairy world know the contradiction between Beitian Palace and Xianzun Penalty. After all, Xianzun Penalty was too overbearing at the time. He grabbed the daughter of the Lord of the Beitian Palace and slapped him directly, and even beat the Venerable of the Northern Territory. The Lord of the Beitian Palace could forgive Xia Yicai. Weird, being able to endure this tone is all about giving face to the Central Heavenly Palace.

In this way, the rebels seized the time to flee northward, but even so, it was still a step too late. The penalty Xianzun was intercepted in the middle, and at the cost of sacrificing 40% of the combat power, the remaining 60% of the rebels finally moved from Yunan came to Yubei, and the rebels had so many troops to escape 60%. They still knew their plan to punish the immortal. If it wasn’t for the news of Xian Duofu in time, God knows if the punishment will kill them. .

The rebels suffered a huge loss and were almost injured. After fled into the northern region, they broke into pieces and scattered directly. Some entered the mountains and forests, some hid in the sects, some ran to the town to fight together, and the rebels continued to maintain their gathering places. I didn't dare to do this, and I was completely afraid of being beaten by the penalty Xianzun.

How many of the 40% of the Yunan rebels are there? Over a million, some rebels and even their ancestors have been rebels for generations. They have fled in exile since they were young. So many people died in Yunan and were buried on the spot by the penalty immortal. The killing and killing caused many people to criticize because of During this process, many families of rebels wanted to say something nice, even forced by fate, they were directly cut off by the penalty immortal.

Even the people who helped the rebels were thrown into the prison and punished. The rebels died, and most of the pure-blooded immortals were definitely on Xia Yi's side. Those hateful rebels were all dead. Okay!

Inferior immortals say that punishment of Xianzun is cruel? Cruel ass, the rebels destroy your town, and you still speak for them. It's so stupid that you deserve to be wiped out by the rebels!

These remarks began to spread among the pure-blood immortals, and of course someone's help was indispensable behind them, but these words did speak to the pure-blood immortals' hearts, but they were only heard by the inferior immortals, but they were not feelings in their hearts.

After all, the Rebels had never attacked them before. They only robbed some pure-blooded immortals, and would not even kill them. The Rebels still don’t know what it means to be adequate, but the Rebels have broken through the bottom line three times in the past few times. Maybe someone is behind them deliberately. Is it a bad thing to borrow the name of the rebel army?

Could it be the penalty that Xianzun deliberately sent someone to pretend to be a rebel and destroy the town?

Such voices are more easily accepted by the inferior immortals, and there is naturally someone behind them who is promoting these remarks.

True and false, false and false, true and true, the punishment is good or bad. People have different opinions. Naturally, Xia Yi doesn’t care what the immortals think of him, but the contradiction and mutual hatred between the pure-blood immortals and the inferior immortals are different. Only increase without decrease.

Two classes, two voices, one firmly defends the reputation of the penalty immortal, and the other frantically slanders. Xia Yi personally asks Xian Duofu to devote himself to the rebels, and asks the rebels to find a way to slander themselves in Yunan. There must be reasons. Within.

After all, no one likes to be blamed.

Xia Yi’s key purpose is only one, and that is to make the lower-level immortals’ hatred of the higher-levels spread like a virus, eventually spreading across the immortals. The number of rebels is too small, and nothing can be done. If you want to shake the foundation of the immortals, just Half of the inferior immortals oppose the five-party heavenly palace, which is basically enough.

The plan is carried out in an orderly manner, and the penalty immortal who is on the cusp of the storm is happy, embracing the beauties in the penalty hall, drinking wine, whether it is a rebel, inferior immortal, pure-blood immortal, or Wufang Tiangong...

He can help any party, and he can also be hostile to any party.

He is not targeting any party, he just wants to bury them all!

This is just the beginning of the Nantian Rebellion. After stepping into the southern sky, the next is Broken Lingxiao, just waiting to make a big disturbance in the heaven!

twenty four

Yu Nan’s action against the rebels was vigorous and vigorous. In less than a month, except for a few rebels, they were still living among the crowd to create rumors. The vast majority of the rebels escaped from Yu Nan, although the rebels were not cured. , But at least Yu Nan can say goodbye to the rebels completely.

As long as the penalty Xianzun still exists for one day, the rebels will never want to make another storm.

Xia Yi did not specifically explain the various suspicions of the people. He did nothing but people of the two classes could quarrel. Now that the goal has been achieved, why should he make such a fuss? Those who support him say that he is innocent and has never done anything, so why do you need to explain.

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