Xian Yueyin said her own guess. Even if she was not sure, these words still made Xia Yi's heart cool. This woman's instincts were too accurate.

"Looking at your expression, I should be right. You might as well investigate Xian Duo Fu as early as possible."

Xia Yi didn't notice the change in his expression at the moment. He was sure he was expressionless, but after Xian Yueyin finished speaking, Xia Yi touched his face subconsciously. Xian Yueyin smiled after seeing this action. Suddenly, at this moment, Xia Yi realized that this was her real temptation.

How boring is this woman, and how many people have she observed?

"It's really hard to relax chatting with you, what you said earlier about not disturbing each other? It's fun to investigate me?"

"Compared to every day that stays the same, you are really interesting."

"I am a Venerable. Are you teasing a Venerable?"

"I just think about what my father said, I can hardly violate it. I just start by getting to know you and let me like you slowly, but I found out that I couldn't do it. Just like you hate me, the more I investigate, the more I feel about you. The conspiracy is very big. My father will not doubt you because of his absolute confidence. Even if you have doubts, he will ignore it. My father is such a person."

"I am afraid that I am telling my father about this now. I guess he won't do anything to you. He always thinks that he is the most correct. Of course, he has always been correct."

Xian Yueyin said a long string of words. Xia Yi couldn't figure out the purpose of Xian Yueyin. What did she want to do?

"Xianyueyin, I should have said, don't try to figure out people's hearts, your habit is very bad."

According to Xianyueyin’s words, Xia Yi guessed that even the Central Palace Master was constantly being figured out by her own daughter. Xianyueyin seemed to be very keen to observe others and even had experience. Even Xia Yi was watched by Xianyueyin. Many things came out.

Thinking about it now, this might be the reason why Xia Yi's first impression of Xian Yueyin thought the other party was dangerous.

"I know, I just want you to understand how boring I am, lest you really waste my youth for some boring reasons. I am also a young woman at any rate, and I also want to meet my destiny. people."

"Don't worry, even if you don't do this, I won't be interested in you."

"I just add another insurance. To be honest, I am not very interested in strategy, wealth, interests, etc. What are you doing, I just want to travel without restraint."

After saying these words, Xian Yueyin revealed a rare real smile. Xia Yi was silent for a moment, not feeling that Xian Yueyin was telling lies, because this kind of person was not unavailable, and Xia Yi had thought about it when he was a child. If possible, he really wants to let go of everything and travel the world carefree.

And the old white dragon buried in the dragon tomb has directly achieved this goal. To be honest, Xia Yi was quite envious of it.

"So you talk so much nonsense, just tell me not to plan you in?"

"It's almost what it means."

"Then you can rest assured."

Xia Yi didn’t dare to do anything to Xian Yueyin. She was able to say these words, indicating that she still didn’t realize her true purpose. Fame is just a person who has a history.

Knowing the purpose of Xianyueyin, Xia Yi can more or less touch Xianyueyin’s character. She does not have a strong sense of belonging to the fairy clan. She has her own view of good and evil and will not be easily influenced by racial emotions. , It can be said that she is neutral, of course, it can also be seen as having no position.

As long as she hasn't noticed how much damage Xia Yi has done to the immortal clan, she will not interfere. This is the only good news that Xia Yi has recently learned. She is working hard to get rid of the shackles of the world.

"Well, thank you very much, indeed, I like people who hate me more than people who like me."


Xianyueyin did not stay in the penalty hall for a long time. After saying what he wanted to say to Xia Yi, he left without a trace. Xia Yi stared at the door of the penalty hall, unable to move his eyes away. Her eyes are too sharp. How long has she been to Nantian Palace, she has actually seen so many things clearly.

Perhaps it is precisely because of being unrestrained that one can think about issues from an absolutely neutral perspective, and it is not easy to be biased by one's own prejudices. Everyone has their own prejudices, which are part of the character, and Xia Yi is no exception.

Just as some people say that human nature is inherently good, others say that human nature is inherently evil, Xia Yi feels that there is no such thing as good or evil.

You are good and you are righteous, and you are evil and you are justified, nothing more.

"Tsk...troublesome woman."

Xia Yi really hoped that Xian Yueyin quickly find a Taoist priest in the Xian clan to find a way to get tired of being together every day, and don't come to Nantian Temple to cause him trouble, and the central palace lord also has something wrong with him, what does he treat his own daughter?

However, the immortal world pays more attention to blood than any human realm. This is also true. Isn't the core of the contradiction between the two classes because of blood?

Xia Yi calmed down and continued to study the formation, but it was not long before the gate of the penalty hall was pushed open again. Xia Yi raised his head impatiently, but this time the person who came in was not Xianyueyin, but Xianyueyin. Ruyi, her face couldn't tell whether it was nervous or worried.

"Brother Xianhuan, I heard that sister Yueyin came to Nantian Palace? And between you..."

"Nothing has happened yet. The Central Palace Master meant nothing. Xian Yueyin and I didn't mean that to each other."

Xian Ruyi should have just left the customs because her realm has improved, but her aura is still a little unstable. It is estimated that she wanted to come to Xia Yi to announce her good news, but she did not expect to hear about Xianyueyin.


"What I lied to you, it would be better to say that I am very annoyed by such compulsive things. I am no longer a junior under the fence. I am also a respectable person. I have the right to choose. If the central palace lord forces it, I have a big deal to leave the immortal world. If you are willing to accompany me, Ruyi, we can find a quiet mountain forest in Daofa to practice in seclusion."

Xia Yi smiled mildly, and her rejection could not be more obvious. This also moved Xian Ruyi greatly. She knew how attractive Xian Yueyin was to men, and Xian Yueyin's side has never lacked all kinds of diligence since she was a child. People, but her brother Xianhuan would rather leave the fairy world than agree to take into account her feelings.

Actually, there are very few three wives and four concubines in the fairy clan, but the fairy clan is not forbidden. If Xia Yi is willing, Xianyueyin is mostly the main house, and she can only be reduced to a side room. Acceptable, but people are selfish. How can someone be willing to share their liking with other people?

"But Sister Yueyin is so good, Xianhuan Brother, are you really not tempted at all?"

"I don't like her character, on the contrary I like your character and heart very much."

Xia Yi likes easy-to-control, innocent people, rather than someone who is good at insight into people's hearts. He is still in the immortal clan and has no peace of mind. Sooner or later, Xian Yueyin will see what is wrong, so he must keep a good distance and not let the immortals. Yue Yin is too close to him.

"As expected to be my celestial brother!"

Xian Ruyi let out a sigh of relief, and she relaxed a lot. She happily walked to Xia Yi's side, and then forced under Xia Yi's arm like a cat, and sat in Xia Yi's arms.


"Don't do it, hehe."

She smiled and fell down again. Xia Yi didn't say anything. No matter how immortal I acted like a Jiao, the trouble that Xian Yueyin brought to him was not only noticed, but also a big trouble, that is, the young master of Dongtian Palace. .

That guy mostly thinks that only he is worthy of Xianyueyin in the entire immortal clan. As the best man among the immortal clan’s peers, he and Xianyueyin match exactly, and the central palace lord is a person who cares about blood. Others It is almost impossible for a person, but his turning out of life has changed all of this.

Ask yourself, if Xia Yi himself is the young master of the Dongtian Palace, he will definitely find ways to embarrass the penalty immortal. Although Xia Yi is the venerable, it is true that Xia Yi said that his relatives were defectors when he came to the immortal clan, and he was even more so. Orphans abandoned in Daofa by their fugitive parents.

The so-called defectors are actually no better than the rebels. They are all sinners.

After Xian Ruyi was relieved, she frantically spoiled her with Xia Yi, and then returned to the Nantian Temple to deal with the affairs that she did not deal with during her retreat. Originally, the trivial matters can be solved by the servants, but Xian Ruyi In order to stabilize his position, he had to do everything himself.

Unknowingly, the sky was falling into the night, Xia Yi was disturbed again and again, and the mood to continue studying the formation was lost. He simply came to this spiritual pond near the Nantian Temple, on the top of the Twin Peaks. The Nantian Temple is on a huge bridge. The bridge connects two peaks, and there is a pool of spiritual liquid on each of the two peaks.

This is the handwriting of the Southern Immortal Emperor, one cold pond, one flame pond, that is, Xian Ruyi often goes to the cold pond to practice.

Because Xia Yi was a body refiner, he went directly to Yanchi. He wanted to test the effect of body training. Nowadays, even Lei Chi is not very helpful to Xia Yi. Xia Yi only hopes that it is not a normal Yanchi.

At the edge of the Yanchi, this Yanchi is not wide. It looks like an ordinary pool. The steaming fire spirit fluid is still bubbling, and the surface of the water is constantly churning like boiling water. Xia Yi put his hand in it. It looks like water, but the temperature is higher than that of lava, which is strange.

The water in Yanchi is almost liquid fire. If you observe every drop of water, you can find that the water is burning like oil inside and out. Xia Yi took off his clothes directly into the Yanchi. In the records of Nantiangong, The role of Yanchi Hanchi is mainly to use two natural endless powers to perceive the essence of the Array Dao.

Twin Peaks are like a natural formation. After absorbing the two qi from heaven and earth, they divide the two pools of cold and inflammation, and then affect each other. , Heaven and Earth Qi re-summarize, the extreme of heat is cold, and the extreme of cold is heat.


Xia Yi closed his eyes and was comprehending the mystery of the exchange of heat and cold, but he heard movement around him. Xia Yi opened his eyes and saw that a woman who was also unclothed stood in front of him and looked at him.

"Why are you here?"

Xia Yi was speechless, resisting embarrassment and asked.

"I've always been here, and every day if I'm fine, you don't care where I am anyway, right."

"Will you remind me when I come?"

"Any reminder, isn't this a public property of Nantian Temple?"

In front of Xia Yi, there was an innocent face of Xianyue Yin. The tumbling spiritual liquid couldn't stop the cultivator's sight. For the two, they just sat in front of each other without clothes.

Wind blows

To be honest, Xia Yi was speechless when encountering this kind of thing, but it did not feel a coincidence, because it was a matter of time, Xian Yueyin said that she was usually here, and Xia Yi was studying the formation recently. Sooner or later, I will come to Yanhan Shuangchi for a look.

The only wrong estimate is the timing. If Xia Yi came first, Xia Yi would definitely remind him that Xianyueyin not only didn't say anything, but also mostly hid his aura. He deliberately waited for Xia Yi to come in before saying hello. Obviously he wanted to. Embarrassed Xia Yi.

Xia Yi quickly figured this out, so he closed his eyes and stopped talking, soaked in the Yanchi and used the acupuncture points to feel the mystery of this place. In fact, this place is considered to be Xia Yi who already has a master's cultivation. It is not too mysterious, but contains a principle of cyclical change, or reversal.

Ice and fire are two completely different, or even completely opposite forces, but they represent two changes in the same thing, that is, temperature. Ice and fire are just appearances. The twin peaks show the cycle of temperature.


"Hey, can you hear me?"


Xianyueyin didn't know what she was thinking of, and suddenly spoke to Xia Yi. Xia Yi didn't bother to talk to her at all, but Xianyueyin called out several times. Xia Yi felt that Xianyueyin was about to approach her. Then he opened his eyes and sighed.


Nothing else, just a cold word, inversely proportional to the hot environment of Yanchi.

"Can I touch you?"

Xianyueyin saw Xia Yi's body glowing red at this moment, the traces of blood vessels were clearly visible, and the blood was actually like breathing, which turned on and off. It was amazing, so she wanted to touch it. She was just purely curious, she didn’t do anything. His interest is curiosity, full of enthusiasm for all unknown things.

As for the known things...I am not very interested in some.

"can not."

"Don't you ask why?"

"Do not ask."

Xia Yi warned Xianyueyin, and didn't even dare to even chat normally, for fear that Xianyueyin would see something. He was not very scheming in conspiracy, so it is best to use his strengths and avoid weaknesses to prevent the other party from understanding himself. choose.

"Do I hate you so much? It's better to say that I don't even know this. You seem to be a little afraid of me, but you are a majesty, why are you afraid of me as a woman? In short, the more you are like this, the more curious I am ."

Xian Yueyin has no other feelings for Xia Yi. Except for curiosity or curiosity, most men treat her as a very precious thing, causing her to become completely accustomed to others being kind to her, and she doesn’t even have any reaction anymore, but She knew that it was not taken for granted, but she had a bad attitude towards her and she hadn't provoke the other person, which was very strange.

"What is my business to you? I'm leaving, you can practice by yourself."

Xia Yi was a little annoyed by Xian Yueyin’s questioning. Xian Yueyin looked at people very accurately. She knew that Xia Yi was not pretentious at all. Xia Yi’s dislike for her was true feelings, so she became more curious and stared with her eyes wide open. Xia Yi, Xia Yi was about to get up from the Yanchi, but after seeing Xian Yueyin's gaze, he was uncomfortable.

Xia Yi wouldn't be happy because he was paid special attention to by Xian Yueyin, because the expression in his eyes was just looking at something strange.

"No matter how cultivators are, there are differences between men and women. If you are looked at by others like this, don't you hate it in your heart?"

Being stared at by Xian Yueyin, Xia Yi felt embarrassed at this age. What is going on with this woman?

"I've been watched by others with this look since I was a kid. It's not so much annoying, it's better to say that I've been used to it."

"Then don't look at others with the same look!"

"The few times I do this, the people I look at seem to be very happy."

Xianyueyin didn't know if it was really unreasonable or deliberately pretending not to understand. Xia Yi gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to curse, just as if Xianyueyin didn't exist, he walked out of Yanchi and immediately changed into his clothes. Leave.

In Xia Yi’s eyes, Xian Yueyin’s head is almost flawed, but this strong curiosity can be regarded as childlike. When she grows up carefree, she wants to be unrestrained, and she doesn’t want to touch her when she grows up carefree. Touch, perhaps because of this, she has a charming temperament that does not eat human fireworks.

After Xia Yi left, Xian Yueyin looked at the direction Xia Yi was leaving, with a lot of doubts in her eyes, and she began to work hard to recall her past inexplicably.

"He seems to know me, but I'm sure I haven't seen him before..."

"I didn't go to the Dao Fa, what is going on?"

Xian Yueyin’s heart is always full of curiosity. She is eager to know the truth. This feeling is like a cat scratching her heart. She has a pleasure that she has never told others about, that is, she likes to observe others in various ways, and Guess several possibilities, then rank secretly from the bottom of my heart, and then change my judgment method based on the accuracy rate after the truth is revealed.

Through this little fun, she basically only relies on simple dialogue and other people's eyes and facial movements to show a person who can't hide their concerns.

"Will it be a member of my tribe adopted by Daofa? Will he be a spy? Then you can understand why he doesn't want to be noticed, but gains power but has to control it behind the scenes."

"Since he knows me, will I be one of the goals?"

"No, I shouldn't be, then I'm probably someone who needs special attention."

"But how could the forces that sent him tell him to pay special attention to me? Compared to my father, I am just a beautiful junior."

"Or... he didn't send his power. He represents a certain power. Knowing me but staying away. Obviously knowing that I might do bad things to him, but I'm sure I haven't met him before."

"If you count it like this, it might be... a prophecy? A calculation? Reincarnation?"

"No, reincarnation is too unrealistic, and the other two possibilities are not high. Thinking from a realistic perspective, someone before him had the same purpose as him, but that person failed because of me, but told him to pay attention to me. "

"Hmm! The probability is very high!"

Xian Yueyin concluded that she hadn’t paid special attention to anyone in the past. Xia Yi was the first person to pay special attention to. She didn’t know exactly what Xia Yi was, but she was sure that Xia Yi was the leader. He returned from Dao Fa for a purpose that cannot be told to others.

Or the return from Taoism itself is a lie.

"It seems... very interesting..."

Xianyueyin murmured to herself, being restricted to the fairy clan, she couldn't go anywhere, and was used by her father as an inspiration for men all day long. This kind of life was extremely boring. She was not anyone's thing. On the contrary, she was happy to see through others. Something unwilling to show.


In the penalty hall, Xia Yi sat in his seat, closed his eyes and meditated, his brows frowned deeply.

"Brother Xia, that woman is suspicious of you."

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