In Xia Yi's mind, the voice of a mirage suddenly heard at this time, and Xia Yi's brows involuntarily twitched, as if he was said to be worried.

"I know, I'm not good at these things, does it really end here to work from the inside?"

At this moment, Xia Yi is thinking about whether to leave or leave as soon as possible. He will never procrastinate. It is not that he can't stand suspicion. If it is purposeful to inquire about him, Xia Yi can still try to mislead the other party, but Xianyueyin only has one. It's hard to mislead her with sheer curiosity.

If she had known so long ago, she should not accept it and make her lose interest in herself by making a lecherous look.

"Not necessarily, my disguise is absolute, I am sure she can't read it, Brother Xia, everything you have done up to now is like trying to seek great power, even if it is known by the high level of the fairy clan that it should not be too serious. After all, Brother Xia, you are a martial arts demigod."

Xia Yi is now in a state of confusion, and even the mirage dragon has begun to help Xia Yi think. This shows how much influence Xian Yueyin has on Xia Yi.

"Budo demigod..."

When the mirage mentioned this, Xia Yi breathed a sigh of relief. Strength is the last word. If he can become a sub-god of martial arts, he can be safe and worry-free. If he can become a real martial god, the immortal clan will be ready to welcome his anger!

Unless the immortal clan can produce a remnant soul of the great emperor, it will be impossible to stop a true martial god. It is now a godless age, and it is difficult to become a **** with the decline of Dao power, but there is still a trace of extravagant hope for body refining.

"The plan remains the same. Just prepare for the back road. There is a Star Teleportation Array in the Nandi Array in the Nantian Palace. I can escape even if it is exposed."

"I want to see how far this Xianyue Yin can observe!"

Xia Yi has the strength to live by himself. Originally, it was pure luck to lurch in the immortal clan to create civil strife. Xia Yi did not hold the hope of certain success, so failure would not be hit.

He is a respected person, a powerful respectable person. There is no need to be fearful in doing things, and the mentality is just right. Success is good luck, and failure is normal.

After thinking about this, Xia Yi had confidence again. Xian Yueyin herself also said that her father did not necessarily believe her. The central palace lord still regarded Xian Yueyin as a child, a female class. In addition to talent and beauty, Xian Yueyin Does not have any real reputation in the fairy clan.

As long as the Central Palace Master’s trust can be obtained, dealing with Xianyueyin is not a big problem. It would be better if Xianyueyin can be allowed to defy the Central Palace Master’s orders, which will make the Central Palace Master even less able to listen to Xianyueyin’s words. .

Thinking about it, a clever plan came to mind, and the corner of Xia Yi's mouth curled up. Xian Yueyin shouldn't be a person without fear, such as a guy who thinks he is a stalker.

"A mirage, come out to work, can Xianyueyin change?"

"It's not too similar. I really can't simulate her temperament, but her aura is not a big problem."

"Enough, it doesn't need to look like it anyway, the voice is similar to the profile and posture of the face."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, a faint light floated out of his spirit platform, and then turned into a figure. It was Xianyueyin, but it was obviously far from the real Xianyueyin. There was no way, unless I could find a way to get Xianyueyin. The blood, otherwise the mirage dragon would not be able to simulate perfectly.

"Brother Xia, how does this feel?"

"Enough, I also make a small change to the face."

Xia Yi fiddled with her hair a few times, then took out a photo crystal and deliberately placed it in a dark corner, so that the picture recorded by the photo crystal was very dark and fuzzy. Xia Yi adjusted it several times before finding a good place so that he could see him clearly. And the characteristics of the fake fairy Yueyin, and it can guarantee that no problems will be seen.

Although the name of the penalty hall is called the penalty hall, it is actually one of the many empty halls in the Nantian Temple. Xia Yi hasn't made any changes inside, which means it is not recognizable.

After doing all this, Xia Yi looked at the mirage and directly transmitted the sound to the mirage, and the good show was about to be staged.

"Xin...Punishing Master Xianzun, you called me over so late because you wanted to..."

The mirage made a sound of Xianyueyin, and Xia Yi deliberately smiled a few times before walking over, and then grabbed the chin of the mirage.

"Since your father has already betrothed you to me, you know what you should do."


"Why do you dress so tightly, loosen it up, you see, I'm starting to take it off."

"Please don't do that, punish your lord... we, we haven't officially married yet..."

"Sooner or later, soon, take off your clothes, let me see."


Before the mirage finished speaking, Xia Yi grabbed the mirage's hand, and then immediately began to forcibly take it off.

"Be obedient, I'll just see if I don't do anything."

The next step is basically Xia Yi and Mirage Dragon playing at will, anyway, how disgusting, of course, did not do the real thing, anyway, it is a picture of Xianyue Yin being frivolous, Xianyue Yin is very unwilling, and even secretly crying. One scene.

This poor thing is almost crying out who will save me, unspeakable grievance and helplessness.

"Who! Damn..."

At the end of the record of the photo-taking stone, Xia Yi deliberately attacked the direction of the photo-taking stone. After that, he quickly put away the photo-taking stone and watched their performance with Mirage Dragon. Some places were unnatural, and the guy like Mirage Dragon could not help but laugh. .

"Once again, what are you laughing at here, be serious, serious, last time you pretended to be a baby, it was so cold and still laughing, are you itchy?"

After being preached and beaten by Xia Yi, the mirage dragon was very wronged, but it had an unexpected effect. The feeling of wrongedness was real, and it was very real. After finishing it, Xia Yi was very satisfied. This definitely made people who like Xianyueyin. When people saw it, they were so angry that they could not wait to slash the penalty Xianzun immediately.

There is a way that soldiers are not tired of deceit and tactics are not vulgar, even if it is a vulgar method, as long as it is useful, it is worth a try.

"Okay, then I will find a way to give the young master of Dongtian Palace the photo-taking stone."

"Let him roll over to the hero to save the United States!"

Even Xia Yi knew that the young master of Dongtian Palace and the head of Xianyue Yinmen were facing each other. The other party must have regarded Xianyueyin as his future wife. The result was disturbed by the Central Palace Master, and he punished Xianzun again. It's really good, and I can only hold back and dare not say if I am angry.

But now it’s different. Xia Yi gave the other party a reason to be called “justice”. People like to stand on the moral high ground and make trouble for others. Even if they don’t make trouble, they still have to say a few cold words. This is human nature. .

As the saying goes, flies don't bite seamless eggs. Xia Yi now takes the initiative to make holes for himself, waiting for the flies to bother him, and he still has to deal with juniors in a junior way. This is better.


Immortal world, Yudong, Eastern Heavenly Palace.

Xian Wanxiong is cultivating in his own hall. The hall is called Wanxiongdian. His father gave him a very good name. He is called Wanxiong, that is, one person is better than tens of thousands of heroes, and he did it too. He is The absolute strongest among the young generation of the immortal clan, the first strongest, is the Lord's ups and downs to Cangmang, the King of Humans to Dao Fa, and the King of Heaven to Tianling.

It should be like this...

Until the penalty Xianzun returns...

He is the young master of the Dongtian Palace, and the name of the young master has already indicated that he will directly control the Dongtian Palace once he becomes a deity in the future. His father deliberately gives way to him. He is very good, even better than his father when he was young.

It's a pity that I don't know where I got a penalty immortal! !

But even if he is angry, what can he do, he is indeed inferior to the penalty Immortal Venerable, how about he dominates among the younger generation? The opponent was already able to beat the venerable violently, and none of the venerables in Beitian Palace could get any benefit from him.

He might not even be able to punish Xianzun.


He could not help but squeeze his fist at the thought of punishing the Xianzun. People would never compare him with the punishment Xianzun. His identity was the arrogant of the younger generation, and the punishment Xianzun...

It is a respect for the apex of the fairy clan.

They are completely at different levels and are completely incomparable.

After thinking about it, Xian Wanxiong can only suppress it in his heart even if he is unwilling to do so. He understands the gap between him and the penalty Xianzun, and recognizing the gap between himself and others is the most basic bearing of being a strong man.

Therefore, even in front of other people, he has always exaggerated the punishment of Xianzun, and he can't say bad things about the punishment of Xianzun, otherwise it will inevitably leave the impression of a small belly.

"Yue Yin..."

"Sorry, I'm still too weak."

When he thinks of the love in his heart, he no longer feels angry, but feels that it is a pity, sad, and sigh that Xian Yueyin basically grew up with him since he was a child, because his father and the central palace lord have a very good relationship. They are childhood sweethearts. They are also the most dazzling existence among the immortal men and women, they should be a match made in heaven!

But Xian Wanxiong knew in his heart what kind of person the Central Palace Master was. He was an absolute person with great interests. He heard from his father that the Central Palace Master once liked an ordinary pure-blood immortal when he was young, but because of his identity Not worthy, the Central Palace Master almost never said a word to the other party.

On the contrary, many squeamish and even bad-character daughters were favored by the Central Palace Master. He only looked at the blood and didn't recognize people. He himself was like that, and it was completely reasonable for him to treat Xian Yueyin in this way.

It's just that Xian Yueyin feels sorry, so she commits herself to someone she doesn't like.

Suddenly, Xian Wanxiong heard a knock on the door. It should be his servant. He glanced at the door and let the servant in. In order not to let Xian Yueyin think about it, the servants and subordinates around him were all men. Yueyin still had nothing to do with him.

"Young Master, a person who claimed to have been framed by Xianzun in Nantian Palace asked me to bring something to you. I have checked the item, but the content is somewhat... How to say it, I think it is necessary to inform Young Master. Your."

Xian Wanxiong's servant was more responsible and checked things first, anyway, the other party didn't say that Xian Wanxiong could only watch it by himself.

"Want to use a knife to kill someone and let me hit the edge of the punishment Xianzun? Am I that stupid? These guys are also ridiculous if they don't try to provoke Beitian Temple to provoke me."

Xian Wanxiong took what was in the hands of the servant, but it was just a normal shadow stone. Punishing the Xianzun would definitely make enemies, especially some inferior immortals had a lot of opinions about the penalty of the Xianzun recently. After all, there are many. It had nothing to do with the rebels at all, people who had only minor contact were put in prison.

This may be the trick of some people in Nantian Palace, or the trick of the inferior immortals, or even the trick of the rebels. With a playful mentality, Xian Wanxiong was curious about what was in the photo stone.

"If you think that I am jealous of the punishment Xianzun, and you want me to expose the wrongdoing of the punishment Xianzun, then it's meaningless."

Xian Wanxiong’s mentality is very upright. In his opinion, Bacheng is such a thing in the photo-taking stone. People in high positions can never be perfect. There are always shameful things behind them. It’s just a matter of how serious it is, it’s impossible. Absolutely not.

Holding the picture crystal in his hand, Xian Wanxiong activated it with aura. The picture in it seemed to be in a very dim room. The angle of the picture stone should not be a normal record. It was obviously recorded secretly. Xianyueyin seemed to be punishing Xianzun. What he said, just talking, the penalty Xianzun actually started to move.

At this moment, even Xian Wanxiong himself did not notice that his strength to hold the shadow stone suddenly increased a lot, and his eyes quickly became serious.

What happened afterwards, Xian Wanxiong no longer remembered how he finished reading it, and almost saw the moment when Xianzun Xianzun forcibly took off Xianyueyin’s clothes, his head seemed to explode, and he almost lost his reaction. , The body that made him dream of, at this moment can only watch the other man succeed in the shadow stone! !

The faces of the two of them are quite vague, but Xian Wanxiong knew that it was Xianyueyin, Xianyueyin was crying, punishment Xianzun recklessly did everything he could not even think of, that was flawless, no Any filthy, pure body is insulted like this.

At the moment, Xian Wanxiong's attention was all on Xian Yueyin's body, that biting lip, that bitter but helpless expression, that kind of sadness, all of which made Xian Wanxiong tremble with anger.

Long after the scene ended, Xian Wanxiong was still confused, what happened, what did he just watch?

After a little recollection, he felt an uncontrollable anger, his face was green with anger, and Xian Yueyin unexpectedly met this time, and he knew very well that the central palace lord knew and wouldn't say anything.

Just because of the excellent penalty immortal...


"Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn!!!"

One inadvertently, he almost crushed the photo-taking crystal in his hand and almost destroyed the evidence. Whatever the central palace lord thinks, as long as the crystal is in hand, he will surely ruin the penalty immortal, of course, this is not very good, because Xianyueyin will also lose her reputation along with it. The best way is to threaten to punish Xianzun and let Xianyueyin return to him.

He gasped and gritted his teeth. Originally, everything that happened in this photo crystal was his treatment. It was him who took off the beauty of his clothes. This feeling was like being **** on his head. The man asked him about it. Not fragrant.

Even though he used to be a relatively sensible person, once he encountered something that he cared very much, he would inevitably lose his calmness. He even forgot to doubt the authenticity of this scene. He just wanted to save Xian Yueyin from the clutches of his clutches.


In the Nantian Palace, under Xia Yi’s careful attention, it was discovered that Xian Yueyin was indeed investigating what he had done before, and even started to observe Xian Duo Fu. Fortunately, Xian Duo Fu is not stupid. According to Xia Yi’s request, she has recently Don't do anything honestly.

Xianyueyin relied on her father as the central palace lord, and could do anything in Nantian Palace. Although she did not do anything excessive, her strong curiosity still made Xia Yi feel pressured.

Xia Yi needs someone to treat her, even if it can only distract Xian Yueyin.

And the young master of Dongtiangong is definitely not a fool. Xia Yi doesn't think that this inferior plan can be more effective, and the effect is better. The other party is provoked and went directly to Nantiangong to oppose him. The effect is almost the same. The Lord only used this to come to Nantian Palace as a reason to come to Xian Yueyin.

When asked at that time, he could use the photo-taking crystal to talk about things. The big deal is a misunderstanding. Anyway, the young master of the East Tiangong must come, because Xia Yi will tell him that he is not interested in Xianyue Yin at all, so he will pay more attention. It is Xia Yi's real goal to pick up confidence and stalk Xian Yueyin.

It doesn't matter if the bait is too salty, as long as you can catch the fish.

And the fish Xia Yi was waiting for did come fast enough. Within three days, he came to the Nantian Temple and went directly to Xianyueyin. Unfortunately, he couldn't find him. Xianyueyin was sent out by Xia Yi. After investigating the rebels mixed in the crowd, Xia Yi gave Xian Yueyin a list and asked her to confirm one by one. She would not be able to come back in a short time.

Anyway, Xian Yueyin is also Xia Yi's subordinate. Xia Yi asks her to do business. She has no reason to refuse, otherwise, why would she come to help? Come and enjoy it? At that time, Xia Yi would have reason to appeal to the central palace lord to protest.

If Xianyueyin didn't leave, Xia Yi couldn't continue his plan. He would never be polite to Xianyueyin. His previous fate was completely cut off in this life. He had jumped out of reincarnation, and Xianyueyin no longer had the past.

But in fact, Xia Yi was also wondering a little bit. Why did he like Xianyueyin in the life of Killing Tian? Not like the kind of person who would be attracted by the appearance of Xianyueyin. In the life of Killing Tian, ​​he was completely complete. Stepping into the magic way, in what way did Xian Yueyin recall the kindness of Killing Heaven?

Two days passed without knowing it. The young master of Dongtian Palace was only in Nantian City, and he did not really come to Nantian Palace. Xia Yi estimated that he would contact Xianyueyin with the jade slip of transmission, and he would probably be ignored or perfunctory. , It is also possible that Xian Yueyin will seriously explain that this is using his behavior, but the fish are here, Xia Yi can't let him go.

The young master of the East Heaven Palace really can stand his temper. He hasn't come to find himself actively yet. As expected, he is not so easy to be deceived. It is also possible that although he believes, he will not act impulsively, so he will come directly to ask questions. .

Xianyueyin is not easy to fool, and the young master of the East Tiangong is not easy to calculate. Originally, Xia Yi felt that he had actually shot Xianruyi after being rejected. His temperament must not be much higher, but that was how many years ago. It's something, it's impossible for the other party to grow up after so long, right?

The current Nantian Palace Lord is Xian Ruyi, and he is probably afraid of embarrassment if he does not enter the Nantian Palace.

Unknowingly, another three days passed, and the young master of the East Tiangong still did not take any action, which made Xia Yi, who had been paying attention to the young master of the East Tiangong, feel very helpless.



Sitting in the penalty hall, Xia Yi was not in the mood to study the formation, the photo crystal was sent out, and the young master of the East Tiangong also came, but Xia Yi still felt annoyed. He wanted to cut the mess with a sharp knife, but his cultivation base was here. How could the other party dare to be presumptuous to him, if he was an ordinary saint, it is estimated that the young master of the East Heaven Palace would have come to slap him in the face long ago.

After thinking about it, Xia Yi decided to do the fake show altogether, so he didn't want to count it with the two juniors.

"Xianyueyin, in a hurry, return quickly."

As soon as he thought of it, Xia Yi directly contacted Xianyueyin to come back, and Xianyueyin immediately responded. She will be back soon. Within half a day, Xianyueyin will return to Nantian Palace, and Xianwan in Nantian City Xiong also finally noticed this. There might be someone in Nantian Palace who was bought by him, and he was also planning something.

It was the evening when Xian Yueyin returned to Nantian Palace. Xian Yueyin knocked on the door of the penalty hall and entered the penalty hall at Xia Yi's sign. The light inside the penalty hall was very dim. After seeing Xia Yi, Xian Yueyin, There was a very bad premonition immediately, because Xia Yi's eyes looked at her no longer the feeling of helplessness before.

She knew that what she had done had angered the other party to some extent and had already made the other party intolerable. Then, if she guessed that way, the punishment of Xianzun really had another purpose.

"Sir, I don't know what your instructions are for you to call me back in a hurry?"

"Your father betrothed you to me, right?"

Xia Yi went straight to the subject, and the dignity on his body was released involuntarily, and the space seemed to freeze at this moment.

"My father has this meaning, but it has a more testing meaning. Please also punish your lord to calm down."

Xian Yueyin adjusted her clothes slightly and wrapped her open collar tightly. It seemed that she had also noticed what Xia Yi wanted to do.

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