"Take off your clothes, I want you tonight."

In a very simple sentence, the majesty of the superior is exposed, and there is no destiny originally, Xia Yi does not intend to do anything to Xianyueyin, just like a stranger, but Xianyueyin wants to hit the gun, so don't blame it. Him.

"Sir Punishment, didn't you have no interest in me before?"

"I don't have any interest in your character, inner life, or soul, but your beauty and body interest my instincts. I am also a man. I am definitely welcome to have a beauty to accompany you when the night is cool."

These remarks can be said to be very excessive. She doesn't care about the other person's behavior at all, but just covets his body. Xia Yi said while walking towards Xianyueyin. Xianyueyin did not back down, she could even raise her head and Xia openly. Yi looked at each other.

Xia Yi couldn't see fear in her eyes, she still had a familiar look of curiosity.

"I didn't give you any trouble, but you are so disgusted by being understood by me. You really didn't have a good heart. No matter how I say, I am also a member of the fairy clan and the daughter of my father. As long as I have enough evidence, you don't It will be better, and you dare not kill me."

"What are you thinking about?"

Xianyueyin opened her eyes wide, insisting to understand, and she was not satisfied with the appearance, and even digs out the inner part, looking directly at her heart. Xianyueyin's eyes made Xia Yi extremely uncomfortable, and she was kind of uncomfortable. The feeling of being violated, being overlooked, and being treated like a clown.

It's as if people would guess what animals are thinking!


"It's almost enough. Everyone has a side that they don't want to be known. You may not, but others have. And without a bottom line, offending others' hearts that they don't want to be known will only arouse the disgust of others."

"Xianyueyin, my warning is only this time, don't force me, now that we are not going to be dead, I will also create opportunities for you to let you be free, you have to know that sometimes the truth is often cruel. "

Xianyueyin is not bad in nature, even very kind, she has a strong curiosity about everything, even her heart is very beautiful, she is a woman who exudes beauty from the inside out, this is her, everyone loves The fairy moon yin.

"You don't want to do it too absolutely... Although I have observed it before, you seem to think that I am troublesome and at the same time you don't want to hurt me. You really don't want to hurt me, and you really hate me. This kind of contradiction is what I do. Eager to understand."

"You must know me, you knew me before you met for the first time in Beitian Palace, I'm sure!"

Xianyueyin deliberately took a step in front of Xia Yi while she was talking. The two were very close, they were already a short distance away. Xia Yi was silent and did not speak, Xianyueyin seemed to not know the danger. Just don't step back, just understand to the end.

"Of course I know, the first beauty of the dignified immortal clan. I have heard of it in Dao Fa. I naturally want to enjoy the blessing of Qi people at this moment."

"Not this kind of knowledge! It's some kind of deeper knowledge!"

Xian Yueyin pressed her step by step according to her intuition, and the importance of knowing the truth had surpassed her own safety in her heart, and she didn't know why, she felt that Xia Yi would never kill her.

Not because of fear of the central palace lord, but because of caring for herself.

"What nonsense are you talking about? That was the first time we met in Beitian Palace..."

"Absolutely not. At that time, you saw me with familiarity and nostalgia at the first glance in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, but when you met me the second time, you were only indifferent and alienated to me. Who are you?"

"That's just guessing by yourself, what you gave me feels like an old friend of mine, I think of her, can't you?"

"I have considered this, but your concern for me fully shows that I am the old acquaintance in your heart!"

"You are too self-righteous..."

A cold sweat appeared on Xia Yi's forehead involuntarily, did she actually see that her problem was coming from that time? This woman is too scary!

"Please tell me, I'm just curious, I will never say it, I swear, swear."

"I have nothing to say to you, take off my clothes quickly."

"please tell me!!"

"I said I have nothing to say to you!"

"please tell me!"

Please tell me three imposing sentences in a row that Xia Yi was actually suppressed by Xianyueyin's momentum. Xianyueyin’s curiosity at the moment even felt surprised by Xianyueyin herself. She seldom wanted to know anything so much. She had the general feeling of forgetting something very precious. This feeling made her unable to control herself.

There is no shortage of curious people in the human race. Once they encounter any unsolved mystery, they must pursue the truth even if they have spent their entire life. Understanding the unknown is also one of the roots of human beings.

Xia Yi looked at Xian Yueyin in surprise, this astonishment slowly turned into warning, and finally turned into indifference.

"To shut up."

"I can't do anything, I just want to know..."

Xianyueyin hadn't finished her words, but she couldn't make a sound in her throat, and her neck was choked by Xia Yi.

"I told you to shut up and shut up. Don't bother me. You have to be really curious and tell you when I finish what I have to do. Don't mess with me again before this happens!"

"Otherwise, I will let you never know the truth. If you want to know everything, just wait and do nothing."

Since Xianyueyin was curious, then Xia Yi used the truth to restrain her curiosity. Xianyueyin stared at Xia Yi and suddenly smiled. This smile made the world pale.

"You are using so little strength, are you afraid of hurting me? I know, I won't have to take it anymore. Your care for me is genuine. I believe you will not do anything too bad."

"I can't see through you anymore, and I know you are a good person."

After that, Xia Yi sighed and released the hand that was holding Xianyueyin’s neck. To some extent, Xianyueyin was indeed someone Xia Yi didn’t want to face. In fact, Killing Heaven was in Kunxu at the time. At the moment he recalled, Xia Yi saw the scene in the world, but Xia Yi didn't say anything.

She is like confessing something, healing people on the tattered Xuanhuang, but what is the meaning of that behavior now? It does not take many years for the dilapidated Xuanhuang to be cut off from vitality and aura and become no longer suitable for survival. The surviving mortals can escape the destruction of the army, and cannot sustain it for too long under the apocalypse.

Her personal conscience found that she couldn’t change anything. She asked Tian Tian to let go of her hatred, and finally died at her own hands. It was also ridiculous. The kind-hearted woman could just continue to be unrestrained. Just travel the starry sky and don’t touch it anymore. Something else.

When peace is ushered in, let's travel the starry sky together...

Xia Yi didn't know why, this sentence rang in his mind. Although the hundreds of generations have turned into a cloud of smoke, the things they most unforgettable have all merged into the depths of Xia Yi's soul. This may be why Xia Yi saw the immortal. Yue Yin's first glance will be lost.

"You are you, I am not me, you are right, I will not harm you, but nothing more."

I will make peace and let you travel through the stars.

After the conversation, Xia Yi's hand gently tugged and pulled down Xianyueyin's coat. She was still wearing a plain tulle inside. At this moment, the door of the penalty hall was knocked violently, and Xia Yi used it. Shennian blocked the penalty hall, and the voice could not be spread, but if someone outside the hall peeked at Xia Yi, he would still know.

Of course there was someone outside the hall before, the young master of the East Heaven Palace. He sneaked into the Nantian Palace quietly. Even if he was clever and used some kind of breath-dissipating technique, it was still the same under Xia Yi's perception.

Xia Yi did not deliberately block the door of the Penalty Hall. Instead, he withdrew his Spiritual Mind. The door was pushed open all of a sudden. A handsome and extraordinary young man squeezed his fist and walked in. He first glared at Xia Yi, and then looked down. Xianyue Yin with her head silent.

"Yue Yin! Don't worry, I'm here to save you."

Xian Wanxiong originally felt that the pictures in the photo-taking crystal were a bit artificial and not highly reliable. After he calmed down, he became suspicious, so he investigated with the mentality that he would rather believe that it is not trustworthy, but at this moment he saw it with his own eyes. This scene, so he no longer doubted.

If he dared to bully Xian Yueyin in this way, he would not make punishment to Xianzun easier.


Xian Wanxiong immediately raised the Twelve Points spirit after breaking into the penalty hall. He might have spoken to someone even before breaking in to prevent Xia Yi from becoming angry and impulsive, but Xia Yi's eyes were not very surprised when he looked at him. Still remaining calm, this indifferent calm made Xian Wanxiong even more angry.

You punishment Xianzun really feel that no one can cure you?

"Who are you, I have never invited guests like you."

"I am the young master Xian Wanxiong of the Eastern Heavenly Palace. Punishing Xianzun. What you have done before is a bit too much. Xianyueyin is not yours yet. Even if it is, you should not force it. You are disrespectful. "

Xian Wanxiong saw with his own eyes that Xia Yi and Xian Yueyin seemed to be arguing before. Suddenly Xia Yi pinched Xian Yueyin's neck. Xian Yueyin was still laughing. Was he threatened? After that, Xia Yi actually started to take off Xian Yueyin's clothes directly, which let Xian Wanxiong know that he could no longer bear it, and he must appear immediately to save Xian Yueyin.

"No wonder you can get into the Nantian Palace, those people underneath really don't dare to stop you, but what did your Young Master from the Dongtian Palace come to my Nantian Palace for?"

"Naturally know your human face and animal heart. No one knows what you have done with you? Seeing that you are a sacred person and have made a lot of contribution to my clan, I will not tell others about this matter, provided that you want to release the moon. Yin."

Xian Wanxiong began to act according to his plan, but it was also Xia Yi's plan at this moment, and Xian Wanxiong did not come suddenly at all.

"Xian Wanxiong, I..."

"Young Master of Dongtian Palace, please come back. Xianyueyin is already mine, both physically and mentally. She will never promise you anything, or even go with you."

Xia Yi immediately interrupted Xianyueyin’s words, first acted to confuse the audience, cut off Xianyueyin’s back path, and not let Xianyueyin explain. Even if Xianyueyin explained again, Xian Wanxiong would think that Xianyueyin was threatened by him. , He will not give up this hero's chance to save the United States.

"Xiangian, you!!"

When Xian Wanxiong heard these words, he stretched out his finger to Xia Yi to say something. He didn't call his punishment honorably, but called his name directly, but in the end his finger was still put down. He knew the severity, the other party After all, he is also a deity, a demigod of martial arts, and a strong person among the deities.

"Yue Yin, come here, why are you afraid of him? Your father is the central palace lord, even if the central palace lord appreciates him, what about a beast in clothing, your father does not protect you, I will protect you on behalf of Dongtian Palace!"

Xian Wanxiong stared at Xian Yueyin, and Xian Yueyin's expression was very strange. After all, she knew that this was Xia Yi's method. It was Yang Mou. She could only choose one of the two. Originally, she didn't really want to come to Nantian Palace. , But after realizing Xia Yi's special features, she wanted to stay in Nantian Palace to learn about Xia Yi.

If this goes on, she will probably be called back by her father. Of course, she can also choose to tell the suspicious part of the punishment to the Immortal Venerable, but if she does that, she will never want to know the truth that makes her irritable.

"You don't need to worry about my business..."

Xian Yueyin thought for a while, and still rejected Xian Wanxiong. Even if she really wanted to leave Nantian Palace, she didn't want to be succeeded by Xian Wanxiong. They had indeed grown up together since childhood, but Xianyueyin was a little real to Xian Wanxiong. No interest.

Although due to her youth and curiosity, she had also teased Xian Wanxiong, acting quite close, and then observing Xian Wanxiong's invincible world, she seemed to have gained the common pride of the world, and then rejected him, watching him become discouraged and frustrated.

At that time, Xian Yueyin didn't know how excessive this practice was, but simply thought it was fun. Now she regrets it, because Xian Wanxiong will finally paralyze herself with various reasons. After being rejected by her, she also guessed the reason all day long. I think that is not her true heart.

This kind of self-righteous love bores Xianyueyin, but for Xia Yi, isn't Xianyueyin's endless curiosity?

"Yue Yin..."

Xian Wanxiong bit his lip and looked unwilling. Why did Xian Yueyin listen to punishment Xianzun so much? Why did she dare not resist?

"The immortal is still, some things are better than enough. You already have a grudge with the Beitian Temple. Is it possible that you still want to have a grudge with the Dongtian Temple? Unless you are willing to stay in this Nantian Temple forever, but with your ability, you will definitely not be satisfied with it, right? Don’t ruin your future with your own hands for a moment of joy!"

Xian Wanxiong didn't know where the courage came from, and he actually dared to threaten the Venerable. Xia Yi didn't move on his face, and was delighted in his heart. He wanted this kind of person who dared to challenge power, and Xian Wanxiong himself was not low in power!

"Huh...Junior, pay attention to your words, I have not troubled you because of my good deeds, but you threatened me. What is better than you? Xianyueyin was given to me by the Central Palace Lord, I What I want to do is not my personal freedom, but you sneaked into the Nantian Temple, and you didn’t feel at ease. Speaking of your Royal Highness Xianruyi was insulted by you before, did you see the Nantian Temple's strength greatly reduced and attempted to annex it? ?"

"It's a Dongtian Palace, with great ambitions!"

Xia Yi sneered twice. Xian Wanxiong felt the pressure doubled at this time. He was not brave and intrepid, but he was also powerless when facing a powerful venerable. Don’t think he was the young master of the Dongtian Palace, but The immortal clan regards strength as the top priority, and status is only second.

"I just hope you rein in the precipice. I don't have the right to talk about your personal style, and I understand it, but I also have my own will. At least, I hope she can be happy."

Xian Wanxiong’s infatuation is actually not to find a reason for himself, so as not to be hated by Xia Yi, the more he is in a high position, the more he knows how much Xia Yi can’t be offended. The central palace lord is optimistic about Xia Yi. And he was just a son of the Lord of Dongtian Palace.

"You can say good things, so why do you insult your Highness Xian Ruyi? Now you come to want a hero to save the United States and be self-righteous. Can you like it? You are the same as me, you just want to get her body, since you are so infatuated, the deity Just give you this opportunity."

"I will go out for about a whole day to solve some things. There are important items in the penalty hall. I will lock the penalty hall from the outside. Without the venerable cultivation base, I can't get out. What you have to do is your business. Sora can come often, and I don’t want to make enemies. It’s better to say that we can still be friends."

"What do you think?"

After Xia Yi finished speaking, he threw the clothes in his hand towards Xian Wanxiong, and Xian Wanxiong reached out his hand to catch it subconsciously. He was a little confused. Xia Yi’s words contained too much information. He had to digest it carefully. What exactly did Xia Yi want to do? Are you trying to buy him and seal him up?

But why is Xia Yi afraid of him? Or does Xia Yi think of him as the Young Palace Master?

"Whether to put on her or take off more, then you have the final say."

Xia Yi smiled, but Xian Yueyin felt a bitter cold. Xia Yi would not hurt her. She understood this. Then Xia Yi did this, indicating that Xia Yi mostly thought of using Xian Wanxiong. She knows, but she can't stop it. This is another trick that is hard to find.


Cultivators have a strong soul, so their thinking ability is countless times faster than ordinary people. Xia Yi, who thinks his brain is not smart, is definitely the world's top genius when he goes back to the past. Xuanhuang's knowledge does not involve cultivation after all. By rote memorization, once the mystery is clarified, Xia Yi can also draw inferences about it.

Not to mention anything else, it means comprehending the principles of heaven and earth, fighting with people in battle, and making judgments based on the status quo at any time. Although this is already commonplace for Xia Yi and cannot be described with wisdom, it is a powerful one. Doesn't the sense of combat mean that he can make the most appropriate response in an instant with intuition?

Some people's intuition is terrifying, such as Xianyueyin, but the strong intuition is more sharp and precise, after all, it is the intuition killed from hell.

Therefore, Xian Wanxiong's brain did not turn fast enough, and his intuition was not accurate. Even if his strength was not low, it still took dozens of seconds to fully accept the information contained in Xia Yi's words.

"Punishment...Sir, are you kidding me?"

Xian Wanxiong's breathing became a little short, he wanted to agree, so much! This is what he dreams of, and even Xian Yueyin's attitude towards him can tell that he can't get this woman at all. He knows in his heart that what love and infatuation is something worthy of curiosity in Xian Yueyin's eyes.

Xian Yueyin is a lover. He knew this since he was a child. He didn't want to give up just because he felt that he still had a chance. To get to this point, he hadn't worked hard behind him, he was not stupid, and he was never stupid.

Perhaps the only way to satisfy his heart is to promise to punish the Immortal Venerable at this time, but he also understands in his heart that he can't do certain things!

"Oh? Backed out? Are you still a man?"

Xia Yi chuckled slightly, but he didn't expect Xian Wanxiong to wake up, but think about it, what he regards as the top talent of the younger generation of the immortal clan. No one who can get to this step is a fool, yes. It is absolutely impossible for a fool to get to this point.

"A gentleman has something to do and what he doesn't do!"

"I think you are scared."

"I abide by my heart, but if you punish Xianzun, you don't take Yueyin seriously!"

"I don't take her seriously, but some people are cheap. The more you care, the more she ignores them, and instead cares about those who don't care about her."


Xian Wanxiong smiled in embarrassment. This immortal is too ugly to speak, but this is one of his treatments as a strong person. No matter how ugly he says, he can only listen carefully and not resist as a weak person. .

If you are in a fairy clan, you must abide by the rules of the fairy clan, and the rules of the fairy clan are actually written directly on the face of the weak and the strong. There are no unspoken rules. The strong is the king's law. Bow down in front of him.

Because there is no meaningless resistance, the unity of the immortals is actually based on the sacrifice of the weak.

"It's boring, so you are willing to accept this ending? You have to understand that there is no second chance like this."

"I...I am the Young Master of Dongtian Palace!"

Xian Wanxiong glanced at Xian Yueyin and handed him a reassuring smile. Xian Yueyin was silent. In fact, Xian Wanxiong had hardly missed anything since he was a child. He is an excellent person. Under the system of the fairy clan, a talent who is fully in line with the spirit of the fairy clan.

Compared to the punishment Xianzun with a bad character, I don't know how it is better.

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