"Really? The enlightenment is good. I will continue to work. I will not block the penalty hall. You two juniors should exchange feelings."

Because the development of the situation differed greatly from what Xia Yi imagined, Xia Yi didn't bother to stay any longer. He thought that Xian Wanxiong could not resist the temptation of Xian Yueyin, but the immortal clan's nature of observing the rules seemed to have been implanted. Up the soul.

The more senior, the more attention to rules, this is the younger generation of the immortal clan. Although compared with the Tianjiao who has been killed by the cultivation world, they are less energetic, but they are also more calm and responsible.

If you want to talk about how to control the overall situation for a long time, it is just that the talents of the cultivation world with outstanding killing ability are not enough to see. The immortals are indeed a terrifying monster, with the roots of civilization and barbaric power. If they succeeded 100,000 years ago, Now the human race will definitely be under the rule of the immortal race.

Maybe it’s a good thing...

Inexplicably, Xia Yi suddenly reflected on the fortunate fact that Xuanhuang succeeded in counterattack. Because he is a Xuanhuang person and has always stood on the position of Xuanhuang, he rarely thinks about these things. No, it is almost meaningless. Refuse to think about these things.

From the standpoint of the victim, all resistance is reasonable, and everything the aggressor does is wrong. This is common sense. Xia Yi is not trying to justify the aggressor. Sins cannot be washed away, and it is more important to not admit his sins. It's a sin worthy of death.

Even if the starry sky is weak and strong, but this is the rule within the human race!

After Xia Yi left, only Xian Yueyin and Xian Wanxiong were left in the penalty hall. Xian Wanxiong looked at the clothes in his hands and thought about it or walked over and gave them to Xian Yueyin.

"Put it on, I know more or less that you don't care about me at all, but I am also curious about why you swallow your anger. You never do evil, so you should have no handle. I can't see through you from beginning to end."

"This time I think the hero saves the beauty is my own passion, but at any rate it is also my sincere heart. I know that the possibility is not high and I am still worried about you. No matter it has nothing to do with me, at least I would like to say thank you. Why do you look at me like this? "

Xian Wanxiong handed the clothes back to Xian Yueyin, and came into contact with Xian Yueyin’s gaze that avoided his gaze. He knew this was a habit of Xian Yueyin, and she would subconsciously move her gaze away from the boring thing. .

Is it just boring to her? Perhaps he should have agreed to the punishment of Xianzun, and he recognized the punishment of Xianzun as a dog, so that this affectionate woman could show a little other expression, if he could plead with him.


After taking the clothes, Xian Yueyin thanked him, but he couldn't feel sincere no matter how he heard it. Xian Wanxiong suddenly felt that he was really naive, or it might be that the harsh attitude of punishing Xianzun made him grow.

In fact, he had always regretted what Xian Ruyi had done at the beginning, but at that time countless people stood on his side inexplicably to excuse him and made him dare not even tell the truth. He was afraid of losing this trust.

I don’t know what’s going on. At this moment, Xian Wanxiong somehow feels that Xian Yueyin is a person who is easy to make big mistakes, because she discovered that the first response to mistakes is not to correct them, but to observe patiently, and wait until the crisis is discovered. It's too late.


Outside the fairy world, the starry sky.

Xia Yi went directly to the starry sky after leaving the Nantian Palace. For his level of strength, the progress on the stars has been quite slow, and it is only useful to stay in the Nantian Palace formation, unless there is a special training formation or elaborate Prepare the cultivation environment, otherwise, it is better to come directly to the starry sky for cultivation.

He can't let go of his hands and feet when he stays in the Nantian Palace. When practicing, his breath often resonates with the heavens and the earth. He is not a member of the immortal clan, and if he is staring at him, if he is not careful, flaws may be revealed. The mirage dragon's disguise is perfect. It's just a disguise, the fake can never become real.

Xia Yi deliberately flew away from the immortal realm's own star. There were often meteors passing by. Some of these fine meteorites were not as big as Xia Yi's palm, some were as huge as a mountain, or even as large as a small half of a continent.

These things have been here for a long time, and Xia Yi came here for only one purpose, and that is to hit, accelerate his speed to the extreme, and then use his body to smash these huge meteorites. The physical body broke through the limit time and time again.

However, I don’t know if it’s because of the high level of cultivation. A meteorite as huge as a mountain was smashed to pieces by Xia Yi, and Xia Yi couldn’t hurt the epidermis. Collapsing a mountain is as simple as breathing.

However, Xia Yi still repeats this mechanical movement, like a wild dragon going crazy in the starry sky. After becoming a saint, Xia Yi has never had time to test his true combat power. As a result, the only thing that hurt him was the last time he shot at Beitian Palace. Own attack.

Hit, hit with the head, hit with the shoulders, back, knees, and hit every part of the body.

The meteorite broke one after another, turned into smaller pieces and flew, even turned into dust, until Xia Yi almost emptied an area of ​​this asteroid belt, Xia Yi only felt a little tired. It's far from prostration.

"Is this just a half-step Valkyrie?"


Looking at the damage caused by the surrounding area, Xia Yi was still speechless. Thinking carefully about him, he was already an inhuman existence. He was even more terrifying when he burned the reincarnation outside of Mars. He waved his hand and grabbed a whole star. Shards to hit the fairy clan army.

In fact, since then, something like a sequelae appeared in Xia Yi. He didn't know how strong he was, and he didn't know how weak he was after suddenly the strength he gained declined.

Speechless, Xia Yi continued to hit the meteor, only to be able to see it completely ignore the loss and rush to the collision. If it is a small ordinary star, Xia Yi may be able to completely crash after a long time, maybe dozens of times. For a hundred years, although it is very reluctant, it is considered to have the power to destroy the stars. It is Xuanhuang. If Xia Yi is willing, he will directly rush into the ground veins and ramming it. It will take hundreds of years for Xuanhuang to be unbroken, and it is almost full of holes and holes. Live in.

Under Xia Yi’s crazy destruction, the fragments of the meteorite flew around until Xia Yi finally felt a little bit weak, and he did not notice that he was injured. After becoming a martial queen, he already had a lot of advantages over Qi training. At this moment, He is a half-step martial arts, and his advantage has already become superior to combat power.

The demigod of the cultivator had to take a detour when he saw him.

"The realm is immortal."

Xia Yi's thoughts moved, urging his own domain, his true domain, the essence of the way he cultivated after being sanctified. He directly burned his vitality into vitality and blood, and the weak and weak state was instantly wiped out. The horror was recreated by vitality. The speed can actually keep up with the consumption, and the pubic area is like a bottomless pit, like a perpetual motion machine that continuously provides him with strength.

The consumed vitality turns into death energy, which is reversed into vitality, and then burns again. Even if it is lost in the middle, it can maintain this terrifying state for a long time.

The power is infinite, crashing into the sea of ​​stars, transforming the emptiness to obtain supernatural powers, supernatural powers transforming the thought domain, and the thought domain into a domain, but this is not absolute, because Xia Yi once used the Holy Venerable Remains in the Taixuan Hall Dao Realm to complete it. field.

He cultivates the way of life and death, and the realm has two sides, one is immortality, life is endless, and the reversal is the yellow spring, and the asura king comes.

"Field, Huangquan."

Xia Yi didn’t have the immortal realm that lasted for long, and quickly reversed it into a yellow spring. All vitality was instantly turned into death. The meteorite fragments were contaminated into black ash, and the blood-colored flames of the flesh completely burned the black bones. Wrapped in it, although there is nothing in the hollow eye sockets, it is even more weird.

It took a full half an hour before Xia Yi returned to his original state. Both blood and spiritual energy were completely depleted, and a strong sense of weakness struck. Xia Yi was shocked to realize the biggest change in himself.

In the past, when he turned into a meditation, his consciousness was no longer vague at all times, but at this moment, even if he turned into an Asura king, his consciousness was extremely clear. The only factor that affected whether Xia Yi could become an Asura king for a long time was the limitation of death.

If there are endless deaths, he can be king forever. He used to be a Pluto, but he is Pluto at this moment.

"Nether Gate, open."

Xia Yi looked in front of him and pointed out. Time stagnated, as if trying to test something. Xia Yi stepped into it. He stood on the sea of ​​blood, and the fire of his physical body was accompanied by him.

With a thought, he looked up to the sky and howled, the sea of ​​blood churned, endless bones gushing out of the sea of ​​blood, and bowed to him in the sky. Xia Yi called Netherworld to come to him, and wanted to let the Netherworld come to this world, but was stepping out of the gate of the world. For a moment, there was a bright and beautiful glow above his head. The glow shot a glazed glazed light that penetrated Xia Yi and the ghosts behind him. Those ghosts instantly turned into blue smoke and disappeared, and Xia Yi himself was also seriously injured.

Immediately regaining his status, Xia Yi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, showing a trace of disdain.

"It seems that you can't be too much, you still have to give face."

Xia Yi had never encountered such an inexplicable Dao Tribulation that did not even show any signs. After he returned to humanity, the glow of light had not disappeared. It took a while before it completely disappeared. Under the ravages of Dao Tribulation, he became King Asura. There is no way to support it for too long, and it can be transformed into an Asura king.

If you don't pollute the world and cover the avenue, you can call the underworld. Isn't the avenue shameless!

I am afraid that if you go in and out of the Nether at will, you will probably be punished by the Dao. This is just because Xia Yi reacts fast enough. If he is slower, he is afraid to explain inexplicably here. Without the cover of the Nether, even King Asura will not be enough to see under the Dao. what.

Originally, Xia Yi wanted to try if he could escape by the Nether Gate at the critical moment. Xia Yi didn’t dare to try now, otherwise he would definitely be cruel to him next time. , The avenue can still give birth to the present, the past, and the future!


After the starry sky healed and recovered, Xia Yi was ready to go back to the mansion. This experiment probably let Xia Yi know where his limit is. He is stronger than he thought. Life and death are taboos. The second-order, powerful field combined with the battle power of the half-step martial god, he is so powerful that he is exaggerated.

But there is still no way to face the immortal clan. The army of the Nantian Palace alone can replace him as King Asura with a small sacrifice. Today, the immortal clan still has four heavenly palaces, as well as the army. Venerables of several other great heavenly palaces, but most of them are Venerables of Nantian Temple.

On the way to the Huixian clan, Xia Yi is still thinking about how to avoid being killed by Dao. He is between life and death, so he still exists, but Nether is indeed a dead thing. Dao will not tolerate them being chaotic. To summon Youduming still needs enough victims.

And if he died in a battle, he could enter the underworld in the end, and perhaps still exist, but it is estimated that he will never be able to return to this world. In any case, he cannot let himself die completely as a living person, otherwise he will lose the identity of staying in this world. .

"Now if I go back to Duantian, I'm afraid I can directly order Netherworld to go back without having to do anything."

Xia Yi felt ridiculous when he thought of his own changes now. The biggest change in his life was to become a Pluto, and now he is even the King of the Pluto, but he does not have the real sense of being a Pluto. Is it interesting to be king in a skull?

The most arrogant evil can teach them a lesson, tell them who is the boss of the evil, aside from the combat power when he was a human, he is at least the level of the ten evil gods in the sense of immortality. .

The ten evil gods lost a great wasteland, but Xia Yi was added. Xia Yi will continue to grow and will definitely be one of the ten evil gods in the future, only the great evil **** on the side of the human race.

In the future, Xia Yi dared to rush to the other ten evil gods. You are not dead, I am immortal. We have big eyes and small eyes. Just thinking about it will find it interesting. Let the immortal evil **** also feel that the encounter can't be beaten. How disgusting the enemy is.

Human race has many ways to use the righteous energy of heaven and earth to deal with evil and evil, but evil and evil are all using evil force. Xia Yi is very resistant to evil forces. Human race, especially Buddhism, is very convenient for dealing with Xia Yi. There is no way to take him.

Xia Yi reincarnated again, he is now a sage among humans, and a Pluto among evil.

Immortal realm, Southern Territory, Nantian Temple.

After Xia Yi returned to the penalty hall, there was no one in the penalty hall. Even the shadow stone that Xia Yi quietly set in the corner of the penalty hall did not leave anything worth mentioning. After all, Xian Wanxiong did not dare to do anything, it was not enough. man.

But to be honest, Xia Yi still wants to praise him. As a person, he adheres to the bottom line and is more powerful than many in the cultivation world.

Taking out the jade slip for transmission, Xia Yi directly contacted Xian Duofu and asked him to do something secretly. Xian Duofu had a way to communicate with the rebels. Xian Juexiao, who was accepted as a disciple by Xia Yi, had also joined the rebels. It's just that it's still being tested, and the rebels still don't dare to trust Xian Juexiao too much.

But as time goes by, Xian Juexiao will definitely get more and more smooth. He will find ways to make Xian Juexiao credit, while Xian Duo Fu will cooperate internally. With the great work of leaking the news last time, Xian Duo Fu is rebellious. The insider gained a firm foothold.

Youdao is a hero in troubled times, harmony and stability within the fairy clan, and the rebels can't cause any major incidents. They still have to do something. It's just that even if you look through the old accounts of the fairy clan, it is difficult to find a few who dare to speak up. It's impossible for him to return to Xuanhuang and lead someone there, right? Even if someone is willing to come, it doesn't help much if they come.

The interior of the vast Dao Fa is not harmonious, and it is difficult to reach a consensus. The only realm that hates the immortal clan and is still unified by the high-level...

"Fa God Realm should be counted as one!"

At this moment, Xia Yi thought of the Dharma and God Realm. If the plan goes well, he can consider going to the Dharma God Realm to pull people. All the clan weapons of the Ancestral Realm were taken away, and it was really not a joke to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor.

If there is spirit under the immortal ancestor Jiuquan, I am afraid that I will get up from the coffin with anger.

I went to the starry sky and vented it. Knowing my limit, Xia Yi is in a good mood now, and Xianyueyin is also disgusted by him. I can finally calm down and continue to consider the plan. The plan is not going well, he What if it is exposed?

After you leave, can your fairy clan organize an army to Xuanhuang again? If a strong individual dared to come, it would be the Central Palace Master's presence. Xia Yi held Xuanyuan sword on Xuanhuang and didn't use Xuanhuang Tiandao to stab him alive. Even if he could not die, the Central Palace Master could roll back.

Strong self-confidence comes from undefeated strength. There is no worries, Xia Yi just needs to let go. Xia Yi, who once talked about the change of immortality, now stays with the immortal clan to dominate the power, and everything is moving in a good direction. .

This kind of stress-free feeling is really comfortable. Xia Yi closed his eyes and half-layed on the chair. Everything that had been experienced before flashed in his mind. From admiration to becoming to transcendence, this sense of accomplishment is incomparable to any substance. of.

A few days later, Xianyueyin came to the penalty hall again. She had noticed Xianduofu’s abnormality before. Recently, Xianduofu has become active again, and even secretly released the people who had been imprisoned by Xia Yi directly and instilled in them the upper class. Even Xian Yueyin realized the seriousness of doing such a thing.

The most terrifying thing is that Xia Yi doesn’t care about it, and even indulges it, just like Xia Yi told Xian Duofu to do it. Xian Yueyin wants to prove her guess. If it is true, then it doesn’t care about her curiosity. It was time, no matter how she said she was also a member of the fairy clan.

In the penalty hall, Xia Yi sits high and is studying the formation. Xian Yueyin always feels that Xia Yi is a little bit different from before. She doesn't know where it is different, but she always feels a little undecided, and she has already thought about it. If you want to say it, you can't speak at this moment.

"Xianyueyin, ask you a question. Do you think it is better to let the hatred end in a gentler and less sacrificed way, or is it better to lose both on the basis of both parties' sacrifices? Although the former will inevitably be trampled on dignity."

After speaking, Xia Yi raised his head and looked directly at Xian Yueyin, her blond hair turned black in Xian Yueyin's surprised eyes.

"I know I can’t keep it from you for long. You are the most intuitive woman I have ever seen, so I decided to open the skylight to you to speak up. I give you the right to choose. Do you want both parties to make a huge sacrifice, or do you have to On the premise of making small sacrifices, the immortals end their grievances?"

"I am the Heavenly Spirit Heavenly King Xia Yi, and also the Xuanhuang Sage."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, Xian Yueyin opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe the scene before her. The only thing she could not calculate was that Xia Yi had no fear at all.

The sudden showdown did not act according to common sense at all, shattering all Xianyue Yin's plans, everything and everything he did.

Absolute confidence, absolute domineering, it seems to him, what he is doing now is a kind of mercy to the fairy clan, if he refuses, it will only be the fairy clan that does not end well.

This is the real conspiracy, which is fundamentally unsolvable. All regrets are due to the lack of ability of the person involved, and all hegemony is that the person concerned has a clear mind. It will not be inconsistent with you, and you will directly show up for you to choose.

No matter how strong your instinct is, what can you change?


Xia Yi’s sudden showdown was actually a deliberate process. Even if everyone in the Xian clan looked down upon Xian Yueyin and thought she was just a piece of beautiful jade, even if she was extremely talented, she was still just a junior. However, Xia Yi Don't dare to underestimate Xianyue Yin.

Maybe it’s because of the experience of killing the sky. This is a woman who can even help the enemy. From the perspective of Xuanhuang, Xia Yi is grateful for the kindness of Xian Yueyin, but from the perspective of the fairy clan. , Xia Yi didn't want Xuan Huang to appear such a person.

He is selfish and selfish. After all, he is a person. If he can help others on the basis of selfishness, this is what everyone dreams of.

"Are you... Xuanhuang's respect?"

Xianyueyin knew what Xuanhuang said to the representatives of the immortal clan. Xuanhuang was an old enemy and a feud, just like the immortal clan couldn’t forgive Xuanhuang. If Xuanhuang had a chance to get revenge, he would never let it go. From this moment of Xia Yi’s showdown , There are only two choices left.

One side suffers a small sacrifice, or both loses.

"Exactly, I think I can't play with you in Yin, there is no way. Conspiracy and trickery have never been my strong point. Compared with the conspiracy and conspiracy to win the alliance against the immortals, I am more inclined to To disintegrate you from the inside, of course I won't kill you, but I don't rule out this possibility."

"If the plan goes well, I can guarantee that there won't be too many victims."

Xia Yi clearly stated what she meant. Xianyueyin had never seen such an arrogant person before, and she dared to expose herself so openly when she came to the land of the fairy clan, but the trace of confidence in Xia Yi's eyes was yet again Let Xian Yueyin feel powerless.

She didn't know why Xia Yi was confident, he was just a half-step martial god, and there were many demigods of the immortal clan!

"We have so many powerful immortals, so I might not be afraid of you!"

"Of course I know this. I have absolute strength and I will stand here for a showdown with you? If I have absolute strength, I am already killing at this moment, do you understand? It is because I am still weak that you have a chance. ."

Xia Yi's remarks can be said to be very arrogant, actually taking her weakness as an opportunity for the enemy, giving mercy and kindness, Xian Yueyin could not speak at this moment, she was thinking, thinking about how to do the best at this moment.

"I said that you only have two choices. One is to ignore it, and I still punish the immortal, and the other is to expose my identity. I won't give you any chance to delay time. Just tell me your answer at this moment. Then swear an oath."

"If you think it's better to expose me, I will not stop you, I will let you go, and then I will leave quickly, I will not kill you, because I really care about you until thousands of years later, See you on the flying battlefield!"

Xia Yi seems to give Xian Yueyin the choice, but Xia Yi knows that Xian Yueyin is more likely to choose to ignore it, because she is such a person, she can stand on the race and think more rationally, rather than by the race. Kidnapping.

"Why do you think that you alone can subvert our fairy clan? I really can't figure this out. No matter how powerful you are, even if you are stronger than my father, you are still only one person."

Xian Yueyin was not frightened by Xia Yi's aura, she was still wondering where Xia Yi's confidence came from. Even if the true **** descended to the world, the immortal clan's background was sufficient to deal with it.

"Have you forgotten how the army of the Nantian Palace was destroyed? The Southern Emperor's remnant soul failed to personally shoot, but there is still the Yellow Emperor's legacy on my Xuanhuang star. Maybe his old man's remnant soul is also lingering. , Who would like to end up like Nantian Palace next?"

"You can't organize another army unless you are willing to let the five heavenly palaces decline two-thirds of the resources. I have to see if other realms will seize this opportunity to counterattack you. We Xuanhuang is a little better, that is Except for your immortal realm, there is hardly any enmity with any other realms, but what about you?"

After both lose and lose, Xuanhuang can recuperate, and the immortal clan will be thrown into stone.

"I understand what you are saying, but in any case, you are only one person. How can you allow those internally divided realms to ally with you? Hatred? Compared to hatred, the major realms still focus on interests, I am immortal. It is true that the clan will not organize an army again, but they will not easily move my fairy clan after driving you away."

"You alone cannot shake the overall situation!"

Xianyueyin made a choice based on his own judgment. Indeed, no matter how he thinks of the fairy clan, it is impossible to admit defeat to a person, especially to a Xuanhuang person. A venerable utterance to make the fairy clan bow his head is impossible, even The immortal clan can send an elite team composed of the saints to directly kill Xia Yi.

"Who said I'm just a person? I'm no longer a human being, I'm half human and half evil, and the immortal King Asura!"

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