She feels sorry for Xian Ruyi from the bottom of her heart, but the price for her to tell the truth is to cause more sacrifices. She is mentally prepared. She has not been deceived or forced to compromise Xia Yi. She made this decision. .

Xia Yi, the former Heavenly Sovereign of the Heavenly Spirit, the Holy Venerable of Xuanhuang, he does have the ability to stir the situation, and he is a Venerable at such a young age. The martial arts has entered the realm of a half god, and Xia Yi will be able to reach it after thousands of years. No one can say exactly what it is, but even if it cannot become a god, it is at least one of the few people under the gods.


A week later, the rebels in the north of the immortal world finally began to reactivate, and there were also a large number of lower immortals from the south to the north. The rebels had decided to change their positions and regarded the north as the main development area. He couldn't stay at all, that penalty Xianzun was simply covering the sky with his hands, without telling any truth.

Xia Yi directly and openly talked to Beitian Temple about this, and asked Beitian Temple to seriously deal with the problem of the rebels. On the surface, the Beitian Temple promised to be nice, but in fact, there was no intention to manage it at all. The structure of Yubei was destined to only happen in small Within the scope, it is based on denominations, rather than involving the entire territory.

After all, many sects in Yubei do not discriminate against the inferior immortals very much. At least they are not as exaggerated as Yunan. The rule of the sect is that talent and strength have the final say. Identity is effective, but it is not omnipotent. At least resources will not have an identity in the sky. And the untalented mediocrity is concentrated.

While paying attention to the internal affairs of the rebels, Xia Yi pondered over how to intensify the contradiction between the two sides once again. At this moment, he also pulled up to the Beitian Palace, which was perfect. Of course, Xia Yi did deliberately to let the rebels escape to the Beitian Palace.

After half a month.

Xia Yi felt that it was almost time. Today, many hands were called to the penalty hall. On the penalty hall, Xia Yi sat in the main seat, and Xian Ruyi stood next to Xia Yi. Xia Yi asked his men to go to Yubei to investigate the rebellion secretly. Wherever they are, where they are gathered, Xia Yi personally ordered them to arrange it, naturally, it is obligatory for them to handle it.

Xia Yi's subordinates basically respect Xia Yi and admire the powerful penalty Immortal Venerable, but they don't know what Xia Yi asked them to do.

When all his subordinates left, Xia Yi took out the jade slip of the transmission to contact Xian Duofu.

"Xianduofu, you have something to do. I recently sent some people to Yubei. You let the rebels in Yubei kill them all, and then you sent them back to Yunan to provoke me. Remember to be cruel. There is no need to keep the whole body, so that I can barely recognize their faces."

If there was no one beside Xia Yi directly instructing Xian Duofu to do something, Xian Yueyin was by Xia Yi's side. Hearing Xia Yi's plan, Xian Yueyin thought that it was unexpected. She thought of what Xia Yi's subordinates showed when they looked at Xia Yishi. His respect and loyalty are obviously the subordinates who love him so much, and he actually treats it like that.

Damnable, very hateful and cruel, and Xia Yi's gentle attitude towards Xian Ruyi also made Xian Yueyin feel sick.

After the contact, Xia Yi yawned, and suddenly noticed the uncomfortable expression on Xian Yueyin's face. As a member of the fairy clan, listening to these words by his side, it must be extremely unpleasant in his heart.

But this is what she owes herself. She has to be curious to know everything. Who can blame it?

"These sacrifices may save dozens of times, hundreds of times more people in the future. You have to know that the deaths and injuries of the territorial dispute are nothing compared to these deaths and injuries."

"I know... you don't need to say that."

Xian Yueyin’s tone was not very good. Although she accepted the facts, she still disliked Xia Yi more or less. She could not stay by Xia Yi's side at all, and she could stay far away invisible and not bothered, but Xianyueyin still wanted Face up to the sacrifices of the decisions you make.

Xia Yi can continue to be arrogant, more or less due to her.

"Why do you suffer with a face? It's hard to accept that your own person was brutally killed by the other's own person? I was tied to a cross when I was in the sky, and the people I protected were stabbed in the chest with a knife. Do you understand? Those people I have tried desperately to help, they knelt on the ground and begged me to die. Have you ever seen them please the immortals?"

"Heh... I have done a lot, and people have trusted me, hated me, opposed me, approved of me, and when I sacrificed myself for someone, I also chose people between love and people, even at that time My beloved is being tortured, I feel like a great man, I am a hero."

"But I later learned that if it is for my own life and death, even if it is a hero, people can attack it. Even if I save your life, you may choose to kill me in the face of life and death. No matter how much you do None of the words worked."

"Kneel, mortal."

"That's it."

Xia Yi is also a human being. When he wants to talk, Xianyueyin is a very good listener. After hearing these words, Xianyueyin feels that those people are very excessive, maybe those people make Xia Yi change. Became the distorted character now.

No... Actually Xia Yi is not distorted, he is already very, very kind and fair.

"If you are not too narrow-minded, then those people really don't deserve to be saved."

"Really? Then you are wrong. Everyone is eligible to be saved. The key is that the savior must be prepared not to be thanked by anyone. In fact, there are mortals who fight for my back. They are the reason why I am willing to stick to it. That’s why I can choose to believe in benevolence and kindness. Even if one million of the people I save can only be one person who knows the gratitude, I am content.”

"So I think about such a big immortal world, there will always be a few who know that they are wrong, and there will always be those who know to stand on the overall situation of the human race. I just want to take off your strong coats and trample on you if necessary. With dignity, you can think rationally."

"In the past, many people thought I was a sage. After you see my style at the moment, do you think I am?"

Xia Yi looked at Xianyueyin, Xianyueyin did not answer. In her opinion, Xia Yi was simply a demon. He asked those who loved him to die, using Xianruyi, who loved him so much, but Xianyueyin had to Acknowledging that Xia Yi's enlightenment is high, he is not a sage, who is a sage?

Even if the person he saved betrayed, he never gave up benevolence, and he could be crueler than anyone else when necessary. Even this cruelty was kind, all in order to take care of the overall situation.

This is the current Xia Yi, not only strong in strength, but also indestructible in his heart. Knowing that he is an enemy, watching him do brutal and excessive things, but in the bottom of my heart, I can't hate him.

This kind of complexity is something Xian Yueyin has never experienced before.

"Why do our immortals have to grudge with Xuanhuang..."

"Hey, hey!!"

Xianyueyin smiled bitterly and sighed. She was very good at observing a person, and he could even see the shortcomings of his father, but Xia Yi had been observing for so long, she couldn't find accurate shortcomings. He was perfect. Whether as a person or as an enemy.

"So in order to prevent future generations from sighing like you, there is no need to be as cruel as I am. There are some things that I must do, and you must be patient. I am very glad that you can understand all of this. It is true that I have liked it in my previous life. Woman."

Xia Yi smiled, and Xian Yueyin had nothing to say, Xia Yi's charm had arrived, even if she knew she was an enemy, it could still make her dusty heart tremble.


In the middle of the night, Xian Yueyin came to the Yanchi on the summit of Twin Peaks alone. Although she did nothing in the last few days, there was an indescribable fatigue. She recalled everything that had happened recently, and her mind was all about race. How to choose between justice and justice.

After she calmed down, she thought a lot, just as she insisted before, can Xia Yi really be able to convince the entire immortal clan to defeat? Although Xuan Huang's situation was not clear to Xian Yueyin, Xuan Huang must not be too strong, because after communicating with Xuan Huang in other realms, it was discovered that Xuan Huang was a very weak realm that even a saint did not have.

However, Xuan Huang has missed a saint like Xia Yi. He had already defeated the five heavenly spirits before he left the heavenly spirits. At this moment, he must be stronger than before. After all, it was already a few years ago. And what Xia Yi was really terrifying was not his martial arts demigod's strength, nor his courage or courage.

The most important thing is that Xia Yi is actually an Asura king. He once fell into the netherworld and even awakened from it. The threat of an Asura king may be greater than the true **** on the bright side. Xianyueyin thinks like this. Yes, if Xia Yi really had that meaning, it would be extremely dangerous to unite with other weak circles to send the immortal clan to death.

Not because of anything else, because he can order Netherworld, Netherworld is irrational, and there are no rules in action, but what if there is a commander? Moreover, she is still a strong man who understands the immortal clan and possesses great wisdom. What Xian Yueyin is most worried about is this, so she chose to agree to Xia Yi.

In fact, compared with the theory promoted by Xia Yi, she only agreed with Xia Yi after showing her own strength. Xia Yi was right, no matter how much good deeds she did, it was better to just let the weak kneel down for him, and she chose to agree. Xia Yi, it is also Xia Yi's strength that can indeed be positively shaken.

Although very upset and uncomfortable, she can only look at Xia Yi's arrogance, and the other party is at least sane. She must not let the conflict increase, otherwise if Xia Yi leads the Nether to attack, even the fairy clan will never want anything. benefit.

Therefore, rather than saying that she was overwhelmed by Xia Yi's personality charm, it was better to say that she was still afraid of the blade in Xia Yi's hand, because it did have the sharpness that caused the immortal clan to bleed heavily.

"No matter what I think, it seems that I should support him at this moment. Is that what it feels like to be forgiven? There is really no real feeling."

Thinking of this, Xian Yueyin couldn't help laughing wryly. Many people would repent until the end. Why did they know this before, but before the end, how many people can see if the current choice is right or wrong? Even Xian Yueyin herself was still hesitating.

She hesitated precisely because Xia Yi gave her a back road, but also because Xia Yi even had the courage to give her a back road, which made her think more carefully, which only showed that Xia Yi was completely not afraid of being exposed.

According to Xia Yi, the time he spent after exposure would only be longer and the process would be a bit more troublesome, but the number of people who died has increased tenfold.

Soaking in the hot flames, Xianyueyin couldn't feel the warmth, only the unspeakable cold invaded her, she even wanted to escape, and wanted to stay away from Xia Yi, but she knew that even if she was far away What can happen, what should happen will still happen.

However, from another aspect, Xia Yi is no longer wary of her. If Xia Yi’s weakness can be found, maybe he can be killed to make the Xian Clan worry-free. Xian Yueyin chose to treat Xia Yi for the sake of the Xian Clan. Turning a blind eye, you can also betray Xia Yi at any time for the immortal clan.

In the life of Killing Heaven, the Xian Clan succeeded, and Xian Yueyin was as a winner to pity the loser.

In this life, Xia Yi is a winner. As a winner, Xia Yi is giving opportunities to the loser. This is the biggest difference between the two in this life. It is no longer being pityed, but whether he decides to forgive.

Immortal world, domain north.

The rebels who had finally recovered a bit of vitality recently received news from Xian Duofu. Punishment Xianzun did not give up on chasing them, and sent people to track down their locations, vowing to destroy them before they were willing, even in Beitian Palace. Because the previous grievances deliberately punished the immortal clan with disgust, but it did not prevent the punishment of Xianzun's secretly sending someone.

Even once the penalty Xianzun is confirmed to be a traitor, he will be immediately attacked and assassinated. Anyway, he won't give the rebels a way out, and the penalty Xianzun has made the determination to chase them to the end of the world.

This directly blows up the rebels. Some people who are frightened want to continue to flee, or even walk away from other realms, but the rebels are gradually replaced by another voice. They have to make the penalty immortal pay the price, don’t think They are nice soft persimmons, killing all the subordinates sent by Xianzun Xianzun, so that Xianzun Xianzun also knows what regret is.

Anyway, with the character of the Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace, what the penalty Xianzun has done to Xian Jingshui will definitely be grudged. The Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace will do everything possible to make the penalty Xianzun unhappy, otherwise. , Does the penalty immortal need to secretly send someone to Yubei?

This kind of thinking slowly spread within the rebels and was accepted by them. The rebels had news of Xian Duofu, and they were able to prepare in advance or even set up traps to wait for the punishment of Xianzun's hand to come down. They want revenge!

A few days later, many of Penal Xianzun’s subordinates were targeted during the investigation and died in the wilderness. The prepared rebels were not afraid to punish the people sent by Xianzun secretly. Want to send more powerful combat power.

It's a pity that Xia Yi didn't want to eradicate them at all. He just wanted to use them to further increase the enmity between the Nantian Temple and the Beitian Temple. Later, he could use this to attack the Beitian Temple and provoke the relationship between the five heavenly palaces.

Although the five heavenly palaces have been living in harmony for a long time, the enmity formed in the past has not completely disappeared, and they still continue in many small details. This is also the core reason for the back-to-back rivalry between the five heavenly palaces.

The subordinates sent by Xia Yi were all killed under Xia Yi's own arrangement, and none of them were left. The rebels really dared to have his corpses transported back to Yunan for help according to his wishes. The rebels seemed quite good. Those who trust Xian Duofu and are willing to listen to Xian Duofu's opinions are undoubtedly a good thing, which will enable Xia Yi to make better use of the rebels.

Perhaps their only use is to be used as a good tool by Xia Yi.

A week later, a new news spread to the Xian Zun, that all the subordinates sent by the penalty Xianzun to Yubei died tragically at the hands of the rebels. The rebels even ordered the body to be transported back to the Nantian Temple to provoke them, making the penalty Xianzun angry.


Soon after Xia Yi sent to Yubei's subordinates to sacrifice, in order to express his anger, Xia Yi came to Yubei alone to capture the rebels, and even rushed into the Northern Emperor's Immortal Palace to arrest people. There were indeed rebels in the Northern Emperor's Immortal Palace. That’s Xian Juexiao, the apprentice accepted by Xia Yi with another identity.

Of course, Xia Yi didn't intend to harm him. This chess piece Xia Yi was still useful, and Xia Yi just needed this upright excuse to humiliate Beitian Palace.

And not long after Xia Yi came to the Northern Emperor Xianfu, before he had time to enter, the Lord of the Beitian Palace actually showed up in person. The Lord of the Beitian Palace stood in front of the gate of the Northern Emperor. He dared to break into the Northern Emperor's Immortal Mansion, and even injured the doorman.

"Punishing Immortal Venerable, what do you mean? Even if you are Venerable, breaking into one of the five heavenly palaces is a big crime. As a punishment, don't know the law and break the law!"

The Lord of the Beitian Palace actually knows the reason why Xia Yi is so angry. It is obvious that the rebels dare to be so arrogant because of the bad relationship between the Beitian Temple and Xia Yi, but the Lord of the Beitian Palace does not feel that they have been used by the rebels. Because in his opinion this is a mutually beneficial thing, he supports the rebels, and the rebels help him out of this bad breath.

Xia Yi has the support of the Central Heavenly Palace, and is a hot powerhouse of the immortal clan. Even the first beauty of the immortal clan, Xian Yueyin, was betrothed to Xia Yi by the central palace owner. It can be seen that Xia Yi’s current status is high. If he joins Central Tiangong, after a period of time, I am afraid that it will not become the second in command of the Central Tiangong.

"What am I going to mean? Come and arrest the rebellion!"

"Joke, this Northern Emperor Xianfu is directly regarded as part of my Beitian Palace, do you think there is a rebellion in my Beitian Palace?"

"Nonsense! I have it in the Nantian Palace, why can't you have it in the Beitian Palace? The purpose of my coming this time is not to cause trouble, but simply want to catch rebellion. I have no intention of having any conflict with you, Lord Beitian. Please also understand from the Lord of Beitian Palace."

Xia Yi held a fist and bowed in a pretense manner. The right way is to salute first and then pawn. When this matter is spread out, people will often think that it is the fault of the Lord of the Beitian. After all, Xia Yi is because of his duty, and the Lord of the Beitian is just trying to save face.

"There is no rebellion in my Beitian Temple, please go back."

The Lord of the Beitian Palace waved Xia Yi back with a domineering hand. Xia Yi was silent for a while. He didn't feel uncomfortable, but was very happy. Because this was very similar to Xia Yi’s plan, Xia Yi knew that the Lord of the Beitian Palace must Will not give him face.

He had a contradiction with the Beitian Temple. If the Beitian Temple gave him face, it would be to not want his own face, and as one of the five heavenly palaces, it is impossible for the Beitian Temple to not want his own face.

"Must have!"

Xia Yi didn't mean to leave, but took a step forward.

"If I say no, there will be no! You are endless? The Beitian Temple is under my control. The five heavenly palaces are not allowed to interfere with each other's internal affairs. Don't forget the Five Emperors Treaty. Whether it is tracing or arresting, or even sheltering, it is all I have the final say. !"

The Lord of Beitian Palace is very strong. In his opinion, Xia Yi is extremely ignorant. The rebel did a bit too much this time. He originally planned to take action to rectify it. However, this punishment is too young and his temper is too hot. Don't know how to tolerate.

It was the same when he dealt with his daughter's affairs last time. He obviously would handle it well and would definitely give other people a good explanation, but Xia Yi insisted on taking action to save his face. Who is this strange?

The more you are in a high position, the more important the thing of face is. If Xia Yi contacts him privately and is willing to communicate with him, he will take care of the rebels, but Xia Yi is arrogant to come here. Don't give him face, then don't blame him for being ruthless.

"Master Beitian Palace, in the face of this overall situation, I suggest that you still don’t be too narrow. I admit that I am somewhat anxious, but those rebels who killed me directly sent their bodies back to the Nantian Palace to humiliate and provoke me. Where is the word penalty represented by the penalty Xianzun?"

"If you want face, I don't want it?"

Xia Yi stared at the Beitian Palace Master, speaking a bit aggressively without any respect. The Beitian Palace Master just snorted.

"This is Beitian Palace. I decide who to give face. I won't say it again. Please go back. I think you don't want to be jokes by rebels."

The Beitian Palace Master’s remarks already meant a warning. He was telling Xia Yi that if he didn’t leave again, he would personally make Xia Yi ugly. Xia Yi clenched his fist and suddenly laughed a few times, which was obviously very angry. Anti-laugh.

"Okay, okay, this is Yubei, Lord Beitian Palace, you have the final say, you are funding the rebels, even if you become a member of the rebels, I can't control it, you are ashamed to say not to let the rebels read jokes , I’m afraid what you’re doing is not to make the rebels wake up with a smile. If you don’t deal with business, you will know how to hold authority and make face. It seems that Yubei is similar to other realms of cultivation."

Xia Yi deliberately began to speak yin and yang strangely, wanting to anger the Beitian Palace Lord, so that his relationship with the Beitian Palace could deteriorate further, so that the rebels could arrogantly in the Beitian Palace, and he madly challenged the Beitian Palace Lord’s face on the bright side. Let Beitian Palace Master Wuyan act on the rebels.

As long as Beitiangong took the initiative, it would compromise his junior.

"The immortal is still! Some words pay attention to the occasion. I have always appreciated your abilities and talents, but you don't know how to be a human being. You are not suitable for staying in our immortal world. I think it is better for you to go back to Dao Fa."

"Oh? Lord of the Beitian Palace, are you rushing me back on behalf of the rebels? It's really a Beitian Palace. I remembered today. If you have the ability to protect the rebels, I want to see what is in the end. Who suffers!"

Xia Yi’s attitude can already be said to be cheeky. He doesn’t pay attention to the Lord of the Beitian Palace at all. The Lord of the Beitian Palace really wants to teach this ignorant junior, but so many people are watching. Xia Yi is shameless, he still wants it.

"Enough, I have seen that you are not worthy of virtue, your words can not affect me, I will deal with the rebellious, but not to you, don't think I will follow your will and let you accuse me, I disdain Be angry with you and recognize what you are."

The master of the Beitian Palace is not low in skill. To become the master of the dignified heavenly palace, it must be that many aspects of the abilities are at the peak of the immortal clan. Xia Yi is not angry because he knows that he has won and the master of the Beitian palace has begun to lose. Demeanor.

"I'm really not a gadget, but your daughter can even say that she deserves to be sacrificed in the Nantian Temple. What are you who can give birth to this kind of daughter? A daughter must have a father. May I ask what you are. ?"

The Lord of the Beitian Palace was unknowingly pulled down by Xia Yi's field of expertise, and what awaited him next was naturally defeated by Xia Yi's sufficient experience.

(Recently, I was out of town for two more days.)


Both of the two immortal people are in high positions. At this moment, there is a scolding war. This is something that many people have not expected. Although the Lord of the Beitian Palace protects shortcomings, his personality has always been gentle, like the last time Xia Yi fanned the fairy to clean water. Slap in the face, the Beitian Palace Master held back and did not attack.

However, this time the Lord of the Beitian Palace had a rare anger. It can be seen that the penalty of Xianzun completely offended the Lord of the Beitian Palace inside and out. Of course, this was Xia Yi's original purpose, which was to make the Lord of the Beitian Palace faceless.

"It's a junior with sharp teeth. Have you learned these things in Dao Fa? I agree with your strength, but I still suggest you find a college to learn how to speak."

"If you don't mind, the Beidi Xianfu under my Beitian Palace can let you study with children under ten years old."

Xia Yi didn't give face so much, of course he would never give Xia Yi face again. He was the master of the Northern Heavenly Palace, the master of the dignified Heavenly Palace, and his status was destined that he could not tolerate Xia Yi's humiliation.


However, Xia Yi's response method was actually to agree, or to agree with a very bright smile, which immediately made the Beitian Palace Master's heart scream, and he realized that he seemed to have said something wrong.

"This means that you have already approved me to enter the Northern Emperor's Immortal Mansion? You are the master of the dignified heavenly palace.


Facing Xia Yi's counterattack, the Lord of the Beitian Palace smiled silently. This penalty Xianzun really knew how to pierce the needle.

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