"I was just a joke, don't take it seriously, anyway, I will take care of the rebels, I don't need you to worry about it."

"I'm just worried that you don't know how to deal with them. According to the news sent back by my subordinates recently, they are taking a good rest, and are always ready to go against the chaos."

"Xianhuan, I don’t want to say a second time. This is Yubei. I will bear all the consequences. What are you worried about? You should go back to your Yunan as soon as possible. Also, don’t think you are valued by the central palace lord. Don’t use chicken feathers as your arrow, you can only be arrogant in the unowned Nantian Palace."

"Then can I think that you don't respect the Central Temple?"

Xia Yi continued to pour dirty water, but it didn't stop anyway. The Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace took a deep breath, and then unexpectedly released his own powerful aura. His pupils instantly turned into platinum color, and the originally clear sky was inexplicably covered by dark clouds for a while. The world has changed.

"Here is Yubei, here is Beitian Palace, and I am the master of Beitian Palace."

"If you don't go, you will be at your own risk."

The palace lord of Beitian issued an expulsion order to Xia Yi, and later he had to find the central palace lord to discuss it. This immortal was really too shameless, and he didn’t put him in the eyes at all. This kind of person, no matter how good he was, would never be allowed. Reuse, after all, did not grow up from the fairy clan, and the rebellious mind of challenging authority is very heavy.

But he is still a strong man who really has the ability to challenge authority. If he is left unchecked, the consequences will be serious.

"Oh, let me go, let me go! What do you do if you are so angry that the rebels are like your family members. If you are moved by me, you will cry anxiously. Actually, I understand your position. Not stupid, but please also think about my position. My position does not allow me to tolerate the rebels. I think my position is above you for the time being."

Xia Yi represents the word punishment. Punishment is just and strict and should not be afraid of authority. The Lord of the Beitian Palace did not say anything. Perhaps Xia Yi is correct, but he is absolutely right. If Xia Yiqiang breaks into the Beitian Palace and arrests people, He doesn't do anything, and what kind of face does he have? Doesn't it make him a subordinate of the Central Heavenly Palace?

The five heavenly palaces are equal, which is an iron law in the fairy clan.

"I remember that I just let you go, can't you hear people?"

The Lord Beitian didn't want to say even a word to Xia Yi anymore. He just wanted to drive Xia Yi away. Seeing such a strong Lord of the Beitian Palace, Xia Yi only felt joy in his heart, that's what he had to do!

"I can hear, how can I not hear, originally I planned to leave, but your words made me feel very uncomfortable. Matters between the five heavenly palaces and face issues are not in my consideration. I just want to solve the rebels. , Do my job well, I don't know what the strength of Lord Beitian Palace is? Can you stop me."


The Lord of the Beitian Palace suddenly smiled when he heard this. Xia Yi wanted to make a move? How can he challenge a palace lord! I really can't give him a face, I just push my nose on my face, I don't know the height of the sky!

"I am an Asian god, although your half-step martial arts **** is powerful, you still don't see enough!"

"Try it, and then you'll know!"

"Domain, immortal!"

Xia Yi aroused his own domain, and rushed to the Beitian Palace Master arrogantly and prepared to do it directly. The Beitian Palace Master let out a cold snort, and just stretched out a hand to hinder Xia Yi. Seeing this, Xia Yi was happy again in his heart, he knew it. The Lord of the Beitian Palace will entrust him to the grand prince, which is too much for him. It is completely developing according to Xia Yi's plan.

Xia Yi’s fluttering palm stopped in front of the Beitian Palace Master, and it was no longer possible to move forward. The Beitian Palace Master actually knew how to confine space. Xia Yi could no longer move. The Beitian Palace Master was now very elegant, with one hand behind her back. The other hand confines the space, and the hair flutters in the wind, which is very graceful.

On the other hand, Xia Yi, even if the breath is strong, the blood is even more terrifying, and the sound of the heartbeat can make the earth tremble with it, but it is still imprisoned by the Lord of the Beitian Palace. This scene makes the people in the Beitian Palace laugh at Xia Yi’s self-confidence in their hearts. Not capable.

Can anyone be the Lord of the Heavenly Palace? The immortal clan is so powerful, and the lord of the five-sided heavenly palace is the most powerful five of the immortal clan. You are indeed very strong, but you are still too tender to face the lord of the five-sided heavenly palace.

However, the Lord Beitian suddenly noticed the wicked smile on Xia Yi's face.

It's not good, it's hit!

In just an instant, the Lord of the Beitian Palace poured a large amount of spiritual energy into his right hand, ready to knock Xia Yi back, but it was still a step too late, because Xia Yi's fist had already moved.

"Originally, Kaitian!"

The power of opening the sky cannot be stopped and cannot be counteracted. Either dodge or carry it hard, but at such a close distance, the Beitian Palace Master wants to go too late. He can only watch Xia Yi throw out his fists, even if Xia Yi is hard. Slapped him.

But his palm was just a random move, but Xia Yi used a killer move that he had prepared for a long time.

With a bang, there was a sudden cloud and mist around Xia Yi, and Xia Yi rolled away with the clouds and mist, and his jacket was directly broken, leaving a deep palm print on his chest, but in contrast, the Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace, even though he has tried every possible means. I wanted to hold back, but there was still a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.


In front of the gate of Beitian Temple.

The immortal people silently looked at everything in front of them. Xia Yi was repulsed and wounded. He steadied his body after backing nearly a hundred meters. His aura was significantly weaker than before. Although the Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace did not retreat even a single step, even The body didn't move, but the shocking blood at the corner of his mouth still showed who was hurt more severely.

The Lord of the Beitian Palace was obviously injured more severely!

"As expected to be the Lord of the Beitian Palace, I admit defeat, I am convinced, my full punch is not as good as the Master of the Beitian Palace, I am too self-righteous, so this is the difference between a demigod and a sub-god?"

"Thank you, Lord Beitian Palace, for showing mercy to my men today, and thank you for your advice!"

Xia Yi got the bargain and immediately sold him, and began to say good things about the Lord of the Beitian Palace. The face of the Lord of the Beitian Palace was dark. This guy had definitely planned for a long time. Suddenly he violently shot and seemed to have done his best. He did not expect that the real killer move was deliberately hidden. When he got up, he was definitely accumulating strength secretly before!

This immortal is really insidious. After attacking him, he still behaved so that he could not ask him to settle the account. If he didn't know how to learn, he learned the sordid set of Taoism so thoroughly.

As the lord of the heavenly palace, if you hold on to the loser, it is indeed a bit embarrassing. The lord of the Beitian palace wants to continue to take action and clean up Xia Yi, but even if he gritted his teeth with hatred, he can only stare at Xia Yi. , Otherwise he would not give the face of the Central Temple.

"Hmph, it is also very important to know how many catties you have. Today the deity shows mercy to your subordinates once, and the next time, it's no wonder the deity has no mercy."

The Lord of the Beitian Palace wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. For the first time in so many years in a high position, he actually felt aggrieved emotions. Yes, he felt a little wronged.

This immortal is really hateful! It's best not to let yourself catch any chance, if he catches it, he promises that the immortal will not have good fruit.

"I know, I'm sorry, but I will dare next time."

After that, Xia Yi laughed again and went away like a victor. The Lord of the Beitian Palace was holding his stomach, really wanting to rush to catch Xia Yi to the starry sky and ravage him. He always felt that Xia Yi is just a young and energetic talent who doesn't know how to score. However, Xia Yi's actions today refreshed his understanding.

This guy is a pure villain, really worthy of coming back from Taoism experience, this kind of face is deep in the essence of some people.

After Xia Yi left, the Beitian Temple quickly returned to the main hall of the Beitian Temple with a face. It is impossible for him to eat this loss. Do you still want to solve the rebels and claim credit? Don't think about it!

As long as he is still a day, don't even think about eradicating the rebels if you punish the Xianzun!

He had already decided to simply turn one eye to the rebel, and would never let the immortal be still in the immortal clan smooth sailing.

Half a day later, the rebels knew what had happened in the Beitian Temple and couldn’t help but celebrate. The penalty Immortal Venerable was finally deflated. They decided to develop in the Yubei in the future and not to riot in the Yubei, so as not to provoke the Beitiangong. , Beitian Temple is now their patron!

When they were about to recuperate, it was the time when they returned to Yu Nan to repay the penalty to Xian Zun. Because Xian Duo Fu provided favorable news twice in a row, the rebels completely regarded Xian Duo Fu as their own people and no longer demanded Xian Duo Fu. Fu did something excessive to prevent Xian Duo Fu from being punished to death by Xian Zun in Nantian Temple.

Among them, a new member of the rebels has done a great job, that is Xian Juexiao, he is the only rebel in the Beidi Xianfu, and he also came into contact with Xian Jingshui, letting Beitian Palace privately. Completely ignore the actions of the rebels.

If not, the Beitian Temple, who doesn't know the truth, will never indulge the rebels to attack and kill the people of the Nantian Temple in Yubei. After the master of the Beitian Temple knows, Xia Yi has already arrived at the gate of the Beitian Temple.

After that, the Lord of the Beitian Palace did a good job of investigating. His original intention was not to interfere with the rebels, but if the rebels were too much, he still had to take care of them, but this time the rebels were a bit too much. The body was transported back to provoke, but it was too late when he knew it.

What makes him even more helpless is that there is actually his daughter Xian Jingshui in it. If Xian catches evidence and stabs the Central Temple, her daughter will lose a layer of skin even if she is not dead, so the Lord of the Beitian Temple can only choose to conceal it. , Can only take this loss hard.

Xian has always insisted that there are rebels in the Northern Emperor’s Immortal Mansion. Maybe it’s also how many investigations have been made that someone in the Beitian Temple is assisting the rebels. After that, he called Xian Jingshui to give a good slur, and even kept it for a month. Confinement, warned that there should be no next time, from his standpoint, he still understands that some things can be said, but they must not be done.

For example, to help the rebels openly, this is absolutely impossible!

However, after being imprisoned for a month, Xian Jingshui had no regrets. He even felt that this was also the fault of penalty Xianzun. It was because penalty Xianzun was too arrogant to come to Beitian Palace to make a fuss and let her be punished by her father.

Her hatred of Xia Yi has deepened a lot, and she has been more or less jealous of Xian Yueyin and Xian Ruyi. Now Xian Yueyin and Xian Ruyi are by the side of punishment. What she is jealous of and what she hates After staying together, she will naturally find ways to disgust them.

Xian Jingshui thought so, she was very uncomfortable and prepared to leave the inner hall where she was confined. Today is the last day. Just as soon as she opened the door, she found a person standing at the door. This person saw her come out and came immediately. She leaned down in front of her and admitted her mistake.

"His Royal Highness, I am very sorry, I was the one who harmed you like this, please punish you."

The person waiting for her was Xian Juexiao. Xian Juexiao only found her at first, saying that she had accidentally learned that the rebels planned to kill the subordinates sent by Xianzun, and asked Xian Jingshui to help inform Nantian Palace, Ke Xian Jingshui selfishly chose to conceal it, even deliberately letting people leave it alone.

"It has nothing to do with you..."

Xian Jingshui didn't blame Xian Juexiao, she herself came up with a bad idea, Xian Juexiao wanted to help punish Xianzun instead.

"It's because I didn't pay attention to the grievances between His Highness Purifying Water and Penal Xianzun. I shouldn't tell you, but to be honest, I don't think you are too much. From the perspective of human relations, I think Penal Xianzun is very hateful. I also thought about it for a long time before I decided to stand on the ground and inform Nantian Temple."

At this moment, Xian Juexiao also expressed his dislike of punishment of Xianzun. This immediately gave Xian Jingshui a feeling of finding a bosom friend. Since she said cruel things last time, many young disciples of Beitian Palace have stopped interacting with her. Because most people know it is her fault in their hearts.


"Oh, are you trying to please me?"

For Xian Juexiao’s words, Xian Jingshui grinned suddenly. This kind of blatant flattery used to be very easy for her to see. In the past, she would never take care of those who flattered her, but at this moment there are still people willing to flatter her. I don't feel she hates it.

Moreover, she was really disgusting and punished Xianzun once!


Being directly pointed out by Xian Jingshui’s purpose, Xian Juexiao was a little embarrassed. The traitor did have the meaning of allowing him to contact Xian Jingshui and maintain a good relationship, but he was still too strange in the relationship between men and women, and the other party was still the Lord of Beitian Palace. Daughter, he feels somewhat restrained.

"Don't worry, our Beitian Palace is not too concerned about pedigree, otherwise you will not be able to come to the Northern Emperor Immortal Mansion, you should also be regarded as the best among the inferior immortals, I did not expect that one day I will also fall into When I am pleased by the inferior immortals and feel happy."

After Xian Jingshui finished speaking, she sighed. Since the last time she offended Xianzun, her life has changed drastically after she said those words impulsively, even the men she doesn’t like at all. Then deliberately please her, before Zhongxing Pengyue's arrogance is not there, only the deserted loneliness is left.

After all, the immortal people are immortal people with high self-discipline. Even if they know flattery, they will not abandon everything for fame and gain. The immortal people grew up under this kind of education, which is fundamentally different from the realm of cultivation.

If you are in the realm of cultivation, Xian Jingshui still has people who please her at this moment. It is a pity that this is the realm of immortality. In fact, even before Xian Juexiao hated punishment of immortal venerable, his views on punishment of immortal venerable are more Being in awe, he wouldn't care about Immortal Purification Water either.

But the situation is completely different at this time.

"I just think you are a bit pitiful, Majesty Water Purification. Recently, no one has greeted you at all. On weekdays, they all come to you. If you have an accident, they will turn their faces and deny you. The last time it was your impulse, Majesty Water Purification. I don’t think that was your intention."

Xian Juexiao looked at Xian Jingshui with a serious expression. He is not stupid, let alone an idiot. He still knows how to please women, but Xian Jing level day will not pay attention to him as an inferior immortal. It is only now that he has the opportunity to express himself.

According to the style of Xian Jingshui, Xian Juexiao roughly judged that Xian Jingshui should be a kind of character who likes to be flattered and likes to be flattered. So there is no need to formulate any strategies, just say good things directly, when no one says good things to her. Say good things about her, it works better than anything.

At any rate, he has also struggled from an ordinary inferior immortal to the present, and his experience and temperament are somewhat better than those of pure-blooded immortals.

"You're a bit too straightforward to please, the purpose is too obvious, do you think I will lower my demands at this moment? Will you be attracted to people like you?"

Xian Jingshui is still arrogant, even with ridicule in his tone. These guys who flatter her have a purpose, and this inferior immortal is no exception. Mostly because of his identity as the daughter of the Lord of the Beitian Palace.

"Don't dare, how can I be taken by His Royal Highness Purification? It's just an extravagant wish. I do wonder if I can get a little closer to you now. After all, I'm an inferior immortal who is always close to you. Difficult, I can only keep looking at you from a distance."

Xian Juexiao’s words were almost equivalent to confession, and she confessed her emotions. Of course, they were false. These plans were all told to him by another rebel. That rebel is now in Nantian Palace. Punishment Xianzun was arrogant under his eyelids, and even saved the rebels several times. Xian Juexiao admired each other more or less.

That person is Xian Duofu, the governor of the Nantian Temple. He is responsible for managing the annual annuities paid by the major cities and towns in the southern region. Calling a good wind and smooth flow, the resources of the traitor are sufficient and he can't get rid of it.

Xian Duofu once said privately that he valued Xian Juexiao, including the plan to draw in and even use Xian Jingshui, which was informed by Xian Duofu. As for whether he could build a closer relationship with Xian Jingshui, it depends on Xian. Jue Xiao himself.

"Hehe, the toad wants to eat swan meat."

Xian Jingshui's expression is quite disdainful, even if she falls to this point, she is not an inferior immortal that can be delusional, but well...

"This is absolutely impossible before, but if the swan volunteers, it will be different. You are lucky, I will eat this set. I can give you a chance to make you happy, even if it is for me to reward you with a spring supper. , But you have to join the rebels!"

Xian Jingshui thought of a very wonderful doctrine at this moment. She decided to make good use of the idiot Xian Juexiao. After hearing Xian Jingshui's request, Xian Juexiao was speechless. Why join the traitor, he is!

But I definitely can't say it now.


"You are afraid to punish Xianzun? You are not willing to pay for this risk. How can you stay with me? Don't you like me? As long as you can meet my requirements, you will get everything you want. Even if you get me, as a sordid blood, there are not many opportunities for you to meet this kind of opportunity."

Xian Jingshui didn't intend to really pay himself to Xian Juexiao, but just told him to coax him, but Xian Juexiao didn't care if what Xian Jingshui said was true or false, because his goal had been perfectly achieved, Xian Jing Shui actually wanted to use the traitor to take the initiative to do something. This was an unexpected joy. I really can't underestimate this vicious-hearted woman.

"No! How is it possible that for your Royal Highness Jingshui, you will punish Xianzun...no, what kind of **** you are. I don't know what I can do for Your Highness Jingshui after joining the rebels?"

Don't give up the opportunity presented here in vain. Xian Juexiao was very enlightened, and Xian Jingshui was naturally very happy. Sure enough, these inferior immortals were cheating.

"You join first, and after you join, help me contact the rebels. If you encounter the same opportunity as this time, I promise to make it easier for them, make them arrogant, and completely destroy the dignity and face of the penalty immortal!"

After Xian Jingshui finished speaking, he suddenly laughed. The smile was distorted. Xian Juexiao nodded and agreed. Without Xian Jingshui's words, the original purpose of the rebels was also the same. The two can be said to be dry wood and raging fire.

A few days later, the rebels formally got on the line with Xian Jingshui, and the incident reached Xia Yi through Xianduofu. Xia Yi almost laughed when he heard that Xian Jingshui had asked for it.

The Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace, the Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace, for vain your fame, but gave birth to such an unlucky ghost!


In the Five Heaven Palaces, there are many descendants of the palace lord, including brothers and sisters who are dozens of years different in age, but only a few can get the attention of the palace lord, or they are exceptionally talented, or have special bloodlines. Pure, in short, there must be one thing to stand out among brothers and sisters.

Xian Ruyi has pure blood, so he is loved by the lord of Nantian Palace, and Xianyueyin is the most excellent in comprehensive ability, so even a woman is cultivated vigorously by the central palace lord. Xianyueyin is not without brothers and sisters, but Those brothers and sisters are not worth mentioning compared to her, so that the fairy world rarely talks about the other children of the Central Palace Master.

Basically, when people think of the daughter of the central palace lord, the first thing people think of is Xianyueyin.

As for Xian Jingshui, she is not useless. Instead, she is the best one among the three daughters. She had a vision of heaven and earth when she was born. At that time, the entire Beitian Palace was washed away by a rain of spirits on a sunny afternoon. The cultivation bases of those who have been caught in the rain have risen a little, as if they have been blessed by the heavens and the earth.

And Xian Jingshui is indeed a special physique unique to the immortal clan, the immortal spirit body, the power of the golden crow in the body is extremely pure, there is no half-differentiation at all, this is also the physique of the northern immortal emperor, so the Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace is so spoiled Fairy water.

The Northern Immortal Emperor eliminates many unnecessary bloodlines in the human race and the useless bloodlines among the innate creatures. He specializes in the power of the Golden Crow. It is the strongest among the immortal natives. Even the Central Immortal Emperor is better than young. , The victory lies in his being the current emperor, otherwise he might not be able to win the Northern Immortal Emperor.

It can be seen that it is not surprising that the Northern Temple does not accept the Central Temple. Xian Jingshui is even more proud of it. She feels that she is not inferior to Xian Yueyin more than once. She really hates punishment Xianzun, but Xian Jingshui does. Still feel that only penalty immortal can match her.

Xian Wanxiong didn't look enough after the penalty of Xianzun was born! She would grab love from Xianyueyin and Xianruyi, and then take control of the rebellious man. She didn't know why. After getting used to the flattery of others, she was so despised, scolded and scolded publicly by others. She slapped her in the face, but it made her very concerned about punishment to Xianzun.

Punishment Xianzun made her love and hate, both wanting to destroy and want to get.

Just when Xian Jingshui wanted to get into trouble, Xian Yueyin, who was on the other side in the penalty hall of Nantian Palace, looked sad, because Xia Yi was framing others in front of her and provoking the relationship between the two heavenly temples. And the key point of Xia Yi's plan this time was a real idiot.

Fairy water...

The daughter of the Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace, Xian Yueyin has never been optimistic about her. The immortal Ruyi Tian is really kind, and the Xian Wanxiong has his own perseverance. The young grandson of the Lord of the Western Heavenly Palace, Xianqing, is also good at Taoism, Immortality, and Magic III. This kind of different Tao, although they are still young, they are all juniors, but they are indeed very good.

As for Xian Jingshui, she is not only arrogant and jealous of her, narrow-minded, and can't make a big deal, but she was praised too high after she was young.

"Xianduofu, you just follow the meaning of Xian Jingshui, we cheat her father together, you must cooperate fully."

After confessing to Xian Duofu, Xia Yi took out another jade slip for communication, and in an old-fashioned voice, I didn't know who he had contacted. Xian Yueyin only knew that Xia Yi called the other party "disciple".

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