I have to say that Xia Yi’s plan is basically going well. He is like figuring out who will react to what things, and manipulates and deceives people as he pleases. If Xianyueyin hadn’t been observing others since he was a child, And Xia Yi's anomaly was discovered for the first time, and Xia Yi might actually hide it from him.

But what can I do if I find it? Xia Yi had a direct showdown and used all the conspiracy to the height of Yangmou. Why did Xia Yi use conspiracy, because conspiracy can kill many people? This is the first time I have seen this kind of conspiracy based on righteousness.

"With the character of Xian Jingshui, I am afraid that not only will he cooperate with you, but he will also help you by analogy. You really found a complete idiot."

After Xia Yi contacted Xia Yi, Xianyueyin suddenly laughed. Xianyueyin only felt annoyed by Xian Wanxiong, but she didn't think Xian Wanxiong was stupid at all, but Xianyueyin could only use Xian Jingshui's evaluation. The word "idiot" has been labeled by Xian Yueyin, and Xian Yueyin is very accurate. She said that the other party is an idiot, and then ninety-nine percent of the other party is not smart enough.

"A stupid is good, too smart is not necessarily a good thing, don't you think?"

Xia Yi looked at Xianyueyin thoughtfully after hearing this. Xianyueyin was too smart, but she was mistaken for her cleverness, and Xia Yi's sudden showdown was immediately given away by the king.

"You stand on the absolute commanding heights of morality. I say everything is wrong, but what you do is right. I don't want to discuss with you. I just want to know how long you will stay in the fairy world?"

Xian Yueyin hopes that this kind of day will pass quickly, even if the Xian clan accepts defeat as the end, she feels uncomfortable looking at Xia Yi, don't look at it, she feels tormented at the thought of what Xia Yi is doing, anyway, she feels uncomfortable.

"How do I know that the plan is successful or it is revealed. Don't think about it within three to five years. You will be reluctant for ten or a hundred years. You may have to watch me make trouble for the next hundred years. We don't know if our evil fate is a hundred years. Good fit?"

"Have a good relationship with you for a hundred years? From the perspective of ordinary people, it may be really good. You are the ideal target, but from the perspective of the immortal clan, I really have to vomit the pill that I took decades ago. Out!"

"Okay, then you vomit, vomit here, don't waste it."

Xia Yi smiled, opened her mouth and pointed at her throat. Xian Yueyin really wanted to spit out thick phlegm in Xia Yi's mouth, but when she thought of how she could do that kind of thing as a lady, she stayed with Xia Yi recently. , Even the cold personality, not talkative, and even a little indifferent, made her mouth smelly, and her personality was even more mischievous.

This subtle influence Xian Yueyin didn't notice, but she did become more and more lively as a woman of this age should have.

"Why? Stop talking? Are you shy? Look how red your face is."

"To shut up……"

"Listen to your tone, it's as if the little daughter-in-law has been bullied by the grandfather."

"You are an older generation or a noble one, don't be disrespectful!"

"The old man loves to eat tender grass. I have nothing to do all day long, so I have to find something to do? You happen to be by my side. Who am I not to mess with you?"

"Don't do it!"

"I want it."

"You... your mother's, it's not right... I..."

Xian Yueyin couldn’t help but uttered swear words. This is not the first time. It’s Xia Yi’s traditional performance. Xia Yi can be polite. He loves to greet each other’s parents. It is to bless each other to live a long life.

But as a monk, who is not a thousand years old, a hundred years of life is like a sudden death in the monks' ears.

Xianyue Yin had learned badly under the influence of his eyes.

"Enough! You see I was ruined by you."


Hearing Xian Yueyin's complaint, Xia Yi's smile immediately became a bit sordid. Although he would not understand the wrong meaning, it did not prevent Xia Yi from understanding another meaning.

"It's okay to be ruined by me, that's really sorry."

Xia Yi said, while deliberately looking at Xian Yueyin’s waist, Xian Yueyin was stunned, and instantly blushed and covered her legs with her hands, but as soon as she touched Xia Yi’s more profound smile , I immediately realized that Xia Yi didn't say in any strange direction at all. Was her reaction a bit overwhelming?

"Ahem...You should do your own thing, as you liked to tell me before, don't bother me!"

Xianyueyin didn't want to stay anymore, and wanted to find an excuse to leave the penalty hall. Xia Yi has recently found a way to deal with Xianyueyin. Xianyueyin is very bad at meat jokes, and Xia Yi plays meat jokes every day. Deliberately joking with men and women.

The old man is not terrible, the venerable is not terrible, and I am afraid of being old and not respecting. Even Xian Yueyin, who is indifferent by nature, was forcibly corrected by Xia Yi, and she could not remain calm and indifferent in front of Xia Yi.

"Hey, Xianyueyin."

"Sister Yueyin."

"Miss Yueyin?"

After that, Xia Yi didn't know what idea he had thought of. He kept annoying Xian Yueyin. Xian Yueyin simply ignored Xia Yi. When she didn't see it, she didn't hear it. Unfortunately, she underestimated Xia Yi's power.

Because Xianyueyin didn't talk to Xia Yi, Xia Yi would stare at Xianyueyin from time to time. Xia Yi directly swept Xianyueyin's body with unbridled eyes, which was very aggressive, even with a hint of licentiousness. .

I looked at her lips for a while, her **** for a while, and her legs for a while.

Xian Yueyin couldn't bear this look, but when she and Xia Yi looked at each other, Xia Yi moved!

Xia Yi's eyelids twitched, and he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips. At this moment, Xian Yueyin was stupid. Is this Nima Venerable? Where does this gangster come from!

Xia Yi saw that Xianyueyin was unmoved, his face smiled deeper, stretched out his hand to grasp the air, and then used his **** to face the place where there was nothing repeatedly, Xianyueyin's face was still there at the moment. Shake, although she still maintained a kind smile, but her eyes were completely squinted to see how angry she was at the moment.

"Oh, my old waist..."

Xia Yi pretended to have low back pain again, and started to stand up and twist her waist vigorously, and then play with her fingers at Xianyueyin with a wicked smile. The **** of her left hand were compared in a circle, and her right hand stretched out **** to crazily in and out of the circle. After a while, he kept clapping his hands with both hands, adjusting the intensity and position, until there was a burst of abnormal noises.

After a while, Xia Yi seemed to be uncomfortable. He poured alcohol into his hand, and the sound of water made Xian Yueyin gritted his teeth. Xia Yi was really neurotic, and it was really bad for him to play these tricks.

In the end, Xia Yi stretched out his hands and broke into the void. The ghost knew what he was breaking, and he put out his tongue to move around. The ghost knew what he was licking, which completely burst Xian Yueyin's patience.

"Your head is sick, right! Your mother clamped your head when she gave birth to you? But you can still let the fairy clan surrender? Are you worthy, you go to death!"

Xianyueyin finally couldn't help it, cursing the street like a shrew. She took off her shoes and threw them on Xia Yi's face after she finished her cursing. She left after throwing them. She vowed that if there was nothing important, she would never step into the penalty hall again. Half a step!

Xianyueyin left, wearing only one shoe and left. Xia Yi shrugged. Who can't blame him for not being able to bear it? He hasn't played any harder yet, that is, letting the mirage dragon come out directly in front of Xianyueyin. Become her in front of her, and then play a game of occupying the people's girl.

At the level of Xia Yi, he has already studied how disgusting people are so good that he has reached the point of returning to the sect. There is a sword emperor in all generations, but there is no emperor!

"The little girl's mouth is so stinky, I don't know who taught it, it's true."

Xia Yi yawned. After driving away Xian Yueyin, he could concentrate on studying the formation. After his showdown, Xian Yueyin actually became a little too much. She watched everything about Xia Yi without any scruples. Xia Yi went there occasionally. If you take a dip at the top of Twin Peaks, you will be followed. She knows that she is shy, isn't Xia Yi shy?

Regardless of the venerable, shame is still necessary!

Xia Yi just used his own way to treat his body, let Xian Yueyin also taste how uncomfortable it is to be violated by someone's eyes.

As time went by, several months passed, Xia Yi was in the penalty hall, until Xia Yi felt bored with the way of the battle, did not stop, in these few months Xian Yueyin has not been close to the penalty hall. , After all, she was disgusted by Xia Yi last time.

Xia Yi propped his chin with one hand, and fiddled with the jade slip with the other, then yawned casually while flipping through the ancient books.

"It's really slow to learn without innate Taoism... The content is also boring and boring."

Xia Yi relied on rote memorization to forcibly raise his level of formation to the holy level. He is not good at formation and is not interested in formation. It is very difficult to learn this level with the patience. Nantian Palace is very concerned about formation. The inheritance of Xia Yi can be said to be an emperor, but Xia Yi is indeed a mediocre among mediocrities in the formation.

Taking out the jade slip of the transmission, Xia Yi contacted Xian Duofu to briefly understand what had happened in the past few months. For some reason, there was a trend of discriminating against the people of Yuenan in the Beitian Temple. Some rebels have returned to Yuenan. What action is being planned to provoke him.

"The progress is too slow, just put a little effort on Xian Juexiao to speed up the progress."

Xia Yi murmured to himself, already had a plan in his heart, so he left the penalty hall and went to Yubei. Xia Yi came here secretly this time, and didn't alarm anyone. After arriving in Yubei, he changed into an old man. Lai Xian Juexiao taught him Taoism and killing experience. Xian Juexiao's parents and relatives died in Fangzhen, so he was also close to Xia Yi, the master.

No way, the other party may be his last relative.

In this way, Xia Yi would take time to teach Xian Juexiao every once in a while. This guy has a good understanding, and he is also an excellent genius when he puts it in the heavenly spirit and even Dao Fa. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to come to the immortal status. Northern Emperor Xianfu.

On the other side, Xia Yi occasionally asked the rebels and the penalty Xianzun about things, and "pointed" a few more times to make the rebels start arrogant in Yunan again, and run away every time they commit a crime, which is completely guerrilla. Xia It was a bit difficult for Yi to really want to catch them, not to mention Xia Yi didn't want to catch them.

As for Xian Juexiao, she has grown rapidly under the many life and death crises meticulously planned by Xia Yi, and her ability is becoming more and more outstanding in the Northern Emperor Xianfu, and she has completely gained her own reputation among the rebels.

twenty one

In the past few years, Yu Nan has been very uneasy, because the rebels always ransack Yu Nan every three or five times. Many pure-blooded immortals dare not go out. They are all complaining why the penalty Xianzun did not take care of it. The penalty Xianzun found Bei. The Lord of the Heavenly Palace was very impolite every time, but the Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace was basically perfunctory.

In the eyes of the Lord of Beitian Palace, the fact that the rebels did not constitute a threat at all. If they were not used to punish the Immortal Venerable in disgust, the Lord of the Beitian Palace would have shot them all to death. When there was no major incident within the immortal clan, the Immortal Venerable On weekdays, we are either cultivating or retreating, and we will only go out when we encounter major events.

And Xia Yi finally became like this. He appeared less and less in Nantian Palace, and spent most of his time in the Nantian Palace’s formation. After appearing, he basically stayed with Xianru Yigan and taught him to practice. Of course, Xia Yi would go to teach Xian Juexiao, and these two juniors also grew up unknowingly.

Xia Yi rarely deals with the rebels personally. Basically, he lets his subordinates do it, and then rewards them with merits. Although many people secretly feel that the punishment of the immortal has already begun to slack off, the rebels do not. Is it this kind of existence? No matter how hard it is, it will not disappear completely from the moment it appears.

And those strong people who hit them will eventually get bored and ignore them. As a venerable person, how can you stare at a group of weaker people every day? Does the venerable person need to practice? As long as they are not too excessive, they won't care, and it is natural for many people that the penalty for the immortal will become like this sooner or later.

And the penalty immortal is not completely ignorant, the penalty hall is still very strict on the rebels, and all the rebels caught will be publicly executed, and new people who join the penalty hall are working hard to get rewards.

There was a kind of tug-of-war between the penalty hall and the rebels. The rebels were not excessive, and the penalty immortal did not show up.

The immortal world has unknowingly returned to the pace of the past. Even Yunan, which was once stormy, has settled down. Xia Yi's life is now three points and one line. Cultivation, teach immortals such as Yi, teach immortals, Juexiao, and practice again after returning. , And repeat.

Since the last formal conflict with the Lord of the Beitian Palace, three years later, three years later, Xia Yi's cultivation has finally entered the third stage of ascension to the gods, plus the days spent in the fairy clan before, Xia Yilai It has been more than ten years since I have been in the fairy clan, but Xia Yi has no real feelings.

When he reaches his level, he does feel that everything seems to be slowing down, without the rapid changes in his youth, and without the enthusiasm of youth, the kind of bravely striving for something, in just a few years, he has greatly improved his cultivation in the realm of the nobles. It's impossible.

Every time Xia Yi noticed this, he had to obey the old age. Ten years was like sand between fingers, and he didn't feel any real feelings when he was about to reach this point.

As for the specific day, I can't remember it. He is no longer sensitive to time. Ten years are like a snap.

"Master, I won the top of the tournament last time. The Beitian Temple intends to keep me as a member of the Beitian Temple for long-term development, but I need to take an oath. I don’t know how you wish Master, I can stay as a disciple this year. The last year of Beitian Temple."

"Master? Are you in a trance again?"

During Xia Yi's usual teaching process, Xian Juexiao suddenly mentioned this point. Xian Juexiao found that Xia Yi was in a daze again, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"You have been outstanding in recent years. You have made your own future in the Northern Emperor Xianfu. Recently, I just want to let it go. You have a bright future and you are worthless because of rebellion."


Xian Juexiao didn't expect Xia Yi to say this all of a sudden. I don’t know why. He suddenly felt sore, because Xia Yi’s body was already worse than before when he first met. He always hurried when he coughed recently. Covers his mouth with his hands.

But the blood stains on the corners of his mouth really made Xian Juexiao see clearly.

"Jexiao, how many years have you been my apprentice?"

"Reporting to Master, it has been almost ten years. Although Master has come relatively few before, he has come a lot in the past few years, and recently it has been more than ten times a month."

"Ten times? So many?"


"I thought about things before, and now I'm going to teach you the main points of knife unity. You have to learn to walk your own way, such as..."

"Master, did you talk about this last time?"

"Ah? Oh...oh, just kidding, where did you just say?"

"The law of the unity of knife and intent."

"Well, then continue."

During the teaching process, Xia Yi would occasionally cough a few times at the beginning, but the frequency was low. Xian Juexiao would also worry about asking when seeing Xia Yi. Xia Yi replied that the old injury was not healed every time, and then the frequency gradually increased. Increased height, even vomiting blood, and recently pretended to be forgetful frequently.

Xia Yi kindly taught him alchemy, fighting skills, swordsmanship, and even taught him the secrets of the soul and the sky. His posture became more and more rickety with the passage of time, and his eyes gradually decreased. Sharp, a sense of twilight lingering.

This time I finished teaching what I was going to teach. When Xia Yi left, Xia Yi got a slap in his foot and almost couldn't stand firmly. Xian Juexiao quickly stepped forward to help with eyesight and hands. Xia Yi coughed several times, and a lot of blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth.

"Master? Master!!"

Xian Juexiao is very worried at this moment. Xia Yi is a Venerable. A Venerable has become like this, and he still knows why, that is, his master may be approaching, but before his master Said that he wanted to let go and did not want him to die in rebellion also proved this.

His master really treats him as a relative, so he will feel compassion at the end.

"It's okay... It's just that the consumption of alchemy has been a bit high recently, just rest and rest."

"Master, don't do this, I will find a way for the pill, please don't practice it!"

Xian Juexiao is now at the peak of the Saint King’s cultivation base, and he is only one step away from entering the Saint Emperor. He has made such a great progress in the past few years. Xia Yi can always bring him a panacea. At the beginning, Xian Juexiao will still I refused, but I thought it was because of Master’s kindness that he didn’t say much, but his Master is now like this, and the pill grade he needs now is also very high. It’s not good for his Master to overdraw. Your body?

"It's okay..."

"I won't obey you if you practice!"

"It doesn't matter what I said, the promotion pill that I said last time will be brought to the teacher next time...I will definitely bring it!"


Xian Juexiao wanted to say something, but she suddenly closed her mouth after meeting Xia Yi’s sad eyes. I don’t know when, Xia Yi could not even do practical teaching with him, so she could only dictate. Only a small demonstration.

Until recently, I couldn't even teach!

"I can only practice a few pills for you now. I'm old. This is my heart. Don't refuse and work hard."

Xia Yi smiled kindly, which made the corners of Xian Juexiao's eyes moist. Now that Xia Yi appeared and punished Xianzun, he was determined to be more than his own grandfather. Dear.

What he didn't know was that the grandfather he saw in his eyes would soon die at the hands of the penalty immortal.

twenty two

After teaching Xian Juexiao this time, Xia Yi feels that he is almost there. Now Xian Juexiao is very grateful to him, almost treating him as a relative, and then she will perform another bitter drama to let Xian Juexiao never again. Don't involve the rebels, pretend that he cares about Xian Juexiao so much that he surpasses the original purpose.

The so-called human relationship, people who don't care can be regarded as dust, and people who care are regarded as something more important than their own lives. Xia Yi did not misunderstand Xian Juexiao. This inferior immortal is sentimental and righteous, and is simply the best goal.

After returning to the penalty hall, what surprised Xia Yi was that Xian Ruyi was waiting for him in the hall. As soon as Xian Ruyi saw Xia Yi came back, he took the initiative to greet Xia Yi and hugged Xia Yi. This was not without reason. But Xia Yi had promised Xian Ruyi a very important thing before.

Once waiting for her to become esteemed, the two officially married to the world.

"Brother Xianhuan, I have become a holy emperor."

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