After Xian Ruyi finished speaking, she stood on tiptoe and kissed Xia Yi's face. It seemed to her that this was undoubtedly one step closer to the two truly being together, and their wedding day seemed to be tomorrow.

"So fast? When did you become the Holy Emperor?"

"Just three days ago, it's a pity that Brother Xianhuan, you were not in the Nantian Temple at that time."

Xian Ruyi is different from Xian Juexiao. Xia Yi hardly provided any medicinal and resource help. He only informed about his cultivation experience and preaching. It took Xian Ruyi ten years to become a holy emperor from the original little sage. Even if she does not lack resources, this speed is very dazzling for the entire fairy clan.

It was Xianyueyin. Xia Yi remembers that when he had no intention of meeting on the mountain a year ago, Xianyueyin was only in the middle stage of the holy king, and Xian Ruyi was the cultivation base of the later stage of the holy king. To be honest, this speed is Xia Yi and Jing When I saw it, I sighed.

Ten years after Tianjun's war, Xia Yi's cultivation base remained motionless, but his combat power was enough to compete against the Holy Emperor.

"Ruyi, can you let go of your body and mind and let me explore your body?"

"Of course! Brother Xianhuan, wherever you want to see me!"

Xian Ruyi will not refuse any request of Xia Yi, even some suspicious or even excessive requests. Of course Xia Yi will not make those requests. That is it. Xia Yi will poke divine thoughts into Xian Ruyi's body, she and others The difference between the immortal people is not particularly large, but there is a huge amount of energy in the bloodline. Her blood can be called the supreme elixir for the immortal clan, and these energies are being released as Xian Ruyi's cultivation base increases.

"It looks like you got a blessing in disguise in the first place."

Xia Yi smiled and stroked Xian Ruyi’s head. Xian Ruyi was captured by the rebels ten years ago and used it as the main medicine for refining the blood **** pill. Dan Xiayi was very disdainful, but now it seems that the Blood God Pill has obviously been half of the training.

Xian Ruyi, she is now a walking blood **** pill, the last half of the step is to refine the impurities in her soul and body, so that the blood is completely unified into a blood **** pill.

"Does it mean the time when I used me as a pill? After that, I did feel that my strength and talent had risen sharply, but there was always a very uncomfortable feeling in my heart..."

"Don't think about it, it's not your fault."

Xia Yi stretched out her hands and hugged Xian Ruyi tightly. It seemed that Xian Ruyi also realized that her growth was based on the sacrifice of countless pure-blooded immortals. She was equivalent to taking a hundred blood pill. How can it not be strong?

And Xian Juexiao is because of Xia Yi’s supply of pills. Xia Yi’s formation and refining tools are indeed not good, but alchemy is considered Xia Yi’s old line. As long as he has the materials, even a pig can be fed by Xia Yi. The holy pig, let alone a human race with intelligence.

This Xian Ruyi, a Xian Juexiao, their rapidly rising strength made Xia Yi feel relieved and worried. In order to plan smoothly, Xia Yi trained them both very hard, even his true disciple Guan Lidu There is no such treatment.

Xia Yi was afraid that they would choose a race at the last step of the plan. Then Xia Yi had cultivated two rivals, but Xia Yi quickly dispelled this idea.

Can someone who inherited from him be stronger than him? The things Xia Yi really pressed at the bottom of the box just couldn't even teach them, such as his own extreme way, his way of life and death.

"Brother Xianhuan... Well, when I become respected, can we have a child?"

Xian Ruyi had almost no contact with other men except Xia Yi in the past ten years. She was discussing matters in the Nantian Temple. She was always cold and cold. She was very, very conscious. She knew that there was a fairy beside Xia Yi. Yue Yin, she must be extremely loyal in Xia Yi's eyes, only in this way will Xia Yi be loyal to her.

"You have just entered the Holy Emperor, it's still a long time."

There is a big slash between the holy emperor and the holy emperor, even if it is as powerful as the immortal clan, there are many strong people at the peak of the holy emperor and even the half-step holy emperor, but among them, there are very few who can become the emperor.

"I just want to know if it can be! I want to rejuvenate the Southern Emperor's line. First of all, we need future generations. And I just want to combine with Xianhuan and you. I don't want anyone but your child!"

Xian Ruyi is very resolute, the holy emperor’s cultivation base, wherever it is placed, is a strong man who can enter the house. Xian Ruyi also initially possesses the majesty of a palace owner in front of outsiders, but once faced with Xia Yi, she always She will unknowingly show the side of a little woman, she is afraid of being abandoned, and being compared by Xianyue Yin.

Perhaps in front of her Xianhuan brother, she will always be the innocent and kind-hearted Xian Ruyi who hasn't grown up.

" want to be an elder if you don't cultivate well, don't worry, you don't need to say when you become a respected person, I won't let you go, and I want my own child more or less."

Xian Ruyi was held in Xia Yi's arms at this moment. Listening to Xia Yi’s sweet words, she only felt supreme happiness for a while, but Xia Yi’s eyes were staring directly at the temple wall. Look at a distant realm.

There will be, but unfortunately not with you.

He is old enough to be a grandfather at Xuanhuang, but he still has no future, it is wrong, and there is no such thing as no one. It is just that his own children did not even see him until they died.

The Nine-tailed clan is his blood, but he has no real feelings. After all, he has never witnessed the birth and growth of a child. Some things brought by the reincarnation stone are too weird for Xia Yi to think about. As for now... …

Don’t think too much, and continue to act according to the plan. It has been three years, three years and three years since he came to the Immortal Clan, and it will definitely be ten years, ten years and ten years later. I don’t know when I can go back, but for real To end the grievances between Xuanhuang and Xian, he couldn't go back, and he didn't even want to set off an excessive conquest.

He will do his best to quell the enmity, but if it is the fairy clan, he will not understand until the end.

Kill it then!

twenty three

Half a month later, Yubei, an open field five hundred miles outside Beitian Temple.

Xian Juexiao was called by Xia Yi to meet here instead of the usual dense forest. There is no special place in this wilderness except for a wide view. Therefore, it is inaccessible, and even monsters are rare. The earth is flat and strange, and there are no birds in the sky. .

"Master, I don't know what is going on when you called me here today?"

Xian Juexiao was quite puzzled about this. In fact, he knew that this wilderness was originally an ancient battlefield of the Xian clan. The undulating ground was flattened by the Yellow Emperor in ancient times. The towers and plants on the ancient battlefield, People, everything is annihilated in an instant, until countless tens of thousands of years later, the place regained its vitality, but only grass can grow.


Xia Yi didn't say anything, she suddenly sighed with her back to Xian Juexiao, then turned around and carefully took out a small bottle from her arms, which contained the top-level holy pill for emperor pill, which could be taken in the later period of the holy king, but Instantly achieve the Holy Queen, if the Holy King peak repair and take the achievement of the Holy Queen, it will be stronger.

" really still...I said I don't need it!!"

It is rare for Xian Juexiao to lose his temper in front of Xia Yi, because he obviously felt that Xia Yi's breath became much weaker.

"Accept it. To be honest, your growth is beyond my expectations. I was just unwilling to stand up against the five heavenly palaces at first, but this may be fundamentally unrealistic. I don't want to be harmed by my obsession. For you, you are a good boy."

"After taking this pill, the teacher will prepare the last gift for you. I hope you can raise your cultivation to the peak of the Holy Emperor before then."

Xia Yi smiled kindly, and then suddenly coughed violently. Xian Juexiao wanted to step forward to help, but Xia Yi reached out to stop it.

"Now, leave the immortal clan with the teacher, where is the starry sky so big that you can't display your ambitions?"

"I wasted my whole life on things that were impossible to succeed. I didn't figure it out until recently."

What Xia Yi said made Xian Juexiao completely silent. Xia Yi wanted him to leave the fairy clan so that he could chase his dreams. As an inferior immortal, he once thought that he should give everything for the immortal clan. Death is also glory, but now he realizes that he is also a living person, and he also has pursuits.

He doesn’t want to become a dog under the hands of the Wufang Tiangong. Even if he can become a deity, his inferior immortals will be insulted. His master is an example. Hide in hiding.

"Master, facing such an unfair fairy clan, I really want to change it rather than hate or escape. It gives birth to me and raises me. I can't hate it. Let me run away. I can't do it."

"I'm afraid that if even I are gone, our inferior immortals will truly fall into eternal darkness from then on."

Under Xia Yi's previous need for education, Xian Juexiao is now even not a sage, but at least she has a strong sense of righteousness in her heart and is willing to pay for the realization of righteousness. She is not a sage, but a sage, and has the talent of a sage.

"I don't want you to be as futile and ineffective as I am."

Xia Yi looked up to the sky and sighed, and Xian Juexiao's heart also filled with sadness. He watched the master who refused to give up step by step, his ambition was eroded step by step, and finally let him leave and let him pursue his own. happiness.

This is indeed for his own good, but it is not a kind of renunciation and escape. He has also grown a lot in the past ten years, and has already completely regarded the subversion of the Wufang Tiangong as his only goal.

He didn't know if he could do it, but he knew he had to do it.

"Master, I don't want the last gift. If you have to prepare, I will kill myself in front of you."

After a long silence, Xian Juexiao lowered his head and said to Xia Yi. Xian Juexiao guessed what Xia Yi might give in the end, because Xia Yi also taught him to practice alchemy.

The achievements of Beitian Palace on the path of pill are just like the formation path of Nantian Palace. There have been records in the Beitian Palace about the anti-tian ling pill. The anti-tian ling pill is the best pill of every rank, and some are even more so. A low-quality pill at the next level.

There is a kind of heaven-defying spirit pill called ascending **** pill in the cultivation world, which is not to make a monk become a god, but to make a monk enter the ninth level of ascend to the gods at the fastest speed, in other words, instantly become a deity.

The holy emperor's realm has gained the **** pill, and the road to becoming dignity is in sight.

However, there is a very exaggerated limitation in the refining of the ascendant pill, that is, it requires the Holy Venerable Remains. This Holy Venerable Remains is not the kind that is refined into its own ability, but allows a Holy Venerable to take medicine before his death. Be Dan.

A sufficiently powerful saint, such as ascending to the seventh rank and above, can leave a legacy, and if a saint below the seventh rank wants to do something for future generations, he will use his own pill to achieve success. This is godless The greatest care of the predecessors for future generations is also the last care, but no deity would do this.

Even if the end is approaching, the Holy Venerable will often choose to proclaim himself, or die in battle, even if he is arrested, as long as the Holy Venerable has a trace of reluctance in his heart, he cannot practice ascending the **** pill. Someone refining, the inside still needs the holy lord himself to endure endless pain to help the outside alchemist refine himself.

Ascending God Pill is a cruel thing, even if this pill is studied, it is difficult to truly practice it because of exaggerated conditions.

With my broken bones, forge your way to God.

This is what the Danzun who studied the Deng Shen Dan finally said to his descendants.

"Do you know it? I shouldn't have taught you the medicine..."

"I'm also in the Beitian Palace anyway. Master already understands what kind of disciple you want. Master, you are not allowed to refine any pill from today. Master, this is the ten yuan Jiazi Pill I recently refined. Twenty in total, all for you!"

Xian Juexiao suddenly took out a medicine bottle. The medicine bottle couldn't hold the fragrance of the medicine. The green grass around it was inexplicably uplifted. Since the last time he separated from Xia Yi, he has been worried about his master, and he will never let him. His master died, even if this ten yuan Jiazi Pill can only extend his life for one year, no, half a year!

Give him another ten years, and he will surely be able to take a higher position, and he will definitely be able to refine a better pill.

"Je Xiao, why are you wasting resources on a useless person of mine? You should sell it for something you need more, such as immortal stone and natural treasures."

Xia Yi didn't accept it, and politely rejected Xian Juexiao's kindness. Xian Juexiao gritted her teeth and actually knelt directly to Xia Yi.

"Master, if you don't accept it, Juexiao will be sentenced to the teacher immediately!"

Xian Juexiao's cultivation has been blocked recently. When he thinks about the physical condition of his master, he feels an unspeakable anxiety. If this problem is not solved, he will not make much progress.

Seeing Xian Juexiao like this, Xia Yi was sad on the surface and was ecstatic in his heart. He deserves to be his good disciple. He is a man who respects the teacher and respects the Tao. He is already a strong person on his own. Even if he no longer leads, he can still Help yourself accomplish your goals.

In other words, the status of Master Xian Juexiao can no longer be used, and the last guidance given to Xian Juexiao can be destroyed.

The sage enters the devil, it is the ultimate shadow in the glow, the darkness that even the light can't dispel.

twenty four

Xian Juexiao knelt in front of Xia Yi, holding the pill in both hands and insisted that Xia Yi accept it. Xia Yi hesitated deliberately for a while, and finally accepted the pill given by Xian Juexiao, which made Xian Juexiao face. He was immediately happy, and his master was willing to accept it.

"Master, there are many refining methods of Heaven and Earth Spirit Pills recorded in the Beitian Palace. If you believe me, when I can practice God Pills in the future, you will definitely help Master to refine the eternal life pill!"

At this moment, Xian Juexiao quietly strengthened his determination in his heart. The alchemy itself also contains pharmacological and medical principles. He knows what the situation of his master is. Ten years ago, he was seriously injured because of the punishment of Xianzun. So, even healing is an extravagant hope, waiting for his master is to slowly usher in his own limit in weakness.

But he will definitely change this. As long as he can refine the eternal life pill, even the elders who are approaching his master will be able to rejuvenate and rejuvenate. It is the most famous elixir of the human race in terms of longevity, directly named the eternal life. The name shows how magical this kind of pill is. The only thing that can beat the long body pill is the legendary elixir.

But the immortal medicine is the emperor pill. The real emperor may not be able to practice it. It must be an emperor through the path of pill. The Northern Immortal Emperor is a pill emperor. He also studies immortal medicine, but in the end he can only practice half of the immortality. Medicine, but even half of it still allows the immortal clan to align the world with the five emperors.

"Apprentice, don't be too lofty. The rank of the eternal life pill is not low in the **** pill. According to the record, it is the last time to wait for the gods to have a chance."

Xia Yi’s alchemy is only higher than Xian Juexiao’s. After all, Xian Juexiao’s alchemy was basically taught by Xia Yi. Xia Yi has been learning alchemy from a very young age. He didn't care too much, he wanted to refine it for his parents and relatives, but this pill could only be rejuvenated under the divine way, and it was of limited use to the divine way monks.

Just like the ten yuan Jiazi Pill, it can also be rejuvenated to mortals, but the old saint who is about to die is just like eating a bottle, the effect is very general, it can only be said that it is better than nothing.

"I have confidence in myself!"

Xian Juexiao's expression was very determined. Xia Yi himself didn't have this confidence. Where did his confidence come from? However, Xia Yi thought about it and understood the reason. He still had a more or less smooth life. Xian Juexiao surpassed many people under his guidance, and his talent and abilities were valued by the Northern Emperor Xianfu.

He thought that he was able to go from being an inferior immortal to the present because of his sweat and hard work, in order to rise steadily among the Northern Emperor Immortal Mansion and the rebels, but Xia Yi arranged all of this for him. .

In this age of godlessness, everyone will dream of becoming the first god, but even Xia Yi has no hope. He was 100,000 years ago and could clearly perceive why he couldn't become a **** now.

The avenue of 100,000 years ago is much clearer than it is now. It feels to Xia Yi that it is something within reach. Even if it can’t be touched, it can be clearly identified, but today’s avenue is kind of vague. The feeling is like looking at a flower through the fog, even the color cannot be accurately distinguished.

Perhaps this feeling was not very obvious before becoming the Holy Emperor, but Xia Yi immediately felt the obstacle after becoming the Holy Emperor. He can accurately say what this obstacle is similar to, yes, it is the shackles of the road!

It took ten years to finally make the cultivation base move a step. He is already in the third rank, and the obstacles are more obvious than when he was in the second rank. Looking outside the fog, you can at least see some things clearly, but if you step into the dense fog yourself, you can know what a fog barrier is.


In this day and age, every holy person who wants to become a **** may have an invisible road yoke on him. Fortunately, Xia Yi is not worried that he will not be able to become a god, because he has broken through the yoke of the road and he is now a god. A special existence, there is no past, no present, but a future.

After all, he who was born under the Dao is dead, the one hundred and second has passed away, and his soul aura has been changed. He was born under the "I Dao", not the Dao.

"It is a good thing for you to have confidence, and I am very pleased to be a teacher. I also want to see the day when you break through the age of godlessness, but you must also know that even the central palace lord and the descendants of Daofa the Great have not been able to do it. Thing."

The central palace lord is undoubtedly the strongest of the immortal clan. The immortal clan is not in the realm of comprehension. Basically, the strong will not live in seclusion. Most of the real strongest of Dao Fa is in the family of Dao Fa, although Xia Yi does not know him. Who is the last name, the strength is geometric, but it is definitely not weaker than the central palace lord.

"Master, I actually know something. The so-called pure-blooded immortals have innate blood in their bodies. After the human race dominates, the birth of innate gods is very rare, especially after the imperial war 100,000 years ago. The sky is no longer suitable for the innate family. It is extremely difficult for the pure-blooded immortals who cultivated the power of the Golden Crow in the early days and are of innate blood to break through."

"People like to practice the power of the past. Cultivating the great power that was famous in the ancient times is actually constraining oneself. Xuanhuang can compete with us because of the dragon power, but the dragon power belongs to the acquired day and the restraint is small, so we are inferior. Immortal people have a better chance. A few days ago, the Lord of the Beitian Palace intentionally accepted me as a disciple. He told me these things. I think Master, you also need to understand."

Out of trust in Xia Yi, Xian Juexiao directly told Xia Yi the immortal clan's views on this age of godlessness. The immortal clan was deliberately trying to become a god, so how could his seniors not study this aspect.

The avenue will change, this is a fact, and things that once dominated will eventually have a lonely day.

"Does the upper level of the Wufang Tiangong already know how to become a god?"

Xia Yi realized that the immortal clan must know something, otherwise how could the arrogance of the immortal clan let a celestial lord lay down the glory of his blood and accept an inferior immortal as his disciple. Xian Juexiao is very good, but after all They are the inferior people of the immortal clan.

"I don't know about this, because I showed the meaning of rejection, so the Lord of the Beitian Palace talked a lot with me. The general idea is that I have the hope of becoming a god."

"By the way, the Lord of the Beitian Palace said that the world has changed drastically in the past millennium, and the former Enze has become a shackle. He told me that I might be the darling of the times."

"So he suggested that I stop cultivating the power of the Golden Crow, anyway, my blood is not good, and I have rarely practiced the power of the Golden Crow before."

Xian Juexiao said a lot to Xia Yi. Xia Yi nodded and fell into contemplation for a while. Xia Yi is now also a holy lord, so Xia Yi can clearly realize that the direction of Xian Clan's consideration is correct.

Can't take the road left by the ancestors anymore!


"Jexiao, I'm a little tired as a teacher today, so I just go back to rest first. You can actually respect the Lord of the Beitian Palace. If you can really become a god, wait for you to become a master.

Xian Juexiao was looked at by the Lord of the Beitian Palace, which Xia Yi did not expect. At this time, Xia Yi remembered that when he was disgusted with the Lord of the Beitian Palace, he had said whether he regarded the Central Temple as nothing. The face of the Lord of the Beitian Palace was There is an obvious change, it is not anger or fear, but astonishment as if someone suddenly says what they are thinking of.

It seems that the Lord of the Beitian Palace cannot be underestimated, he also hid secrets.


Xian Juexiao stood up and leaned over to face Xia Yi and watched Xia Yi leave. Xia Yi really did not expect that his cheap disciple would also receive the attention of the Lord of the Beitian Palace. Among the five heavenly palaces of the immortal clan, the Beitian Palace was opposed to the inferior immortals. It is the best. Xia Yi had always thought it was the reason for the structure of the sect, but now it seems not necessarily!

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