Perhaps Beitiangong has been waiting for the appearance of sufficiently outstanding inferior immortals! !

This feeling of catching some secrets made Xia Yi feel very comfortable. The five heavenly palaces have always been in secret competition. It seems that the five heavenly temples have not cooperated in the study of the road to becoming a god, and the five parties want to seize the opportunity. Others The Quartet wants to take the place of the center, and the center naturally wants to stabilize its position.

After Xia Yi flew far away, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the great plain before, and the corner of his mouth was inexplicably curled up.

"My good disciple, I really didn't train you in vain as a teacher."

"You surprise me so much!"

Compared with Xian Ruyi and Xian Duo Fu, the help that these two people gave Xia Yi was within Xia Yi's expectations, but Xian Juexiao went beyond Xia Yi's expectations. He actually coincided with Beitian Palace's plan. Think about it, too, would a place like the Northern Emperor Xianfu recruit inferior immortals under normal circumstances?

Perhaps Xian Juexiao had been spotted a long time ago. He forced Xian Juexiao to be grateful to him with a kick in the middle. This is really the blind cat caught the dead mouse. The luck is rare. Xian Juexiao’s. The hometown was destroyed by the penalty immortal, and if the Lord of Beitian wanted to continue his plan, he would not be able to reconcile with Xia Yi.

All the way back to Nantian Palace, Xia Yi came to the area where the Southern Emperor’s Great Array was located. The Southern Emperor’s Array is a super-large serial multiple formation. It contains countless training formations and healing formations. It can be said to cover all aspects, and the formation base is the whole Nantian City, the core of the formation is the Nantian Palace.

The big formations are all in the secret realm of Nantian Palace. To enter the secret realm, you must have the Southern Emperor Formation Talisman, or have the blood of the Southern Emperor. Xian Ruyi can enter at will without the Southern Emperor Formation Talisman. The other three of the Nantian Palace Two of the saints also have the blood of the Southern Emperor, so they are also in the secret realm on weekdays.

And Xia Yi wanted to enter it without difficulty, because the Southern Emperor Formation Talisman was in his hand, Xian Ruyi was anxious to give everything he had to Xia Yi, and wanted to show his heart to Xia Yi, so How could the Nandi Formation Talisman, an important treasure representing the position of the palace lord, Xian Ruyi not hand it over to Xia Yi?

Entering the secret realm, Xia Yi walked directly to the central area. According to Xia Yi’s understanding of the secret realm of the Great Array, the Lord of the Nantian Palace had spent countless years building a new Great Array, and the Lord of the Nantian Palace was also the main battle sect of the Immortal Clan. On the contrary, Beitiangong is not in favor of conquering everywhere.

In a gray and foggy space, Xia Yi found the formation created by the Nantian Palace Master’s painstaking efforts. He was not interested before because he could not understand it at all, but Xia Yi has been learning the formation recently and can finally see the name. It's here, otherwise I still can't see what the formation is for.

"These materials..."

"What are they..."

"It's such a strange breath, as if this world doesn't exist, but there is indeed a connection..."

Xia Yi discovered that the base of the formation was very common vegetation or even rocks. The appearance and common changes were not big, but there were some subtle abnormalities in the structure. Even Xia Yi could not say what was wrong with this abnormality. Evolution? Mutation?

Vegetation makes sense, but what about stones?

Xia Yi found a piece of lava rock that was not completely cooled, and felt the breath of fire above it. The breath of fire was slightly different from the way of fire known to Xia Yi, but this slight difference almost completely subverted what is known in the cultivation world. Fire Road.

For example, mortals know that fire is extinguished by water, but this kind of fire can use water as oil, but it cannot burn wood. Of course, this is not absolute. If there is more, this fire can really strengthen itself as oil.

"A change in the rules..."

Xia Yi closed his eyes and pondered, hoping to find the message left by the lord of the Nantian Palace, but the lord of the Nantian Palace left no information. Xia Yi simply started the big formation, and immediately felt like he had come to an area composed entirely of unfamiliar powers. New world.

This feeling was weird. He felt a kind of incompatibility. Everything he knew had changed. The fire he urged was very weak. The world, the five elements, the wind, the thunder, and the darkness were changing. Only the physical power of martial arts and the taboo Life and death remain the same. It's a coincidence that the use of martial arts under the blessing of life and death is exactly Xia Yi's strongest method today.

It's just that it is extremely difficult for Xia Yi to use this kind of Tao to change the Tao that he has learned. It is not a short time to change, because Xia Yi has become a Tao! He is the Lord, he is already enlightened and can't change it!

"What is the master of Nantian Palace doing? What is the master of Beitian Palace planning?"

"Oh, interesting."

Xia Yi didn't start the big formation for too long, because it was of no use except feeling the change. Xia Yi found that the big formation still had a lot of missing points. It seems that the Nantian Palace Lord also failed to complete the big formation, a master who knows the origins of the big formation. All died in the starry sky beyond Xuanhuang, and Xia Yi couldn't find anyone even if he wanted to ask.

As for Xian Ruyi, Xia Yi didn't think that Xian Ruyi would know that she was just a junior. It seemed that the real reason for the godless years was not the tide of the Great Dao, but the change of heaven and earth.

After a hundred thousand years, the world is still changing.

Xia Yi took a deep breath, concentrated all his energy and put his hands on the lava stone, and tried his best to communicate with the avenue to find the similar breath of the lava stone. The source-seeking technique that he had learned in the Metaverse came in handy at this time.

"Soul Heaven..."

In order to ensure that he could find the origin of the lava stone, Xia Yi used even the soul and sky until the spirit, energy and spirit were all integrated into one point, Xia Yi suddenly opened his eyes, with a hint of brilliance in his eyes.

"Back to the original, trace back to the source!"

Suddenly, Xia Yi's perception spread along the avenue, towards the unknown distance. Xia Yi exhaled after feeling the position, and his aura suddenly wilted. In order to perform this trick, it was more tiring than a battle. Soul power It consumes a full 80%.

Xia Yi took out the star map and found the location of the fairy clan to determine the direction. This is the star map of the fairy clan. He hasn't seen it after he got it. Who can use the star map to look at it? Now it is very detailed, even very weak. Xia Yi’s weak circles are marked, and Xia Yi looked at it in the direction he perceives, and soon saw a few large characters dividing a corner of the star map.

"New star field."

New Star Territory and beyond...

There is not even a record, just a blank, with a few words left in the blank.

"Human Frontline..."


Xia Yi, the star map of the fairy clan, hasn't checked it since he got it. If he checked it right then, he might find out where the frontline of the human race he had been looking for was. He had heard this word several times in his previous life.

From the name, you can clearly know what it is doing there. The word "front line" cannot be clear enough. Under doubt, Xia Yi left the secret realm of the Great Array and came to the Wanshu Hall of Nantian Palace. In addition to the record about the formation, There are many history and anecdotes besides the knowledge of law.

Then there was no such thing as the front line of the human race. Xia Yi searched the Wanshudian and found nothing, but found a few records about the new star field, but the information provided above is all Not many, but only a little mention, until Xia Yi saw a document that was almost written in strangely deformed words.

These texts have an English feel, but they are more like ancient Greek texts in black and yellow. This is probably the fairy language before the unification of the immortal clan, but it is actually the text of the Dharma God Realm.

Fortunately, there are hieroglyphs after Daofa Emperor unified the human race next to these words as annotations, and Xia Yi can still understand them.

"History of Dawai..."

Xia Yi took down this ancient document. The texture of the document was the skin of a certain monster. The history is probably very long. The above mentioned that Daofa emperor enlightened the whole human race, the human race became more intelligent, and the mysterious Dao Fa unified the starry sky. .

At that time, it was the pinnacle of the Human Race. I searched the entire starry sky and there was no race comparable to the Human Race. The Human Race took over the control of the starry sky from the Dragon Race. In a blazing prairie fire, human forces spread over any habitable star in the starry sky within a short period of time.

During this period, the total power of the human race was called the heavens and ten thousand realms. Xuanhuang was just a small realm that was the most common human race at the time. Although the starry sky was vast, the birth of creatures only appeared in the first star realm. In the sense of the starry sky, there is only one area full of vitality, and there are creatures.

This area was first born when the chaos first opened. It has undergone the transformation of the primitive primitive and barren ancient times of the chaos, so it can appear earlier than any other area. The human race named it the universe of life.

In other words, there are countless young star fields outside the living universe, but most of them outside the living universe are endless voids. Even if there are star fields, it is not suitable for the existence of living beings, and there is no great way. Anything conscious is not. Impossible to be born.

Unless...the baptism of time.

As the first person of the human race and the strongest person in the starry sky, Emperor Daofa was fond of areas outside the universe of the creatures, allowing people to reproduce in large numbers. Survival, it is difficult for the creatures to survive. The Human Race has found many life-like stars for transformation by relying on their own ability. Although they can survive with great difficulty, cultivation is still a difficult problem.

The human races of the new star field cannot cultivate and can only multiply and thrive on this star, while the living universe is becoming stronger and stronger, and they continue to send a large number of people to the new star field to take root, until the emperor Dao Fa disappears after the long years. When the turmoil of the sky struck, the Great Emperor Feng Mo led the Human Race through this ordeal for a long time, but the Human Race was also badly injured and could no longer open up a new star field.

After that, because the congenital gods were almost completely resolved by the Great Seal of Demons, only part of the immortal existence was sealed. After a brief period of peace, the human races of the heavens and the world began to fight for resources, and the aura of many stars was greatly inferior. In the past, it has not even been able to provide people for normal cultivation, and people have gradually become selfish, because the number of enlightened people is limited.

The era of equality of all beings passed, ushered in the dark forest period where the strong respected the strong and the fittest survived. During this period, the starry sky emperor battles frequently occurred until the battle between the immortal clan and Xuanhuang completely ended. The era of the emperor was 100,000 years ago. Ushered in the end.

The human race has no emperor, and there is no **** before and after 100,000 years. He has already lost contact with the new star field. Except for the few realms closest to the living universe, there is no contact at all. The last time The contact was a message left by a dead strong man at the front of the new star field shortly after the battle between Xuanhuang and the immortal clan.

The strong man came from the line of Emperor Wu. He was in a realm that was good at high-precision mechanics, which is the so-called science and technology. He finally came to the universe of life by relying on the spacecraft, but he has already died on the spacecraft. In the end, the spirit will abide by the mission and come to the ancestral realm.

He left only one message.

"The human front is in a hurry and asks for support from the rear."

After that, whether it was Dao Fa or Xian Clan, in short, the Human Race and the new Star Territories at the back tried to find the so-called Human Race front line, but they never returned until the Human Race was godless, even the new Star Territories at the back. Several circles have completely lost contact with the front.

The creature universe was disconnected from the new star field. There was only a vague statement about what the human front line resisted. There was no record other than the innate existence that was born outside the creature universe.

"In other words... the congenitals mentioned in the previous life are not the congenitals I know well?"

After Xia Yi read the whole text book, he almost had guesses in his mind, the new star field, the universe of life, and the front line of the human race, these three made Xia Yi thoroughly understand the current starry sky pattern.

Beyond the distant starry sky, there is still a human race, they are resisting something, thanks to them, perhaps also thanks to the vision of Emperor Daofa, even if this is possible, the universe of creatures can be stable to this day.

However, the Emperor just wants to let the power of the race continue to spread, or does he know that there will be difficulties in the future, in short, the front line of the new star field, the so-called front line of the human race is worthy of all the races in the universe to be grateful to them.

"Wait for the fairy clan, almost go to the front line of the human clan."

Xia Yi closed the document and put it back on the bookshelf. After learning about the incident, Xia Yi was relieved in his heart. He felt at ease. He thought a long time ago that if something happened to the immortal clan, he could unload everything peacefully. Live, enjoy the quiet and good years, but it seems that he is always a busy life.

The first half of life is home and the love in the heart, the middle half of life is the country, where the responsibility lies, and the second half of life is the family, and because of birth.

Home, country, and the world.

Xia Yi now knows how to face difficulties directly. He won't escape this incident. With the rain and the Xuanhuang, how can Human Race be absent? Inheritance of the human race Chuhuo, although Chuhuo is not around, but still burning his heart, Xia Yi was once the emperor, the emperor of Yuer, the emperor of Xuanhuang, the emperor of the human race.

But one thing is certain, there is no heaven in the world.

Because of the lack in the heart of the first life, it was still broken until the last life, and this life was finally filled.


Searching for the mystery of becoming a god, Xia Yi accidentally found something about the new star field and the front line of the human race. Of course, Xia Yi didn't feel too surprised. He knew that sooner or later he would learn that this was something sooner or later.

After learning about this, Xia Yi was determined to let the immortal clan kneel down. If the immortal clan is not satisfied, he will subdue the immortal clan, and if he refuses to accept it, he will be destroyed. The human race really needs the immortal clan, so if you don’t want to take the initiative, force them If you can't force it to move, it doesn't need to exist.

If it is in other realms, Xia Yi can still open up the Internet, thinking that they are good alone, but the fairy clan is different.

Anyone can take care of themselves, but the immortal clan can't do it. If you want to ignore the mission, why do you need to exist?

The exaggerated talent of the Xian Clan standing in the whole human clan is not for them to bully other human races. Xia Yi hates the Xian Clan, but does not hate the Xian Ancestor. The Xian Ancestor is very great. Xia Yi always felt that if it were not for the Xian Clan to be too arrogant, The achievements of Xianzu are comparable to the three Kaitian emperors.

The original intention of the word "Xian" was explained by the human race: it is powerful and protects sentient beings.

Xian can be regarded as a synonym for the great and powerful, so in ancient times there was a Taoist name Xiuxian, but the Xian clan destroyed the word Xian and destroyed people's beautiful sustenance of it, so Xia Yi decided to give up personal vengeance, and it was right. Immortal.

Under this goal, all the filth and darkness before achieving the goal can be forgiven, at least Xia Yi can forgive himself in his heart, he has done his benevolence and righteousness.

Just leaving Wanshu Palace, Xia Yi remembered Xianruyi’s enchanting talent before. The magic way seemed to be particularly useful for the fairy clan. It could improve himself in all aspects in a short time without sequelae. Of course, the premise is that he can only deal with the same clan, and the immortal clan is pure. The bloodline caused this.

If you have to say that there are any sequelae, according to the words of the Lord of the Beitian Palace, it is impossible to become a god, but does Xia Yi need his own tools to become a god?

Ha ha……

Rather, it is just right. It can make the tool more powerful and useful without hurting himself. Xia Yi has taught Xian Juexiao for ten years, and he can more or less clearly see his Dao Xin and his strengths. In response to these, Xia Yi decided to personally tailor a magic work for him.

With Xia Yi’s current Dao deeds, it is not too difficult to create Dao. The long-term experience of fighting evil and evil cultivators destined Xia Yi’s understanding of the Dao will only be more or no less. With his own way of life and death, the evil power was taken to the next level, and the understanding of the origin of the great wilderness was enough for Xia Yi to create an extraordinary magical skill.

Life takes away your blood, death takes away your anger, and your soul flies away.

"My good disciple, I will give you this great gift right away as a teacher."

"You will become the demon lord of the fairy clan."

Xian Juexiao has the will of sages, not really sages, but has also been trained by the Beitian Temple. At this time, enchanting is the best, but Xia Yi still needs to wait for an opportunity, love and hate, only one will die Master is not enough.

Compared with Xian Duofu and Xian Ruyi, Xian Juexiao is the focus of Xia Yi’s plan. He can accomplish Xia Yi’s ultimate chess piece without his control. For this chess piece, Xia Yi has taken great pains. The hard work on his body is less than one-tenth of Xian Juexiao's body.

"Miracle, are you awake?"

Thinking of these plans, Xia Yi directly called the mirage in the sea of ​​knowledge. Of course the mirage was awake, but she didn't want to answer because she knew there was nothing good, but in order to avoid domestic violence, she could only endure it.

"Brother Xia, what do you want to do!"

"I lied to a woman in the Nantian Temple. You helped me go to the Beitian Temple to lie to a man. How about our two dog men and women upsetting the immortal clan? You will change like that, and you can confuse others to know the most beautiful thing in your heart. When I met me once, I said that you have all the looks I like, and now it's up to you to perform."

"Ah? But I'm not very interested in people other than Xia Ge. If I have to be with outsiders, I would rather choose to be with a female. Don't look at me like this. I'm very strict in this respect."

Mirage was a little unwilling. She saw how Xia Yi tricked Xian Ruyi, but she didn't want to be affectionate to other people.

"I didn’t ask you to sell yourself. It’s just right. Just hold the Pipa half-hidden. You can see his quality. You don’t even need to be with him for too long. This kid has been cultivating for ten years, thinking about it. Becoming strong, there is no love for women, the only Xian Jingshui close to him is to use him, and he doesn't like Xian Jingshui."

"So you only need to move the weakness in his heart, let him start his love, and have no time to confess to you, the penalty immortal will pinch you and his master to death together, do you think he can stand it?"

"Wow, who can stand it, it's too cruel..."

The mirage heard that Xia Yi’s plans were all in the poor Xian Juexiao, his hometown was destroyed by Xia Yi, and he had to be killed by Xia Yi’s beloved and respected teacher. Xia Yi arranged for the beloved love, and even Xia Yi pretended to be the teacher. of.

It's miserable, really miserable, Xian clan? He belongs to the miserable family.

"You can't say that. Without me, where can his achievements go? He will also be a strong one in the future. If he surrenders to me at the end, it seems a pity that this is unlikely."

When the truth becomes clear, Xian Juexiao will never forgive herself. Xia Yi knows this point better than anyone else. As the saying goes, one day as a teacher and a lifelong father, there are three hatreds in the world, the hatred of killing the father, and the deprivation of his wife. The hatred, the hatred of annihilation.

Xia Yi came out all three, it is strange that Xian Juexiao is not ill and the world is angry.

"Then now? Brother Xia, how do you plan to let me approach him?"

"Simple, am I not her master? Next time you become a girl, I will say that you are a descendant of a traitor I took in. I recognized you as a righteous granddaughter. The man is super easy to handle, even if I go to the women's dress, I can arrange him clearly."

"Fortunately, in the Northern Emperor's Immortal Mansion, he is inferior to immortals and other pure-blooded immortal women. He can't pass that hurdle in his heart, and this stupid boy will not take the initiative to approach women. What a godsend opportunity!"

"Really so cheating?"

"Nonsense, your brother Xia and I were more knowledgeable than him when I was eighteen, and I can recognize a bad woman!"

Xia Yi began to arrange Xian Juexiao. Don't look at Xia Yi's words and laugh, but what Xia Yi did was extremely cruel. A grinning villain was always more terrifying than a serious villain.

There is no pie in the sky. This principle is always correct. Poor Xian Juexiao just didn’t realize that no one would treat him nicely for no reason. In the conspiracy between Xia Yi and Mirage, time passed quietly and the plan was finalized. Just wait for execution.


A month later, Xia Yi found a time to contact Xian Juexiao again. This time he was in the dense forest before he came. Xian Juexiao had obeyed Xia Yi's wishes before and became the Holy Queen after taking the Shenghuang Pill and becoming the Holy Queen. Becoming a member of the Beitian Temple, after all, it is not easy to become a holy emperor at this age.

In particular, he is still an inferior immortal. In fact, there is one thing that Xian Juexiao doesn't know, but Xia Yi knows that the Lord of the Beitian Palace noticed that Xian Juexiao would go out every once in a while, and he also secretly got old. I observed him from a distance and heard Xian Juexiao call him Master, and after he was really teaching Xian Juexiao seriously, the Lord of Beitian Palace didn't care anymore.

There are still some old saints of ancient sects in Yubei, and the Lord of the Beitian Palace can't recognize them. In the eyes of the Lord of the Beitian Palace, Xia Yi, who has become an old man, is an old antique of a certain sect. The apprentice wants to pass on his own way, and the master and apprentice of this kind of love-and-will relationship, Beitian Palace Lord, will not interfere.

But if the Lord of the Beitian Palace really wants to accept the immortal Juexiao as a disciple, he must find the current Xia Yi and talk about it. There is a mirage, and the Lord of the Beitian Palace will not realize that this old man is the punishment fairy he hates. Respect.

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