Xian Juexiao’s growth rate is not worse than the outstanding ones among the five immortal emperors and descendants, such as Xian Ruyi and Xian Wanxiong. Xianyueyin is an exception. She is a no-medicine and follow the natural cultivation doctrine, playing in three days. Yu can become a holy king after drying the net for two days, and she doesn't need strength, so she is not in a hurry.

So don't look at her growing up the slowest, in fact she is the true young first person of the fairy clan.

In the dense forest, after Xian Juexiao arrived, he immediately noticed that there was an extra person next to Xia Yi this time, and there was another woman who looked a little shy and was younger and cute like the sister next door.

The woman took a look at him, and realized that he was also paying attention to her, and immediately blushed and lowered her head. This movement made Xian Juexiao's heart move a little, and she felt an indescribable throbbing feeling.

"Jexiao, you are here."

Xia Yi, who had become an old man, smiled and looked at Xian Juexiao. His complexion was a little better than before. When Xian Juexiao saw that his master had taken the pill he refined, he sighed happily. I'm afraid that his master would not believe him and would not accept his kindness.

"Master, who is this?"

Xian Juexiao looked at the strange woman next to Xia Yi. The woman noticed that Xian Juexiao was staring at him, her figure hiding behind Xia Yi slightly, like a timid cat. , The smaller and lovely body and the beautiful but immature face made Xian Juexiao somehow give birth to a desire for protection.

"This is my granddaughter and righteous granddaughter. Actually, I adopted this child three years ago. Her parents are both rebels. After being punished and executed by Xianzun, she was alone and wandering alone. The last time I saw her pay her back in the city After being bullied by pure-blood immortals, you should also know that the sinner is also guilty in the immortal clan, so no one in the towns of Yunan will care about her life or death."

When Xia Yi mentioned this, the girl's face immediately dimmed a little, Xian Juexiao was a little embarrassed, he was really, why he had to ask about this, so that the poor girl recalled the unbearable past.

"Then Master, did you bring her here this time?"

"I didn't want her to contact you. I just want to teach her the ability to survive on her own. She doesn't need to involve the rebels and the Wufang Tiangong, but your recent performance has made me extremely satisfied. I think I might entrust her to it. It's okay for you, after all, my old bones don't know how long I can live."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, she smiled and patted the girl's head twice. The girl was a little sad, and she took Xia Yi's hand and said nothing.

"Master, don't worry, I will take good care of her. Do you want me to arrange her to live in Beitian City now?"

"No, this time I brought her here to let you get to know you first. If you really have the ability to extend my life, I still look forward to someone by my side. You are very responsible and busy, so I won't drag you down. "

These words of Xia Yi sounded very beautiful in Xian Juexiao’s ears, because it showed that his master no longer helped him by overdrafting himself. His master figured it out, which made him determined that he must practice longevity. Dan, his hometown has been destroyed by punishment, and now his master is left beside him. He must not let his master make any mistakes.

"Okay, do what you want, Master."

After that, Xia Yi continued to teach Xian Juexiao's practice, teaching both Taoism and experience, and chatting in the process, revealing that he wants a peaceful life in the future and wants the three of them to live together.

In the process, Xian Juexiao was also imagining that beautiful life, without hatred and responsibility, but just enjoying the time peacefully. He must then be filial to Master, and make alchemy for Master every day, making Master laugh often. .

The day passed without knowing it. Time arrived at night. The night of the fairy clan was also very bright, and the vegetation exuded a faint golden light. Xia Yi patted Xian Juexiao's shoulder after teaching what he wanted to teach this time. .

"Jexiao, go and play with Cai'er. She hasn't communicated with her peers for a long time. I don't know what to talk about with her. You should have a common language."


To be honest, Xian Juexiao was not good at how to make women happy. He didn't even know what to talk about in conversation. Xia Yi smiled and pushed him, and then looked at the girl who was sitting under the tree and counting the stars.

"Cai'er, next you and your brother Juexiao can go to the neighborhood and have fun. You can also go shopping in the nearby city."

"Grandpa, what about you?"

"I won't disturb you young people. You think Brother Xiao is very good. You can also ask him questions about cultivation. He may know how to teach people better than I do."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, he smeared the soles of his feet and slipped away. Xian Juexiao's eyelids jumped twice. His master obviously wanted to entrust his righteous granddaughter to himself, but Xian Juexiao didn't hate this Cai'er either. , And because of her similar life experience, she has some affection for her.

"Is your name Cai'er?"

"Um...Xian Cai, grandpa likes to call me Cai'er directly."

"Can I call that too?"

Xian Juexiao racked his brains to get close to each other, the girl tilted her head and seemed to be lost in thought.

"No...if you don't like it, forget it, after all, we just met."

Seeing the girl hesitate, Xian Juexiao behaved quite embarrassed. He wondered if he was too Meng Lang. Even with the relationship of the master, he and the girl are just strangers now.

However... as soon as he finished speaking, the girl suddenly stood up and took the initiative to hold his hand.

"Please feel that Brother Xiao, you must call me that. I like to be called that. After my father and mother died, you are the second person who wants to call me that, except for grandfather."

The girl showed a cute smile, but she was thinking that the old lady was so cute, she could just eat her cuteness, she should be shy and take the initiative. Few men could bear it.

Of course, Xia Yi is an exception, because Xia Yi will abuse her and smash her leader.


This proactive and affectionate behavior of Mirage Dragon made Xian Juexiao stunned for a moment. He stared at the petite girl transformed into Mirage Dragon, and he could see God for a moment. Of course, it wasn't that his mind was not strong, because at this moment in Mirage Dragon's eyes. It was exuding a dreamlike gleam.

This brilliance flashed away, and Xian Juexiao quickly realized that she had been staring at the other person’s face, and subconsciously turned her head. He knew it was impolite, but he was not a teenager either. Why would you stare at a woman in a trance?

"Brother Juexiao, what's wrong with you?"

The mirage dragon showed puzzled eyes and asked knowingly, what could happen to Xian Juexiao? Of course, she used illusion to steal a part of her thinking in an instant. Because the other party was also a holy emperor at any rate, the mirage dragon didn't dare to steal too much, but she still knew Xian Juexiao's preferences.

This type of self-improvement likes to be younger than himself, and because of Xian Juexiao’s sense of justice, he is naturally prone to a desire to protect fragile things. Xia Yi’s analysis is very correct, and Xian Juexiao really likes it at this moment. Transfiguration girl.

However, this also made the mirage dragon speechless how Xia Yi knew how to analyze these, and it was extremely accurate. At first glance, he was an old scumbag.

"It’s nothing, maybe it’s been a long time since I have met other people who have been so familiar with me. Master, he is an old man, and his attitude towards me is very kind, but there is no enthusiasm. Sure enough, it is still more like this among people of the same age. feel."

Xian Juexiao felt a wordless warmth in his heart at this moment, but being called his brother reminded him of the happy time he used to grow up in Fangzhen, the one he promised when he left, and he will return when he has achieved something. The girl who married her was also called by her elder brother when she was a child, but it's a pity that those who called him elder brother died at the hands of punishment.

Warmth and sadness and anger are intertwined, Xian Juexiao's mood at this moment is very complicated.

"It's been a long time since I have communicated with other people. Grandpa often mentioned you in front of me. I wanted to see you a long time ago. Did Grandpa mention me in front of you?"

Mirage Dragon stared at Xian Juexiao’s face, she also kept a cute smile, but she didn’t think about what Xian Juexiao was thinking, because she didn’t know how to figure out people’s hearts. She was a dragon, and she didn’t necessarily have someone on the spiritual level. She has rich family feelings, and she is used to reading and thinking directly with Soul Dao, so it is not easy for her to get Xian Juexiao's favor.


There is Xia Yi's remote control command.

Xia Yi seemed to have already left, but in fact he hid his aura and hid nearby. When and what to say was Xia Yi's arrangement.

"Master's words... never mentioned before this time."

"Ah? Grandpa is too stingy, right? I always think Grandpa is a bit overprotective. I can't let go of strangers now. It's easy to get nervous, but the strange thing is that it might be because Grandpa often mentions you and faces Jue Xiao. Brother, you and I are not very nervous."

The Mirage played the role of a cute little girl perfectly at this moment, and Xia Yi's voice echoed in her mind.

"Yes, that's it! Mirage, don't laugh too happily, be more timid, be pitiful, pitiful, don't you understand! Hurry up and create an opportunity for him to take the initiative, and then you will be frightened immediately, hurry up! "

These voices echoed in the consciousness, and the mirage only felt that Xia Yi was really vicious. It was really fortunate that he could figure it out. He was able to formulate a very cruel plan with a smile on his face. This only shows that Xia Yi did not treat the immortal clan at all. Be human.

No matter what Xia Yi said on the surface, how benevolent, his attitude like a plaything shows what Xia Yi's true heart is, and the human race is really good at hiding his true face.

Especially for old things like Xia Yi, the mirage dragon accompanied Xia Yi from a passionate youth to this cunning old man now. Don’t look at Xia Yi’s appearance as twenty years old, Xia Yi’s true age is not an old thing when Xuanhuang is What?

However, Xia Yi told her to do it, otherwise she would not want to grow up. The world today is extremely unsuitable for the dragons. How long has passed since the ancient days, the humans are godless, and the dragons are even more limited if they want to grow up. Only Xia Yi The inner space of the body is more comfortable.

"Hey, don't you? I thought it was me who was kind to me. In short, you can let go, maybe it will be me in the future... No, I will let the master stay with you all the time!"

Xian Juexiao wanted to say that I will be with you in the future, but wouldn't he admit that he could not extend his life to Master? Xian Juexiao did not want to admit this!

He must do it!

"Yeah! I believe that you can do it with Brother Juexiao, and I believe that Grandpa wants to watch us grow and stay with him in his old age."

"This is also my dream, when we two will take care of Master together."

Unconsciously, Xian Juexiao once again dreamed about the good life in the future, Xian Cai was very energetic, and he was infected, and he was in a very happy mood.

The two chatted around Xia Yi in this way, and the relationship slowly became closer. Xian Juexiao likes Xiancai very much. She is cheerful, lively and affectionate, and she always says many things to encourage him. Master seldom encourages him, at most it means that he has a good talent and a good practice.

But I never tell him that you have worked hard. You have worked hard enough. His master will not say this. Of course Xian Juexiao also understands that it is not that his master does not care about him, but that he can’t hold his face to say this. Master wants to deliberately create a look that he hasn't worked hard enough to make him even more angry.

His master didn’t say anything, but he didn’t want him to slack off. He knew, he knew everything. As for the Northern Emperor’s Immortal Palace, he was even more uncomfortable. Many pure-blooded immortals who were surpassed by him talked about him behind their backs, Xian Jingshui. The attitude towards him is getting worse and worse, and he can even clearly feel Xian Jingshui's jealousy towards him.

Even if he still pretends to be good to Xian Jingshui, Xian Jingshui often changes his style to say that he can live today because he can be seen by the Northern Emperor Xianfu, but he does not admit that his achievements are obtained by himself.

So when I heard someone comfort me at this moment, Xian Juexiao felt very heart-warming, feeling that even the heartache was healed, and even the unchanging sunlight for thousands of years seemed to be warmer.

After this, Xia Yi still came every once in a while according to the previous frequency, every time he brought the mirage, and after the teaching, he let the mirage and Xian Juexiao cultivate their feelings.

But perhaps Xian Juexiao never thought that Xiancai was an existence that didn't even understand the human emotions at all. The dragons are lustful and abusive, as long as they can see it, they have no sense of chastity in the human race. Mirage Dragon is a habit of eating Xia Yi, and she doesn't look down on the low-end ones.


Time passes mercilessly, and it is another year without knowing it.

Xia Yi hid in a closed formation to avoid being seen. The mirage went out alone to accompany Xian Juexiao. Xia Yi was not worried that the mirage would really fall in love with Xian Juexiao. He could not lose his wife. He broke down again, because Xia Yi knew better than anyone else that the mirage dragon would never have the inseparable love of a human race for a specific individual.

Although the truth is cruel, the mirage is ruthless in nature, because he has been with the mirage for so long, and he has not noticed that the mirage has the feelings of the relationship between men and women, but the desire for the relationship between men and women is the mirage. Extraordinarily strong.

In the north of the immortal realm, in the north sky city.

Xian Juexiao is walking around the prosperous Beitian city with a mirage. Today is the birthday of the Northern Emperor. All the sects of Yubei have sent people to the northern city to communicate and sell special items made by the sect, or Dan Medicines, artifacts, or arrays are extremely lively, and even the rebels took this opportunity to swagger to the Northern Sky City to earn money.

The rebels have a lot of things from outland in their hands, as well as a lot of new things. The mirage even saw a nuclear bomb, but it didn't look like it was made by Xuanhuang, most of it was something made by himself after obtaining Xuanhuang's technology.

Xia Yi had paid a lot of money when negotiating to allow Cang Muang to accept Xuan Huang's people, but it was cheaper.

"Cai'er, just say what you want, I'll buy it for you."

Xian Juexiao looked at the mirage dragon next to him, looking very curious and joyful in his heart. He had spent a lot of effort to convince him that Master was very fond of Cai'er, and of course Xian Juexiao could understand. Although we didn't spend a lot of time together this year, Cai'er was very impressed with Xian Juexiao.

After all, the short time with Cai'er after each practice is happy and warm. For Xian Juexiao, it is similar to reward time. The warmth after biting her teeth and bleeding and tearing is Cai'er.

Only one year has passed. He has entered the holy emperor's mid-term cultivation base from the beginning. He no longer needs the master to worry about his resources. He has already received the attention of the Beitian Palace, and the master of the Beitian Palace is even more important. Intentionally train him.

In fact, his talent is not that unique. Putting him among the inferior immortals may be very dazzling, but among the pure-blood immortals, he can only be regarded as average. The cultivation method of the immortals requires very high bloodlines, but he The cultivation method that Master taught him in the realm of comprehension has benefited him a lot.

Entering the Dao with a sword and walking through the sky, his master’s achievement in the sword is really high. After becoming the holy emperor, Xian Juexiao also realized to some extent that his master’s sword was not created by a venerable at all. That is definitely the superb inheritance of his master from other places.

And his master taught him without concealment. Every time he thinks about this, Xian Juexiao's heart is filled with countless gratitude, which is like the grace of rebuilding the ocean.

"No, I will take a look at the rise and rise. Grandpa told me not to trouble you. You need more resources than I do."

"It's the grandfather who specially asked me to bring a lot of immortal stones, and asked me to buy something for you, Brother Xian Juexiao."

After the mirage finished speaking, Xian Juexiao smiled bitterly and sighed. His master not only spoiled Cai'er, but also spoiled him. His master did not have much resources available to heal his injuries. He is still there now. Consider him.

Even my grandfather is nothing more than that...

"You'd better take it back and bring it to Master. It's not easy for him. I am now on my own. It's time to let his old man rest assured. Cai'er, if you want anything, buy it. You don't have to be polite with me."

Xian Juexiao showed the consciousness of a mature and powerful man, and the mirage dragon was speechless. The more mature and powerful you are, the closer you will be to that day, but the mirage dragon will not pity the fairy clan, she has seen Xia with her own eyes. How did Yi come along in order to fight the immortal clan.

Until today, Xia Yi was doing everything right in a solitary boat in a sea of ​​blood, and Xia Yi was owed by the immortal clan.

"Then buy some medicinal materials. I am also learning alchemy with my grandfather, and I want some medicines to prolong life, and some medicines to improve cultivation."

"Just these two?"

After the mirage finished speaking, Xian Juexiao was quite speechless, because it was obvious that one of the two was what his master needed, the other was what he needed, and the mirage did not choose his own.

"These two are enough, I don't need anything, let alone feel that Brother Xiao, you are stronger, don't I want to have everything in the future?"

Mirage Long responded with a smile, and actually wanted to have it all. She wanted to eat the medicinal materials directly, but she knew that it was absolutely impossible to do, unless she wanted to be stripped alive by Xia Yi. Xia Yi has a problem. He doesn't pity Xiangxiyu at all, and he is heavier on women than men.

His face was swollen, his **** was kicked, his chest was flattened, and his head was hit with a spirit stone. Is this really what a man can do to a woman?

As for Xia Yi’s apprentices, let’s not tell the truth. Even those named apprentices in Qingyun Sect are almost all male. Xia Yi does not accept female apprentices at all. Mirage can always feel Xia Yi’s malice towards women. .

When will she stand up!

"Um... well, since Cai'er thinks so, thank you very much."

Xian Juexiao could clearly feel that the Mirage Dragon showed concern for him, but it was a pity that they were all acting and fake.

"Thank you for telling me what, besides considering grandpa...I personally hope that Brother Juexiao can become stronger, because in that case, you won't leave easily."

"I also know my grandpa's body... It's a pity that I can't give any help. I have forced myself to accept this reality. If grandpa can't wait for the eternal pill, I at least hope that you can live with Juexiao, maybe grandpa is right. It might be better to let go."

The mirage suddenly became pessimistic at this time. After seeing more times, Xian Juexiao was no longer wary of her. She could use her talents to steal what Xian Juexiao wanted to see and what he least wanted to see. Also know what he is worried about.

"Let it go..."

Xian Juexiao sighed after hearing this. His Master had also advised him before, but he would never give up.

"Grandpa actually knows that it's impossible. He just didn't say that he didn't want you to worry about it. I think it's better to give up and stay with him for a few minutes."

"And I... also want Brother Juexiao to accompany me more."

After Mirage Dragon finished speaking, Xian Juexiao was silent. He felt the meaning of Mirage Dragon's words, and his heart throbbed, because he more or less liked the fairy color made by Mirage Dragon. , The other party has become a kind of comfort and support in his heart, but he has not been able to speak out, but he did not expect the other party to take the initiative.


"Cai'er... what you said, I actually thought about it too, thought about it many times."

Xian Juexiao didn't know when he had a feeling of heavy burden on himself. He had already accepted the goal of subverting the Wufang Tiangong as his mission. This is the reason for his struggle. Now he has already No longer say impossible.

Taking a step back, if you give up, it is indeed a bright future. He also wants to spend his old age with Master, but he wants to try the possibility that everyone is happy!

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