
"But I can't stop, this is my way, my heart, my will!"

Xian Juexiao's eyes were firm, and she raised her head slightly to look towards the sky. The mirage was speechless. You are really a good tool for Brother Xia's appointment. Your way, your heart, and your will are all for the realization of other people's plans.

It sounds funny, but Mirage can’t laugh. She doesn’t particularly hate the fairy clan. After all, in her opinion, both the Xian clan and Xia Yi are human races. She is not interested in the contradiction between the human races. As for why she feels sorry for the immortal Juexiao, maybe it's because of seeing Xia Yi's shadow in Xian Juexiao.

Of course, pitiful, pitiful, Mirage can’t do anything, don’t say anything, she will only take care of what Xia Yi ordered. After following Xia Yi for so long, Mirage realized that she had been used to it unknowingly. With Xia Yi around, I am used to Xia Yi's breath and taste.

She would feel uneasy even if she was separated for a short while.

"Brother Juexiao, your mind is really strong. If it's you, maybe you can really succeed. I believe you. Grandpa always praises you in front of me. I don't believe in miracles, but you believe in. Please don't forget you. This original intention."

The so-called mind is the Dao heart and will. A sufficiently strong Dao heart and will can make up for the lack of talent. For example, the heart sword ancestor of the metaverse can break all distracting thoughts and illusions with one stroke of the heart sword, and keep the heart clear. The mirage was defeated by this trick before being adopted as a pet by Xia Yi.

Otherwise...Xia Yi might still be her favorite now, being "eaten" by her every day.

"Of course not, I said, I swear I will do it, I will avenge my hometown, I will seek justice for all the inferior immortals of this immortal clan, I want the immortal clan to give those immortals The territories that the clan has hurt apologize, and only in this way can real peace be ushered in, and the inferior immortals will no longer be regarded as a tool of the immortal clan’s conquest."

"I hope this world will be peaceful and there will be no more trouble."

Xian Juexiao’s dream is very big. This is all under the influence of Xia Yi. Xia Yi specifically led Xian Juexiao to the sages. Now more than a year has passed. The appearance of the mirage makes up for Xian Juexiao. There was a trace of emptiness in his heart. He was praised by Xia Yi and comforted by a mirage after enjoying his hard shouting.

"Brother Juexiao, your dream will definitely be fulfilled! Although I can't say why I am so sure, but I think you can, you give me this feeling, then... we will always be together and watch with the respected Master. The ebb and flow of the tide, watch the sun and the moon go by."

After the mirage finished speaking, he pretended to hold Xian Juexiao's hand and pretend to be happy.

"Well, as long as you are there, I feel that I am omnipotent. You and Master gave me a reason to move forward, so I will not give up."

On the birthday of the Northern Emperor, his master promised to let Xiancai come out alone. In a sense, it was tantamount to entrusting Xiancai to him, so he must be worthy of his master and Xiancai.

"Me too. Once I was very afraid of losing. Now I feel there is nothing to be afraid of. After you have done everything, Brother Juexiao, we will officially get married and swear to heaven and earth, so don’t let me wait too long, don’t Let the children wait too long!"

The mirage stared at Xian Juexiao with scorching eyes. Xian Juexiao was shocked for a while. He looked at the mirage dragon's stomach, and his expression instantly became wonderful.

"Did it last time..."


The mirage nodded. Her illusion was superb, which made Xian Juexiao dream of a yellow beam. In the quiet and warm atmosphere, there was a fact between the two of them. In fact, Xian Juexiao was in the midst of it. The illusion was in a daze on the spot, and the mirage dragon was looking for medicinal herbs nearby. Nothing happened to the two of them. Of course, this was also instructed by Xia Yi.

"Yes...Is it... That really has to work harder! This is the great-grandson of Master!"

Xian Juexiao was completely shocked by the good news that came all of a sudden. Perhaps it was not the time yet, but he had already had a chance to harm the child. He instantly felt that he had grown a lot. After all, he had reached the time to become a parent.

He has a home and a real relative.

After that, Xian Juexiao worked hard to amuse the mirage dragon and happily, until the end of Beidi's birthday, Xian Juexiao sent the mirage dragon to the usual dense forest, and Xia Yi came here directly from the secret territory of the big array with a teleportation array to wait.

"I'm back? Cai'er is not happy today?"

Xia Yi deliberately ignored Xian Juexiao, but pretended to worry about the mirage. The mirage immediately said a lot of good things about Xian Juexiao, which made Xian Juexiao a little shy, because the mirage exaggerated too fiercely.

"Jexiao, I won’t say much about you young people, but you kid don’t know how to exercise restraint, that’s true! If you don’t stabilize anything, let Cai'er have a big belly. If you are not my apprentice, I'm fighting this old life to kill you bastard!"

"Hey... Master, calm down, I will definitely treat Cai'er well, after all, you are all my relatives, my only two relatives, no, three."

Xian Juexiao glanced at the belly of Mirage Dragon, and counted as a non-existent person. Xia Yi wanted to laugh now, but he knew he had to hold back, he couldn't laugh!

Xian Juexiao’s reaction at this moment tells Xia Yi one thing that he can implement the plan of sages enchanting. When Xian Juexiao is happiest, looking forward to the future, and full of ambitions, he will be completely defeated with absolute cruelty. Let him be swallowed by hatred and abandon all the good things in the world.

Do you think this is a lot like someone?

Yes, it is Killing Tian. This is everything that Killing Tian has actually experienced. That's why Killing Tian became the unfeeling demon, who walked the way of the devil and was good at the way of the sword. This is Xia Yi's gift to the immortal clan. The second Kill the sky!

The only person who can resolve the hatred of killing the sky, Xian Yueyin, she is also controlled by Xia Yi, Xia Yi will not let Xian Yueyin and Xian Juexiao contact, and deliberately let Xian Juexiao take the same path as himself, these Xia Yi All are considered.

Because he once wandered before the abyss of despair, almost falling into it, he knew the terrible falling into it.

"Huh, glib tongue, I didn't teach you this as a teacher. Recently, what did the penalty Xianzun plan in Yunan? Leave the matter on the rebel's side temporarily, remember!"


Xian Juexiao nodded, and did not take Xia Yi's advice too much in his heart. He was about to become the leader among the rebels, and there were some things that had to be done.


After this, Xia Yi deliberately talked about all kinds of instructions, in short, it was a tone for fear of Xian Juexiao's accident. Although Xian Juexiao would not feel annoyed by Xia Yi, he could only laugh and forget half of it.

He, the master, really likes to worry about it, but this is also a proof that he cares about him. He is still very careful in doing things, because the rebels basically do not stay in the south of the region, and will immediately evacuate to the north of the region after doing something planned. , And the penalty Xianzun has a deep contradiction with the Lord of the Beitian Palace.

But it's just that he doesn't care about it, his subordinates are like wolves and tigers, all day long, staring at the rebels' every move, wanting to catch a few back to claim credit, but I have to say that the punishment of Xianzun is still successful.

The rebels of the five sides of the immortal tribe have been honest since the appearance of the penalty immortal. They dared not commit big things, and did little things in a restrained manner. They didn’t even dare to build gathering places privately. It's hard to catch now, but the rebels who don't even have the ability to gather are stragglers, and they can't make waves anymore.

Xian Juexiao is now one of the deputy chiefs of the rebels of Yubei. He led many actions to direct the team, but it also caused a lot of trouble to the punishment of Xianzun. The main plan of the rebels now is to recuperate. Distribute personnel to various places to collect resources, and secretly expand their forces.

After Xia Yi's instructions, he let Mirage Dragon and Xian Juexiao stay at home. Xia Yi could see that Xian Juexiao was very relaxed. His face was always smiling from the heart. He was very optimistic about the future. After all, In ten years, the rebels have gradually become accustomed to this way of living, and the penalty Xianzun has not made any major actions.

Just let time pass slowly, just wait, and the rebels will eventually find the time to appear openly again.

"Jexiao! Don’t um um um, I’m telling you the truth. This punishment comes from Taoism. The method is extremely cruel. I have personally felt his murderous aura. That is the ghost and **** who slaughtered hundreds of millions of people, you It’s better to be careful. For a venerable one like us, ten years is just a fingertip. I don’t think he will be idle.”

"Master...I know, it's just that you are too worried, and the punishment will not last too long. As long as we don't do too much, if he is too cruel, it will cause opposition from all the inferior immortals of the immortal clan, he Can he kill all the inferior immortals? After all, he is only a tool and eagle dog for the upper class to maintain their status. Although the killing is monstrous, it is not to be feared."

"He is just something used by the Central Heavenly Palace!"

Xian Juexiao knows that all the unfair treatment of the inferior immortals comes from the Central Heavenly Palace. Today’s Central Palace Lord is a person who values ​​bloodlines very much. He regards bloodliness more than anything else. It is precisely that he has issued a series of Measures to treat pure-blood immortals differently from inferior immortals.

Not allowing intermarriage, never allowing mixed blood, etc. are all good things he did, and even tacitly allowed pure-blood immortals to discriminate against inferior immortals. He was the root cause and evil of all this.

"That being said, be careful. It's better to really converge recently. You have been active in Yunan too frequently recently."

"Well... Since Master, you said that."

Xian Juexiao still obeyed Xia Yi's words on the surface. Xia Yi nodded and turned and flew away with the mirage dragon. Xian Juexiao watched the two go away, and was also seriously thinking about what his master said, whether he was a little bit Too underestimate the penalty Xianzun?

No... there is nothing to look down upon, he is telling the truth.

After returning to the Beitian Temple, Xian Juexiao went straight to his training room to prepare for cultivation. He had to seize all the time to practice. He was practicing even when he was on the road, otherwise he would never be able to improve so quickly.

Unknowingly, three days later, his message jade Jane rang. It was the contact from the rebel. Xian Juexiao took out the message jade Jane to receive it, and frowned slightly after hearing the news.

"Xian Juexiao, there is a secret report from Xian Duo Fu. The penalty Xian Venerable has recently reached the point of cultivation, and may be closed for some time. The other sages in the southern region have not appeared for several years, and they are said to be in the Secret Realm of the Great Array. Do you want to take this opportunity to rescue those comrades who were arrested before?"

The person who contacted Xian Juexiao was one of the other deputy chiefs among the rebels. Xian Juexiao thought for a while. This is a good opportunity. There are still many rebels in the prison outside Nantian City. If you can find a way If they are rescued, they can indeed directly strengthen their power.

But when I thought of Master’s previous request, Xian Juexiao thought it would be fine. The robbery is nothing, but the action on the big prison outside Nantian City is equivalent to directly breaking the ground on the penalty Xianzun’s head. Once it is passed out, the penalty Xianzun will be absolutely face-faced. Lost, by punishing Xianzun's temper, he is not allowed to do anything out of the ordinary.

"It's not right, at least it can't be fair and honest, just rely on Xian Duofu to do it slowly, find the opportunity to proceed in secret, and not let outsiders know. Since then, punishment Xianzun can only eat this dark loss, or leave him a step. Then he will continue to ignore us."

The current plan of the rebels is to not irritate and punish the immortal, so it has only been stable for ten years, and it is easy for things to happen quickly and quickly.

"Why? Are you scared? If you don't go, I will go. This is a godsend. It is estimated that the opportunity for the Venerable to retreat in more than ten years is only once. Last time we did nothing. This time we must do something. !"

"Have you forgotten our plan? Be careful! Now that we are weak, we have to show our weakness and let the penalty Xianzun feel that we are not worth mentioning, instead of declaring to him that we still have the power to resist, that will only Let him deal with us harder!"

"You are timid, and you say that you are weak. For ten years, we have lived like ants. We can only bite off a few hairs. This time we have to bite him. If we don't do anything, the people will be right. We have completely lost our confidence. How many people are willing to join us in the past ten years? All feel that we have been punished and wiped out!"

"This is a declaration, we have been declaring!"

This deputy leader is determined to bite the flesh of the penalty Xianzun and embarrass the penalty. Xian Juexiao can actually understand why he is anxious. Ten years later, everyone feels that the rebels are dead in name and become only thieves. Thieves are no longer the rebels in people's eyes.

If this continues, even if the rebels can recuperate, the road to rise in the future will not necessarily be easy. If resources are sufficient, no manpower is not enough. If this continues, fewer and fewer are willing to join the rebels.

"Let’s talk to the chieftain and others, I think safety comes first."

"Cut... Don't worry if you don't come, beg for wealth and danger!"


After finishing the communication, Xian Juexiao sighed and stood up and looked in the direction of Yunan. It is definitely not a good thing to be adventurous now, but the other party is also reasonable, asking for wealth and danger.

Their approach means that they have been softened to the punishment of the immortal gods. People who lose confidence will find it harder and harder to resist. The ultimate goal of the rebels is to make all the inferior immortals oppose the Wufang Tiangong and let the Wufang Tiangong withdraw everything. Measures to treat pure-blood immortals differently from inferior immortals.

Inferior immortals are far inferior to pure blood in terms of resources, cultivation, and status. Almost in the immortal tribe, they are "upper-class slaves". Compared with the slaves captured from other realms, they are just native slaves. .

Although Wufang Tiangong has different attitudes towards the inferior immortals in different periods, almost most of them despise them. One hundred thousand years of discrimination has formed part of the rules of the immortals. It seems that they are born with It should be inferior to others.


Why! !

Just because of the so-called **** bloodline? Impure blood is not even worthy of being a human being?

"Fine! It's time to do something."

Xian Juexiao slowly clenched his fists. He was actually afraid of angering and punishing Xianzun. Even though the upright resistance would make it difficult for the rebels, it could also ignite the flames of resistance in the hearts of all the inferior immortals. Someone must lead by example. Row.

In the dark pedigree concept of the fairy clan, someone must come to light the light. He still remembers the day Fangzhen was destroyed. An old grandfather in the town strangled a baby with his own hands and made him laugh. Quickly reincarnate into pure blood.

That scene brought Xian Juexiao's shock and sorrow that could not be described in words.

As for Master’s request, Master is already old, and Master himself has the intention to give up. He chose to abandon his mission and responsibilities, and wants to keep people around him away from danger. This is indeed right, but he can and Master and Cai'er live happily together, but what about the others?

Do you continue to be a pig and dog in the fairy clan?

He would rather sacrifice part of his happiness in exchange for the freedom and equality of all the inferior immortals. This is his ambition, his Dao heart and will, this is what he must do, in order to be more ambitious and for the sake of more people. happiness.

"Master, I will inherit your forgotten will!"

Xian Juexiao slowly made up his mind. He was going to jail. Recently, he seemed to be a little timid. He started to be afraid of losing again. He became fearful in doing things. Although it is very wrong with Cai'er and Master, he can truly be with them. Time has to be extended again, but Xian Juexiao doesn't think this is a mistake.

How can I abandon the world because of my own temporary blessing!

Xian Juexiao thought for a while, and only felt that his heart had become more transparent. He had a feeling that his soul was sublimating, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through all obstacles to see the suffering of sentient beings.

His sage's will is great at this moment!

After taking out the jade slip of transmission, Xian Juexiao contacted the former deputy leader, but the answer he didn't expect was that the other party had planned to give up. Hearing that Xian Juexiao was willing to join, he immediately began to gather manpower, Xian Juexiao’s The fighting power among the holy emperors is also quite powerful, and the holy lord can't come out, and few people can control Xian Juexiao.

The plan was finalized, and they contacted Xian Duofu to ask if the penalty Xianzun was in retreat. Xian Duo Fu just said it was possible. He was not sure. He asked them to proceed carefully. He just passed the news, but Xian Duo Fu was letting them. It's best not to rob prison, or even ask them to rob some resources, don't cause trouble.

Xian Duofu was obviously also afraid of punishment to Xianzun, for fear of punishing Xianzun, after all, he himself was in Nantian Palace.

However, Xian Juexiao didn't listen to Xian Duofu's words very much. Xian Duofu was not a good thing. He was very greedy on both sides. As long as he provided the news, the traitor would give him some resources as reward after he successfully robbed him.

The robbery is nothing for Xian Duofu. Of course, he hopes that the rebels will still rob honestly, completely treating the rebels as a group that can only petty theft.

The retreat of the Venerables ranges from several months to several years. It is difficult to wake up when the retreat practice enters a critical state. Therefore, the rebels decided to wait just a few months before acting, and wait for the punishment of the immortal Venerable to enter the critical moment of cultivation.

After all, the robbery of Nantian City is simply working under the eyelids of the penalty Xianzun. If it succeeds, it is equivalent to giving the penalty Xianzun an extremely loud slap.

At this time, the rebels chose the birthday of Nandi. Nandi’s birthday is a festival in Yunan. The personnel are complicated and it is convenient for the rebels to sneak into it.

On the other side, while waiting for the arrival of Nandi’s birthday, Xian Juexiao and Xia Yi met twice, until five days before Nandi’s birthday, the news of punishment of Xianzun’s retreat was confirmed to be true from many aspects.

Because the penalty hall is currently being taken over by the subordinates of penalty Xianzun.

"Jexiao, have you been hiding anything from me lately?"

Today is also a normal practice time. Xia Yi will find Xian Juexiao twice a month. Xia Yi knows what Xian Juexiao intends to do. He is stepping into the abyss according to his plan, but Xia Yi will definitely not say it. .

"Uh...no, Master, you think too much!"

Xian Juexiao did not tell Xia Yi that they were going to rob prison, otherwise his master would definitely object. After all, his master was very unwilling to let him do dangerous things, and this was the most dangerous thing that the rebels decided to do in ten years. Thing.

"Really? But I always feel that you have something on your mind. I may indeed be old and afraid of losing, but I just hope you don't do things that are uncertain. Don't forget that you still have Cai'er and Cai'er's stomach. Child."

"Master, I understand that I have made enough preparations. If there is a case, there is no problem with saving my life. I have prepared a demigod-level teleportation disk. The penalty immortal is a martial arts demigod. The words of a demigod are still hard to stop me."

Xian Juexiao thought for a while, and told Xia Yi the truth, because he knew that he couldn't hide his master. Instead of worrying the other party, he might as well tell the facts and his methods to make the other party feel at ease.

"Well, since you have confidence, then I won’t say anything. I know it’s hard to change after you make up your mind. This is your strength, but it may also be a weakness. Punishing the Immortal Venerable is not that simple. You must be careful. Don't forget Cai'er and me...and your future children are waiting for you."

Xia Yiyu said earnestly, Qian Jingwan asked to be careful, be careful, and the mirage dragon took Xian Juexiao's hand to let him let go, saying that he believed he would be successful, and let the entire Xian clan know that their rebels had never been beaten. Down.

Xian Juexiao, he is the hope of the inferior immortals.


Under the sunset, Jin Hui was dim, and Xian Juexiao had taken the initiative to leave this time. In order to implement the plan, he had to take a step first. Normally Xia Yi would not leave until midnight until the professor.

"Master, Cai'er, just watch me make a big fuss. For what the penalty Xianzun has done to you, let me charge a portion of the interest from him first!"

After Xian Juexiao walked away, she suddenly turned her head and waved at Xia Yi and Mirage Dragon. Xia Yi nodded with a kind smile. The Mirage Dragon placed one hand on the slightly bulging belly and the other was facing Xian Juexiao. Wave goodbye.

When Xian Juexiao walked away, Xian Juexiao’s amiable master suddenly sneered, her eyebrows were full of jokes, and Xian Juexiao’s beloved wife suddenly flattened her belly, the image of the whole person. They are all undergoing drastic changes, until they become a mature girl with long blue hair.

"Brother Xia, he really respects you enough and likes me enough."

"Haha, so you think we died tragically in front of him, what will happen to him?"

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