"Crashes are all minor, right? Maybe you will have no love. Then Brother Xia, didn't you nurture him for nothing?"

"How is it possible that the good apprentice I cultivated will give up so easily? I have spent ten times more painstakingly on him than Guan Li. He is almost going to be my personal pass. It's not me who said nonsense. I gave those medicines and resources to Guan Li. For my own use, I'm afraid it will be enough for me to improve my cultivation base by one level."

"Brother Xia, you are too horrible. Although I am not qualified to say anything about this, I really feel that Brother Xia is not too much of you."


Xia Yi was also quite surprised when he heard what the mirage said. The mirage rarely made irresponsible remarks about his personal affairs, because the mirage was ruthless, but at the moment the mirage seemed to have grown a lot. It really was because he had grown up. NS?

"Compared with Brother Xia, you were slashed by mortals and knelt down and begged to die by hundreds of millions of people. What is his suffering? Brother Xia, you might be relatively kind."

"You still come to please me? I can figure it out easier than you. I must feel guilty. This is my conscience as a person, but I still have to do what I should do. This is my mission as a Xuanhuang person. If God doesn't bless me Xuanhuang, then I will bless Xuanhuang, block the sky, punish the sky, block the gods, and kill the gods."

"Only the weak will ask for God's blessing, and the strong will kill the gods."

Xia Yi looked at the golden sun in the fairy world from a distance, stretched out his hand to the shining golden sun, and then slammed it hard. The golden sun just fell at this moment, as if Xia Yi personally wiped out the dazzling golden sun.

The hand is open to cover the sky, and the hand is closed to be buried.

Unknowingly, after five days, Yunan ushered in the Nandi’s birthday again. The Nantian city was lit up with lights and thousands of rebels mixed into the Nantian city to wait for an opportunity.

By the side of Nantian city, a hidden imperial holy emperor is looking at the Nantian prison not far away. He is Xian Juexiao, where the punishment is Xianzun, rebels and those who do not obey discipline are concentrated. He went in. If you want to come out, you will have to peel off if you don't die. The solemn, all-black rock wall gives people an indescribable coldness.

There are not many staff to punish the Immortal Venerable outside the prison. After all, no one thinks that anyone dares to rob the Immortal Venerable. The punishment to the Immortal Venerable is so fierce. make trouble.

Punishing Xianzun for not killing them is not because of kindness, but simply cares about his own reputation, and doesn't want to be said to be evil people who kill people without blinking. After all, the word punishment is serious, but it also represents justice.

Before I knew it, it was the night in Nantian City. Because it was Nandi’s birthday, the Nantian City at night was still very lively, but there was still no one near the Nantian Prison who dared to approach it.

The rebels received Xian Juexiao’s contact, confirmed their escape route, and were ready for battle. Some people stayed in the city to stand guard. If they were known, they could also stop the guards of Nantian City by the way. Some people came to Nantian. Firmly deal with the punishment of Xianzun's subordinates.

Time came so quietly into the night, the rebels had made all the preparations, just waiting for the plan to be implemented, Xian Juexiao and the other two deputy chiefs stared at the gate of the Nantian Prison, ready to give orders at any time.

Just when one of the guards and the other guard were trying to chat about something, Xian Juexiao instantly reached out to guide the gate of the sky prison, and he quickly emerged from the shadows and rushed towards the gate.

The two guards reacted to something wrong for the first time, and discovered that there was a group of people rushing to the Southern Sky Prison with weapons. This was going to rob the prison! Even the prison set up by the penalty immortal prince himself dare to rob, is this eating the courage of the bear heart and the leopard!

They immediately prepared to notify the subordinates of the penalty Xianzun in the Nantian Prison, and also prepared to inform the guards of the Nantian City at the same time, but before they could say anything in the future, it suddenly went black.

This blackness is eternal.

"Huntian, Youye,"

Xian Juexiao held a long knife in his hand and stood behind the two guards. After the two guards were quickly resolved, Xian Juexiao slowly retracted the knife, and then directed others to enter the prison. Although Xia Yi had also performed this trick, he saw The people who have passed by are dead, so no one will connect Xian Juexiao and Xia Yi.

The rebels have a clear division of labor. Those who stay outside directly take out the formation and set up a large formation to block the leakage of voice and breath. Xian Juexiao still feels that it is the best way to save his companions without being known, so he wants as much as possible. Completed without knowing it.

However, there is a master of the late Saint Emperor in the Nantian prison. He found that the intruder did not immediately counterattack, but wanted to send the news immediately. The Saint Emperor sent the news to the rebels and still could not stop it, Nantian The guards in the city moved quickly, and the rebels who remained in the city immediately went into battle to stop the guards from rushing over after they informed the rear.

"Move fast, everyone, let me deal with the Holy Emperor, you two deal with other masters, and the rest will concentrate on saving people!"

Xian Juexiao asked the two deputy chiefs who came with him to deal with the others, the strongest in the prison, the holy emperor later, he came to deal with, time is pressing, they must quickly save the people and then withdraw, even if the punishment is Xianzun retreat, even if the Nantian Palace More than ten years ago, the vitality was greatly injured, but the strength of Nantian Palace was still not something that rebels like them could shake.

"Hmph, I'm so courageous, even the Southern Sky Prison dare to rob, it seems that the benevolence of Master Punishment Xianzun towards you has made you self-righteous."

In front of Xian Juexiao, the master of the late Saint Emperor sneered. He also knew that Xia Yi had gone to retreat, but he didn't expect these rebels to think that Xianzun could rob prison without punishment, so he really didn't take them back. thing!

Just catch all these guys in one swoop, and give them all to the penalty fairy to receive the reward!

"Soul Heaven..."

Xian Juexiao did not speak or answer, just put his hand on the handle of the knife, slightly squinted his eyes and prepared to quickly subdue the holy emperor in front of him. It was not impossible to defeat someone stronger than himself.

Using the trick taught by Master...

The life is dead, and the scabbard surrounds the blade, even the powerful holy emperor can't ask for any benefits.


Xian Juexiao’s actual combat ability is not weak, especially after experiencing the destruction of his hometown, he is now very decisive and rarely hesitates. Coupled with Xia Yi’s ten-year training, Xian Juexiao already has the ability to go beyond the ranks. The strength of the war.

Before pretending to be weak, Xia Yi also taught Xian Juexiao in actual combat for three years. He has a better grasp of the battle situation than most people. Therefore, he went straight after seeing the warden of the late holy emperor. Give up all thoughts of fighting, and instead want to win with one blow.

Even though, at the cost of your own weakness!

"Huh? It's not my fairy clan method..."

The warden of the Nantian Prison immediately noticed something wrong with Xian Juexiao. The vitality in this guy's body was fading quickly, and his aura quickly weakened. With the knowledge of his late Saint Emperor, he could naturally guess that this was mostly burning himself. In exchange for the means of attacking and killing power.

The traitor is not stupid as soon as he comes up, but he is not even stupid. There is no need for this kind of move to resist, so he can just run away. The warden’s face is mocking, and the soles of his feet. Shengfeng was about to leave, but he did not expect that Xian Juexiao would suddenly take a step forward, and his figure quickly disappeared.

This speed is unparalleled, and it is by no means a teleportation of the way of space, but a purely terrifying speed.


The warden was shocked. He instantly realized that he had made a big mistake. His decision to leave was equivalent to giving up resistance. If the other party was faster than him, it would definitely be a disadvantage for him, but he had never encountered such an unreasonable mistake. The speed.

If it is the way of space, he has the means to reverse the locked space and quickly escape.

"God, step on the heavens!"

In just one step, Xian Juexiao appeared behind the warden like a ghost, holding the handle of the knife in both hands and drew the knife forward and cut it. Knife, the warden only made a hoarse voice while covering his neck.


A person whose cultivation level is not as good as him can actually control him with one move. The vitality in his body is rapidly annihilating. If the spirit does not leave the body, even the spirit is in danger of collapse. Jue Xiao didn't have the strength to chase after him, so she could only watch the opponent escape, but the goal had been achieved.

The warden is the strongest in the Nantian jail, and if he solves the problem, he can hurry to save the people and leave.

With a puff, the warden's body fell to the ground, and there was no vitality. Although the soul escaped, it still couldn't change the fact that Xian Juexiao was able to kill the Holy Emperor with a single knife.

The rebels who came with Xian Juexiao all looked silly, and Xian Juexiao, the deputy leader, really should not be underestimated, no wonder he can be taken seriously in Beitian Palace.

"You kid, you can do it! I haven't seen you really good at it before. I learned it in Beitian Palace?"

Another deputy leader who had a fairly good relationship with Xian Juexiao walked over and supported Xian Juexiao. He saw that Xian Juexiao was only able to win the victory because he was overdrawn, although Xian Juexiao lost his combat power directly after he swiped a knife. , But this knife, together with the previous extreme speed, is afraid that there are not many people who can resist the dodge, and even the Lord will be injured.

"It was taught by my master. Only this step is not even considered the body technique, and it consumes a lot of money."

Xian Juexiao said, taking out the healing pill from the storage ring, and the feeling of dying after the overdraft was still very uncomfortable.

"It's pretty good, can you tell it outside?"

"This... I'll ask Master another day. If you don't care about me, hurry up to save people, suppress other strong men in the prison, and evacuate quickly before the real strong men from Nantian Temple arrive."


Seeing that Xian Juexiao’s complexion was recovering, the rebels who supported Xian Juexiao stopped worrying and continued to do business. The rebels who had been imprisoned escaped and then began to deal with the people who rescued them. The jailer and the rebel have an absolute advantage in numbers, and the jailer does not even have the power to resist.

"Don't fall in love with war, gather in the back immediately after you gather your hands, the teleportation array outside the prison is ready to be completed!"

Xian Juexiao took out the jade slip to contact the people outside the formation. After learning that the teleportation formation was completed, he was also relieved. This represented the completion of the action. They successfully robbed the prison. The last step of the plan was to directly bring half of the Nantian prison. Teleporting away together, this is undoubtedly tantamount to giving Xianzun Penal an unusually loud slap in the face.

Not only did all the people be rescued, but your cell was smashed for you!

Following Xian Juexiao’s order, the rebels gathered in an orderly manner towards the enveloped area of ​​the teleportation array. Xian Juexiao herself rushed to it. When the last person stood still, the rebels who remained in the city had already arrived. The Nantianlao foreign exchange cooperation was successful.

This action was quick and decisive, and there were no accidents in the process, until the teleportation array was activated, and the space was quickly distorted, which made the last trace of anxiety in everyone's hearts let go.

It succeeded.

The robbery succeeded!

But Xian Juexiao didn't know what was going on, and suddenly felt a sense of restlessness. He somehow sensed a strong sense of crisis, and he couldn't even tell why he felt that way, but the reality seemed to prove it. As much as his anxiety, the distorted space quickly began to calm down without knowing what was going on, and the teleportation array failed midway!


"No, it can forcibly interrupt the teleportation array that has been activated, and a powerful venerable will take action!"

"Xian Juexiao, can I still use the previous attack?"

"We will give you cover!"

"Each of them took out their weapons and prepared to break through with all their strength, and run one by one!"

The two deputy chiefs next to Xian Juexiao quickly gave instructions that not all venerables can interrupt the teleportation formation. There are actually demigods besides punishment in Nantian Palace!

But soon, the rebels discovered that they were wrong.

Because a breath of suffocation made them tremble, an aura of fear engulfed the entire Southern Sky Prison at some point, and Xian Juexiao heard someone screaming, which was a scream before his death.

He wanted to look back, but he was shocked by this breath. It was extremely difficult for him to look back. He couldn't speak, couldn't move, and even his thinking was in chaos. Only a second before death, he seemed to be able to express his life. The last wailing.

Xian Juexiao found that his breathing was chaotic, and the spiritual energy in his body was running uncontrollably. Cold sweat kept flowing from his forehead and back. He tried his best to turn his head, but he could only twist his neck a little bit.

At this time, a person passed him shoulder to shoulder. The person's steps were not very fast, but every step he took was like trampling on the hearts of everyone. It was a young man with a bloodthirsty appearance. Smiling ghosts and gods.

His killing intent can shock the soul, causing it to fall into fear and despair.


"Today is a good day, Nandi's birthday, but it may not be a good day for you."

"Why? Because you all have to die."

In front of Xian Juexiao, the man slowly turned around after walking to the forefront. Almost all the rebels knew him, and no rebel did not know the person in front of him.

Penalty Xianzun, Xian return.

"But one thing really surprised me. You still have such guts. It's okay to save me from catching it."

After that, Penal Immortal Venerable directly started his hand, but with a random wave of his hand, someone exploded on the spot. The soul died instantly, and the blood overflowed like rain. This was not the first one, because the sound of flesh and blood exploded like that. It sounded like firecrackers, beeping endlessly.

The blood spurted on Xian Juexiao’s face, Xian Juexiao only felt as if someone had strangled his throat. He felt that he was as fragile as a mortal at the moment, and there was a feeling of suffocation in the dark, and a disgusting smell of blood. And the blood mist spread in the closed Southern Sky Prison, which directly turned into a human hell.

I don't know how long it has passed. At this moment, there are only three deputy chiefs and eight holy kings left in the prison. Punishment Xianzun once again slowly stretched out his hand, aimed at one of the holy kings, and slowly made a grasping action.

Xian Juexiao, who couldn’t turn his head, could only hear the sound of broken bones and the dull and depressed wailing. He now knew that he was wrong. He now knew why his master had been asking him to punish Xianzun carefully. This guy was actually laughing. Take pleasure in killing!

Until the eight saint kings died in the same way, only the three deputy chiefs of the rebels remained, and Xian Juexiao was one of them.

Punishment Xianzun stretched out his hand again and pointed it at the deputy leader beside Xian Juexiao. Xian Juexiao saw him trembling, shaking uncontrollably, and his teeth were shaking. There was endless fear in his eyes, this deputy leader. It was the person who contacted him first, and the person who supported him before. Although he was a bit frizzy in character, he was indeed a good person.

But at this moment, he was even so scared that his pants were wet, just like a child, with saliva flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

"It's really ugly. It's also a holy emperor's cultivation base anyway. A fierce illusion is scared like this, and I don't deserve to be a member of my immortal clan."

"Sure enough, the inferior immortals are all of this kind."

Penal Xianzun's eyes were full of contempt, and his hand made a snap of his finger, and then he flicked it lightly.


Punishment Xianzun himself dubbed himself, and the deputy leader beside Xian Juexiao turned his head and looked at Xian Juexiao at this moment. His lips moved twice, as if he wanted to say sorry.

But he hadn't said anything, his head was torn apart like a bursting balloon.


Xian Juexiao was frightened and screamed, and the other deputy leader beside him immediately suffered the same fate. Not long after the punishment of Xianzun arrived, all the rebels fell with a tragic fate, only Xianjue Akatsuki is still alive.

Finally, Xianzun Punishment also stretched out his hand to him, making a snap of his fingers.

Xian Juexiao felt that he was about to faint at this moment, and his thinking was stagnant. His eyes could only look closely at Punishment Xianzun’s finger, because that finger only needed to move, everything about him, his will And soul will be shattered.

This is absolute strength...

"Huh? Your kid is a bit familiar... By the way, you are killing my people in Fangzhen, where is that old guy? Tell me where that old guy is, and I can spare your life, of course you don’t have to. , I will search the soul directly."

Penalty Xianzun smiled at Xian Juexiao. Xian Juexiao felt that the aura that suppressed her seemed to relax a little. This penalty Xianzun actually wanted to kill Master, this is absolutely impossible!

I don't know where the strength came from, Xian Juexiao roared, drew his sword to attack. In his heart, his master is more important than his own life. How can he be allowed to lose? But he knew better that he couldn't fight against Xianzun Punishment. He was just feigning an attack, and then took this opportunity to activate the demigod teleportation formation.

"Oh? I still want to escape at this time? The quality of this transmission array is good, but it's a pity that I want to escape from my hand."

Punishment Xianzun didn’t do anything, or even did nothing, just waiting for the teleportation formation to start. This brought an indescribable pressure to Xian Juexiao. What kind of means did he have to stop him, so he dared to wait for the teleportation formation. Start!

The teleportation disk took effect quickly, and Xian Juexiao’s eyes quickly blurred. He had already seen the strange scenery, but under the dizziness, he felt that his body was like being caught by a hand, and his ears seemed to be caught. I vaguely heard the words "Lankongchangjie", and grabbed him back alive.

Until everything in front of him became clear again, he was still in the place before, in the Southern Sky Prison, and still in front of the penalty immortal.

"Welcome back, so there is no transmission line yet. I give you the opportunity to use it. I like to give others opportunities because the punishment is both strict and tolerant."

Punishment Xianzun's ghostly sneer made Xian Juexiao feel desperate. The half-god teleportation disk was his last means of life-saving, and this had failed, so this time he probably couldn't escape.

Sorry... Master, Cai'er.

Xian Juexiao had no delusion about other possibilities. He didn't think he could survive. He didn't run away or beg for mercy. He just put his hand on the hilt of the knife and stared at Xianzun Punishment with his eyes tightly.

"Soul... Heaven..."

Immediately, he entered the state of soul and heaven, holding the will of heaven for a while, and his strong will made his aura rise steadily. Since he must die, he does not need any hesitation. He does not expect himself to live, because it will only harm the master.

Holding the mortal consciousness, Xian Juexiao decided to use his master professor's pinnacle stab, and after slicing it out, he would also die with a stab.

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