Sacrifice vitality, shatter the will, burn the soul.

"Split the sky without dying!"

In the next moment, Xian Juexiao stepped beyond the teleportation step, and swiped the penalty Xianzun with a desperate sword that could break the sky. This sword is all of his spirit and spirit, even if he is a saint, even a demigod of martial arts, Give him a piece of meat too!

"Punishment, you must not die!"

The light of the knife flashed away, but Xian Juexiao didn't have the feeling of slashing anything. He only heard a crisp ding, and Xianzun Punishment clamped his knife with two fingers.

"Doesn't you die three times? It's the old thing's sword technique, can you be the apprentice of that old thing? Just so, let you go fishing for that old thing."


Xian Juexiao couldn't believe everything in front of him. He was the most confident and the pinnacle of a knife that was easily clamped by the penalty Xianzun with two fingers. What he didn't know was that these three knives were Xia Yi's masterpiece. He was right now. Get an axe at the door of the class.


Xian Juexiao was desperate, true despair, without any trace of extravagant hope, he was not qualified even if he hurt the penalty Xianzun, the penalty Xianzun suddenly appeared and shattered everything planned by the rebels.

No matter how precise and safe the plan is, the moment the penalty Xianzun appears is equal to zero.

"Are you dying? You still can't die now, it's still useful for me to keep you."

As Penal Immortal said, he actually took the initiative to heal Xian Juexiao. Xian Juexiao wanted to resist and didn't want to receive healing. He wanted to die immediately. He must not involve Master!

But he really doesn't have any resistance right now. He has aspirations to life and death, but he won't even give him the penalty of death.

"Oh? I wanted to catch you, but you came on the initiative. It seems that this kid is very important to you?"

Suddenly, Punishment Xianzun stopped healing Xian Juexiao, raised his head and looked not far in front of him, Xian Juexiao subconsciously turned his head and looked behind, and saw his kind master.

"Do not…"

"No! Master, go, leave me alone, go!"

Xian Juexiao immediately let his master go away loudly, his master's expression was a bit helpless, but after looking at Xian Juexiao, he still showed a smile that made Xian Juexiao feel at ease.

"Disciple, I just didn't worry about you coming here before, I really came right."


Xian Juexiao couldn't help crying at this moment, and what surprised Xian Juexiao was that his master hesitated for a while and then slowly knelt down to the penalty Xianzun.

Yes, kneeling down on both knees, without dignity.

"The immortal is back, forgive him..."

"Please...I will do things under your hands from now on, and I will help you strangle the rebellion."

"Spare him, please, please..."

While talking, knocking his head over and over again, this scene made Xian Juexiao indescribably uncomfortable. His master knew that he couldn't beat the penalty to Xianzun, and he didn't even have the confidence to save him. To save him.

"That's why you are really inferior. You think you can solve everything by kneeling? Your old thing is broken. I have a lot of good things. If you are young and full of blood, it will be fine. Keep you as a dog. It's really useful, but I won't take in old and sick dogs."

"So... I decided to show mercy and bury you and your disciple together, how about?"

"Am I very kind!"

Punishment Xianzun laughed, Xian Juexiao's master knelt on the ground, he gritted his teeth, suddenly raised his head, showing death in his eyes, and reached out to the knife on his waist.

"The immortal is back, then you can see if this dying sick dog can bite a piece of your meat!"

The moment the old man's hand grasped the handle of the knife, the little vitality burned again, Xian Juexiao felt his head buzzed, and it felt like it exploded. No, it definitely can't be used! With his master's physical condition, he would die if he used it, and the magic medicine eternal pill would not be saved!

"Master, don't! Don't be like this, go! Go! Go!"

Xian Juexiao shouted hoarsely, tears had blurred his eyes, but the old man just smiled kindly again, like the kind of care that he showed in his leisure time as if he looked at children and grandchildren after he finished teaching.

"Split the sky without dying!"

With the same stab, the old man used it more decisively. Before cutting it off, the tip and blade were only exposed in the air. Even the space was severely broken and black marks appeared. The penalty Xianzun just stretched out his hand and pinched Xian Juexiao’s neck. Blocking in front of him, the old man saw this forcibly retracting the knife, and was vomited by the sword's intent to spit out a large mouthful of blood.

After that, he turned around and kept Xian Juexiao still far away, but the penalty Xianzun's hand grabbed him.

"Sorry, I can't accompany you anymore..."

After that, the old man's neck was quickly pinched by a ruthless big hand, and Xian Juexiao realized that there was a glimmer of light lingering around her body, and the space was distorting and changing in an unstoppable trend.

"Old stuff, I didn't expect you to have a god-level teleportation disk. It's not bad, there are a lot of good things."

Punishment Xianzun's brow twitched twice, which seemed quite unexpected, but he still stretched out his finger to Xian Juexiao.


In a word, the trend of spatial change slowed down, but it did not stop. Penal Xianzun could not prevent the transmission of the array disk, and could only slow down the timing of effect.

"Oh, if that's the case, then kill you directly. It doesn't matter where a corpse is transmitted. I originally wanted to reunite the bones of your master and apprentice. You don't want it. Don't blame me."

Penal Xianzun clenched his fists and was about to strike the fist of opening the sky, but the old man suddenly roared, actually trying to stop Penal Xianzun by exploding.

"Tsk...dead old man, I don't know if I die."

"If you don't want to die, I will fulfill you."


With a word, a fierce fire spread to the old man with the palm of Punishment Xianzun, who burned the old man with fire, and the skinny voice and the old man's hoarse and miserable low roar made Xian Juexiao feel the endless anger rise in an instant. Heart.

His mind was still mixed with painful sound transmissions, which was his master's last request.

Jue Xiao, it seems that the teacher can't wait for your longevity pill.

Juexiao, take good care of Cai'er.

Juexiao, you must be cautious next time, I can’t help you next time as a teacher...


He hates it! Extreme hatred! Hate your own powerlessness, hate your own powerlessness!

"Master... Master..."


In the end, he even roared unreasonably, already mad. He stared at the fiery fire, watching the master who burned in it slowly stopped struggling, completely lost his breath of life, and even the spirits flew into ashes and annihilated in the fire. .

Until the end, it was not a human figure, only a pile of black and gray remained.

"It's up to you next, see how you escape."

Punishment Xianzun took out a long spear, aimed at him and charged him, intending to break through the twisted space and instantly kill Xian Juexiao. Xian Juexiao could not move, and once again could not move, he could only watch the sharp spear point aiming at his spiritual platform. .

The teleportation will take effect soon, but he no longer has this last chance, and in the end, he still cannot survive the punishment of Xianzun.

He is unwilling, unwilling!

"Farewell, boy."

Punishment Xianzun first teleported and projected a spear. The spear directly penetrated the twisted space and shattered the void. Seeing that the spear was about to penetrate his head, he felt his body moved sideways uncontrollably, and a figure appeared in front of him. , Followed by a familiar fragrance.

"Brother Juexiao... You don't listen to Grandpa... I didn't listen..."

"Fortunately, I followed secretly..."

Xiancai didn’t know where she appeared. Maybe she’d been hiding nearby. She didn’t come out until now. In the end, she used the cost of life to push away punishment Xianzun’s fatal shot against Xian Juexiao, but she was beautiful. There was a black hole of blood on his face and forehead.

"Huh? Huh..."

Xian Juexiao was already stupid at the moment, what happened? What happened?

He refused to understand all of this, but the scene in front of him was completely blurred. With Cai'er's breath of life disappeared, there was also a smaller breath of life in her belly that had disappeared before she was born.


Outside Nantian City, in the Nantian Prison, Xia Yi looked at the place where Xian Juexiao disappeared. There was a corpse with a pierced forehead lying there. The corpse was supposed to be scattered, but inexplicably stood up again, not far away from the punishment of Xianzun. There was even a puddle of black and ash disappeared, and the Buddha had never existed.

"Miami, it's hard work."

Xia Yi himself felt that this play was still perfect, and in the end he deliberately didn't let Mirage Dragon and Xian Juexiao say too much parting. This kind of instantaneous extinction and shattering of all the good feelings was the most painful.

"I have to say that Brother Xia is still disgusting to you. I never thought that you were such a person before I killed him."

Mirage is a bit unhappy, after all, she and Xian Juexiao have no grievances and no grudges, and since this time, in fact, Mirage has a good feeling for Xian Juexiao. He is a good person, but he is unhappy and unhappy, Xia Yi ordered She will obey unconditionally.

"Strategy doesn't matter good or evil. It's fine to achieve the goal. You are not a 17 or 18-year-old boy, but you can't fake it, do you?"

Sending his own hands to deceive people, but the result was that his subordinates were moved and rebelled against him. What kind of drama is this, and he Xia Yi is not a big villain.

"I just stand in the position of being a dragon and feel that that guy is pitiful. It's not that I care about his life or death. Brother Xia, you will apologize for a mortal who was injured because of yourself, but in fact that mortal is dead or alive. It doesn't matter to you in Brother Xia, that's my opinion."

The mirage shrugged and told a very cruel fact. She was just pitiful to Xian Juexiao. Only the strong were qualified to pity others. Xia Yi nodded. The mirage said the truth.

Indeed, he also felt sorry for Xian Juexiao, but Xian Juexiao's life and death was less than one ten thousandth of his goal in his heart.

"Okay, then you can take a vacation. Basically, there is nothing you need to do. I will let Xian Duofu take care of the rest."

The plan for Xian Juexiao is half successful. Xia Yi will not give Xian Juexiao time to think. After all, he has the will of a sage. If he can figure it out and continue to insist on justice, then his painstaking efforts will be enough. It was in vain.

Fortunately, there are no people around Xian Juexiao who are really good for him. Even the Lord of the Beitian Palace also cultivated him. If he wanted to use him as a sample for God's test, how could the Lord of the Beitian Palace tolerate such a junior standing on his head?

Xia Yi has never minded guessing others with the greatest malice. This is the reason why Xia Yi is still alive and active when he grows up. For example, he didn't even want to join the Supreme Profound Hall at first, and would never consider the Supreme Profound Hall his own in the follow-up. Attribution.

The facts also proved that he was right, even though the Supreme Profound Hall was not as unbearable as he thought.

On the other side, in a dense forest.

This is where Xia Yi often calls Xian Juexiao to meet, and the destination of the teleportation array is here.

Xian Juexiao lay weakly on the ground, his eyes were blank, staring at the familiar and unfamiliar scenery in front of him, and he didn't even have the ability to think. Because he had received too much impact, his spirit had been closed and his spiritual sense had stopped. Thinking, he is completely a walking dead now.

But this state is destined not to last too long, because he is still alive.

I don’t know that after a few days, a heavy rain fell in the gloomy sky. Xian Juexiao was lying in the muddy water, listening to the ticking sound of the rain falling on the ground. He didn’t want to think anymore, but the memories of the past could not be controlled. The emergence of.


He opened his mouth slightly, and the muddy water flowed back into his mouth. The astringent smell was so real. The hoarse cry trembled deep in his throat. He understood that he knew that Master was dead and Cai'er was also dead. So is the poor child who hasn't been born yet.

Everyone he took with him died except him.

All were killed by the penalty Xianzun.

He didn't yell like furiously as before, but did his best to cry in the rain in a low voice. After his hometown was destroyed, he had been lost for a long time. It was the master who took him out. It was because of Master, he knew the person he wanted to combine with in this life, but now he is as burned as before.

Punishment Xianzun was his nightmare. He took everything from him and left him nothing, and that person didn't even see him in his eyes, killing him and taking him as an ant.

If you trample to death, you will trample to death. Don't say apologize, you won't even look at him with straight eyes.

Why is he still alive? Why do you have to endure this kind of pain? It would be fine if you died before. At least Master and Cai'er are still alive. What is the use of him being alive now?


He couldn’t do it, he couldn’t. The penalty to Xianzun was too strong. He was able to make himself at a loss in uncontrollable fear with just killing intent. He was deprived of his ability to act in front of him several times, and he was punishing Xianzun. He is inferior to ants in his eyes.

The ant can at least crawl around, but he can only kneel down and wait for death.

He wants to give up all of this, he wants to just die like this, and he is a hundred, and there is no pain, he does not want to think, although the cold of this heavy rain recalled his reason, but Xian Juexiao did it again. Choose to self-enclose.

When the rain stopped, the godless Xian Juexiao still lay motionless on the ground as usual, waiting for death to come, his heart was in a state of suspended animation, and his heart stopped beating. Once the vitality in his body was exhausted, he would be true. 'S dead.

One day, a person came next to Xian Juexiao. This person did not awaken Xian Juexiao from the self-enclosure. He just sighed, with a deep disappointment in his eyes.

"Xian Juexiao, in vain, I still think that you are still excellent among the inferior immortals. I didn't expect you to destroy your will. You are not even qualified to be saved by me. Are you inferior immortals so unbearable?"

This person is the Lord of the Beitian Palace. He can know where Xian Juexiao is through the waistband that Xian Juexiao carries with him. He has also heard about the things that happened in Nantian Palace before. It’s not good to do anything, so he has to go to the prison and hit him. Penal Immortal Venerable's muzzle, it was considered good to survive, but after finally surviving, he actually gave up his will, this kind of mentality is not strong, he looks down on it.

"I remember that your master taught you that the real strong are people who have the unswerving will to death. If you survive and give up, it will disappoint your master."

Hearing the word Master, Xian Juexiao suddenly moved. He glanced at the Lord of the Beitian Palace, and found that it was not the person he wanted to see, and the little expression in his eyes finally disappeared again.

"Huh... incompetent!"

The Lord of the Beitian Palace is too lazy to stay for a long time, he will not comfort Xian Juexiao, will not encourage each other, and will not give a helping hand, people who do not save themselves are not worthy of any rescue!


As spring passed and autumn came, and three months passed unconsciously, Xia Yi contacted Xian Duofu after waking up from a retreat, but he heard something that made him unhappy.

Xian Juexiao has been lying still on the spot for three months, and Xian Duofu can’t wake him up. Although Xian Juexiao has fallen into an extremely weak state because of the use of Heavenly Undead Slash, he has already rescued him. It guaranteed that Xian Juexiao had a touch of vitality and could recover completely, but this kid was autistic.

Xia Yi thought for a while, only to realize that he might have miscalculated a little. Not everyone can have the tenacity of his will, not to mention that Xian Juexiao had only one breath left, and he didn't have much time to think. Being too weak makes Xian Juexiao fall into a state of suspended animation at any time.

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