Unless he has a strong desire to survive, he can recover with that touch of vitality. Xia Yi wanted to create a feeling that Xian Juexiao felt that he could still survive is very difficult, but he never expected that he would give up survival.

If Xian Juexiao was in a better state at the time, he might be able to figure out all this and get out of grief.

But it doesn't matter. Xia Yi's plans are many, and soon another clever plan comes to mind.

"My good disciple, now is not the time to make you autistic."

"The teacher is looking forward to you so much, you must not let the teacher down."

Immediately, Xia Yi ordered Xian Duofu to take Xian Juexiao away and send it to the small town on the northern border to take care of it. As for that small town... Although there may be a lot of sacrifices, everything is for righteousness.

After instructing all this, Xia Yi walked out of the secret realm of the great formation and found that Xian Ruyi was actually waiting for him in front of the space channel.

"Brother Xianhuan, I recently discovered that my will is very weak. Is there any way to practice?"

Xian Ruyi is also estimated to have reached a bottleneck in his cultivation. The immortal people are indeed weak in will. This weakness also directly affects their personal awareness and lack of individual combat power. Naturally, the realm of cultivation is that the monks have strong willpower and are not as talented as the immortals. .

"Yes, of course there is. Have you heard of Buddhism's cultivation methods? Buddhism's magic has many ways to cultivate will. I'll get you some."

"Yeah! Thank you, Brother Xianhuan!"

Xian Ruyi happily jumped up and hugged Xia Yi directly. The relationship was already close, regardless of you and me. For Xian Ruyi, Xia Yi was the one who saved her. Xia Yi said everything was right.

A few weeks later, the northern border of the territory, Lanshan Township.

Xian Juexiao was sent here by Xian Duofu’s contact. Lanshan Town has no rebel forces, but a quiet and beautiful town. Xian Duo Fu intended to arrange for Xian Juexiao a foreign maid to take care of him. Jue Xiao had been sitting on the chair with eyes blankly.

The maid still tried to talk to Xian Juexiao at first, but no matter what she said, Xian Juexiao would not respond. The maid simply fed Xian Juexiao's healing liquid every day to ensure that Xian Juexiao would not die. I also enjoy this feeling outside.

After all, her master is a useless person, and she is also happy and free, and she can often take time to practice, as long as she is sure to feed enough medicine every day.

However, the misfortune did not stop, even if Xian Juexiao had closed herself, the misfortune came to him soon after.

Someone in Lanshan Town reported that Xian Juexiao was a traitor wanted for punishment by Xian Juexiao. Someone went to Xian Juexiao’s residence to verify that Xian Juexiao was not an ordinary rebel. This guy dared to rob and punish Xian Zun’s prison. Xianzun is a ruthless person, what should I do if it hurts the townspeople? Therefore, the Lanshan Town Supervisor reacted the fastest and immediately decided to expel Xian Juexiao.

Although they are a town in Yubei, the punishment immortal dared to beat the daughter of the Lord of the North Heavenly Palace. What are they a town?

As for the maid of Xian Juexiao, she didn't go back to help her master at all. When she heard that her master dared to oppose Xianzun Xianzun, she just ran away.

Therefore, Xian Juexiao was dragged out of the town by the people of Lanshan Town, but they were still a step late and just happened to ran into punishment Xianzun’s men. Although Lanshan Town Supervisor did his best to explain the reason, he could be punished. Xianzun's subordinates still chose to do it.

The charge is very simple. You are rebels. Now that you have been discovered, you want to separate the relationship. How easy is it!

Let’s forget the town governor of Lanshan, the pure-blooded immortals in the town did not take care of the punishment of Xianzun’s subordinates. They just dealt ruthlessly with the inferior immortals. The town governor of Lanshan didn’t care about it, so he didn’t care about it at all. , It's just that some inferior immortals died in his own town, as long as it doesn't hurt you, you can say anything.

For the sake of his own safety, the town superintendent of Lanshan even helped him to abuse him. He randomly identified a few "suspects" and cheered the punishment Xianzun's subordinates, saying that they had killed well!

This made the inferior immortals in the town extremely chilling, the wronged people died tragically in front of Xian Juexiao, and the other inferior immortals were afraid of harming themselves, and they were also familiar with those inferior immortals who might be familiar with, or had never met. Swearing, wanting to show his innocence.

As long as Penal Xianzun’s subordinates randomly find an inferior immortal and point, that inferior immortal is immediately attacked by a group, even if he is not guilty or guilty. Xian Juexiao’s godless eyes looked at everything in front of him, his fingers Shaking, his body was shaking.

This absurd scene finally awakened him.

This may be the former spinning town. Xian Juexiao didn’t know why. At this moment, she suddenly felt that she had died like this. He was very deprived of punishment. If the penalty Xianzun wanted him to die, then he must not die. He must do everything possible to avenge the penalty. Respect, thanks to the maid feeding the medicine regularly every day, his injury has healed seven or eighty-eight, and it is completely no problem to deal with the punishment of Xianzun's subordinates.

After Xian Juexiao woke up, he vented all his sorrow and pain in the killing. During the killing, he didn't have to think about anything until all of the punishment Xianzun's men died. The townspeople including the town governor were stupid, but they used guard and fear. He looked at Xian Juexiao with his eyes, for fear of having anything to do with him.

Xian Juexiao laughed at himself. I didn't even thank you for saving you. You still nodded and bowed to the one who killed you. Are you all born to be a dog for punishment?

Is there any salvation in this world?

Xian Juexiao shook his head silently, but quickly left Lanshan Town. He actually remembered more or less everything that happened after shutting himself up. He knew that the Lord of the Northern Heavens had come, but the Lord of the Northern Heavens was extremely disappointed with him, and he knew that too. Xian Duo Fu sent people to take care of him, and Xian Duo Fu seemed to think he was quite a pity.

Recalling that when he first joined the rebels, it seemed that Xian Duofu had been helping him. Xian Duo Fu and Xian Zun Xian Zun also had enemies. This Xian Juexiao knew, Xian Juexiao didn't know that she could still do it at this moment. Do something.

But he knew he couldn't just die like this.


A few days later, Xian Juexiao took the initiative to contact Xian Duofu rarely, and Xian Duo Ford asked Xian Juexiao to wait for him in a place in Yubei. If he wanted to see Xian Juexiao, Xian Juexiao naturally had no objection, and he did. I would like to thank Xian Duo Fu for his life-saving grace.

If it weren't for Xian Duo Fu, the vitality in his body would have been broken, and he would not be alive anymore.

Yubei, Yunshui Sword School.

This Sword Sect is actually the power of the rebels, the sect controlled by the rebels, and the true base camp of the rebels. The suzerain of the Yunshui Sword Sect is the leader of the rebels, and Xian Duofu makes Xian Jue know Meet the back mountain of the Yunshui Sword Sect.

When Xian Juexiao saw Xian Duofu again, this fat man with a treacherous smile on weekdays became a lot more serious. Xian Duofu also found that Xian Juexiao’s feelings had become much colder, as if she had lost the human race. The emotion that should be there.

"Xian Juexiao, you kid can be regarded as recovering, how did you finally escape from Yunan and become the same as before?"

Xian Duofu pretended to be curious and asked why, Xian Juexiao didn't say anything, obviously just didn't want to answer, which made Xian Duofu fall into embarrassment.

"Nothing, something happened. In short, thank you for your care during this period. I want to leave the fairy clan. Can you arrange it for me."

"Huh? What are you going to do in Outland?"

"To relax, take it to hide from the limelight."

Xian Juexiao knew that staying in the Xian Clan would be very difficult, and he was fed up with everything about the Xian Clan. He wanted to fly far away and wait until he had enough abilities to come back.

"Sure? But now our rebels are losing strength. The people who went with you before are all elites. If you go again..."

"What can I change if I stay? You have also faced punishment to Xianzun. You yourself are a person who chose to escape. You betrayed Nantian Palace Master’s clan and begged for punishment to Xianzun. I face it? Of course I will face it, but now I can’t face it."

Xian Juexiao was still calm at the moment, but there was still a violent atmosphere in his words, completely devoid of the kindness he had before.

"Hey, you can't say that. The momentary forbearance is in exchange for greater benefits. Do you think I can always provide you with news now?"

"Provide information? Do you dare to say the information you provided?"

Not to mention this, Xian Juexiao felt that an unknown fire rushed into his forehead and couldn't control it at all. He almost subconsciously drew his sword and rushed to Xian Duofu in an instant, and the tip of the knife was even more aimed at. Xian Duo Fu's neck.

"What kind of **** news did you provide? Isn't the penalty immortal retreat? Why did he show up at that time? How many of us have you killed!!"

"But didn't I say that I can't guarantee it! I told you not to go!"


Xian Juexiao shook his hand holding the knife twice, and then put it down. Xian Duofu did say that. They were too anxious. No, it was all his own fault. If he didn't go then, the other one The deputy leader will also give up.

It seemed that it was all his fault to think so.

"Forget it, don't mention these, I just want to leave the fairy world."

"Do you want to escape?"

Xian Duofu stared into Xian Juexiao's eyes, Xian Juexiao wanted to yell at him as soon as he heard the word escape, but he couldn't say anything. He seemed to really want to escape.

"I... I just need a little time..."

"I understand that I came here too. It is not easy for you to cheer up. I have now seized a good opportunity to lose the penalty of Xianzun. You and Beitiangong are close. See if you can rely on this. Opportunity to pull him down."

While talking, Xian Duofu suddenly mysteriously handed it to Xian Juexiao a storage ring. Xian Juexiao took it curiously, but didn't check it immediately.

"what chance?"

"You should know that Nantian Palace Lord's clan members were executed because of the incident, right?"

"Knowing some, it seems to be because of indulging those trash rebels to refine the blood pill, those rebels I will not admit that they are companions, they deserve to die!"

"At that time, the group of rebels was almost completely punished by Xianzun. Not many people knew what their secrets were. But because I had a deal with the rebels, I knew a little bit about the inside story. The blood pill was just a secret. At the tip of the iceberg, the blood **** pill is nothing, it is an auxiliary method of the magic way."

"What do you mean?"

When Xian Juexiao heard Xian Duofu's words, she also heard a different taste. What does this have to do with the punishment of Xianzun? Isn't the punishment Xianzun always beating them severely and destroying them all?

"Punishment Immortal is searching for this kind of magic way secretly, he has already obtained a part, otherwise, why is he so keen to kill people in the name of punishment, and specially created a big prison to gather the sinners, haven't you thought about his real purpose? Do you believe in giving sinners a chance to atone for their sins? He comes from Dao Fa, and the Dao Fa world doesn’t reject the Devil’s Path very much!"

"Oh? So he wants to practice Demon Dao? Our Immortal Clan doesn't reject it very much. Isn't the Immortal Demon Palace good?"

"The Immortal Demon Palace is the way of the war demon, what the punishment wants is the way of the evil demon, refining blood! This is a big taboo of the human race, and other realms are punishable by seeing him, based on his current cultivation level and power, Once he succeeds in the magic way, isn't he going to lead the immortal clan, then our immortal clan will be over!"

"It's just a magic way, as for?"

"Of course! Fortunately, he hasn't got it all yet. I got the relics hidden by the rebels first. You take them to the Beitian Palace Master. The Beitian Palace Master naturally knows how to punish them."


Xian Juexiao nodded suspiciously, and then used her divine sense to penetrate into the storage ring. There was a dark jade slip in the storage ring. The breath was very unknown. Xian Juexiao continued to read it and immediately learned about it. What kind of magic way is.

This is a kind of exercise called "The Devil's Code of Killing the Heavens".

This method advocates directly drawing vitality and spiritual power from all things, not relying on self-cultivation, not even letting go of the death of the dead, and eating a creature from beginning to end. If it is directly from the same clan, it is not It will cause the cultivation base to be mixed, as long as it can be ruthless to kill a large number of the same race to absorb, it can increase the cultivation base at a terrifying speed.

"This punishment is so cruel, it seems to be practicing..."

"Damn it, really **** it!"

After Xian Juexiao knew about the content of the Demon Dao, his hatred for punishment became much deeper. What punishment is righteous is entirely for himself! He must die, he must die!

"So, quickly find a way to stop him. I wanted to find a way to hand it over to the Central Palace Master, but I don't worry about the Central Palace Master. After all, you know what the Central Palace Master is. The Lord is most trustworthy."


There is competition among the five heavenly palaces of the immortal clan. This is known to the entire immortal world. It is just a healthy competition, and there is no malicious suppression. Therefore, after the Nantian Temple incident, the other Quartet heavenly palaces did not intend to seize power. Instead, they assisted Yunan. Restoring order as soon as possible, if it is replaced by the realm of cultivation, Yunan will definitely be looted and divided by the four heavenly palaces at this time.

There is no doubt that the order of Yunan has been restored very well. Even pure-blooded immortals and inferior immortals are not afraid to violate the rules of the immortal clan. After all, there is a penalty immortal on his head. Although Xian Ruyi, the lord of Nantian Palace, has made a series of actions that deliberately suppressed and punished Xianzun, it can only be said to have had little effect.

If the other Sifang Heavenly Palaces do not interfere, he will punish Xianzun as Yunan’s strongest person. Yunan has the final say. Among them, there is more or less the Central Palace Master’s indulgence. After all, the Central Palace Master even his daughter Xianyueyin They were all thrown to the penalty Xianzun, which shows that the Central Palace Master attaches great importance to the penalty Xianzun.

Xian Duofu's words are not unreasonable, and the Central Palace Lord himself is a staunch supporter of bloodline theory. If he knows that there is such a magic way, it will be fine if he does not punish him. No one can say whether he will use it himself.

"The words of the Lord Beitian...I don't think he will definitely use this to target punishment."

Xian Juexiao thought for a while, but then suddenly shook his head. He didn't trust the Lord of the Beitian Palace. Even if the Lord of the Beitian Palace was among the rebels, he had a good reputation.

"Beitian Palace has strictly forbidden the cultivation of the way of evil spirits since ancient times. Even if the way of the evil spirits is introduced, it is somewhat positive. If the Lord of the Beitian Palace is not trustworthy, who is worthy of trust?"

Xian Duofu raised the question, Xian Juexiao did not speak. He was taking the time to continue studying this magical work. The person who created this magical work is definitely a ghost. This ghost does not mean that this person is unique, but It means that the person has the ability to become ghosts and gods.

Yes, it's just like punishment. No wonder punishment seeks this way. Punishment really suits this magic way.

"At this stage, there is no pure-blood immortal worthy of our trust. No, you seem to be pure-blood. I'm talking about those ruthless people in power. Just put this magic way in my place for safekeeping. I will find the opportunity to give it to worthy Trusted Lord."

Xian Juexiao intends to keep this kind of magic way for himself, and I don't know why. He is not very resistant to this kind of magic way, and even has a trace of unspeakable desire in his heart. His incompetence, his powerlessness, and his unwillingness can all be affected by this kind of magic way. Saved.

He will no longer be so powerless!

No...No, he can't practice this kind of magical way. He just studies and researches. After all, isn't the penalty immortal already learned part of it? Then you have to seize the opportunity to find a way to deal with him! I am correct.

"Xian Juexiao...you..."

Xian Duofu suddenly hesitated. He looked at the ring he had handed to Xian Juexiao, and suddenly stepped up to take it back from Xian Juexiao.

"what you do!"

Seeing this, Xian Juexiao's eyes showed a trace of killing intent, which made Xian Duofu shiver.

"I...I'll take it back. Since it is useless to keep it, it is better to destroy it to prevent other weak-minded people from falling into the magical way. I sympathize with you not long ago, but you are shaking your mind now. Time, so..."

Xian Duofu squeezed a smile to express his innocence, Xian Juexiao snorted coldly, put the storage ring directly on his fingers, and then put his hands behind his back.

"Do you think I can practice? But you can actually resist the temptation of this demon way. You are a greedy coward like you can't even think about it. Once you cultivate, you will either slaughter the world or be slaughtered by the world. It is simply the way of asura. You don't have the courage."

Xian Juexiao looked directly at Xian Duofu and saw Xian Duofu's fear of him. This villain who was afraid of life and death was even afraid of him, how could he avenge punishment Xianzun? He thought he had caught the punishment to Xianzun, although he did, but it was useless to do it with his thoughts.

This magical way can indeed deal with the penalty Immortal Venerable, but it is not a threat with justice and morality, but a stronger power than the penalty, making him succumb to the power!

Yes, just like the self before, being eroded by fear and losing all the ability to resist, I can only kneel down motionless to die!

At that time, the feeling was very desperate. After surviving, thinking of the feeling at that time, Xian Juexiao felt that his dignity was trampled to pieces. He was extremely angry and wanted revenge, but he could not find a way to revenge.

He wants to try to get rid of, want to leave the immortal clan, but at this moment, the road to revenge is in front of him, how can he escape again? He doesn't want to care about so much anymore, he has nothing to lose.

Hometown, teacher, love, child, dignity...

All is lost, it doesn't matter, in the end only revenge is left, at least you can regain your dignity!

"Xian Juexiao! You must calm down, I have always been very optimistic about you, and make money with peace! Don't be impulsive, think about it carefully, if you do this, what is the difference between penalizing Xianzun? The purpose of our rebels is to get one. Fair treatment, the penalty is only to achieve this goal, and it is secondary. Don't become the second penalty for the penalty of the immortal!"

"Do you want to be the person you hate and hate the most!"

Xian Duofu’s painstaking persuasion made Xian Juexiao listen to her. Xian Juexiao’s brow twitched, and she remembered what Master had said before and taught him not to succumb to strength and not forget the original intention. To the end.

but! !

Even the people who taught him this way are dead, but the punishment is still alive. Doesn't this mean that Master is wrong, only those who have the power can go to the end, and the original intention of any **** can only be bullied.

"Xianduofu, you can rest assured that you have indeed found a way to bring down the punishment. I will help you get revenge. As for the second punishment..."

"This feeling of being feared, doing whatever they want, and trampling on others at will seems good!"

"I... will become a strong one!"

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