Xian Juexiao thinks that he has seen it clearly. The strong say what he says. It doesn’t matter if he turns black and white. If he has the same strength as the lord of the five heavenly palaces, or can pose a threat to him, why not wait for the immortals. Can't get justice?

The distinction of bloodlines, the gap of resources, the lack of talents, all these will be shattered by this magical magic way!

"Xian Juexiao... you have changed... I really beaten to death and never thought you were such a person. I am greedy and greedy, but I at least know what to do and not to do!"


Xian Duofu gritted his teeth and looked extremely disappointed with Xian Juexiao. Xian Juexiao recognized this look. The Lord Beitian also looked at him before. At this moment, he suddenly recalled the look that different people showed at him at different times. not exactly.

But most of them look down on him, are jealous, and rarely treat him sincerely. He is eager to be seen squarely by people. He did it afterwards, and got unexpected gains, and gained the eyes and a pair of caring about him. Eyes full of love.

But those were all disappeared under the eyes of Punishment Immortal Venerable as if looking at ants.

Xian Juexiao closed his eyes, and only felt that all kinds of eyes were surrounding him, staring at him. The eyes he hated and hated occupied most of them. The eyes he loved would never show up again, but at least there is still a look he can. accept.

That was the fear that the people he killed before dying. There were also those who begged him for mercy, and the fear hidden in the unexpected eyes of Xian Duofu before.

Yes, if you want to stop fearing others, you must let others fear yourself.

Opened his eyes again, Xian Juexiao took a deep breath, and felt an indescribable sense of smoothness. Perhaps this is what the master said is the clarity of mind. No matter it is evil, as long as there is no hesitation to figure out, it is mind. brightly lit.

Just to save people without asking for anything in return, or to enjoy the slaughter without feeling ashamed.

"Xian Duo Fu, you are a smart person. You just made the most correct choice in your life. You gave me this magic way. No matter what the process, the result is that I got it. In my opinion, you are very correct. Yes, I am grateful to you, you will never regret what you did today, even if it was just an accident to you."

"Xian Juexiao, I have been taking care of you since you joined the rebel. I think you have a promising future. I am very optimistic about you, but I have to admit that I am blind. The bottom line, and you have lost your principles."

Xian Duofu, a fat man with a smile on his face in the past, is rare and serious today, and it is the first time that Xian Juexiao has seen such a Xian Duofu.

"Can principles protect the people I love? Can principles regain the justice that belongs to us? Can principles improve my cultivation and make people happy?"

"can not!"

"We Xian Clan are self-righteous and we are not a member of Human Clan. We have all the bad roots of Human Clan. Otherwise, how could we send troops to conquer the starry sky 100,000 years ago? We Xian Clan are human, but others are not? You see , Aren’t I still very principled!"

"I treat everyone equally!!"

Xian Juexiao laughed three times, then stopped talking, but approached Xian Duofu and patted him on the shoulder twice.

"My master said a sentence that I remember deeply. This sentence will not pass away with the passing of master. Immortals are all manifestations of power, only different from the way of use. As long as the purpose is correct, there will be no What can be hesitating."

"I wish to fall for this world, I couldn't be more correct!"

Xian Juexiao's eyes were a little bit more fierce than before, and they contained two completely different but fused emotions, calm and crazy, he was calm to crazy, and crazy to calm.

"Huh...Look at how you are now. This magic way is nothing but something the rebels didn't know where it came from. It was only recorded in jade slips. The advanced Taoism is recorded with the preaching stone, which is definitely not a good thing. See if you can."

After Xian Duofu said this, Xian Juexiao didn't know why she suddenly lowered her head and covered her face with her hand and laughed.

"Ha ha……"

"Hahahaha, Xiandufu, you are really stupid! The magic way has never been known for the profoundness, but by means, by means, as long as I understand the method, I can understand the rest by myself, if I even have this ability No, I don't even deserve to fall into the devil's way, he is the most **** inferior person!"

"You think you are, but I am definitely not. Now, while I am in a good mood, you should hurry up, otherwise I can't guarantee what I will do to you."

Xian Juexiao threatened Xian Duofu directly. Xian Duofu gritted his teeth and gave Xian Juexiao a bitter look. In the end, he could only sigh and leave angrily. Xian Juexiao watched Xian Duofu leave, and then stretched out his hand to look towards. I touched the storage ring on my finger and touched it very carefully.

"Master, Cai'er, I will definitely take revenge for you!"

After that, Xian Juexiao took out the dark jade slip from the storage ring and stuck it directly on his forehead. This jade slip is not simple, and the mystery of the jade slip is definitely not visible from Xian Duofu's vision.

If he hadn't cultivated Soul Heaven, he wouldn't have noticed the supreme evil power in the jade slip at first sight!

"Soul Heaven..."

Xian Juexiao endured the severe pain of the soul, and went directly into the state of the soul to perceive the devil's way. Killing thoughts and evil thoughts all eroded his cognition, and the dark jade slips gradually appeared cracks. The soul of the sky is a kind of full concentration of willpower. Beyond the unity of man and nature, the super powerful Dao technique that can be temporarily replaced by the will of heaven is definitely an emperor technique.

Only in this state can he let the supreme evil power in the jade slip be united with his soul.


The vitality was fading, being swallowed by evil forces, and even the blood began to dry up, Xian Juexiao's body quickly turned into a terrifying corpse, skinny as if he was about to die.

The jade slip gave out a weird dim light. Xian Juexiao’s eyes were lost, but it was pitch black. The shattered jade slip quickly exploded and turned into a pile of pitch black dust. These black ash flowed from Xian Juexiao’s seven orifices. Entering his body, until the jade slip dissipated completely, Xian Juexiao fell to her knees and panted heavily, her eyes gradually beginning to recover.

But Xian Juexiao was extremely weak at this moment, even one step away from death, but Xian Juexiao was laughing, he felt that there was a powerful evil force in his body!

He forced himself to stand up and looked at the green forest nearby.

"Buried... God!"

In a word, black ash emanated from his body, swallowing all living things and turning into his power. The vegetation was declining rapidly, but Xian Juexiao’s dry body began to replenish until it returned to its original shape, even The cultivation base has also improved a little.

Only when Xian Juexiao came back to her senses, there was no vitality in the nearby kilometer, only the gray dead ashes covered and drifted away.

At this time, Xia Yi, who was practicing in retreat in the secret area of ​​the Nantian Palace, suddenly opened his eyes, with a smirk on his face.

"Je Xiao, if you used it, you really chose to arrange the route for your teacher. You didn't let the teacher down."

"I cultivate your will so that you can afford the great famine!"

"As expected of my good disciple!"

Xia Yi was overjoyed. Nothing made Xia Yi more happy than the success of the plan.


Before Xia Yi created this kind of magic work, he considered the limitations of ordinary people's devouring vitality. No matter how good the magic work is, it will cause waste. Unless it is a special method, Xia Yi is the first to think of the source of the great famine. A part of the power can be separated and given to Xian Juexiao.

That part of the power Xia Yi has been specially sacrificed. Although it is only one-third of the original source of the Great Desolation, it is not easy for Xian Juexiao to be successfully refined. Originally, Xia Yi thought that it would take him a long time to refining, but he did not expect He actually succeeded in refining once.

Xia Yi swallowed the origin of the Great Wilderness, so the Great Wilderness was Xia Yi's own power long ago. If someone else takes it, it will be eaten back, but if it is given by Xia Yi on the initiative, it will be different, although there is still the danger of being unable to withstand the wild force. , But at least it will not be backlashed.

Xia Yi can be regarded as reducing the difficulty of refining the Great Wilderness by countless times. If Xian Juexiao can't refining this, then Xia Yi really has to consider whether it should be replaced. Fortunately, Xian Juexiao did not let him Xia Yi was disappointed.

With his magic skills tailored for Xian Juexiao, and the help of the great wilderness, coupled with the characteristics of the immortal people that swallowing the same clan will not lead to mixed breath, Xian Juexiao will increase at a terrifying speed in the future, blame it. The immortal clan is too arrogant, and the whole clan is continued by the same blood!

the other side.

Xian Juexiao gained new power, and the fire of revenge in her heart has been completely ignited. This is the power that Penal Immortal Venerable wants to obtain. Penal Immortal Venerable should have known this evil power a long time ago, but he did not expect to be refined by him in the end. Thinking of the feeling of taking something from the penalty Xianzun's hands, Xian Juexiao felt uncomfortable.

But this is just the beginning.

The immortal world is very large, and the rare and precious treasures are scattered between the mountains and the earth. Xian Juexiao came to a famous mountain range in Yubei. Many treasures have been produced here since ancient times. People will come to try their luck every once in a while, but Xian Juexiao was not here to try his luck, his target was not those treasured medicines, but the people who picked them.

Although they are all junior and weak, it seems that there are a lot of pure-blood immortals. Xian Juexiao’s purpose is their blood. Soon, Xian Juexiao found his first goal, and perhaps the first one to swallow him. The person, that is a teenager, is carefully gathering medicine with special tools for fear of ruining the properties of the medicine.

Xian Juexiao walked over slowly. The young man heard the footsteps behind him, turned his head alertly and glanced behind him, and he was suddenly relieved when he found that the person was an inferior immortal.

"I discovered this first. Go elsewhere. Although your cultivation base is strong, I advise you not to mistake yourself."

"I know, I'm not interested in herbs."

Xian Juexiao replied, but he approached the boy again.

"Then what are you doing here!"

The young man showed a guarded look. This herb is only helpful to monks below the saint. He is powerful and he can’t see through the cultivation base of the other party, but he knows that Xian Juexiao is definitely not the true monarch, because there is the suppression of the life level, He knew that the other party was a saint.

"Because I'm interested..."

Xian Juexiao suddenly accelerated as she spoke, and in the next instant, Xian Juexiao stood in front of the boy, and put his hand on the boy's head even more.

"It's you."

After the words, Huang Li overflowed from Xian Juexiao's palm and crazily rushed into the young man's body. The young man lost his cognition in an instant.

The boy's body began to dry up, and then cracked and decomposed, and the inside and outside were destroyed. The whole person was sucked into ashes, and even the whole body could not be left behind.

After doing all this, Xian Juexiao looked at the medicinal herb in front of him. It was a delicate three-color flower. Next to the flower was a pile of useless residual ash that could not even be used as fertilizer.

"It's just a pill, the essence in the body is abundant, pure blood? Now it's only suitable for my food."

It is so easy to get the growth that surpasses the retreat for dozens of days, Xian Juexiao's heart is very pleasant, this is still just a big power! If it is Swallow King, Swallow Saint! At what speed will his cultivation base skyrocket?

"Punishment...you wait for me..."

Xian Juexiao felt that he had regained the self-confidence he had once lost. He stepped on the tricolor flower and remembered the cautious expression of the young boy before. This kind of disdain for the things that others cherish, even not even himself. , The feeling of direct destruction gave Xian Juexiao an indescribable indulgence.

Comfortable, so comfortable, addictively happy.

It is said that this mountain range was originally discovered by a few inferior immortals. Later, after being discovered by a few pure-blooded immortals, it was directly disclosed. The nearby sects shared this mountain. Although the inferior immortals were not forbidden to go up the mountain, pure-blooded immortals were not allowed to go up the mountain. The robbing of inferior immortals happened from time to time.

As long as the inferior immortals dare to snatch, the consequences will be very serious, until there are no inferior immortals going up the mountain, anyway, they can't get anything, maybe they will encounter severe beatings, which is equivalent to indirect prohibition.

Therefore, Xian Juexiao believes that he is righteous, which is fair. He will not kill innocents indiscriminately, but as long as there is even a little innocent, then he can swallow it without a psychological burden.

Today, none of the people in this mountain range want to leave. They are all guys who insult the inferior immortals, and they are all sinners who like to discriminate against others.

Although the mountains are rich in herbs, they are still rare, so the people who go up the mountain to gather herbs are at most the Great Sage. Xian Juexiao can deal with all of them, and they can even send out any news before they have time. Be swallowed.

That kind of supreme evil force is extremely domineering, it is simply a natural killer.

At dusk there was a sunset, and Jinhui was dim.

Xian Juexiao left the mountain range, and his shadow in the setting sun was stretched out of the old. His body was very clean, without a trace of blood, but it was stained with a lot of dust.

In the mountains, the elixir was destroyed, and puddles of white ash could be seen everywhere.

At this moment, no one knows that the immortal clan gave birth to the first demon. The immortal clan has not given birth to evil cultivation in 100,000 years, because the immortal clan can’t even look at many of the mysterious ways of the cultivation world, let alone the cultivation world resists it. Evil Dao, for the immortals who emphasize unity, Evil Dao is a great sin.

But the so-called unity of the fairy clan is so ridiculous. The glory maintained by the bloodline will one day dissipate because of the bloodline. Xia Yi just speeded up the process and caused the immortal clan's tribulation to fall ahead of schedule.

If the immortal clan is truly unbreakable, Xia Yi has already left for the first time, but unfortunately it is not. The immortal people will abide by the immortal clan’s unspoken rules, but Xia Yi is not an immortal clan. , He will find ways to destroy it, so that the immortal clan will usher in the long-lasting chaos.

Dark diseases and hidden dangers and external factors are a kind of chain effect. Xia Yi has already turned on the first switch. It is only a matter of time before the outbreak occurs.


Time flies. For Xia Yi, who has long been a venerable person, several months of time are just like breathing. It was not until the central palace lord directly ordered Xia Yi to investigate one thing, and Xia Yi began to practice in retreat. Waking up.

As for what the central palace lord asked Xia Yi to investigate, Xia Yi could guess with his toes. According to the information provided by the central palace lord, there have been many missing persons in various areas of the immortal world recently, almost all of them are pure blood immortals. Min, and a weird white ash occurred in the place where the missing people finally lost contact.

After the central palace lord’s inspection, it was determined that the white ash were the pure-blooded immortals who had disappeared. Some people practiced the vicious ways of evil demons in the fairy clan privately. This kind of magic power that directly **** people into ashes is simply unheard of. The central palace lord even contacted People in the Dao and Dharma world want to know what magic power it is, but the Dao and Dharma world can't say why.

The method of plundering the essence is the foundation of the way of evil spirits, but apart from alchemy with living people, there has never been a magic skill that directly **** up living people into ashes and annihilates them. Obviously, the methods of evil spirit monks are not enough to cause it. Because of this phenomenon, the Central Palace Master is also wondering if there are evils and strangers mixed into the fairy clan.

The Central Palace Master personally investigated for a whole month and found nothing. It is impossible for a character like him to waste time on this aspect, so naturally let Xia Yi continue to do it.

In the penalty hall, in front of Xia Yi is white ash sent from the central palace. These white ash is the most basic part of the human body. There is nothing to say about it. The stones on the roadside may be more useful than these white ash. It can be analyzed that nothing but ashes will be left.

"Xian Juexiao is a bit arrogant..."

Xia Yi stretched out his fingers and twisted the white ash lightly. If it were him, even the white ash would not be left. It would either be raised in place or buried, or simply put in the storage ring to leave no traces to others.

"Is it out of some kind of revenge..."

Xia Yi recalled some of the things the Central Palace Master had said before. Xian Juexiao was obviously not so stupid. Otherwise, why didn't even the Central Palace Master search for a month without gain? He left these white ash for a purpose, and that purpose Xia Yi is also easy to guess. Xian Juexiao is declaring war against him, telling him through this means that he has got what he wants.

"I can't wait to announce that I want to make me angry. This kid is really true. Should I say that he has a strong heart for revenge or if there is a grudge?"

Probably after guessing the reason, Xia Yi honestly left the penalty hall and went out to pretend to investigate. At least he had to perform his duties in front of the central palace lord. If he really wanted to catch Xian Juexiao, it would be simple, as in Xianjie. Great, as long as Xian Juexiao is not too much, it will be difficult to be arrested if he progresses in an orderly manner.

After being outside for three full months, Xia Yi stopped and walked all the way, while practicing as usual, while reaching the place where the accident happened, pretending to investigate seriously, because he could not get any results from the central palace lord, so he went straight back. , Just ordered his subordinates to continue the investigation.

It has been half a year since Xian Juexiao’s accident. Xia Yi doesn’t know how far his cultivation level has been. However, according to Xia Yi’s prediction, how can he become respected in half a year? , Relying on his specially created magic skills to improve extremely fast, although the sequelae are also very obvious, it is estimated that she will not be able to become a **** in this life, but Xian Juexiao, who is blinded by hatred, will care about those?

It was just that Xia Yi had just returned to the Nantian Palace, and wanted to dive into the secret realm of the Great Array and then retreat, but there was someone waiting here at the entrance of the secret realm of the Great Array, obviously waiting for him.

Xia Yi glanced at the man, she was still so beautiful, not like a human thing, but her eyes and expressions had long since lost the illusion of non-human fireworks.


Xia Yi glanced at Xian Yueyin, and didn't know what she was doing with her. She hadn't spoken or met for a while. Xia Yi thought she had lost interest in herself.

"I know there is a relationship between you and Xian Juexiao, that magic repair is him, right?"

Xianyueyin's sense of insight is still as strong as ever, of course Xia Yi hardly conceals what she does, only the intention can basically investigate it.

"It's him, so what?"

"This is what you call a smaller sacrifice?"

Xian Yueyin seemed to hate Demon Dao, of course, as long as it was a normal person, no one would not hate Demon Dao's way of eating human blood.

"Otherwise? I don't want to practice the magic way, so I let other people help me. I'm the underworld Asura. It's not difficult for me to call Netherworld, but I don't want to do that. The sacrifice caused by Xian Juexiao Compared to the battle of the realm, it is only a drop in the bucket. If you come to me to talk about this, then you can leave."

Xia Yi really has a bad attitude towards Xian Yueyin. Xianyueyin may be a good person, and even a perfect woman. She is good and beautiful, so perfect that she is almost unreal, but Xia Yi has long since passed a fair lady and gentleman. Gu's age is now.

"I just don't think your way is very good!"

"Then can you let the Xian clan kneel down to atone for the sins now? If you can, I will immediately take back Xian Juexiao's power and leave the Xian clan to swear not to disturb you."

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