"Although I can't, but I think there are more and better ways to solve it, don't you want to solve it in a peaceful way? Or you won't..."

"you are wrong."

Xia Yi shook and interrupted Xian Yueyin's words. How did she understand herself? Hope in a peaceful way? is it possible!

"I remember I never said that I want peace from the beginning. I just want to achieve my goal with the smallest sacrifice possible. I don't want to shake hands with you and make peace. What I want is to kneel down. Please recognize this. Come to me to talk about the conditions. If you are right, I will consider it."

After speaking, Xia Yi pushed away Xianyueyin in front of him and swaggered into the secret realm. Xianyueyin stared at the entrance of the secret realm, biting her lip without saying a word. It was the first time she felt so helpless to someone, she He was thinking about whether to expose Xia Yi again.

Is she really correct? Does the fairy world really need to be afraid of Xia Yi?

She was in a mess, but when she was thinking about it, Xia Yi's figure suddenly walked out of the entrance of the secret realm.

"By the way, I forgot to say a little bit."

Xia Yi said it again and approached Xianyueyin until he came to Xianyueyin's face. Xia Yi grabbed a strand of Xianyueyin's hair and placed it in the palm of his hand. He put it in front of his nose and smelled it twice. It looked a little bit Intoxicated, seems to like the taste very much.

"Don't cause me trouble, you can only watch, think clearly before deciding whether to break our agreement."


Xia Yi's words were spoken in a small voice in Xian Yueyin's ear. There was no threatening taste, and even his tone was like a kind advice. After speaking, Xia Yi exhaled a breath of heat and blew Xian slightly. The roots of Yueyin's ears.


Xian Yueyin covered her ears and immediately backed away like a frightened little beast, blushing and staring at Xia Yi who was not far away with a smirk.

"I am thinking about you. You can just be a fairy who comes out of dust. Don't be contaminated with red dust. Everyone has the love of beauty. Women love their own beauty, and men love the beauty of women. Do you remember the reincarnation I said? You don’t need to doubt and verify the truth. It doesn’t matter. You just need to know that I have liked you before. I don’t want you to be harmed."

"But, no matter how you say it, it's just a past that you can't go back to anymore. I want to keep you the same as before. In this case, you will still be the fairy yin. If I judge that you are no longer her, to me That is, one more dead soul under the sword."

"So, obediently be the person I like? Don't cause me any trouble!"

Xia Yi’s smile was very gentle. Even though the words were obviously threatening, her tone was always gentle advice. Xian Yueyin did not speak. Her mood at the moment was extremely complicated. It was because she could perceive a person, she knew that Xia Yi was I really care about her, because I care about her to tell her.

But Xia Yi turned against her race again, until Xia Yi entered the secret realm of the great formation again, and had not come out after almost an hour. Xianyueyin then decided that Xia Yi could not come out in a short time, so she did. Just stop waiting.


The moment she left, she suddenly noticed a problem. Why would she wait for Xia Yi to come out? She seems to still want to talk to Xia Yi, she wants to try to really understand Xia Yi, to understand this twisted, contradictory, but cruel and benevolent man.

"What's wrong with me……"

"Heh... Is it true that reincarnation is true? The love of the previous life will still react in this life."

Xian Yueyin didn't hide her heart. She looked at her emotions directly, but she was not sure whether she liked what Xia Yi had, because she had never really liked anyone.

Xian Juexiao continued to be arrogant in this way. The perfunctory punishment of Xianzun also made the Central Palace Master a little angry soon. He asked the penalty Xianzun to conduct a serious investigation, but the penalty Xianzun only checked three in a symbolic sense. Yue just sent his hands to do it, which inevitably made the Central Palace Lord not happy.

For this reason, the central palace lord contacted Xianyueyin and asked what the punishment did in Yunan all day long. However, he was told that the punishment would go into the secret realm of the great formation whenever he had time, and those who wanted to improve their cultivation. The Venerable is exactly the same.

Not to mention punishment, even the Central Palace Master himself is like this. If there are no major issues, they are basically practicing. Although this is the daily life of the venerables, what can be done if the things that are explained are not handled properly?

So the Central Palace Master directly gave the sentence to death, and the matter must be resolved as soon as possible without any delay. After receiving the news, Xia Yi could only answer yes, he did not expect the Central Palace Master to attach such importance.

But think about it, the Xian clan has no habit of underestimating the enemy. No matter what it encounters, he will try his best to solve it. However, how can Xia Yi solve Xian Juexiao? It is impossible to be serious. Xian Juexiao is his person. !

Therefore, Xia Yi can only think of a way to warn Xian Juexiao, let him calm down, stop provoking him, is it not good to hide in the dark to secretly improve his cultivation? Silence can make a fortune, and he has to make provocative behaviors to make it difficult for him to do.

Therefore, the best way is to tell Xian Juexiao, don't think I can't find you, Xia Yi decided to find Xian Juexiao directly and he was seriously injured and dying. Seeing how he jumped, this apprentice was still a bit ignorant.

Based on the feeling of the origin of the Great Wilderness, Xia Yi flew directly to Yudong, Xian Juexiao hid in Yudong. Except Yunan did not come, the other four realms strayed everywhere, saying that they are smart, but why can't they be more cautious? ?

What he cultivates is the Dao of Demons! Everyone knows that you can't expose yourself easily, but how can you let him go reasonably? With the strength he showed in Nantian Prison before, even if Xian Juexiao became a deity at this moment, he should not be able to escape. In other words, being caught by himself would mean death.

This caused Xia Yi to make trouble. After thinking about it, Xia Yi could only warn in another way and not show up in front of him.

Yudong, in a dense mountain forest, Xia Yi saw a ruined area from a long distance away. There was no vitality there, and all the vegetation died and turned into fly ash. A discerning person can see that something is wrong at a glance, Xian Juexiao It's really killing me, isn't this telling others that I am here, come and kill me!

"Stupid boy..."

Xia Yi sighed, but still walked towards the ruined withered woods. When the time comes, he will act accordingly, find a reason not to kill first, get back to torture, and say that he wants to extract his strength. When the time comes to leave him a way to escape, Xia Yi has taken great pains for his own disciple.


It’s just that Xia Yi just approached the dry woods and immediately noticed something wrong, because the dead ashes in the dry woods suddenly swept up and gathered towards Xia Yi. Xia Yi raised his head and glanced ahead, only to see an image of him. Like a ghost, I hate my parents for giving birth to two fewer legs. Even the stepping on the heavens that I taught him is used like a fatalistic one. Ignoring the negative effects of incomplete stepping on the heavens, he takes the teleportation disk at a fast speed. escape.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yi was also somewhat confused, because at this moment the killing array that had been planted in the dry woods was also activated, but the trouble caused to Xia Yi was minimal. It is impossible that the boy Xian Juexiao was deliberate. Do you want to plot against the Lord like this?

Courageous enough! Do you want to swallow respect?

"I'm worrying about you as a teacher for nothing."

Xia Yi smiled and shook his head, and watched Xian Juexiao leave. Xian Juexiao didn't dare to look back, but Xia Yi wouldn't be too merciful. As long as he was alive, he made it. The strength of the **** of war is extremely domineering, and it can hit instantly wherever he can see. Xian Juexiao's figure is about to disappear, but before it disappears, his body suddenly trembles, and a lot of blood bursts out of bones all over his body.

With this punch, Xian Juexiao definitely had to peel off his skin, and it was a small lesson to tell him to be honest, don't think about plotting against the sage, this sage didn't figure it out, and ended up attracting him.

Besides, in fact, the consequences of successful plotting are more serious, because at that time it is not him who will act. Even the Central Palace Master will personally go to the battle to investigate. Xian Juexiao must not be too anxious, and must proceed step by step. .


In Yudong, under a mountain range, something almost inhuman, like a puddle of mud, fell into a small space, groaning in pain.

He is Xian Juexiao, injured by Xia Yi’s Wu Jian Jin, Wu Jian Jin can ignore space constraints and hit the punch, which is equivalent to a half-step Martial God punch at close range, and this is the result of Xia Yi’s mercy. If Xia Yi is not merciful, Yi Xian Juexiao's cultivation base will be directly blown up.

But Xian Juexiao didn't know so much. He didn't even think that he was lucky to survive, because hatred once again occupied all of his heart. He couldn't think that he would directly lead to punishment of Xianzun, and he couldn't figure it out. How does the penalty immortal know where he is.

Or maybe you don't know it, it's just a slap in the face.

But no matter what the reason, Xian Juexiao deeply tasted the taste of fear again. Almost the moment he saw Xianzun Punishment, he felt cold all over his body again, that kind of soul was still there. The trembling feeling lingered.

He is still scared! Even if he has the power, he still fears punishment in his heart. Punishment Xianzun is like a nightmare in the depths of his soul. As long as he is alive for one day, he will never think of peace.


"Damn **** damn..."

Enduring the pain, Xian Juexiao used abusive punishment to numb her pain. The punch that punished Xianzun almost killed him. No bones in his body were intact. The internal organs were directly shattered, and the meridians were torn apart. , If it weren't for the powerful cultivation base of the late Holy Emperor to support his body, his body would be dead.

In this state, it takes no idea how long it takes to recover. Fortunately, he understands magic power. Once he recovers his ability to move, he will go out to devour the living, and it will not take long before he can recover.

Relying on the accumulation of the pill in the storage ring, it took Xian Juexiao a week to barely regain her ability to move. This underground pit was dug out with the last effort. If the penalty Xianzun can be chased, he will only Can drink hate.

After recovering, Xian Juexiao was very careful even to leave the pit. For fear of ambush around him, he now had to change his strategy. Given that the penalty Xianzun would directly chase him down, he could only choose to act in secret.

But the only thing he couldn't figure out was that there was nothing wrong with his plan. How exactly did Penal Immortal find him in the first place? You must know that he spent a huge amount of immortal stone directly from Yuxi to Yudong not long ago!

One month later.

Nantian Palace, inside the penalty hall.

Xia Yi sat on the chair and yawned. He hadn't received any news about Xian Juexiao in the last month. This kid really knew that he had converged. Even if the Central Palace Master continued to intervene, Xia Yi said that the other party was cunning, and there was only one person. It’s hard to catch.

Unless the fairy clan is willing to spend a large price on Xian Juexiao alone, it will be difficult to pose any threat to Xian Juexiao. It is impossible for the fairy clan to close the city in the five regions, although prohibiting pure-blood immortals from going out can effectively prevent Xian Juexiao. But that is basically impossible.

First of all, the face of the immortal clan can’t hold back, because an evil repairer seals the city or something, but Xia Yi still provides important information to the central palace owner symbolically. , Is still an inferior immortal, but because he escaped too fast, he could not recognize the other party.

However, this news is actually indirectly equivalent to telling the central palace lord the truth. After all, to kill the holy emperor, at least one must be the holy emperor. Among the lower-level immortals, there are not many immortals who have the cultivation of the holy emperor. , Just stare at the holy emperor among the inferior immortals.

Xia Yi gave the central palace lord a satisfactory answer, and the central palace lord no longer accused Xia Yi of failing to do things, so that Xia Yi could continue to spend his leisure time. Xia Yi’s plan has developed to this stage. In fact, there is not much he can do. Looking at Xian Juexiao's performance, after all, the effect of conspiracy calculations in the fairy clan is limited.

The most important thing is strength!

That's why Xia Yi spent time on serious cultivation.

Years are merciless, and seven years have passed. Xia Yi has entered the fourth stage of the holy lord’s ascension of the gods, which is the demi-god threshold for practicing qi. He has stepped into the half-god state when practicing qi and martial arts, and his combat power has increased sharply, but still not With the ability to challenge the immortal clan openly, Xia Yi didn't do anything after stepping into the fourth stage of the ascension of the gods, and continued to retreat!

In the middle of this, he would come out to teach Xian Ruyi to practice, and he would also call Xian Yueyin to accompany him to drink. Youdao was a stranger in a foreign land. To be honest, Xia Yi missed Tianling a little, but he couldn't go back. Don't look at it, it's only seven years, it's equivalent to more than twenty years in the secret realm of the Great Array!

Twenty years of hard cultivation can only improve one-tier cultivation level. Xia Yi is like this, let alone those old sages with ordinary talents. Basically, their talents have fallen after reaching a certain level. There is no adventure to practice step by step. There can be no further improvement.

On the other side, Xian Juexiao hides in the darkness and plots a series of evil deeds. The fairy clan is very wary of him now. The pure-blooded immortals of high realm go out in groups, and the pure-blooded immortals of low realm must go out. Guarding, as a result, several things happened. The Central Palace Master, the Northern Heaven Palace Master, the Western Heaven Palace Master, the East Heaven Palace Master, and the Penal Xianzun conducted a global investigation. Although he was not caught that time, his identity was still leaked. .

Nowadays, the immortal clan knows that there is a wicked guy named Xian Juexiao. Xian Juexiao suffers from being swallowed by no one. After becoming a saint three years ago, his cultivation level cannot be increased any more. Xian Juexiao is also aware of it right now. To the biggest flaw of magic power.

He can no longer become stronger through normal cultivation. No matter how he cultivates, his cultivation level will not move a bit. Only devouring living talents is the best choice. In desperation, Xian Juexiao had to leave the immortal world, and there are also immortal people outside the immortal world. Existence, especially the realm conquered by the fairy clan, he wants to devour those people.

Xian Juexiao’s departure is naturally sensible to Xia Yi, and Xia Yi also knows that once Xian Juexiao becomes Venerable, his plan will fall into a long wait, because the Venerable’s promotion is very slow and slow, even if it’s magic power. It is impossible for Xian Juexiao to be able to compete with a palace lord in a short period of time.

It is that Xia Yi dare not say that he can defeat a palace lord. Every palace lord of the immortal clan is a sub-shen, an absolute powerhouse of the seventh rank of the gods. As for the central palace lord, his cultivation level Xia Yi is very likely. It is already the eighth stage of ascension to the gods and even close to the ninth stage.

A powerful person of this level can temporarily gain divine power by many means as long as he thinks about it. The Lord of the Nantian Palace relied on the octopole furnace transformed by the immortal clan to become a **** temporarily.

Time is long, there are many days, Xia Yi just retreats in the secret realm.



In the large array that slowed down the flow of time, Xia Yi opened his eyes one day and suddenly sighed. The large array had stopped operating. There were countless ashes of spiritual things in front of him. He looked at his store. The ring was empty, and he ran out of resources.

Not only couldn't start the big formation anymore, even he himself had no resources available.

Xia Yi looked at a stone beside him, picked up the stone and observed it carefully, and then counted, probably knowing how long it has been since this retreat.

Thirty years.

He has been in retreat for 30 years in the Great Array. During these 30 years, he has not allowed his cultivation to be upgraded to the fifth stage of the ascension. He is still the fourth stage, and it is still a step or two to become the fifth stage of the ascension. This speed is very slow and very slow. Slow, it's just a tortoise crawl.

And no matter what the outside world says, it has been about ten years.

After leaving the secret realm of the Great Array, everything in the Nantian Palace remained the same. There was a message of Xian Ruyi in the jade slip of the communication, which was transmitted to Xia Yi about three years ago in the outside world, and she became a respect.

Xian Ruyi finally got his wish and became the Holy Venerable. Such a rapid cultivation speed allowed Nantian Palace to officially recognize Xian Ruyi as the palace lord, and Xian Ruyi also began to want Xia Yi to complete the previous agreement.

She had agreed with Xia Yi before that she wanted Xia Yi's child when she became a respected person.

"Tsk...Xian Ruyi is equivalent to a living blood **** pill. Even if the cultivation speed is not as fast as Xian Juexiao, you can't underestimate it. This is a bit troublesome..."

Xia Yi touched the back of his head, but also felt speechless for a while. He thought that Xian Ruyi would have to be more than fifty years old before he could become respectable, but he did not expect Xian Ruyi to become respectable faster than him, Xian Juexiao would be faster this year. It's forty, and Xian Ruyi is not yet thirty.

As for him?

He is a real old man in the seventies and eighties. When he was a child, Xia Yi also thought about what he would do when he was seven and eighty, and whether his children and grandchildren would be full of good fortune, but he might have been killed when he was young and he was still born for himself. Fighting in the realm, even his face is still the same as when he was in his twenties.

"Cultivation has no years."

I don't know why, Xia Yi suddenly sighed that a retreat lasts for thirty years, which is almost equal to most of his life when he was young. This was unimaginable when Xia Yi was young, but it is now the case.

But after leaving the customs, he couldn’t find anything to do. Xia Yi contacted Xianduofu to get some resources, but Xianduofu did not have it, because Xianduofu wanted to support the rebels and faced a serious shortage of training resources. Xia Yi could only stare, but thinking of his own abilities, Xia Yi left a sentence to the central palace lord and Xian Ruyi in the jade slip of the transmission, and ran directly to the starry sky.

He had no choice but to choose something that was not very efficient, and that was to go to the starry sky to find the stars with earth vein energy. The resources of the starry sky were endless. Only in this way could he continue to practice. He took a flying boat from the Nantian Temple and Xia Yi faced the stars. The stars marked with the energy of the earth on the map are moving forward, and the starry sky is extremely time-consuming. It took two full years to hurry.

Later, Xia Yi found a desolate little star. No life was born. There was only rock and loess. It was smaller in size than the moon Xia Yi had in mind, but it was perfectly fine for cultivation. Xia Yi plunged into it and used it. Yang Yan directly swallowed the energy of the earth veins, and the temperature inside the stars directly began to slowly drop.

Basically, the stars that allow life to exist, the earth vein energy is very active and abundant, with star cores, while ordinary small stars basically have no or are not yet born. Xia Yi's practice is in a certain sense It can be regarded as infinitely extending the possibility of this star becoming the star of life.

But Xia Yi couldn’t control that much. The monks were originally the power of plundering heaven and earth to improve themselves. The essence of living creatures was plundering in a sense, or plundering water and food when a mortal was. Increasingly horrible and exaggerated.

Until Xia Yi is now directly plundering energy from a star, this is nothing. Those top gods and emperors can squeeze it dry even from a star.

Compared with them, Xia Yi is completely a child's playhouse.

Seconds and minutes, days and months, this unit of time has lost its meaning in Xia Yi’s eyes. Only years make Xia Yi feel that time has passed, just like when he was a mortal, he would seriously perceive every day spent in the day. One second?

When the resources were exhausted again, Xia Yi opened his eyes, and the inside of the star was already dark and cold.

He has plundered all the inner veins of a star, and the next time it is born, it depends on the luck of the star, but Xia Yi is not the kind of person who eats and wipes out, he lights up the inside of the star. , Leaving some heat so that the inside of the stars can continue to burn before leaving.

As for how long it has passed, Xia Yi didn't remember.

He is now in retreat and cannot perceive the specific passage of time, just like people usually don’t know what time they slept after waking up. The cultivation base stepped into the fifth stage of the ascension of God, with plenty of power, but it was far from the sixth stage. , This kind of little star's earth vein energy, plundering more than three more can he increase again.

Maybe it's okay to find bigger stars, anyway, the resources of the starry sky are endless.

"A Mirage, you seem to have a special feeling for the passage of time. How long has it been since I closed up?"

Xia Yi checked his own improvement and then asked the mirage. The mirage yawned lazily, and then began to calculate the time in a certain way.

"About fifty-three years."

"Have it been so long? I just feel like I just slept..."

"Brother Xia, what do you cultivate? In the future, if you have the ability to become a god, you will know what it means to look at ten thousand years, the vicissitudes of life."


Xia Yi was speechless. It took ten years to go from Tier 2 to Tier 3, and from Tier 3 to Tier 4 for 20 years. Due to insufficient resources, Tier 4 to Tier 5 took eighty years before and after. It takes double the time, which can be shortened if the resources are sufficient, but he does not have the resources. According to this calculation, it will take more than a hundred years for the fifth to sixth tiers.

Let's not talk about becoming a god, that is, reaching the threshold of becoming a **** of the ninth order, at least a thousand years later.

"It seems that I underestimated the time to stay in the fairy clan..."

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