"No, it takes three thousand years to reach the ninth level of God's cultivation in the slow way you are currently practicing, even if you don't encounter any bottlenecks."

"Huh...Three thousand years?"

Xia Yi felt ashamed after hearing this time. He almost instantly thought of the people or things he once cherished. Perhaps some of them will definitely leave him in this long time.

Why did the cultivators cut off the red dust? Xia Yi seemed to have enlightenment at this moment, and even more than seventy years have passed since he came to the immortal clan, which is more than the time he spent in Xuanhuang and Tianling combined. , He is over a hundred years old at the moment, and he is no longer a younger generation.


On the flying boat, Xia Yi stood on the deck and looked at the brilliance of the billions of stars. He was returning to the Xian Clan. Although the Central Palace Lord did not give him any orders, Xian Ruyi kept reminding him. Someone seemed to have discovered something. Fang Tiangong is deciding where to belong, Xian Ruyi will also go to grab it, specifically what Xian Ruyi did not say.

There was silence in the starry sky, only meteors flying aimlessly, all kinds of strangely shaped stars sporadically dotted in the void, Xia Yi felt a kind of insignificance, he was still too young compared to these celestial bodies that existed forever. NS.

Xia Yi once perceived the power of gods, and was a **** for a moment, and he did not have the past and the future on one side. He only temporarily became the emperor in the present different time and space. Although there is no emperor in the sky, there is no Dili, but he is definitely in the gods. The strong, this made Xia Yi hardly have a bottleneck before becoming a god, and the only constraints on improvement were resources and time.

And resources are not really a big problem, the key is time.

At least, it's all a thousand years!

For Xia Yi, a mortal who can only live less than a hundred years old may be a retreat and experience birth and death. Even his children and grandchildren have gone through the same time before Xia Yi wakes up. I have to say that this gap has made Xia Yi really wrong. What mortals feel they care about.

Two years later, Xia Yi hurried back to the Xian clan. Once back to Nantian Palace, Xian Ruyi didn't say anything else after learning the news. He directly asked Xia Yi to wait for her at the Penalty Hall. Xia Yi also noticed what he was going to do. Some resistance, but I still have to do it in order to continue.

In Xia Yi's eyes, such behavior was also a pity for the tastelessness of food and abandonment.

"Brother Xianhuan, haven't you done anything other than cultivation in the recent period?"

After the incident, Xian Ruyi could clearly notice that Xia Yi's aura had become deeper and deeper, and his temperament had also changed a lot, and he had the kind of indifferent feeling on the Venerable.

"What else can I do? Get a good night's sleep? It's you. Before I left, you told me that you became a deity. How come fifty years have passed before you reach the second level of God?"

"Cultivation is not enough if the resources are in place. It is still necessary to understand, and to understand the mystery of gods. This is the reason for the existence of the ninth level of ascending to the gods. The first level is step by step, but what is the cultivation base of Brother Xianhuan now?"

"Fifth order."

Xia Yi didn't lie, and very plainly told the facts that shocked Xian Ruyi. In less than a hundred years, from Tier 2 to Tier 5, this speed was terrifying.

"So fast?"

"Is this fast?"

Xia Yi's question was not deliberately pretending, but sincerely feeling it, Xian Ruyi could detect it, so Xian Ruyi just rolled his eyes and picked up the clothes next to him to put on again.

"Forget it, don't compare with such a wizard as Xianhuan, I think I'm already very good anyway, and of course I have to thank Xianhuan for your teaching well."

"Where, you are working hard by yourself. Okay, let's talk about business. What is the Five Fang Tiangong going to fight for?"

Xia Yi started to put on clothes as he spoke. Both of them no longer felt any shyness or nervousness about what happened before. Except for Xian Ruyi's face was still a little red and there was fine sweat on his forehead, his expression almost There is no change from the usual.

As for Xia Yi, his face didn't even blush, as if nothing had happened before.

"Not long ago, Hanxingyu discovered a life star with extremely rich reserves of sacred stone. The largest realm of Hanxingyu is the vast world. Although it is called the big world, the strength of the realm has already fallen to the ordinary realm. , It is difficult to compete for the qualifications. The first discoverer is Dao Fa. Dao Fa intends to plunder 80% in the name of helping mining. The vast world is not stupid, so he took the initiative to contact us Immortal Clan to inform about this."

"Is it so-called to drive tigers and wolves? What are the conditions for the vastness?"

"We are six, and they are four."

"Did the fairy clan agree?"

"Of course we talked about the conditions. Seven of us, three of them, Hao Han agreed."

When Xia Yi heard about this, he didn't feel surprised. Daofa and the immortal clan did not know how many times they fought openly and secretly in these 100,000 years. Since Haohan could not guarantee his own interests, he would rather stir the muddy water to get as much as possible.

The divine stone is not a small thing. For the former Xia Yi, it is useful to activate the starry sky teleportation array, but after becoming a saint, especially after having a demigod cultivation base, the divine stone can be directly used for cultivation. It is the saint. What we need most is that the great formation that slows the passage of time in the secret realm of the great formation must also be activated by the **** stone.

"So, what are the five-party heavenly palaces fighting for? How to divide the 70%?"

"Naturally, everyone wants to get more. Nantian Temple is now in a time when resources are urgently needed. After I put it forward, the other parties have nothing to say. We can divide more, but the premise is that we have to go among the vast number of people, or It is the main force, but Brother Xianhuan, you also know the dilemma of our Nantian Temple, and I am only the second-order Holy Sovereign, so..."

Xian Ruyi scratched his hair embarrassedly. Xia Yi went to the starry sky to cultivate because of insufficient resources in the Nantian Temple.

"It's just that if I go, it may not be better than Dao Fa, right?"

"No, Brother Xianhuan, you are wrong. It's not a battle of the realm. Dao Fa of the palace master level will not be sent, but the strong will be sent accordingly, second only to the palace master. Men, Brother Xianhuan, your strength is in the Xian clan, I think it is second only to the four palace masters, so there is no problem for you to go."

"Really, all right, it just so happens that I also lack the **** stone, if we take the big head, I don't mind working harder."

Whether it’s self-cultivation or starting a large formation, Xia Yi doesn’t want to spend a thousand years to improve his cultivation level, otherwise, after returning, I’m afraid that not everything will change. He can take the time to return to Tianling. Yi didn't want to do this.

Because he wants to completely solve it, and slowly enjoy it in Tianling, leaving the beautiful things in the end.

"Brother Xianhuan, you can set off at any time within the last three years. Go to the vast world first, and they will greet us before rushing to the realm where a large number of sacred stones are found."

Xian Ruyi had decided that Xia Yi would go, and had already arranged everything. Of course, Xia Yi also understood that Xian Ruyi was also for his sake, but more for her own sake.

Otherwise, Xia Yi went to the starry sky every three to five, and Xian Ruyi would die of loneliness after tens of hundreds of years of cultivation.

"So what about you? Are you going?"

"I really want to go, but the central palace lord has to let Sister Yueyin go with you. It is abhorrent to not let us be together for various reasons, but this also proves that Brother Xianhuan is very good, I only Will be happy, but not together for a short period of time, I have endured it for fifty years, am I still afraid of this time?"

"Thanks for your hard work, Ruyi."

"It's okay, Brother Xianhuan, don't change your heart."

"I will never change my heart in this life, you know me."

Xia Yi smiled and embraced Xianruyi, both warm and gentle, but Xia Yi probably only knew what Xia Yi really thought.


Outside the fairy world, in the stars.

A small flying boat flying like a streamer is heading towards the empty side, and the direction seems to be meaningless in this endless void. The surrounding space is slightly distorted, and the light and shadow are dragged long, as if you are in a place. In the tunnel that stretches everything.

Xia Yi was meditating in the cabin, but was suddenly awakened by a sound.

"You have been so keen on cultivation these days?"

Xian Yueyin stared at Xia Yi in front of her. She said that she hadn’t seen Xia Yi in decades. They were all monks. Xian Yueyin was not used to the feeling that time has become chaotic at first. A few decades are enough for many major events to happen, enough for a child to grow into an upright man, or a lady with many styles, but in the life of the Venerable, ten years are very short.

This is why, in her opinion, many venerables have hardly changed since she was born, whether in character or way of doing things, but in the end she can only slowly get used to this feeling of faster time.


Xia Yi opened her eyes, her tone was a little cold, and she didn't seem to want to chat with Xian Yueyin. Xian Yueyin knew how to observe her words and colors. Seeing that Xia Yi was not interested in communicating with her, she directly planned to talk about business.

"It's almost here, close the shrinking array, and save some sacred stones."

The flying boats of the fairy clan all have shrinking arrays, an array that allows the flying boats to jump continuously in space by themselves, shortening the distance in the space. This is a must-have large array in the starry sky, otherwise it will not be able to leave the star for tens of thousands of years. A corner of the domain.

However, Xia Yi just glanced at Xian Yueyin suspiciously, and then shook his head.

"It's still early, but you can be regarded as cutting first and then playing, right? You are already closed and you still come to me to report?"

Xia Yi already felt that the twisted space surrounding the flying boat was gradually recovering, and Xian Yueyin turned around and looked at the beautiful stars through the cabin.

They have entered the center of the vast star field, and they are not far from the vast world. The stars of life, especially the surrounding stars of the ancient stars of life, will leave a lot of man-made traces. Xia Yi can even be in the dust of the starry sky. Find the fragments of the weapon.

"This is the first time I have left the fairy clan and traveled in the starry sky for the first time. I want to take a closer look at the starry sky outside the fairy clan."

"So this is why you waste time?"

"It's just a month or two. It's nothing to you anyway."

"Do whatever you want, call me when you get there."

Xia Yi was not angry at Xianyueyin. She was very excited when she first set off from the Xian clan. However, when Feizhou had just left the Xian clan, Xia Yi immediately activated the shrinking array. Compared with using the starry sky teleportation array, this method is certainly true. It will take a lot of time, but the saved sacred stone is a lot of money.

The immortal clan dispatched ten sages and an army of millions to descend on the vast expanse. The army and the other nine sages set off Xia Yi a year earlier, but because of the large number of people and the big boat, it is estimated that it will be a few years later. The larger the rate, the slower.

There are only Xia Yi and Xianyueyin on this small flying boat, not a single guard, but does Xia Yi need a guard? The immortal clan can protect him only by the palace master-level sub-god. There is no sub-god in the vast world, and the strongest may be slightly inferior to Xia Yi. After all, Xia Yi is a demigod in both martial arts and Qi training.

At the same time, Xia Yi was also the commander-in-chief of the Xian Clan's operation. Just like the Nantian Palace Lord who once invaded Xuanhuang, the other nine nobles and the army of one million all listened to Xia Yi's instructions.

It is also funny, Xia Yi might have been killed at the beginning, but he didn't think that one day he would descend to other realms as a member of the immortal clan.

Xian Yueyin admired the beauty of the starry sky. The stars reflected in her pupils flickered. After the shrinking array was closed, Xianyueyin was able to carefully appreciate the starry sky, but Xia Yi had no interest. He was basically not cultivating. It is in the process of practicing.

Two months is just a moment for Xia Yi today. The Venerable can basically let his consciousness enter a state of semi-emptiness and practice, so he will not be particularly sensitive to the passage of time until Xian Yueyin wakes Xia Yi. Xia Yi found that they were approaching a huge star full of vitality.

"This is vast? It's amazing."

Although the strength of the vast world has fallen, it is at least called the great world. This "big" is not unreasonable. Compared with the heavenly spirit, the vast world is more than three times larger than the sky from the stars. It is worthy of the name of vastness. It is only slightly smaller than the original star of the fairy world.

"It feels completely different from the immortal world...not dazzling at all, very soft..."

Xianyueyin stared at the vastness, the vastness of the world exuded a dim dim light, Xia Yi looked at the farther starry sky, and at a glance, he could see why the vastness of the world was so beautiful, and the sun of the vastness of the world was actually a twin star. , That is, two suns that influence each other at a distance.

"It's really beautiful, but if Haohan got a little closer, Haohan would have exploded long ago."

According to the astronomical knowledge Xia Yi learned in Xuanhuang, it is really not easy for the vastness to exist. It can even be said that this kind of wonder appeared under various coincidences. The size of the universe is really mysterious.

"I don't quite understand what you are talking about."

"I don't need you to understand, go down, who is the force that greets us?"

"The strongest force in the vast world, Xuanjizong."

"It's...'Xuan' again."

Xia Yi smiled, and felt a bit old-fashioned when he heard the word Xuan, but the word Xuan was the easiest to come into contact with for the cultivator. There is even a domain called Dongxuan directly.

And Xuan Huang doesn't need to mention it.

"Then we are still human beings, what do we care about these?"

"It's okay, just recently when I was cultivating, I sometimes thought about what Xuan is. The ninth level of ascending to the gods is no longer a holy in nature. Feel the mystery of the gods."

"You know a lot."

"Hey, some research."

The saint was originally a non-existent realm. It was called Shenxuan in ancient times, and the ninth stage of ascension.

Since the strongest realm is the holy, then it is honored in the holy.

Feizhou slowly sailed towards the vast world, until it broke through the wind and frozen clouds and officially entered the vastness, Xianyueyin deliberately did not let Feizhou go directly to Xuanjizong, but took advantage of Xia Yi not paying attention to detour to see this unfamiliar realm. .

Xianyueyin wanted to travel long distances in his dreams, and wanted to see other realms. Now that his dreams come true, how can he not seize this opportunity properly? Xia Yi let Xianyueyin make a detour. Anyway, this little time is for him. It doesn't matter.


"It turns out that mountains, rivers and earth can still appear in so many colors at the same time..."

Xian Yueyin looked at the world of intertwined colors, with colorful lights in his eyes. When Xia Yi first came to the fairy world, he thought that the golden sun in the fairy world was too strong, causing the golden color to cover the original color of everything. It is noble, but it is unavoidable to be monotonous.

"This is their inherent color, but your immortal clan wants everything to be stained with golden brilliance."

Xian Yueyin looked at it, and suddenly remembered the voice beside him. It was Xia Yi. Xia Yi hadn't cultivated. He also came to the deck and looked at this familiar and unfamiliar realm. What he was familiar with was the color, the heaven and the earth, and the black yellow. , And Tianling are not much different, the strange thing is that he has never come to this realm, and has never understood.

"But I can't change anything. I'm just a spectator. You said this too."

"It’s fine if you understand. Don’t detour for too long. We still have business affairs. It doesn’t matter if you want to go shopping. Whether you want to hide your identity or not depends on your mood. It’s not easy to come out once. Have a good time. Let me first Going to practice."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, she returned to the cabin in Xian Yueyin's surprised eyes. As for why Xian Yueyin was surprised, of course she didn't expect Xia Yi to say this kind of thing, which made her happy.

Sure enough, as long as he doesn't do anything to offend him, does he still regard himself as the person he likes?

Xianyueyin was speechless...

But she did not intend to give up this opportunity. The commander in chief made her happy. How could she bore herself on the flying boat, just like what a girl who has never seen the sea would do after seeing the sea for the first time? Xianyueyin came to the edge of the flying boat, leaped slightly, and jumped off cheering.

"This guy...is his childlike heart still?"

Xia Yi felt that Xian Yueyin jumped directly, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He really felt like he was traveling with a child. The child felt fresh when he saw everything and wanted to try it.

"Brother Xia, someone is near..."

"I know, let them come."

At this moment, the mirage suddenly informed Xia Yi that there were some hostile people approaching, and the cultivation base was not low. The leader was the Holy King. With reference to the overall strength of the vast world, the Holy King can be regarded as a master. , After all, in Tianling, the holy king can dominate the king in a realm.

"Who is your ancestor? In the past three days, our ancestors had a long-term ban on airspace. You are disrespectful to our ancestors. Please give us an explanation."

The person leading the team had never seen the flying boat of the immortal clan, and naturally did not know the identity of the person in it. Xia Yi didn't want to use the identity of the immortal clan to bully others, so he took the initiative to walk out of the cabin and look at the leader in front of him.

The team leader was surprised when he saw that Xia Yi was actually blonde. It was as if he had never seen an immortal, but it was nothing strange. It might be a vast underdeveloped area, and it is normal to have less knowledge.

"Who are you?"

"The fairy clan."

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