"Xian clan? What immortal clan? Just do you dare to call immortal in front of my ancestor? But you are a good flying boat. I apologize to my ancestor as a birthday gift, and I will spare you this time."


When Xia Yi heard the other party's words, everyone was stunned. When he killed him, he couldn't think that some people didn't know the fairy clan. It was not that Xia Yi felt angry, but he was surprised.

"What? If you want to do it, then you have to think clearly..."


Although Xia Yi didn't let out his own breath, a bunch of holy kings realized that he couldn't see through him. Didn't he know that he was afraid? Xia Yi didn't bother to hit these people in the face. It didn't mean anything. He directly detained them with a thought, driving the flying boat. Leaving swaggeringly, these people are probably arrogant and arrogant. Such things are very common in the cultivation world.

It's just that after Xia Yi left, they looked at each other, but their expressions were not fear but greed.

"That guy ran away? What was that just now?"

"It seems that he hides his breath not because we can't see through it, but because this person is not strong at all. I have tried it out. Since he has appeared on our site, we have to find a way to get rid of his body."

"King Zhaoyuan, it's just that this person's appearance is a little weird, it's the first time I've seen hair of that color."

"Maybe you have golden roar or royal lion bloodline, just so, if you can get it, I will train the bloodline together!"

Several people started to calculate according to their own understanding, but Xia Yi didn't bother to care about them, but one person was happily visiting the mountains and water nearby. That was Xianyueyin. She miscalculated the influence of the Xian clan. I thought that when other people saw her as an immortal, they would give three points of courtesy.

Of course Xia Yi would not save her. She also became a holy lord not long ago. It's really not anyone can bully. Xia Yi took a flying boat and drove directly to Xuanjizong according to the map. As for Xianyueyin... …

It’s okay to let her get in touch with the warmth and coldness of some people, so that she will be curious all day long. Sooner or later, the ruthless people in the cultivation world will not be as honest and honest as the immortals when they see beautiful women, let alone no one knows. Xian Yueyin is the daughter of the central palace lord.

There are even some demon in the **** in order to be able to kiss Fangze, that is really not even fate, Xianyueyin undoubtedly has the stunning beauty to attract those guys, Xia Yi knows it in her heart, but Xia Yi just doesn't tell or remind .

What is the joke he made in the immortal world compared to the ruthless people in the cultivation world? He can also be called frivolous?


On the way to Xuanjizong, Xia Yi thought of Xian Yueyin, but he didn't know why he suddenly laughed. It is only strange that Xianyueyin was not so angry that those ruthless people jumped.

Half a day later, Xia Yi arrived at Xuanjizong. The Xuanjizong occupies a very large area. The entire mountain range is within the sphere of influence of the Xuanjizong. The layout of the sect looks very simple, like Taoism in the mountains, and no precious materials are used. The mountain gate was established, but the rhyme of this sect is very good, because the sect is not to transform the heaven and the earth, but to be one with the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth are contained between the rising clouds and the mist.

Although it has fallen now, it was once a big world, and the heritage and heritage should not be underestimated.

As soon as the flying boat reached the sky above the Xuanji Sect, the eight sages immediately came out, stood with thousands of disciples, lined up in the air, and even shot the flying swords and arranged them like stairs before the flying boat, letting Xia Yi step on the sword. Down.

Xuanjizong had given Xia Yi a lot of face-saving skills. He felt quite like when Tianding Holy Land greeted the immortal clan at Tianling Peak, and he didn't know if he would be assassinated this time.

"Our vast Xuanji, welcome the arrival of the Supreme Penalty Venerable."

The eight Venerables bowed their heads and bowed their hands together.


Xia Yi walked out of the flying boat, walked down the flying sword ladder in the eyes of countless people, and came to the big square of Xuanjizong. Xuanjizong has eight sages in one sect alone. It can be seen that the vastness is obviously better than the countless heavenly spirits. Times, the vastness of people who saw the immortal clan were all in this battle, and perhaps it was impossible for the Heavenly Spirit to dare to resist.

There is no opportunity to resist, what can I resist? Only by bowing their heads and proclaiming ministers can there be a way to survive.

I don't know why, Xia Yi suddenly understands Tianding Lao Zun at this moment, he also has his own difficulties, Xuan Huang is the hometown of Xia Yi, isn't Tian Ling the hometown of Tian Ding Lao Zun?

To represent Tianling, Tianding Lao Zun is more qualified than him.

"You don't have to waive the gift, and you don't have to make a big banquet, just keep it simple. What is the situation of the Taoist people now?"

"Dao Fa is far from us, and everyone from the fairy world does not come quickly. Although there were some strong people before, we are enough to deal with it, but the next one will have to trouble all the immortals."

"It's okay, as it should be, take people's money and money to eliminate disasters for others."

Xia Yi didn’t want to talk too much nonsense, and simply talked directly with the people of Xuanjizong. In fact, Xuanjizong preferred this kind of communication method. There was no kindness between them, but they had common interests. The vastness is still the loser.

"Dare to ask what is the specific strength of Venerable Punishment?"

At this time, one of the eight nobles came forward. This was a middle-aged man with a sparse beard and a feeling of laziness. He stretched out his hand as if to shake hands with Xia Yi.

"You are?"

"Sect Master Xuanji, Cang Taiji."

"Then I will introduce myself again, I am the penalty Xianzun, Xianhuai."

The two held hands together, and they tried to give each other an instant attack, but Sect Master Xuanji had never refined his body. Even if he possessed the sixth-level cultivation base of ascending the gods, he would inevitably be inferior to Xia Yi. Xia Yi did not bully Sect Master Xuanji. Just shook hands with each other with Kaitianjin.


I don't know how long it took, a sharp skeletal friction sound spread throughout Xuanjizong.

"Your Excellency deserves to be a demigod of practicing Qi and martial arts. I heard that Xianzun Punishment is second only to the Sifang Palace Master in the Xian Clan. At this stage, you almost control the Nantian Palace. As expected, I can't fight with him."

Sect Master Xuanji immediately put his hands behind his back after speaking, and the hand that shook Xia Yi was slightly deformed.

"Well, it's just a fancy name, but Sect Master Xuan Ji, your inner breath is several times deeper than that of ordinary people. I'm afraid that you don't know how to accumulate vitality and explode energy. I might have to avoid three points when it really fights."

The two touted each other, they seemed to be in harmony, but Sect Master Xuanji's eyes inevitably felt a bit of loss. The other party was not the Palace Master to be able to defeat him, and Hao Han was indeed not qualified to make terms with the Immortal Clan.

Although it was something that had been understood for a long time, this kind of powerlessness would not be easy for anyone. Sect Master Xuanji specially mentioned Xia Yi's strength, also in order to make his inferiority not so ugly.

In this way, Xia Yi chatted and laughed happily with the Xuanjizong’s venerables in the past. He entered the hinterland of the sect and was enthusiastically treated by the Xuanjizong. The disciples of the Xuanjizong also had many ideas in their hearts. Some of them were not. Know what the fairy world is like.

But at least I know that the immortal world is strong, and now I know that the penalty immortal is stronger than their suzerain. He is a great man, and Xia Yi didn’t do anything else after he arrived at Xuanjizong. Fa study, either is to practice in the Xuanjizong's large array, and don't miss any opportunity for improvement.

Xuanjizong would not give Xia Yi the most profound things, and naturally Xia Yi would not be stupid enough to ask for it, but he had another way to obtain it, and that was to pretend to point to the Tianjiao disciple of Xuanjizong, a picture of a good husband. Looks like, and then sneaked up with evil eyes.

Although I taught some of my own methods to go out, at least it left a good impression on Xuanjizong. Although this penalty Immortal Venerable is strong but not overbearing, it is even gentle, and it is the same when I see elders who are much lower than my own cultivation level. Honored as an elder, Sect Master Xuanji relaxed the restrictions appropriately, allowing Xia Yi to obtain more of what he wanted.

The Xuanji Sect has a lineage that has not been broken since its peak period. The foundation is still the foundation of the great world. Even if things are not humans, Xia Yi even exchanged a bit of the sword path of Emperor Shenxiao with Sect Master Xuanji. , Has obtained the core inheritance of Xuanjizong.

Xuan Huang has studied the mystery and the mystery, the door of the many wonderful things, that is to say, the profound is the many wonderful things, and the many wonderful things are all things. The power of transforming everything.

There is also a sentence in Xuanjizong's classics, Vientiane opens the sky. Does this mean that the power of the gods is raised to the limit, until all the manifestations can open the sky? That is the limit that creatures can reach.

I have to say that the classics left by Xuanjizong gave Xia Yi a much deeper understanding of the gods, gods, and emperors, and the essence of the emperor heaven at the beginning was to make the sky manifest in this world with his own thoughts. Vientiane.

This image refers to phenomena, all phenomena that follow a certain rule under the road.

Just when Xia Yi felt in his heart and prepared to retreat and think carefully, Xian Yueyin sent Xia Yi an urgent message.

"Beiyuan Devil Cave, rescue!"

Xia Yi shrugged when he received the news. As expected, Xianyueyin was stared at by those demon cubs. The beauty of Xianyueyin can make people commit crimes. This is not a joke, if it weren't for Xia Yi's long-term lack of energy. My heart will be a little bit crooked.

Perhaps only Xia Yi would like to thank the Mirage Dragon, this guy had completely dysfunctional himself.

"Has it been half a year since I came to Xuanjizong... Then the army is coming soon, and Dao Fa is estimated to be coming soon."

Once the army of the immortal clan officially arrives, it also marks that the main combat power of Dao Fa will arrive later. At that time, there will be no time to understand the magic of the divine Dao, but it is impossible for Xian Yueyin to leave it alone, even if he does not. Touch, but Xianyueyin can't be touched by anyone!

"It's time to move my hands and feet, I will use magic power after a long time."

With Xia Yi’s ability, using magic power to swallow creatures does not have many side effects. It’s just that Xia Yi has been reluctant to use it, because in fact, he can’t improve much. Two lives and deaths.

What kind of phenomenon he wants to manifest, Xia Yi already knows in his mind, from the moment he achieved great power, the moment of the division of life and death, he has not changed the way of majoring.

Elephants of life and death! It can bring the dead back to life, or allow the living to meet death instantly and directly manipulate life and death.


Xianyueyin is facing danger now, Xia Yi is still very concerned, after all, he has a special affection for Xianyueyin, just like facing all the beloved people in previous life, he will not give up hurting.

They only need to live safe and sound. Xia Yi has no other ideas, and he will not interfere with them in seeking their own happiness.

Coming all the way to the main hall of Xuanjizong, the lord of Xuanjizong seemed to be discussing with the elders about some issues about the distribution of divine stones. After Xia Yi entered the main hall, Sect Master Xuanji stopped immediately. He didn't know that Xia Yi was in a hurry. What I want to do when I ran over.

"Venerable Punishment, what's wrong?"

"Sect Master Cang, I want to ask you something, what kind of power and strength is the Beiyuan Demon Cavern there?"

"North Abyss Demon Cave? What did the North Abyss Demon Cave do?"

"Caught someone who shouldn't be caught, Xian Yueyin, the daughter of the Central Palace Master."

Xia Yi said this fact calmly, Cang Taiji's eyes widened in surprise, and then stared at the elders beside him for a long, long time. Xia Yi didn't see any complications in their eyes, almost all of them were exposed. Joyful.

"We can provide a part of the combat power to help you go to Punish the Venerable before the immortal army arrives!"

"I will immediately contact other righteous allies to go to the Beiyuan Devil's Cave."

"Venerable Punishment, please wait a moment, Beiyuan Demon Cave will definitely pay the price!"

The Xuanji Sect's senior officials seemed to be very happy. This also made Xia Yi know what kind of power the Beiyuan Demon Cave was. Most of it was the largest demon power in the vastness and belonged to the enemies of the world. The hand of the fairy clan was easily removed.

"Don't bother you guys, I can go there alone. It's not a big deal at first. What is the cultivation base of the strongest person in Beiyuan Devil's Cave, and how many venerables are there?"

For Xia Yi, he only needs to know these two points. The monks under the Holy Sovereign are almost like ants in his eyes. The other party is still the magic way.

Xia Yi was an old decent man, and he didn't know how many demonic monks he had killed when he was still in Tianling. This is Xia Yi's good job.

"Um... Sovereign Punishment, are you sure you want to go alone?"

"Don't worry, no matter how great the danger is, I won't be able to run? Anyway, we are also allies now. It is my sincerity to help allies solve some small internal problems."

Xia Yi smiled at the senior officials of Xuan Ji Sect. This smile was both kind and confident. All the senior officials of Xuan Ji Sect fell into thinking one after another, and finally Cang Taiji spoke slowly.

"The Beiyuan Devil's Cave is the largest cancer in our vastness, and the main problem is not that those evil repairs are very powerful, but the Beiyuan Devil's Cave was where the Great Seal of the Demon Sealed the Heretic God back then, and under the Beiyuan Devil's Cave are sealed the ten origins of the Evil God. one!"


When Xia Yi heard the news, he didn't know what was going on and suddenly laughed. The Evil God of Origin is actually another Evil God of Origin. Should he say that he is lucky, or is it unlucky?

Although the star map of Emperor Feng Mo was given to Bodhi Buddha before, even if there is no star map, Xia Yi can take care of the original evil god.

"Venerable Punishment, what are you laughing at?"

Xia Yi's sudden laugh made everyone in Xuanji Sect be puzzled. Xia Yi shrugged and calmed his breath before smiling and saying:

"I happen to know a special way of attacking the original evil god. Maybe this trip can help my human race. Even if it can’t be killed, it’s not a problem to consume the original evil god’s vitality and let it be sealed for another one hundred thousand years. ."

Xia Yi is sorrowful and can't find a place to improve himself, how can he feel the magic of God's way? It's very simple, there is no simpler way than eating the gods.


After hearing this, Sect Master Xuanji stood up with excitement, but soon he noticed his gaffe and sat down again.

"The reason why our vastness has fallen is that the evil **** is responsible for the evil. Since the seal was loosed about 80,000 years ago, every once in a while the strong must sacrifice themselves to the devil's cave to deal with the **** evil god, but there is still some waste. Used by the Cthulhu, gathered around the Cthulhu's seal to help the Cthulhu, and even thought that he was the founder of the mountain to be the Beiyuan Devil's Cave."

"And in less than ten thousand years, the next person...maybe it is me."

How can Cang Taiji not get excited, if Xia Yi can really solve this problem, it will not only save the vastness, but also save him.

"These guys are really hard to deal with. It may be better to be sealed in no man's land, but the existence of the Great Seal of Demon who can break the seal is not the evil gods, but humans."

The seal of Tianling was basically broken by Tianba. They were all in one word, greed. The Great Sealing Demon was the Emperor Kaitian. If no one was influencing him, his seal could almost be maintained until the sea was dry.

"Hey, people's hearts have changed. In short, if you can solve this problem, Punishment Venerable, we will treat the immortal clan as our guests in the future, and we will advance and retreat together with the immortal clan, and this time we can even accept the distribution of divine stones. !"

"No, that's not necessary. I am helping you from a personal standpoint. It has nothing to do with the immortal clan. If you have to thank you, you can thank me directly. Don't be threatened by the immortal clan as a reason in the future."

"Venerable Punishment... what are you?"

Cang Taiji doesn't understand it now, doesn't it mean that the immortals are very united? Everyone thinks about the realm. Why is this penalty Xianzun so clearly that he doesn't want the entire Xian clan to benefit?

"Think about it in many ways. I have some words that are inconvenient to say. You will understand sooner or later in the future. If there are no outsiders here, I might be able to..."

Xia Yi looked at the main hall of Xuanji Sect, Sect Master Xuanji instantly understood, and several other venerables also nodded one after another, plus Xia Yi's nine sages sealed the main hall with their spiritual thoughts.

Xia Yi stretched his waist and squeezed his neck twice. His hair and pupils changed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the special breath that belonged to the fairy clan faded like a tide.

In the end, he turned into an ordinary, even a somewhat inconspicuous young man, but the moment he saw this young man, Cang Taiji's eyelids were twitching frantically. This is actually the true face of the punishment of the immortal clan Xianzun? How did he get in!

"Tian Ling Tianjun?"

"No, according to Tianling, it should be Tianzun."

"Xia Yi Tianzun... it's you!"

The people of Xuanji Sect were all stupid. Tianling’s battle of Heavenly Sovereign back then was so exciting, even Dao Fa praised Xia Yi and Jing Yi, and all the human realms that could be named got the photo crystal. .

"So I won't say if there are too many. I don't know if you are clear about my deeds in Tianling, but you only need to know a little."

"I'm very professional when it comes to killing demons."


Although Xia Yi was only a junior at the beginning, he could almost rule the roost among the entire Human Race's peers. After all, Tianling is the hometown of an Kaitian Emperor, and the Human Race will still pay attention to it more or less.

And eighty years later, this junior has been respected by the entire human race.

"Non-leakage golden body...Half-step Valkyrie...It's really you!"

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