Cang Taiji didn't doubt Xia Yi's true identity. It was too difficult to become a golden body without leakage, let alone the half-step Martial God above the golden body without leakage. The news that the penalty Xianzun was Xia Yi almost disappeared.

"So you thank me, thank you Xuanhuang, it doesn’t matter, thank the immortal clan, I will misreport a part of the sacred stone mining this time, and I will ignore the 20%. In the future, there may be a chance to beat down the dog, but because I’m not sure if you will. Come, so as a reward for eradicating the Beiyuan Demon Cave and falsely reporting the number of sacred stones, I need the highest mystery of Xuanjizong!"

Xia Yi would not show indifferent kindness, he would help if he helped, but it was normal to have something he deserved.


Cang Taiji didn't expect Xia Yi to speak about the highest inheritance of Xuanji Sect. As the Sect Master, it would be disrespectful to pass the inheritance to outsiders.

"Xia Yi Tianzun, although you are indeed very powerful, your words are already based on the condition that you can successfully kill the evil god, but in fact the evil **** is still alive today."

Just when Cang Taiji hesitated, the other elders spoke.

"We can consider this condition, but it is also after the evil **** is destroyed."

The elders of Xuanjizong offered their conditions, but would Xia Yi believe it? After the Cthulhu is truly destroyed, they will have ghosts. Xia Yi will not believe in honesty, morality, and interests at all. He wants visible interests!

Even the devouring of the evil **** is important to him, but why not get what he can get?

"I don't need to understand your doubts after the Heretic God is destroyed, but it is not necessary at all. The Origin of the Heavenly Spirit Heretic God Great Wilderness has been destroyed by me."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, with a light wave, a large amount of waste dust flew out from Xia Yi's body, covering the sky and the sun, covering the entire hall almost in an instant. Even many venerables were affected by this power, and their vitality was growing. It fades quickly.

"I know, we know, Xia Zun, you will soon have your magical powers!"

The elderly venerables couldn't stand the pain of fading vitality at all, and hurriedly begged Xia Yi to take Huangchen back. Xia Yi smiled. After taking back the main hall, the main hall returned to normal, but all the venerables even Cang Taiji's face was a little pale.

"Who is the evil **** under the Beiyuan Demon Cavern, do you have any records?"

"It's the Cthulhu Da Og."

Cang Taiji obviously knew it better, but he didn't hide it. He took the initiative to inform the true body of the Cthulhu God, the Cthulhu Great Og. There is a record in the enchantment catalog of the Great Demon Sealing Emperor, and it is somewhat similar to the mirage dragon. Thousand, he does not have any gender, turning women into eating men, turning men into swallowing women.

It can even scare others away from their dreams. Many people are scared to death. Like nightmare and mirage dragons, they are all spirit creatures. They are the ancestors of ghosts, the true ghosts and gods. The nightmare left many people in deep torment.

For example, Nightmare and Fear are similar to Da Og, and can create terrifying illusions and nightmares, but Da Og is like their ancestor.

"Da Og? I know, I can deal with it."

Compared with the Great Wilderness, Dawu may be easier to deal with, because let alone Xia Yi, a certain dragon is so hungry that its stomach is grunting, and there is one thing falling between the world and the earth. The most feared thing is ghosts and the like. Mirage!

"Brother Xia, go, let's go, go go go go!"

"There is a record in my dad's Dragon Ball. My dad's dad, that is, my grandfather Long once took a big mouthful, and directly called the wind and rain to dominate the dragon clan. Hurry up, I want it, I want to eat it too!"

In the sea of ​​knowledge, the mirage dragon urged wildly, Xia Yi did not look inside, but Xia Yi knew that if he really looked inside, he was afraid that he would see a waste of waste in his body and the world was slobbering.

"If you can really solve the Great Og... No, you have already solved the Great Wilderness and eliminated harm for the Human Race. Our Xuanji Sect is not such a pedantic force. The highest mystery of our Xuanji Sect will be open to you."

Cang Taiji came to the conclusion after a brief thought. At the level of Xia Yi, one more inheritance and one less inheritance are actually meaningless. What they can do is just icing on the cake. In the future, they may not even have the qualifications for icing on the cake. Eliminate. The original evil god, this is the great merit of the human race.

If it were in ancient times, anyone who saw Xia Yi would bend over to salute.

"Very good judgment. I don't want to conceal it. I am doing some internal destruction in the fairy clan. When can I mix it up? Therefore, I only represent me. Of course, I speak morality, but on the premise that the interests of both parties are balanced, everyone now swears that today’s matter shall not be spread out."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, the senior officials of the Xuanji Sect nodded one after another, then bit their fingers, swearing to the sky, Xia Yi watched them swear and was relieved that they are the most powerful venerables in the realm, and they are both Human spirits will certainly not leak easily.

Besides, Xia Yi is not afraid even if he leaks, he can't die anyway.

"Since the oath has been taken, take me to observe the inheritance."

Xia Yi couldn't wait to see the mysterious accomplishments of Shendao, but the Xuanjizong seniors were not very willing.

"What's wrong?"

"Xia Xia Zun, isn't the central palace lord's daughter still in the Beihai Demon Cave! First ensure her safety, otherwise what should the immortal clan anger us?"

"Oh, you said this, don’t worry, she is smart, and as the daughter of the central palace lord, there must be many ways to save her life. She asked me to save it, which means she just realized that she is in danger. If she Saying that she is going to die indicates that the danger is indeed a bit big. If she starts to leave last words, it means that the situation is a little bit urgent, so she has just asked for help, and there is a lot of time."

Anyway, Xia Yi looks like he doesn't care much, is he really not concerned?

It's really like this. If there is nothing else important, Xia Yi can put Xianyueyin first, but the problem is that now, Xianyueyin will go back a little bit, and she can't die anyway.

"This...that...well, you are the penalty Immortal Venerable, you have the final say."

Cang Taiji no longer called Xia Yi as Xia Zun. After all, Xia Yi had already changed back to his previous appearance at this moment, so they would definitely have to cooperate.

"It's so good!"

The other party didn't want to waste time, Xia Yi was happy. Of course, he didn't want to waste time. The real secret treasure of Xuanjizong, the real inheritance is not a technique or a secret technique, but a treasure.

A door.

Innate gods, the gates of all wonders, in a sense are more cherished than imperial soldiers.


After this, Cang Taiji led the expectant Xia Yi to the secret place of the sect. On the way, Xia Yi received a message again, which was sent by Xian Yueyin.

"Quick rescue! Quick rescue!"

She seemed to cherish the words like gold, and didn't say much at all, just to let Xia Yi save it quickly. She could say these words to indicate that it was mostly okay, so Xia Yi also simply replied a few words.

"I'm coming."

"I'm already on the road."

"It's almost here."

After replying, Xian Yueyin didn't send any further information to Xia Yi. She didn't even know that she was letting pigeons off by a man for the first time in her life, or in such an emergency situation, which shows that Xia Yi's scum has reached its peak.

But this can be regarded as proof that Xia Yi trusted her, told her to run around, make her curious, and not to be bullied by others. Would you really think that the world is peaceful? When the time comes, she will definitely make her cry and thank herself.

The vast world is not as well-known in the human race as the other great worlds, because the vastness can be regarded as a peace-loving realm. It is even a little self-styled and doesn't like to communicate with other realms very much. Generally, it is a bit exclusive, even Xia Yi is not long ago. Only before did I know that apart from Taoism, there is still a vast world called vast.

"Xia Xia Zun, in fact, I am extremely curious, and that is how you eliminated the great wilderness. This is a major issue for my human race. If you can make the method public, it will be a good thing for the whole human race."

On the way, Cang Taiji also tried to learn about Xia Yi’s method of destroying the Great Wilderness. Xia Yi smiled helplessly in his heart. Yes, it is indeed a good thing. Unfortunately, that method is destined to be used a second time, even Xia Yi himself. Knowing how many breaths are left this time.

"The first fire has been handed down, humane magic, I would like to burn my body to shine in the sky."

"This...then you..."

"you know?"

"Three Kaitian emperors, three kinds of humanistic techniques, these are the methods of Emperor Wu, but how did you survive? Or do you really want to become Emperor Wu before you can use Emperor Wu skills?"

Cang Taiji thought that he could use Yaocangtian and not die if he had to achieve a flawless golden body. Xia Yi didn't answer, but shook his head silently.

"It's hard to survive without leakage, and I just have some special methods of my own."

Xia Yi didn't say clearly that Cang Taiji wouldn't be stupid enough to keep asking, but Xia Yi's ability to obtain the legendary martial arts skill from the first fire has more or less explained that Xia Yi's disposition was recognized even by Emperor Kaitian.

That Xuanjizong would be fine even if it was given all the inheritance.

The road was not very long. Cang Taiji and Xia Yi quickly walked into a wide tunnel. The deepest part of the tunnel was only a rough huge stone gate, which was nearly 100 meters high. The cave was almost hollowed out. There are no depictions on the mountains and the stone gates. At first glance, they are just empty gate-shaped stones.

"This is the gate of all wonders?"

"Yes, it is said that different people have different forms in the eyes of different people. In my eyes, it is a bright bronze gate with the five elements of sanke carved on it."

"Do you practice the Five Elements?"


"I know the Five Elements God Body."

After hesitating for a while, Xia Yi said this, but Cang Taiji was not surprised.

"Qin Hong of Tianling, right? I've inquired, our Xuanji Sect is not majoring in the five elements, but I am practicing the five elements, so what does the gate of all wonders look like in your eyes."

"Rotten stone."

Xia Yi answered like this, which made Cang Taiji deeply puzzled.

"How is it possible? Only a mortal sees it as a stone. Even a talented mortal can more or less see the shadow of all wonders. Are you not an innate Taoist body? Then you can even see all the wonders. The truth of the door!"

Cang Taiji was a little unwilling to believe it. Xia Yi stepped forward and touched Shimen, and then let out his spiritual perception, still feeling nothing.

"You know that I am a congenital Taoist body, and you should also know that I have the shackles of the Great Dao, don't you wonder how I broke it?"

"How to get rid of it?"

"Self-destruct Taoism."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, Cang Taiji seemed very surprised, because Xia Yi spoke in an extremely plain tone that shocked everyone in the world. The Eucharist that everyone dreams of, Xia Yi actually destroyed himself.

"Even if you go astray for a while, it would be too irrational to destroy the Taoism."

"Forked road? Oh, that's my way, Dao body? The stone that blocks the way, it won't break or stand!"

Xia Yi didn't have any nostalgia for the Innate Dao Body, because he knew that it was the trap of reincarnation, and it was the thing that should be abandoned most.

"That wonderful door may be useless to you, after all, it is just a rotten stone door in your eyes."

"No, you mentioned a sentence before that made me very concerned. You mentioned the truth of the Gates of All Wonders. In fact, don't you already know the most real Gates of All Wonders?"


Cang Taiji didn't understand very much. Xia Yi smiled and put his hands on the door, and then pushed slightly, Shimen made a dull trembling sound, and the door was a world full of white light.

"This... this can be pushed away? Isn't it all innocent!"

"Why is there no way and no way? The gates of many wonderful people are ever-changing, and different people manifest different ways, but why is it only a stone gate in the eyes of mortals? Does this mean that the real posture of the many wonderful people is a stone gate?"

"Go through the door and re-enter the Dao, rather than being determined before entering the door. This door is very strange and seems to be able to imitate everything. I have seen something called the Illusion Stone, but it is not the same as the Illusion Dao. The stone is completely different, how did it come about?"

"Oh, true mystery, mystery and mystery, the door of all mysteries."

Xia Yi pushed open the stone gate in Cang Taiji’s unbelievable eyes. In Cang Taiji’s eyes, there was a mountain wall behind the stone gate. After all, he didn’t push it away personally. He couldn’t see anything, but Xia Yi’s eyes sparkled. Strange brilliance.

As he stepped forward, the space in front of Xia Yi waved like water, and the light waves wiped out Xia Yi's figure in an instant, and the door slowly closed, leaving Cang Taiji stunned outside the door.

Many people can't push open even if they can see it, maybe they just push open a bit, peeking into the mystery in the door crack is enough to achieve extraordinary, and since the door of the many wonders existed in Xuanji Sect, many people pushed open. , But there is almost no one that can enter it.

There are only a handful of existences that have not even left their names in the records. They have pushed away and entered. It is not that their names have not been recorded, but their names have been changed into a kind of name, and their real names are unknown.

Emperor Xuan.

Azure Dragon Demon Emperor.


That's right, if the existence that opened the door in the record, if it were to become the emperor without dying, Cang Taiji was stunned for a long, long time before he breathed out. He suddenly became a little excited. He felt that he seemed to be a witness of an era. He took out one. This book, and took out a pen to record on it.

The Dao Fa calendar is seven hundred and thirty-two thousand and five hundred and sixty-four years.

Xuan Huang Xia Yi, after the Emperor Jie, opened the door and entered. He deliberately left blanks beside the four words, so that he could modify it later. Erase the name and replace it with a unique title. Records, the original name has also been erased.


In the door of all wonders.

Xia Yi lived in a dark world, there was nothing here, nothing, nothing.

Except for Xia Yi himself, there is not even a trace of other colors or aura. It is hard to imagine that this is an innate divine treasure with infinite mysteries. It is a strange thing born under the influence of various coincidences and inevitables.

The Gates of All Wonders may be as rare as the original wonders, and the entire starry sky may not be able to find a few of the same things.

But Xia Yi didn't know what he should do at this time. There was nothing worthy of his attention in this pitch-black and innocent world. Xia Yi immediately thought whether the world would move according to his own thoughts, so Started to practice, but it also felt exactly the same as outside cultivation.

Obviously, when Xia Yi opened the door before, what Xia Yi saw was a white and bright place, and then after entering it, it was a dark place. This is what Xia Yi thought deeply. Only the light can be seen outside the door, but there is nothing in the door. Light.

Although Xia Yi does not have the innate Taoist body now, he can cultivate to this realm, and his vision and vision are destined to be impossible. Since this is an innate **** treasure that can help students inspire and enlighten all phenomena, the essence of all phenomena is actually well understood. .

Xia Yi needs a phenomenon. In the Gate of All Wonders, any phenomenon may be allowed to be manifested, because there is nothing in it, so it can have everything. From the outside, it is pure black and pure white from the inside and from the inside. The two colors of Yin and Yang, this alone directly made Xia Yi think of a lot.


If you are a **** at this moment, then first of all...

"I said, there must be light."

After that, using Xia Yi's body as the origin, the dark world lit up in an instant, and it was filled with everything in an instant. The pure black world became pure white, but there was still nothing left.

"All the materials that make up the starry sky were gathered together in the same way at first, that's the Tao."

Xia Yi pointed out in front of him, the pure white world had darkness again, and a small black ball kept spinning in front of Xia Yi.

"Maybe my understanding is also wrong...maybe it's not a phenomenon, but an image."

Xia Yi didn't have any specific impression of Chaos in his mind. It was entirely Xia Yi's personal guess, but the Gates of All Wonders still reacted, indicating that all the Gates of All Wonders manifested are images.

But imagery is also the most important first step in the realm of the gods. When the first **** is, it is the opening of the spirit of all things. This opening of the spirit also refers to the wisdom of the gods, the image of the gods, if you can fully understand a certain phenomenon All the truths can be manifested in one's own image, and even cover the existing phenomenon.

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