"No, there is still something wrong. Is it possible that the Divine Realm is no longer instructing Dao Power to do what, but to rewrite, to cover, to rewrite reality with images?"

Perhaps this is true of the God Realm, because all kinds of records about the Shinto path have shown that once a monk becomes a god, he will possess incredible power. If the saint is only a transcendent existence, then the **** is completely above all things.

"Dao Sheng Yi!"

Xia Yi seemed to have thought of something. He immediately pointed to the small black ball in front of him. The moment the small black ball was broken, a large amount of dark unknown matter began to expand, and pure white and pitch black were intertwined, until the space around Xia Yi became Some kind of inexplicable form.

There is white in black, and black in white, slowly becoming indifferent to each other, but still lifeless, and the boundary between black and white is extremely clear.

"Two in a lifetime."

The white parts immediately became active, no longer embellishments like the background. They became free spots of light, entangled and annihilated with some invisible dark spots. In the process, there were many that were not completely annihilated. The material, they repeatedly destroyed and reborn, resulting in endless changes.

"Two begets three."

The constantly changing matter constitutes all the most basic things nowadays. The five elements appear, and all kinds of matter begin to aggregate according to certain rules, until an infinite number of light spots are formed, and there are more or less around the stabilized light spots. Fine dust.

The dust revolves around the light spot, and the dust is illuminated by the light spot and turned into a series of free objects. This chain of free objects is attracted by the polymerized black spheres and becomes a light emitting atmosphere. Slowly spinning around the black sphere.

"Three begets everything."

At this moment in the gates of all wonders is like a miniature starry sky, even with rules to a certain degree. Xia Yi feels the existence of vitality. In order to enable him to realize the so-called "image," Xia Yi feels that kind of Rewrite the rules according to your own ideas.

How can it be more like a real starry sky?

Xia Yi didn’t know, because Xia Yi had never really understood the starry sky. Xia Yi could only do his best to make this miniature starry sky more like reality based on his own understanding. Some disobedient free matter would This feeling annoyed Xia Yi by repeatedly preventing the existence of real living things.


It's just a thought. The things that were originally born here no longer exist. They seem to be smooth together, but they are needed in the subsequent evolution. Xia Yi had no choice but to add it, but once the rules were added, it was messed up again, Xia Yi I was very annoyed to continue to fine-tune the rules, but after all, this is only his imagery, maybe it is strange that it can really produce spirit.

So what are those creatures? chaos? Too early? Or is it primitive?

After all, it was also the first batch born under his rules...


Xia Yi didn't know why, but suddenly felt an indescribable depression. After all, what is a great way? The principle of letting everything run according to certain rules, otherwise everything will not exist. Beyond this endless starry sky, isn't it a bigger door to all the wonders?

But this kind of theory Xia Yi also thought about it, because everything in the outside world is real, and everything in the gates of the wonders is false. It is his image. He takes the initiative to imitate all these images, which will produce this feeling. Not surprisingly, the starry sky today is almost impossible to be created deliberately by intelligent beings.

Because this starry sky still has too many imperfections, if Xia Yi is the avenue, from the perspective of the avenue, the first creature that should not appear is the acquired creature, and the acquired creature is the existence that breaks the original balance.

Of course, this is how Xia Yi feels like this. After all, he has never really understood the starry sky, and there are more people who have put forward this theory. Modern Xuanhuang has this theory, and the realm of comprehension has the saying that there is a starry sky. .

Some people feel that they are all living in a great existence that cannot be described. This endless starry sky is the world within him.

twenty one

After that, Xia Yi repeatedly allowed the image to repeat its destruction and rebirth, but it has been unable to simulate the idea. After all, the prerequisite for rewriting is to know everything to be rewritten and to have omnipotence.

The gates of all wonders gave the image the almighty power. However, Xia Yi has not yet fully understood, and the experiments have been without results. This has not discouraged Xia Yi, but Xia Yi likes this feeling of exploration and experimentation very much.

The curiosity of the unknown is one of the roots of the acquired creatures. Xia Yi is no exception. In the end, he set his goals smaller and smaller, and finally stopped wasting time simulating the starry sky. It was no longer the realm of gods. After that, he began to simulate his own death repeatedly.

Allowing oneself to reincarnate in death and rebirth is easy to do. It is like self-suggestion and self-anaesthesia, but it feels very real. After all, Xia Yi has really died, and has died more than once.

In order to better understand death, he even imagined that he had become a mortal, fell into the water and drowned, trapped in a sea of ​​flames, burned to death, died of serious illness, died of old age, even unable to breathe to death.

At the moment when the connection was disconnected before death, that was what Xia Yi was looking for. It was an elephant, a death elephant. In order to understand the death of all things, Xia Yi first had to die thousands of times.

Turning into vegetation and withering, turning into flying insects and falling, or being caught by birds and beasts, is also the end of life.

He made vegetation, was eaten by insects and withered, he turned insects, was caught by birds and beasts, he turned birds and beasts, and was killed by more powerful creatures. The more powerful creatures could not resist time, and finally ushered in destined demise, he Once again, the spirit of the powerful existence decomposed into the soil and grew into new vegetation.

Death is the cycle of life, and life is the cycle of death. Life and death are only one thing, and they change with nature. If the two blur the boundaries, it is a rebellion. Life is a life, death is a life, and life and death are another life. .

He has three lives, so he was able to meddle three times before, three times without death, three deaths, deaths and deaths, soul burials and deaths, deaths and deaths. He has been close to the truth of life and death countless times in the past, but because of his lack of realm, he couldn't understand it. The moment he returned from the dark, he had already got the biggest hint.

Because he returned from life and death, he had been detached, but he had forgotten.

The things that can be felt in the Gate of All Wonders slowly reached a limit. Other Dao Xia Yi did not achieve much, so he stopped trying. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and pushed forward with his hands heavily. The feeling of opening something, and then stepping out, is already outside the door of the public.

"Xia Xia Zun, will this trip be rewarding?"

Outside the door, Cang Taiji watched as the door was pushed open. Xia Yi's figure reappeared like ripples. It was also quite curious to gain the reward of entering the Gate of All Wonders. Xia Yi thought for a while and nodded.

"One thing, the Gates of All Wonders is really wonderful, but the requirements for monks are too high. Unless you can fully understand a certain path, it will be all-match if you enter."

"Is it possible to cultivate a certain path to great success? This seems to be a bit difficult for many people, and it is not possible for anyone to reach the summit around a point."

"Dacheng? Dacheng is not enough. I have to know the truth of a certain Dao. This time I only understood half of the Dao I practiced. The other half didn’t know where to start. It’s funny to say that as a living person, I But I don’t know what birth is."

Xia Yi understood the phenomenon of death, but did not know the phenomenon of life. Naturally, he could not achieve the phenomenon of life and death, but it was not easy to be able to form an image. Xia Yi once moved, respected, and pityed all life.

He once naively thought that no one is worthy of death, so he might be able to understand life, his original intention may not change, but because his hands are stained with too much blood, no matter how much blood he wants to return, it is just hypocrisy. , A slaughter, life-long bad.

He has never been able to return to the state of mind in the past. He can only rely on other methods to try to understand the life phenomenon. Of course, this is not anxious. After all, even if he only understands the death phenomenon, it is a complete phenomenon. Xia Yi still has it. The ability to become a god.

The **** who manipulates the death elephant, the **** of death.

"Uh...sheng? I think that the meaning of living is to live. Each of us is living for a better life."

"This life is not another life, you and I are different."

"Yes, let Xia Zun laugh at you."

Cang Taiji didn't think about this problem seriously, he at least casually said that if it succeeded, it was a blind cat and a dead mouse. Failure to succeed was also extremely normal.

"It's fine, you just call me by name, you respect me, I am happy, but Tianzun's name always makes me feel weird."

Even if Xia Yi is worthy of the word Tianzun, Xia Yi is accustomed to acting casually, and being respected is really not used to it.

"Well, Daoist Xia Yi, are you now ready to go to the Beiyuan Devil's Cave? Let me confirm again, you really don't need any help?"

"No, it's really dangerous and hinders me to escape. You should know which Sect Master I was when I was in Tianling."


Cang Taiji lowered his head and smiled. It's true that there are not many people who can keep Xia Yi now in the entire Human Race.

"So... goodbye!"

The voice was still reverberating in his ears, but Xia Yi had already disappeared. This speed was indeed amazing. Cang Taiji looked back at the door of the many wonders. Xia Yi's statement gave him a hint of inspiration. He has always been in order to maintain the balance of the five elements. It is to comprehend the five elements simultaneously, but that is too difficult.

Perhaps until death, he will not be able to fully understand it. He should try to reach the top in one first, and then consider the other four elements. If he can consummate the five elements into a god, he may become one of the strongest in the human race.

It is a pity that there is no **** in this world, even Xia Yi may not be able to break through this bondage.

The vast world, the outer starry sky.

Xia Yi rushed straight to the starry sky. This was the fastest speed. Xia Yi's current speed was completely unable to capture the figure. There was no light and shadow. There would only be a breeze.

In less than two hours, Xia Yi came to the so-called Beiyuan Devil's Cave. This devil's cave is completely a huge tiankeng. In a barren barren mountain, the mountains are empty, and the pit is bottomless. There are many large formations densely set up nearby, and the nearby wasteland should be within the scope of the magic cave.

The surroundings were silent, and there were no human figures, only the Tiankeng Devil Cave that resembled a big mouth of blood. Xia Yi thought about it a little bit and didn't intend to get in cautiously. A group of evil demons who rely on the power of the evil gods to be fierce can still be powerful. Where to go?

Even with ten thousand enemies and one hundred thousand enemies, Xia Yi did not feel any pressure. He was not targeting demons, but they were indeed rubbish.

twenty two

Xia Yi stared at the bottom of the magic cave and took out the message jade slip to ask where Xianyueyin was, but Xianyueyin did not reply. Could it be that he has already been arrested? However, Xia Yi was still not very worried. As far as Xian Yueyin's beauty was concerned, even if he was captured, it might not be available to those anxious little monks.

It stands to reason that it must be the big figures of the Demon Cave who start first, and then give it to his subordinates when they are tired of playing. Xia Yi still has a little understanding in this regard. After all, he was treated like this in the Demon Sect of Destiny, and those big people like to do something. Sentiment, more time.


Thinking of bad memories, Xia Yi feels a little uncomfortable. It is simply a stain in life. Although it must be admitted that he was comfortable at the beginning, it is completely **** in the back. What fool said that he would die under the peony flower and be a ghost. , Romantic fart.

Because Xianyueyin couldn't be reached anymore, Xia Yi didn't continue to waste time, running the blood in his body and rushing into the Demon Cavern. The large formations set up at the entrance of the Demon Cave immediately responded, the defensive formation activated, and the attacking formation was activated. Also began to gather the air of heaven and earth to attack the invaders.

Xia Yi ignored the strong demonic energy that attacked him. It was just some evil spirits, and there was no threat at all. As for those defending?

"Open heaven!"

Clenched fists, without using any spells, just rushed with the force of opening the sky, the precise defense is a small world, at any rate, but it fell apart under Xia Yi's punch, and the corner of the formation and the entrance of the cave are all in Xia Yi. Collapsed under the punch.

The collapse of the earth made waves of low and loud noises, which would undoubtedly shock the entire Demon Cavern, but Xia Yi didn't care, he did have the ability to force any force in the vastness.

There are still no people in the dark pit, but Xia Yi knows that all the magic repairs are at the bottom of the pit. This pit is just a passage. The space at the bottom should be very large. It can be said that there is a hidden universe, Xia Yi Before reaching the bottom of the earth, demonic cultivators flew out to observe the situation. Many demonic cultivators hadn't even seen Xia Yi, so they were directly exploded by a punch ignoring the distance of space.

At the bottom of the devil’s cave, a demon cultivator suddenly noticed that some warm liquid dripped on his face, and there was also their most sensitive **** smell. The sky was raining blood, and the masters in the devil’s cave immediately gathered other people and stared at them. Looking at the big hole in their heads, they didn't know what happened, could it be a vast army of righteous ways?

After all, to make such a big battle directly, it is simply for fear that they did not know that someone had invaded, and no one would be stupid enough to break into the devil's den without strength.

However, soon, they waited for the invader, he was just a person, with a strange blond hair, and a powerful aura that made it difficult for the monks under the holy emperor to produce even a little resistance.

"You should have caught a woman with the same hair color as me, where is she?"

Xia Yi glanced at these demon cultivators, and there were only two first-order holy ones. It seems that the real powerhouse of the demon cave has not come yet, are they eager to enjoy the fairy yin, but after waiting for a while, no one answered. No one even dared to move.

The demonic cultivators present are all aware of one thing. They may not be able to hurt the strong in front of them even if they die. The opponent is an absolute strong, and can dominate the world in small and medium realms. Even in large realms, it is enough to become a party. overlord.

"Don't tell me?"

Xia Yi casually stretched out his hand at a demon cultivator and grabbed it. The space around the demon cultivator was immediately distorted. After reappearing, his neck was already held by Xia Yi. Xia Yi directly searched for his soul and found that this guy didn't know much, but Xianyueyin did come to the Demon Cave not long ago. Although she tried her best to resist and almost succeeded in fleeing, she was finally caught back.

But where did Xian Yueyin go after that, he didn't know.

After getting the news he wanted, Xia Yi threw away the magic repair. His body was corroded by some kind of black fly ash in the air, and it dissipated before landing, leaving only one piece of clothing.

"I don't want to waste time, where is she? I will ask one last time."

Xia Yi glanced at the nearby magic cultivators again. These magic cultivators did not speak or escape, but it was not that they did not want to escape, but that they were unable to escape. Burst.

"Huh... Forget it, I'll find it myself."

When Xia Yi thought, the black ash invaded the demons and swept away in the dark space. After ten breaths, there were only two sages left for the thousands of demons to stand, but they were already dead soon. , There were a lot of wind and noise around it, and it seemed that the large forces of Demon Repair were gathering here.

Xia Yi blessed his infinite strength with his open heavenly power, and punched two fists like a dog, directly beating the two weak saints to death, and then completely annihilated their spirits with black ash.

It is difficult to become a deity, even if it is magical cultivation, thousands of years of hard cultivation have been ruined in just a few minutes.

"court death!!"

There was a voice coming from Xia Yi at this time, an angry roar. Xia Yi knew that the demonic cultivator was coming, and he easily killed the two venerables in front of them, which undoubtedly trampled the demons. The dignity of the cultivators, but it was not a strong person who rushed to Xia Yi, but a venerable fourth-order god.

The demonic energy around Mo Xiu was rolling, and the powerful evil thoughts seemed to affect people's reason. His roar was accompanied by the howling of ghosts and wolves, but Xia Yi's spiritual platform was extremely clear. What Xia Yi was most afraid of was the magic way.

There is no fear in the heart, no illusion in the eyes.

Randomly took out a treasure knife from the storage ring, the scarlet karma fire flashed in Xia Yi's eyes, and then cut it down with a single knife. Only the red light of the strange knife flashed, and the blade did not touch the demon.

The vitality in that Demon Venerable's body suddenly faded. Has he ever seen such a method? Astonished as soon as he was about to retreat, Xia Yi followed the initiative and went on a fierce attack, all of which were ways to kill his vitality. He was chased and beaten up close by the half-step martial god, even Tier 4 Venerable. Can devote all energy to defense.

In the end, Xia Yi gave him a punch to retreat, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and was directly knocked to the ground from mid-air, while Xia Yi also slowly fell to the ground, looking at the other demons around him.

"I saw your dead elephants."

"So you can die."

After that, Xia Yi suddenly raised a hand. Everyone felt cold behind them, and saw a dark shadow coming out of them. The dark shadow seemed to be them, the dark shadow coming out of his body or pinching. Holding his neck or pinching his own heart, there were also black shadows holding weapons that made beheading movements, but many people can still suppress those shadows through resistance.

The worst thing is that Tier 4 saint, no matter how he resists, how he tries to disperse the black shadow born from his body, he can't do it!

twenty three

Xia Yi was the Ming, was Shura, died, and escaped the ghost of infinite time. Xia Yi defeated death and was not afraid of death. Therefore, he can control death, and people have the desire to survive, and the desire to survive can be done in many cases. Conquering death, but facing Xia Yi is different.

Because the desire to live is not facing the crisis of death. The crisis can be overcome. The desire to live is facing death with self-consciousness. The desire to survive is the strongest self-awareness. Even those who lose everything will be in the end. The last attempt to seize the life-saving straw.

But death may give them a chance, but the death named Xia Yi will not.

The fourth-order Venerable may be a person who uses rare weapons. His black shadow is very tall, as if a black shadow giant appeared behind him. The black shadow giant has a vague figure and is holding a huge black sickle. Ying held the sickle high above his head, and some unspeakable fear filled everyone's heart.

That is the fear of irreversible death, and can only accept the fear of death and fate.

Xia Yi knew at this time. Compared with those little demon repairs, the death phenomenon of this fourth-order Venerable was obviously more obvious. It was no longer a death elephant, but a mortal elephant. Xia Yi was frantically killing his vitality before. At this moment, his vitality is weak, his body is dead, and he is already a dying person, but the vitality of the venerable is so terrible, as long as he is not completely killed, he will be able to make a comeback.

Unfortunately, death will let him go, but Xia Yi will not.

"Tell you good news."

"You... are dead."

Xia Yi put down his high hand. Anyone who had not had time to expel the dark shadow instantly turned gloomy. The dark shadow squeezed their hearts and died together with their spirits, or cruelly pinched their necks, through The flesh strangled their souls.

The demons fell in pieces, and those who were killed by the shadows had no chance to regenerate, and their souls were all wiped out.

In the end, it was the turn of the fourth-order Venerable. He was still taking the pill crazily, and his vitality made the shadow fade a little, but after all, it was too late to save his own life.

The huge black shadow cut down cleanly with a sickle, taking away the last glitz of life. There are many things flying out from the surface of the fourth-order statue, like blood, but it is not blood, but there is no doubt that he is dead. , Died without any resistance.

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