Perhaps the super strong desire to survive can resist the death elephant, but Xia Yi has been injured to this extent, and it is in vain to resist. This is a slashing technique that is better than the three slashes of death, as long as the opponent is injured enough. , Xia Yi can take away the opponent directly by showing a dead elephant.

In fact, the Three Slashes of Undead may be an immature death elephant. The current death elephant hasn't come to fruition, but Xia Yi is also quite happy. With such a method, how about encountering opponents with strong vitality in the future?

You only need to attack and kill the opponent to the point of dying, and death seems to appear, death!

As for those who conquered death, they were not really conquered to be precise, they just conquered the fear of death, because they didn’t have any injuries on their bodies, and they could survive if they conquered the fear, but once they were seriously injured and dying, the result would be the same. The same as the Lord.

How to resist is futile.

Xia Yi looked at the people who had survived. They were frightened, and they were finally left behind. Before they had time to be happy, they were caught by Xia Yi again.

However, Xia Yi only took a look at them and then withdrew his gaze. They thought that Xia Yi had let them go, but the fallen corpses turned into countless black ashes and swept towards them.

Xia Yi came to the corpse of the fourth-order sage, picked up the storage ring and looked into it. As expected, the opponent's weapon was a scythe. What Xia Yi had predicted was that the scythe was still a magic weapon. It's a pity. Useless for Xia Yi.

Although the sickle may be handsome to use, it is not a little poor in practicality, so almost no one will use it as their own weapon. It can be said that there are very few people who use strange weapons. In addition to the sickle, there are also epees and flywheels. All of them belong to the auspicious soldiers and require special inheritance.

"It's okay to use it as a toy."

However, Xia Yi held it in his hand and played a few times. The hideous appearance of the magic sickle was still very scary. Xia Yi held the sickle and headed towards the depths of the devil's cave. He had made such a big battle. Xia Yi didn't believe in this devil's cave. If the strongest didn't come to stop him, he really didn't care about anything for the sake of a close friend Fangze?

In fact, of course this is not the case. As Xia Yi deepens, a person is waiting for Xia Yi outside a beautiful crystal cave at the bottom of the demon cave. The seal left on the outside of the crystal cave is definitely the emperor's seal. The handwriting, but it has been destroyed so horribly, a powerful magical mind constantly invades Xia Yi Zhihai, just like the whispers of a devil.

Xia Yi didn't respond to this demonic thought. He had nothing to say with the evil god, but this evil **** shouldn't be caught by him.

"The idiot under my hand caught a stunning beauty not long ago, but he did not expect to attract you such a peerless enemy. I will pay you back. I will kill so many of us and I will be relieved. How are we even?"

The opponent turned his back to Xia Yi and didn't say anything cruel. Instead, he wanted to seek peace. Xia Yi naturally understood the opponent's meaning, because the combat power he showed could completely upset this magic cave.

"Of course, where is the person?"

"Here, my disciple is taking care of her, and the mastermind is my stupid disciple. You can kill him to relieve your anger."

The person with his back to Xia Yi stretched out his finger to a small passage on the right.

"It's your disciple anyway, so you treat him like that?"

"The immortal clan is so obvious that he dares to commit crimes even after he recognizes it. He is more than guilty. He has already harmed many people. Even if you don't kill him, I will kill him after you leave."

"All right, you better not lie to me."

Xia Yi nodded, and walked towards the path pointed out by the other party. Xia Yi was not afraid of encounters and ambushes. He was a master of art and bold.

"Even if I lie to you, what's the point, I understand the gap between us, but you, I hope you won't be nosy after you find that woman, otherwise don't blame me for not warning you."

The real owner of the Demon Cave did not want to conflict with Xia Yi anymore. With the cruelty of the Demon Dao, he could still swallow so many slaughtered people. It can be seen that the owner of the Demon Cave had already tolerated Xia Yi very much.

But the main purpose of Xia Yi's coming to the Devil's Cave is the evil god, Xianyueyin...

On the contrary, she is secondary, can Xianyueyin make herself stronger if she is beautiful? can not!

But no matter how ugly the Heretic God is, even if it is a puddle of shit, as long as it can make himself stronger, that is what Xia Yi likes. The higher the realm, the more exaggerated the pursuit of strength, and Xia Yi is no exception.

twenty four

In the depths of the prison, Xia Yi found many poor people who had been tortured into an inhuman form when passing by. Xia Yi did not rescue them, but chose to kill them conveniently.

This is not Xia Yi's cruelty, but that those poor people have no cure, and the physical injuries are okay, but they are already insane, some of them are half evil and half human, and they have long lost human emotion and rationality. It's just an empty humanoid monster.

Obviously, the vast number of evil cultivators are also doing experiments to create evil things. The dungeon is very large, and the poor people are sorrowful. After a long time, I haven’t seen a few who can still maintain their sense. If there are, Xia Yi is not. Mind saving their lives, but if not, Xia Yi can only help them out.

Coming all the way to the deepest part of the prison, Xian Yueyin was imprisoned as a venerable person, and the overflowing evil thoughts could seriously affect the fighting power of the monks, which was an increase for Xie Xiu.

Soon, Xia Yi felt the breath of Xianyueyin. Her breath was still strong, and she should not have been seriously injured. Xia Yi followed the breath and found that Xianyueyin was locked in a room, and her devilish aura continued. He tried to invade her, but she was surrounded by a light like body guard, it should be some kind of body guard.

"Tell me, how did you get tied here?"

After Xia Yi came to the door of the cell, he directly ignored the other person in front of Xian Yueyin. The guy's body shook when he heard Xia Yi's voice. He was actually cultivating, and was immediately awakened by Xia Yi from his cultivation state.

"You finally came..."

Xianyueyin's brow twitched twice. She didn't know how long ago she asked Xia Yi for help. As a result, he only came here. He simply didn't worry about his safety, but carefully considered that he and the other party were not relatives, and even Or the enemy, why should the other party care about themselves? If it weren't for being able to explain in front of her father, this guy would have liked to be killed himself.

He also said that he was reluctant to hurt himself, and none of the man’s words were credible!

"It's OK if you come."

After that, Xia Yi kicked open the prison door. The magic repair in front of Xian Yueyin was very surprised. The ability to hold the Venerable here shows that the materials used to build the prison door are very good, but Xia Yi actually kicked him. The iron gate, which exudes pitch-black luster, was sunken, and its periphery was torn apart, which was obviously an extremely terrifying force that had been endured in a flash.

"Can you deal with these evil spirits?"


Xia Yi smiled slightly, opened his mouth and inhaled directly. In the eyes of the demon cultivator who did not know whether it was surprised or unbelievable, the devil qi was completely scared. If it were also the demon cultivator, it would naturally refine the evil spirits. Qi, but no matter how you look at the other party’s blonde hair, it’s a member of the immortal tribe. There will be demonic monks among the immortal tribe?

Seeing that the demon energy that trapped her disappeared, Xian Yueyin finally sighed in peace of mind. The body guard divine light around him slowly dissipated. After the danger was lifted, Xian Yueyin walked towards Xia Yi, Xia Yi opened his arms and smiled. Looking at Xianyueyin, but Xianyueyin did not hug it, and even his eyes were a bit disgusting.

"What are you doing? Hands down."

"Ah? Shouldn't you cry in my arms at this time and say you are scared?"

"Unfortunately I am not very scared."

"Tsk, it's early."

Xia Yi smacked her lips, and Xian Yueyin was speechless. No one of the powerful venerables she knew was highly respected, and his behavior all revealed his steadiness, while Xia Yi was a stable, very stable and stubborn.

"Leave as soon as it's okay. It's very uncomfortable to stay in this place."

"What about this guy? How to deal with it?"

Xia Yi pointed to the demon cultivator, who shrank his neck in an instant, and looked a little scared. Xian Yueyin glanced at him, and there was no emotion or killing intent in his eyes.

"Ignore it."

"You want to spare him?"

"In the final analysis, it was because I killed him. Knowing his purpose, I didn't tell him my identity, let alone tell him that I still have a supervisor like you. I was curious about what he said if I didn't go with him. , How would he kill all my relatives."

"Fart, even if this guy is a pig brain, he knows that immortals are not something he can touch!"

"I used the technique of change to hide my identity as a member of the immortal clan. After all, my characteristics are too obvious. I only revealed my true identity after being caught. However, it was too late. I really did not expect their power. It's pretty strong."

Xian Yueyin's remarks were completely confident and unfettered. In fact, there are a lot of bad water hidden under her seemingly indifferent character. She likes to fool people even more, and she has the reputation of observing people's hearts.

"I beg you not to ask me something, I don't want to be troubled by your father now, and I will put you in confinement directly next time."

Xia Yi almost understood Xianyueyin’s thoughts. To put it bluntly, Xianyueyin wanted to experience pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but he didn’t expect to kick the iron plate the first time. Too lazy to understand it carefully.

"The immortal clan was not able to experience it. I finally left the immortal clan. I think it should be right to experience it."

"Yes, but you are causing me trouble, understand?"


Xian Yueyin was unhappy and turned his head and did not look at Xia Yi, but Xia Yi looked at the murderous intent of the evil monk. The evil monk instantly looked at Xian Yueyin and knelt down and begged for mercy, nothing more than saying no more Dare, beg for mercy and so on.

And Xianyueyin's attitude...

Naturally, it was not beyond Xia Yi's expectations.

"Hurry up, he can kill or not kill for you, and you don't have a big enemy, but because of me, because of you, many people have died in this devil's den, right?"

"Two Tier 1 and one Tier 4 are dead. The other holy kings and holy emperors add up to a few dozen. The holy ones have died hundreds of them. I don't bother to remember the ants under the holy ones."

Xia Yi said astonishing words in a very plain tone. He killed so many powerful people in the Demon Cave in a short time. The evil monk who knelt down and begged for mercy only felt his heart twitch.

"I killed them..."

"They deserve to die. It doesn't matter if they die in anyone's hands. I really don't understand you, and I will pity these demons."

"Many of them were forced to go this way, including this guy, who was tortured by his master since he was a child, so it is pitiful."

"Wouldn't it be better to give them a good time?"

After Xia Yi finished speaking, Xianyueyin had nothing to say. Xia Yi was actually right, but Xianyueyin couldn't bear to do so.

"Okay, leave quickly, I have something to deal with after you leave."

After that, Xia Yi slashed the demonic monk with a knife. Xian Yueyin glared at Xia Yi, and the other party knelt down and begged for mercy. Did Xia Yi still not let it go?

"What are you staring at me for? He has the right to regret, but I also have the right not to accept it."

(Five chapters will be added tomorrow.)

Brahma a dream

Xia Yi's decisiveness made Xianyueyin feel unspeakable, and he took a life in an understatement. Even other decisive venerables were not as determined as Xia Yi, because Xianyueyin always felt that Xia Yi didn't do anything. The other party treats it as a living thing.

"I understand what you are saying, I just... forget it, everyone has different opinions, you can go to the present to prove that you are right."

Xian Yueyin wanted to refute Xia Yi, but in the end she could only admit that Xia Yi was correct. If this kind of evil person does not die, she will only kill more people. She just can't make it through the slash in her heart, and kills with reason. The dead and the wicked are good things to punish the evil and promote the good, and her thinking is not thorough enough.

"As long as you know."

Xia Yi chuckled. As a person, he must feel more or less guilty about taking the lives of his compatriots. This is inevitable, and once the guilt is gone, it is different from killing and killing. In fact, there is not much difference. Of course, Xia Yi himself has a sense of guilt, but the righteousness in Xia Yi's heart surpasses the sense of guilt.

"So, what else do you have to deal with?"

Xian Yueyin saw that Xia Yi was not in her body, and rescuing her was like completing a mission to Xia Yi. Xia Yi found a teleportation disk from the storage ring and handed it to Xian Yueyin, and then slowly Shook his head.

"You don't need to know, you just leave."

With Xianyueyin’s curiosity, Xia Yi was afraid that something would happen to her. Xianyueyin was speechless. She did have a strong curiosity about what Xia Yi was going to do. Her nature was like this. It was something that was hidden, the more she wanted to dig deeper.

"Then I'll go to Xuanjizong and wait for you first. After the completion, if I can, can I tell you what it is? There is still something worthy of your seriousness in this demon cave."

Xianyueyin can analyze that what Xia Yi is about to do should be quite dangerous, and let her go to protect her. Although Xia Yi has always been cold or hot towards her, she always cares. Xian Yueyin still saw it.

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing for the fairy clan anyway, it's a good thing for our entire human clan."

"Don't you..."

"Ask what else to ask, hurry up."

"But you..."

"You still care about me? You have the strength of your father to care about me again."

After speaking, Xia Yi waved his hand directly, Xianyueyin disappeared from the place, and the sky was spinning before Xianyueyin's eyes. When everything became clear, she was already outside the magic cave, and she immediately stabilized the body that fell down. Yi still has this method to send her out directly against the chaos space. She glanced at the bottom of the magic cave, and she already knew the rumors about the magic cave.

This is where the Great Seal of the Devil Seals the Ten Origins of the Evil God Great Og.

Xia Yi's main purpose is obviously to go to Da Og, what exactly is he going to do? Is it to reinforce the seal of the Great Sealing Demon?

Xian Yueyin didn't know, but she activated the teleportation array and immediately went away, because there were loud noises at the bottom of the magic cave, and the surrounding rock walls were collapsing. It was obvious that Xia Yi had destroyed it with brute force.

At the bottom of the devil's cave, Xia Yi really intends to destroy the devil's cave. There is no need for this kind of place to exist. Xia Yi will use all his strength every step forward, crushing the ground with his feet, and the terrifying force spreads with the earth, breaking the ground. It was upset.

Soon, Xia Yi came to the place before, in front of the opening of a crystal cave, the real owner of the magic cave was still facing Xia Yi.

"You didn't abide by the agreement."

The voice of the master of the devil's cave was very low, even a little angry, Xia Yi suddenly laughed twice when he heard it.

"Promises are for people to follow, but are you? Da Og."

After speaking, Xia Yi speeded up his pace and passed by the person. After passing his shoulder, Xia Yi turned his head and saw a corpse standing there that didn’t know how long it had been dead. Although the flesh and blood were still there, Divine Soul does not know when it has been annihilated.

Xia Yi did not stay in place for too long, and walked directly into the magnificent crystal cave. These crystals carry some kind of pure energy and emit a faint light. These crystals are soul crystals, which are formed by soul power over time. , And the soul has light, which is called aura.

The aura like a mirage dragon is blue like the sea.

There was no evil in this crystal cave, and even the whispers of the evil **** could not be heard. Xia Yi quickly walked to the deepest part of the crystal cave, but saw a picture that Xia Yi could not forget.


There are many transparent crystal flowers all around, which are Yuanshen flowers. Each one proves that a strong man has fallen, and the soul power that has no owner and once a shape will bloom as the Yuanshen flower, together with the crystal cave. Those soul crystals, here is simply a holy place for soul-cultivating people.

But Xia Yi did not intend to take anything away, because surrounded by the primordial **** flower, there was a gorgeous ice jade seat standing in the center, and there was a person sitting on the ice jade seat. She closed her eyes and seemed to be asleep, smooth. The skin and the eyelashes that moved with the wind seemed to be alive.

As for why Xia Yi feels that she is still "alive", it is because Xia Yi, as the person in charge of the death phenomenon, understands better than anyone else that this girl who seems to be fixed at the age of sixteen or seven has already died. I don’t know how many tens of thousands. year.

"Are you the base of the formation?"

Xia Yi looked at the sleeping girl and sighed. The Evil Gods of Origin are almost invisible. If they want to seal their origin, they must be confined by something tangible. The best choice among them is naturally a powerful monk.

The person carrying the Great Wilderness seems to be a disciple of Emperor Feng Mo, so who is this girl from the ancient times?

"Nine Heavens Profound Girl... The saint of Jiutian Taoism, a great teacher of the ancient human race."

As Xia Yi was thinking, the voice of the mirage echoed in Xia Yi's mind.

"you know?"

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